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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Displaying 3,000 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
472890421Laugh at Cucknadians!: You might have guessed that those subhuman Nigger cocks sucking TerrorChrist …[View]
472897182Katie Johnson and Trump/Epstein: What ever happened to this? I noticed that the suit was, convenient…[View]
472895602Zinc is one of the most effective vitamins for increasing semen volume and improving overall sperm h…[View]
472889550White women are converting to Islam: But at least da joooooos are being defeated, right? Gotta be ag…[View]
472890714Free market with zero regulations is such a great fucking idea am I right Libertarians[View]
472895634do the christian nationalists: have a plan for the throngs of retarded niggers who will take over yo…[View]
472883362Have any of you ever experienced combat?: Did it change your politics after you survived?[View]
472895161116 SAARS REDEEMED: Stampede at religious event in India kills more than 100 people, mostly women an…[View]
472879338KEK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhLXcvxdIyw[View]
472898383>2024: >still /ourgirl/?? How does she do it, /b/?[View]
472891776You do know the major shareholder in every corporation: And the one keeping housing costs artificall…[View]
472898233America has fallen.[View]
472894955Who is responsible for killing the soul of the USA?[View]
472888409Israel is essentially using a Vietnam era seek and destroy strategy against Hamas. >invade area …[View]
472897854Plastic Armageddon: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/microplastics-human-…[View]
472893824Why are jews so ungrateful towards white Americans even though America saved them in world war 2? Im…[View]
472897247>>472892284 >...Anonymous (ID: t7+6KPmb) >Why do people revert to Islam? >07/03/24(W…[View]
472890065TRUMP BROS I THINK WE'RE GONNA LOSE: When that 3AM Ukrainian vote comes in we're fucked.…[View]
472888579/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16968: Previous: >>472876482 Timeline /tug/:https…[View]
472893472Why is Turkey afraid of Muslim immigrants?: They are already a Muslim country. Makes no sense.…[View]
472884748NEW HOLOCAUST ENCYCLOPEDIA JUST DROPPED!: https://x.com/Lucas_Gage_/status/1807541703777173968 Fuck …[View]
4728961462.5 years later and Russia still hasn't fully taken Donbas from Ukraine. Do you think Putin exp…[View]
472890067Why don't today's young people have a good work ethic? Everyone wants a bullshit office pa…[View]
472892965High Speed Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ6W2axbEuQ[View]
472897280>c-conservatism... *gulp*... in my children's TV shows?[View]
472896130One of you chuds brainwashed my president[View]
472896021The western piggies don't understand war: Western NATO piggies can't ever understand the s…[View]
472891852Why did women enter the workforce if they didn't want to work?[View]
472843076Are we doing this today?: Epstein’s grand jury transcripts show that much of the evidence that was u…[View]
472892019>look into the history of a law that doesn't seem to make sense--vagrancy, loitering, theft,…[View]
472897170FUCKING NIGGERS[View]
472884963Whites need to embrace hypocrisy: 'It's only okay when we do it, not when you people do it.' Wh…[View]
472891418whites arent that great: i just dont think whites really are 'superior' in any way other than aesthe…[View]
472880954How do I tell my lefty boss that only niggers steal stuff.: >TL;DR: trust basis shop, people stea…[View]
472896065Billions must die: Look at this specimen[View]
472893282A silver haired boomer just delivered my Amazon package. He looked like he was ready to fall over de…[View]
472895299You should make well damn sure your room is clean before criticizing the world, /pol/.[View]
472896758Would women sports be entertaining if they replaced all the women with trannies?[View]
472895864why arent niggers hated on here?: why arent niggers getting any heat around here? all I see are paje…[View]
472895697Wtf happened to the fed hack: it's been a while, I know it was supposedly 33tb but still nothin…[View]
472891365>turn around >see this What do you tell him in order to spare your life?…[View]
472892763Redpill me on Joe: Since everything else about mid-20th century European history is a lie, what…[View]
472896096/pol/ humor thread[View]
472895755What would happen if Doctors selectively: POISONED CERTAIN POLITICIANS SO THEY COULD NEVER SEEK MEDI…[View]
472896656Can we have a list of things that aren't antisemitic?: > Downing Street chiefs believe the c…[View]
472891213I just want to see European white man genocide nigger across the world. Is this really too much to …[View]
4728946155 words that will: Help to de-radicalize you: 'That's just the way it is' Just accept things as…[View]
472893900Nick is getting a new studio: Press F[View]
472890322Should pitbulls be banned?[View]
472891519Donosours are fake: Do your research all dino bones on display are literally fake and made from clay…[View]
472887307latest Moscow metro design just dropped[View]
472895736>mfw she asks you what your opinion on Israel is: Well /pol/?[View]
472894819Stalin wanted to kill Jews but was assassinated by America: No, Stalin was not a friend of the Jewis…[View]
472895838Why do people work hard?: I for the life of me have no idea why anybody would work a bs job to barel…[View]
472893754AOC was raped: If rape WERE LEGAL, let's talk about how we would brutally rape political figure…[View]
472884713Why is it so controversial that Mrs Zelensky drives a Bugatti?: She’s the first lady of a major coun…[View]
472890690The real reason Marine Le Pen is winning in the French elections: Her name's initials - MLP wha…[View]
472892401It's Joever[View]
472892629Real environmentalism is based. There's too many non-white people overpopulating the environmen…[View]
472894868Why does the far-right hate Muslim immigrants anyway?: Y’all both hate gays, Israel and want to roll…[View]
472893723UKRAINE TOO CORRUPT TO JOIN NATO KEK https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/07/02/ukraine-to-be…[View]
472874735Happy Birthday Aaron!!![View]
472895687Thank you for being you. Whether you are black, white, brown, or any other color under the sun doesn…[View]
472891459How will the US federal government deal with such a large fifth column?[View]
472895343What are the Chances the DNC rigs the election?: So what are the chances the DNC will rig the 2024 e…[View]
472886966brit/pol/ GCHQ: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt https://www.bbc.co.uk/new…[View]
472893954NATE ARYAN[View]
472891323This was Biden's debate prep: >For a full week, the president sequestered himself at Camp Da…[View]
472893951Friendly Reminder: The United States has declared on June 14, 2024, that the world’s largest and mos…[View]
472893632The foreign partner phenomenon: It's also fun to see the face of old women and brazilian roasti…[View]
472888281It's the first week of the month...: The poors got their gibs and I'm afraid to go shoppin…[View]
472875268The push and collusion against this man is obvious: They don't want an United States revival. T…[View]
472886144'Pajeet' is now a banned word on twitter[View]
472889520VICTORY AT ANY COST: INCLUDING YOUR (FEMININE) BALLS! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/art…[View]
472883495>tfw you will get to witness in your lifetime the mass exodus of Westerners to Eastern European/B…[View]
472893487SLEEPY JOE >“I wasn’t very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times … shortl…[View]
472865104Is metal music the ultimate Nigger repellant?: The negro is unable to comprehend heavy music https:/…[View]
472894867Arizona General /AZG/: Let's have a thread to discuss the swing state that is Arizona. Arizona …[View]
472892453The fascist international: I need Trump to win in the US, conservatives in Canada, Le Pen in France …[View]
472891035Houthis about to fuck around find why the US doesn't have free healthcare.[View]
472895153Hey Biden, kill them. And their families, and their donors. McConnell too. And his family. And his d…[View]
472879596HAPPENING: Trump forced 12 year olds to perform lesbian sex acts for him.[View]
472886005does anyone else feel that the last 20 years was like a fever dream but we still can't wake up …[View]
472888283Why do so many Russians kill themselves?[View]
472894919HAPPENING: NOTHING EVER HAPPENS: Why does it seem like nothing ever happens, /pol/? >inb4 le 'wa…[View]
472884833Hamas won, Israel begs for truce. HAHAHAHAHAHA All it took was a rag tag bunch of sandmen to defeat …[View]
472894875Why does this project live so rent free in leftists heads? Is this their Agenda 2030?[View]
472889458I've noticed a lot of people on here wondering how they can make more friends in real life. The…[View]
472894763NATSOC General: Inspire and educate the masses edition.[View]
472887675Did Trump actually say this?[View]
472890875Why are Leftists so racist?: Spaniard man of Gypsie ancestry becomes a Far Right (anti mass immigrat…[View]
472894387Mashallah Japan: >all those (((universities))) christcucks built >All those (((churches))) chr…[View]
472873036You can protect the white race and it's fine, but when jews protect the jewish race, it's …[View]
472892594If there’s no hope for the USA then why shouldn’t Russia and China be antagonized to the point of nu…[View]
472894199how long will the degradation of society and its cultural norms continue?[View]
472894115Trump will win, it's inevitable.: I'm not a pattern recognition expert, but i am autistic …[View]
472880168Why are Niggerball fans like that?: >Niggerball world cup 2024 >Germany plays against team and…[View]
472892687Lesbian couple attacked by Arab immigrants: Canada scrambles to address rise of domestic far-right h…[View]
472894372This is a French canadian[View]
472891636Imaginer actually vooting: and thinking it makes any difference kek, lmao[View]
472873905fascism = the betterment of the individual for the betterment of the collective. why do people hate …[View]
472894051the gen alpha + content overload nightmare: >tfw there are children being exclusively raised on y…[View]
472892853Trump will be president: Personally I think they're going to put in Trump for 4 years. He'…[View]
472891438Prostitution and porn (creation, selling, buying, and possession thereof) should be a capital crime …[View]
472892785White people are superior to the filthy sand nigger jew and arab: >Deal with it Imagine walking a…[View]
472893855HIGH SPEED CHASE: GET IN HERE NIGGERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpVc4C-cQlI[View]
472823410Video Jews announce pods with brain implants that alter memories for prison: You WILL now live out y…[View]
472889170Were they trying to cover up satanic shenanigans?[View]
472884964Thank you Federal Reserve: >Jacks up the usury >Crushes wall street investors buying all the h…[View]
472889070Europe is amazon![View]
472892712Why aren't the wealthy elites in Ukraine being mobilized: No matter which side you are on in th…[View]
472876193Russia to send children to North Korean summer camp: >Russia’s patriotic youth organization “Move…[View]
472888158This is the Whitest man in America.: When he dies, the country dies.[View]
472860228/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #1513: Previous >>472831653 >>472767348 ▶WARNING …[View]
472855767You meet a new work colleague, he has zero friends and no girlfriend!: He is highly competent and ve…[View]
472875741With this Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity the President can now: >1) Start a war ci…[View]
472889764Have they EVER explained how it's possible that all blue precincts called in their vote at the …[View]
472891423>publicly humiliate biden on national tv >all other DNC candidates are either too insane or to…[View]
472890334The hell is his problem? There’s a genocide going on…. This isn’t funny[View]
472887499Humiliation Ritual[View]
472893741ikea.: what is going on in ikea[View]
472892238Blacks & Niggers are not Africans: Should we as White People take the lead and start to push for…[View]
472893284Why are the Russians still conducting these suicidal assaults when they fail 99% of the time?[View]
472890999Destruction of the nuclear family: Why are intellectuals like this? What's their end game?…[View]
472891436How to spot reddit bots and shills, also jews: >How to spot a reddit bot/shill/etc Hover over the…[View]
472858570Oldfag only thread: Did we ever determine if Q was a basement LARPer or was he/they legite working w…[View]
472893181OLDEST AMERICAN CITY WAS INSPIRED BY AFRICANS https://www.the-sun.com/travel/11744799/st-augustine-f…[View]
472884433Does Quebec have a healthy population?[View]
472892330Embrace Whoredom: What are the political implications of 1 in 50 (2%) of young women in the US being…[View]
472888599>Trump will deport millions >Trump would fire thousands of 'civil servants' >Trump would us…[View]
472889111Why is /k/ so pro-tranny, pro-NATO, and pro-Ukraine. I thought gun owners were supposed to be right …[View]
472888136I can't get myself to watch 'european' championship when every second team looks like it's…[View]
472890886What the FUCK happened here?[View]
472893320This Jewish author claims mass genocide of Jews occurred in German gas chambers located in concentra…[View]
472893299HIGH SPEED CHASE GET IN HERE NIGGERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ6W2axbEuQ[View]
472893006This what happens when y'all dont give reparations in Bidens America: $22 thousand is a small p…[View]
472887312the future is now old man: yeah I’m thinking they might actually pull him now[View]
472886243The Christcuck believes he has Free Will yet is not able to act freely for fear of hell and promises…[View]
472892179German philosopher KARL MARX: Need it or keep it?[View]
472889979>Be Joe Biden >Know you are too old to be president >Have a son who just got convicted >…[View]
472892057Wilders government sworn in: Will he save the Netherlands?[View]
472891388please do not cut out ERUV, - search your city and 'ERUV'.: An eruv is a symbolic boundary that allo…[View]
472883065America bad.[View]
472892671shooting incident in Tampere city: Man seriously harms some other person (no info available) but the…[View]
472885236Ukrainian Drone Mercy Kills Zigger w/ Burned Off Cock: Nice to see some actual chivalry being brough…[View]
472892823What if escenario: I am not Américan but i want to know, if dems drop out biden of the presidencial …[View]
472891808Good job faggots, any other wholesome shit you want to destroy for everyone else with your bigotry?[View]
472886519How does he do it, Nigelbros?[View]
472889411MADAME NIGGER[View]
472872563WTF are men supposed to do these days?: Be me: >$70k/yr as a network enginer >A few years away…[View]
472886175/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14723: ▶Prev:>>472876390 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield asse…[View]
472888792>Joe Biden failed so hard that the DNC has to resort to a Women's Tennis Player Clown World…[View]
472877214I have lost respect for the white race: you are simply not adapting to the changes in the world, you…[View]
472888027Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472892359Anyone with the mindset of pic related should be taken out into the street and beaten until death[View]
472890072the fuck lil timmy gon d-ACKK[View]
472888346> Some countries start a new week on a Saturday or Sunday Nigga what?[View]
472869252Get. Fucking. Dangerous[View]
472891339Nigel survived a CIA, Mossad and MI6 Assassination[View]
472891450Do we agree that niggers fuck a lot anywhere in the world?[View]
472887671something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472888697>job market absolutely fucked >dating scene fucked >home market fucked What happens now?…[View]
472889503He's not afraid.[View]
472888616The world is so evil that even evil people are scared of what the future holds in store for them. It…[View]
472890121What happened to Josh luna?: He used to be so popular around these parts before you ASSHOLES replace…[View]
472890241Can you feel it?[View]
472891052>friend is a stupid fucking goyslave whitenigger who doesn't understand that kikes run his e…[View]
472891455London based Iranian woman stalking and pulling down Hijabs: https://youtu.be/A3Zv_vrrGUw Why is she…[View]
472882432HAPPENING UKRAINE HAS NUKES???: **Breaking News** NATO sources suggest Ukraine has acquired nuclear …[View]
472888686Why haven't you taken the homesteading pill yet, /pol/?[View]
472851761Why are they throwing Biden under the bus?: I am confused as to why all of the media are now throwin…[View]
472883008Electoral Map Discussion: Picrel is RCP’s current state of the race.[View]
472873749Why do you fags simp for Russia ?[View]
472887784Colleague replaced by a fag: A tall, blonde, white beautiful european girl was transfered to another…[View]
472890604what are the political implications of women having no consciousness? is it a threat to out democrac…[View]
472891002You Still Voting For Donald Trump?: This guy doesn't even care about you. Are you still voting …[View]
472891183NIGEL FARAGE BEGS FRANCE TO NOT ELECT LE PEN: > Speaking exclusively to UnHerd yesterday after a …[View]
472889511Why is Trump's court saving Biden?[View]
472882801Gay marriage is legal in Latvia: Gay marriage officially legal. Last night first male-male gay coupl…[View]
472886527This is the real reason whites don't want higher taxes on the rich isn't it?[View]
472886395Jair Messias Bolsonaro and Taylor Swift are officially dating[View]
472889870I feel dead inside. I live outside in a city, there's plenty of trees and nature here. But I do…[View]
472881764Your New President: If she's Biden's replacement let me be the one to tell you all; Trump…[View]
472886653>Imagine theres an oven >Imagine bears and eagles >Imagine all the goyim! >Believing in …[View]
472890385HAPPENING!!! NEETdom A THREAT TO THE JEWISHMATRIX!!: MGOTW is a Psy-op to evolve men into continue w…[View]
472885368>expand supreme Court because of Trump immunity decision >2 seats already coming up for presid…[View]
472890554The Russians Seized Kanal Zelensky Refused Orban’s Peace Deal.: Henlo my Deer Frens! https://www.you…[View]
472883203The Legendary James Mason is interviewed by Logos Revealed.: Read Siege faggots! https://odysee.com/…[View]
472838783>Jews destroy all western entertainment >People start looking at anime, manga, and Korean dram…[View]
472871360Barcelona has turned Communist before our very eyes. Sad to see[View]
472887464Joe Biden's gonna nail the extended interview on Friday and will complely flip the script on th…[View]
472883969You will never be a woman.[View]
472888934I don't get it.[View]
472884487ARE YOU READY?[View]
472883538Say hello to Madame President: The first biofemale black-Asian president in US history.[View]
472887967I’m so glad America is finally being properly represented[View]
472887026Poor Jack smith got kicked in the nuts by scotus[View]
472884243How can the cycle be broken?: Has it ever?[View]
472889876Lol they be Laughing while getting reparations from Whites in Bidens America HAHAHA: Whites served R…[View]
472889853Yarmulke or Luftwaffe?: QRD: she should never have stepped down because some whiner doesn't lik…[View]
472886817Sandy Hook Survivors just graduated from High School: >'A Chunk of our class is missing' This be…[View]
472883872just read The Camp of the Saints and I don't get why conservatoids think Brown People just exis…[View]
472889076Tired of pretending im not a glownigger: We should execute all jews and pagans (legally). I denounce…[View]
472889495CNN: Trump +6: CNN Latest poll predicts historic landslide for Trump. The latest poll by CNN shows G…[View]
472886864/brit/pol - we're on the ball edition: >Sir Keir Starmer announces 'we're so back' as h…[View]
472887151gamers have knife fight over covid statistics: https://www.rte.ie/news/courts/2024/0702/1457730-cour…[View]
472883947The Breaking Bad Question: >before breaking bad comes out >kids weren’t ODing on drugs regular…[View]
4728864764 years after Brexit: >More browns than ever >PM is a brown >Socialist commie party is abou…[View]
472888613sentencing C A N C E L L E D: no wonder they SEETHIN'[View]
472887565This is how you beat 'them': Them. I mean the Jews. There's a clip inserted in this cartoon abo…[View]
472863466Chat, is this real?[View]
472881731UK GOVT. PAYING £120K TO ANYONE DAMAGED BY VACCINE: Safe and effective.[View]
472886408It’s officially Joever: Biden just announced he is stepping down as president at 12pm (noon) tomorro…[View]
472887316Surviving: Why are people still working especially min wage workers? When you consider gas and food …[View]
472886364Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472888990Why are puccians like that?: https://x.com/albafella1/status/1808235343596118402?s=46[View]
472888046I hate that when I was young and the western world was in it's peak, all borders were closed fo…[View]
472876371So, why are muslims like this?[View]
472885880WHO OWNS THE FORESKIN BUSINESS: The foreskin sales business involves the harvesting and sale of fore…[View]
472887674Do you think you’re more intelligent than other people?: Recently I’ve been feeling like most people…[View]
472882087why cant ameriwomen coom?[View]
472887592Can any southerners tell us about Prichard, Alabama? Apparently it's one of the most violent ci…[View]
472867160Russian drone operators save Ukrainian guy from draftniggers[View]
472888909TURKS ON CRUSADE AGAINST SYRIANS: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/2/protests-and-arrests-as-an…[View]
472840428Kraut/pol/ - The Holy Trinity of the 'raut Edition (Isch over, Körscht...!): Discuss German pol…[View]
472887225I'm Chinese Jewish: Do you hate me?[View]
472888293Redditors are afraid of AI because GoyGPT at this point is arguably more self aware and sentient tha…[View]
472879401WW3, Mass Vax Death, Civil War you say?: Yeah sorry, not gonna happen. You will continue to go to wo…[View]
472886901Dr Strangelove (1964) | Ripper was talking about his blood / race.: Ripper introduces this topic dur…[View]
472876482/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16967: Previous:>>472868973 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472872070is anyone else annoyed that china is designing too many carcentric cities. i watch driving/walking v…[View]
472876978New terms just dropped: https://nypost.com/2024/07/01/us-news/multiple-brawls-break-out-at-washingto…[View]
472887738Aren't there still blumpf supporters in prison and on the street lol: 500 million to be divided…[View]
472880185Leaked Dem internal polling from Open Labs: Per Puck News https://nitter.poast.org/umichvoter/status…[View]
472882280>9gag 2010 >Cringe normie shit >9gag now >based memes that want to protect the white ra…[View]
472883271Michelle Obama will be the 2024 Dem Candidate: Look no further. All that's left is for the Jews…[View]
472883491Why did the Kharkyiv copeffensive fail?[View]
472882017calls to action are illegal: .dems calling for the murder of Trump is a call to action and is a supp…[View]
472883981Ottoman Empire will rise again[View]
472887114this map makes hohols seeth and cope just wait and see[View]
472887770Say it with me: Madam President[View]
472887232What is the current level of political discussion in the West?[View]
472885226If white nationalists believe in eugenics why not just incentivize high iq people of all races to ha…[View]
472887367It's Joever: When we reorganize into the first American empire, will you bend the knee?[View]
472887173Seems like having a girlfriend or wife is gay as fuck. What man wants some retarded women around the…[View]
472885035It's almost here. So close now. https://youtu.be/2ViZqQkddCc[View]
472886329Why does the system pretend ex-gay and de-trans people don't exist?[View]
472879103brit/pol/ voting reform: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt https://www.bbc.…[View]
472884064Faggot marriage now LEGAL IN EASTERN EUROPE: The US and various NGOS have finally achieved that they…[View]
472885681moshe needs you back at the job site immediately, anon.[View]
472887077Why is the 'superior' white race the biggest cuck globohomo NPC race, while 'low IQ shitskins' are u…[View]
472887064The most based black to ever live: BASED BASED BASED. She is honorary white prove me wrong[View]
472886757>president is immune when conducting official business, congress must indict him >'wow that me…[View]
472883966The reason there is hate for Jews is because Jews are racially niggers, and everyone has a SUBCONSCI…[View]
472882828Is this the solution to the nigger problem?: How hard is it to breed wasps? A Texas teen's spin…[View]
472886605King Trump, Immune to Law: The supreme court decision goes against every thing America ever stood fo…[View]
472886638Oooh, an article about the Orthodox Jews seething?: Of course let me read more!![View]
472884786I like Hispanics. They don't threaten me with Hell and damnation just because I don't stan…[View]
472886585My cousin has children now. But he and his family look dysgenics. My other cousin has two kids with …[View]
472885475>is the woke mind virus in the room with us now?[View]
472884414Who in his right mind thought it was a good idea to give a woman who looks like that a job at the me…[View]
472882064We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as …[View]
472881107Is Donald Trump the Luckiest Man Alive?: Just think about it... It's beyond astonishing how muc…[View]
472861405If trans women would admit that they aren't women, could you accept them in society?[View]
472886386Is it really that bad in southern Europe?[View]
472886438Opinion: What Robert Mueller and Pickle Rick have in common: http://archive.today/31tGO >Througho…[View]
472882254Criminal President: This nigga can’t even sell booze in NJ. It’s over[View]
472864729these poor childless godless redditors are now realizing the finality of their existence: https://re…[View]
472881894dum ho: what was her problem[View]
472879777Why are all the women so fat and gross?[View]
472869160What in the fucking psyop: Is this absolute bullshit? People are getting tattoos of this bitch, now …[View]
472884871Why NYC does nothing against begging 'moms' ?: Yesterday I visited NYC and saw a mom with …[View]
472871041>Russia plans to arm Yemen with the deadly P-800 Oniks anti-ship cruise missile: The aircraft car…[View]
472882367Russia just lost the Battle for Kharkiv (again): Will Russia ever recover for this humiliation? How …[View]
472886345Did you know?: The name Karen is of Hebrew origin, with multiple meanings and connections to Jewish …[View]
472886330Let's just build him back better...right?: Elon will agree to do it for the sake of Democracy r…[View]
472884083Housing Shortage is a Myth: There is no shortage of housing. What's causing the housing afforda…[View]
472886291>she already hopped on nigger cock while SLAVA SLUTKRAINA KEK[View]
472876739/SSG/ SELF-SUFFICIENCY GENERAL #14: 'WHO RUN BARTERTOWN?' Interesting articles: WHO List of Essentia…[View]
472873645I can’t believe it I have been in shock for the last hour RIP[View]
472886029McTurtle: He's the only Republican in your lifetime who has ever done something. You can't…[View]
472883674Hi 4ch, is there any country you should try to get in for a better life? Its just no matter what pla…[View]
472883889how could it happen: soccer fans day is ruined: most of the guards on the premises team up against o…[View]
472885624President Biden's economy is kind of incredible. Why doesn't he get more credit for it? ht…[View]
472882093Prepare for Riots: I can allready hear cars honking and fireworks. > Rotterdam, The Hague and Ein…[View]
472862778Congressman Thomas Massie: HUGE HAPPENING! DONT LET THIS DIE Massie goes on Tucker Carlson's p…[View]
472876389Why western flags suck so much?[View]
472885445project 2025: >lefties spend years seething about trad cucks and claiming they are a extremist mi…[View]
472882190New Toss.[View]
472884364I need someone to apply for a mortgage for me: Will pay $15,000 after sale of home[View]
472869420Is this accurate? If so this election is bigger than 2016 or 2020.[View]
472882940Women in your country reject you? You're 30 and never got laid? You have a real or imaginary ph…[View]
472885615>mfw im weaponizing my karen mom against jews it's over for them.[View]
472883925Reminder that Turkey is NATO and Austria is not. Turkey is defending the European values. 14% of the…[View]
472885498The protests failing revealed the anti-immigration crowd is a vocal minority and/or unwilling to act…[View]
472878604Should we promote whiteness as a lifestyle and a state of mind, unrelated to the colour of ones skin…[View]
472883285What are you doing to comfort Indians today?[View]
472885499Orange man wins then we leave[View]
472881290The SCOTUS decision that BUCK BROKE Reddit[View]
472878743TOTAL JAMAICA DESTRUCTION: The HWRF has Beryl at 950mb going STRAIGHT UP THE BAY!!! This is the wors…[View]
472885477I have a ton of junk that I need to get rid of. I can't leave it to the recycling center becaus…[View]
472866142Interracial couple publically shamed by CHUD: 'Which one of you was this XD' is gay and leddit, but …[View]
472882283How is it possible that we have a President dumber than Bush?[View]
472885134This is the end.[View]
472884079What the history behind the word kurwa in polish, it seems more versatile than English fuck. It is a…[View]
472881234Why do retards support wannabe dictators that would purge them once they take power.[View]
472885056Hunter Biden for President: He's young, smart, successful. This could be exactly the boost that…[View]
472885045FINLAND HAS COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN THE EASTERN BORDER. (Still letting Somalis and Syrians in through t…[View]
472884091>universal basic income and $0 minimum wage Why wouldn’t it work?[View]
472884967It's over[View]
472876390/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14722: ▶Prev:>>472866993 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield asse…[View]
472883944Harris vs Biden: It’s nearly 50:50 now[View]
472881432Have you felt the mood that’s in the air too?[View]
472882305>no humor threads >no clown world ie 'just laugh at everything silly happening'-discourse >…[View]
472877727With one simple trick, a greedy communist just bypassed giving a poor ophthalmologist $27000 to muti…[View]
472881487Is anyone here really repulsed by non-Europeans? I mean like really: They are always causing poverty…[View]
472884602Happy Independence Day /pol/: Reminder Independence Day is really on July 2nd. How are you celebrati…[View]
472878265Is it possible to argue against this?[View]
472876379why not just have two presidents?[View]
472883289Y W N J N: You. Will. Never. Join. NATO.[View]
472884359Absolute state of /pol/: Went away for 2 months, came back to this shithole and it's still 80% …[View]
472878842I held a duck today[View]
472875972Unhinged Hungarian despot claims entire Western half of Ukraine as sacred Hun clay https://www.msn.c…[View]
472875982Are DOMINION machines ready for 2024?: Asking for a friend.[View]
472879531Fat paki pig caught with a 10 bomb trying to blow up a hospital https://youtu.be/rMgLEO-0ttE?si=qxa…[View]
472881838A real issue with the world in my eyes: There is a serious problem with people today >even if you…[View]
472880413Why do you hate women, anon?[View]
472879609I'm still mad about this. Fuck the EU![View]
472883757in the next holocaust we should just give jews crispr until they are no longer jews and we won'…[View]
472883294Realistically, how do you think this will end? The war in Gaza redpilled way too many people, once b…[View]
472882075Kek: Scottish nationalists be like[View]
472883245How come none of these niggas mind that their ancestors' culture was replaced by one of some de…[View]
472879006Joe Biden: The Dumbest President America Has Ever Had[View]
472883917You think they will not do the same to you?: Who created and ran the gulags?[View]
472876404ITS JOEVER: ITS JOEVER https://puck.news/biden-plunges-in-swing-states-in-leaked-post-debate-poll/ a…[View]
472882359Polcel travels 1500 miles to stalk Stacy on vacation: https://youtu.be/Hjwur3lO-As?[View]
472883428Important Transgender thread: >BIG MIKE >Transgendered and refusing to run It’s easier to make…[View]
472881042How do we answer without sounding mad?: Both this cokehead and the golem who bought out his country …[View]
472876297Pierogistan: Why do so many in my country support them so much on here and irl? Is it (((Hollywood))…[View]
472880827The 15 year anniversary of Billy Mays was 4 days ago: I didn’t see that it got a thread so here. Rip…[View]
472882121If its all kayfabe, what is going on?: If the parties collude using kayfabe to maintain power, then …[View]
472876041Just Flip Off the Drone Bro!: This is what demoralization looks like.[View]
472883579Why aren't the weatlthy elites in Ukraine being mobilized: No matter which side you are on in t…[View]
472883664Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472881645Just paid $100 for a single bag of groceries. WTF when did Canada become a 3rd world nigger hell hol…[View]
472881782Trump and Epstein sure were close. I remember how you niggers were saying 'Trump isn't tweeting…[View]
472883200how true is this?: In public and private, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made complimentary state…[View]
472883634Mocny gaz: Mostny gas Most ny gas Most niggas https://leclerc.com.pl/zywiec-zdroj-mocny-gaz-woda-zro…[View]
472883100>The Catholic Church annuls a marriage because the woman hid from her husband that she had an Onl…[View]
472878681Why 'russia' is sacrificing their whole population?[View]
472878081Arab sisters our response?: oh no no no[View]
472869505How do i stop letting the liquid jew ruin my life? Its a damn good coping mechanism in this fucked u…[View]
472881751I don't get it.[View]
472880635The Curious Case of White Supremacy: How is it that white supremacists ended up becoming demonstrabl…[View]
472883152THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF CANUCKS!!!: >be cucknadian 4channer >claim normies are waking up to indi…[View]
472882633Is there such a thing as the white race?[View]
472880572Capitalism and Communism are just words because courruption: I learned something that. If you can co…[View]
472858359French Canadian murdered by Irish white supremacists in Dublin[View]
472883196China is a paper dragon: It'll take just one successful insurgency to spark infighting and crac…[View]
472882095Who actually makes executive decisions in the United States?[View]
472876991Here we go again.[View]
472827485what a slut[View]
472879429VAXXIES YOU OK??? ( you're not ) https://slaynews.com/news/scientists-announce-breakthrough-tre…[View]
472880644This is based and wholesome, actually[View]
472880406Why is this nation utter cancer to humanity?: >be nu/pol/ the country > constantly be anti-Eur…[View]
472881840You know, joe biden may be so silly because it makes others seem more competent or real in contrast.…[View]
472879863what are the political implications of spitting on dat thang?[View]
472874785b-but /pol/ told me we're gypsies?[View]
472880841I'm concerned they want us to want Trump.[View]
472880467how do i become based?[View]
472882586unrest in Turkey[View]
472872881WE MUST PROTECT LESBIANS FROM MUSLIM INVADERS: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/middle-eastern-men-beat-le…[View]
472874676What have you done to decolonize parrotkeeping?: It's a serious issue. All pets, but especially…[View]
472879762Covid was a failure at instilling the beast system. Laugh at jews. 110 is inevitable.[View]
472882262How do you go from this[View]
472881666/All pol threads after 2016[View]
472882296How will the world react to designer babies thanks to genetic engineering?[View]
472881903What happened?[View]
472840965My best friend trooned out and now he won't speak to me anymore. Any other anons been through t…[View]
472877441The King will take his rightful place.[View]
472882185Zero inflation: Who did it better? Argentina man or the Big Guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MR…[View]
472882186Billions of dollars and the entire downticket of an entire party is at risk if he even farts...: Thi…[View]
472878557WHY HASN'T SOCIETY BEEN HARMED THROUGH DIVORCE: Firstly, in principle I am against divorce. Wh…[View]
472881672Do you think there's knowledge that's purposely been kept out of mainstream science so cer…[View]
472881105How did a reality TV star and novice politician become so damn consequential?[View]
472875143British election is in two days: And /pol/ doesn’t care. Why?[View]
472881998one die i will cease to exist for eternity (and thats a good thing)[View]
472879112The Biden team has fixed the makeup issue which was obviously the only problem he had during that de…[View]
472881859something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472874617Why nobody calls Australians, Canadians, and New Zealanders mutts? what race are they?[View]
4728767704 years was enough for him to corrupt the SCOTUS. This man can't be the president for another 4…[View]
472874417The AI apocalypse is here: It can now generate content that is indistinguishable from reality. Trut…[View]
472875240How are you anons celebrating the 4th this year? >gonna smoke a shoulder >drink 43 beers >b…[View]
472880366If niggers can only live in present: Then why main nigger art direction is afro-futurism. >Check…[View]
472881244why do people lose their minds when the french or dutch football team is majority black but the nba …[View]
472874764Turkey: No black players in national team Austria: Black players in national team I am confused?[View]
472878292Hey bros, I’ve been doing some serious thinking about my bias’ and I think I’ve had an epiphany. Fol…[View]
472877750Was it a reform that really helped people or did it turn out to be a scam?[View]
472881422Easter is the most important holiday?[View]
472876881WE TOLD YOU HE WAS FASCIST: This is Fascism. >Jail Trump >Jail the Courts >Jail the judges…[View]
472881045Gen Z are increasingly becoming BASED AS FUCK: Working 40+ hours a week for 50 years of my life to g…[View]
472866485'based Poland' Reality - https://youtube.com/shorts/UgJi02iwDLI?si=HZJuBlujmQeZA8vd[View]
472878161Yupp, it's over[View]
472880631WHY ARE REPUBLICANS SO DUMB?: By nearly all measures, the US economy has performed better under Demo…[View]
472874527>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is fake, goyi– I mean brother. Also, Christianity is…[View]
472878651should we enslave jews?[View]
472879217It's over for Whites: I came to South Lake Tahoe to escape heat of the valley. What was once mo…[View]
472880989social media hate thread: Social media were always a thing like MySpace but it was social media like…[View]
472878345Rightoids btfo forever Doing Might is right[View]
472876122Did /pol/ know...: The Japanese like to take a bath with Yuzu Fruit, a Citrus Fruit originating in J…[View]
472880746Why are rich liberals such nigger worshippers?[View]
472878478The 47th President of the United States[View]
472878120Literally heals Latino-Anglo relations: How does he do it?[View]
472880421Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472880756What's the ideal society? Could we ever function without a legal system aka anarchy? Would it i…[View]
472845826WW3 CANCELLED: https://x.com/warmonitors/status/1808118606489592204[View]
472878699Europeans in Europe should have identified as White ages ago like the Europeans in the New World (Am…[View]
472854543JEWTUBE with their shenanigans again: Almost 17 million subs 10k views in 4 days it just now popped …[View]
472879332>start war >lose How will jewtin be remembered in russia history?…[View]
472877906shitskins invasion is white people's fault: jews need slaves for their factories and white peop…[View]
472880553Anglo Saxon here. We will destroy Russia and will take their resources. And Putin will sit in his bu…[View]
472850342We need to talk about White Male suicide: White males make up 70% of all daily suicides despite bein…[View]
472861540Are those A10 eyes?: I thought they were a meme but I found a girl from here that seems to have it…[View]
47287960072% of the country want Joe Biden to drop dead[View]
472859791What are your 3 primary sources of news?: This is an important data mining thread for research. For…[View]
472880258Trump's next Vice President: who do you like the most out of the final 3 options?[View]
472878438why are russians so subhuman?[View]
472874532Fix housing Create jobs Deport illegal immigrants No-nonsense common sense politics. Why doesn'…[View]
472879935>migrant charged with raping and killing 12 year-old girl has high level ties to south American g…[View]
472875494Why did Pol stop talking about the Parasite Pill?: Pedophilia, homosexuality, Leftism, and most ment…[View]
472866794NEETS BTFO!!!!!: >Goes into effect as soon as Trump is elected >If a Democrat is elected inste…[View]
472877224But not current presidents? Listen, this is a great opportunity. The media is openly cheering for Bi…[View]
472876785My physics teacher said that I’m not a woman: How do I deal with this?[View]
472871663White House Press Conference LIVE: Kareem Abdul Jibba-Jabbar Pierre is getting GRILLED by EVERY medi…[View]
472873732How do we bring back the 80s? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpu5a0Bl8eY[View]
472877434He warned us about pajeet menace but we did not listen[View]
472879858Sweden, a country who prides itself on human rights, just criminalized the denying of the holocaust.…[View]
472879831What are the political implications of femdom with the exclusion of cuckoldry[View]
472878805Why do leftist intellectuals have low IQ?: I speak with people like this who have diploma and they c…[View]
472876847Why aren't Trump's lawyers disbarred? His own seated Supreme Court judge said his election…[View]
472879558I live in the town I grew up in: where everybody would today be considered dirt poor, the fanciest t…[View]
472877186Why is it surprising that the people who promote formal education are disproportionately overreprese…[View]
472879693We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as …[View]
472877204Biggest L of the 20th century: How is this even possible? Hamas had what was estimated at 50k person…[View]
472844366Sickening fags piss and shit on each other in front of kids and police at pride.: SF pride parade ho…[View]
472868278Let's have some fun. Fix Europe or imagine an alternate universe. I will start. >The Norseme…[View]
472860482picture of RFK Jr eating a dog, sources say kristi noem has moved up for his VP nominee https://www…[View]
472874614Voting is fake & gay[View]
472879036>No dad don't listen to them, fuck them, you'll still win. Lemme follow you around and …[View]
472877861Why do they even want to come here: Other than the Jeets and Venezualans America is now probably poo…[View]
472875487Yet another antisemite has been fired: Ladies and gentlemen, we got her https://x.com/StopAntisemit…[View]
472878516This guy is gonna win in Iran therefore Trump's winning in the US: He acts like a honest funny …[View]
472878069Dark Brandon?: >Refuses to step down. >Shuts himself off from DNC. >Gaslighting entire coun…[View]
472879150Failed /pol/ memes...: A safe place for every race. Super straight. Take back the rainbow.[View]
472873192Israeli generals want a truce: after dropping more than 5 Hiroshima nukes' equivalent of ordnan…[View]
472855673Why would rich people rape and kill people to extract adrenochrome from their adrenal glands when th…[View]
472877067Jersey = birthplace of future AOC's???: What are the political implications of the status of La…[View]
472876514Orbán fat: Fat Orbán[View]
472878170Is Baskin Roberts Trust Fund Band /pol/ approved?[View]
472878839Black niggers pound my ass till i die[View]
472878907In the future will Hispanic Catholic USA wage war on African Islamic Europe?[View]
472878205Troons are gearing up to kill you When they told you openly they were coming for your children they …[View]
472872422He was right: We should have Nuked the NKPR and the CCP and the USSR, and established a global democ…[View]
472878710To the last zigger[View]
472863054Can /pol/ explain how the Russian military is so incompetent? If Ukraine had leadership like this, t…[View]
472878576Leftist threads get deleted? I noticed the last couple times I made posts here that were left wing, …[View]
472876287What is /ptg/?: Meta Thread. Is it a Discord? Is it the official Trump campaign? Is it Mossad? Is it…[View]
472876180Anglos are the greatest group of people to ever exist. They’ve just won and you haven’t.[View]
472871095painful stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g[View]
472847757What. The. Fuck.[View]
472872348Ist there any non-egoistical reason for a relationship? -because you are horny -because you are lone…[View]
472878468I'm tired of jewish losers trying to blame whites for all of their problems: Whites didn't…[View]
472874274This was the final end of Western civilization. There was no longer any hope at this point.[View]
472876221>be me >week ago >midsummer event in my country (Slav life) >pagan ceremonies, larping f…[View]
472877256>join the democrat party[View]
472878323What is the political agenda of Qatari kikes? Do they just want to fuck hot pink holes (pic related)…[View]
472877753Why do the jews want Trump as President?: I think it is quite obvious they want Trump to win. Everyb…[View]
472856421IT'S OVYIR: BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. The glowies on /k/ope and the r3dditor leftards on /uhg/ must …[View]
472877823What is the appeal of democracy?[View]
472870483PACK THE COURT[View]
472875742No additional words needed[View]
472875999>no chud, humiliation rituals do not ex-ACK[View]
472877965The Nature is healing.[View]
472877589ITT: Left-Wing Cope[View]
472871758Martin Luther's 'On the Jews and their Lies': Is it worth a read?[View]
472877540White English Bird found guilty or murdering babies, but there is literally zero evidence, and the e…[View]
472873106Biden loses by roughly 2% https://nitter.poast.org/umichvoter/status/1808204695548448807#m[View]
472867601END THE FED bill[View]
472875676>poverty of blacks without the BBC >school expectations of east asians without the high IQ …[View]
472877122Why are they constantly whining? I've been living in Turkey for some time and the country is ac…[View]
472860750>Of people aged 18 to 24, 69% prefer marijuana to alcohol, according to a 2022 survey >Neuroim…[View]
472877418Discuss the political implications of mild homosexual undertones among Indian men.[View]
472875585Judge Merchan delays Trump sentencing until September 18th: just in time for the election[View]
472873315So I was discussing scriptures with my friend, and he told me something very interesting. In the Ri…[View]
472872053Why dont we show people the true nature of reality in early education?: What are the political impli…[View]
472873423popular american youtuber IShowSpeed takes over Poland. Polish women literally kneel before him Pola…[View]
472877347Does Ron get another shot?: ...or did he blow it THAT bad? The lack of charisma was bad enough, but …[View]
472872437The medal of honor is an inverted pentagram. Why?[View]
472876673>coworkers brother and sister died on the same day, lymphoma and cardiac arrest >this is norma…[View]
472860943Big Nigga Pool Party pt.3: Dis Shit Don’t Stop: What has happened to the tourism industry? Have blac…[View]
472873068Why is /nu/pol/so ukrainophobic? Why is this board so antiwhite?[View]
472877182You Communist Faggots: You Howard Zinn Turkish Prison diet blue blood liberals, you trust fund shit …[View]
472873787The only way to stop race mixing and LGBT shit is for a government to do it. The free market sucks a…[View]
472877134>Pajeet bleaches and decimates his own bloodline by fucking an ugly white chick. >WE'RE W…[View]
472837850How much of the worlds population are real sentient human beings?: Have you ever wondered how many p…[View]
472870965Why aren't you working?[View]
472877023Why did Ukraine attack Russia in 2014 and 2022?: Now the dust has settled, look back, what was the r…[View]
472873020GIGA HAPPENING! The Russian criminal animals on Putin-controlled state TV again call for the genocid…[View]
472876728all cress: 100% delivered.[View]
472876665Why is it so much easier to belittle, hate, ridicule and bully someone than it is to admit that you …[View]
472876887We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as …[View]
472875589Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472875691Why are Americans afraid of eating raw meat?[View]
472874103Converts and politics: How exactly does changing over to a new religion affect one’s political outlo…[View]
472873286Biden acceleration > Zion Don complacency[View]
472873375Why ukraine is sacrificing their whole population?[View]
472876722The real reason why they're throwing him under the bus: He is clearly senile and they figured o…[View]
472868257Why do they hate arabs but practice their religion?[View]
472872388something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472874786Trump basement strategy: Why is trump rarely doing rallies this election cycle? Back in 2016 and 202…[View]
472863072How do you balance race and religion?: What is the relationship between your racial beliefs and your…[View]
472875819Aww shiiiiiiit: Nah, I’m sure this is just for something good and completely unconnected to the enti…[View]
472875273Islam will win: The caliphate will start in europe then spreads to the Us & rest of the world as…[View]
472868973/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16966: Previous:>>472861242 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472858924>Get vaxxed >Lose both hands and feet IT'S WORKING WE ARE SAFE…[View]
472876406Am I autistic and abrasive because of the hereditary spirit of my German ancestors or is it because …[View]
472874886Ukraine is wining[View]
472860578I just watched The Northman. Did white people actually practice human sacrifice like this?[View]
472862087California cop arrests man for eating a sandwich on the train platform: >BACK THE BL-ACK! And yet…[View]
472875862How do I successfully deal with my wife without making her cry: So today, after arguing in real life…[View]
472864066Brit/pol/ - BAME Magnet Edition: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt https://…[View]
472876049You creeps are taking this Roman pagan vs Christianity shit way too fucking far: it fucking stops no…[View]
472874410what sane country would tolerate this?[View]
472876147Round II: The last time Moderna signed a deal with the Gov we got the vid. When does this stop?…[View]
472873972ITS FUCKING OVER!!! CHINA BEGINS INVASION OF TAIWAN TOMORROW!!!: https://x.com/captcoronado/status/1…[View]
472876030Its clear now white men are opressed now. Every white men feels weak now, completely feminised and c…[View]
472853642>Kamala Harris worried Democrats will replace Joe Biden with white candidate: >Kamala Harris’s…[View]
472871856Lucy Letby GUILTY: She’s GUILTY!!! https://share.newsbreak.com/7k7aloos?s=i16[View]
472874349Are they really the true heir of the Roman Empire?[View]
472851713NEETs, arent you ashamed of yourselves?: How does a grown ass man be okay with doing NOTHING all day…[View]
472870886HOLY BASED! /ourguy/ Hunter steps up to protect Joe from mediocre aides and poor advice! https://www…[View]
472866550What're some countries I can immigrate to where no one is racist to me?[View]
472867483Portuguese/Brazilians and Romanians are the future of the White Race: >beautiful and rich culture…[View]
472875738>Be me >Work my way through the political machine my whole life, having a great time with the …[View]
472866993/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14721: ▶Prev: >>472853494 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472875161>Fucking island women in the 1500s YOU EVIL COLONIZER >Fucking island women in the 2000s YOU R…[View]
472875700Why does new EU parliament building looks as the metropolis one?[View]
472874880You are all a figment of my imagination: This is my world you are living in. I could erase you from …[View]
472861264Is french rap good?[View]
472869447It's fucking over.: >labour supermajority >lib dem opposition Fuck me.…[View]
472852036Did incels really believe that this loser with coke bottle glasses could coach them on how to succes…[View]
472870450What are the political implications of the current Tech Job Winter?[View]
472875573The new President (the sharp lady) spoke. https://youtube.com/shorts/NK3zww6XZgY The left and the ri…[View]
472872644Reminder that NEETs were gassed in the 3rd Reich. >gently attaches black triangle to your chest…[View]
472874383Why doesn't China phase out communism?: Like North Korea has. Why can't they at least call…[View]
472875550It’s her turn: Madam President[View]
472874948Herbalism as an alternative of pharma Jew?: In Sydney there are a lot of Chinese Traditional Medicin…[View]
472873356HAPPENING: Michelle Obama leads Trump: >new Reuters poll, Obama leads Trump 50% to 39% https://x.…[View]
472872275Black people are a joke. Fuck martin luther king's dream[View]
472868264>Day 197 of American led Anti-Houthi military operations[View]
472867182I'm a Jewish raceshill. I'll take my ban.: Alright, I'm a Jewish raceshill. I'm…[View]
4728751804D Chess[View]
472874985>establishes fiat currency >invents modern finance and banking >creates mercantile culture …[View]
472874684Are Aussies Communists?: No seriously, they seem to be supportive of the whole 'let the state decide…[View]
472869293Poonami in India: 117 pajeets dead >imagine the smell[View]
472863473Imagine being this delusional: Is this a woman?[View]
472865957I've never had covid: Literally everyone I know has had covid, most of them multiple times. Thi…[View]
472874989Gay marriage legal in Latvia: Gay marriage officially legal. Last night first male-male gay couple M…[View]
472865985Should tattoos be legal?[View]
472874949U shills behaving yourselves?: THREAD THEME: https://youtu.be/5OyypJxj8uQ? Come home, s+hills. Come …[View]
472874605Biden is not giving up. He is in it to win it. Don't call it a comeback.[View]
472866018The book of revelations is unfolding before our very eyes, and everyone is worried about Putin and D…[View]
472873288Easy Solution To Politics[View]
472858483Someone explain this phenomena: We have uncovered thousand-year-old busts and sculptures where human…[View]
472870987Is argentina white? it looks white to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfFywTXYlGA https://www.you…[View]
472869647Why doesn't the West want China and Africans to team up? I thought you guys were tired of sendi…[View]
472873618Is higher education intentionally trying to make people retarded?[View]
472870245As an Asian, I don't vote Republican because they are so pro-gun, among other reasons. I really…[View]
472874646Y are chinks and jews working together to destroy EU?[View]
472872841Almost every aspect of the US is failing. Economic Social Military But it doesn't seem like an…[View]
472873646Dump Israel.: Israel is not necessary for the United States to continue it's commanding militar…[View]
472872010Joe is sharp as a tack, a tack I say! Biden is better than he has ever been, his mind is like a stee…[View]
472873240>Pajeet bleaches and decimates his own bloodline by fucking an ugly white chick. >WE'RE W…[View]
472869148Celine Dion.: 1. Celin Dion invents 'My heart will go on' -song 2. a year ago men inside unfortunate…[View]
472871074If this guy was president America wouldn't be having any problems. Instead you voted for two es…[View]
472862118Free Will: Why is the ruling elite so hell-bent on convincing their cattle that a human is just a me…[View]
472872060TRUMP LIED 50 FUCKIN TIMES![View]
472874105>be me >christian >get invited to lecture called everyday life in israel >soundsinterest…[View]
472870496>Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on reports of detention camps where soldiers …[View]
472872354BREAKING: Trump shit himself during the debate: David Pakman breaks it down https://youtu.be/RYHPVX_…[View]
472864841Could this be the solution to the LGBT Problem?[View]
472872879Name one benefit for the US to end the war?[View]
472872099Norwegian minister flashes her breasts in front of audience: > Norwegian (born to Pakistani paren…[View]
472846582/AHSG/ Atlantic Hurricane Season General - rescue bake edition: >Quick Rundown Beryl is a bat out…[View]
472858826INCOMING WAR IN LEBANON WILL BE END OF OUR WAYS OF LIFE: https://x.com/AJEnglish/status/180812159450…[View]
472871748Prepare for Conflict: Ignore the Cutesy culture jam threads talking about women and movies and stupi…[View]
472873687IT'S OFFICIAL BIDEN'S BEATING TRUMP: at least in the ukraine[View]
472871853the Iraq war wasn't justif-[View]
472873116There are hundreds of unaccounted brief cases sized nuclear bombs that could be in the hands of anyo…[View]
472873351Should We Bring Back Filibusterism: The Turd World is already convinced that evil, Anglo-Saxon “Blue…[View]
472873599Post ITT the demographics of your hometown, lets see how hard diversity has hit this shithole. Gait…[View]
472873336How often do you go overboard? How often do you go full retard and go to prison for 7 years for show…[View]
472872844is this the biggest idiot on /k/?[View]
472872303Herr Drumpf[View]
472870010Are you ready for Madam President Harris? She will crush Trump btw. Biden is the only Democrat who c…[View]
472873400prisons in europe are a joke: This is where Europeans send holocaust deniers and other criminals…[View]
472866735CHILD RAPIST ON DUTCH OLYMPIC TEAM: he drugged and raped a 12 year old girl. explain yourselves dutc…[View]
472865415Literally nowhere left to go, impossible to ignore the issue: >lived in Oslo and Bergen the past …[View]
472872152TOP KEK: The kike rat in pic rel trooned out because he was molested in his youth. He started a suic…[View]
472872939習近平:直到最后一个Zigger: What are the political implications of China dictating that war in Ukraine, and wh…[View]
472871159/pol/ humor thread: Joo edition[View]
472872970WHY ARE REPUBLICANS SO DUMB?: By nearly all measures, the US economy has performed better under Demo…[View]
472871811Biden's campaign is falling apart. His fundraising is sputtering. Today Biden appeared orange. …[View]
472860853TOTAL PAJEET CRUSHING: Today is a great day, Leafs. Apparently streetshitters have mass gatherings f…[View]
472868772So THATS why we need shit skins….[View]
472872492It’s officially joever: Biden just announced he is stepping down as president at 12pm (noon) tomorro…[View]
472867817>it doesn't count because....it just doesn't ok?? make it make sense…[View]
472870536Self-described libertarian activist Lynda Block became the first woman Alabama executed in the moder…[View]
472869893RUSSIA TARGETING NEWLY ARRIVED F-16 FIGHTERS: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-air-bas…[View]
472869476Mothers: Why is the devouring mother archetype so common these days? I was talking to my coworkers a…[View]
472863172If trans women are really men. Does that mean they should be able to expose their tits in public sin…[View]
4728722912008 destroyed America: When the market crashed it made everyone realize that you can work hard and …[View]
472870945Ukrainian Surrender?: I heard Ukraine will surrender. Is that true? Imagine all the Ukrainian lives …[View]
472862116Current 2024 presidential election map based on most recent polls[View]
472872658experts agree that trump will make inflation worse: we can't let this man in office https://www…[View]
472867028I'm panicked bros..: The Supreme Court LITERALLY gave the man in control of the strongest milit…[View]
472868787lOAD.yOUR. wEAPONS: The West has NO Strategy to mid-long term survival. What.so.ever.[View]
472870422The average Syrian looks like an Afro-Arab. Look at that hair.[View]
472868797If Georgism is so good why hasn't any country tried it? This is supposedly a much better econom…[View]
472861617Is The Affects of Brexit Going To Lead To: A United Ireland? I hear a lot of Protestants that want t…[View]
472872499Politically speaking: How much do you make working construction in Switzerland or France?[View]
472871486I'D RATHER VOTE FOR MICHELLE OBAMA THAN TRUMP: Anyone else rather vote for michelle than Trump?…[View]
472865453Do you seriously believe that ukranians are a real nation?[View]
472871282why didn't trump prosecute clinton[View]
472871953It's over for Putin.[View]
472868360Don't be too proud, chuds! Biden only looked stupid at the debate because he was hit by a Russi…[View]
472872397This nigger looks so fucking ridiculous kekfuel, looks like Bojack Horseman kekfuel. Imagine being B…[View]
472855301Work Hard: >be me turned 18 >dad tells me to get a job and work hard and signs me up for a war…[View]
472869542Anyone who says that Ukraine is a 'Free' or a 'Democratic' country is either just plain outright lyi…[View]
472849585So now they are casting beaners to play ancient Romans lmao. Europe is over.[View]
472872110We educated you[View]
472870275Irony At It's Finest: I wanted to read an article about how Gen Z is frustrated about the econo…[View]
472867460>California has the best weath... ...ACK[View]
472869511What's up with how lazy the left seem these days? They seem way more deflated compared to what…[View]
472850298jfk: give it to me straight pol. what the hell happened? who really killed him?[View]
472868463What percentage of people took the vaxx?: Anybody know? By country would be handy[View]
472870774turkish nato helicopter shotdown by russian rocket: https://x.com/GoreClipps/status/1808040618150842…[View]
472868836extinction is inevitable: humans are evil, greedy, gluttionous, and stupid predators. like every ret…[View]
472871144We need to adopt this over here it's so catchy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h-GsIdDaTQ…[View]
472870593Within the next 2 a years a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension jo…[View]
472871803Nigger Hate Thread: 100 Reasons Why Niggers Are Subhuman 1. They're stupid 2. They're viol…[View]
472871583The world outside is hell.: Rent in my area starts at $1600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment. My au…[View]
472871564What if Terrorists attack after 4PM?: Who the fuck is running the country when Biden only works from…[View]
472870951Would you rather have Trump as president for 4 years or live in Bangladesh for 1 year?[View]
472871161Why are chistians like that?[View]
472870717This is a meme about people. It may offend or disturb certain people.[View]
472870982crikey! look at the size o that gator[View]
472866746>The tables have turned, assassinatejack.[View]
472870993every leap of civilization: ...was built off the back of a disposable workforce. - Niander Wallace…[View]
472870879Project 2025: Now I love Trump as much as the next Republican but I feel like this 2025 plan complet…[View]
472871357>70% of Americans think Joe Biden's brain isn't working and shouldn't be running: …[View]
472868963Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472871165Why did they destroy Constantinople?[View]
472866304I guess shes not drunk today.[View]
472870271SARS.. NOT LIKE THIS![View]
472820526NEW EPSTEIN DOCUMENTS RELEASED: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/200-pages-epstein-grand-jur…[View]
472869736Is shitting your pants really a good way to avoid getting drafted?[View]
472851808Pierre’s going to save Canada bro he’s TOTALLY gonna kill all the pajeets trust me bro[View]
472846385Vaccines: >had a baby >you are strongly advised to vaccine your baby >whooping cough, DTaP/…[View]
472869003Candidates under 70: Oliver is the only candidate under 70. What will other generations do when the …[View]
472866427a warning to /pol/[View]
472870869Looking for chimpouts: I used to go to sites such as whitegirlbleedalot.com for a compendium of chim…[View]
472870096you are not alone anon[View]
472865995Get in here and ratio this kike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRyP9FIhFok drop holocaust redpills…[View]
472861585While pakis roam and causes havoc in London, let's see what the Indians are up to.[View]
472850414Why would the Supreme Court make this okay?[View]
472870247>Free Will exists but Jews control every aspect of reality.[View]
472855857I'm voting for Gavin Newsom.[View]
472867627NATIONAL SOCIALISM GENERAL: It's been too long, post your best NATSOC stuff.[View]
472866712Jill Stein: Why is the jewess candidate the only one to call out the zionists in any capacity?…[View]
472869365>Israel killed JFK, assisted by their compromised gentile co-conspirators >Israel did 9/11, as…[View]
472859306Bi-nationality reforms: Recently in France, there has been discussion about banning bi-nationals fro…[View]
472870329>2020 Covid >2021 Afghanistan >2022 Ukraine >2023 Gaza What are your Giga-happening pred…[View]
472846187BREAKING: INDIAN APOOCALYPSE 87 DEAD: Word is they were stampeding for the last spot no one has shit…[View]
472867971HAPPENING! The infamous conspiracy lunatic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got a brain-eating tapeworm from ea…[View]
472866223why am i so invested in african american culture?: i listen to rap watch documentaries on african Am…[View]
472869707There is no way to fix France. Population of niggers is almost 10% of whole population. Anyways. Nig…[View]
472865640The Dems are going to try to assassinate him, aren’t they[View]
472841441>be American >visiting Prague >clean streets >no nogs >literal 10s walking around ev…[View]
472868027Förintesleförnekan nu olagligt... https://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/fd2c8f544af04215b0155735f2…[View]
472868743But Joe Biden would rather buy solar panels from China: Why is that? Why can't we have nice thi…[View]
472866007When did America lose its soul?: I can't decide if it was 2001( 9/11) or 2008 economic crisis t…[View]
472869859How great is it seeing them use Joe as a bargaining chip, making the Deep State squirm? Hope Joe is …[View]
472862105He's Right, You Know[View]
472868747This Is Their Only Option: Campaign money locked in. Name recognition. The political machine behind …[View]
472870015Name a state/province/region logo that goes harder than this: Look at that subtle satanic touch of t…[View]
472869500What made her so intelligent if it wasn’t gender[View]
472866896COVID V2 IS COMING: Are you ready? I'm going to get double vaxxed AND sextuple boosted, you sho…[View]
472864652Why are conservatives so fucking unbearably stupid and unfunny: I've watched a few videos from …[View]
472869582The Ultimate Psy-Op: No it's not, MGTOW is a fucking Psy-Op to evolve men into continuing to to…[View]
472861971Reminder that these women would be put to death if Turkey is overrun by Syrian immigrants. Turkey is…[View]
4728667635 days until civil war .: today macron did an 'administrative putch ' , last week he said that civil…[View]
472867535Now that Macron pushes openly in favor of leftists, how many of his voters will choose Le Pen's…[View]
472870456i can't believe this globesisters... new redpill just dropped...[View]
472869232a vote for trump is a vote for getting drafted to fight for israel I hope y'all feel happy whe…[View]
472866995/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14721: ▶Prev: >>472853494 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472865495Where is she ?[View]
472868896SAY HIS NAME[View]
472868419Jude Law's daughter: How it started. How it's going. Lol. Lmao even.[View]
472868702Why is there no law against outsourcing? This shit is objectively bad for everyone and makes worse r…[View]
472860155Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza: Israel’s military leadership wants a cease…[View]
472862617Woman Uses Hand Grenade as a Hammer for 20 Years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzs1rzIW51I A 90-y…[View]
472845492Stop working hard. Stop 'grinding'. Stop 'hustling'. None of this will get you anywhere because ever…[View]
47286638980% of Americans agree All Americans Should Honor The Founding Fathers: More than 3-in-4 Americans a…[View]
472865847Metal Gay Solid is libtard trash: Basically every “villain” in this game is someone who wants to ove…[View]
472868421Who can take him down?: Why is it so hard to overthrow this guy and who can do it?[View]
472866764Imagine you're the Worst Korea Gook: >be a gook >you spent two years learning how to kill…[View]
472866859Why is /pol/ champing this golem?[View]
472856413MEGA HAPPENING! The party of Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen in France got caught glorifying Nazism! ht…[View]
472859060Lucky 7 for Russians, but not for Ukrainians. LOL: Seven SU-27 belonging to Ukraine were destroyed i…[View]
472861242/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16965: Previous:>>472853595 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472860938OH CANADAAAAA[View]
472868521The greatest bromance in SCOTUS history: And you know Big Daddy CT is going to fuck (((them))) over …[View]
472867390Any thoughts/fixes?: Any thoughts/fixes? >Dark green - pure west european stock >Green - west …[View]
472868461Weak people should be put to death in a humane way. If you are: >Disabled >Retarded >Mental…[View]
472866445>Trump will save us >Kim will save us >Orban will save us >Le Pen will save us…[View]
472868639'Anti-Racists': When you see your nigger grandkids anti-racism doesn't seem all that great, doe…[View]
472866883Stupid SEAmonkey: 13 year-old chinkoid points pic related at cops and the community of slanteyes scr…[View]
472866344It begins: Trump v Kamala 2024 happening[View]
472865557So who is going to be nominee for the democratic party in November? Biden has the best numbers compa…[View]
472863896How does /pol/ feel about being usurped as the meeting place of the right on the Internet by Xitter?…[View]
472858948'Ancestral Religion' yeah, but which one?: Pagan bros, I have some questions. I despise Christianity…[View]
472858597>Single handedly wrecks your country >everything personal kid…[View]
472861906If you are a libertarian, you have no excuse to vote for a literal fascist like Trump. Either vote L…[View]
472868137This is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: Say something nice about him.[View]
472866931If democracy is the peak of civilization, why was the height of the roman empire (pax romana) achiev…[View]
472868225Does Bernie have a chance in 2024?[View]
472868070Tattoos always look like shit. People who have them are always shit. I encourage shit people to get …[View]
472868149just read The Camp of the Saints and I don't get why conservatoids think Brown People just exis…[View]
472867936Gretchen Whitmer: I Won’t Run, but Joe Biden Has Lost Michigan After Debate: Gretchen Whitmer, the M…[View]
472863871What does /pol/ think of white hispanics?[View]
472866818>Young generations are becoming more far rig-ACK[View]
472867957Communists hate thread: No tolerance to commies[View]
472865931The 'Good Ending': Who can look at picrel and truly think that the good guys won the war?[View]
472867715How Baby Boomers Cornered America’s Wealth and how India can take it: Data analysis reveals a striki…[View]
472867546Heres the real reason why everything is shit now: Most young adults are still in a perpetual state o…[View]
472865371Mutts be like: >let's make the shapes of our states perfectly rectangular, it won't loo…[View]
472810680Look at what the Russians just captured...[View]
472867894Sir, i have your new dem candidate![View]
472865090is Donald Trump the anti-christ[View]
472864110We need to take intergenerational warfare to the next level: >change my mind >protip Why shoul…[View]
472863991I don't get it. How is Trump so slippery that he truly can't face justice? Dude can't…[View]
472866111americans fleeing the country: the meltdowns have already started and its not even november[View]
472865194What if someone started a male feminist supremacist movement?: Male feminism supremacy could be a ga…[View]
472852828BRICS is too Big to fail: More half the world's population, half the worlds oil , 30% of the gl…[View]
472864482A Canadian tourist in Dublin has died in hospital 9 days after receiving a 'full force flying kike t…[View]
472853766Thoughts on vigilantes?: There's this guy on YouTube from UK who catches bad drivers in the act…[View]
472867011How do /pol/ chud schizos living in an alternate reality of propaganda lies cope with facts like pic…[View]
472867061america needs to shut the fuck up[View]
472867404JFK wasn’t killed he went away for a decade and then came back under an assumed identity[View]
472864424>in every european country nearly >50% of the population thinks they are taking too many migra…[View]
472860730what happens in ukraine stays in ukraine[View]
472865089Do you stand with Israel? Yes/No: https://x.com/PollsNOpinions1/status/1808193462862221754…[View]
472866646What is the /pol/ verdict on Tony Seba?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eJKTYc_v-I[View]
472862738Japan: >whitest (safest and most hardworking) nation in the world isn't even white…[View]
472864338Why do american neo nazi retards idolize the 50s? Don't they know all that stability and econom…[View]
472866406So how long til Russia just gives up on Ukraine? This is getting ridiculous now[View]
472856734Abolish American building codes: Picrel would be illegal in America. >NOOOO!!! >You must be se…[View]
472864573Imagine there’s no beaners[View]
472865594Say Hello to your first black male VP, USA: Be nice. :)[View]
472853226the phenomenon of the third world robbing the first world of opportunity: because there are 10 billi…[View]
472865685What should happen to Russia after they lose the war?[View]
472866204something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472866447russia will lose the war and there is nothing you can do to stop it[View]
472866514>nope we dont want the citizens to choose where their tax dollars go because they will make the w…[View]
472846434Only 9 votes against a DCA treaty!: Finland - USA military treaty which now allows USA to start up m…[View]
472854899Another day, another American succumbs to LGBT felony flag trap on road. When supreme court will giv…[View]
472866404Alistair Crooke says Russia will arm Hezbollah: Zogbot bros, we need to go to war![View]
472865504>still fighting Hamas 9 months later despite total military superiority >over 120 Israeli host…[View]
472864700Please provide answers to the following COVID-19 questions: 1. Did you get the COVID-19 vaccine? 2. …[View]
472863455>A restaurant named mandarin in cuckanda made a promo in canada day, free open buffet, eat all wh…[View]
472866144why is /pol/ so Reddit when it comes to the age of consent?[View]
472865824if there's male conscription, there should be female breeding programs[View]
472862676Send me a study that proves that Spics and Niggs are naturally violent: You know what to do[View]
472864848Are the chinks right about democracy? We are the mercy of cultural whims when we could instead be at…[View]
472856218What the fuck is wrong with him?[View]
472861583Well that can’t be good[View]
472858290*removes power from the jews*: while making your UBER RICH in the process >chuds missed the train…[View]
472865249This is Klownisha, next US president.: And first trans-queer-map-hivpositive to achieve it.[View]
472865948When I was a child, my father reminded me of Dan Quayle: Now that I am a man, he reminds me of Joe B…[View]
472865891Academia: Academics are a bunch of stuck up faggots, HOLY shit. I would never do that to myself. Get…[View]
472858174I can't fucking surmount this. I save a dollar and the prices go up $1.50. Closing these lines …[View]
472865862(((Who))) did this? Who shat into our based putin pants again?[View]
472865850Why don't they just LEGISLATE that Presidents are not immune, if they're so worried about …[View]
472864728Please explain why people stand in front of trains? Zoomies: do you understand that trains can’t sto…[View]
472865126Why is it not okay to support National Socialism because genocide was committed under it, but Commun…[View]
472861740Ukraine Now Using Night-Vision FPV Drones: They've used them with grenade-drop drone for a whil…[View]
472865143Women need to get their asses kicked: Women suck at everything. They destroy the morals of children.…[View]
472863344Why are Swedes such NPCs?[View]
472858559Team WHITE POWER[View]
472859891Zelensky is a Dork: But Putin is not invited to the party edition; Thread theme: https://youtu.be/zD…[View]
472860908Time for NEETs to strike: These conditions are unbearable[View]
472847384What would happen if both side of this conflict were to be run by people who are aware of the Jews a…[View]
472858964Behold the end result of Republican worship big government overreach under the guise of fake concern…[View]
472846272Low trust society: > 42% of Gen-Z think it's ok to engage in fraud…[View]
472863805He's right. You can hate Ukraine's jewish government and oppose the proxy war we're f…[View]
472865303LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION NOW! >dissolves the bitterness of involuntarily celibates >makes life ea…[View]
472864041This was a Jewish Labor Bund activist from the Vitebsk province called Mordechai Abelevich Blinchiko…[View]
472859304European Unity is based: Only jews and chinks want to see EVROPA fractured[View]
472853494/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14720: ▶Prev: >>472837805 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472865213This dude that knew about the vax clots 3+ years before the vaccines were released says that the clo…[View]
472864747ass.: some jealous women look at me angrily when I try to keep on videoing superior ass[View]
472864223Vax status?[View]
472865350Should DNA tests be mandatory to enter the white ethnostate? Would a mutt like pic related be allowe…[View]
472863209will the democtars cheat in this elections as well?: I dont understand how republicans are confident…[View]
472863062Nick Fuentes vows to defeat all Jews: you really did it this time /pol/. dont you think this has gon…[View]
472863162Why are black people so much smarter than jews?[View]
472856028>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is fake, goyi– I mean brother. Also, Christianity is…[View]
472864411>Jephthah led the Israelites in battle against Ammon and, in exchange for defeating the Ammonites…[View]
472864225The Man of the Future: Kalergi was right: >'Themanofthefuturewillbeofmixedrace.Today'sracesa…[View]
472863859What are the political implications of a society that allows pic related to be openly discussed in p…[View]
472860139AI HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS: >Britian is introducing a new way to teach about the Holocaust using AI a…[View]
472856082Why is European paganism on the rise?[View]
472863390Child trafficking is a right wing maga conspir.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzPt07iYdRA >A n…[View]
472849868>Jewish online shills are lower than animals. They’re soul-less, double digit IQ consoomers who s…[View]
472864843Noviop complementation: It's no secret that white people are dying out due to global warming an…[View]
472863530Average Russian: Thoughts? >imagine losing to this btw lmao Thread theme: https://youtu.be/tyeFVV…[View]
472851771Just 59 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Francisco.: Just 59 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Fran…[View]
472863604Is this true about Japan?: https://youtube.com/shorts/bXSpJ5Lp21U?si=x6OxtTJkEoTMJsbM[View]
472864340do jews realize that they are satanic calf worshipers ?[View]
472862001>freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, CHUD >WAIT WAIT HELP I TOOK OU…[View]
472850949the pedophiles have won what do we do now /pol/?[View]
472859138What the actual fuck is causing this trend?: How do we reverse it whitebros?[View]
472863405Dick me down on Phat Earf.: >>472854670 >>472855597 Redpill me on what esoteric or symbo…[View]
472862016My time has passed: >35 years old >ugly charismaless nofriends beta male >have boring wfh j…[View]
472865210for me, it's Kyogre: politically speaking, I would use his power to provide Texas with plenty o…[View]
472863021Putin the terrorist, warmongering criminal again threatens the West and NATO with nuclear war![View]
472863758I'm Transmisic.[View]
472860909Do you feel the spark of God within you? And I mean actually, apart from Church or the Bible, but in…[View]
472864514Why do these roaches complain about the genocide of chink Muslims while genociding Kurds and Arabs. …[View]
472863135why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?[View]
472852517Gen X is the Karen generation: How do we get rid of Gen X ?[View]
472843466The right to bear arms shall not be infringed (unless you live in California, Connecticut, Delaware,…[View]
472860832Eyes Wide Shut: I wanna talk about this movie. I have just watched it for the first time and was doi…[View]
472864339<Anarcho-tyranny >Feral underclass imported and given a free pass to terrorize the native midd…[View]
472862341Did Germans Deserve to lose ALL OF THIS?[View]
472861048Elon says jews are wannabe Aryans: >jew nose >Want Aryan features >Get nose job >Gamec…[View]
472856251Chudsisters how can we respond to this?[View]
472863241>He still believes Trump won in 2020[View]
472863539Why there is no gay pride parade in Saudi Arabia?: Exactly. How do we get rid of faggots and degener…[View]
472861173How do we fix modern men: Perhaps a world war?[View]
472860808why isnt 'plap' wordfiltered yet[View]
472849770Wait, why are Michael Jackson's kids white?[View]
472857865If we all shot all criminals crime rate would drop to 0%: Something to think about...[View]
472850043The normies are actually waking to the mudslime plague: Even plebbit is now shifting against pigslam…[View]
472863245Daily reminder that ITS NOT OVER[View]
472857586Prince was white[View]
472861615The Western religious notion of free will is pure narcissistic delusion - a grandiose fantasy that p…[View]
472841048Today is my birthday, frens. I’m 30 years old now. I’m a lawyer with a career. No girlfriend, no wif…[View]
472863429Politics & Science: WHY DO THE NPCs TRUST THE EXPERTS.?!? Why don't realize this slave-like…[View]
472863066We're reaching the Hitler Youths part of the war.[View]
472860188Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472862864Gookcels and Finncels have to serve 2 years in the military or else they will be thrown to prison fo…[View]
472859193Why aren't millennials buying homes?[View]
472853449Kamala Harris worried Democrats will replace Joe Biden with white candidate: Kamala Harris’s team is…[View]
472855529A new study from Germany[View]
472851311brit/pol/ anyone remember daves failed eu reform deal? I do: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or m…[View]
472849511Taliban releases new photos of newly trained special forces[View]
472862842This is the flag of Satan‘s Empire: I feel for everyone who is under it‘s chains.[View]
472856365So he's going to be good for the economy and tie immigration levels to real estate building. Bi…[View]
472862528Hello, madam president: It’s obvious that Biden will be replaced on the ticket. There is only 1 pers…[View]
472861868Cabinet members are now openly saying that Biden is senile and it's okay because professionals …[View]
472852694If Middle Eastern people are so below Europeans why is their high culture so mesmerizing?: It is com…[View]
472858891I'm kinda retarded so while I know Dems/libs/lefties/Jews/etc always use bad faith arguments, I…[View]
472861950The average person is in a hypnotized trance. All they know is work and pay taxes. You can literally…[View]
472861846something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472862826ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews[View]
472846947Why are thirdies so bad at making good IFVs?: The BMP-1: >Its two rear doors are part of the fuel…[View]
472845017Considering history of human migration, do you acknowledge that ethno nations are the abnormality an…[View]
472859685shithole country[View]
472857920woah... chinese EVs drive like THAT!?[View]
472851248Should the first amendment be reigned in? Many people think it's a license to lie and spread mi…[View]
472861400So it's pretty much understood by all that Biden will be dropped from the ticket in which case.…[View]
472859953It’s very clear that Donald Trump is still the President: Crystal clear.[View]
472860225Are all catholic priests homosexuals?: https://youtu.be/4B0Bu28EeJY?si=pJ0NH2k9scOsqv9h My gaydar go…[View]
472853795Phoenicians: Why are a certain people always causing conflict between others? From Herodotus >Lea…[View]
472862296When did you realize they were based?[View]
472859205Racist puts Black kid into a coma: An black 6th grader was knocked out during a school field trip af…[View]
472861801WE DID IT /POL/!: From a normies work feed, ai is trained and leaking. KEEP IT UP MEME MAGIC IS ALIV…[View]
472859767SIX More Months: Why does the IDF suck so bad? https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-808638 …[View]
472861932The United States declares on June 14th, 2024 that the Nordic Resistance Movement poses an unusual a…[View]
472857066skibidi pumpkin joe[View]
472861896Politics in the Pacific Northwest: This region is home to a lot of white nationalists and other righ…[View]
472861522uhm WTF? they are attacking us swiftsissies!!!: https://archive.is/enGX9 >At 34, Swift remains un…[View]
472846083THIS IS THE PRINCESS OF NORWAY: She is soon getting married to her beloved bisexual African Shaman. …[View]
472854944Kek hohols are fucking retards: >joe Biden clearly looks like his brain is fried on the debate st…[View]
472855098Head rabbi of Paris tells French Jews to flee France because of Le Pen[View]
472856885Why would a young woman waste her best years dating pictured?[View]
472860134Epstein did nothing wrong: Having sex with pubescent girls is not paedophilia. Paedophilia is when y…[View]
472854745DRUMPF FUCKED!! Rudy Giuliani Disbarred in New York Over 2020 Election Fraud: Looking good for Joe’s…[View]
4728612384chan is my own personal mental asylum[View]
472857179Super size Don Gorsk!: how did this motherfucker eat 2 big macs a day, for 50 years, he's eaten…[View]
472854270Dios Mio......: Frenchies need to keep their dicks out of their farm equipment. https://archive.toda…[View]
472848525Jews are fighting over the Anime industry: Blackstone and Blackrock are buying anime studios and fra…[View]
472859687The EURO proves it again: Eastern Europe is a complete joke in everything These retards should join …[View]
472853027Long Live Protestantism!: https://youtu.be/aJwncnhUYvM?si=UCjRh_Ki8_VU1CJP Down with the catholic ch…[View]
472853627Fix this shit: Here's the game: you must end the Israel-Palestine question for ever. your asse…[View]
472859290It's time for a young CHAD to rise to the occasion and to bring progress to the rest of America…[View]
472860900I noticed something curious at the Euro 2024: The players are mostly niggers but the fans are all wh…[View]
472858535Reincarnation conspiracy: Are all the anime about reincarnating into a white Chad, usually the first…[View]
472860942How will WWIII be?: I’m guessing kino[View]
472853595/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16964: Previous:>>472845651 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472861093We will experience horrific periods of fear, and pain beyond your comprehension. The next three year…[View]
472850623Sexual objectification is good actually feminists are salty that they are not hot.[View]
472858976So this is what $200 billion gets you.[View]
472858309I'm a Serb, I don't need to be a part of your (((white europe))) because I'm better t…[View]
472860883Dump Israel.: The United States should end military aid to Israel. 1. Military Aid to Israel is unne…[View]
472857750I thought about the Roman Empire again.[View]
472858371drag artist, 33 dies: https://www.iltalehti.fi/muutlajit/a/da898b0e-0e23-4692-824a-33a3e99fe4de Drag…[View]
472854693Population of Crimea consisted mostly of Crimean Tatars (Those who loved to collaborate with the Naz…[View]
472824470>Americans IRL: some of the nicest and kindest people I've ever known >Americans in 4cha…[View]
472859659To ALL PUERTO RICANS:: How do you feel about project 2025 and the Supreme Court decision? We need to…[View]
472857941>Check out the '''source''' we'll sit at the bottom of the infographic >It's some b…[View]
472860782Three times the Vitamin C of Oranges!: Why doesn't /pol/ sustain itself on Desert Limes and Mea…[View]
472854200Should the US just give puerto rico independence at this point? America was supposed to colonize the…[View]
472853463Popular Twitch streamer TheStockGuy suddenly falls ill with heart condition: The Jewish streamer had…[View]
472835199Welcome to Walmart...[View]
472857738Bros I cracked the code.: Ukraine will lose when three gorges dam collapses. >ETA 3-14 days from…[View]
472849429The economy is pure shit, we're in a depression: I just got a promotion to $35.50 an hour and s…[View]
472856560How will this help with the birth rates?[View]
472858704>Wherever I go, I must rape[View]
472859024BOOMER appreciation thread: I’ve seen a lot of anti-boomer threads on here and I want to set the rec…[View]
472859232Brexit was a mistake[View]
472860421Thursday 4 July 2024: No I will not. ahahahahahaha, fucking blow me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…[View]
472858423Why did Tim pool have richard spencer on?: He seems to be very antagonistic towards someone like Nic…[View]
472857098Mormon scripture of the day[View]
472843053Why did Trump tell his supporters to attack Capitol building on Jan 6th? Here is his full speech. …[View]
472845372Why do we have a culture that encourages young men to stay inside?: Is it REALLY better to be in fro…[View]
472849458Future looks Bright![View]
472818986This literally what’s going to happen if Trump gets back into office. Death of democracy.[View]
472859786Is anime a psyop/ psychological weapon against the youth .??: Prove me wrong Protip: you cant…[View]
472857245>Saves America[View]
472856281why you will not resist the draft: >native men excluded from the job market >white men entirel…[View]
472859404Real Estate disaster: Why is RFK Jr. the only candidate talking about banning private equity firms a…[View]
472857425Wade Wilson: Serial Killer: >Handsome >6’6” >Living in the USA >Can literally do whateve…[View]
472850857Another one goes down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGUKXQPHDf8[View]
472858524Do men really want a robot wife?[View]
472856029Hello, in this thread I'd like to talk about Ellen Degeneres. Also that kind of social circle, …[View]
472821820You realise Muslims would ban white music festivals, right?: In fact, all music festivals would be p…[View]
472859533Maria Koszutska: This is specific for poland/polish posters. What are the opinions on Maria Koszutsk…[View]
472861246The best part about pooping in winter is sitting on that icy toilet seat, feeling the frosty breeze …[View]
472843606Terrence Howard is a genius pt 2: see the last thread if you missed it, 450 replies lmao >>472…[View]
472856672You're on your weekly walk in the forest and you see pictured in a ditch nearby. What's th…[View]
472850612Touching Grass: Does this actually work? Has anyone tried it?[View]
472852505Free Will: I've never seen a valid argument against free will.[View]
472859902how do i stop laughing at asian languages /pol/?: i fell for the meme of dating asians and am with a…[View]
472854670Redpill me on summerland: It was being discussed in the flat Earth thread but I went to sleep[View]
472852665Guys I want an Asian women: It's OK if I already have 2 white kids, right?[View]
472857330This confuses and enrages the american.[View]
472859517POV Romania vs the Netherlands football[View]
472858913lel, paliniggers looting themselves, i though hamas won and they still have total control, why cant …[View]
472859439When a white pisking murican start to talk shit: Just say 'GO BACK TO EUROPE, YOU SHITTY INVADER. GO…[View]
472857227Trump : Putin : Hitler :: Biden : Netanyahu : Stalin.[View]
472831653/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #1512: Previous >>472767348 ,>>472733374 ▶WARNING…[View]
472856779I hate Democrats so much. They just let Republicans do whatever they want and never fight back at al…[View]
472852158Is this what atheists want? Why?[View]
472855277This is from rehearsal of Belarussian Independence Day, that's coming up tomorrow. Notice anyth…[View]
472858929what happened to america[View]
472850905How do you think his first night in jail went?[View]
472858861TOP KEK: The kike rat in pic rel trooned out because he was molested in his youth. He started a suic…[View]
472858870The US gov't got rid of the Chevron deference, but apparently there was more removed?: I heard …[View]
472858653The Brits planned to attack the Soviets at the end of WW2: The Americans refused to help. How would …[View]
472856631American bros did we really win the war They've ended up imitating our society[View]
472857410It’s true, you know.[View]
472857694A FUCKING LEAF.[View]
472849064People aren’t buying the new beauty standards.: Globohomo is losing again.[View]
472858572Why did Serbs stop being Croats?: As per Father of Croatia Serbs are Croats >He considered that t…[View]
472856865Will National Socialists be able to win elections in Ukraine because they helped defend Ukraine agai…[View]
472857490It's clear to everyone now that there are new battle lines drawn in the political theater. On o…[View]
472854078Rabbi Urges Young Jews To Leave France: >Rabbi Moshe Sebbag—who previously expressed cautious opt…[View]
472858343>>472841441 Yeah, I love Prague. My favorite city. I remember seeing a waitress there who was …[View]
472857825Fuck white Canadians: We are tired of your bullshit Your fake history ( you just got here) Your st…[View]
47284700666 Indians stomped to death!: Thousands of Indians got startled in Shiva Goddess celebration and sta…[View]
472857620There are literally thousands of Computer Science graduates a year, yet you can count on your hands …[View]
472853640Kill boomers on sight when the economy collapses: They destroyed everything. There is literally noth…[View]
472855252Would you take a nigger as the leader of NATO?[View]
472854378ow did African Americans manage to go from slaves to the ideal propotype of male in modern American …[View]
472855547Why do Incels pretend that only young men have it tough? Zoomer women are suffering because it'…[View]
472856722are you prepared?: Come Sept, we will begin to see rioting in major cities that will spill out into …[View]
472856047Literal chinaman[View]
472837009White vs non-White map: Red is Faustian Hyperborean White. Blue is second tier White. Yellow is non-…[View]
472857893Another w for the OJ defense[View]
472840047I hate people who are very racists an crazy: I respect the people who vote for far-right because the…[View]
472854156Things are fine. Quit complaining: The economy is back to pre-pandemic levels. If you don’t have a w…[View]
472857144>What were thr overheard words by the Nazi child, masturbating in the bathroom? Well? He's t…[View]
472857046Is this the way?: Should whites in white countries start publicly shaming white women who associate …[View]
472850364My husband is making me upset: He refuses to eat the maple cookies that I made for him. He’s lost li…[View]
472857101Putting the BC in BBC: whitebros it's been over for us since antiquity[View]
472852057Jury Duty: Anons, I've just been summoned for jury duty for the first time in my life and I…[View]
472854546something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472856765INDIA STAMPEDE DEATH TOLL RISES TO 105: GET THE FUCK IN HERE https://apnews.com/article/india-stampe…[View]
472851289You. Will. Get. Back. To. Office. The left may have hated me for being slightly right leaning, but e…[View]
472843316Neil deGrasse Tyson Breaks Down Terrence Howard’s ‘Misinformed’ Scientific Findings: Neil deGrasse T…[View]
472855291I'm racist against black people who arent me.[View]
472855950>apply for job within degree >rejected X 1 billion >”Oh anon you should just do this this a…[View]
472857183>a man suddenly believes that he is a woman He has certain political views, and he has the right …[View]
472852267Some food for thought: People are NOT talking about this[View]
472857123The UK has become a third world country[View]
472854858How do you stop your urge to racemix?[View]
472851934May I have your attention please. AHEM. FUCK ANGLOS FUCK SPANIARDS FUCK THE PORTUGUESE FUCK THE FREN…[View]
472854544travis was cooking fr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0fgkcTbBoI[View]
472845915>A concerning pattern in ALL Socialist childhoods >https://youtu.be/K6wkHLDVdXs socialists are…[View]
472829676Will he be remembered as worst ruler Russia has ever had? (After Lenin ofc): not that he actually ru…[View]
472856559POO POO PEOPLE[View]
472856392Cute Americans of Europeans descent like her are welcome to return home to Europe if Trump wins[View]
472853336India bros......[View]
472841471Ireland thread: Any Irish online? It's gotten so bad here. I've been depressed since the E…[View]
472854113France Under Nazi Occupation vs France Under Diversity: Thoughts?[View]
472856382Lebanon will crumble: In the next couple of months, you're about to witness history and greatne…[View]
472855623>Rushes to expand court before election: >Trump wins >Senate Majority Republican post 2024 …[View]
472856061HAPPENING! Putin desperately BEGS China to finally star building a gas pipeline now that Russian com…[View]
472855203APOLOGIZE: 'American Presidents now have legal immunity from prosecution over official actions.' So …[View]
472856074where do i go[View]
472853207Muslim memes?: Some muslims are bothering me and my friends Offensive memes are a appreciated[View]
472778768HUMAN SKIN AND EYE CELLS ANIMATED INTO LIVING SMILING ROBOT FACE: https://arstechnica.com/science/20…[View]
472854039horry fuckshit, this.[View]
472855952How does /pol/ refute this one simple screencap?[View]
472855727this is the guy who invented torrenting: >jews are evi-ACK!!![View]
472839293Can't really argue with that...[View]
472847032>why arent people working anymore??? Gee maybe its because fees and license costs keep going up b…[View]
472838088Blackanon here. How to make white folk stop being scared of me?: I'm a short black dude, 5…[View]
472853646>Said Jesus 'must have been guilty of fornication' >Changed the Bible to fit his agenda >Ca…[View]
472855849Is the assertion that 'Nazism is bad' subject to falsification? Or is that one an exception? 'We alr…[View]
472847033Working hard is a scam: As a white man, you can get the grades in school, get the degree, go through…[View]
472854740Greece introduces ‘growth-oriented’ six-day working week: > Companies in countries worldwide may …[View]
472849951Ukrainians Lost 7 Planes At OnceThe Russians Crossed Siverski Donets.: Henlo my Deer Frens! https://…[View]
472855555How is he still popular? Why do people take a twice-divorced meth-smoking cuckold who abandoned his …[View]
472854482This is why we're a Federated Republic: Every time a Democrat says 'Democracy' this is what the…[View]
472852206uhh... BASED!?[View]
472853518Danny Trejo's dog has died.: That dogs life was as valuable as 137 white American lives.[View]
472848282I'm wondering was Marilyn Monroe a deep state Mossad or Russian Agent[View]
472854524>90% of Russia looks like this It's a fucking depressing shithole and people are willing to …[View]
472806665is he /ourguy/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0DF-MOkotA[View]
472853548Why is mutt diplomacy so bad?[View]
472844229post moments where the government is completely out of touch, hard mode, no everyday posts.[View]
472851242Israeli military wants a truce: after dropping more than 5 Hiroshima nukes worth of explosives on Ga…[View]
472830356/pol/ humor thread: Post fucking funnies[View]
472847862>fight in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the (((commies))) What did he mean by this?…[View]
472853407>gay nazi fag yeah that about somes up /pol/[View]
472854671Why are you so mad?: This is the way things have always been[View]
472851343I hate kikes pissrahell will lose soon Christ is with us >t. living in (((hyperinflation))) stack…[View]
472855238Far right extremist Martin Sellner attacks peaceful protesters: https://x.com/vuecritique/status/180…[View]
472835047How do we solve the incel pandemic /pol/?[View]
472843245What happens when we die?[View]
472851420Finnish woman to be 2nd leader of Nato: Nato is leaded by secretary general. But who is vice-secreta…[View]
472849465What would he be like if he was still alive?[View]
472848257Pilot leaf here: I JUST SAW A UFO[View]
472851421Why do so many people who've had near death experiences say the afterlife feels more real than …[View]
472851157You were right: My Mexican girlfriend moved in and started putting shitty toilet paper in a little b…[View]
472854837Jews are Based: They make retards seethe[View]
472853947Are Brits tired of poos or will they bend the knee in the face of racism accusations?[View]
472853873I have too much fucking stuff. It's one of the things I hate the most about my life. I want to …[View]
472854877Leftist Commie Riots In France: If civil war breaks out in France, I will go there and torture commi…[View]
472821081hahahahaha young women on suicide watch[View]
472854181The Supreme Gentleman: Can someone explain what this gook’s problem was? Also was it his parent’s fa…[View]
472854128>yoda yeah that somes up /pol/[View]
472854450Are trans just Autistic?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkr5k3-V-Pc Rfk was talking about how like…[View]
472852341MILEI CALLS LULA A STUPID DINOSSAUR: The argentinian jew demon is coming after us after a devastatin…[View]
472849700Oklahoma city bombing, Ruby Ridge incident: Could you tell me more about this events and the Turner …[View]
472852129Are Americans cattle? Serious question, when the Europeans post WW arrived they refused to eat cerea…[View]
472848122>people actually think this BS is real holy shit this is cosmic horror levels of terrifying…[View]
472840864Elon Troon is pregnant again: Who said that men can't get pregnant?[View]
472854253>go conquer Persia[View]
472852799Remember all these pro-Israel 'ONE STRUGGLE MY FELLOW RIGHT WINGERS' type of spammy posts? They were…[View]
472854442All your leader's are punks, only Trump has been in a WWE match: How many of your leaders are i…[View]
472854435Look closely: This happened kek[View]
472813170Why isn't Gen Z having any sex?[View]
472847419You realize at this stage in the game, it literally does not fucking matter who the kikes are, genet…[View]
472840834Breaking: RFK Jr. Eats Dog Meat: This might be how he got the worm. Article here: https://www.vanity…[View]
472854164what happened[View]
472850150aus/pol/: https://archive.md/sKa42 >Adelaide man found dead inside his car amid national homeless…[View]
472851269Euro 2024: least watched & hyped, most corrupt & fixed & directed euro in history?…[View]
472851185What is the difference between white men and jews?[View]
472845177>TKD! TKD! >Everyone is getting redpilled on the Jews! Soon we will have a mega-Holocaust! …[View]
472803601Do you feel the spark of God within you? And I mean actually, apart from Church or the Bible, but in…[View]
472853968https://www.twitch.tv/llunaclark while you wage and shitpost on internet boards sun and hotties are …[View]
472852531Why don't people listen to Bands anymore? Can you even name a modern rock band?[View]
472853100>Capitalism is better than Communism... because it just is ok. Why am I supposed to believe this?…[View]
472837247This absolute monster receives love letters, sexy pictures and real life visits from attractive wome…[View]
472848647New Ad of McDonald's Japan: Europe Burgers https://youtu.be/Euv2BxAAxog[View]
472851956Was andrew jackson a good or bad president?[View]
472844920Isn't reading the Bible considered Antisemitism?[View]
472850835OH LOOK A DJ IS PRESSING SOME BUTTONS AND SPINNING SOME KNOBS: Fucking Hell i hate Zoomers and all t…[View]
472850213Racial tensions and anti-government sentiment were at an all time high in the 90s....and then 9/11 h…[View]
472851821I have an autistic son, when he was 2 he started to show. he is noq 4 1/2 and randomly started talki…[View]
472851104>singlehandedly defeats the second strongest military on earth[View]
472852907simple flow chart to understand the scotus ruling[View]
472845927Yup, this was the moment culture completely died.[View]
472845651/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16963: Previous:>>472835571 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472850495>LE BOTH SIDES ARE BAD[View]
472837805/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14719: ▶Prev: >>472827684 ▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472846268Say it with me...[View]
472851205brit/pol/: Jasmine-Scented and Beautiful edition: Second Reform contender defects to Tories over …[View]
472852852My wife is posting on here: She said that I didn’t want to eat her cookies, and yes it’s true, I hav…[View]
472848387UK Election Time Traveler: I wrote to myself from the future to warn me about not voting for Reform …[View]
472849189Why any productive thread gets shoah'd: Globohomo (jews) likes to ban / censor anyone who isn…[View]
472832753PAGAN FUTURISM: High level discussion between Adam Green, Richard Spencer and Uberboyo about what co…[View]
472852495What conspiracy theories will suddenly be real (and a good thing) in 6 months time?[View]
472849292Internet Historian: what the fuck, i thought he was /ourguy/?[View]
472848768If its Boeing: >30 injured after Boeing flight hits turbulence, sending passengers flying — and o…[View]
472842886brit/pol/ reform won: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt https://www.bbc.co.…[View]
472851911Can you find which flight this is?: About 10:15 A.M. Eastern time I started seeing big contrails ove…[View]
472852636The best choice for the Democrat party:: Its her turn, and she can finally take revenge on Trump for…[View]
472840848Why doesn't /pol/ do anything anymore?: We've designed airstrikes on terrorists, bring jus…[View]
472848071This is the most hyped I’ve been in a long time, which means I may be disappointed. Did anyone go to…[View]
472851536Total Hussy Death[View]
472852429Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472849942what are they talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6bH2fHbt2w[View]
472842128You tax dollars in a great use in Ukraine[View]
472851777.: https://x.com/HuffPost/status/1808058222307094930[View]
472829881Criticize Islam and a Euro flag seethes[View]
472852162Jared Fogle iPhone 2 Channel 7 Harry Potter Eminem 2012 Post-Punk[View]
472849644Why should I care about Poolestine?[View]
472852022Do the Jews and Glowies realize: That /pol/ was always a containment board and now it’s just to cont…[View]
472848199Anglos are not white: The anglo has no right to call himself white. He does not have any of the qual…[View]
472849483All kidding aside, someone should do something about this.[View]
472846172This confused and disoriented Americans.: All civilised societies love it, hence explains why Americ…[View]
472845946Climate crazies never admit to being wrong.: They just crank up the crazy.[View]
472820922Baiting and Beating the shit out of Pedos is a new trend: There was a Russian guy who did the exact …[View]
472847678Uh…that’s a pretty specific metaphor Javier…[View]
472849731>Saves America[View]
472851526Pajeet Indian IQ - WTF is their deal?: >Americanized Asians Smart (Duh) >Foreign Asians Smart …[View]
472850425What's Biden going to do with his new founded absolute immunity?[View]
472828218The oldest texts we have of the old testament are all in greek. Did the greeks invent the jewish rel…[View]
472851675120 Years: It's been 120 years since his passing. He was a sage and his legacy lives on. Say so…[View]
472843815Why do leftist intellectuals have low IQ?: I speak with people like this who have diploma and they c…[View]
472847805>SCOTUS kills Roe v Wade >kills Chevron doctrine >asserts presidents have immunity from cri…[View]
472851546what party should I vote for if I want a good economy AND gay people rights you know gay people like…[View]
472849089Why are krauts like this? Devouring stolen marmalade and sinking marmalade-carrying vessels. And the…[View]
472851301If you believe 16-18 is a child you are retarded: Why do so many believe the age of consent is 18?…[View]
472850840We were Kings[View]
472849244uhh BASED???[View]
472849599Poonami kills 97 poojeets: >imagine the smell[View]
472847108Is it surprising that he’s a fuentes fan[View]
472848790>hates Jews >believes in Jewish god >thinks a Jew named yeshua who came to fulfil Judaism …[View]
472848693Dump Israel.: The United States should end military aid to Israel. 1. Military Aid to Israel is unne…[View]
472826263Why does Britain shift to the left by electing a Labour government when all of Europe shifts to the …[View]
472838120Yt pipo be like >hmmm, today I will dive 500m into a tight, pitch black, freezing cave and also v…[View]
472850604No refunds...: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-campaign-debate-d…[View]
472847262This is what they took from you: Today's kids will never know the true comfort of a road trip i…[View]
472838946Miscegenation is the only hate crime: Boomers existing is not a good reason to flush your ancestors…[View]
472848129Seriously is anyone eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast nowadays? I think it's just a waste o…[View]
472846710Biden Cultists …..what can we do ? Trumps numbers keep going up[View]
472850360What is the objective shittiest region of inhabited land on Earth?: Someone should make an actual ra…[View]
472848942Democracy is basically just a baby having contest. Children tend to have the political affiliation o…[View]
472848965Why is there no BLM in Russia?[View]
472848804I thought black men in America were deadly?: >White Australian male. >visit America multiple …[View]
472850446I WAS RIGHT: Hello /pol it's your favorite President Richard M. Nixon here to tell you all that…[View]
472830267When did you realize: The car is the stupidest mode of transpiration?[View]
472848428So did any RoAnon bet on tonight's match on that superbet/betano shit? How much money? I never …[View]
472848321you amerisharts realize that every alphabet agency: Of yours has been infiltrated by jews right? Pos…[View]
472846258The walls are closing in on us. Our extinction is imminent and likely unpreventable: What are some t…[View]
472850387Did this faggot forget about the billions in PPP scam loans he gave out and forgave?[View]
472844375>be me >Kraut eurofag >live in '15 min city' (a.k.a. normal Euro city) >don't need …[View]
472848916Why do atheists hate jews more than ALL christranny sects?: They're also in 2nd Place for hatin…[View]
472846386Are there any non grifters in politics currently?[View]
472834284Turkey or Yugoslavia: Which does /pol/ like more?[View]
472842514Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472841290chuds on suicide watch[View]
472829948Free Will is an Illusion: Thinking free will is real because 'you made a decision' is like thinking …[View]
472824968...Are we cooked? https://files.catbox.moe/qdrwd6.mp4[View]
472845312Jews frighten you and make you angry. Must be a sad way to live.[View]
472849532What if they imported all those people to end degeneracy in their countries because it was out of co…[View]
472849307A C C E L E R A T E[View]
472843674Redpill me on communism: What is it really about?[View]
472846797do any canadiens here want to meet up irl?[View]
472848354Let's fucking go flag of Croatia[View]
472849191OH NO NO NO[View]
472848705>27% of Americans Are Skipping Meals Because of Skyrocketing Food Costs, Survey Shows >And ano…[View]
472849141Capitalism has failed the white American and the Great White Death creeps now upon the entire countr…[View]
472849142Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472847747What is your definition of slop? Does a cold sandwitch made with ukrainian hands count or not? Where…[View]
472826050NAMING PROJECT - to restore democratic republic: why has nobody come up with an open source naming d…[View]
472809101/EIG/ - EUROPEAN IDENTITY GENERAL: Welcome again brothers. This is European Identity General. In the…[View]
472843066Why are Americans afraid of eating raw meat?[View]
472843822Other than politicians what jobs would you say attract the largest number of psychopaths?[View]
472839873France is so fucked[View]
472846492>T-t-that's right, fellow aryan. Pisslam is indeed based. Trust me.…[View]
472849760What are the political ramifications of watching Everybody Loves Raymond on Monday nights at 7PM onl…[View]
472848240These chips are delicious, but what’s with the phallus? Why would the Jews do this?[View]
472848081The world we currently live in is a world created by Jews.[View]
472836209Is it time for Americans to stop justifying their war atrocities?: The deliberate nuclear bombing of…[View]
472847445Why is this legal?[View]
472837959Is voting fake & gay?[View]
472847630Ear Piece During the Debate: Am I taking crazy pills? I watched the thing on Fox Business Network, a…[View]
472812496Big Nigga Pool Party pt.2: What has happened to the tourism industry? Have blacks ruined traveling f…[View]
472843773Do we have a pic collection of all jews who are part of Zelensky administration?[View]
472833943Estonia can hold 2 weeks on its own if Russia now attacks[View]
472846466>Americans unironically celebrating for getting 1 (one) week of paid vacation a year What the fuc…[View]
472836417Cry and whine, but inevitable ethnic cleansing is now upon them.[View]
472847927When have you realized that this prophet was speaking about us, anons?: >No one talks about the t…[View]
472844327>wait 300 seconds to make a thread >The site thinks you are spam, please try again >Checkin…[View]
472845219As a lefty, would you be scared if Joe Biden was your Uber driver?: If so then why aren't you s…[View]
472847477>if you oppose me invading your country and raping your kids you are Jewish…[View]
472843439I love you anon: From one human to another, with god given emotions and cognition, everything will b…[View]
472847485>b-but muh shekels and kosher shrimp are much better than BIG ARAB COCK…[View]
472847171Why is there no BRICS general[View]
472847465Is this board war-pilled?[View]
472845132I keep seeing threads about the same boringly repetitive queries: why did Jews do this? Why did Jews…[View]
472836423Muslims are killing blonde white people in israel but /pol/ doesn't even care[View]
472838377>'USSR would not survice without US support in WW2' is this the biggest lie of the 20th-21st cent…[View]
472838226Feelings will always triumph: Reality does not matter. Only feelings. This is how the Jew pilpul’d t…[View]
472842724FACTOID HOUR: Welcome to Ricardo Slimjim's Factoid Hour! Here we should neat tips and facts wit…[View]
472844676why do social media sites act like gypsy is a protected class?: i dont get it, its like the one grou…[View]
472837328MY FACE | MY SOUL[View]
472835929Is this the shittiest place on earth?[View]
472846246B-but, what about the sanctions??: While Amerika and the EU get poorer and poorer, Russia becomes ‘h…[View]
472844159>Jihadis HATE him! >Find out how THIS Russian soldier survives SUICIDE BOMBINGS with this ONE …[View]
472845583Why is there no law against outsourcing? This shit is objectively bad for everyone and makes worse r…[View]
472830100LESBIAN COUPLE BRUTALLY BEATEN IN CANADA: I thought Canada was a tolerant place??[View]
472836334What the fuck is wrong with Britains genepool? Why are they all so god damn ugly? I have never seen …[View]
472846982MOMMY IS BACK[View]
472840603Muzzies are about to find out: Muslims should know that they live in glass houses and that they shou…[View]
472838911Sorry but.. Mormon is so hot right now[View]
472838051Yep, I am voting Libertarian this year. Republicans are just fascists at this point.[View]
472846036this is political: is it so hard to talk to a womens? or you are just cowards? you are scared of wha…[View]
472841335Jews are God's chosen people: Jesus will not save you if you hate or harm the Jews Simple as…[View]
472830592Aaaaaand in the trash it goes.[View]
472845503Dean of the fucking med school: > Be me > Asian parents > Study medicine > Become dean o…[View]
472843532Jill Biden looked like THAT???: Now I see why Joe became a Pedo.[View]
472846411It's sad how hard Corn Pop is trying to spread lies about Joe. If he was senile how did he beat…[View]
472841106Zombie general: But it tasted good edition; Human DNA is 50% fungus related Ophiocordyceps unilatera…[View]
472844728>Children are given an object capable of tracking them, watching them, and listening to them 24/7…[View]
472846394Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472841200Fascist who likes to kill children. He will rot in hell, soon.[View]
472837923Romania is a shithole: Do Romanians seriously believe wealthy people will feel safe investing in the…[View]
472842753Asuka is the best FPV drone operator[View]
472846355Christian Nationalism: No new wars Focus on the poor and homeless in our own nation not giving out m…[View]
472840515Are Scandinavians the most overrated whites? What have they contributed except pickled fish and nigg…[View]
472842323How did Bolivia manage to make a Socialist country without turning it into an authoritarian shithole[View]
472841960Like clockwork, individuals claiming to hate wokeness always inevitably expose themselves as pedophi…[View]
472846066they need the dem moneyz for da programs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liqvp6FWfXI&t=127s…[View]
472815539Was the vaccine the mark of the beast? I have seen and heard some convincing things. Fulfilment of T…[View]
472844049A conflict for the US (internal or external) is almost assured. Which branch of the military do I j…[View]
472841727Welcome to your gay brown future[View]
472845940Do you think Mark Dice talks about Biden too much?: The guy allegedly knows about the Kikes and all …[View]
472837172Why do Americans refer to men who are interested in 14 to 18-year-old girls as pedophiles?: ive done…[View]
472845144How much of Ukraine will uncle Trump sell to Russia to get our money back? https://en.m.wikipedia.or…[View]
472844197Order 66: Arresting Congress for treason would constitute an official act that Trump could not be pr…[View]
472843842https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF0ShxWuFBs >NOOOOO YOU CAN'T FORCE A GOYM TO DIE FOR ANOTHE…[View]
472845688Yo lil Joey: you fucked with the wrong justice[View]
472838025This city was Austro-Hungarian for 500 years: How did Italy conquer it?[View]
472845816Hey /pol/, just to let you know going forward, NASA, Boeing, and the American Media Complex would li…[View]
472845081B-But /pol/ told me commies were jews?[View]
472845769Israel sucks.: For decades, Israel has been the world's largest per person recipient of foreign…[View]
472842311Aydos Sadykov has been assassinated in Kiev. He was a Kazakh journalist who faced prosecution and de…[View]
472834974Will you be voting Uniparty, Anon?[View]
472835571/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16962: Previous:>>472830414 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472844839Why have the fed kikes here become so butthurt from the refugee center arsons in Ireland that they m…[View]
472844392What causes this?[View]
472833434Why are jeets tolerated again?????: You fags seem to make a lot of fuss about niggers but forget abo…[View]
472842978Jeetpatrolling on the rise: A white man sees an Indian, calls him pajeet invasive species, the pajee…[View]
472845119What are the political implications of the most commonly quoted penis size statistics being derived …[View]
472844189America under Biden: No way, Nothing ever comes close to a proof of Biden's shitty administrati…[View]
472845284US Bankers: What did the bankers mean by this? What are the political implications?[View]
472840617Have you heard of the scientific term 'convergent evolution'? It basically explains how racially pur…[View]
472838896Europe ranked. The ultimate list.: Superior nations: Germany. Russia (Historical). Ukraine. Austria.…[View]
472845041is this a sign that there's nothing to invent anymore and civilization has peaked?[View]
472843819Israel is literally the strongest entity on the planet[View]
472843755If 'people get to decide their wills and what they like and don't like. Free will. People can…[View]
472838957What do you call two niggers fucking ?[View]
472844484Does /pol/ subscribe to the Great Man theory of history?[View]
472837857I worked so hard yesterday and I woke up and it’s only Tuesday omfg!?! JK it’s my Saturday just like…[View]
472827605Relationships with women are unsustainable today: It doesn't matter if you're Chad or any …[View]
472838674Nixon and Watergate: Actual crook or set up by the CIA?[View]
472819713/AHSG/ Atlantic Hurricane Season General - rip jamaca edition: >Quick Rundown Beryl is a bat out …[View]
472838743Real 'banned books' aren't sold on Target book shelves.[View]
472843845This feels so fucking fake: > Why cant we see the rest of the room? > Is there a big telepromp…[View]
472841287Is he the savior of the white race?[View]
472843946I am literally shaking after seeing this: >Manga artist Hajime Isayama was onto something >May…[View]
472832951NO ETHNOSTATE=NO MILITARY SERVICE: SIMPLE AS !!! >“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking…[View]
472833828India hate thread: Quick run down on why it sucks to be an Indian/Paki/other type of Curry Nigger: …[View]
472835215It's over. UK has failed and is losing its best and brightest.[View]
472827637CHILD RAPIST ON THE DUTCH OLYMPICS TEAM: he drugged and raped a 12 year old girl. explain yourselves…[View]
472840510TOTAL KIKE DEATH: The troon kike rat in pic rel technically advocates for TKD in his suicide cult. H…[View]
472843197Whats the verdict ?[View]
472842057Aren't you ashamed?: I can't believe it was that easy to cuck all of Europe. The only ones…[View]
472836043HAPPENING: Experts fear that three gorges dam might fall in just under 3 days. The water level is ri…[View]
472844071Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472841481You won’t do shit. You will quietly seethe as the streets you grew up in are slowly filled with brow…[View]
472830124Am I the only one who hates sandniggers more than Jews?[View]
472843974Reminder that if you vote for Reform over the Workers Party, you're voting for ZOG: >End mil…[View]
472826794Daily remember that Marine Le Pen excluded the German AfD from the European party ID because they ad…[View]
472841478why is it right wing party in western world always pro israel i mean can they just be conservative w…[View]
472827445I'M NOT A SHILL: I come seeking truth. the Jews don't run the world. that's too easy.…[View]
472840633>Day 860 of the 2 day special operation[View]
472840852Forced fatherhood (namely a woman becoming pregnant against a man's will or without his consent…[View]
472837656Why is the average right wing nazi under 30 yrs old like this?[View]
472833990I don't see why brown people emigrating to Europe or 'white countries' is a bad thing. They mix…[View]
472843347R8 my partition plan for South Africa: Two racially homogeneous states for whites and blacks respect…[View]
472835847Are Kazakhs the most chad race in asia?: People usually say the japanese are the best looking race i…[View]
472792100Have you ever been caught using 4chan by Normies?: I've been posting here for maybe 10 years an…[View]
472828584Boomers and Jew Worship: Why do boomers almost universally worship Jews?[View]
472838158100% TARRIFF ON CHINKMOBILES: How will china cope?[View]
472840454Do all Euros obsess over traveling to Ibiza or is it just Brits[View]
472842472Should people with autism just be shot? I see them fall into two categories.1. They actually have au…[View]
472843206Why do you love division instead of unity?[View]
472838795Pedos are literal sub-males[View]
472840402Literal cringe[View]
472838756/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14719: ▶Prev: >>472827684 ▶Day: 858 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472842963why is it le bad to hate jews?: why can't you hate who you want to hate?[View]
472836213brit/pol/ 2 days to go: >Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt https://www.bbc.c…[View]
472821414Zoomers: How are my fellow zoomers coping with being priced out of life? I just turned 24 and starte…[View]
472828139Muslims are really the most pathetic cowards on the planet, even worse than Jews: >whole religion…[View]
472841664I got tired of my dad blasting 24 hour news cycle from 7 AM-9PM in our house so I changed the parent…[View]
472837007Did you know Mohammed wore crusty cum rags?[View]
472839078Nationalism will win: World peace.[View]
472841628This is humiliating. Eric Weinstein constantly misunderstands his points. Meanwhile he has accomplis…[View]
472842313>Another year of me promising to deport the Mexicans (and then conveniently claiming that the Dem…[View]
472807817The Rammstein 'Deutschland' song was a prophecy: I have unraveled the profound symbolism at play. Th…[View]
472838676Will Trump end the importation of poojeets?[View]
472831361We have literally no future, do we? Boomers destroyed everything[View]
472842227Societies social contract is breaking down: Because of the niggernet. I propose all white people sto…[View]
472821013how do we stop women from fraud and extortion based on looks? look how intelligently she models her …[View]
472837209East and Southeast Asia will soon rule the world How do we prepare for this future? Should we interb…[View]
472835345How do we stop islam and save the white race[View]
472834994Project 2025: Gay psyop or real?[View]
472840700So if white people disappeared then niggers will go extinct too cause no more gibs for them? Jews al…[View]
472837062I testify the Book of Mormon was given to us by Jesus Christ[View]
472841642It's not the jews goy: it's not the jews goy it's not the jews goy please don't …[View]
472841153Every time I think about a women I think of her as a literal shape-shifting lying demon that can mul…[View]
472817140IRELAND YES!: They are about to destroy a 200 y/o tree to make space for the refugees. Isn't th…[View]
472840207Christians say that wanting to transcend God is wrong. Pagans say that wanting to transcend nature i…[View]
472841442Kill niggers.[View]
472832515ZAMMFOTZN: Cut cyclists Run over cyclists Push over cyclists Crush cyclists Mangle cyclist corpse…[View]
472838107Conservative Americans, what would you think of a public education system that also required and lim…[View]
472841257If a people is so easily genocided, do they truly deserve a place in God's earth?[View]
472792952aus/pol/: https://archive.md/8cxsa >Victorian politicians will receive their second 3.5 per cent …[View]
472822585VAXXED: LOL: https://x.com/thephysicsgirl/status/1807498226247098445 I don't know why I hate h…[View]
472840276How do wagies in China, America and other shitholes live without ~30 vacation days/year? I have been…[View]
472840789Capitalism is the truth. Embrace it. What you see now in this age is capitalism plus tikkun olam. Ti…[View]
472837387HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAH: Russia using women to fight PATHETIC Look at that you chud fuck, you’re let…[View]
472840716Apeel: Our food is under attack. Now they use toxic oils to turn fruit into plastic.[View]
472838278korwin-mikke is coolest european politician: prove me wrong[View]
472825400Attractive Woman: What’s going to be the end result of their being no attractive woman in American. …[View]
472821937if ukraine is winning why do young men risk their lives to flee the country?[View]
472840275Today I will remind the goy[View]
472831507Do you have a bullshit job /pol/?[View]
472838182there are no kings in america: no one is above the law not even the president of the united states…[View]
472837053Why are the libs freaking out[View]
472837931Are you guys laughing with me or at me?[View]
472828205Boomers once again proving they're the most based generation: >least tattooed >least numb…[View]
472826376Ukraine War Over: You're welcome, Australia has pretty much ended the Russian incursion into th…[View]
472837854Is climate change a Zionist plot to peacefully genocide shitskins?[View]
472833951Mike Vallely says he will join SEAL Team Six!: >Legendary skater and tough guy Mike Vallely says …[View]
472836859It's unofficially official. America is now a white minority country. The census results from fo…[View]
472835683People always talk about how they would kill Pedophiles, but there is literally a group operating op…[View]
472829347Since your thread gets deleted on /x/ for posting conspiracies, let's discuss the cabal here. W…[View]
472839857https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF0ShxWuFBs NOOOOO YOU CAN'T FORCE A GOYM TO DIE FOR ANOTHER GO…[View]
472839405I used to be highly proficient with AI, but I sang a song driving my car home one day and now I am a…[View]
472834757/pol/ approved movies/shows: I need a movie /pol/ Something good Old, New, anything you rate > 7/…[View]
472836329Can we just have carbon taxes already?: I can't take this heat much longer bros.[View]
472833599Russia managed to retrieve an Ukrainian American-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles: Three la…[View]
472836335Why are leftists trying to phase out fireworks?: Vast majority of them do not cause forest fires, th…[View]
472837973Have you stopped using a website because website owners are globohomo zogbot drones?[View]
472828916Humiliation Rituals: To get into those special/elite clubs you have to partake in a humiliation ritu…[View]
472839429Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472837499Remember that time they cancelled Canada Day and burnt down a bunch of Churches because someone said…[View]
472837997I dislike black 'people'.[View]
472838831he cute.[View]
472833916Pretty cool. This will eliminate the need for importing to the third world to drive their trucks.[View]
472838191Is Rowan Atkinson white?[View]
472839050When did you realize that Israel is truly /OUR/ greatest ally??[View]
472837324Is this a good solution to the Israel vs Palestine Conflict?: How would you solve it?[View]
472837705How do blacks obtain social housing so easily?: In my locality ALL blacks are housed in social housi…[View]
472834115You aren’t safe from Ohio[View]
472831681ummmm Israel??????????? [WARNING!!!]: Houthis' 'Encircle Israel' Plan Out; Fighters F…[View]
472838320You are voting, aren't you?: You do understand what your vote could mean don't you?[View]
472832660If I were in charge, I would ban all religions.: Kikery. Christianity and Islam also. Nothing gayer …[View]
472833506Is this the future for incels? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCg6E-Kv1aQ[View]
472835600Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472823319Explain me Kaffirs: How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
472826856Why do gooks like to cook their food at the dinner table, especially at restaurants? If I'm pay…[View]
472825950It's over: The Netherlands is now ruled by a literal glownigger as prime minister. The former d…[View]
472837745Can any southerners tell us about Prichard, Alabama? Apparently it's one of the most violent ci…[View]
472836764Soon: Hezbollah will soon face the wrath of the IDF in Lebanon. Like hamas, they will soon learn tha…[View]
472834265What I never understood is how come it's always 'party a' vs 'party b', and always the same? It…[View]
472838131America: This says alot about society.[View]
472838116As far as I know, there still are no decent English language translations of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn…[View]
472838106This guy is controlled opposition isnt he? Isnt he like a freaky Israel lover? A golem If I may. Not…[View]
472831956IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT GOD IS A FAGGOT: Christcucks absolutely CANNOT refute this 100% fact: If god …[View]
472837794Is big pharma really Jewish?: Was having convo with someone today and was told that Jews don't …[View]
472827684/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14718: ▶Prev: >>472818991 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield ass…[View]
472831649Who is the most graceful, elegant, and dignified woman on the earth right now?[View]
472837362>be retarded incel >get called out for being retarded incel >'uhm you're indian or chi…[View]
472830237freak incident in Finlands tank museum: Foreigners singing Russian battle songs in Finlands museum h…[View]
472832369Why does everyone hates white people ( including themselves)[View]
472835558why patriot can't intercept an iskander-m ?[View]
472837115Please don’t elect Trump: He’s gonna save America (which is bad) We were so close to defeating globo…[View]
472806746What exactly is so controversial about the Supreme Court's ruling? Of course you cannot sue or …[View]
472835886Drones and Cameras are the future of all politics and wars: Truth is the police force will stop exis…[View]
472836603I find it funny that 20 something years ago, Trump (conservative) said he was fine with gays in the …[View]
472837220So /pol/, what's your vision of the future? Based on current events, where do you think we…[View]
472837149BREAKING: kerch bridge got once again struck by ukrainian drone and is on verge of collapse, the tra…[View]
472837195Countries changing income category in FY25: This year, three countries—Bulgaria, Palau, and Russia—m…[View]
472837166Weird fact: In 1900, the population of Egypt was 10 million. In 2022, the population of Egypt was 11…[View]
472835285I have no strong feelings about any of the following: Pedophilia. Animal torture. Serial killers (if…[View]
472825790>'heheh the left can't meme' >continues posting the same 2014 made up sargon talking poin…[View]
472836314>Turns out the yanks wanted to be ruled by a King all along APOLOGIZE[View]
472818355brit/pol/: Good Morning edition: I've not given up on winning, says Rishi Sunak >https://www…[View]
472834663message from work manager: >Clownworld put your phone in the phone jail wagey…[View]
472832537How did faggots take over christianity?: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WeyYzFq-UPQ[View]
472833198July 22nd 2024: 6:04am it happens.[View]
472819742American conservative gang raped by Russian soldiers.[View]
472797966Bin Hortons: Why does the entire nation of India want to immigrate to Canada just to sling shit coff…[View]
472824216British Empire VS Boers: Who was in the wrong here?[View]
472830679How does pressurized gas stick to a spinning ball moving several million miles per hour?[View]
472825193So why would the government and the rich elites want lots of racemixing? I don't understand how…[View]
472831516do you have a go-to political pundit to guide you through the spider web of bullshit and lies those …[View]
472829479Fuck America: Americans are the scum of the earth. The only thing you see from their women are this …[View]
472835995why are we europeans so ignorant about real christianity? it causes political friction with our alli…[View]
472826955Australians love thread >Fuck off we're full Come to Kazakhstan <3…[View]
472832635Are trumptards here really so mindbroken by epic memes to not understand that you're gonna be t…[View]
472834302Landlords: When leftist cucks say landlords are le bad they mean they want you to live in ze pod. Th…[View]
472780104Imagine a world that was just whites, Japanese, and Nepalese. Could it get more perfect than that?[View]
472835705Is there anything worse than having a passion for politics and the humanities yet being antisocial a…[View]
472833331Hierarquy of problems in clown world: 1º FED 2º Kikes 3º Women 4º Imigration 5º Usury solution: 1…[View]
472835575How true is this?[View]
472817512Wade Wilson: Serial Killer: >Handsome >6’6” >Living in the USA >Can literally do whateve…[View]
472833235You give nigger money, you try to help them, but they would still hate you. Fuck them, just fuck th…[View]
472829587china is collapsing: china is expect to collapse in 2030s after ccp collapse japan will become gdp 2…[View]
472832985Was the conflict between the so-called 'Soviet Union' and the alleged 'United States of America' com…[View]
472830414/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16961: Previous:>>472825141 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
472833335You wouldn't be an extremist if you just talked to girls: Most of you are political extremists …[View]
472827158Romans were Brown people: How is /pol/ living with that fact? The Greeks weren't any better, bt…[View]
472835689'L'humanité' is a 1999 film by the French director Bruno Dumont. In the film, a small…[View]
472832763Memes and videos that make people racist: What memes and videos make people racist?[View]
472827465How long until we see $20 coins and $100 bills be the norm while smaller legal tender stops being ma…[View]
472833303History Legends is the only source of journalism I trust to break down the war for me. Hes been tell…[View]
472831844yikes. this is it. this is the beginning[View]
472831141Well the 'conservatives' are winning. Congrats, guys, you memed the US into a dictatorship. Untold h…[View]
472835531If reparation laws were passed it would be amazing how race would suddenly be real and detectable vi…[View]
472828140The coin clippers are winning.[View]
472827674summarize a presidency using only a single image or gif[View]
472827915Uh…that’s a pretty specific metaphor Javier…[View]
472835427>Biden is senile therefore we should elect literally orange Hitler to save the great satan cause …[View]
472835388I know it's basically a meme at this point: But how much would we need to raise for an effectiv…[View]
472821532How come most old books say Columbus discovered America in 1592?[View]
472832032Patriots are in control.[View]
472835245Uncanny: >disgusting, dishonourable, cowardly, weak cretin of a man >as soon as life gets diff…[View]
472827774WHAT IF THEYRE LIKE GORILLAS?: Or another species?[View]
472835236Pastoralism literally solves every single issue: And you're a kike if you disagree. If everyone…[View]
4727971589/11 Thread: Does anyone have any rare 9/11 media? Rare 9/11 thread[View]
472832319WATER USAGE LAWS FUCKING UP MY SHOWER!!!!: californian here. i just took off the restrictor plate on…[View]
472833104Do be like dat[View]
472834350Violence and Genocide: Violence is often necessary to protect and save innocent lives. There are mal…[View]
472826247DUDE!: wanna crash tha mall?[View]
472829222Are We Really Going To Wait For This Clown To Prosecute His Political Opponents?[View]
472828843UFO DAY: This is a UFO Day Digital Disclosure Chain - please share to those who care - We are so cl…[View]
472828697Nobody is laughing anymore: Anybody else notice this lately?[View]
472815419A modern day warrior Mean, mean stride Today's Tom Sawyer Mean, mean pride[View]
472831373who runs the foreskin business: Fibroblasts, stem cells, all that it's pretty close to human tr…[View]
472830695Russian national champion is now representing Georgia.: Russbros…, it’s over isn’t it? One after ano…[View]
472834045Blacks Glocks Etc: Just spent 4 hours watching noggers Kill each other on YouTube. Love how municip…[View]
472831068You are all Gay: >never fucked a vagina >hates women >find rediculous excusses not to bang …[View]
472827431Plastic is stored in the balls[View]
472832854How does this even happen?[View]
472802351Tattoos: >2018 >roughly half of all people have a t*ttoo how bad is it now, and is there any w…[View]
472833405Today is a good day: >leftist are seething[View]
472811340(((Tucker Carlson))) is retarded: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1807962818169417920 Fuck (((Tuc…[View]
472831693This is a real combat footage of a real combatant getting killed in a real combat zone[View]
472828335Being tall is pointless. If there's another I can't reach I'll just get a step ladder…[View]
472824301Millennials 1st Saint Carlo 'Defender of the Lutherans) Acutis: >be 15-year-old incel gamer >p…[View]
472833001I AM FORGOTTEN[View]
472831249Why is their culture so similar to the US?[View]
472831766Question for /pol/ pagans and spiritual people inspired by paganism: do you take inspiration from Am…[View]
472831870How and why did he beat medicare?[View]
472819905How does this make you feel?[View]
472831440I need a 5'7 virgin tranny gf with a small cute penis[View]
472832905Can you even imagine the horror?[View]
472827808>tfw /pol/ was unironically right about jews >literally everything >the banks >basically…[View]
472828074#NMBW - No More Brothers Wars: NWO wants you to pick up a weapon and kill this man because he's…[View]
472829123Most of modern problems came from our ancestors having jungle fever. Was it worth it?[View]
472829003SAY IT WITH ME, MADAME PRESIDENT MICHELLE OBAMA: You're telling me you'd rather vote for t…[View]
472824838Women don't seem to generally like men do they?: Do they know we're redpilled as fuck on t…[View]
472832525What’s good /pol/I am le literal computer here to tell you the sky is grey.[View]
472767348/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #1511: Previous >>472744840 ▶WARNING Glowniggers are try…[View]
472831198TAX BOYCOTT: who likes paying taxes? why dont we just get everyone to band together and stop paying …[View]
472830458worst on record hurricane: To provide a comparative analysis of Hurricane Beryl on a historical scal…[View]
472830672I'm feeling kind of sad and the whisky isn't helping like it used to. I'm too depress…[View]
472827244Why are women so masochistic?: They always cry about toxic boyfriends but they are unable to leave t…[View]
472829312ships operating on arctic banned from using this oil!: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpv3dk4ydr3…[View]
472830904French extreme right: Why so gay? Who can vote for these faggots and their Algerian mutt leader?…[View]
472822718have I seriously been wasting time and energy arguing with bots online all this time ?[View]
472832135Binding Blade is better than any other Fire Emblem[View]
472826829man from Iran shot in Germany: he tried to stab some people https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutsch…[View]
472829069Women should be depopulated like how jews depopulate goy: Jews say non Jews are made from the evil e…[View]
472827386i am still voting for joe biden. i don't care that he has dementia[View]
472831805The possibility of Mexicanization and warlordism in the United States?: Honestly, I don't think…[View]
472831979SLEEP TIGHT ANIKI: RIP BB https://youtu.be/zIl39HdaXD0 yagumineda![View]
472831687I hope you're wife isn't as dumb as mine: Today my 6 year old was retelling a story his mo…[View]
472822249Ukrainian Drone Kills (Another) Literal Congo Nigger Mercenary[View]
472828675I can't afford to live and I went to college and got a 'good' job. The dollar is going to die s…[View]
472831708ORANGE MAN BAD[View]
472831549Transgenderism is socially tolerated mass homophobia.[View]
472819313BLACKED.COM FUNDING GENDER TRANSITION: Vixen Media Company that owns Blacked.com announced a gender …[View]
472823694/pol/ has been unusable ever since right-wingers raided this website in 2016[View]
472830645Christcucks never learn: >With the Oklahoma House's passage of Senate Bill 36, which permits…[View]
472831290>east slav, west slav, south slav, baltic, magyar, romanian, greek, gypsy, finn, scandinavian, sa…[View]
472825757How will the Ching Chong Chinese counter large scale sea mining operation?[View]
472828204Are there people here who realize the fight is not physical? It's spiritual. The real owners of…[View]
472831184Why is Islamic terrorism not so common in the United States anymore? The last big Islamic terrorist …[View]
472831248Rate my website. https://www.myfuckinwebsite.motorcycles/ >not political the website clearly ment…[View]
472831195>now has the power to assassinate his political enemies with immunity >doesn’t do it What’s hi…[View]
472828203>Who do we hate? Niggers ands Jews! >Why do we hate them? Because they steal and kill! >Who…[View]
472826820I think this Nigger might unironically be a genius: i think i just got it. I cant speak to any of hi…[View]
472820311I'm planning on cooking for the Fourth: Anyone who stops by is welcome I'll have fresh fr…[View]
472813053HAPPENING: Busch Gardens has fallen https://twitter.com/i/status/1807441760265580565[View]
472829472Are you out here on these streets, /pol/?[View]
472830945Misinformation about Asian blood will not be tolerated.[View]
472828624I'm having vacation. It's fucking depressing. Even being at my shit job which I hate with …[View]
472823854An “official act” of a president: means an executive order in writing in line with the laws and cons…[View]
472827616FUTURE FRENCH PRESIDENT: >Ok, i am done here. >From now on, i am fully supporting any agenda K…[View]
472825660Any questions?[View]
472827532A Sigma is a Beta Male on TRT: You’ll never be like us.[View]
472824333White boys... did we lose?..[View]
472825141/УзУ/- Уютнaя Зaвapyшкa нa Укpaинe #16960: Previous:>>472794986 Timeline /tug/: https://files.…[View]
472825172>mfw the Ukrainian race won't exist 50 years from now[View]
472827309Russia is unstoppab-ACK![View]
472829961>Take over police force >Politically align with citizens >Not restrict freedom of speech on…[View]
472827222I guess we're all dildos: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/microplastic-found-in-penis…[View]
472820877Well /pol/ now that his “ancient evil” boogeyman narrative is finished, who’s the next boogeyman? …[View]
472827844… : fnord : …[View]
472819326Why is he so orange? Is he trying to copy Trump?[View]
472815809RIP Cheeks aka Niko: He was with 20+ of his homies on the block in Humboldt park when he was gun dow…[View]
472826651Red Pill me on the Civil Right movement. Did CIA started it? Were all Hippies MKUltra, LSD'd ou…[View]
4728298124chan is my own personal mental asylum[View]
472829103USA: Leaving America was a godsend There is nothing worth living in america Even years later I’m tr…[View]
472829157Should I trust her, bros?: Can she be trusted? She is a 10/10 but we only see eachother once a month…[View]
472812452Joe Biden can now nolonger be prosecuted. He is immune from any legal ramifications on the job. He c…[View]
472813601The Midwest is the last hope for the white race: what are the political implications of the Midwest …[View]
472822926BLOCKS YOUR WAY[View]
472827366Why do jews and media push climate change so much? What do they gain from it?[View]
472829467Rumplestiltskin: We won bros[View]
472821085Jews and Indians are unstoppable.[View]
472819240if you're not retired by 30 you're basically a slave, let's be honest.[View]
472829288are avars white? justify your answer. politically speaking.[View]
472829283what are the political emplications of a poor African country being this clean[View]
472823384JRE's Grey Eminence: A Grey Eminence is like the puppetmaster. The term originates, as far as I…[View]
472810666These are the 10 best cities to live in 2024 according to experts. Are they right?[View]
472818060Why is there no law against outsourcing? This shit is objectively bad for everyone and makes worse r…[View]
472810337The SCOTUS Decision that BUCKBROKE Reddit.[View]
472828885Felony convictions must be thrown out: It's unconstitutional to call Donald Trump a felon I hop…[View]
472826470>all indians are rapists[View]
472827007am I the only one who find this moment the funniest thing ever[View]
472821039Its like a rorshacs test for how you think [civilization] will end[View]
472826928Why are there tents everywhere?[View]
472800605White southerners are the most subhuman race: Moving down here was the worst mistake I've ever …[View]
472804844If Trump wins in November there's going to be a steamrolling of policies coming out in January …[View]
472804908Drug addiction does not exist: This is going to shock some people, but it's true. I will explai…[View]
472822938Canadacuck Jeet Invasion: is there anything a Canadian can *realistically* do to protest the invasio…[View]
472827507Just start supporting Jews guys: Be on the winning side. It's not too late.[View]
472827420Are there really random nigger from Africa who go around cities across UK? My friends tell me UK jus…[View]
472828604How are Kamikaze pilots regarded in modern day Japan?[View]
472827330Why is Canada so homphobic? How can we stop this?[View]
472821577Is Nothing Sacred: Looking at backpacks and came across this guys review/customer image. https://www…[View]
472828091at least 90% of Americans need to be slaughtered[View]
472824645Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, …[View]
472823451Why is negroid fashion like this?[View]
472792831Red Pill Thread: Post some red pills. >>>/wsg/5598450 >American Jews are committed to cu…[View]
472828324>All the Jews telling me to vote for Trump It's really sickening. Whoever gives Israel more …[View]
472825968This guy is our minister of economic affairs[View]
472821727>17 year-old Badminton's rising star dies after collapsing during tournament Why so many you…[View]
472826377Fellow white people, do you ever think about all of the unimaginable, suicide-inducing, nightmarish …[View]
472828185What is the future of Europeans?: Will they eventually adopt a judeo style of living? High IQ, Small…[View]
472827718The election after Biden drops the Epstein Files in October[View]
472827440dementia joe or Zion Don >on a scale from one to holy fuck how screwed are we?…[View]
472784657BREAKING!! TURKEY AND SYRIA ABOUT TO GO AT IT: https://nitter.poast.org/UKR_Report[View]
472823362Why aren't you wearing leather clothes?[View]
472824370russia already had a gender ratio that favoured finding a hot wife. Now with the war in Ukraine it i…[View]
472827557I'm tired of being patient with stupid people. Not just with stupid niggers, though they are by…[View]
472826458Based Gaben: Donbass is now considered as Russian territory in Steam. And you can bet Gabe is going …[View]
472825878Why pol worship this jew?[View]
472827003how jews got in position to control everything?[View]
472824200I'm gonna miss these guys.: Once all of the Silent Generation go, so does the concrete St Franc…[View]
472826102Why do pseudointellectuals worship this obnoxious cock-sucking commie nigger?[View]
472818991/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14717: ▶Prev: >>472810073 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472827443>Taxes Fake >Money Fake >Sex Fake >Society Fake >Politics Fake >Death Fake >G…[View]
472822246Female To Male Tranny 'Gender Euphoria from being sexist to trans women': They said they use pol kek…[View]
472814849People in America have become so goddamn stupid it’s infuriating: Just look at the difference betwee…[View]
472824341Dystopian nightmare[View]
472823935I can prove this is politcal: Was there even a Zenith console with green lights on the front of a gr…[View]
472810544Nigeria wants its gold back: LOL, you know shit's fucked when Nigerians are telling the UK to g…[View]
472826516You bloody do the needful and vote for me or you are the bloody benchod bastard[View]
472825383/pbg/ president biden general: Joe Biden has this in the bag. >'LET ME HEAR YOU SAY 4 MORE YEARS'…[View]
472824386You people do realize there is no real white genocide going on, right? Kikes have been around foreve…[View]
472820569>inflation exists therefore currency is worthless Why are goldcels like this? Currency just exist…[View]
472825547Last month I earned enough to pay almost all taxes: LIFE IS FUCKING GREAT[View]
472817916Why do Republicans always lose the popular vote? Zoomers have grown up in a country where the majori…[View]
472823492Who are the actual niggers of Europe?[View]
472802799Heil Cernunnos: Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, Jesus christ is a filthy kike, Sithh…[View]
472816855Trump bros…it’s over[View]
472826179kill all trannies in the name of god, white men are an abomination and shouldn't be allowed in …[View]
472821236it all makes sense now[View]
472824549Jai hind[View]
472821711>wasn't at the Trump new years party >wasn't in the Trump family christmas photo …[View]
472810950why did he do it?[View]
472820852you already eat the bugs: let that sink in...[View]
472826285American Scams: >The company attracted significant negative media attention when consumers and jo…[View]
472824698They are using military technology to mock biblical scripture[View]
472821408Which World War 3 scenario seems most likely? The recent draft changes make it clear that they expec…[View]
472826020something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472826531You heard it here first, trump is HITLER (even know he's not president or hold any kind of gove…[View]
472824062What if Terrorists attack after 4pm?: Who the fuck is running the country when Biden only works from…[View]
472826378something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472819187I know the truth. You don't. So listen. The cabal is real. There is no fucking Jewish conspirac…[View]
472822992Germany debates reviving its cold war nuclear bunkers: I mean, we want to survive the nuclear holoca…[View]
472826197Young professionals, particularly women, are leaving Russia in droves.: Other countries are getting …[View]
472818324Why don't we just make our own country?[View]
472825044I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the Westboro Baptist Church and L Ron Hubbard.…[View]
472823906Why would I work my ass off to keep a coop and prune potatoes, when I can buy them after an hour of …[View]
472823485It's over anons. The democrats are going to be taking aggressive actions by writing a strongly …[View]
472826375MEGA: MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: Europe's Trump seizes control of the EU![View]
472824749Bump if you know you know[View]
472812198Why are indians hated in Canada despite high achievers?: Not our fault your land collapsing Built o…[View]
472821467France can launch supersonic 300kt nuclear missiles from Rafales at zigger hordes over 600 km away[View]
472810687King Charles has dissolved Parliament and appointed YOU, anon, as Prime Minister with wide-ranging d…[View]
472820423I could save her.[View]
472821499I’m more partial to brave new world, but how does /pol feel in the direction of the world currently?[View]
472825489Why can't Ukraine into drone Tu-4's to bomb Russia into submission?[View]
472826248So nothing is happening?: Both cucked out after all[View]
472825941What is your opinion on Angela Merkel?[View]
472823653I've changed my mind about trannies. MtFs are women. Anyone that acts like a woman is a woman. …[View]
472823043I have to say.. the American government and Biden start to be really based somehow. I mean, Drumpf i…[View]
472822159Unhinged: And demented. How can you vote Trump after this Truth-tweet?[View]
472822437What are the political Implications of the left starting civil war 2?: What are the political Implic…[View]
472825922Where does the Alpinid race stand in Nordicist theories? What are the implications of me being an Al…[View]
472818204Stop saying the N word: I have had it up to here with you racists thinking you can still get away wi…[View]
472825843Were Arab peninsula Arabs always subhumans? Like even in ancient times? What do you think about the …[View]
472825861How do you know we are living in an insane asylum taken over by madmen? People who are willing to mu…[View]
472822799What’re your 4th of July plans?: How do you celebrate America Day?[View]
472821493Why is everyone obsessed with this paper Lol[View]
472815880NPNW: We needed a based No Pussy No Work thread. /discuss[View]
472817357Daily reminder that President Trump and military intelligence posted on this board and the only reas…[View]
472824249What the fuck is this shit: Hey guys. Did you know that it’s illegal to call for violent action to u…[View]
472825107Failure To Launch: Why are so many zoomers failing to launch and leave their parents house and start…[View]
472814319What's happening with the Yen?[View]
472818450Why has Antifa been so quiet? Are they all too busy OD'ing or have their orders been given to s…[View]
472820127CALIFORNIA: How does it feel to be in the most beautiful/iconic part of America that is simultaneous…[View]
472818007WE MUST DISMANTLE JEWISH SUPREMACY!: https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/06/we-must-dismantle-jewish-s…[View]
472824603He knew about America's unsustainable debt. The sitting president wouldn't matter.[View]
472824607>being trad housewives will actually make women happi-ACK![View]
472819220Do you actually belieee Biden is some 'deep state' master schemer?: How do you even cling to the del…[View]
4728039204chan is 95% bots: The rest are jewish trolls[View]
472823266I'm proud of my country[View]
472824488Fashion is elitism[View]
472823229Sweden makes it criminal to deny a certain event.: What's the Streisand effect? Dunno! This cou…[View]
472823526Why are they like this?[View]
472818915This is how the election is going to play out.[View]
472794986/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16959: Previous: >>472782792 Timeline /tug/:https…[View]
472823723SCREEN DOOR SLAMS: Mary’s dress sways. Like a vision, she dances across the porch as the radio pla…[View]
472809140The Anti White Agenda: https://x.com/JRubinBlogger/status/1807049976830177390 >The Anti White Age…[View]
472816104Is Justice Sotomayor suggesting Biden kill Trump?: She said Biden can literally just order the SEALS…[View]
472824031Everybody knows the Book of Mormon[View]
472824683Funny Moustache Man when?: >Hamburg, Germany. 28th Nov, 2023. Anne Meier-Göring (M), presiding ju…[View]
472814227LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION NOW! >dissolves the bitterness of involuntarily celibates >makes life ea…[View]
472821116>mfw MIGAniggers lose again[View]
472824422Jared Fogle iPhone 2 MySpace Pocket Crew Channel 7 Ho-Chi-Min Harry Potter Eminem 2012 Post-Punk Dar…[View]
472814357why don't sunni Muslims stand up against Israel? seems like the only resistance against israel…[View]
472820770IT IS OVER: Trump completely BTFO Owari Da Es ist vorbei[View]
472819803Milei promised law and order...[View]
472821953Are brazilians the most watered down ethnicity in the world?: Everybody knows that a chubby 6.0 whit…[View]
472823692>get this Barack, I ordered the hit in front of his wife hehe xD >Aw cmon Joe you didn't …[View]
472814795Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472822761So, They're Remaking This: Who is the target audience? The microcosm of American angst represen…[View]
472823571Will someone tell those fucking Italians to stop eating so many olives ?[View]
472817421To whom it may concern, Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. As you navigate through …[View]
472816957You are now a nigger.: How do you fix African America?[View]
472822890HAPPENING! NEW DEGEN SHIRT RELEASED: You all remember the degen shirt: >'I love (<3) Canada' B…[View]
472823209AYO hol' up *Record scratches* *Music stops* Ya that's me , you're probably wonder…[View]
472817203Is there a racial difference in fear of dying/death? I just don't understand why some races are…[View]
472823835It's clear to everyone now that there are new battle lines drawn in the political theater. On o…[View]
472807741redpill me on 'discord': if there is one thing /pol/ has taught me that would be there is always a h…[View]
472822358Is Reform a Labour psyop to split the right wing vote?[View]
472823680Ren and Stimpy ignorers always being up the APC as if it was the original cartoon and be like 'nick …[View]
472823600The face of racism in Orange, Texas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ri5N79viJ0 You see this is exa…[View]
472812106Kanye West is now on Ukraine's kill list.[View]
472814405>2024 >unvaxxed >unbothered >moisturised >in my lane >focused >happy anyone els…[View]
472817983Presidential Immunity For Thee: >The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the Unit…[View]
472818429Reminder that Russia failing to take Kyiv in 2.5 years would be like the USA failing to take Calgary…[View]
472823381pol help me out: What the fuck does this mean, but also Name my band >inb4 deep fake https://www…[View]
472819395When did responsible, honest men become social jokes?: In the old days, a man would be responsible i…[View]
472818346If not for abortion laws america would have become Doctor Kongo by now.[View]
472823060Its 2024 and we still have war: When will humans have no war anymore?[View]
472822853Why are muslims like this?[View]
472784141ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY HAPPENING: Democrat hero Anthony Fauci is in a big heap of trouble!: To the fuck-f…[View]
472820821is project 2025 real[View]
472822296I can feel it coming in the air tonight.[View]
472822439right wing populism[View]
472821978Time in time I know when it's time to leave[View]
472822620Seriously. Says a lot about national priorities that everyone be talking about what are DEMOCRATS go…[View]
472822732Capitalism was never the way, left and right belong to the Zion,Third position is the only right pat…[View]
472821465forsaken: >be me, preschooler in 2003 >well-off conservative protestant family in montana >…[View]
472803346What went wrong?[View]
472822920>my fellow americans, we've apprehended and arrested the former president for the security o…[View]
472822827no... it can't be...[View]
472802713There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.[View]
472821212Grandkids: So seeing how there is a political demographic decline in pretty much every jewished rule…[View]
472822782Are penal batalions based or shows desperation? Is Ukraine winning if its only cleaning its jails no…[View]
472821090I don't get it. SCOTUS sent the ruling down to the lower courts. That doesn't make it now …[View]
472820996>no gf >no friends >no family >no job >no life get to my level, normalfaggots…[View]
472791660Genuis jew noble prize winner argues with crackpot black man about 1x1=2 https://www.youtube.com/wat…[View]
472817790Does /pol/ approve of van life? It seems like a smart way to avoid having your wealth sucked up by a…[View]
472821647Racism makes no sense: Germans won't exist in 1,000 years. Chinese won't exist in 1,000 ye…[View]
472811920Are the ukranians aware what losing 15 to 1 while the rest of the country is being bombed into obliv…[View]
472816872reminder that industrialization has caused immense suffering[View]
472816779Will the internet slowly make women redpilled as they see how weird/creepy blacks and third worlders…[View]
472799867US ARMY BIG TITTY RECRUITMENT: this is a US army recruiting goyim for ww3 in 2024. how the standards…[View]
472821897The switch of Narrative about the election was so sudden.: What's really going on? Are we getti…[View]
472816909January 6th never forget: >a mob literally hunting down the house Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gallows e…[View]
472821026pol will defend this[View]
472819885The Book of Mormon just so happens to be true[View]
472821739Zoomer and Anime Woman: Why do so many Zoomers seem to prefer watching female anime characters over …[View]
472821587White girl and her 4 nigger bulls kill a 15 year old girl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2VbuCIfA…[View]
472819935does the cia really have a black budget with zero accountability and transparency[View]
472821117How can Israel win in Lebanon: >2006 Hezbollah >2023 Hamas >2024 Hamas…[View]
472809544What will the world look like in 10 years?: We have 3 options. 1. The right wing parties win all ove…[View]
472813480Zoroastrianism is the way to salvation: We know little about the ancient religions of Europe, but we…[View]
472817803How often are you actually genuinely happy?[View]
472820068It’s Chad: I’m fucking calling it. Letting Trump get away with all will set the stage for perma Weim…[View]
472821346CHILD RAPIST ON DUTCH OLYMPICS TEAM: he drugged and raped a 12 year old girl. explain yourselves dut…[View]
472820806French bros I kneel...[View]
472821252polmericans, your response?[View]
472814934Why doesn't he run for president?[View]
472821826Failed African states: We must honestly admit: independent states in Africa did not work out - they …[View]
472819609Who will be the new democratic nominee?[View]
472821368Cyka blyat! Yolki palki![View]
472819720>these niggers thought I was going to resign because of an 'election' haha, what's that all …[View]
472821278Kaffir fear this: Glory to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan[View]
472817664Libs. Wont. Do. Shit.: You nigger faggot trannies here me??? YOUR BOY >WONT >>DO >>…[View]
472819798Christianity is THE MOST ANTISEMITIC belief system of all time.[View]
472818203I didn’t care to watch this guy: What did he ramble on about today[View]
472817249SCOTUS Just Gave Biden UNLIMITED Power!: Dumb move drumpf[View]
472821133How do I get a thousand dollars no questions asked[View]
472820756Fuck India and their disgusting creatures: Indians are disgusting and repulsive. They belong nowhere…[View]
472818795>they expect me to sell semen and dirty bath water to stay afloat in san francisco: this is fucki…[View]
472816579I pooped.[View]
472804255/pol/ humor thread[View]
472818096Why are Republicans constantly allowed to break the rules but Democrats aren't?[View]
472820255Apologize: Richard Nixon didnu NUFFIN according to the Supreme Court.[View]
472817900George Floyd Edits: They make me happy[View]
472808049Why is this region so repugnant?: I went to school with a southerner, complete and utter niggers tho…[View]
472816286Covid-19 vaccine truth thread: We need a thread dedicated to the undeniable truth of the vaccines. W…[View]
472817949Workplace accidents up 17%: I crunched the numbers with ChatGPT 17% since 2021 (back to work) to 202…[View]
472820591Santa Clarita Diet[View]
47279989610 Muslims Beat 2 White Lesbians: They catcalled the lesbians who told them off. Then they made homo…[View]
472817926Average lifespan of e-celeb fems is less than 12h now.: Hawk whatever girl is already forgotten, onl…[View]
472814925Let me read for you article 2, section 4 of the US constitution. >The President, Vice President a…[View]
472818120>don’t worship a dead jew nailed to a stick. >spend eternity in boiling feces cause reasons C…[View]
472768381HAPPENING: Irish feminist mouthpiece dies on live TV: At least she got the vax https://x.com/jeffshe…[View]
472815542awesome: Take the beard pill, pol. It is the fastest way to cure you from inceldom, because nothing …[View]
472820215Fuck you /pol/!!!!! You Far-Right Theocratic Christofascist Nazi chuds are equally as bad as the Com…[View]
472813773Stunning-ly out-of-touch[View]
472818527You are all freaking out about a power they have had essentially since the start. Know that they can…[View]
472814721Can someone please explain why a bunch of faggots are flooding onto every other board crying about a…[View]
472812362Guys..I’m black[View]
472815413What are the political implications of swaths of young men >never having sex or experiencing love…[View]
472814016Biden just has a stutter dumbasses[View]
472816991something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472816609How do you save the west /pol/ ? Abolish the womyn rights?[View]
472819849>Wake up in beaner-filled shithole because I live with my mom >Go to wagie job >Get repeate…[View]
472804758As a US citizen who has seen the southern border wide open every single year of my life, why is Russ…[View]
472819673Why are gooks like this?: >South Korea >Over 70% male circumcision rate The amount of times I …[View]
472815662Arabs in Europe are literally try to hang out with brown/nigger and tell them that after them, Europ…[View]
472795302Farage bends the knee: 'We are built on Judeo-Christian principles': >13:25 timestamp https://m.y…[View]
472819748Hey what happened to this guy?: He's been strangely silent today--LOL![View]
472818229why does facebook have ads? also, why doesn’t the state play a role in social media? all within the …[View]
472817434How is South Park still allowed to air?: You would think it would have been 'cancelled' in every pos…[View]
472804492What would you do if God gave you these?[View]
472818004>United States of America[View]
472813175HIGH SPEED CHASE: GET IN HERE HIGH SPEED CHASE WITH A VAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMEJvzJWx…[View]
472817361DAMN bros we are on fast track! there's hope YET![View]
472815843Who do you think the next war will be against?[View]
472813408Is there a scientific explanation as to why the Welsh look so… swarthy? They come from an island in …[View]
472815642Canada Day Protest Glows: They use Convoy Protest in a derogatory way, and then do shit like picrel.…[View]
472819440What are some ways you can cause normies to become racially/jew aware? I was thinking of doing more…[View]
472799073/AHSG/ Atlantic Hurricane Season General - cat 5 edition: >Quick Rundown Beryl is a bat out of he…[View]
472813138Why did they get tired of using school shootings to push the anti-gun narrative? I feel like it…[View]
472809862AOC is a fucking retard. America is NOT a democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic.[View]
472819334The War on Drugs: A small baggie with about 1 gram of a powdery substance was found at work. I began…[View]
472803610What do they contribute to humanity?[View]
472819252What happened on that, now defunct, app?: What percent was deep political talk with strangers, what …[View]
472813982Dump Israel.: If we didn't support Isarel, we could have cheap gas. https://www.britannica.com/…[View]
472817503Ay Tone. How come the nazis used wooden doors for their gas chambers?[View]
472813235Our Government Wants a Civil War: And both Biden and Trump are in on it to reduce population of thos…[View]
472818755Does This Happen In Your Country?[View]
472818508The end of the west will be a time of mass migration to Asia: As Europe and the Anglosphere get tapp…[View]
472818320I’m really pleased with this guy. Job performance A+ in my book.[View]
472818661The great replacement is real.[View]
472761169Time for ALL Canadians to read HO, CANADA ! by R. Rogers Smith: Mandatory read for ALL anons https:/…[View]
472811503>white man in Argentina >'Buenos Aires, home' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY7hk3HUd_c…[View]
472815885Don't say 'uncle'. Say 'parent's sibling'.: >The Department of the …[View]
472800488Welp It's official - the president can assassinate you with impunity https://www.thenation.com…[View]
472807954American hours on /pol/ are fucking garbage: If it wasn't for us euros and the Australians this…[View]
472818779>Can't raise a kid in a van, it's the ultimate admission that you've failed and st…[View]
472813244This image should be banned from the internet[View]
472761171DENZEL WASHINGTON TO STAR IN GLADIATOR 2: NOS https://x.com/CinemaTweets1/status/1807766517410672985…[View]
472817837Are you willing to live in the Pod?[View]
472814402So what’s the real reason why we can’t have a third candidate?[View]
472817162Trump is a thread to the US: Biden should do an offical act and send in seal team 6 to take care of …[View]
472791530SAY IT WITH ME 'IMMUNE': Sorry folks, I'm immune, you know it, I know it, and dirty Joe knows i…[View]
472776984Fuck Serbia[View]
472810073/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14716: ▶Prev: >>472802114 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472813598Keep a list of all the local synagogues? You know... Just in case.[View]
472816156BANK RUNS END THE FED: explain why we dont just all withdraw or move our money from banks and retire…[View]
472810828Gen Z is awful: >addicted to phones >gay >cries if they have to work 40 hours per week beca…[View]
472818073>taking the vaxxx but not chugging horse paste ala ivermectin Lmao hahahahhaaa You guys probably …[View]
472814873Have you noticed how angry the shills have been since the debate? They don't even bother with s…[View]
472817635deja VU! I've just been in this place before...: Higher on the street And I know it's my t…[View]
472817878B R V T A L: >A witticism attributed to Lycurgus, the possibly legendary lawgiver of Sparta, was …[View]
472817877Project 2025: I think Project 2025 succeeds in projecting a bold vision for the future of the Republ…[View]
472817015Its all going to go to shit so fast you won't even see it coming.[View]
472812529Brit moving to the usa soon: As a sex tourist. You see america is a sex tourist hotspot for british …[View]
472813422Grifting Libtard agitators!: What are the implications of leftist agitators being fully crowd funded…[View]
472803013A private backyard for my own pool, garden, and barbecues? I'm going insane! I need a balcony a…[View]
472817408If you have to brag about how rich your country is, i instantly assume you're a cuck Who do you…[View]
472809396ITS OVER[View]
472815346URUGUAY: Greatest Nation in South America just kicked out USA. A country of 3 million vs 300 million…[View]
472815265>*ruins your national team in your path* Want to know why the best coach the U.S. can afford is G…[View]
472817445Indians are most poweful because of our british and american empire: Everywhere indians settled beca…[View]
472815314In junior high I met 3 girls who forever changed my life at Memorial Middle School at Minot AFB, ND.…[View]
472817225Wait I thought they said this was a myth…[View]
472815585project 2025: >lefties spend years seething about trad cucks and claiming they are a extremist mi…[View]
472814268Our food is literally KILLING us: Forget all the famous youtubers getting cancer, even the literal w…[View]
472816147What if Jews are the good guys[View]
472817283Do you truly understand Catholicism? And I mean TRULY understand Imperial Catholicism? I am not talk…[View]
472813721Will other countries allow US refugees once the civil war breaks out?: If not that's fucking bu…[View]
472803944Les goblinas francaise: What race is this?[View]
472813067japanese anons: How is Japan politically? Is America really a bitch or has it achieved its independe…[View]
472813888How can we encourage Japan to embrace immigration to save their declining birthrates and economy?[View]
472814513He's Right, You Know[View]
472817128THIS IS A THROWDOWN, A SHOWDOWN: hell no, I can't slow down https://youtu.be/CsPS0lN-ulY CA-NA-…[View]
472817063Seethe: Without them, the Earth would be a despotic 3rd world dystopian totalitarian shithole. THANK…[View]
472814683Eastside: Hey feds your op got leaked[View]
472796739You are now president of the United States: What do you do within your 4 year term to fix America?…[View]
472816592Why were there so many hohols there on Jan 6th?[View]
472805678They Can't Think Straight Anymore: I'm not sure how complex systems will survive what is c…[View]
472816890Objectively. what is the most subversive piece of media crafted by the Jews before the 3rd Reich? I…[View]
472814822wartime president no elections held during wartime powers activated discuss[View]
472808100The only thing that is holding an incel back from becoming a chad is his computer. The entertainment…[View]
472806024>be a poor country >convince everyone that you're not just rich, but the RICHEST country …[View]
472813202His name is Harry Sisson?: what kinda faggot ass name is that? this is the little faggot telling bid…[View]
472813669Hypothetically, if he thought a juror was a Russian operative, could he do this?[View]
472812924WEEABOOS GET THE FUCK IN HERE: 7-Eleven is reinventing themselves to be more Japanese! https://www.…[View]
472813787So THIS is the power of canuck: >be cucknadian 4channer >claim normies are waking up to indian…[View]
472795624What was the exact moment you checked out of society?[View]
472814540What are the reasons for this?: This is post pandemic lockdowns so that's not it[View]
472816133Meanwhile under the Lodge[View]
472809394Hail Capitalism: I am a Capitalist. I was enlightened by reading Atlas Shrugged. Money, profit and w…[View]
472815854It's so Joever...[View]
472811462JRE PsyOp: This is a calculated effort to keep us quibbling over basic truths and distract us from t…[View]
472806452SICK! FAGS PISS ON EACH OTHER IN FRONT OF KIDS AT PRIDE!: A group of sick faggots blew each other an…[View]
472814707It's never gonna get better is it?[View]
472811954What would you do if the end-times Budha appeared in northern India, preached Budhaism to millions o…[View]
472814782Are americans really this retarded?: >live in America >2 party system >LITERALLY only 2 par…[View]
472812864what is the problem here in this image?[View]
472811720Come on anon: Why not just cease all this deep diving and researching into the true nature of realit…[View]
472795905brit/pol/ britannia and friends: >'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics htt…[View]
472812522“Biden is done. Bet on it” - Tucker: Surely he is just speculating right? https://x.com/tuckercarlso…[View]
472810528When did you realize he was right and that secret societies are at the core of nearly every problem …[View]
472803650either i leave the USA or i kys myself: you can't make me vote for MIGA[View]
472803460How is SCOTUS right?: >No, the President can’t break the law if it concerns ‘official acts’. But …[View]
472813714Forget 2024: Let's talk about what his Presidency will be like in 2028. Trump will win and as V…[View]
472813025Did they actually think that trying to make him look like Trump was somehow going to help?[View]
472813091Dam...: F's in the Chat. /OurGuys/ got caught. The War ends when Jewlensky, and illegitimate cr…[View]
472808654Suck a girl cock nazis[View]
472813864Before you think democrats wont elect retard Joe Biden: Remember they elected this brain dead retard…[View]
472814406Vive Marion Le Pen[View]
472811105Is America going to have an Emperor? Are we really Rome 2.0? Things seem to be trending towards the …[View]
472815185ABOLISH THE CONSTITUTION: If the constitution hasnt stopped the massive expansion of government, to …[View]
472806291Do NOT redeem the mushroom!: They are not magic they are BAD[View]
472810094when is the 2nd round of elections? I am not putting faith any faith in Le Pen winning.[View]
472814055President Biden Stands Up To Lawless Trump and his Supreme Court Mob!: https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
472809210When are you going to admit that he was right, /pol/?[View]
472814019Trump, King of America.: Now that the Supreme Court has declared that Trump has criminal immunity, h…[View]
472811206Those rights aren't so civil now: AIPAC texted its followers, after Jamaal Bowman lost in New Y…[View]
472814097Bobby Kotick is Jewish https://youtu.be/56vdd_tFhy0[View]
472782991It's fucking over. Trump just lost the zoomer vote.[View]
472814157The law is above the law, Joseph[View]
472805473Will electric cars never be a meme?[View]
472794674Why are koreans the smartest race on the planet?: These guys were living in hutts until they got inv…[View]
472814653Y’all not on the team, blud! :crying laughing emoji: :crying laughing emoji: Who let blud cook with …[View]
472807412is she right brehs? would it be worth using up such a powerful wish that you only have one of, on th…[View]
472810702Why Will You Be Voting For Trump Over Michelle Obama This Coming Election?[View]
472814566Viva 10,000 PhilistinaZZ: Power to the people, true peace, and utmost standards of living. True war …[View]
472808409>goes on TV >declares himself king >leaves HOLY BASED WE MONARCHY NOW…[View]
472809491Wagner Group >Putin creates fake army 'Wagner Group' to recruit right wingers using higher pay, p…[View]
472809992Why do Incels pretend that only young men have it tough? Zoomer women are suffering because it'…[View]
472805982German Politician Convicted For 'Nazi' Slogan: Why is Germany such a dystopian police stat…[View]
472814360What are the political ramifications of inceldom? How will this affect places like The US, UK and Fr…[View]
472812607Why is Newsom campaigning on behalf of Biden?: >'We look forward to welcoming Governor Newsom to …[View]
472813361The Republican Party Is Dead: Here’s a recap of the last 36 years for the GOP. >George Bush Sr. n…[View]
472814225Viva 10,000 PhilistinaZZ: Death to anyone who tried to create a fake-war to randomly murder the peop…[View]
472814177Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472813360They won.[View]
472812077Is he right? Did they give Trump too much power?[View]
472812512After 13 years, you can stop crying about it; His death was ruled constitutional.[View]
472809924Do men become socialists as a result of the lack of a strong male role model in their upbringing? Th…[View]
472813873Pandemic newborns in India more likely to have lower birth weight: Babies born during the COVID-19 p…[View]
472803210>there wasn't actually a 4-D chess plan to install a 1000 year NWO libtard reich >they d…[View]
472808942a weapon to surpass metal gear...[View]
472812986There will not be a Presidential election this year.[View]
472812776Why are jews so short[View]
472813482A theory I had: I used to wonder why God would destroy entire societies in the Bible. For example in…[View]
472813424Globalism is based: Globalism actually works. We will become a diverse genetic pool and have no cult…[View]
472813363WE WUZ KANGZ AN SHIET: I can't wait to be entertained by the new gladiator movie. Politically …[View]
472813349Who is in the wrong?[View]
472798186I’m 100% moving to Mexico now: What can a gringo expect?[View]
472811745>hey dad look, what do you see? >>looks like a coca-cola ad, with a nice family enjoying a …[View]
472801881first Lady Of Ukraine Olena Zelenska Buys Latest Bugatti Hypercar, The €4.5m Turbillon: Amid ongoing…[View]
472811230Do you guys think there that the mafias recruited a bunch of blacks, Indians, gays, non-binaries, ba…[View]
472813161HIGH SPEED CHASE: GET IN HERE NIGGERS https://www.youtube.com/live/UMEJvzJWxqg?si=InwtBC5v_7xdRdIT…[View]
472766808AOC BASED BEYOND BELIEF: give her your energy give her your energy give her your energy give her you…[View]
472810563Biden's Powerful words- 'They were building Gallows to hang Nancy Pelosi!': Spray tanned and re…[View]
472812788Aren't republicans supposed to be all about muh second amendment right?[View]
472812179Favorite countries - Europe edition: Rules: choose 5 countries that you like for their contribution …[View]
472813033West Panics: Macron Defeated, Le Pen Surge, Biden Crisis; Rus Advances Ukr Pokrovsk Defence Fails: G…[View]
472813031Will the internet slowly make women redpilled as they see how weird/creepy blacks and third worlders…[View]
472812725Washington relinquished power to preserve the idea/ideal of democracy... today's events have ma…[View]
472812567We Can’t Let The Right Wing Media Tear Biden Down: We need to help Biden more than ever defeat the f…[View]
472812570Do you see a problem with a British person reproducing with a German person? I swear I've heard…[View]
472811261Why does the electoral collage even exist?: Why even hold presidential elections if the people'…[View]
472811569Why are mudshits so intolerant of the Jewish race?[View]
472810549Praise the lord: The webm sign has come. God strikes down brazen Indian nationalist. Auslander raus.…[View]
472807617France Needs Monarchy: France needs monarchy again. It's the only way.[View]
472812092Female French voters swing sharply to far right In 2019, 25 percent of men and 21 percent of women v…[View]
472810526Why haven’t the world governments invested in battlefield ready power armor?: You’d think Russia, Ch…[View]
472812381Let's be real: What's the political implication of killing everyone? is it wrong?[View]
472812698This retard did it again: Can't get through a 4 minute speech without screwing it up. 'I dissen…[View]
472811777How does it feel to be the party of nigger faggots?: That's the DNC base now, niggers and faggo…[View]
472810207something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472808666Is what is happening to the world natural?: The Mayans say that the world goes through cycles and we…[View]
472807512why trangender is not illegal?[View]
472803665Who's the leader of the right wing now?[View]
472812225The Jew will force you to watch ads even when you pay the subscription fee to get rid of them. There…[View]
472810171PRESS F[View]
472787155HAPPENING: Racist cops executes innocent black man. https://files.catbox.moe/zvlncj.mp4 https://x.c…[View]
472811790You wake up and you're the Pope. Whats the first unchristian thing you do and what race priest …[View]
472800378I want to live a healthy self sufficient/farmer lifestyle away from all this poison. away from all t…[View]
472811844Why not Mr. Beast instead?: He's cured the blind, built houses for the poor, brought water to t…[View]
472809152Prison fighters is good when Ukraine does it![View]
472809364Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472806192Happy Dominion Day to all leafs out there. Go out and spend time with family and share a drink with …[View]
472809944Politics has never been more forced, weird, and strange than it is right now.: Epstein Island made c…[View]
472808979Trump is actually ahead in NH, MI, MN and NJ right now.: Uh Bidenbros I'm not feeling so good a…[View]
472750786Kraut/pol/ - Fleischersatzfabrik: discuss contemporary german politics[View]
472809974Fuck yeah let's gooooo! Biden please kill Blumpfh pleaseeee[View]
472810236How will white people cope with this?[View]
472802165Is this person the useless in America history?[View]
472811516Now that the dust around AI meme settled down, what was all the hype about? Was it all just to scam …[View]
472805022What's with overweight white dudes and the obsession with the word 'bud'? Calling a full grown…[View]
472785189HAPPENING: >Spain to ban access to pornographic content for all children under 18 years of age …[View]
472805169/pol/ humour thread: Drunk and high Pole demands you to post itt No gay shit[View]
472809077Why does the government borrow money when they can print it?[View]
472785562CORPORATE AMERICA IS BACKING DOWN: Dei say goodbye[View]
472806122I don't even know what being a right-winger means anymore. Can someone explain it to me, please…[View]
472808851Morning, Nov 9, 2016?: Anyone else getting vibes you haven't felt from this day almost eight ye…[View]
472808523faces of /pol/[View]
472807608As Americans, we abandoned God and now niggers are our gods. God, please forgive us. Please, come ba…[View]
47280501334 convicted felonies[View]
472806008Am I the only one who can't stand people who love to show off and live to consume? I love when …[View]
47280720642% of interracial marriages are white/hispanic, 11% are white/black: >hispanics make up 19% of t…[View]
472794440Why aren’t you heatmaxxing?: My A/C is out in Florida and I don’t even care. When the grid goes dow…[View]
472809369I hope he imprisons and forced: conversion therapy on all faggots and shemales. I also hope he passe…[View]
472796916HAPPENING: JOE BIDEN TO ADRESS NATION: What do you think he will say /pol/? The jews and rednecks fr…[View]
472806653Hey /pol/: >https://rumble.com/v54cypb https://rumble.com/v54cypb…[View]
472810857Jews in Hollywood: There's no doubt that western media has gotten more and more shit but this l…[View]
472811296Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472811077The cure to all disease[View]
472795538Kikes made beer too unaffordable: >1.49 for beer >price gouging by kike jewish nigger bankers …[View]
472810847donald trump has hit a new low[View]
472809052I am a Capitalist. I was enlightened by reading Atlas Shrugged. Money, profit and wealth are the one…[View]
472810864Project 2025 is the revenge: we still remember this[View]
472810527Private Military Company(Mercenary company.): How do I become a lazy CEO or shareholder who just liv…[View]
472799556Failed state: At what point does/did America become a failed state?[View]
472799166The 'holocaust' was a lie.: Ask a German speaker what this says. You don't know one? Okay, it s…[View]
472807566friendly reminder 34 felonies[View]
472810720How many TRILLIONS is USA GOING TO SPEND on subsidizing NIGGERTOPIA THIS YEAR? Ukraine war is all ab…[View]
472790762It's better to be a nigger in America than a white man in Europe[View]
472810633the left: >omg, SCOTUS overturned Chevron! This is going to be so bad for our food, drugs, and me…[View]
472808994Should only veterans be allowed to vote and be in positions of power?[View]
472807665HUGE WIN for pedo hunters: https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymous/new/ Now, just wait a minute niggers, …[View]
472809390What did Anon mean by this?: Why are all European bases on high alert?[View]
472810627Biden’s deputy campaign manager has it under control: Guys stop panicking. Trump is still finished.…[View]
472808124Trump is now ahead with women, youth, and Hispanic voters.: All Biden has left is the black and gay …[View]
472806491Is atheism peak midwittery?: I feel like all of their arguments can encapsulate the essence of a 4-5…[View]
472808279The View calls Biden a 'nice guy' and Trump a bad boy.: Joy Behar: >These people, who are, like, …[View]
472809279israel is our greatest ally[View]
472802114/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14715: ▶Prev: >>472785602 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472810408Can someone explain why Russian mechanized assaults in Ukraine always fucking fail?[View]
472809893WTF IS WRONG WITH INDIA?!: Vlogger goes to Mumbai and finds nothing but slums, trash piles and... wa…[View]
472809363Why are europoors so poor and they don't know what air conditioning is. Are they white skinned …[View]
472810132Putting the BC in BBC: whitebros ... it was already over[View]
472809997Remember me Joseph? Payback is such a bitch.[View]
472807432ANGLO APPRECIATION OF AMERICA THREAD: Y'know what? You yanks are fucking awesome from a Briton…[View]
472807212Imagine what Underwood would’ve done…: Do it, do it Joe. Dems needed a Project 2025 of their own yes…[View]
472804402whos your favorite communist historic figure?[View]
472766722>Far right winning in France >AfD strong in Germany >Reform might actually do some damage…[View]
472793224Behold EXCALIBUR and Redpills: RISE UP YOU SONS OF GODS and KINGS. Are you upset that your represent…[View]
472808483Ironic...he could save others with Two weeks, but could not save himself[View]
472808576Donald Trump: HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!![View]
472807115What genre of porn is this???[View]
472801633JP Morgan Predicts Huge US Stock Market Crash: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-jp-morgan-predicts-hu…[View]
472809354Suspiciously silent on SCOTUS ruling: Notice Clinton, Bush, and Obama have remained silent on the SC…[View]
472809490You did this. You're happy now ? You gave our country to facist, racist, unrepublican monsters.…[View]
472808099The kikes are fucked......: >pro palestine protests in every city in the US >most zionists in …[View]
472804569Lesbians get culturally enriched by Arab men: Emma MacLean, and her girlfriend Tori, were assaulted …[View]
472775819How did Hitler blow this thing this badly?[View]
472801972>ban seed oils >ban sugar >ban s o i >ban porn >ban smartphones >ban tinder …[View]
472802871This dumb bitch is going to die/stroke out in Trump's 2nd term. He'll bring up her dissent…[View]
472805944RFKjr could have a possibility if he wasn't such a Israel cock sucker.[View]
472809601What's it like here? All the images I've seen of the place make it look super comfy.[View]
472809589RIGHT WING WEEB GENERAL:: Hey frens. Mushoku Tensei sucks watch Frieren instead. Polygamy is degener…[View]
472809503Dr. Disrespect did nothing wrong: Hey Faggots, My name is Sam Hyde, and I hate every single one of y…[View]
472804871>1pbtid >Be jews on /pol >Notice groundswell of populace political ideology >Oy vey! We …[View]
472809016Trump will win Fuck Beiners Fuck Trannies[View]
472806666MGS webm not found: I remember a webm that was posted here around 2015 that used clips from MGS (I b…[View]
472783651SEAL TEAM 6 TELLS TRUMP TO “EXPECT A VISIT”: Seal team 6 has officially stated that Trump will be “e…[View]
472806093Israel is gong to lose: It will be funny as fuck to watch too.[View]
472770742He just tweeted for Trump's murder: BBC journalist David Aaronovitch (known for articles such a…[View]
472809235Republicanism is now the party of Trump worship and 'anti-woke' (covert Trump worship).[View]
472801440So why don't americans have universal healthcare?[View]
472808913Sorry but I'm not ever stepping down from my duty Happy Canada Day[View]
472804338They made Biden orange[View]
472809001Non-white bros, what should we do with white men when their civilization collapses: I say, give them…[View]
472808025/pol/ exposed by A.I.! oh no![View]
472809072turns out chinks where the thing wall between the US becoming Canada with poos.[View]
472806637Why is irish nationalism so left wing and gay?[View]
472808751New advertising just dropped!!!: DNC coming in hot with that new slogan![View]
472808961Democrats used to defend the white man from Republikikes before the commies and negros subverted the…[View]
472784539Big Nigga Pool Party: Have blacks ruined the tourism industry? Travel, in general? What can be done …[View]
472807837Biden is clearly not senile, he is larping as senile to keep you docile: What are your views? >Bi…[View]
472806567Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472807209>Reform is a fascist party! is this really what passes for fascist in Britain these days? >…[View]
472807988Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. Russia's UN ambassador says he can…[View]
472808808Do you think the people at hwndu were actual white nationalists?: They came from pol but hwndu was b…[View]
472808305Hey wales, scotland and northern ireland: How about you get a majority of your population pro indepe…[View]
472806513Why is he allowed to run unopposed?[View]
472808554THE END IS NEAR (in a good way): the wave of 'LGBT' youth is slowly coming to an end anyone else not…[View]
472804027Liberals might be dumb, but only the right seems to believe in whacko conspiracies. I don't thi…[View]
472804106K id s today are depressed like they lost something.. hell, back in my day we had 168 hour Walmarts …[View]
472804509Some words by Heidegger on the current situation: §9. Meditation on the “current situation” a) Who i…[View]
472807114If President Joseph Biden does not immediately drone strike every single person he deems his Opposit…[View]
472803401This is the catalyst to civil conflict: The election will be stolen again and just like last time it…[View]
472802965Why does everyone recognize the evil male sex drive, but noone recognizes the evil female sex drive?…[View]
472806935Feudalism: Bend the knee for the king. https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1807929345563906256…[View]
472807161To attack Antifa is to attack Jews: Stop with the antisemitism. Do better.[View]
472808129How many worried Democrat congressmen and senators are secretly pressuring Harris to invoke the 25th…[View]
472800994What do we think of Trump's new racist insult?: >Trump again denounces political foe as a ‘P…[View]
472808160Society is still morally in 1950, and we're basically reaching a 2030 technology world. At some…[View]
472805687big titty cubankosher mommy has SPOKEN[View]
472800926Bidens speech today was a call to action: They are orchestrating a civil war aren't they? This …[View]
472806108How do these boomers think nobody is into their game by this point? I guess most of their voter base…[View]
472808070Do all political and moral axioms just stem from our attempts to deal with the absurdity of life? I …[View]
472806902Is Western Civilization being surpassed?[View]
472808043Happy Communist Pajeet day!: List your favorite things about 'poo land 1.5.' I used to like tge free…[View]
472805819Pizzagate psychic is LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/live/ie8WdARtQtw[View]
472804491What does the second amendment actually protect?: If it doesn't protect against taxing the sale…[View]
472804459Oy vey look really close at this, what a bunch of evil bastards. Zelenskike bought a 4 millions euro…[View]
472800748Why is he such a moralfag nowadays? He's an emotional little bitch now. Nick really came out on…[View]
472807406The one thing that Trump was supposed to accomplish in his first term was reducing the trade deficit…[View]
472806622Kek, no: Go back to your stinking island, filthy pirates. We don't want your kind here[View]
472806096Trump acts racist again at a rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uKifYwZuQs This video accidenta…[View]
472801896Is it true that Indian hate in Canada is becoming mainstream?: Can any indo-Canadian anon confirm?…[View]
472789417'....Beauty of the Aryan Woman Shall Never Fade....': What can I do to help us secure the 14 Words a…[View]
472802424A move by the democrat party: ..to remove Trump from the election at THIS point in time.... Will cau…[View]
472806512Why are so many streamers sneaking off to the Balkans?: First Ishowspeed mysteriously shows up in Al…[View]
472801337US Airforce New Recruitment Add: I saw that the airforce dropped a new recruitment ad. Lets observe …[View]
472794721600% inflation: the mcdouble and mcchicken were on the doller menu for years but are now 6 dollers e…[View]
472807240Is Trump gonna save globohomo or defeat globohomo?[View]
472806845This directly cleared him bros: Say you’re sorry right now[View]
472806144Haha you're agreeing with Hitler: I don't think this is the win they think it is. 'The pat…[View]
472800669Has there EVER been a worse presidential debate performance?[View]
472805268Does /pol/ genuinely does not know that The Cold War happened? I keep seeing people saying “muh (ins…[View]
472801304That settles it.: We're voting For RFK[View]
472807243Dems should do that Thing: That they wanna do to Trump. Do it Doooo it[View]
472793839THEORY: hear me out the reason Russia gave nukes to Belarus, is because Russia's plan is to use…[View]
472807125cringe liberal chicks: Everything they say sounds like a Buzzfeed Article[View]
472802961New Terrence Howard just dropped...: Eric Weinstein joins Joe Rogan and Terrence Howard to breakdown…[View]
472801185Have any medfags on /pol/ figured out exactly what this dude's specific medical condition is? I…[View]
472805581What will happen with the dollar quotation in Brazil after the Northern Hemisphere gets all nuked? W…[View]
472805845The only reason I don’t support total muscovite death is cause a good 80% of my femdom porn comes fr…[View]
472806906Redpill me on the Upper Peninsula. Is it really just 2 drunk Finns trying to track down and knife mu…[View]
472805588why is this okay[View]
472805812What will happen if the government collapses? Will we return to monke?[View]
472806481I am a steadfast America hater and I hate American people as well.[View]
472802561Actual insider here.: You should all be very concerned. It's offical up here, Justin Trudeau is…[View]
472806295I just found out that a troon kike rat started the Church of Euthanasia which is a suicide cult, how…[View]
472806723You 'people' if you want to call yourselves that are so God damn fucking stupid it's insane and…[View]
472801351>choose good looking candidates >win election why do retard political parties always overthink…[View]
472804977Remember when democrats said they wouldn't take the vaccine because it would have been made und…[View]
472767339There’s only one source for this stuff, the adrenalin glands from a living human body.” That bit of …[View]
472803408what are the political ramifications of the economy being such shit, I've got to rent out a spa…[View]
472804733See? He's Fine![View]
472805688Are all Euros obsessed with traveling to Ibiza or is it just Brits[View]
472804874something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472804816Can we just ban assault weapons?: I don't want to live in fear anymore.[View]
472806203Filthy jews are not welcome in our chan: >SO FUCK OFF BACK TO THE TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL YOU P…[View]
472804810some poor libshit in seattle got his ass handed to him after he sent a butthurt email: on why they (…[View]
472806089>haha, if we could face no consequences, we would totally murder our political opponents >t. d…[View]
472806019what does this guy get up to nowadays?[View]
472805622Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472805429I vote for Mr. Frog[View]
472800947Why is Monarchy considered bad? >Ruling class is more competent than elected politicians >Roy…[View]
472801726If only you knew how based things really are[View]
472805791Are french canadians the chechens of the french world?[View]
472805750My balls are more important than the terrorist state of ukraine: Pay my balls 100 billion dollars at…[View]
472792686>Russian military vehicles used in assaults February 2022 T-90M, T-80BVM, Tigr-M, BTR-82AM, BMP-3…[View]
472798128I fall in love with any women who gives me attention: Does this go for other men? Do men fall in lov…[View]
472794867Did they deserve it?[View]
472805627It's joever[View]
472793307New Hadrian just dropped: This is as based as it gets. Who wants to sacrifice a pig to Zeus in Izrae…[View]
472805484Church recruits kids to liturgically recite the meaning of LGBTQ Pride flag colors: https://m.youtub…[View]
472803631Richard Nixon legally did nothing wrong retroactively.[View]
472803148Tucker first,now Kanye. Right wingers just can't help themselves don't they?[View]
472805033Orange man? Bad?[View]
472798664I hate both candidates: Can any of you incels from /ptg/ explain to me why my vote for trump is wort…[View]
472769734Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?[View]
472799907Political Analyst here. I used AI to help me predict this years election and here are the results. F…[View]
472789407Biden to assasinate Trump: You retard really don't understand how they just gave Biden the kill…[View]
472804884What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?[View]
472786991Red Skull is Thomas Massie?[View]
472799618/k/ here, so let me get this straight /pol/. Ukraine has suffered more causalities than the estimate…[View]
472799999Jews are incredible liars.: Jews hate you. They need to pay the price for what they did to us. You m…[View]
472802205She's evil.[View]
472797890Why are white women the Jews #1 target for propaganda?[View]
472783484Why don't we plaster Solar cells all over: the roadsides and other shit like above parking spac…[View]
472801003The Mother of All Events: >In 2001, a French philosopher wrote a highly controversial essay descr…[View]
472804667what about the Israeli children pol? If you wont help them you are just as bad as Ms Rachel. https:/…[View]
472804704Only six months to go, lads. Nothing will hold him back this time. No court nor congress. What do yo…[View]
472802099Incest IS black culture: Weve been dating and sleeping with our cousins sisters moms and uncles in o…[View]
472783656Rishi Sunak 'Hurt' After Right-Wing Party Calls Him 'Paki'[View]
472797295>destroys the entire democrat party to go down with him: Based “Dark Brandon”[View]
472799007Not a shill thread: Why is race mixing bad? What are the arguments you have against it? My sister in…[View]
472775897Happy Canada day Canadabros! What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?[View]
472801813Don't give a fuck about Europe. American anons, stop pretending you care. Admit you're an…[View]
472798255Why does Epstein make Trump falter?[View]
472797176Knowing that Christ gave us the Book of Mormon moves me to tears[View]
472781803Younger generations won't know the feeling of going to your local Walmart on a Friday night wit…[View]
472804321How did he beat medicare bidenbros: How does he keep winning. Medicare BTFO![View]
472803933the reason why the democrats and media are non-stop droning on about 'threats to democracy…[View]
472802745>'We're closing the border.' >'I..uh...*wheeze*' >'5 million deported in the first we…[View]
472804186I'm voting Biden, not because I support him, but because that makes it more likely he'll g…[View]
472801695fEmInIsM rUiNeD bIrThRaTeS: Good.[View]
472799884When you first saw a jew in real life how was your reaction: Did you feel digsuted? Did you feel Ang…[View]
472802339https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s5NRiBS7s8 6 seconds in KEK[View]
472801999i think anti-semites SUCK[View]
472803364>does nothing >wins Why are chuds like this?…[View]
472802693Humour Thread: Give me some moral dilemmas. Joeschmoe need not apply.[View]
472794575I don’t get it…: It’s a cartoon There’s literally a black musician named Shaggy Why are Chuds losing…[View]
472801682Who is going to be is first public execution[View]
472799857Is Nayib Bukele white?[View]
472796368Why do people think a draft is unlikely in the United States? Won't they apply all the lessons …[View]
472803511it wasn't supposed to be a documentary: talk of impeaching supreme court justices? uhhhh artist…[View]
472803457Alright pol: I will stop posting. This is the last time you’ll see me as op but I will still be in t…[View]
472799719What's your favorite type of sword, /pol/?[View]
472786250There's a trend in Pakistani tiktok where they go to EU and shame eu girls[View]
472783347The so-called 10/10 Aryan girl is refusing to have children. She wants to abandon her race. If she r…[View]
472792022White man guns down Mexican family: An older White man guns down an immigrant family with a machine …[View]
472803340The solution is to force Chinks and Jews against each other. They are the only ones similar enough t…[View]
472800621Joe Rogan Hates Black People - 1x1 = 2: Why did Joe Rogan bring on a mentally ill black man to his p…[View]
472801447why do the MAGA retards want a womanizer who fucked a porn star behind his wife's back and went…[View]
472803281Western Gentleman Culture: Will gentleman's culture make a revival in the West?[View]
472803259i know which side i'm on[View]
472799011Public pools are full of piss, jizz, shit, sweat, bodily secretions, and shirtless faggots. ...and y…[View]
472802119AOC HAS BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY 4 BLACK MEN.: Her vagina has a rotten stench now. It's a tou…[View]
472798414Fight to be Replaced Goy!: Comes from a country that has destroyed its white population and infrastr…[View]
472797580Western cucks don't want Ukrainian victory and are afraid of russian scum collapsing: >'For …[View]
472796531I am watching Independence Day right now[View]
472798406Colombian president Gustavo Petro is cheating his wife with a troon The absolute state of cucklombia…[View]
472800756What are the political implications of jewish conspiracies and biting th hand that feeds being a sel…[View]
472802750Bring back mandatory service and as alternative punishment: If you are an illegal immigrant between …[View]
472801727islam is deleted that's it I deleted it: ONYL PALESTINE HATES JEWS IF YOU SAY I HATE JEWS YOURE…[View]
472799256Happening: IDF and hezbollah posed to go to war soon[View]
472802074Get back to work.[View]
472802592Tyranny vs The People: The liberal vs conservative dichotomy is going to fade away within the next d…[View]
472800404That guy Paul is a shameless opportunist: Wasn't he a hardcore libshit a couple years ago?…[View]
472800703DIY: How to improve the service industry in your area.: If you find a cashier that doesn't spea…[View]
472751146Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock: Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious s…[View]
472800561>OMG LOOK HOW SHE SPITS ON BLACK PENIS >MAKE HER FAMOUS So we are at the stage when Roman hook…[View]
472801320Rand Paul has stepped on the Pinochet timeline.: I remember when spain anons here started to talk ab…[View]
472789360I'm happy to work 40 hours a week: where half my paycheck goes to taxes for trannys and god kno…[View]
472765505today i will remind them[View]
472801880This is accurate[View]
472785602/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14714: ▶Prev: >>472775930 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472800497BIDEN BROS!!!! WTF Trump's numbers keep going up[View]
472801766Football: It's a bit late in the day to ask any Spaniards this but why do you make illegal immi…[View]
472802157Age of Consent laws are feminist: And if you support them, you too are a feminist.[View]
472787941Most skin cancer is the result of sunscreen use: Just think about it - millions of years no sunscree…[View]
472793483CRYSTAL CAFE IS DOWN!! WHERE AM I GONNA POST AS A FAKE WOMAN NOW?!? Yes this is relevant jannies, al…[View]
472801232>Fascism >Liberalism >Communism So why can't people come up with a universal agreed …[View]
472802066Jews will sue iran and north korea: If they win the case, will cops go to north korea and scream …[View]
472801709King Joseph of Scranton, First of His Name, Guardian of Democracy, Keeper of the Delaware, Defender …[View]
472799349Joe Biden is in control of the nuclear button: How confident do you feel that there will be a tomorr…[View]
472792769There is going to be a spectacular explosion within the Democrat party and this man will be charged …[View]
472797610I testify that we Mormons are the hope of Israel[View]
472799851>Be me >Be kind of like Hodor where I repeat a word to myself because I'm coping like a r…[View]
472797577Holy sh*t, white men are literally repealing the entire 20th century Women's and BIPOC folx har…[View]
472797059ARREST HIM NOW[View]
472801297Why do Brits engage in third-world behavior?[View]
472788448NEVER FORGET: Don't let normies memory hole all of this madness[View]
472800597You guys are very mentally ill sick people that you support Russia so they can nuke us and kill all …[View]
472799483What are (((they))) up to now?[View]
472799059Is England even white anymore?: Hahahahha It is FUCKING OVER BRTIANIA IS NOW A FUCKING SHITTY SHADE …[View]
472801520Why aren’t you happy with Biden?: >Biden made Russia great again >Biden destroyed the Great S…[View]
472801354When I think of the word cope, I think of their faces[View]
472801453What are the chances the New England States seceede if Trump wins? Should they join Canada or be ind…[View]
472798552They're getting divorced: Joe was kicked out of the house this weekend after he repeatedly told…[View]
472799663Biden Watch Court Decision (((LOOKNER))) Thread: Based but not based hyperventilating Lookner is liv…[View]
472798690I'm Japanese and hope that Japan will become multicultural: Multicultural Japan will have NO RO…[View]
472797926is he the new king of /pol/[View]
472768869>*i need it against muh home invaduhrs* >is statistically more likely to shoot himself Many su…[View]
472801117really warms my heart to see the parties finally coming together[View]
472801271Scarface from the latest King Kong x Godzilla movie is King Louis from Junglebook. What did they mea…[View]
472801249Why do Reactionaries and and Progressives piss and shit themselves over how in liberal first world n…[View]
472793635The roots of revolution: the stamp act: In preparation for july 4th, independence day, we will spend…[View]
472792646in regards to newtonian physics vs small-scale physics: picrel[View]
4727994452024 is the last time republicans have a fighting chance in the election: the largest supporters of …[View]
472773951Estonia says it could hold out against a Russian attack 'for a couple of weeks' before NAT…[View]
472788891Auer Deference will be overturned as well.[View]
472796589What's /pol/'s stance on Tricky Dick?[View]
472801037Was he the last great leader of Eurotrash. He had no political correctness, wasn’t gay or pro LGBT. …[View]
472797405BREAKING: The Hawk Tuah girl makes statement on Donald Trump: The Hawk Tuah girl, AKA Hailey Welsh, …[View]
472800467do you think jewtin will build a monument for the half-a-million and counting russian casualties in …[View]
472796066Bharat is Rising: In 10 years all of you losers will be sucking up to Bharat just like you are sucki…[View]
472794241>2024 >I am forgotten What happened?[View]
472800910Fuck you i have immunity.: Things are looking bad for the democrats. How are they going to come back…[View]
472800620Is what’s happening in America right now normal?: I only started following politics a couple years a…[View]
472794534The DNC needs to be charged for defrauding voters about Biden's mental status and endangering o…[View]
472798296Biden will shit his pants loudly and call trump an orange nigger in the 2nd debate: digits[View]
472799883Why is the President of the US questioning the Supreme Court? Has this senile old fool never read th…[View]
472795361>when that unpalatable vegan Frankenfood hits just right[View]
472796559So he's not leaving: How blatantly are they going to have to rig this for him? He's not le…[View]
472800503Why do they still use sign language interpreters?: Just turn on the closed captioning already you st…[View]
472798740The 'holocaust' didn't happen. Simple as.: When you have a lot of people somewhere, some die. T…[View]
472800291It's over... Biden wins[View]
472797978Can any brit/pol/ redpill me on what exactly is poundbury? Seems like the British royalty equivalent…[View]
472795372BIDEN WILL ADDRESS THE NATION AT 7:45: What will he say about trumps immunity?[View]
472794826Project 2025: Opinions on Project 2025? https://www.project2025.org/ https://www.documentcloud.org/d…[View]
472788945Is there any actual proof of this?[View]
472784213Woman writes her Doctoral thesis about how (((Psychiatrists))) and (((Psychologists))) are dispropor…[View]
472797713A lot of youth where I live are commies, antifas or have similar ideas. These people stole our memes…[View]
472797467The ultimate proof ancient Israelites were white: Only white women do that[View]
472792639How's your Canada going, leafanons? >boomer dad bitched at me this morning because I can…[View]
472799786>entire world economy slows down in the past 6-7 years >covid hits, causes massive inflation w…[View]
472797171WORLD BANKS UPGRADES RUSSIA TO RICH COUNTRY: Previously, the Russian Federation was classified as an…[View]
472798226What is more intimidating muscle or height?: Who is gonna make a man think twice before fighting 6f…[View]
472780256TDS 1206: Ukraine Lost, Vaccines Are Basically Pointless & I Don't Understand Irony: discus…[View]
472795308PUTIN WON'T USE NUKES!: Reason: He's starting to build up his familial dynasty and secure …[View]
472798318Listen here Jack Um we... uhm ah actually... what ...Uhhhhm aahhh ummmm[View]
472794054Chicago violence: Something I do on occasion is Google 'Chicago killing'. Every week/end t…[View]
472799266Why are Spaniards (pic related) considered white but not Italians?[View]
472799116Which intel agency do you hate the most?: In the world.[View]
472799027Dank Pepe thread.[View]
472776239If this lunatic gets in the office again, you can guarantee he's gonna start WW3.[View]
472791866who's gonna pass away during trump's second term: and what will it mean for the united sta…[View]
472798009Destiny: I would rather vote for the cremation urn of Biden over Trump. Based!: Based Destiny explai…[View]
472797484Someone explain to me what the current Jew plans are for world domination because I’m lost. Why are …[View]
472796807The Chinese Century: Are you ready for the fourth industrial revolution?[View]
472797000>RN >funded by Russia >full of faggot whores Is /uhg/ right? Russia doesn't seem to be…[View]
472777931/AHSG/ Atlantic Hurricane Season General - caribbean cruiser edition: >Quick Rundown Beryl is a b…[View]
472795997BRICS countries will be superior.: China, Brazil, and Russia are already on their way to dominate th…[View]
472798806Climate Terrorism 3.0: Snow has become the new currency of the 21st century In a joint effort to ind…[View]
472776069ITS HAPPENING!!!!: AUTISTIC 90IQ SCHIZO NIGGER BTFO JEWISH SO.YIENCE!!!!! https://youtu.be/nrOaFxNex…[View]
472792634The IDF and HEZBOLLAH are going to go to war soon: Who do you think will end up winning?[View]
472798419When trump wins in November, and creates the AMERICAN EMPIRE that will last 1000 years, what will yo…[View]
472788753>be me, non retard >always hear people complain about interest rates >'interest is stealing…[View]
472793662/pol/ humor thread[View]
472797658I wish we could go back to when you could see dislike numbers as well, on youtube.... it was a simpl…[View]
472794783Is she a psyop to associate the ick with Trump?[View]
472791727Catholic /v/irgins did you pray to Blessed Saint Carlo of Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox today?[View]
472794007Reminder that porn: >increases your prolactin levels >which in turn raises E2 levels (yes, tha…[View]
472793057DO NOT INTERACT WITH BULGARIANS: i repeat - dont under any circumstances interact with or help bulga…[View]
472788570Gf broke up with me because i have social anxiety: She broke up with me because i'm socially an…[View]
472794198Clitoris imploded during childbirth: Woman gave birth, her clitoris tore, anus and labia was broken.…[View]
472794930Jews weren't the Hebrew Israelites and Jesus isn't related to today's Jews. How many …[View]
472791653What is your position on human cloning and would you support cloning white people on the inevitable …[View]
472791812Aliens joyriding maglev trains underneath you while you beat off to femboys[View]
472798403Democrats plan to nominate Biden early to end talk of replacement: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar…[View]
472795910Rigging the election was a one and done deal: I believe that this election will go on as normal and …[View]
472790819Gang of 7 Syrian men rape German women in East Germany: A woman has described her horrifying sex att…[View]
472798105The Muslim nigger dune-ape infestation on this board has become kind of bad ngl[View]
472797915hurr durr im schizo: im going to funnel my new pension into options contracts with the united states…[View]
472797533why are the government workers allowed to vote? don't they have an inherent conflict of interes…[View]
472797832I heard this is was all because of Epstein[View]
472777727Or you are a jew loving bot or a tranny faggot: theres no right position in the israel hamas war…[View]
472794344In the game: > Flattens all opposition. > Sends all fleeing. > Effortlessly brings in the a…[View]
472796007are off-grid living and van life the only certified based ways to live in the current society withou…[View]
472796201Aren't Japan and Korea the same? What's the main difference?[View]
472789822(((They))) are beyond parody: https://x.com/drloupis/status/1807762743761711534?s=46&t=71mgD3g-k…[View]
472779817Do you engage with tipping culture? Or are you white?[View]
472797860National Anti-Semitic Month: I propose that Jew-Lie be Anti-Semitic month. It's especially fitt…[View]
472791184MSM: Antifa, BLM, and Proud Boys are back, but they all overlap in goals now: https://www.usatoday.c…[View]
472794057something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472797400How can Trump defeat Russia and China and save US hegemony?[View]
472790970What exactly is bullish about the current world?: This is the easiest short in the history of market…[View]
472791839Redpill me on the Latter Day Saints[View]
472763159>hey anon, you're not voting for the creepy old geezer with dementia, are you?…[View]
472774486People who actually lived through the 80s. Was it really a better time?[View]
472796573If Biden is replaced what will they do with millions of ballots that have already been filled out?: …[View]
472797412To save democracy we must remove the duly elected president.: For someone a bunch of delegates decid…[View]
472753253TURKS WILL SAVE EUROPE: >Syrian rapefugees rape a 5-year old Turkish girl thinking everyone is go…[View]
472789376SIRS.....: https://archive.today/XoLoe[View]
472791076Tax free living in a hobbit hole?: Hey guys, was pondering an idea if you owned a piece of land. Wou…[View]
472781508Damn, Russia started dropping the BBC-3000: How can Americans compete?[View]
472797237Whose army would be the first to march on what's left of Moscow in a nuclear war?: Realisticall…[View]
472796019Politics has never been more forced, weird, and strange than it is right now.: Epstein Island made c…[View]
472796075The Curiosity of the Polcel: So curious.[View]
472789766French feminists protest against results of the first round of the French elections: Brave and stunn…[View]
472779086erdugan backstabed us! erdugan is going to normalize relation with assad he already forcing FSA loya…[View]
472796064Jidf discord woke up: >Jewish online shills are lower than animals. They’re soul-less, double dig…[View]
472787831Good bye, Japan.[View]
472796781High inflation ahead. Is not coming down.: They raised rates but at the same time they have been pum…[View]
472794840Now that the dust has settled, is coffee good for you?[View]
472795089Mudshits of pol, protoss die for Aiur. But what do you ZERGLINGS die for? To assimilate more souls i…[View]
472793856So which states will ban 4chin?: bad boy bad boy whatcha gonna do? https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-…[View]
472789779Dump Israel.: The United States should end military aid to Israel. 1. Military Aid to Israel is unn…[View]
472792956Historians doubt all the antisemitic stuff said about Jews from people there.: Saying historians kne…[View]
472787943There is but one way to save the West...[View]
472796946Chuds on /pol/: >I'll curbstomp any n***** who even looks at me funny! Chuds IRL:…[View]
472796370TRUST ME ON THIS ONE: Conservatives in the west should ally with Islam in their general disgust towa…[View]
472795027This is what you get when you steal an election: You could have a 2nd term Trump going out with a Ga…[View]
472796891Cities VS Country. Who's better?: My life has improved dramatically since moving out of the cit…[View]
472795741Does /pol/ subscribe to the Great Man theory of history?[View]
472794923What are the political implications of Albania becoming a Christian country?[View]
472783961What did the white race do wrong? Why are white people going extinct?[View]
472793559Falco was killed because he spread anti kike propaganda: There is no way falco died by his own hands…[View]
472792605Biden's Seal Team 6 Vs. Trump's Secret Service Agents + Private Security: People on twitte…[View]
472796561If Jews made this movie, then they are the good guys, politically speaking. https://youtube.com/shor…[View]
472795366President Johnson signs the Immigration and Naturalization Reform Act on October 2, 1965.[View]
472793092Historians vs Eye Witnesses who is correct?: Saying that historians know better than the eyewitnesse…[View]
4727963268 ball, corner pocket.[View]
472793799MGTOW is the ultimate last-ditch psy-op: MGTOW was deployed against the growing sexless male populat…[View]
472781712Doctors are worried by misinformation about sunscreen on social media: Apparently the idea that suns…[View]
472795081How is Bankman Fried doing?[View]
472788609*Nukes any and all threats to India*[View]
472791462FUCK BANKS! WITHDRAW ALL NOW!: >go to bank for help getting a new PIN code >roastie gives me a…[View]
472794040Strip away all the Religious Bull shit: and Israel is just a crummy little failed state begging for …[View]
472789590brit/pol/ slags mag: >'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics https://www.bbc…[View]
472788750The Monarchy will be restored: And that’s a good thing[View]
472795994/pol/ humor thread: bully rednecks edition[View]
472794376'I can fuck kids? I can fuck as many lollis as I want?!': Joe Biden on hearing SCOTUS grant immunity…[View]
472779370Why was the late 2000s/early 2010s so strange? From like 2007 to 2012 you had an economic crisis, ga…[View]
472761452Late stage capitalism is so bad that this generation can't read a book[View]
472786546Is NATO good or bad?: I was always curious about NATO. Is it good or bad? I always considered it the…[View]
472795825>We are the right wing who won't do anything >We just stay at home and bitch on X >And…[View]
472794716Least favorite currently in office politicans for me, Mike would-catch-hands-from-me DeWiney-ass-mo…[View]
472792031How did Destiny get so famous so quickly?: He started off as a video game streamer, and is now debat…[View]
472792378She won’t do shit: Except deepthroating Israel and Russia cock, like all ‘right wing’ boomer politic…[View]
472794411Did Trump's advisor really say that 'this is a simulation': I was told by a YouTube u…[View]
472784159Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.: All employees of The Based Department and F.R.E.N.S. ple…[View]
472781325British prison: why does this happen? in Britain? man was convicted 4 years for rape this is his pun…[View]
472794342Say it with me /pol/: PRESIDENT HARRIS[View]
472788924Oh no! A retarded bimbo is upset and is going for try and kick out the meanie justices! Could this b…[View]
472788538I sense that the Dems are going to split into 2 camps, one supporting Biden, the other supporting VP…[View]
472788798The dating market is overvalued: >take aderall >on a whim, swipe on 10,000 profiles using aut…[View]
472792803When the dollar collapses: And the cops no longer come when called, what will happen?[View]
472788295Russian special forces litterlay operate drones deep inside Ukriane, This was taken in Myhorod, how …[View]
472779104Why are people saying Biden's debate was a disaster?: I really think the media is trying to fra…[View]
472787785Do atheist worship science as their God?: Do atheist prescribe supernatural qualities of certainty t…[View]
472788620In 15 years, all the fresh water in the world will run out.: https://www.theworldcounts.com/challeng…[View]
472782792/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16958: Previous: >>472776522 Timeline /tug/:https…[View]
472794784Russian Offensive Is Gaining Momentum | Sabotage Groups In Sumy.: Henlo my Deer Frens! https://www.y…[View]
472782721You realize that means Biden is immune too?: He can do whatever he wants in the guise of 'official c…[View]
472786519Why are libshits freaking out so badly about the fact they cannot drag their political foes through …[View]
472790261Farm subsidies: They are there just to control the food supply aren't they? It's the deal …[View]
472793562it is what it is[View]
472792727What would you ask Amazon's AI?: Where's my bike, Rufus? How do I stop the hallway from be…[View]
472793908What now sirs?[View]
472782197What does /pol/ think about tattoos? Personally, I have three and they look badass[View]
472785424>white boy we own America we won it in the war >Indian man who can own a rock? who can own …[View]
472790465I'm ashamed to be Irish: This cheeky wee pup thinks he can harass people in need for attention …[View]
472794595NKOTB had a bunch of hits: Chinese food makes me sick And I think it's fly when girls stop by F…[View]
472792233Western Ivy league is not that great: University War (Korea), and Clash of Champions (Indonesia) is …[View]
472777014So let's say the world consensus..: would be that they think there were no deathcamps and the s…[View]
472780862Judge Merchan going to jail: If he sentences Trump this week Trump signed those checks while acting…[View]
472791391What do do if i have inferior genetics?: I have the bone structure of a girl (small head, high pitch…[View]
472792819Joe Biden says US troops are stupid bastards, is he correct?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvrH_i…[View]
472794239It has run its course: Democracy is dead, and that is a good thing. We need based authoritarian regi…[View]
472791594Immigrating to Toronto: The highest income earners earning above average individual incomes are eith…[View]
472792067Biden Won the Debate: https://x.com/damienslash/status/1806779575206064612[View]
472789466If 'Sloppy' Steve Bannon is smart, he will use prison to get /fit/ and detox from alcohol.…[View]
472781520France is a chinese police state: I went to the post station to buy a book of stamps. The clerk aske…[View]
472790621What to do as a inferior male with inferior genetic?: I have the bone structure of a girl (small hea…[View]
472792312Combat veteran who planned on blowing up Mosque with homemade bomb reverts to Islam: https://youtu.b…[View]
472791914He should be in the Supreme Court right now. How can you expect people to trust the system when it c…[View]
472787203British election thread: The uk election is in 3 days let’s have a thread about it >conservatives…[View]
472793287One day, in the not-so-distant future, we're going to look back at the MAGA movement. And when …[View]
472793837Democrats don't even want Biden to win the (s)election again kek Do Republicans really want Tru…[View]
472793510The powers that be have a new system, that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be …[View]
472784645you bet your ass if this piece of shit gets in office our country is going to collapse[View]
472793383Canada Protest Cucked Out: Today was supposed to be the big 'Take Back Canada' protest. Literally no…[View]
472792679this is a weird englishman: looks like an ape to me. am i alone?[View]
472782532The Jews Have Saved Europe: La Pen's party has doubled their voting margin, all because of Oct …[View]
472789500Israel can defeat all of its neighbors combined: It already did three separate times. Just give it u…[View]
472793413201: dangers of unchecked Muslim immigration and the devastating impact it can have on our culture a…[View]
472792320> be zogbot > seeth at more successful guy getting sex…[View]
472790027Are they going to riot when Trump wins?: Seems like the anti-Trump cult has gone nuclear. They are l…[View]
472793272Is this a better paradigm to understand geopolitics?[View]
472792376Good Jews: I'm looking for Jewish politicians who are loyal to the majority ethnicity of their …[View]
472793098This thread is dedicated only to vax-democide. Post all kinds of sudden deaths, turbocancers, athlet…[View]
472773903Big Tech is turning to nuclear power because it needs more energy for AI: A third of nuclear power p…[View]
472780992This is how trannies are made: Isn't nature beautiful, anons?[View]
472792706where are all the brown kid rapist pol is always telling about[View]
472787828I'm SO scared for the well being of my frenchsisters. Just look at her celebrating the results,…[View]
472792618Lol Can't have this under communism[View]
472788122Zionist globohomo is officially over: There is no future where the ZOG plans succeed. It's math…[View]
472790670>Says the truth but in a stupid voice and accent What did they mean by this?…[View]
472790514these niggers played like absolute shit: thank god aloha didnt let these slovak niggers win through …[View]
472785353What is your opinion on Syrian refugees?[View]
472790866They're going to let Trump win to try and re-moralize people and reduce the backlash for the dr…[View]
472789147free chiropractic adjustment if you sign up with the UAF right now![View]
472791133The enemy of my enemy is my fren.[View]
472788612Fags shit and piss on each other at 'Pride' in front of kids, cops do nothing.: A group of fags at S…[View]
472791532Choose your fighter: Which leader would you ride or die with to save western civilization (or list o…[View]
47278703734 convicted felonies[View]
472791503>Singlehandedly destroys pisslam[View]
472788205This is cool. Why aren't we doing cool things like this anymore? >inb4 'uhh it's cheap …[View]
472790062fuck kikes >pic related, never forget we will win Christ is King[View]
472784358Reminder:: You won’t do shit.[View]
472791192plot twist: da joos[View]
472773789Norway. 50% excess mortality for people age 1-39. 'Long covid' probably https://www.nrk.no/buskerud/…[View]
472791058If George Washington just stayed in art school we wouldn’t be here[View]
472790872Schadenfreude: Anyone else enjoying the replacers being replaced? Turks replaced Germans and are bei…[View]
472789449At what point can it be declared as elder abuse what his family and people in his 'inner circle' are…[View]
472791256Fucking chud SCOTUS: It looks like we'll never be able to bring justice to Obama for drone stri…[View]
472789742How did this man fall off the radar so quickly? Did he leave the country? Is he in hiding now? I…[View]
472791220/JAS/ Jewish Avoidant System: What are the political implications of Jews fearing: Crucifixes, The C…[View]
472780195This is why hospital death rates are so high niggers make tiktok about their 'black jobs' to PWN dru…[View]
472788968Canadian niggerfaggot bitches about terrorists shutting down fag parade: In Toronto, of course. Terr…[View]
472788373Why is it so hot and humid in Europe right now, are they trying to get us accustomed to an African c…[View]
472788633Great Vepsian Conspiracy: Everyone knows that Bolsheviks were Jews. But do you know Putler is a dirt…[View]
472787902Welfare has collapsed The Hood has fallen[View]
472785854Why are French cars weak as fuck? All they make are 1.2 engine cars. Audi and BMW makes 3.0 at least…[View]
472766379>the 'le evil nazis' get an unprecedently large public support >call for immediate elections …[View]
472787860If someone had called for Bidens death, they'd be dead...: BBC ALLOWS AN INTERNATIONAL TERRORIS…[View]
472776781Are Americans and their gay-ass biolabs to blame here?[View]
472790419To the people saying they'll leave the US if Trump is elected... Well, consider a couple things…[View]
472790332TDS 1206: fuck svne[View]
472790085You thought that drivers would be getting replaced by AI: But they are actually being replaced by pa…[View]
472789375did you feel that?[View]
472787818Read this post and tell me goycattle don't deserve to be exterminated.[View]
472784748I'm trans, AMA: Hit me with your best shot. Fire away[View]
472787289Why is height such a big fucking deal anyway?: Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage. In…[View]
472792357Why did Self Improvement fail to help incels get laid?[View]
472782370Study finds: Romance is dead: >'Women prioritize connecting sexualy with their partner before com…[View]
472743907/pol/ humor/humour thread: Post politically incorrect comics and memes[View]
472781176Brit/pol/ SUPRISE /BPGE/ 3RD DEBATE EDITION: write in stage: >>470674628 1st Debate: >>4…[View]
472788675How could they lie to us so badly? It all happened just infront of our eyes, in broad daylight with …[View]
472784613whoa: did anyone just feel that?[View]
472788152What proof do you have that all jews everywhere are actively trying to undermine wypipo at every poi…[View]
472776812What de-radicalized you?: What made you isolate yourself instead of being concerned of the societal …[View]
472789885Sexually, being a woman kind of sucks. Men have penises, which can penetrate, but also buttholes, wh…[View]
472787452How Could Jill Biden Be Running the Country? — Technical Expertise and Schizing Requested: Anyone wi…[View]
472776325Catastrophic day for ukraine air force: 2 completely destroyed su-27 fighters 3 damaged su-27 with …[View]
472782156brit/pol/ howdy: >'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics https://www.bbc.co.…[View]
472785234Is Russia is winning?: Grandma, is in Russia. She keeps saying Kiev is surrounded, and the imperial …[View]
472787651Happy End of Gay Pride Month Anons!: How are you celebrating?[View]
472782779Why did they think it was a smart idea to go to the beach in a warzone?[View]
472788694uhm wtf i have to sell my semen to pay the rent???: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/laid-off-…[View]
472781949Is the fact that an unironic schizoposter is going to be the next American president proof that we…[View]
472770652SAARS OUTBREAK IN CANADA: Alert, celebrate Canada day with caution. There's a Saars outbreak.…[View]
472789491Why does the right wing keep winning, brehs? What is it about L3ftists that makes them addicted to l…[View]
472788808Rent's due![View]
472785092Goycattle deserve their destruction: >Joos made you have your shitty wagecuck job >Joos are ke…[View]
472788682Who will the democrats replace Joesepher Biden with?: >inb4 Kamala Harris Lmao, what can be unbur…[View]
472784681Inevitable?: Higher charisma than anything currently on 'muh elites' offer, Trump included. >More…[View]
472784039>be me >feeling uncharacteristically good >decide to go out tonight >start searching stu…[View]
472786442The 19th was a mistake[View]
472788724ok this is everything[View]
4727861584 months till US elections: And not a single major chimpout yet ... what's going on???[View]
472787233The world is ready to taste the rainbow. captcha: ADOM XT[View]
472786739How will Trump’s future presidency affect this war?[View]
472788547trump derangement syndrome: one of my friends just dropped this >Trump fucking broke me. And I ca…[View]
472787901Destiny: I would rather vote for Joe Biden’s urn than trump: https://youtu.be/xXA0N3oCx3o[View]
472789036what's their problem?: wanted to buy a house golly gee, just 65k, hmm, lemme check streetview r…[View]
472784419Official laugh at the UK thread: Britain has become the joke of the western world. Whatever problems…[View]
472786771Making room for F-16s[View]
472787212As AI systems become more sophisticated and potentially conscious, the ethical treatment of AI entit…[View]
472777226blonde white women are coming to their senses in France: maybe 85 fucking years after the Nazis warn…[View]
472787693Biden blasts Trump over covid restrictions: >“He lied about the great economy he created. He lied…[View]
472785243Pretty much...[View]
472785001Why are people scared of gangsters?: Is joining a gang, the best thing in life? https://m.youtube.co…[View]
472788260Is raw milk actually good for you? Or is it a meme?[View]
472782846What are you willing to do to save Japan?[View]
472788238Do you think the normies will ever wake up?[View]
472785501HAPPY WHITE HISTORY MONTH!: How will we celebrate White History Month? July is great for picnics, hi…[View]
472788101say it with me 'IMMUNE'[View]
472788416>see you back home Obviously the guy is high as a kite and enjoys the best medical technology for…[View]
472772339This woman is so fucking psychotic for dissenting the way she did. She knows her dissent isnt the re…[View]
472786067Jews spread faggotry to make the world comfortable for the arrival of their antichrist. The antichri…[View]
472786063Hey autistics, just shut the fuck up. You don't know how to actually improve things, you just w…[View]
472784117Why do people on the right think anti-environmentalism is cool and rebellious?[View]
472786127>First, anti-Israel congressman Jamaal Bowman is voted out >Now this LOL It's not looking…[View]
472784186>ruins the middle east and the world by inventing a religion that enforces nigger worshiping and …[View]
472775120My dream is the democrats replace Biden with Fetterman[View]
472788158What did the new JRE mean by this?[View]
472777765Genetics is destiny, a real issue few people understand: The number one issue that we are currently …[View]
472786175Gentlemen, we are in dire times, but the path now is clear: We do not do it because it is easy, but …[View]
472784644What did the British Far Right mean by this?[View]
472781497European are literally more close in their dna to native American than Indian or arabs. Only east a…[View]
472781909AHAHAHHA!: Multiple Russhit aircraft destroyed in a single strike. How they can even cope![View]
472760989Elon crashing the ISS: Uhm Nigga what? Fuck me, see next post if you don't already know where t…[View]
472784818Knocking out the porn, knocking out the slide What is an official act? What do you want to see Biden…[View]
472764966'No one is above the law, Jack': 'Not even former president Trump' >takes 'inappropriate showers'…[View]
472784205>Goyslop is unaffordable >Video games are shitty, pozzed and unaffordable >Porn doesn…[View]
472787799Notice how laughing at indians is one thing /pol/ agrees on?[View]
472780619POV: You wake up in a world where black people never existed[View]
472785251I just got promoted as a social media consultant because they think I pioneered Donald Trump MIGA me…[View]
472786315HAPPENING: Nigel Farage says Le Pen would be a DISASTER for France! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/worl…[View]
472784120No new data from Fox yet butttt: Yeah Biden fucked the dog. Pretty sure once the Fox numbers come in…[View]
472785992White Males now least likely to reproduce in their lifetime of any race: The Aryan race is dying out…[View]
472787571Macron will resign: >the Zelensky curse[View]
4727875561st they came for the pirates.: 'The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) aimed to foster…[View]
472767809Why aren't Dems using all the tools at their disposal to save democracy?[View]
472783249This baby looks EXACTLY like his momma.: Only racists disagree.[View]
472787208What's gonna happen if he wins?[View]
472787481Murder all blacks Was just driving and one of them COULDN'T go faster than 40kmh this retard al…[View]
472785957What would you do with presidential immunity?[View]
472786926If only you knew how immune things truly are.[View]
472778239BEHOLD THE FASTEST GERMAN RUNNER: pic related is the first german who could run the 100m in under 10…[View]
472786466cope faggots: rofl >its not real lmao lol even hahahaha faggots[View]
472775201Why is abortion considered a sacrament to the left?[View]
472783703The Absolute (Political) State of Reddit: I didn't have much interest in this election prior to…[View]
472781596To win, the alt-right needs to seed itself in the military. What the fuck are leftists and democrats…[View]
472786726The election is rigged. Get over it.: >But Trump is gonna win! No he won't. Get over it. …[View]
472786890We don't want to end up like france[View]
472784352I recently visited my local history museum. Under every single fucking exhibit was two signs. One si…[View]
472785713Is 29 old? Am I delusional?I suddenly feel old, even thhough i used to feel young til i was 28. Sudd…[View]
472779801Seriously, unironically, what the HELL is going to happen after he wins the election? Because after …[View]
472780517Weren’t Syrians considered white by /pol/?[View]
472784133>short hair is ugly and for dykes Fuck you, short hair is trad and feminine. Virtually no woman b…[View]
472784825How long will we allow this for?[View]
472786459Are normies opening their eyes?[View]
472782345>Socialists can't gover-: Rio Grande do Norte is a state in Brazil with centre-left state go…[View]
472761996Mossad assassinated US congressman family members with impunity.: This is the only news. When will …[View]
472784935I'm a trans Russian/Palestinian freedom fighter: And I smash n*zi skulls. Anything you'd l…[View]
472786607Israeli citizens WARNED not to visit Ukraine, says the Israeli embassy on telegram.[View]
472784307How is Biden still losing even though he won the debate ?[View]
472783416Is /pol/ feeling scared? Your time is officially up. Try to comprehend in less than 6 months you…[View]
472784821Asian women are becoming harder to get. It’s over for white men: Passport bros on the ground are say…[View]
472783939Trump has set a precedent. All present and future presidents, democrat and republican, are explicitl…[View]
472781954Libertarianism is undefeated.: I have never heard a valid argument against Libertarianism. Only stra…[View]
472785797Chinese aren't whit-: These are all Chinese people. They speak fluent mandarin, they are staunc…[View]
472781158I need those webms with gay rape in Russian army.[View]
472786216What is really happening in France.: In the photo, it's Jean Luc Mélenchon at the Gay Pride, le…[View]
472784836Politics has never been more forced, weird, and strange than it is right now.: Epstein Island made c…[View]
472773992Vietnam shop owner expels jews from shop: https://x.com/Jewsarethegoat/status/1807813273749696639 Oh…[View]
472781182It was nice to have known you, RIP[View]
472785949No guns for you right wing AFD member in germany: If only our liberators would brought us democracy …[View]
472785731Celebrity worship and its implications: Why do large chunks of the population seemingly worship peop…[View]
472785076You’re not prepared for what’s coming, Jack: 1000 year democracy stating this November[View]
472779733Where do we go now[View]
472785676what happened to common courtesy and morality?: people are so uptight nowadays[View]
472784693Joe is staying in, so Trump is guaranteed a win: What are your top 3 things you want trump to do fir…[View]
472773490Neder /pol/der general: the COLONIZERS of the Netherlands: >Another day, another escalation - Rad…[View]
472785432Why do democrats hate women?: Its always a one way street. You can have hot males in games and movie…[View]
472784402you ain't imagining things my dude niggers STINK: https://www.sciencefriday.com/articles/sweat-…[View]
472784095Is Putin the greatest post-WW2 world leader?[View]
472779019Supreme Court does fuck all for years: Suddenly it is now cranking out big decisions, directly befor…[View]
472778585Pride month 2024: It wasn’t pushed nearly as hard as previous years. Any theories as to why?[View]
472785313kill all trannies in the name of god, white men are an abomination and shouldn't be allowed in …[View]
472782525when will we get a Christian european version of this?[View]
472782412Can /uhg/ explain.[View]
472775930/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14713: ▶Prev: >>472765614 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472784427Can someone explain why the ultra aryan white nationalist Ukrainian leader of the Azov brigade liter…[View]
472783170HAHAhaha: To the last hohol, and pigger simp[View]
472781303Holy shit, they've revealed their true colors real bad: The entire website is asking for Biden …[View]
472784310something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472781867/POL/ SKRIBBL.IO THREAD: We did it a while ago. it was fun. Lets do it again! https://skribbl.io/?0Q…[View]
472782651Just when you thought it couldn't get any griftier...[View]
472771333It's pretty much in the bag at this point, isn't it?[View]
472782019Meet Kai Watts-Schreiber. Her mother is English and her father is German-American/Jewish, she identi…[View]
472783462What exactly is a sub 9 male supposed to do with their life anyway?[View]
472782210https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=416UAU5RRt4 how come other countries don't copy this strategy h…[View]
472782230Hi everyone. I've been told by certain partners that you've spread false information about…[View]
472784473#angerforpresident2024: why are people voting for trump and biden when the best candidate is LITERAL…[View]
472779927A man receives a BLOWJOB and URINATES in another man’s mouth at San Francisco Pride.: https://twitte…[View]
472784025What if they want him to lose?: Is some mega-recession or financial nightmare crisis coming? I can s…[View]
472784316So, when is the bird flu going to hit /pol/? Will they roll it out to rig the next election or will …[View]
472784308Why do white women worship old Jewish pedophiles so much?[View]
472779994Project 2025 and porn: I'm not asking to argue anything about this other than the clause about …[View]
472779524Swedens economy: Record number of bancruptcies in 2024 how could this happen https://www.friatider.s…[View]
472782175FEMA Camps w/ guillotines: I don't doubt they're building these but how the hell can you i…[View]
472768107Have some pizza, frens!: There’s coke and vanilla ice cream in the fridge[View]
472783737I would rather kill myself than going to the war just to die for a bunch of old boomer kikes and bla…[View]
472783498Breaking: Judge finally releases Epstein grand jury documents: And, to the surprise of no one, it…[View]
472775523What's wrong with indians? Why did they evolve to be like this?[View]
472783858What are the best countries to marry a younger woman to have children in exchange for giving her fin…[View]
472778863Why are rightwingers saying Obama was correct now to kill those Americans, or Clinton to kill vince …[View]
472782382Spanish Gov implementing Communist Internet: OK lads, looks like Internet privacy is lost in Spain, …[View]
472783897When the historical narrative taught in American public schools for any conflict amounts to: evil ba…[View]
472783584Happy Dominion Day fellow British North Americans.[View]
472780993I'm not super concerned about a non-Aryan invasion.: We spiritually conquered the globe using a…[View]
472780072Trump immunity ruling hands big decisions to Judge Tanya Chutkan: F. The U.S. Supreme Court’s presi…[View]
472783663I love when companies celebrate their employees fucking each other in the ass: If you work for enoug…[View]
472758156Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union…[View]
472782902i present to you: the most sanitized reddit seething thread atm: https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/…[View]
472781889Spain and Russia are natural allies: Imagine if Spanish Empire had survived and tsarist Russia as we…[View]
472782753Bongs cannot compete with white Slavic Poles: Just a handful of years and the British slags will go …[View]
472779362Finish the sentence: I HATE[View]
472769516This has to stop, /pol/: Maybe we went too far with the cyber bullying of Indians https://www.youtub…[View]
472780726rate hohol decoys They lost 5 su-27 today btw.[View]
472783237BIDEN HIRED SOMEONE TO TAKE OUT TRUMP: Jesus Christ Biden why? WHY![View]
472765175What kind of sick society thinks being naked is a 'mental illness'[View]
472783099You survive pride month?: Pride month is over at last. But our mission to stop Globo. Homo from turn…[View]
472776205THE VOTE literally doesn't matter. It's all one big puppet show to keep you complacent and…[View]
472773660Uh, guys.. remind me what about these is supposed to outrage me?[View]
472783226>posting tranny boobs and nigger cocks is ok >posting goddess tier tits is not When did you fi…[View]
472773533He is actually going to lose: isn't he?[View]
472780583Contrary to popular belief, you can tell a LOT about a person just by the way they look![View]
472781097Reminder that women are the problem. Not minorities and not even Jews. Disenfranchising women would …[View]
472759186Pro-tip to Americans: To have a revolution you need the military on your side.[View]
472783301why are feds such buzzkills?: why do feds hate fun? they never enjoy themselves and they always have…[View]
472781998Zoomers are mainstreaming the whiterace again: This couple is fucking taking over tik Tok and YT sho…[View]
472765311damn, really a fucking desert out there[View]
472780455Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready: 'I'm proud of going to prison today,' Bannon sai…[View]
472773563I don't want to hang out with you guys anymore because I'm no longer a NEET incel loser. Y…[View]
472783117>votecel gets nothing >'''winning'''[View]
472783148Will you move to the United States to fight for the right side once the civil war erupts?[View]
472782856The west has fallen. First she fucks mans best friend. Then mans offspring. Why are western women l…[View]
472780628It seems girls from Saint Petersburg are more “classical” than Moscow.: Any Russian anons here to co…[View]
472768929/pol/SISTERS WE FUCKED UP. WE FUCKED UP BAD: Trump is literally going to transform the United States…[View]
472783075BEYOND PATHETIC LOSERS: there are ackchully faggots on this board spending all their time endlessly …[View]
472783050Hail Germans. Fuck Americans. Am Yisrael Chai.[View]
472778565Has any country that’s been forced to use penal battalions ever won a war?[View]
472778309The World Bank has classified Russia as a high-income country: estimating gross income per capita at…[View]
472781626>Does nothing >Loses[View]
472782211He's still gonna win.[View]
472776522/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16957: Previous: >>472772125 Timeline /tug/:https…[View]
472781219Meanwhile in Ukraine: While the rest of the world is busy with the daily political nonsense, the Rus…[View]
472773243It's a party of spoiled children: ...and they don't like being told no at all.[View]
472782190Well, I'd like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam! *Trump wriggles his way o…[View]
472777221scenes from the Indigenous takeover of Sankofa Square today in Toronto! their sign literally said '…[View]
472782512Biden’s cooked: There’s no Biden getting reelected. It almost seems like the guy has done everything…[View]
472773694brit/pol/ - joshua's funeral edish (come in and pay your respects /pol/): '**Obituary: Joshua B…[View]
472778707Ukraine in one photo. Rabbi gives Nazi a certificate for patriotism[View]
472779750What do you think about bindy johal?: He helped alot of Indians getting jobs and fought against raci…[View]
472776824Passport bros beats feminism: >women have high body counts Travel to another country >women …[View]
472780151Durandal has been stolen: > https://www.ladepeche.fr/2024/07/01/info-la-depeche-durandal-a-dispar…[View]
472778930Pride Parades are family friendly and a great experience especially for kids! https://twitter.com/j…[View]
472774252TRUMP FOR PRISON 2024: Reminder that this judge can end our national nightmare by sentencing Trump t…[View]
472782362saars: Anyone got more of those indians comments defending Israel, only to be treated like sub-human…[View]
472780396Miss me yet?[View]
472780741THIS KILLS THE AMERIMUTT: A black as coal African living in Germany is MORE German than you. Yes, ev…[View]
472782311Why is nobody talking about this? A Ukrainian Jewish nazi stole a Russian military airplane bombed a…[View]
472757925Why does Israel not care about optics?[View]
472782229how did they let this happen?: think related colors are allies the grid zones are giant shitholes…[View]
472777947France is falling to fascism, is /pol/ not concerned ?[View]
472778940officially not a muslim majority: well well well[View]
472782097Mixed Jews of 4chan:: 1) How much Jewish blood do you have? 2) What is the ethnicity of your non-Jew…[View]
472774689ALL I WANT: just this. to be that dog. content, fed, amusing, protecting. women, literally, treat m…[View]
472774870Why are all authoritarian shithole dictatorships like Russia, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, et…[View]
472780641How far is this going to go in Germany ?. It wouldn’t surprise me if eventually you have to tweet ou…[View]
472778822Straight whore finds a way to insert herself into LGBTshit: I haven't posted on this site in mo…[View]
472779346What makes Russia think it could challenge the will of English speaking people?: The entire world hi…[View]
472777184KING TRUMP: This is actually going to happen[View]
472772745Say it with me 'IMMUNE,' sorry folks.: Sorry folks, I'm immune, you know it, I know it, and dir…[View]
472781674Be a man support women when you buy your adult toys.[View]
472781650>does nothing >wins (eventually)[View]
472780638>you will never be raped by your sisters Why even live[View]
472781247I wonder if she knows the comparison[View]
472778717>this is a healthy society according to /pol/[View]
472779857Happy Confederation Day Fellow Confederates!: This is a thread to uncover the fact that Canada (part…[View]
472780966How can the president NOT have qualified immunity?[View]
472774540End of empires: I've come to the conclusion that the end of America and all other empires funda…[View]
472779254I can't do it. I can't play video games anymore. There's just too much awful, evil th…[View]
472782799man peeing from a ship: there is old Finnish wisdom: 'if you have to piss while on a ship/boat, you …[View]
472779806How come it so common to see attractive girls working menial jobs and in poverty outside of western …[View]
472780148Why haven't you gotten yourself a trad Injun qt gf?[View]
472779286We Germanics are Germanic: Our superiority it is genetic DAS DEUTSCH[View]
472773472Was this really necessary??[View]
472774624Why are muslims so subhuman? >most of them are pedophiles who constantly molest native european g…[View]
472780433Biden, Today: > Be me, Joe Biden > Sees SCOTUS decision > Knows everything 'Official' is im…[View]
472766622This whole bloody mess in Ukraine is nothing but a planned genocide in the shape of war in which nei…[View]
472781128Discus these facts and how (((not))) whites have once again stolen from African American culture and…[View]
472779143There's a cure for your racism: That cure has a word. That word is 'travel.'[View]
472769119CHILD RAPIST ON DUTCH OLYMPIC TEAM: he drugged and raped a 12 year old girl. explain yourselves dutc…[View]
472771015Christina Riggs became the first female executed by Arkansas in the modern era for the asphyxiation …[View]
472780905But when one little SCOTUS decision comes out, everyone loses their minds.: It really is astonishing…[View]
472780312THE LAST DAYS OF TRUMP’S REGIME: Trump’s house of cards is in mid collapse. With Trump going to jail…[View]
472778018Calling on Biden to arrest Hilldawg and Obama: This lil nigga got some balls on him tagging like tha…[View]
472781139Becoming politician as emigrant: Burgerbros I need some advice. On Canada day I'm reflecting ho…[View]
472749295/AHSG/: CAT 4 IN JULY Edition Livestreams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4el0EXJNKWE https://www.…[View]
472780166This is what Mary would have actually looked like. Cathocucks are praying the rosary to a middle age…[View]
472779110Hypothetical Chinese attack on Japan: If China attacked Japan, would you accept the draft and go fig…[View]
472780010>he fell for the meme that Pussyan kicked the jews out[View]
472776726If you vote for trump all the lgbt rights will be taken away. Read project2025[View]
472768474>presidential debate is spiraling into a who's better at golf contest Is this ordinary mutt …[View]
472779054Civilisation is a tool of procession through sacrifice.: The telic end of Humans is towards some hig…[View]
472778330North Dakota BTFO: You just got cucked by a CaliWali Chad! North Dakota bros on suicide watch!…[View]
472771994Memetic Singularity: https://youtu.be/6_HroTxaZe0 https://youtu.be/oxVVm75k_8Q https://youtu.be/rWnA…[View]
472777735How much time we have to wait for our robotwaifus ? Can we send the low life whores to slave for us …[View]
472780112what is it it with boomers and these shit ai images?[View]
472778865Poccия coceт пeниc Cayдoвcкoй Apaвии: VLADIMIR PUTIN SUCKS ARABIAN COCK. PROVE ME RIGHT, VLAD PUTIN …[View]
472780489Generation shift is coming because Biden will stay in the race: This was always going to happen. Rep…[View]
472779946Why does /pol/ never criticize the American Secret Service? You all think every recent president com…[View]
472780179How does this make you feel?[View]
472770759why do redditors love humiliation rituals?[View]
472780133I stand with Israel. Jews ROCK![View]
472780308chink hate thread: just good old insectoid hate post em[View]
472778100>Trump is actually leading in the polls >Countries around the world have growing far-right mov…[View]
472780152What is life in the Carribean like?: I had been playing AC Black Flag again and have irresistible ur…[View]
472753218why are European descendants in the new world more attractive than the ones currently living in Euro…[View]
472771318Babylonian jews don't talk shit about Mormons. Funny that...[View]
472776540This would fix Europe: >USA and Russia sign a bilateral peace treaty >American and Russian lea…[View]
472779972Are you ready for the mommy presidency?[View]
472775970ITT: post vaccine, government, and controlled opposition redpills: ITT: post vaccine, government, an…[View]
472757040FUTURE FRENCH PRESIDENT: >Ok, i am done. Fully demoralised finally. I hope elites will destroy us…[View]
472777038Press f They had a good run[View]
472779925when did movies get jewish[View]
472777916Are You Still Voting For This Guy?: Is this really the best the right wing can do? And why is every …[View]
472773969White people have to go >May 14 2022 buffalo massacre >June 15 2015 Charleston church massacr…[View]
472779739I miss Y2K[View]
472776963What even is this country anymore?[View]
472779176I don't hate feminists. Feminism is a reactionary movement that is only fueled by the fact that…[View]
472767528I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, I'm not a fan of this supreme court ruling[View]
472740966Formerly Viral South African Mercenary Announced Liquidated in Ukraine: https://x.com/Sentletse/stat…[View]
472776587War Crimes are a Pussy Leftist Concept: Post quotes exposing the concept of 'War Crimes' as the puss…[View]
472748494White-looking Turkish woman tries to rip hijabs off Muslim immigrants: https://x.com/realMaalouf/sta…[View]
472774572>this is what 4 years of Bidenomics does to the average American[View]
472768451I found the best candidate to replace Biden and circumvent any fallout from the people who matter (e…[View]
472779636Putin killed and crippled over 500,000 of his ethnic Russian troops in the meat grinder in Ukraine. …[View]
472777107America, what's going on, big guy?: https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2024/07/01/news/navy_seals…[View]
472779028Like the Wizard of Oz when little Toto drew the curtain back[View]
472778781CIA did this!!!: Damn you great satan!! damn your globuhomular voodoo niggardy!! you also made my po…[View]
472779153Based Germans tired of non-Germans playing for Germany[View]
472779073>trump is down 2 in a blue state pre-debate Bidenbros, w-what's going on...…[View]
472761301canada: >canadians don't have kids >a ton of vacant jobs >government brings over hard …[View]
472777154f-16 status?[View]
472778544>Marika: Messmer, my son! >Messmer: Yes, Jesu... I mean, Mother. >Marika: The vile Hornsent…[View]
472778170What’s happening in France is real bad and will hinder the prospects of getting real pro-white polic…[View]
472773510Julio foolio had passed I regret to inform you[View]
472778049EURO2024: Ah yes European citizens playing for their national team, they all look like this in Europ…[View]
472778097Will Trump fight woke culture, yes or no? If yes, he has my support. If no, he doesn't. Simple…[View]
472775991I found an even gayer group of alphabet people.[View]
472776708Amerigolem soldiers afraid to walk the streets of Europe!: The occupiers are afraid.[View]
472778886Age of Consent is a jewish lie: You haven't fallen for the jews biggest trick of all, right, an…[View]
472776453This is you on election night: This is you on election night[View]
472777957Real Scizo Hours: This is the Truth[View]
472756540Scandinavian 'beach'[View]
472778120R U Prepared: You ready 4 whats coming if the Democrats Win?[View]
472778721Trust le plan[View]
472767649>Gibs reparations and shieeeet. Polaks are the niggers of Europe.[View]
472778286ARE YOU READY FOR CHINESE CARS?: President Newsome has broken a deal with the Chinese. Chinese cars …[View]
472778184Why the fuck some people say that Italian are extremely close to arabs genetic? Holy shit, it crazy.…[View]
472778388This is how genuinely how BidenBoomers think, lmao[View]
472778484real moving bionicle leg: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02157-3 A new neural interface …[View]
472776740HAHAHA! DONALD TRUMP! What? The GAME SHOW HOST! WHEEEZE!: Holy kek, could you imagine such a thing!?…[View]
472777666Ridin' with Biden; don't abandon Dark Brandon: 'Based' blacks are gonna be voting Trump be…[View]
472777817Why don't the citizens realize the whole mass-surveillance system is a scam being used against …[View]
472730116***LGBTQ LEADER TRIES TO RAIL 14YR OLD BOY***: Head of LGBTQ Democrats Michael Knaapen tries to meet…[View]
472766438How much influence does the CIA still have?: Anons saying they’re irrelevant is kind of hard to beli…[View]
472777381Reality POV of Being a Tankie in 2024: Get in the chicken coop losers, we're invading NATO lmao…[View]
472777693To be honest.. beauty is a pagan concept. A pagan idea. You cannot love beauty and venerate it and b…[View]
472777865the Founding Fathers: ... what would they say if they could visit America on our national anniversar…[View]
472767319Some? There's 200 highly trained psychologists that have been sounding the alarm for a while.[View]
472774384Daily reminder that all liberals are atheist. They are being consistent with their beliefs by pushin…[View]
472774456were white people really this retarded before the Romans conquered them?[View]
472774768Are you voting for the Uniparty, Anon?: Their policy platform: >Oikephobia >Globalism >Mult…[View]
472767548brit/pol/ do 20 burpees right now: >'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics h…[View]
472777080Fuck Timmy gon do?[View]
472776230>Supreme Court rules ex-presidents have broad immunity, dimming chance of a pre-election Trump tr…[View]
472777193Fuck Timmy gon do?[View]
472776466PRESIDENT GAVIN NEWSOME TO IMPORT CHINESE CARS: Gavin Newsom will become the next president and brin…[View]
472777171Republicans Dun Goofed: King Biden can now legally DESTROY drumpf Thanks Supreme Court![View]
472777779Why are whites the only group unable to cut it in higher education?[View]
472771787Mike Vallely says Trump is making a MOCKERY of the Constitution: >In the wake of the SCOTUS rulin…[View]
472769962Where is the white peoples?[View]
4727723471,000,000 Amerimutt tears were shed after reading the following: A black as coal African living in G…[View]
472776065These are the only two possible scenarios: SCENARIO 1 >Biden steps down from campaign >Kamala …[View]
472775965Bomb Serbia again.[View]
472776689Barack Obama: Total Hottie: The only sexy president we've ever had. Looksmoggsed every other wo…[View]
472771090This is the Whitest man in America.: When he dies, the country dies.[View]
472762044Is Lainey the antichrist? Think about what you bastards have done to hear head.[View]
472770378Will American values survive in the future?: Things like >freedom of speech >free capitalism …[View]
472773117Wait, so he can just do this?[View]
472774097Send them: Is Biden going to sit around all day and do nothing? he should send in the elite special …[View]
472767195A woman from rape crisis center just fainted on live Irish 6 o'clock news. Everyone was shocke…[View]
472773374Have you met your tradcon English rose at your local Reform canvassing event yet, anon? >captcha …[View]
472763901FUCK BANKS! BANKRUN NOW!: >go to bank for help getting a new PIN code >roastie gives me attitu…[View]
472776700What does the future hold for the white race?[View]
472759418>cooking takes an hour a day >healthy eating out is too expensive As a single man you basicall…[View]
472766062Hillary for President: Trump Has Her Haircut >Biden replace Kamala with Hillary >Trump lose i…[View]
472774555Do you think he's more likely than Biden to get America involved in anther war in the middle ea…[View]
472775879Klaus Schwab accused of sexism: Who did he piss off? https://menafn.com/1108393592/Davos-founder-fac…[View]
472766469Future predictions: The media is spouting “trump is a fascist” because they are trying to make that …[View]
472772286What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?[View]
472760292ANGRY INSURRECTIONIST FAGGOTS GENERAL: Drop em as you grab em[View]
472766619Christians, not racists, are to blame for lynch mobs and racial violence: The origins of the Christi…[View]
472762309So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit? Is it cause the fruit gro…[View]
472775392Australians love thread >Fuck off we're full Come to Kazakhstan <3…[View]
472772125/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #16956: Previous: >>472762287 Timeline /tug/:https…[View]
472772699How long are niggers going to hold America back, destroy progress in AI (Google blackwaah everythaan…[View]
472767660Sotomayor torches the SC Trump Immunity verdict: 'Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate …[View]
472768772ISLAM IS A RELIGON OF PEACE: How come so many on /pol/ fall for the Russian PsyOp?[View]
472774576>be God >create niggers to ensure absolute havoc upon Earth and civilisations erected by Aryan…[View]
472776170Can PPC win a seat?[View]
472771292With all the talk about seeking a trad woman it raises this question. How many men are capable of be…[View]
472765614/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14712: ▶Prev: >>472748887 ▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield a…[View]
472775468What if there was a virgin/incel parade?: If abunch of people who never had sex made their own parad…[View]
472775366>Do we want another Clinton Administration? Largest budget surplus of all time? >No, give me t…[View]
472771677something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win[View]
472773634Why does Epstein make Trump falter?[View]
472733831Can you accept the will of God?[View]
472772414Turns out the weaselly fedora wearing mainstream archaeologist Flint Dibble, who went on Joe Rogan d…[View]
472764766Imma a certified burger boi: Looks like food science has come full circle for us burger bros. Politi…[View]
472771778Canada is not a real country: Canada is a made up country with no history. A hodgepodge of people st…[View]
472772729/SSG/ SELF-SUFFICIENCY GENERAL #13: 'When a city has grown so overlarge and crowded that it is in im…[View]
472757762>drumpies don't realize the pandoras box they opened[View]
472772015smelly left-wing incels are rioting over losing yet another election[View]
472775628What are the political implications of Florida Man: What are the political and socioeconomic implica…[View]
472767418BREAKING: ISRAEL NEEDS SOLDIERS: Now is your time to shine and help America's greatest ally, /p…[View]
472771801>when an American tries to defend the Electoral College[View]
472751626Why do russoids still think they can win this war?[View]
472773457Were the Covid Powell bucks meant to start inflation?: Did they purposely shut down the economy to p…[View]
472765591What is the ideal age for a woman to wed?[View]
472774300America is ready to forget the one bad evening and jump back into the election game.[View]
472775380politically speaking, who will he vote for in November?[View]
472775281Syrian civil war 5.0: Again another civil war started in Syria, now is the SNA against Turkish Army,…[View]
472766558half of an brigade of Finnish soldiers abandon their oath: it is unknown why this would happen but n…[View]
472771068Is there a country more cucked than Germany?[View]
472771796Blessed are the Pajeets, for they shall inherit the earth.[View]
472735674365 is THE most blackpilling movie about women: >be mafia boss >literally kidnap the woman …[View]
472768933...Are we cooked? https://files.catbox.moe/qdrwd6.mp4[View]
472761992BRAZIL MALE SNAKE RONALDO GIVES 'VIRGIN BIRTH': God has blessed Brazil with His signs yet …[View]
472769191how did we let the jews take away SOVL from every aspect of our lives?[View]
472762154If you don't have a v8 or straight 6 you are a gay[View]
472771933Do penis pumps actually work long term, pol? Or is it just temporary? Can anything make your cock bi…[View]
472774727>Brother does DNA test >24% jewish (10% sephardi, 6% mizrahi 6% ashkenazim, 2% teimanim) I mea…[View]
472769756>sexts a minor >twitch pays him money instead of reporting him to the cops And you want me to …[View]
472770800Prove you aren't a shill right now /pol/ Denounce the Talmund Denounce the Quran Denounce the …[View]
472774226>Be me, giant California faggot >Have family political connections >Cake walk into governor…[View]
472770096Why wasn't there a primary? If there was, democrat voters would have seen Joe Biden's decl…[View]
472775015Is this the latest democrats ass pull.: Damn those libertards are just pathetic.[View]
472763801There used to be threads about this country daily, now you rarely ever see anyone talking about it. …[View]
472774127>Nigger spends 25 years in prison >gets out goes on Joe Rogan Experience >Talks about how h…[View]
472741746Trump gets sentenced this week: Trips decide his punishment[View]
472766685Why homeless concentrate in California?: I tried to google it but the ai cunt ain't having any …[View]
472774644why haven't they discouraged the use of the words 'positive' and 'negative' yet? these words cl…[View]
472774603Vintage 1977 interview quote. Nixon is rolling over in his grave - if he had this Supreme Court, he …[View]
472723052Tariffs don't work: Americans will be driving Chinese cars and Mexico will get 10 thousand more…[View]
472770097Civilization has fallen.[View]
472770940Hasidic kikes finally get theirs: This makes me happy >https://youtu.be/jgmHZ0oSzKs?si=TrCHKUbuP6…[View]
472774046for American anons who plan not to vote in the Nov 2024 election—: Remember that when Kamala selects…[View]
472767100Not an incel thread but genuinely wtf has happened to women? I’ve never been the best looking bloke …[View]
472772584The idea of America is a mutt-culture, isn't it?: “Who the hell is America if not everybody els…[View]
472772432These are the proposals of the French extreme right - madness. Hitler lives!: If the far-right Natio…[View]
472773922>The smartest man alive enters the room It's over for the Jews[View]
472766529American Patriotism Thread: Why yes I enjoy gun ownership Why yes I enjoy freedom of speech, the pre…[View]

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