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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Displaying 3,000 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
475783890Why are they like this?[View]
475781586How will they plan to attempt to defraud this election? are they pulling out covid 2.0? or are they …[View]
475780477The Age of Perfect Blue is upon us[View]
475780585Reminder the mods have approved spamming and low quality 1PBTID OP threads so it's your duty to…[View]
475782810Texas sues to limit teenage access to birth control: >https://archive.is/xhG5n Why does Texas wan…[View]
475782515That's MADAME President to you.[View]
475778934Its over: >its over[View]
475782901>my vote doesn't matter[View]
475782086>a jew https://x.com/Gentilenewsnet/status/1816954352499909010[View]
475782832Whats going on with people now a days: Why is every single person in society upset or just fucking m…[View]
475781760Remind me again why you chose to live your life as an irredeemable racist piece of shit?[View]
475782776Why are they doing this?[View]
475781049Can we have a dignifAI thread? I missed out when they were popular. Got pictures of whores with ai c…[View]
475780666This year on the nigger worship self hating white sports thing: China wins everything![View]
475782616I don't get it was there not another CIA neocon other than JD Power that Trump could have selec…[View]
475782620What is the political implications of cetaceans knowing?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxPkZhFIgB…[View]
475776881All their statistics are fake.: there are far more migrants than they tell you https://www.youtube.c…[View]
475777165The truth about Exodus: When I watched this film as a kid it was because I liked Egyptian shit. Rewa…[View]
475777231It's over for the West: The comparison isn't really fair because China is a veritable ethn…[View]
475779509How many US cities and counties lie about their crime rate? How can you tell, and how do you find th…[View]
475782249Sneaky Joe had one move left in him I guess[View]
475778442What kind of Humiliation Ritual is this?[View]
475782528KAMALA WIPES OUT TRUMP, JFK JR CAMPAIGNS: She's just a magical xanax wine aunt and she's c…[View]
475768287/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17215: Previous:>>475753595 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
475782509ay YO stop dat shit nigga: https://www.rt.com/news/601709-russia-china-bombers-flight-us/…[View]
475774664not caring about politics means youre an incel now[View]
475782355> squealed on his fellow soldiers in Vietnam, literally nicknamed 'Songbird' > barely fought b…[View]
475782477“OPERATION GOOK NUKE” I have used weapons grade cia RVing to determine what the fuck happened to pol…[View]
475782379Did the CIA fuck up by messing with the Russian Federation?: I suspect in the old days they would ha…[View]
475780281I want her as president: at least its gonna be fun to watch how she ruins America IDGAF cuz i get E…[View]
475780949TRUMP BTFO[View]
475755637The real genocide muslims don't want to talk about: A lot of /pol/ is mudslime diaspora though,…[View]
475782225Clearly, the problem is coming from America.[View]
475782228Anglosaxons are guilty of SLAVERY, GENOCIDE, and COLONIALISM The Hispanic Empire made slavery illega…[View]
475781592All frontrunner presidential candidates are zionists, why even vote? Even the ones who aren't w…[View]
475782051blue texas: bros?[View]
475763271i am a CSIS operative in finland: a lot of wacky stuff about to happen in canada soon lol that every…[View]
475780817Life is a curse political implications: I want to die[View]
475781545So these are the latest results, after 2 days of spamming this poll on /pol/ and getting 167 votes h…[View]
475781469>Votes for Kum-hole-a >Oh no bros, my chicken tendies are 28.99 >Must be conservatives >…[View]
475779925(AI-G) July 13, 2024 - A Day in Butler, Pennsylvania: >(sneak preview at first story back from Ju…[View]
475769549How did this tiny shithole island chain conquer the world? My guess is the English language, but idk…[View]
475781355Elon Musk Tricked By A Gay Teacher From LA: >the smartest man in the world >tricked by an LA …[View]
475780642Spot the Judas: I think it's the one that looks like Jewlensky.[View]
475780595Trumps Armored Vehicle: All this bullshit just for some schizo virgin to blow his ear off on televis…[View]
475777870SPACE EXPLORATION IS COMING: Our next astronaut vice president will kick start the great era of spac…[View]
475781909The right has an innate disadvantage politically which is why they rarely succeed: The right wing in…[View]
475779477Women are retarded and men are evil for giving them rights. It's like when Caligula gave his ho…[View]
475728101Do white women hate white men?: Is it just a Jewish psyop? Is it true? Bit of both? Care to explain …[View]
475776467>i-it was a bullet bro[View]
475761703Why did Trump agreed to a debate with Biden so early in the race? It allowed them to pivot to harris…[View]
475780860>Turkey will build nuclear power stations >Read comments about nuclear power from opposition v…[View]
475775995Obtainable?: Are state mandated Goth GF's the only solution to declining birth rates in the wes…[View]
475780461>MEEEEEMMMAAAAAAAWWW I THINK IM GAY AND A WOMAN!!!! Nice to see the GOP fully embracing the LGBTQ…[View]
475766482Who else here Crompilled?: Those familiar with Jouvenel's theory on power might recognize that …[View]
475779318>Israel... Just you wait![View]
475775367S to Spit[View]
475781054Apologize to Peter Strzok, /pol/. He just won a large settlement from the government for wrongful tr…[View]
475776899Trump Versus Harris: Have we gone past the point of Trump having a guaranteed win, due to the shot? …[View]
475779343just cooked it up real quick gem or coal?: call it[View]
475780333How do Kamala sisters cope?[View]
475779881Presented without comment[View]
475781177Is MrBeast the Antichrist?[View]
475776560They're called the Greatest Generation because they willingly laid down their lives to save the…[View]
475781100> the opening ceremony is just a bunch of faggot shit[View]
475780574Why are Spaniards like this?: Why are they such shitty grandparents who don't give a shit about…[View]
475780539Saturn: >why yes I serve the jews how could you tell[View]
475781292Opening Ceremony Globohomo Bingo: I thought it was going to be globohomo'd but not this much. I…[View]
475767777how does ActBlue funding pipeline network actually function?: >multiple tiny microdonations ('28 …[View]
475774531I have 50k in my bank account but still feel poor[View]
475774892we are not going back[View]
475771649He's right you know: Why are they so hellbent on targeting and ridiculing Jesus, suverting Chri…[View]
475779945Hitler Wotan conspiracy: >Carl Jung thought that Nietzsche and Hitler were possessed by Wotan …[View]
475780774Trump getting shot was God’s wrath: Trump nearly being killed was a WARNING from the Lord Jesus Chri…[View]
475767950Nordic supremacy[View]
475778690Western democracy is a fraud: Amazing so many people fallen for the lies[View]
475778811You VILL inhale ze plastic!!: https://www.earth.com/news/humans-inhale-the-equivalent-of-a-credit-ca…[View]
475780721Is he going back so they can take out Vance?: I think that’s a pretty extreme way to dump this garba…[View]
475756350Japanese people are retards: Like most of you, I was fascinated with anime and video games as a chil…[View]
475780460My wife says she’ll leave me if I don’t vote for Kamala: What should I do? Pic related, me.[View]
475780748So this was a nothingburger?: I thought the stock market would finally crash because all the compute…[View]
475780747Women are going to accept my noble chud seed whether they like it or not.[View]
475778342So what exactly was this supposed to symbolize in the Olympics opening ceremony?[View]
475779167It’s literally over.[View]
475736009American with Serbian ancestry amazed with how filthy Serbia is: I was born in the United States and…[View]
475780554its summer: >reddit spaced essay threads >reddit spaced essay threads everywhere…[View]
475780116as savage as russians as competent as western euros[View]
475778699Why do you hate her?: She may have got famous off some degenerate nonsense but it's clear now s…[View]
475734190Do modern females have unrealistic societal standards or has this always been the norm? Any boomers …[View]
475780442New Hampshire Anons.: How do you think NH will vote? I live on the coast and see tons of RFK signs e…[View]
475780467>Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the ceremony Do you notice anything?…[View]
475780418How come there hasn't been another event like Big George for four years now? >Someone got sh…[View]
475740153But at least you're not speaking German, right?[View]
475779242Satanofascism I henceforth am patenting this term. The west is building a Satanofascist empire.[View]
475777548IT'S OFFICIAL: JD VANCE COST TRUMP THE PRESIDENCY!: haha holy shit is this the biggest blunder …[View]
475779444FOX NEWS POLL - KAMALA CLOSES THE GAP: Two tied, one leading by +6. I'm feeling huge 2008 vibe…[View]
475778975why is there a kid surrounded by drag queens dancing to an inappropriate song for the opening ceremo…[View]
475779052she's gonna throw the book at him[View]
475779193hear me out[View]
475778165CNN quietly DUMPS its DEI trannies and niggers: And libshits thought big business actually gives a f…[View]
475778184what if i told you the elites arent trying to 'stop earth warming', theyre trying to 'cause earth co…[View]
475762116He’s right[View]
475779919It's actually over: The hispanics prefer Harris: >won him the election in 2016 >lost him …[View]
475779810Give me polls and/or articles that make it look like Trump will lose. I’m pro-Trump myself but argui…[View]
475776762Its over: India has fallen. There is a literal town called Poo in India. there is no recovering from…[View]
475777650At least they are not speaking German.[View]
475780011so...what exactly pagans do besides larping on /pol/? Do you guys pray, meditate and have faith? Wha…[View]
475779637wild men who caught and sang the sun in fligh: and learn too late they grieved it on its way do not…[View]
475777880>that face you make when you know you are NOT going back[View]
475771791May God have mercy on their souls[View]
475779783So how many thousands more jobs must I apply to before I get one? It seems like these companies reje…[View]
475764261They mocked Jesus.[View]
475773387Indian American IQ: Why does pol cope so fucking hard about Indian American IQ?[View]
475774117This is in Belfast. >but but but the Irish won't do nothin' and let dem niggers take ov…[View]
475778299Hunter Heckel: This fucker like to wear dresses and rape little girls! He also a fetish for little b…[View]
475762398Zoomer flips a rail switch to derail a train for his youtube video: Zoomers are absolutely brainfrie…[View]
475778599Childless Cat Ladies: Let's be real here, this had to be said at some point. There needs to be …[View]
475779436What did you just say of my childless cat mommy MIGA-tard??[View]
475779369Copyright Hate Thread: can we get a serious thread going? enough with the cringe garbage threads on …[View]
475779466you vill suck ze girldick: Why aren't normalfags tired of LGBT yet?[View]
475779453I think LBJ might have been right after all.[View]
475779452Dump Israel.: Ever notice that the Islamic terrorists never target Japan? That's because Japan …[View]
475776088IF YOU ARE GOING 80 MILES PER HOUR LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GO 80 MILES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
475778698men BTFO[View]
475778985Do you hang the flag of 'men' who will tell on ya, entitled penis envy females, niggers running wild…[View]
475772971Bidenomics: Mic drop.[View]
475774525I can’t wait to see zogbots slaughtered by Iranians. Let’s get this going already[View]
475774816Let's say Trump wins November 5 - 6: What do we do about the inevitable mass amount of progress…[View]
475778350This fat headed communist fucks wants beaner families with 2 dozen kids to rule over us in our home.…[View]
475777812CALLING ALL AMERICANS ARE THEY THIS DUMB?: If you're going 80 miles PER HOUR how long will it t…[View]
475779180uhh.. French bros?[View]
475769369employers and employees are divided on the WFH question. who'll win?[View]
475777263How did they know?[View]
475776562JD Vance’s selection marks the end of Republican conservatism: Since Donald Trump chose Ohio Sen. JD…[View]
475774581this nigger is literally controlled op >don’t have kids white boy be an incel >let me drip fee…[View]
475775075Victoria Chudland: >Billions of Russians must die - Victoria Chudland…[View]
475778288NUCLEAR HAPPENING! Biden’s DEA arrested Mexico’s most dangerous cartel warlords! https://twitter.com…[View]
475778471They are warning you. They are flashing it in your face. Antichrist comes.: Be saved right now. Know…[View]
475766656can a political professor on /pol/ explain to me what is NATO trying to achieve in this world?[View]
475777778The right should kill all the incels to make it cool again.[View]
475764759Children of generation X: How did generation X 's children turn out ?[View]
475777765The 144,000 Elect: The 144,000 Elect Israelites are the new Waffen-SS.[View]
475769472Someone please post some hopium.[View]
475776807Trump should just drop out. I'm not even saying this over policy, I'm saying this because …[View]
475776997What a great guy, Trump really knows how to pick them.[View]
475777306Christians of pol: How can you believe in forgiveness yet blame children forced to get vaxxed for co…[View]
475773023TIK TOC VAXXIES: Another one bites the dust. Journalist Matt Driscoll (43) has died suddenly after p…[View]
475777840now this... THIS is peak humanity[View]
475778399>Saves your presidency.[View]
475778383Jesus this, Jesus that. Have you been going to church nigga?[View]
475776823Humiliation ritual.[View]
475777218This shouldn’t be memory holed: Judeo-elites burned to death dozens of children just so they can get…[View]
475776310Why do leftists always hate the country they live/were born in? They are all thankless, dysgenic fre…[View]
475777946what did France mean by a huge nigger holding a little white girl while an obese statue of liberty i…[View]
475776608gypsycrusader is a pedophile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mBSD7yBVt8[View]
475774132Thank you, White man. We'll take it from here. Au revoir![View]
475778327Venezuela President Maduro's final election rally: Corporate media will never show you images l…[View]
475775798>Blumpf cratering in polls, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina all back in play >'oldest…[View]
475765091/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14938: Previous: >>475747946 ▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475774871Republicans are already souring on JD Vance: JD Vance has had a difficult week, and some Republicans…[View]
475775664Why do people today not care about the truth?[View]
475776314The world will be Better When Whites are gone: Yeah i get it ur mad about it. and I kind of get it B…[View]
475777706We have missed the opportunity to put Israel and Iran in the same boat[View]
475777355Rules for right wing radicals: It's time you boys learned to properly shill Pick a subject to y…[View]
475772350Who REALLY shot Trump?[View]
475777508Why do some voters think Kamala is some breath of fresh air when she was in lockstep with all of Bid…[View]
475771483If you really believed Jesus Christ was the son of God and King of Kings, you wouldn't be troub…[View]
475777684REMINDER: TRUMP WILL WIN NO MATTER WHAT: Just letting everyone know. Bibi and his gremlins will make…[View]
475777558Just a reminder if you dont want war: Just a reminder that we can prevent upcoming wars by treating …[View]
475776811I saw an American yesterday. He had a FUPA. Like, it was bulging on both sides of his crotch seam. I…[View]
475777695They don't even hide it anymore. They play with us and make fun of us[View]
475777574It's over.[View]
475775552why are so many men ruled or else destroyed by their dicks?[View]
475777309Why is there no pride in american and British women: Literally every time I go to Europe be it italy…[View]
475777623Politically speaking, what unironically goes on here?[View]
475765425The End Of The Irish: This is the future for white people across the world in their homelands.…[View]
475748937JD Vance continues to flail: 5th day in a row JD Vance is getting attacked for his attacks on women …[View]
475772554Islam keks me literally just google ' Is X haram ?' Or ' is it allowed to do X in islam ?' And im 9…[View]
475777544Marriage laws: We have to change change marriage laws. Lifestyle and culture has greatly changed fro…[View]
475777517French olympics >hoisting the olympic flag upside down promising[View]
475777035What Are They Trying to tell us ?: Disect this image. lots of connotations and forshawdoing in one …[View]
475776213Giannis Antetokounmpo makes history as the first Black flagbearer for Greece: during the Opening Cer…[View]
475767088Kamala Harris isn't even black: >mom 100% indian immigrant from india >dad 50% jew, 50% b…[View]
475777140'The Blackening of France in 100 Years' from 1932. 92 years later, here we are.[View]
475777337https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lair5iq858w Charlie Kirk just called out jews and people are getting…[View]
475777147Why would Americas president meet with Trump like this? Were already so divided, showing favoritism…[View]
475775304>this guy checks out your sofa wat do[View]
475772375You are just a useful idiot: You love to ask questions don't you? Why don't you ask yourse…[View]
475776833Why do southerners allow their monuments to be defaced and destroyed? Why are they so weak these day…[View]
475777167Final solution to the white womenquestion?: What is the final solution for the white womenquestion? …[View]
475766881Vietnamese girl escorting a captured American pilot, 1969[View]
475756740Go to church: Be a man of God[View]
475769160Was Alan Turing having sex with under-18 boys?[View]
475769745This is the civilised, rules-based, democratic world that corrupt, criminal, shithole dictatorships …[View]
475774159What did they mean by this? >inb4 lol that's definitely not his last supper…[View]
475773060Is there a way to look up if your community just got a bunch of African refugees?[View]
475765630CANADIAN TATTOOED WH*RE SAYS WHAT ABOUT INDIA?: I don't believe a single word coming out of thi…[View]
475776977It's all so tiresome...: Former President Donald Trump on Friday urged Jewish voters to support…[View]
475769851You malthusian post-modern machiavellian demon of malcontent. You are supposed to jump inside the be…[View]
475772734KAMALA HARRIS DESTROYS KENNEDY'S CAMPAIGN: Worm brain bros... She's fucking killing us...…[View]
47573893766% of young men are single and sexless: What the fuck is going on? Aren't incels supposed to b…[View]
475776115Is there a single reason to be an atheist? Besides appealing to ignorance.[View]
475774848What caste is Usha Vance descended from?: And do you have a source? This is important because in Ind…[View]
475770185Lost cushy network job to a nigger: Now trolling niggers over their beeping smoke alarms. I think I…[View]
475773801>NATO subhumans getting a reminder of what they are fighting for at the Olympics tonight…[View]
475776505how will these countries look and differ in 50 years?[View]
475770164Donald Trump says he's returning to Butler for a rally after attempted assassination: Based or …[View]
475775666Why are white people so cucked? https://www.mediaite.com/news/cnn-crew-cracks-up-at-white-women-for-…[View]
475776332What will happen when Islamic countries and the alphabet gang will inevitably cross each other'…[View]
475769145>singlehandedly ruins India's reputation worldwide[View]
475775919there are zero images of Kamala touching the jew walk[View]
475775706Are you based mommypilled yet?[View]
475774792If Jews aren't indigenous, then how come...: Radical left conspiracy theories are claiming that…[View]
475775563It’s imperative we don’t let white people get replaced or else we’ll lose this!!!!! Thank you for yo…[View]
475774067The charges, officer?: >Jail time sought for London, Ont., man who posted 'horrific' ph…[View]
4757751312024 Paris Olympics: Trannies dancing on a bridge every 5 minutes. That is 2024 Paris Olympics. That…[View]
475758143What a fucking mess.[View]
475773238CLOSING THE GAP: Every day the gap gets smaller. She’s not even officially the nominee and Trump is …[View]
475776027Get vaccinated...or DIE ..i dont care !!!!: Times up!!! Look People are DIEING and you dont care..bu…[View]
475776217AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Christian cucks thank god my prophet was war lord cunny slayer this is not funny…[View]
475774845Sorry Shills KUMAKUNT won't be the nominee.[View]
475776092>Asia vs West is this a continent humiliation ritual? You don't have to put West after it to…[View]
475773644>Russia invaded just one country and got banned from the olympics >USA invaded countless count…[View]
475774315Pagan cop executed christian, Evangelicals and Zionists cheer: Grayson's family crest is a demi…[View]
475771613Tim Pool says Carmella Harris is 'Hitler and Stalin times 200': What causes this type of hyperventil…[View]
475775811Olympic Games 2024: This is by far the best moment of the opening ceremony, it is a piece of art, a …[View]
475761463Cloning will bring utopia: What if Pol all pitch in, buy an island, declare statehood. > clone pi…[View]
475775145kamala is not only cooking she’s also serving and it’s giving tea![View]
475769858I'm just not going to vote for this.[View]
475757897It’s over: Kamala bros I don’t feel so good.[View]
475773812You have to be mentally insane to make such a game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S819O54olo8 I th…[View]
475772800>six out of nine SCOTUS judges are Catholic (two appointed by Trump) >can't win a Jewish …[View]
475759008How does /pol/ respond? What does sucking big business dick and raping the environment have to do wi…[View]
475772634We are not ruled by serious people.[View]
475775328Take the misanthrope pill and dedicate your life to the teaching of Machiavelli.[View]
475771878“Tranny Obession”: Why is a political board so obsessed with a fringe group of fags?[View]
475772601LOCK HIM UP[View]
475775472Humor Thread: no humor thread? let me add that. i want some dark humor thrown at me.[View]
475774766If niggers did not exist and had went extinct like nature intended I would not even be racist: I lik…[View]
475775434What are they feeding Biden? He seems to grown 6” overnight[View]
475760562Makes you think.[View]
475763036We're gun owners. We hold conservative beliefs. We support fracking. We're homeschooling o…[View]
475774436Some faggot was mining runite in the wilderness while skulled and he dropped a dragon pickaxe. Today…[View]
475774567Israel is dying and you can help![View]
475774689My family has a black 35ish year old female tenant in one of their rental homes.: I was tasked by my…[View]
475764586JD Vance wants to enslave bachelors to single mothers[View]
475775094>queer last supper >bearded tranny turns the table into a catwalk >midget throws away crutc…[View]
475775049its slowing down woohooo[View]
475774904Trump shot Israel[View]
475775019Would you buy this couch?: Do you think he'll miss her?[View]
475775014at least we are not speaking german :)[View]
475774998Friendly reminder: HOT GAY SUMMER is still in full swing: AND it’s Leo season… So… if you’re looking…[View]
475774984Do Nothing. Win.: Cumskins are destroying their own history and culture heritages[View]
475773361A $1 million starter home is now the norm in more than 200 US cities: >The number of US cities wh…[View]
475774639Zoomer fag stalked teen boys and begged to suck their dicks: >Jacob Kromberg, 26, was named in a …[View]
475752786Why are White Men such raging assholes to Brown Women?: is it cuz they see them as easy and worth le…[View]
475764244Official laugh at France thread AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA[View]
475770897IT'S TRULY OVER! Paris went full trans at the Olympics![View]
475774128Why do the left not want it to be a bullet.: The left usually love when people get shot to come for …[View]
475774468That's not rain. Those are God's tears.[View]
475771043Why are Republicans such weirdos[View]
475758908TDS1217 discussion: Discussion for TDS1217: I Just Gave You The Condemnation[View]
475766120How is Syrian president Bashar Al Assad still in power?[View]
475769925Do you think we would consider black people to be human if they had tails?[View]
475769133Israel shot Trump. Pass it on.[View]
475774539Why do they love trains: https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2024/07/26/surrey-train-death-pedestrian/ …[View]
475774314I'm sorry but you will never come back to pre-Zion Don election times. Sure all the tranny and …[View]
475774695/SSG/ SELF-SUFFICIENCY GENERAL #30 - SPICES EDITION: 'Always listen to the experts. They'll tel…[View]
475769308Why would you meet with a man who tried to kill you?: We all know Trump would be a serious hurdle to…[View]
475774580why does every turd-worldist live in the west?[View]
475774566How should White dudes get politically organized and mobilized?[View]
475773546Why are you so sexist?[View]
475773178>just like in my hecking video gamerino![View]
475774225FUCK THE USA: >burn that shit Protesters were right, the empire of evil need to stop and have a s…[View]
475774170What are we going to do Kama Sisters?[View]
475771586Imagine being this stupid.: Most jews vote blue, and yet this doofus here can't tell why!…[View]
475768932Is she still climbing or has she peaked already?[View]
475772979Don't take your eye off the ball: You're getting political violence no matter which side y…[View]
475769950Historians will study for hundreds of years the sudden organic grassroots support for the brat which…[View]
475769257Every 1s a winner, baby...except Drumpf and the Drumpfettes! https://youtu.be/CLb9AiTk-YY[View]
475774251Hey glowniggers… YOU MISSED AHHHHH HAW HAW HAW: Diversity and inclusion mean you can’t do SHIT any m…[View]
475772366Mon Dieu...[View]
475773864Oh JD… you should’ve known better than to piss off “childless cat ladies..”: JD really ain’t doing h…[View]
475773293Wake up mister freeman Wake up and smell the ashes The right man , in the wrong place can make all…[View]
475773754Even Fox News is making fun of JD Vance: This is dragging down Trump with him. Even Fox News is laug…[View]
475774082>She's slept around DC and knows where every body is Plot twist: She IS in charge of the Whi…[View]
475772405Why has society stopped to embrace style?: Alain Delon in Purple Noon was poor but well dressed.…[View]
475767799THIS MAN IS MY LEADER: Mike 'Enoch' Peinovich is a christlike figure who gave up his normie life to …[View]
475772218The same second you catcall your whiteness is erased[View]
475770908Wisconsin voter here. I voted trump in 2016 and 2020 but Kamala has really won me over with her with…[View]
475772241Are the Olympics signaling to the world that we can, in fact, deport all faggots back to France, the…[View]
475772673Now let's see the French inclusion opening to the Olympics: .[View]
475768775This is the future you didn't choose.[View]
475773797My Schizo Sense is Tingling: There is a hidden message in this video, look at the positions of their…[View]
475771067How do we stop preteen whores from ruining men's lives?: Look at this story from Australia a fe…[View]
475768252Holy Shit: There is no recovering from this when it's open bragging. It means the end has come.…[View]
475772648>two weeks passed >all hype's gone What went wrong?…[View]
475773435Ancient content you miss?: What's some good content you miss from 'back in the day' classic /po…[View]
475772767why do trannies care more about misgendering than actual pedophilia?[View]
475772657>erm ackshully Paganism will save Evropa because Christcucks are le wea- ACK!! why are paganlarpe…[View]
475770290It's kino, you know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxWPCmksPqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
475773142Eurotrash: Why cOmE America No haB TRAINS!!!: >Muh TraINS!!! >Anatue sabatoge takes the whole …[View]
475773535No matter how bad things get, you'll never watch the world you know slowly collapse around you …[View]
475772491You VILL pass the torch to the next generation[View]
475754738This guy cost Trump the election. What was Trump thinking choosing this guy?[View]
475730838/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #1569: Previous >>475660496 ▶WARNING Glowniggers are try…[View]
475773344Satanofascism I henceforth am patenting this term. The west is building a Satanofascist empire.[View]
475770090JOHN BOLTON: Kamala Harris' remarks about Israel are very worrisome: Kamala Harris' remark…[View]
4757440724chan ruined twitter: Black people must see racist memes thanks to you and Elon. I sure hope you…[View]
475773210Joe wake up[View]
475770098If you had a relative or family member join the MAGA movement: how quickly would you disown them?…[View]
475772332can kamala even reach dems in FL?[View]
475773147>And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell follow…[View]
475766912I guess trump just won the election?[View]
475773082Does anyone else here ride the NYC subway system out of necessity? It's unironically what redpi…[View]
475762822The Wall Street Journal reports that Russia is 'losing a battle' against inflation, as inc…[View]
475772963Post your favorite news sites. Declassified UK has a ton of anti-ZOG articles.[View]
475772212HAPPENING: Trump giving MAJOR SPEECH at TPUSA Faith's Believers' Summit in West Palm Beach…[View]
475772948Why are (((the Amerimutt MSM))) trying to turn a Poojeet into a negress?: Well, /pol/?[View]
475760683How the fuck do you meet women in 2024?: Dating apps are dead(good riddance), women mostly go to clu…[View]
475772695>be American >Watch terrorist take over my country >Watch terrorist let more illegal inva…[View]
475769632Seems like the consensus is that Trump was never even shot. It’s wild how fast Trump has lost moment…[View]
475770075Kamala's miraculous turn around: I can't believe he's actually gonna go to jail.…[View]
475772120They're creepy and they're kooky Mysterious and spooky They're all together ooky The …[View]
475767842Airspace around France COMPLETELY shut down Wtf... is this shit gonna get attacked?[View]
4757583944chan has fallen: >hiro approved ads be like:[View]
475766209FACTS & RESOURCES - The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: Austin Private Wealth Management, LL…[View]
475769715Amerimutts, defend this.: https://youtu.be/N6XZKE7a_F4?t=1286[View]
475758722It Was a Blood Capsule!: If it was an AR15 bullet his head would have exploded! He didn't even …[View]
475771734HARRIS IS GEN Z'S OBAMA: I can't believe Trump is going to lose because of fucking zoomers…[View]
475770444FBI TO QUESTION TRUMP: >Former US President Donald Trump is to be summoned for questioning by the…[View]
475768280I have taken the Fuentes-pill. If we all become Democrats and force the Jews out of the democrat par…[View]
475768733>Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring >As Republicans …[View]
475772376Trump is going to lose: Holy crap guys, I can't believe she has this much support. Out of nowhe…[View]
475749316TRUMP REFUSES TO DEBATE KAMALA: Trump has backed out of the Kamala debate after saying bring it on a…[View]
475768015We need to punch Iran and punch them HARD: He's not wrong. We can't let Iran get away with…[View]
475772313>go to the UK >get stabbed[View]
475771886New map just dropped.[View]
4757604132024 PARIS OLYMPICS: Trannies with beards are dancing every 5 minutes. They are literally putting in…[View]
475771432Texan here. I was a trump supporter but Kamala has really won me over. Trump is just old and hateful…[View]
475769258Kike tries to abuse a fag at the RNC, and gets called a Jew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7568q-w…[View]
475769224>crashing this campaign... WITH NO SURVIVORS[View]
475771884Just put even more money down on Biden winning 2024. Y'all think I'm joking. Y'all d…[View]
475772055Jesus is now rebranded as Ragvore, Emissary of Gluttony[View]
475770288>Hamas is... le BAD![View]
475771802White Dudes for Kamala!: why haven't you joined White Dudes for Kamala yet, /pol/ ?[View]
475771943I just saw 150 white people in traditional clothing: dance around a large water fountain with big to…[View]
475771571You could literally buy a drone, some dynamite, and a servo motor and change history forever but ins…[View]
475750210Kamala getting DESTROYED by Chuds on Reddit: holy SHIT[View]
475771875Every thread on /pol/ now is 'my jew controlled presidential candidate is better than your jew contr…[View]
475771066bbc power?: this is the power of bbc? it happened in Gibraltar, I think, which is South Spain in Eur…[View]
475771085>Mark my words - Trump will leave no successor. When Trump is gone, it will be like he never exis…[View]
475765671If you gave a 9 volt battery to any nigger on the street: the first thing they do would be to try an…[View]
475765301so, when will the concepts in this be memed until general acceptance of them as valid?[View]
475770580Spain Hate Thread: prep the bull for your wife next, torturing bulls for entertainment is a third wo…[View]
475769337We The People vs. The Deep State Fascists[View]
475770747Why do leftists hate Jews and Israel so much while the right has unconditional love and support for …[View]
475771524What are the odds?: >randomly shoot at rightoids >kill a firefighter >randomly shoot at lef…[View]
475770325We were so back and now it's so over, what the hell happened?[View]
475771457Great Awakening Great Reset Agenda 2030: So Agenda 21 ended up coinciding with Covid-19 and talk of …[View]
475763568How come no one is talking about this fraud?: Too many shitskins shitting the place up https://www.…[View]
475769432When did you realize that Hamas was actually the good guys?[View]
475769375Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED. I was over at my dads house today helping with some household c…[View]
475756195Jeets are scamming the Canadian system: >fellow Jeets invite 'friends' to visit them in Canada …[View]
475768524Satanofascism: Satanofascism I henceforth am patenting this term. The west is building a Satanofasci…[View]
475770201Unlike Trump Kamila does not take Jewish money, she does not support lgbt or blacks, and she promote…[View]
475766388where is Trump's wound?: his ear looks perfectly fine, how could this be?[View]
475766934Mormons. What's up with them?[View]
475770519Childless female journalists rn[View]
475770578I don't understand how you regards would want any of the other two: Is there anyone who can act…[View]
475769904Olympic games opening ceremony: Aside from table setting, I liked the opening ceremony. However, Smu…[View]
475765449So really Wilhelm II fucked everything up huh?: Everything was going good until he fired Otto Von Bi…[View]
475770905POOS GETTING GENOCIDED: Banglapoos getting genocided as we speak by their government. Do any of you …[View]
475770154do wamen really?: https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/18znlbm/millennial_hereeve…[View]
475770827i like green energy because I don't like muslims[View]
475766122If its Boeing you aint going - 2 months later edition[View]
475767004Why is Trump sabotaging his own campaign?: July 13th >survives an assassination attempt and comes…[View]
475770812OTTOMAN EMPİRE 2.0: With the power of all 16 ancient TURKIC states ever established, ]]] OTTOMAN EMP…[View]
475769550Why didn’t Trump pick this football player, Antonio Brown as his Vice President? He would have won i…[View]
475770381>Biden >sucked Jewish dick >Kamala >sucks Jewish dick >Ziondon >sucks Jewish dick …[View]
475753987Embarassingly bad so far: This opening ceremony is so bad[View]
475767734Why are these racial subhumans like this?[View]
475770657Ellis Island Trash destroyed America: I'm pretty sure when they were talking about taking in po…[View]
475769478I still can't believe this actually happened.[View]
475770200>Why yes of course I want to send the government real-time information through ¤video ¤audio ¤typ…[View]
475770520just got contacted by emerson to take a survey so my response will be included in the next emerson p…[View]
475767520This is Why There's So Much JD Vance Spam Lately: A lot of boomer CEOs who outsourced all their…[View]
475761824Kahlistani Sikh pajeets are the worst kind of pajeets even the non khalistani ones . Like bro you…[View]
475769350Be ashamed of what you've become: White men are becoming either: Trans women who, after some ex…[View]
475767604MrBeast is the Antichrist/Dajjal: 'This [second] beast performed great miracles; it made fire come d…[View]
475766119If trump drops JD Vance which will be a woman, our vote goes to RFK. Trump finally gets a based cons…[View]
475755811Chicken wings advertised as ‘boneless’ can have bones: Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wing…[View]
475767762Leftists like GDF only hate Israel because they think it is White/European, completely ignorant to t…[View]
475766126I’ve worked in biotech for years and everybody has always wanted to be called by their first name Bu…[View]
475759201Seriously: Why are we being replaced? What fundamentally is it that elites hate about White people?…[View]
475770037Black people wont stop killing white people, but we need equality. Theoretically, how many extra pe…[View]
475768571Wrap it up boys: The Kramer Index is in.[View]
475769448It's cam a la not cum mah la you ignorant chuds[View]
475768189Golden calf at the Olympics: >literally moloch at the Olympics kek…[View]
475766640Remember when in 2016 they had nonstop propaganda that Hillary would win?: All of the twitter posts …[View]
475769037Furiosos Oculos: Behold a pale horse and the rider's name was Death.[View]
475765145What caste is Usha Vance descended from?: And do you have a source? This is important because in Ind…[View]
475768109What do young Russians think about Stalin?[View]
475769612The End is near, wake up and prepare yourself accordingly.[View]
475741335TRUMP WELCOMES BENJAMIN NETANYAHU AS A LONG TIME FRIEND: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1816869133…[View]
475767946Just found out my wife was cheating on me with at least 2 different niggers[View]
475768302Which country has the women with the biggest breasts? Brazil? Brazil bros can you chime in please.[View]
475769524I'm glad L'Empereur isn't here to see modern France. Rest in Peace, Bonaparte. Vive l…[View]
475756216Alcohol ruins people and should be illegal[View]
475765321What did they mean by this exactly?[View]
475769453>2020 brazenly rigged >system boldly got away with it >4 years of the riggers in power >…[View]
475751578Post your olympics satanic ritual cringe: Trannies with children: check √[View]
475766232It's not just the left. The right is now calling Vance a liability too.[View]
475768198Is this what french culture is all about?[View]
475769335>Fucks up your presidential aspirations[View]
475769330Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8, these songs will program her bra…[View]
475769186Harris is anti-semitic, hates Jews, hates Niggers. Trump loves niggers and jews. Harris is white Tru…[View]
475768899I didn't know she liked running[View]
475768820SO THIS IS WHY THERE ARE NO SPIC HATE THREADS: Is there any hope for white America?[View]
475765566Gay Niggers: From the moment that the 2024 Paris Olympics launched its opening ceremony with an elab…[View]
475768686This just proves the French with their superior aesthetics have managed to create a truly unsettling…[View]
475768602>I would totally be a le based individual in a trad, white, homogenous society, and I wouldn…[View]
475762772MrBeast Burger has removed all menu items referencing former partner Ava Kris Tyson.: >Discontinu…[View]
475768592Why did Trump pick a VP that gives women the ick?[View]
475761835Why is Trump getting 0% of black votes?[View]
475768620The absolute madman[View]
475766802You VILL inhale ze plastic!!: https://www.earth.com/news/humans-inhale-the-equivalent-of-a-credit-ca…[View]
475759907Still voting JOE: Still voting for Joe Biden this November even if I have to write him in and there’…[View]
475768225What the FUCK is wrong with this guy? Yo trump get your mans[View]
475767337Great Awakening Great Reset Agenda 2030: So Agenda 21 ended up coinciding with Covid-19 and talk of …[View]
475768445Would the ceremony be different if Le Pen was president?: or not really[View]
475765908>And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unt…[View]
475756517It's official. War in 3 years. >inb4 I won't fight Nobody asked you. Shut your hole and…[View]
475691431Did you know that in the 1920’s and 30’s before WWII half of Europe was below replacement fertility?…[View]
475768303THEY ARE RUNNING THE OBAMA PROGRAMME AGAIN!: Jesus fucking christ! They are rolling out the obama pr…[View]
475767104The face of France[View]
475765897Aryan art is shit.: WESTERN (exclusively Hispanic-Greco-Latin) art is so much better, nothing in Eur…[View]
475767958Democrat Fundraising FRAUD UNMASKED: > here's another one that's even weirder and this …[View]
475765552Why are irishers like this? No wonder they support Islam[View]
475753595/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17214: Previous:>>475741064 Timeline /tug/: https…[View]
475767230Just remain poor, fucking goy. Its in your best interests ;)[View]
475764342Our society is overrun with homosexuality: If you havem't realized now gay people run both side…[View]
475767702>China is a shithole that will collapse in two more weeks >China is also your greatest enemy a…[View]
475763922Straight White Males for Kamala. It's Time to Flex, my Guys.: I’m a straight white male. >I …[View]
475766906How long does America have left, realistically speaking?[View]
475767476Why are simps hated by the right wing communities?: You do realize that simps eventually get laid wh…[View]
475767259I don't respect women If a woman becomes president I'm out Simple as[View]
475760880Jews fear this[View]
475768035CrowdStrike was the Test. Olympic Games is the Real Thing. Stuxnet was formally Operation Olympic Ga…[View]
475768023Et bien, est-ce que vous me manquez, là?: >liberté >égalité >fraternité J'admais que …[View]
475765313Le Penn is seething![View]
475758114IT'S 2008 ALL OVER AGAIN: Yikes, that's how you know MAGA is fucked. Not even 2020 again, …[View]
475763413Homeless thread: Hey niggers I'm tired of working just to be poor, I hate paying taxes and that…[View]
475737873HAPPENING MR BEAST ALMOST KILLING PEOPLE IN VEGAS: Confirmation from at least 5 people on site that …[View]
475764434China won. Come here for your relief from the globohomo satanic West.: Come with me And you'll …[View]
475767856They’re pushing out more propaganda.: How close are we to getting enough young males understand they…[View]
475767722LA 2028: How will they outdo today's tranny show?[View]
475766077the degradation of the west explained in 2 sentences: >The western society has become completely …[View]
475763757America today[View]
475767693Trump invokes John Wayne & Johnny Cash in new video!: It's happening. America is back /pol/…[View]
475721236A retired Chinese soldier who participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war as a volunteer and broadcast…[View]
475767369How are trumptards any different from this pajeet retard?[View]
475755918Is Ukraine winning the war[View]
475766345Z: Hello Americans and other evil spirits. I'll tell you, motherfuckers, I just fucking hate yo…[View]
475766612What are /pol/'s thoughts on Rust?[View]
475763406Niggers be like.... 'I don't hear nuthin''[View]
475766709INCELS SHOULD BE HUNTED DOWN: https://archive.is/vHWX4 https://theconversation.com/why-mental-health…[View]
475764555Dear CIA, FBI, trannies, etc.: Trump will allow me to own a home and have a family by selling gas to…[View]
475766349it's another episode of everything recovering except chainlink! i never get tired of this rerun…[View]
475767289>Killed TPUSA with a simple question[View]
4757660765th November (election) thread: So you really think that Trump has it in the bag because of that ass…[View]
475762761The assassination attempt has already been successfully memoryholed: All investigations have ceased …[View]
475763487Why didn't he just back up 3 feet if he was scared of boiling water getting thrown at him?: If …[View]
475763863When did you realize she's going to win?[View]
475764655LMAOOOOO IT'S SO OVER: https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-beat-trump-gen-z-young-voters-pol…[View]
475749981It's literally over, and no one cares...: report?! They say only 1 out 3 men under 35 is in the…[View]
475726727Russia just donated 1.5 billion to Ukraine: With a total of 300 billion planned. ITT we say thank yo…[View]
475763786i was riden with biden, but now im cooming for coomala[View]
475766935Masculinity and Melanin: Why are non-white races on average more masculine and less gay than Europea…[View]
475747493NASA Reportedly Considering Rescuing Stranded Astronauts Using SpaceX Spacecraft: The return date of…[View]
475741885This is the fucking faggot responsible for Trumps VP pick: Fucker Faglson is the one who told trump …[View]
475763627I don't hate China.[View]
475765993Two staffers with the Olympic broadcast team for Australia’s Nine Entertainment were attacked during…[View]
475762715The Last Supper of the West. Circa 2024[View]
475765944(((Fellow))) white dude wants you to vote for Kamala.[View]
475767011This is the worst MSM psyop I have ever seen in my life.: >T-T-Trump is scared to debate Kamala! …[View]
475764234Something awful is coming: I don't know what it is or where it will happen. I can just sense th…[View]
475761757White Dudes For Harris!: >Calling all White Dudes For Harris! >We up next. >!! come through…[View]
475766364It's ogre: >And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, a…[View]
475764514You guys really going to vote for Harris over RFK?: Yall coconuts![View]
475766941what did the olympics organizers mean by this? Why are there trannies and obese people everywhere in…[View]
475760971Finally: AOC - 9,438 >tick sound 9439 /pol/ - 0[View]
475766542Is there a Catholic dimension in the Ukraine war?: Does the presence of Catholics in America's …[View]
475755229brit/pol/ - Paris paralympics edish: Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition https://w…[View]
475765135Cargo Pants Registry Act: This should be her first policy. A federal registry of every white male wh…[View]
475766524How can white men win the war against the BBC?[View]
475766516Did anyone notice that tucker carlson kinda looks like Spider-Man[View]
475766646Gays have no influence on Japan?: It seems like Japanese gays are glad to be secretively gay, as app…[View]
475756785Trumpbros, how do we recover from this?[View]
475765389Well, does anybody know?: https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1816915295401050305[View]
475763841Don't care still voting for Trump Don't care still voting for draft Don't care still…[View]
475766259Bros, its over. I live in rural Kentucky. I am seeing Kamala Harris flags flying on every truck that…[View]
475766323We're Not going back: Why are Harris voters so fucking stupid? Why be black and scream about re…[View]
475761787It really is that easy: The one thing no one seems to be talking about is (hi FBI) Crooks showed how…[View]
475761089/coc/ - Collapse of Canada General #9: Bang/coc/ Dangerous Canada is collapsing. THEORIES / HIGHLIGH…[View]
475764210What's the difference between misogynoir and regular misogyny?: Misogynoir= sexism toward black…[View]
475766235I genuinely believe that the source of all major problems in the west stems from women being allowed…[View]
475764310Admit it: You have no narrative against her.[View]
475765726They're scrambling really bad now.[View]
475766081RENT FREE: Rent Free ,pussy sniffers, feminists and hen pack faggots with your balls in your old lad…[View]
4757633852016 energy!!! PRAISE KEK!!!: But this time for Kamala. NEVER KOME DOWN![View]
475763442(((who)))dunnit: even the BBC is naming the joo now. is it over for joodaism?[View]
475757692I just fucking flipped[View]
475759602Man arrested by zoomer mutt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuglBaz7OkE[View]
475762835Why isn't polling banned?: It is election interference.[View]
475763453The graph that was sooo misleading: that it saved Trump's life.[View]
475760335Are all musicians commies?[View]
475764922The absolute state: This nigger represents the best of humankind[View]
475765856At Fire Island in NY this weekend and all of us guys are voting Kamala. We even have cute tshirts Sh…[View]
475757006this is the singer singing the French hymn, La Marseillaise Discuss[View]
475759914It's curious and interesting that in the last 5 years there was a significant increase in vikin…[View]
475762422This is why the elites wanted Biden gone. Biden appointed Lina Khan, the most anti-trust FTC chairma…[View]
475763798remember when Kamala and other prominent democrats supported jussie smollett before it was found to …[View]
475762710In what way are white conservative rednecks different from niggers from the hood? https://www.youtub…[View]
475760972You get to pick her race as her handler, what do you choose for the best odds of winning? (You…[View]
475765585Did i fumble?[View]
475763299If white people are so superior why their countries getting wrecked by just darker skinned people wi…[View]
475765382Chudov Jar[View]
475751739>2021 >OMG mark of da beast >magnets in arms >VAIDS >ADE lizards >5G >brain can…[View]
475763648Why don't politicians wear these kind of uniforms anymore?[View]
475765541I was over at my dad's house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a pr…[View]
475763696>muh white power this muh sieg heil that >muh le stop your genocide of our le 'white' nations …[View]
475761679What went wrong with Western Civilization?[View]
475761773Why are Americans fat? One of the fattest real nation in the world.[View]
475763249In the upcoming weeks or months, a great war will occur between the so called state of Israel and He…[View]
475763334>My Hypothesis Considering its horrendous Public Image that India has projected—on a GLOBAL scale…[View]
475765364What did Paris mean by this?: Did Titan's olympic delegation implode in the river?[View]
475762440I find south-american and asian women much more attractive than white woman in general. There's…[View]
475757208Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: What did the French mean by this?[View]
475764506Curb stomp Smrdia![View]
475759857TEAM INDIA FTW!: Can't Relate lol INDIA is 100% proud[View]
475762887When did the world go to shit?[View]
475760470Islam is base-[View]
475755621why does the white man kneel in front of the pajeet? according to tommy robinstein, indian migrants …[View]
475765170Anonymes gemurkse und gefurze: Leonore Gewessler, Austria’s Minister for Climate Action, has been cr…[View]
475760374How much do you miss life under Communism?[View]
4757644722028 Los Angeles Olympics: Just saw those things in paris. What is America’s plan to overstep it?…[View]
475765056'accuse your enemies of what you yourself are guilty of': I'm sure you've all seen the cou…[View]
475764145I wasn't sure about her at first but all the memes have convinced me. I voted for Trump in 2016…[View]
475764509Kamala Harris: We need to 'Reduce Population': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3eFXaHgNsc…[View]
475764938NAVY bros...[View]
475760292Seems like the consensus is that Trump was never even shot. It’s wild how fast Trump has lost moment…[View]
475764889Based Brown /pol/cel mudshits on suicide watch[View]
475764852>Every day is dozens of Twitter screencap threads on here Just fucking migrate to Twitter already…[View]
475764533yeah im starting to think harris might be /ourgirl/[View]
475764782i love you faggots, now kiss me[View]
475764437this is actually demonic programming for the next world war.[View]
475764703Reminder: Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill and drug addict degenerate He deserves to be mocked and…[View]
475764381Who will win?: Hezbollah Or Israel?[View]
475764477Love isn't Love: To normal people, love is love. To sodomites, love means degenerate sex. No s…[View]
475761527Real Talk: Why Is The Right Wing So Jewish?: Can anyone riddle me why the right wing is just so darn…[View]
475762656Women Absolutely LOVE Abortion!: it's literally their favorite thing ever how'd this happe…[View]
475764475Trump Brings World Peace!: The Democrats have brought us to the verge of WW3. On his first day in of…[View]
475755190Why has America not apologized?: The entire world is losing its mind because 50,000 Palestinians die…[View]
475762397#TRUMP2024 yee buddeh[View]
475764466Politically speaking, how can we stop this from happening?[View]
475763918So you can just scout out your sniping position these days: a few hours before you snipe with a dron…[View]
475761678VP: Hear me out. This man would be the best person Trump could pick as V.P. of the United States of …[View]
475764367you okay french bros: MISTY RED CLOUD RAIN FOG A2RP At the fort Walking Wallace willford Animal a…[View]
475760648Nuke us. Please please please, North Korea, Iran, USA, Pakistan, Russia, anyone with nukes. Please e…[View]
475762375Why is America such a fertile ground for degeneracy and mental illness?[View]
475762637Why is nobody starting new political parties to actually change things and destroy opposition once i…[View]
475747946/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14937: Previous: >>475730607 ▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475764193What's a nation you just can't take seriously? For me, it's france. I just can't…[View]
475763773Lol Learn to drive ladies[View]
475764168You know, liberals are kinda cute. It's been so bleak for them ever since the first public deba…[View]
475764028The motion picture biz: Who would go out to see Deadpool? Where oh where is Golan Globus? mdt422 Is …[View]
475761386Thoughts about the Houthis?: Redpill me about these guys[View]
475758607Why isn't 'Paganism' the default religion of the Far-Right?: Ancestral European religions have …[View]
475763902It's His Story: We're just living in it.[View]
475760932Boomers: Why are they like this?[View]
475744645Breeders of /pol/: I don't understand these people. They live a shit life, shitty job. Then the…[View]
475761820You know we're just days away from his /pol/ posts being uncovered, right?[View]
475763758This world feels soulless and declined: >modern architecture (brutalism) is ugly af >most game…[View]
475762063Western society is breaking down by the minute and 'the wealthy people in charge' are unaware becaus…[View]
475763744I hope she wins just for the lulz: Browsing /pol/ and watching the copium overdose and total meltdow…[View]
475755418>this is what poorfag retards mean when they say food is too expensive When I was poor, I was cal…[View]
475763707>they won't be voted out >They will send dei swat team to black bag you >They won…[View]
475763600Kamala Harris: >femoid >1/2 curry nigger >1/2 caribbean nigger >boomer (born in 1964) …[View]
475762153what kind of shit father deadnames their daughter in front of millions of xeeters?: elon musk expose…[View]
475762753I won't be silenced: Least of all by the theocratic punks known as 'Jannies'[View]
475758676The push for faggotry was completely artificial: The gay agenda is completely real and I am tired of…[View]
475763556pick your poison: How do we move forward knowing both candidates are zionists and also knowing they …[View]
475763063Vote Trump: He's our hero.[View]
475757588The Paris opening was a total nigger worshipping event: The Germans where always right about the Fre…[View]
475762818Divine intervention: If Jesus saved Trump from certain death, can Jesus deliver us from jewish oppre…[View]
475763011uhm wtf why ain't nobody buying these tickets n shit!?: https://sports.yahoo.com/unwanted-olymp…[View]
475761042White People will bounce back. The past 30 years are nothing compared to our long and glorious histo…[View]
475763005Why do people who don't engage in seamanship feel the right to get tattoos? Unearned tattoos ar…[View]
475750051ZOGBOTS get the rope first: >She was not a suspect >They had 0 authority over her >They w…[View]
475754630>good white women don't exis-AAAACK[View]
475757200How do I kill these fuckers? Every time I try they come back in like two days. I brought this plant …[View]
475756929Jewish war criminals in Israel’s government are seething about Kamala Harris already.[View]
475762905Clearly died of failure to change his smoke alarm battery: Where is KamalToe when you need her? Oh w…[View]
475760457How do I stop listen to rap music?: Rap lyrics adheres to my primalistic desires (getting women and …[View]
475763195What the fuck is anonymous now? All they do is post cocks and don’t even expose the corruption they …[View]
475762284>Blumpf cratering in polls, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina all back in play >'oldest…[View]
475761199Did anyone else think over and over haha what if Joe Biden died and crazy Kamala got in charge and t…[View]
475741170Netanyahu arrives at mar a lago to meet with trump: MIGA bros….. we’re back[View]
475761815lmao, no planes allowed in Paris today, what do they fear?[View]
475737598love CNN and friends trying to make it out like Trump was shot at with some little rinky dink pistol…[View]
475762495Americans overthrew democratically elected governments, unleashed the war on drugs, contributed mass…[View]
475762969>turns your kids gay[View]
475761350This enrages the chud[View]
475760520If nobody reads newspapers or watches cable anymore why does it seem like they are more brainwashed …[View]
475762131When did you realize that /pol/ is a boot licking club?[View]
475762868Is the political system the perpetuator of a soul-harvest?[View]
475762855Having shit game with women in England is a crime now https://www.lep.co.uk/business/seniors-fish-an…[View]
475756593Why have kikes been losing their minds over Nick the past few days? They can barely contain their ra…[View]
475758930Trump BLASTS Kamala for boycotting his excellency Bibi Netanyahu's speech: She should be in jai…[View]
475762819Long overdue: Say it loud and proud[View]
475761954What caste is she descended from?: And do you have a source?[View]
475762106Why are Sikh Indians the only tolerable Indian?: Sadly there are only 21 million of them in India. R…[View]
475749290day 5 of the cumulla shilling >countless failed forced memes >countless failed catchphrases …[View]
475756352BOOK EXPOSING KAMALA HARRIS BANNED FROM AMAZON AND LULU: This is BY FAR the most important book you …[View]
475762448Zoomers FAFO General: jussabrankbruh u mad? cringe. post zoomies finding out[View]
475758276Muammar Gaddafi's Proposed Partition of Switzerland in 2009[View]
475759544BREAKING Harris recruiting white dudes for campaign: Will you answer her call?[View]
475759088Why does /pol/ blame the Jews for everything?[View]
475762160why is donOld so frightened of debating Harris? is it because he knows he's gonna get steamroll…[View]
475760152Operation pimp out: Why aren't you arranging a marriage between your white daughter and a Chine…[View]
475761449Russians are subhuman creatures: Kevin looking ourgs don't want to be called ''white…[View]
475760441>*change channel to Olympics opening ceremony* >*see trannies, fat people, and drag queens dan…[View]
475750190What if we were wrong and jews were really innocent?[View]
475761615politics is a meaningless distraction: Designed to keep you occupied so you don't realize how m…[View]
475761950O.K. is for Oakland Kam: And I’m tired of pretending otherwise[View]
475762198kikes force feed us every video we watch i just watched this gay keyboard video this morning[View]
475761219What those /pol/ think off rock and roll? Why is rock and roll considered degenerate?[View]
475759883Why is literally every political candidate a sex pervert?: How?[View]
475761192Oil Kills begins campaign of Global Airport Disruption | 24 July 2024 | Just Stop Oil #oilkills htt…[View]
475757472>Kills 6 gorillion kikes >Still revered by most Hitlersisters...…[View]
475756036Did the 80s actually happen or was it just a fever dream? How did boomers have it so fucking good? I…[View]
475736463Elon Musk's trans daughter says Elon was never around, is constantly high off ketamine and addi…[View]
475753013AI anon was right. It's all a big scam. Musk is a turbo clown too.[View]
475759998additional blasphemies from the opening ceremonies: the tranny and the hamplanet edition[View]
475758003If I understand it correctly, Trump never had a proper plan B campaign in case Kamala was the nomine…[View]
475731840Except the brain worm and vaxxx, what are peoples issue with this man?: >Wants to end government …[View]
475760006The Greatest Army Humanity has Ever Seen: It's about time we see the US army in action again. …[View]
475759436A long queue formed one evening at the Tim Hortons coffee shop a short walk from the largest Sikh te…[View]
475761823Kneel to Kamala.: Could someone do a wojak of this lovely Jewish woman? I’ll provide you with my sta…[View]
475741712>literaly nobody gives a shit anymore What happened?[View]
475761394So basically Jewish banking credit (fiat) is the underlying cause for every attack on a collapsing w…[View]
475744597More churches were built in the 45-year long godless communist era of Poland than ever before[View]
475751676The reunion that will save the West[View]
475761110I loved this man and his books. A true Black man who exposed white colonialism of oppressed peoples.…[View]
475759094Fuck Fuentes. Disloyal faggot.: You are hinting that you actually like the retarded negress Kamala, …[View]
475761691Was USA ever a based country?: Or was USA doomed from the beginning? What could have been done diffe…[View]
475760477What happened to the shooter location generals?[View]
475759439So is it going to be a close contest or a landslide in either direction?[View]
475757094this man is responsible for 75% of the world's problems[View]
475760315I’m writing in Biden[View]
475749711How will Joe Biden be remembered?[View]
475756927What is this phenotype?[View]
475761086>most Christian country in Europe >second least vaxxed country in Europe >racist >hates …[View]
475761494All we need is a box of matches and whites win back USA: Look for drapes in an open window[View]
475732841I am having intense regret for making fun of vaxxies: Even though they mocked us, even though they w…[View]
475757762Is all the Kamala shilling a massive cope?: Trump actually gains support in what is supposed to be K…[View]
475760805Why are American liberals so obsessed with France?: The NYT for instance features 93485 articles abo…[View]
475759433HE SAID IT[View]
475760636Here's your olympics bro[View]
475750089HAPPENING: MR. MIGA BETRAYS PATRIOTIC CONSERVATIVES: The party is over americhuds[View]
475761132Israel shot Trump: Israel shot Trump[View]
475760940>You are closer to a third World War right now than anytime since the Second World War Isn't…[View]
475761221This word confuses the shit out of kike shills on /pol/[View]
475757539here's your master race, bro[View]
475753570Female pedo targeted teen boys and desperately groped them: >Kayla Lena, 28, was taken into custo…[View]
475761180Mass Immigration made the Olympics shit Everyone is brown and technically all from the same country …[View]
475722334>3 hick hillbilly states are all that matters in deciding the faith of 350 million people Why is …[View]
475742019Why are white people so fucking rude?[View]
475760906Covid was the start of the new world order And the end of the Illuminati[View]
475760143Why did Kamala fever fail to catch on? She’s a coconut tree and a brat A young upstart 60 year old t…[View]
475760651I will vote for Trump. There is nothing wrong with him supporting Israel. If you are against Trump y…[View]
475760630If the situation was hopeless, they wouldn’t need their propaganda[View]
475760888Young scholars wrongfully arrested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsEo9LHWals This is the funniest…[View]
475749469RISE KING ARTHUR!: RISE UP YOU SONS OF GODS and KINGS. Are you upset that your representatives seem …[View]
475760226Here's you opening ceremony bro: >Literal Satanic mockery of the Last Supper >fags, fags …[View]
475760577So, why her? It's clear at this point they didn't actually expect Biden to drop out, but w…[View]
475760491wjy do every thread boils down to: >pajeet saying he loves white women >incels hating white wo…[View]
475760067Here's your last supper, chud[View]
475756568The gaslighting continues and it's failing even worse every time they try it lmao https://x.com…[View]
475758549Just found out my highschool crush is married to a black man and has 3 mixed children AMA[View]
475760611GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ entertaining audio of his son Celtic smok…[View]
475725561I have never heard a proper answer[View]
475751056Every year further from his death he becomes more and more powerful in the collective consciousness …[View]
475759491Yeah, we want to fuck wite wimmin. If we fuck all your bitches and breed them out, where will we fin…[View]
475760539MFW your exploding atomic bomb doesn't get used on the goyim as intended but against the Japs[View]
475760284Trump is losing the union construction worker vote...[View]
475760357>ethnically replaces you[View]
475757294Ranking European nationalities by Caste: This is the ultimate list >Brahmin English, French, Dutc…[View]
475755296Why do you attack leftist manchildren but praise men who drop out of society?: Leftist manchildren w…[View]
475760458The Official Chair: Of White Dudes for Harris[View]
475759139Olympics mascot: He is 100% racist. SGA something nice to him.[View]
475758349Why are you so full of hate? Just enjoy or turn off your tv[View]
475756185If you can't afford your own house by the age of 30 you have failed as a man.[View]
475758506Wiggers are far worse then niggers[View]
475760293Why does mexican cat boy Nick Fuentes hang out with gay pedophiles like Ali Alexander (aka Ali Ackba…[View]
475758585>Yesterday there were almost 50 K*mala shill threads >Now its closer to 20 The money is drying…[View]
475760220Why is everyone in the French Olympics blacked?: Say something nice about the opening singer for the…[View]
475713760OH NO THOMAS CROOKS GAB ACCOUNT HAS BEEN FOUND: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J6EcIZo3ydo…[View]
475759419The president of Turkey informs Greece that Turkey is monitoring Greece's every step and will i…[View]
475749836Any other micro-gen'ers here?: Xennial here, and I feel like being born in a micro or cusp gene…[View]
475755019He’s right you know.[View]
475759664Why is Trump afraid to debate a woman?[View]
475758762Kamala Harris raped me as a child. We cannot allow her to be President.[View]
475758102Trump may approve $500 billion Lend-Lease for Ukraine and lift restrictions on weapons Former US Sec…[View]
475760038Minority in russia seems to actually have low birth rate and from the numbers i see, it didn't …[View]
475753515Nighty night my vaxxie Prince: I will mail your refund to Heaven[View]
475752715Beverly Hills is collapsing: It's unironically over for USA https://youtu.be/VliYRVPcoF0?si=GyC…[View]
475750827They replaced Biden for real: Our president is dead and nobody cares[View]
475756922WHAT THE FUCK[View]
475758056What does Pol think about Nazi Furries?: These are furries who worship Hitler and the third reich. T…[View]
475756141Do you know what is about to happen?: According to bible: 1. The antichrist is seen in Jerusalem and…[View]
475759786The GOP is over: Massive fuckups for about a decade. Membership is restricted to hicks and assholes …[View]
475753873American week at Lidl. What american products can truly make me feel like I'm in the land of th…[View]
475759750Trump Violates The Logan Act!: Only elected officials can meet with foreign dignitaries! Trump needs…[View]
475759809chickenbros we're so cooked[View]
475754822How many niggers have you personally killed?[View]
475759765finland will deploy troops through the canadian arctic: usa will militarily occupy all major airport…[View]
475757792I feel like I just caught AIDS watching the Olympics opening This is the most in your face globohomo…[View]
475759673'Just wait till she starts talking policy': Newsflash for the Trump Bros, her campaign will not be a…[View]
475759691Pay up incels. Queens need someone else to pay their baby daddies share[View]
475757876Shoot Gavin Newsom and anyone who protects him Hunt Gavin Newsom Throw his kids over a bridge and …[View]
475748164He's right you know[View]
475757121Mildly Interesting. Possibly UFO Coverup Ongoing On Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/UERNq2Cb…[View]
475747899MEE MAW I’M GAY[View]
475757279in case you're wondering how a single pajeet games the system to import their entire city to th…[View]
475756333>you just know[View]
475758730You morons.: The whole point of VP selection during a campaign is to create a balance in optics. But…[View]
475757306This fucker has enough energy to carry humanity to previously unthinkable heights. Space travel for …[View]
475758642What will the outcome of Trump and Netanyahu's meeting be?: Trump has welcomed Bibi to his hous…[View]
475758813Israel shot Trump: Israel shot Trump[View]
475759320Many men[View]
475739160It was glass, wasn't it?[View]
475755832She’ll hit the 40’s by the end of the weekend and overtake Trump when she’s nominated.[View]
475759206why are these cunts not getting drafted?[View]
475758576Why do our world leaders have to be evil and greedy? Why can't they be good guys and turn Earth…[View]
475759151JD Vance wants to enslave bachelors to single mothers[View]
475755415so simple even you get it: if this is the rifle the guy used to shoot at trump then no one should ha…[View]
475731481/coc/ - Collapse of Canada General #8: /coc/onuts Edition Canada is a failed state. What are the imp…[View]
475725036$35,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, 76% of all personal income tax last month went to servicing the $34…[View]
475758479Redpill me on covid vaccines: Is everyone who took the vaccine going to die?[View]
475748609The vibe shift is tangible[View]
475758724The Olympics are fucking retarded When's Al Queda gonna do the big one when it's going on …[View]
475758321I think it might be over for Trump. I keep seeing Kamala chads everywhere i go.[View]
475758678it's time to vote /pol/ https://strawpoll.com/GJn447XPmnz[View]
475758797What is the political solution for Florida?[View]
475753601Olympics 2024: What did they mean by this?[View]
475758463I saw an American yesterday. He had a FUPA. Like, it was bulging on both sides of his crotch seam. I…[View]
475749952Glowniggers: What is the solution to the glownigger problem? What would politics be like without glo…[View]
475758156Anyone remember when a guy shot at a bunch of Congressmen and the media stopped reporting on it the …[View]
475758498Dating apps and hook up culture have ruined modern relationships and marriages. I keep seeing all th…[View]
475758351Vance says it's time to unite against Iran: He's right. After Iran tried to kill Trump we …[View]
475756034Does anyone else feel bad for Biden? I don't think he's evil, he's just some elderly …[View]
475758560What is right wing art?[View]
475753839Mark Twain on White guilt - 1870: In a passage about Native American atrocities inflicted on White f…[View]
475753408>opposes race-mixing >says he will only marry a white woman despite being half mexican Why do …[View]
475757717What happened to niggas 4 trump?[View]
475758383Marijuana Hits & Beer Shits!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ enterta…[View]
475756180Did you know?: That Marvel movies actually have ancient Germanic gods, Thor and Loki in them, so the…[View]
475758332Meanwhile in Ukraine: Russian snipers in Ukraine are using weird scopes >https://files.catbox.moe…[View]
475758078Paris 2024 Summer Olympics opening ceremony: It's live. Get in here >Stream https://www.yout…[View]
475754087I can't fucking believe there are people who don't recognize the simple fact that the econ…[View]
475740649HAPPENING JD Vance is LITERALLY enacting the Handmaid's Tale https://x.com/harris_wins/status/1…[View]
475757901Giannis Antetokounmpo flag bearer for Greece: 2x MVP and NBA Champion Giannis Antetokounmpo is the f…[View]
475754476It’s over: Kamala has the zoomer vote, the black vote, and the woman vote.[View]
475754300>STOP THESH ANNOYING POLITICAL TEXTSH MESSHAGES!! I called my phone company and they said there…[View]
475758121Russia should promote it's other Indigenous Languages more...: Literally in the Russian Constit…[View]
475757942Was Madeleine Albright a good politician?[View]
475756037FBI Wants To Interview Donald Trump Over His Shooting Injury: Uh oh, bros. Did Trump lie about his i…[View]
475754910How to keep aryan gf?: I’m a hikikkimori NEET but somehow found an 140 IQ aryan autistic tomboy gf w…[View]
475758037Jewish Olympics: Can someone explain how Jews have infiltrated modern Olympics. I know they must hav…[View]
475757556VOTE BLUE STOP PROJECT 2025[View]
475758005GTV: Anyone know where is new HT livestream uploaded. I cant find it on the goyimtv site.[View]
475757585>destabilizes the middle East so Syrians go to Germany >hacks US elections to Trump it >Mak…[View]
475756817REUNION TIME[View]
475757943If white people are so superior how is their entire civilisation getting wrecked by just big black c…[View]
475756745Russia is a shithole.: Can it be fixed?[View]
475755733Why are Pajeets so bad at athletics?: >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-time_Olympic_Games_medal…[View]
475754069How much did this failed attempt fuck them up? Are we seeing in real time what happens when they pu…[View]
475757826How can so many people still be bootlickers to the current system?[View]
475756722If your homeless in California you should just spend every second of everyday destroying whatever yo…[View]
475751456>gets robbed and culturally enriched >still won't call the cops or defend herself What th…[View]
475756921Grab them by the pussy[View]
475757743What are the consequences of normalizing a society?[View]
475757643it's almost as if some people want most of the world to know what it's like to be a people…[View]
475746193Why do chinese cities make the western looking ones look so mid?[View]
475757640Political / humane question - WWYD: >my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turk…[View]
475757622Indian Haircut Fetishists: I fell down a rabbit hole a few days ago investigating haircut and headsh…[View]
475757555Miss me yet?[View]
475754183Benjamin Netanyahu is trapping Trump: Netahyahu is playing reverse psychology and Trump is too dumb …[View]
475754127How do you filter out memeflags? Currently using 4chan X through GreaseMonkey in Firefox, but I…[View]
475752150Why do whites do these things that make them vulnerable?: >most white people have the desire to b…[View]
475756589SILVER ALERT: Elderly man last seen wandering around a golf course looking for his friend, 'The…[View]
475736484How to Save Christianity?: Why is Christianity shrinking while Islam thrives? Will Trump address thi…[View]
475745678Kamala showing mental decline Already: After a brief honeymoon period, reality has started to take o…[View]
475756737How has Kamala Harris made history?: >You have been paying attention the past week, haven't …[View]
475753486Man arrested for going to library in USA!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igfU7H_jJzA American man …[View]
475755428>white people from French history being forced to swallow brown water What did they mean by this?…[View]
475756820Kamala just won the Drag Queen vote.: It's over for Trumptards.[View]
475756648I think they're not even actually shilling for Kamala Harris, I think it's all about hypin…[View]
475755181Why did he do it?[View]
475755002Here's your presidential candidate Democrats: A cock sucking whore who only got to where she is…[View]
475753995>women are willing to brick the replacement rate just so they can have a make-work job at a soull…[View]
475746447*sips tea*[View]
475754638where did they go ?[View]
475755074MUST SEE LIVE: Nicole Shanahan: https://youtu.be/NMhL6q8T-gU[View]
475756999I don't support anyone running: >Every single person running is a piece of shit who should b…[View]
475754875American government: MN State Rep with the Surgeon General The way you know this is all on purpose i…[View]
475755283Look at that smile: Warms your soul, doesn't it?[View]
475754867Sand nigger goes ape mode in Germany[View]
475756838Kamala Harris thinks Biden is a rapist[View]
475756870/mtkg/ Moving to Kazakhstan General: Soon, live in EU will become totally insufferable due to progre…[View]
475755929Kamala Harris raped me as a child. We cannot allow her to be President[View]
475752718What's are the odds the US goes to war with Iran if Harris wins vs Trump winning?[View]
475745146/pol/ humour[View]
475756756TRVTH NVKE[View]
475753566JD Vance wants a matriarchy because of his white trash single mother upbringing. He wants bachelors …[View]
475753979How does one become famous?: I've always wondered what's up with celebrities. They dont se…[View]
475756137what makes germans so aggressively sexual? https://youtu.be/ccUMwBkenuk?si=yixSDOpLSgk6k3L-[View]
475750594Is being an uncle tom worse than being a nigger?[View]
475731488What would the soldiers of WW2 think about todays society?: I sadly never got to ask my great grandp…[View]
475756129>That feeling of existential dread when meemaw finds the sissy hypno folder…[View]
475750095Are white refugees welcome in your book?[View]
475756444>polls collapse in Wisconsin >Polls collapse in Michigan >Polls collapse in North Carolin…[View]
475756460One will protect you, the other three will try to kill you. Who is your champion?[View]
475755549Just gonna leave this here[View]
475752266Where to white man?[View]
475742059>let's cut down all trees and --ACK!![View]
475730768What's the actual reason so many shitlibs on Twitter all pretend to care so much about Palestin…[View]
475746655unbelieveable. furiousness. for him.: how did indian men go from being memes to instilling more fear…[View]
475754174Should Trudeau just resign? His odds of winning are far worse than what Bidens were in the States[View]
475755018God punishes you for your cruel hatred of indians, and turns you into an indian in the slums of delh…[View]
475756097So they killed their own citizens and allowed October 7 to happen? 40 babies weren’t beheaded and se…[View]
475755910Why is Russia destabilizing Africa?: Don't they have a heart?! Leave those poor spear-chuckers …[View]
475755823What happens if Trump loses again? Would you support him running again in 2028? He'd only be th…[View]
475747230There is no God[View]
475755854Progress: 1 Chuds: 0: Face it, this guy would fuck you up if you called him the N word.[View]
475755424mRNA Vaccine was BUILT for Whites: Brazilian media released a survey stating only 11 million still u…[View]
475753160>be Italian >too white to get minority points >too dark to be accepted by whites >everyo…[View]
475754797parigger olimpiggers: picrel is from a co-production with the french army. Putin is supposed to be s…[View]
475754307Blue Lives Matter! Blue Lives Matter! Blue Lives Matter!: Spread this around to all the BLM shitpost…[View]
475754758There’s no way this skank whore is polling above 40%. Trump’s favorability is at an ALL TIME HIGH[View]
475755384Why is china so car dependent?: Can we teach them how to make public transit? Or is this based?…[View]
475753121How do we encourage the white man to have ambitions again?[View]
475755824Are men actually more important?: Men carry babies for far longer than women do and a billion times …[View]
475751813is physiognomy real?: aquiline bump (roman elite status symbol) vs jewish nose is there a difference…[View]
475753231Norway: a nigger-obsessed country[View]
475755786Christianity conditioned whites to accept the idea that by embracing the sins of others (i.e. one…[View]
475755727Memes-aside, how will a spic-majority affect America?[View]
475755713>'They medicate the crap out of you,and you go back to zombieland forever'…[View]
475746549>literal 100:1 KD rate kek, English VS Zulu didnt have this kind of shit…[View]
475754803King Jesus: Will Jesus impose a tax on us when he returns to the Earth to be king over everyone? How…[View]
475751439you know, these gen As are pretty alright: https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/teenagers/comments/1ecml7q…[View]
475748714WE ARE SO BACK: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112853974382892003[View]
475755006i don't see how this guy has done anything wrong and actually have respect for him. imagine if …[View]
475748560Why didn't he just pick a former cabinet member to be his VP? Or just the previous VP?[View]
475755254America, attack Iran NOW!: Do it! Do it for my entertainment! Happenings are the sweetest drug…[View]
475754491John Bolton: Kamala Harris' remarks about Israel very 'worrisome': https://x.com/AmbJohnBolton/…[View]
475753790Meanwhile on Planet Earth: The best part about the Kamala Harris honeymoon is watching it end >Tr…[View]
475751564JAPAN IS SAVED: The demographic problem was finally solved.[View]
475754582Paris is collapsing…it’s over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYQ4VF0h1xY[View]
475754563I don't care about US Politics: I don't care about any nation's theatre for that matt…[View]
475752894/pol/oids be like:: >Y-yeah but at least it wasn't da Jooz converting 500 churches into syna…[View]
475752232ya nah im not supporting someone that supports the genocide of Palestine[View]
475747639Are these the final months of the United States?[View]
475754048There are grown ass men who think voting accomplishes something.: Let me guess you also think Santa …[View]
475754911NATO globohomo want Vance out!: This guy is drawing attention to white ethnic replacment, and NATO n…[View]
475730296Why does Hollywood always depict Hungary and Eastern Europe in general as poverty, impoverished, mis…[View]
475745477The greatest book ever written.[View]
475753831They can't keep getting away with it: If states can override federal laws for marijuana, what s…[View]
475753906>she's a gold digger because she's a woman!! why are chuds like this??…[View]
475754755Daily reminder: this is Bharat https://youtu.be/1Kc-R8OZlEA Don't let demons and evil doers foo…[View]
475752684Do you genuinely wish to understand why Kamala is being pushed & shilled so hard? Do you want to…[View]
475750615>hey goy we notice you're making progress on space flight that we abandoned. We'll take…[View]
475754138TMD: TMD[View]
475752820The more diversity, the lower the birth rates[View]
475750373IT’S OVER! Zoomer pop superstar Charli XCX endorsed Kamala Harris, signaling the end of Brat Summer.…[View]
475754600Christianity is Fucked: Posting my recent findings of corruption in the Episcopal Church. tl;dr: …[View]
475752257>tall, strong, attractive Frenchman carries torch through Paris, running through streets which ap…[View]
475740019Zionist Cum golem: Donald Trump is a 6 foot baboon fueled by a diet of unrefined Zionist Cum. He…[View]
475749767Singlehandedly destroys the Trans Rights Movement and Mr. Beast in an election year...: Not a good l…[View]
475754546some students in my university want to cancel me: >Some students in my university want to cancel …[View]
475754501I hate white liberal cuck trannies leftists: jews are not my problem I've never seen one in my …[View]
475750407Is Trump going to win?[View]
475754473How's everyone doing this fine evening?[View]
475752057Over in NH?[View]
475754294What is your opinion on former Madeline Albright?[View]
475748537I have witnessed skillful pilpul on this website like you wouldn't believe[View]
475752923This guy is comically retarded. What was Trump thinking??[View]
475742626DO NOT REACT: ((They)) are trying to make us act violent so Harris can get sympathy votes too...…[View]
475742259>go to France >get raped[View]
475723584FRANCE IS FUCKED: https://x.com/Israel_katz/status/1816778495311093885[View]
475732473Had a feeling he loved dolphins[View]
475751958Olympics 2024: Here is Botswana’s team, can they win /pol/? Be honest.[View]
475754203All politics are a distraction: It's a wrestling game with the winners already decided[View]
475754125I never want to hear them call anyone cucks again[View]
475754160>well, JD >I gotta test to see if you're gay >you think about phat meaty cocks, JD? …[View]
475735363Indians call Canadians 'racist scum' on reddit: Why are they sour??[View]
475752635Are people are voting for their own destruction? Do liberals just have nothing to live for at this p…[View]
475752204Holy fuck botswana yesssss[View]
475753782Give me one good reason why should Russia stop the war now when they have the upper hand and when it…[View]
475753097mass immigration is a good thing: more workers and people to pay taxes which will strengthen our eco…[View]
475744631Does anyone else feel like there's been a lot of accounts pushing white infighting on here more…[View]
475753879POLL! who will you vote for?: /pol/ 7/26 poll likely voters! who will you vote for POTUS?[View]
475750428Pence is a Republican and Vance is a gay RINO puppet. Trump fucked up.[View]
475752628spics are a net drain on america[View]
475752114I am currently in 'work meeting' that is just a bunch of middle aged women seething/panicking about …[View]
475751956Daily reminder that this is a zionist neocon piece of shit and if you think he is 'based' you should…[View]
475753871Is Trump a loyal gentile? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqEocR_3zao[View]
475741906brit/pol/ - blobbyplap: >Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition https://www.thetim…[View]
475753859I have seen olympics opening ceremony: This is total degeneracy trash they want to feed us till the …[View]
475751838I like to be conservative with a progressive stance. Only faggots will disagree with this[View]
475750034So what happened with this bitch?[View]
475749465what is it about this man that inspires so much rage in ugly, post-wall roasties?[View]
475750086The white race is fucking dead already: Just end it.[View]
475751806I don't get this one. So you're a president doing back room deals, you rent out floors to …[View]
475753680broootalll: most raw thing i had read on the internet in a long time[View]
475753260Take a kamaggot, leave a kamaggot thread.: Kamaggots are the natural antidote to a Kamala astroturfe…[View]
475741108Why is he shilling for kamala Harris: It doesn't make any sense. I'm starting to understan…[View]
475753012Why are Whites not turning toward crime?[View]
475753082Troon Golf Management: I beg you, please read the comment section of this YouTube channel, not just …[View]
475741064/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17213: Previous: >>475734508 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475753522America is not the west: Westerners cant tolerate this level of shitholeness. Americans are not west…[View]
475718075Do they not realize that they are descendants of invaders themselves in their definition? The Irish …[View]
475751572Hey pol I just found out that I am 18% african isn't it cool?[View]
475752575obesity in America is around 43% according to the CDC explain yourselves Americans[View]
475752632Now that Democrats are poised to win, I've decided to reform my ways and no longer be a chud. I…[View]
475751374Is Trump the same as he was in 2016?: Do you like him just as much as in the past or do you view him…[View]
475752642We are not going back to the days where women had no rights. We are not going back to the days where…[View]
475746998Mommy <3[View]
475750695Kamala's stepdaughter: hahahaha[View]
475753328Trump sucks Israel dick, let's niggers out of jail: Kamala spends her career locking nigs up fo…[View]
475752846we are living in a simulation or prodictive programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDBovg1tGWY…[View]
475750047Did you know?: That Marvel movies actually have ancient Germanic gods, Thor and Loki in them, so the…[View]
475753245TCR IMPERSONATOR: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ entertaining audio of h…[View]
475745474hosting the olympics or the world cup is retarded: you divest all that money from actually useful pr…[View]
475752848Dating unvetted women is beta male behavior: Anons, just want to drop this lil red pill on you. Not …[View]
475751526Let's have a toast for Donald J Trump, our next POTUS, once again[View]
475752548שבת שלום magyar cygany: צועני הונגרי welcome to shabbat edition of magyar cygany thread! it is SHABB…[View]
475751251Why should I, as a brown person, care about whether whites become extinct? How does the existence of…[View]
475752443I can't feel anything during sex. I was circumcised at 9 due to tight foreskin. My dick has bec…[View]
475751039Georgia Is Voting Blue and There Is Nothing You Can Do: The biggest bluest wave is coming![View]
475747825How long until Trump dumps Vance?[View]
475751625man these fuckin whities fucking up all de shit: how'm i suppos ta feed muh chillun!? https://…[View]
475735729Imagine if Trump had chosen Tulsi Gabbard as his Vice President.: Imagine how much excitement and mo…[View]
475748680Intifada III confirmed. West bank about to go nuclear on tel aviv[View]
475752042BUT BUT…. CANADA IS NON WHITE: That’s what mutts and europoors say to me right???[View]
475751326Did he really bang a couch? lol[View]
475752572Why so many sub humans puerto rican in usa?[View]
475749930Oh the irony: The ActBlue Shills are using Indian astroturfers to try and intimate that Vance is a b…[View]
475748059There are 'people' out there under the age of 65 who don't use adblock at all: Why do they do i…[View]
475752474ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews[View]
475748728Donald Trump has clearly made a mistake. JD Vance is out of touch with the American people, and Amer…[View]
475750955/mwg/ - Memetic Warfare General: Kling Ai Edition. Kling ai video generator just released internatio…[View]
475748183will Trump actually have the balls to drop JD Vance from the ticket?: dude is dead weight, literally…[View]
475752339I CAN FEEL HER VICTORY: Trumptards, we are NOT going back.[View]
475751893Never forget they were the biggest goyim slaves during COVID https://youtu.be/AUSWzJLpNNQ?si=MHPfNw…[View]
475750099'most censored man in America' repeating mainstream libtarded talking points.[View]
475752272Did you felt it /pol/?: Have you seen Kamala glisten in the brilliance and shine of her true power?…[View]
475743895Holy shit this motherfucker is going to SINK Trump: Forget the couch sex, JD Vance is also into dolp…[View]
475750236Well, /pol/?[View]
475752229nothing ever happens[View]
475751528The only possible explanation for Trump picking Vance as his VP is everyone else on the shortlist de…[View]
475747186i dont feel so good: something might happen[View]
475750558Why is he so happy? No' it's not bimba[View]
475752129Easy Day OP[View]
475739961Why are service industry workers so rude now?[View]
475743732how do we save women, from themselves?[View]
475751465Why are americans like this?[View]
475748583Women in Traditional Poland. >it doesn't matter to me at all what nationality guy has >i …[View]
475750573Invaluable resources and time are being wasted: Just for entertainment and destruction while white p…[View]
475751928Fuck, it's really a testament to republican incompetence and myopy that they literally had zero…[View]
475746287White identitarians for Kamala and blacks: Yesterday it was leftist cuck women, today its leftist cu…[View]
475723141/POL/ HUMOR THREAD: Post your best and worst.[View]
475751800Olympics Refugee Team: Apparently there's a team made only of refugees. Has there anything the …[View]
475744900You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and…[View]
475749152YO WTF ?[View]
475718259It's accelerating..: Why can't NATO stop this?[View]
475742627>b-b-but muh guns and freedumbs[View]
475750863why are brown people so fucked? South America, India and the Middle East all produce some of the mos…[View]
475746816every right wing man should have a form of artistic expression you do some kind of art, right?[View]
475745619Every single European country should immediately drastically decrease their US dollar reserves. The …[View]
475746772Trumptards BTFO[View]
475749683Was the electricity built on loan??? I've been thinking a little bit, if 80 million people live…[View]
475743938/phg/ - President Harris General Gangbang Prostitution Edition: Previous >>475741138 THE OFFIC…[View]
475749818This, unironically, was the most powerful post on 4chan in the last 3 election cycles. For all you l…[View]
475748782Every single time[View]
475751058Guys turn on the news somebody just shot trump[View]
475745292>six out of nine SCOTUS judges are Catholic (two appointed by Trump) >can't win a Jewish …[View]
475751381In America, IQ test is heavily frowned upon. cant put it on your resume or risk of loses opportunity…[View]
475751376What kind of nation is he?[View]
475750493How mad would you be?: Also election map thread[View]
475750927LOL: Russia's depressed regions are being revitalised by industrial boom - Financial Times ▪ Th…[View]
475751248Immigrant women thread: What's your experience been like with first and second gen immigrant wo…[View]
475749873India Can Take China’s GDP by 2028: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-04-07/can-india-ove…[View]
475749419This is the kike trying to start WW3: Just came across something interesting here. This jewess named…[View]
475741620Is there a movie that encourages networking? Seems they just do 'corporations/politicians bad', 'be …[View]
475746978If you don't walk at least 10k steps daily you will die younger and suffer from brain damage du…[View]
475750914Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8, these songs will program her for…[View]
475744044/pol/ is NOT ready for this blackpill: communist rule is better than anglo occupation[View]
475750675DIVERSE CUISINE!: I bet those white racists have never seen such delicious diverse cuisine, they…[View]
475750795Americans are parasites of europeans: I will say it clearly, Americans use Europeans to perpetuate t…[View]
475675177So the vaxxine was a nothing-booger. I'm the laughing stock of my neighborhood because of you g…[View]
475746462I'm Not An Attention Whore But I Deserve Attention!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio i…[View]
475749489Christians idolising Nazi Germany is peak LARP[View]
475749956why are commies ALWAYS retarded?: Communism’s fundamental principle of collective ownership and mana…[View]
475750746Trump Loyalty: Some highlights: >Both Trump and Netanyahu have strong political interests in gett…[View]
475746929r/peterexplainsthejoke and r/explainthejoke are astroturfed and just there to train Google's AI…[View]
475739901Live - Muslims hunt down Jews in Paris: Get in here. Absolute happening. Ps. This is the only 'arab…[View]
475749012NAZI SONG HITS BILLBOARD TOP 10: Sonnenrad Society, A national socialist metal band, had a song hit …[View]
475748436She is unstoppable. She has that Trump 2016 energy. Combined with the media at her back and her fund…[View]
475747941Trump is officially FUCKED.[View]
475748793If the GOP didn’t want me to alog him he shouldn’t have said he wants to give my vote to a single mo…[View]
475749095Sexual harm prevention orders, etc.: Britbongs, what are your thoughts on SHPOs, DVPOs, and the like…[View]
475750378What's next for Yemen?[View]
475747803Youtube Ads Are Stochastic Terrorism: Every day, all day at the start of every youtube video is a br…[View]
475749122Can any Indian tell me what dand is? And how does holding vessels of water with your hands weaken th…[View]
475748829Was the Trump assassination attempt a PSYOP staged by the Mossad?[View]
475750123>Russia made me vote for Trump with their interference and stuff. Is this actually a thing?…[View]
475749840>you missed, still voting Zion Don[View]
475745051How is 75 degree weather 'Severe Heat'?[View]
475750133If you want to stoke racial division you should vote leftist: Only the left campaigns on racial segr…[View]
475749236Fuck these bitch ass hoes: and they bitch ass baby daddies too, they aint even really working like t…[View]
475747361Can we all admit that 'maxxing' is a legitimate strategy?: I've looksmaxxed by optimizing my wa…[View]
47574954725 minutes of applause for a war criminal what in the h*ll is wrong with America[View]
475748523Elon Musk DESTROYS AOC with facts & logic.: Replying to @AOC The Democratic Party has become ope…[View]
475743815>White >Christian >conservative Miss me yet?…[View]
475749534Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris: you cucks are finished[View]
475747056The Don: He's a lady's man I tell ya.[View]
475745621AL ISLAM!!!!: Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is in hell? So what! You white bitches will fall to the might …[View]
475744086Chinkoids literally never thought of inventing a more efficient eating utensil than clumsily pinchin…[View]
475749093Who will run against President Harris in 2028? Trump will be too old surely, but no one else really …[View]
475748972The Greatest Conspiracy Theory Simulator Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u86a0xMBIg…[View]
475749312Is it a good plan to move to UK and breed an Anglo or Celt woman?: I refuse to reproduce with a slav…[View]
475744520>10th month of 48 hour punitive expedition What was the point? I can’t see a single positive eff…[View]
475749540Why did he do it?[View]
4757495014+5=9 & 4+7=11, What are the odds?: 45th & 47th POTUS 9/11 Trump should have certainly been …[View]
475748301What is the difference between white men and Jews?[View]
475749461Why do rightwingers fear a dick, but want chicken boners?[View]
475743184Should America switch to a proportional representation system?: A proportional voting system would a…[View]
475749271Why does Jews shill the Khazar Khanat?: >In an increasingly skeptical and relativistic world, whe…[View]
475742683Dr. Robert Duncan Deceased: America's #1 Havana syndrome whistleblower was found dead within da…[View]
475749218why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?[View]
475746257>‘What happened to any time, any place?’: Kamala Harris trolls Trump as he backs out of debate …[View]
475747798Kamala Harris calls all zoomers stupid: HOLY SHIT this is so bad https://x.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1…[View]
475742956New body cam video shows shell casings appear out of nowhere: About 4.5 minutes into the video, you …[View]
475748491To the last Pole[View]
475748649donald trump wants to kill innocent palestinians: this is why I wont be voting for him. he wants to …[View]
475741278JPP Pants: I went to elementary school with JD Vance, or JD Bowman as he was known then. He wet his …[View]
475738834>White privilege dosen't exis-[View]
475733496why are are larpagans zo sensitive, they literally turn into feral niggers when they hear the name J…[View]
475748544Running a ticket with two while males is suicidal. Trump needs to drop JD Vance for Nikki and go for…[View]
475747369Dolphins? Fuck 'em[View]
475748616I've got really sweaty bollocks[View]
475748878AYO, LIL' DONNIE!: *Tyrone bursts through the doors of Mar-a-Lago like Shrek* >WHO IS THIS N…[View]
475744050Reminder whites stopped wearing these because they become so nigger dumb that they dont know clock t…[View]
475748866Ever since covid uncle klaus: I can’t read your plans anymore. Okay, so trump takes a bullet then go…[View]
475748854Why do the French like niggers so much? They were the original nigger lovers, even centuries before …[View]
475742561Why isn’t he in jail?: A normal person would be in jail after being found guilty of 34 felony counts…[View]
475740141If Kamala is Supposedly Popular, Why Isn't There A Kamala General Thread?: Really makes you pon…[View]
475745873Jewish laws are good: >[The portions of] Eretz Yisrael that were divided among the tribes can nev…[View]
475747549Can you imagine this woman leading the most powerful country in the world?[View]
475747314the things this man is doing to our country is sickening: he's destroying every institution and…[View]
475748717Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8. When she’s 10 she’s already twer…[View]
475747380You now remember the notorious /pol/ poster Assmad Nash.[View]
475739464Why Turkish have so much European genes?[View]
475746749You ever feel like you're possessed or something more than you are, or do you ever feel like ac…[View]
475745603Why do they always say 'Fellow White People': Asking for a friend[View]
475748506Hop in /pol/ we're about to save Israel[View]
475731845This is a pic of MENSA members (people with very high IQ): Notice something /pol/?[View]
475717386HASAN PIKER CALLS OUT /POL/ AND THE RIGHT WING: 'The problem with the right-wing is that it's b…[View]
475743721If you're not happy then your political ideology is trash: Don't care. Do you hate jews, t…[View]
47574171660 Minutes - Preparing for war against China, Russia and North Korea: I wanted to join the military,…[View]
475745062The replacement of Europe is already 2x worse than African colonization: >peak French population …[View]
475746919My urethra was itching a second ago[View]
475745975nick fuentes got burned hard. i think it's over for him: or at least he's beginning his de…[View]
475748340>work for 80 years to solve the israel-palestine conflict >work for 80 years to solve language…[View]
475742323the FUCK is the point of it all[View]
475745635Is it OK that Mr Beast was fine with loli and shotacon: Is it really that big of a dea[View]
475729446AI should be made illegal: This is getting ridiculous. Almost all top images on Google are now AI, s…[View]
475747002Why do Indians in the US support Narendra Modi, but literally vote for Kamala Harris?[View]
475747479There are ex-mormon, ex-christian, and ex-scientologist communities: But no ex-jewish communities. P…[View]
475745640'Read The City of God, it'll explain everything!!!': >so people are saying our complex socie…[View]
475740354God, I love her...[View]
475747476The West's cultural supremacy and optimism peaked in the 1990s. Everyone always assumed it was …[View]
475741636Sorry we kicked you out, guys: Please come back[View]
475743916Should you send your child to Russia for education?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeEQjNx1eqM Rus…[View]
475719873Is 'born-again virginity' a real thing? Many tradwife influencers are pushing this meme.[View]
475747531You can't hate jews if you love Capitalism.: Even Hitler himself as a socialist and didn't…[View]
475730607/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14936: Previous: >>475719840 ▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475745048We all agree that Israel shot Trump, right?[View]
475747750Could you debate Joe Rogan on Abortion?[View]
475747668Orthodoxy is bas-ACKKK!!: >gets kicked out of mount athos according to clergy >claims he left …[View]
475747344Working with kikes: Arab Israeli here, I have to interact with these demons on a daily basis, Jesus …[View]
475747107What happened to Trump?: He's not the same as he was in 2016. He had way more energy. He was mo…[View]
475747348Let's be real: That 'black jobs' gaff ruined trump's chances of re-election, it…[View]
475743870שבת שלום /pol/[View]
475743452Imagine the smell[View]
475744954BAP: Why is he shilling Trump now that he's completely buckbroken by Bibi and ready to die for …[View]
475745004Bulgaria tried to secretly supply defective ammunition to Ukraine: Journalists from the investigativ…[View]
475745350Write in Thomas Massie: Fuck both of the Zion front-runners. Write in Thomas Massie. It's not a…[View]
475745910BREAKING: TRUMP - MY RELATIONSHIP WITH NETANYAHU WAS NEVER BAD: kek can't wait to see how trump…[View]
475733772Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change.[View]
475729634This is what faggots actually believe. Sick fuckers[View]
475746678>Meemaw found the sissy hypno folder[View]
475745015take the normie pill: Political assassination attempts? War in the middle east? Rising inflation? Do…[View]
475747120Trump acts like he's afraid of Kamala Harris. He stalked Hillary Clinton around a debate stage,…[View]
475746763Wisconsin voter here. I voted trump last 2 elections but he has just gone too far off the deep end. …[View]
475745090Say his name[View]
475746420>sorry folks but you have to be drafted now[View]
475743019Don't care. Israel shot Trump.[View]
475746936Great Replacement in JAPAN???: Marutei Tsurunen (Japanese: ツルネン・マルテイ or 弦念 丸呈, Hepburn: Tsurunen Mar…[View]
475745164US has arrested the leaders of Mexico: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/25/world/americas/mexico-cart…[View]
475746119This is your next President. DEAL WITH IT[View]
475746017The average MIGA culttard seethes about this[View]
475745925DO NOT REACT: ((They)) are trying to make us act violent so Harris can get sympathy votes too... DO …[View]
475744814New Zyklon Ben just dropped.[View]
475745656The social contract[View]
475746695politically speaking, how do you fix women?: I HATE WOMEN SO MUCH[View]
475746648All the poos at my company are starting to have kids now. Doesn't this make all the H1B poos au…[View]
475744983PUREBLOODS = VAXXIES: As a pureblood, I also thought I was superior to the NPCs. Those who resisted …[View]
475739696Why was jazz music considered degenerate in Hitlers Germany? Isn't it just sound coming from a …[View]
475746597Actual Happening. FRANCE: EXPLOSIVES USED AGAINST RAIL LINES AS OLYMPICS BEGIN Pre-dawn today, a ser…[View]
475742233There hasn't been a single bbc thread posted since the copmala shilling begun: It's almost…[View]
475743622/pol/ is a pro-Israel board now, muslims get the fuck out NOW![View]
475725996If Trump loses, this means 2 possible things:: 1. All elections are rigged against you 2. Election, …[View]
475746151((OUR)) NEXT PRESIDENT: There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphe…[View]
475738513We can't sleep cuz:: >shuffles cards Racist ambient lobby sounds! It's landlord's …[View]
475745822293 days since the start of operation iron sword[View]
475733691Why are conservatives such Israel cucks?: Have you ever thought about how long Hamas has been fighti…[View]
475745590KING JEW UPSET WITH QUEEN KAMALA: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/26/israel-netanyahu-harris-ceasefire…[View]
475743551What is this nigga talking about: He's become brain rotted by muh Jews. According to him everyt…[View]
475744815Redpill me on the lost Aryan civilization in Central Asia: What are the jews hiding?[View]
475707844What has your experience been with Ukrainian refugees?: Are they nice people? Do they contribute?…[View]
475744228Conspiracy Theory: JAV Codes and /pol/: Here's how it works. Glownigger wannabees want to dox /…[View]
475745929Why does /pol/ vote against its best self interests?[View]
475709150/pol/ humor thred #50163: Post 'em anons.[View]
475745843What the hell was Trump thinking when he picked JD Vance. People will only know him as the gay guy t…[View]
475745077Kamala >Not a zog shill >Prosecutor that locked up nigs for weed and used them as slave labor …[View]
475745105Taiwan you go down today!: China number one! Invasion is about to start, fish eyed white boys! You r…[View]
475743291We're all in for Kamala[View]
475737101Feminism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race: How do you feel about feminis…[View]
475743078Say what you want about this nigga, but things were much better under him.[View]
475738435Does China have a competent military or are they a paper tiger waiting to be smoked by the US?[View]
475743658>Donald Trump Gets No Black Votes vs. Kamala Harris in New Michigan Poll >Among the Black vote…[View]
475743633“mixed-WEIGHT relationship”?: Apparently this is a thing, though I’ve never heard of it before… appa…[View]
475745422Im already tired of the middle-school grade drama that's become of this election[View]
475745546About the american term 'white' and Indigenous europeans: I will say it clearly, Americans use Europ…[View]
475743183Do you hang the flag of 'men' who will tell on ya, immature females with penis envy, nigger kiddie s…[View]
475744964Please explain to me why America shouldn't destroy Israel. Israel has been an explicitly anti-A…[View]
475745115broccoli haired zoomies are whacking politicians now. Bussin.[View]
475732385> two weeks passed > all hype's gone What went wrong?…[View]
475717401Anyone else amazed how much Taiwan makes chinks seethe? I guess it makes sense given Taiwan is a wea…[View]
475743210Are they controlling the weather?: https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1816850921294356871…[View]
475735702Trump has the tiktok vote it's literally hoever for Copmala[View]
475744487>french rail system hot by massive coordinated sabotage attack >nobody does anything Does the …[View]
475676329PROOF: DEEP-STATE SNIPERS POSITIONED UNDER CROOKS: new video proves that first floor of AGR Building…[View]
475744860/ptg/ “moisturize me” edition: Splash zone volunteer group sign in! Last thread >>475739512…[View]
475731071What does /POL/ think of nuclear power: Australia might build a few of these bad boys, but half the …[View]
475735016captive animals held as slaves are commonly castrated to render them docile and more obedient[View]
475743525>Try reading Bell Curve >First three chapter is light background on history of IQ and lots of…[View]
475731215This cant be true right? Theres no way America has this much debt[View]
475743330Year is 2040. Gen Z whites are using modified HIV virus as a gene therapy vector to change their rac…[View]
475744766How is he not fired yet?: He is gonna drag President Trump down with this bullshit How long until he…[View]
475735689>be king of chuds >have a tranny son lul…[View]
475742751Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8. When she’s 10 she’s already twer…[View]
475742413Oh no Kamala sars: The last sane Democrat strategist Carville says the honeymoon will be over soon a…[View]
475738083Another JD Vance Thread: Let me start off by saying Fuck jannies, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck tra…[View]
475744946Why doesn't Ukraine use these beauties?? This is Bimba, one Bimba drop unleashes damage equal t…[View]
475742531Kamala loves Venn Diagrams[View]
475741171Musk 'The democratic party has become openly and boldly antisemitic': he's right…[View]
475744187YOU CAN ALL GO HOME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cicIIeUvSFE Colonel Guile : Troopers! I have jus…[View]
475744702Trumpsisters...: We got btfo...[View]
475739990Obama endorsed Harris: “Why hasn’t Obama endorsed Harris?” well it happened now[View]
475744442Why did he delete this?[View]
475739853What is their endgame?[View]
475744810Voting in knowingly-rigged elections: Minor effortpost coming, tl;dr at the end. If you know electio…[View]
475735855BREAKING: ISRAEL BLAMES IRAN FOR RAILWAY ATTACKS AHEAD OF 2024 OLYMPICS: https://x.com/Israel_katz/s…[View]
475742402There's something about this guy: that seems sofa king weird[View]
475744759Trump POLLS sink: JD VANCE Direct fuckin Correlation[View]
475744727HERE ME FOR ONE MOMENT PLEASE: They have been dividing people so they can do it without them being a…[View]
475744637JD Vance wants to take your right to vote and give it to third worlders[View]
475744447>ban abortions >hundreds of babies get thrown in dumpsters Who wouldve predicted such a thing?…[View]
475743762Why is he so racist suddenly?[View]
475707609Puberty Blockers saved her life: Not gonna lie, she's actually quite hot. If it weren't fo…[View]
475744525I just creampied a 21 y/o Thai whore AMA: I paid $200 to fuck her + pussy-slide. When she began doin…[View]
475731649CONFIRMED: JD Vance DID have sex with a couch: The passage was in the first version of the book but …[View]
475740820What explains this?: No, seriously.[View]
475738177>trans women are women but don't make us compete against them >men and women are equal bu…[View]
475742473We see you. It's not working.[View]
475742722Elon Musk & X, war with EU crime syndicate douchebags: EU leaders are openly corrupt 2nd tier cr…[View]
475740880Did Isreal shoot Trump?[View]
475742151Holy Shit: When did Reddit get so BASED??[View]
475738016I GET IT NOW!!!: I GET IT!!![View]
475744155team france - the olympics[View]
475739689commie blocks are actually comfy fr fr. what were all the people complaining about?[View]
475740720Russia made a HUGE mistake not using letter Ы as the symbol for the SMO those who get it - get it[View]
475742946Why should I be concerned about the exinction of white people?[View]
475739653>0 history >0 scientific accomplishments >0 cultural impact >0 contributions to humanity…[View]
475740262How is this shit legal?: And yet the liberals lose their mind when they see a man over 25 dating a 2…[View]
475739017Here's how it went down: This is how its shaping up. Path of least resistance.[View]
475740727I hope she wins: I realize she probably won't. But the people really do deserve to suffer.…[View]
475743585SLAY QUEEEEEEEEEEENS: >164,000 white women, 1 Zoom call and a whopping $2m raised in 90 minutes f…[View]
475743863It's Over, White Bois...: Let's face it: We've been done in by our own kind. Too many…[View]
475741650Do you feel positive or negative about a Kamala Harris presidency?[View]
475739851Why is Abruzzo considered Southern Italy when it's area was apart of the Holy Roman Empire?[View]
475742242>just move out of your parents house at 18 bro what are you a loser or something? Amerigolems act…[View]
475740762Well, what happened there back in 1917: the revolution, the Bolsheviks? Yes, there is no one: everyo…[View]
475742185Water cannons from the North have arrived. Pic related is going to come true. https://www.youtube.co…[View]
475743293new york will flip to trump: new york will flip to trump[View]
475743731Explain again how nigger cattle public transport is better?[View]
475743500Locked in: We ride https://youtu.be/4T9izCxc4dw[View]
475743362Cops are arrogant and conceited and servile and the go-to instrument of government tyranny. I get wh…[View]
475739532Today goat fuckers from Iran sentenced this qt to death for writing articles against politically mot…[View]
475743226Marine Ordered To PAY $100k While Serving Sentence for J6: 'Jan. 6 political hostage Zachary Rehl is…[View]
475741904Well, is it true? (I want to fuck AOC)[View]
475742173Who is running the country right now.: Did this fucker step down? Is he still in charge? Every one s…[View]
475743205The warmongering has begun. Media is making sure to drill it in how Iran has mysterious plots agains…[View]
475741702Damn, she so sweet and adorable.[View]
475741445Why do they call it TV 'programming'? Why are they making it so obvious and why has nothing been don…[View]
475743172Orbán: What would you call his style?[View]
475716720Vance getting dropped for Nikki Haley: oh no no no hahahahaha. GOP in absolute shambles[View]
475741370El Mayo: He's going on bail in no time. The question is when?[View]
475742165Increased Bioweapon-ophobia Canada: Any other Canadian born Desis sick of the Bioweapon-ophobia in C…[View]
475743309Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own) Are X white? Is X degeneracy? How com…[View]
475738444How do I become the king of haiti? How many white mercenaries do I need to take control and bunker d…[View]
475730767Is JD Vance going to go down as the worse running mate pick in history?: dude brings nothing to the …[View]
475742902This board talks endlessly about how much they hate women and how incels are right about everything …[View]
475726680Why don't you pay for everything with cash? Do you like being tracked like a fool?[View]
475742332Who else is voting for Mommy?[View]
475740639Police officers get attacked everyday and no one bats an eye A shitskin gets his head deservedly pou…[View]
475741459Trump is too old: He’s 78. By the end of his term he’ll be 82. Can we really trust an 82 year old ma…[View]
475738713What would actually be different if Harriss was President instead of Trump? If they're both Jew…[View]
475743113Fear not, they're going to un-steal the election :)[View]
475741138/phg/ President Harris General Bomb Iran Editio: THE OFFICIAL GENERAL OF PRESIDENT Kamala Harris #PO…[View]
475741931ITT we apologize to Serbia: We are sorry for war crimes against Serbians, I affirm that Kosovo is Se…[View]
475737987Society has failed women. Everyday there are stories of abuse, murder or institutionalised misogyny.…[View]
475742690My Oh My you will never taste pussy[View]
475742994Time: If you have time to study philosophy or debate politics, that's rich in my book. In the U…[View]
475741196Why do they shove niggers into everything? Is it a humiliation ritual?[View]
475742927OTTOMAN EMPİRE 2.0: With the power of all 16 ancient TURKIC states ever established, ]]] OTTOMAN EMP…[View]
475742591so you guys think it is cool to make fun of someone just because they are from the village?[View]
475742485haha those muzzie invaders don't seem so bad now do they?[View]
475739186>you are fully aware that she would win a majority in every state, regardless of her political co…[View]
475742508Trump is a rapist! Trump is a pedo! Trump said the N word!: Trump is a fascist! Trump is a dictator!…[View]
475740798100 billion was allocated for this shit - Mars. Why is that??? It's just a desert, and the plan…[View]
475741125IO is similar to Kazakhstan, why?[View]
475741833>'Scared little punk': CNN panel slams 'big, strong man' Trump after he backs…[View]
475739317He's too old.[View]
475721084what is the cheapest snack per wheight that tastes good?: i am tired of living on mashed potato, dry…[View]
475741542Is there any country with more pathetic men than Thailand and the Philipines? Imagine being the tra…[View]
475735250The Future of Faustian Civilization: According to Oswald Spengler the Christian West is in its civil…[View]
475740269Yasuke was actually made to strip and dance for pennies.: He wasn’t a Samurai at all.[View]
475741355Wait. huh..?: I don’t get it bros, what’s their angle here? Does twerking manifest the Faustian spir…[View]
475738696I'm in my twenties. Why should I vote for a guy who is nearly 80 when I can vote for Harris who…[View]
475715163Do you actually think this race of terrorists were the ancient egyptian stock? Whitoids are invasive…[View]
475741724Whites fight back!: It has become clear that American courts are rigged against whites. It is time t…[View]
475738387Can /pol/ explain: Why hasn’t Russia blown up bridges on the Dnieper River?[View]
475738749“Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?”: Literally just say this to any retarded shill attacking …[View]
475736858JAPAN HAS GONE FULL HOMO: Netflix just released a homosexual dating show for Japan in an unprecedent…[View]
475739381Agorism: What is /pol/'s opinion on agorism? Is it a viable option for resistance against the g…[View]
475741921Alright you niggers, how chuddy are you?[View]
475729783Rogan fell off: Tucker is currently embracing controversy and difficult conversations, Rogan is avoi…[View]
475741826single issue voter: zionism: I like her. A suitable alternative to Trump, the zionist cum slurping g…[View]
475741834POLAND HATE THREAD: post pictures that depict white christian male poles in a racist way and offend …[View]
475733923The most popular Fetishes amongst Women: >50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they…[View]
475741819I Hate you All: 1. Yes, the 2020 election was stolen 2. No, it wasn't stolen by crates full of …[View]
475741673Are Milennials worse than boomers?: Aren’t millennials the same faggots who have to see EVERY capesh…[View]
475730754The Average IQ of the entire world is 85, and the estimate average IQ of people giving birth today i…[View]
475741791What can we do to stop Trump from starting a war with Iran for Israel? I'm filling despondent t…[View]
475738981JD Vance wants to take your political rights and give them to single mothers, welfare queens and thi…[View]
475735183I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth: https://truthsocial.com/@r…[View]
475740051“We are not going back” won’t work: It’s a stupid slogan. All of her ads mention abortion and aborti…[View]
475741336Japanese Athletes at Olympic 2024[View]
475740013Femboys will solve all of our problems: All men have to do is become cute femboys and women will sto…[View]
475741547yup.: if rfk drops out you know where to go.[View]
475741109Who the fuck is moving to US?: This country is a decomposing shithole with an insane schizophrenic p…[View]
475717195why is Trump scared to debate Kamala Harris?[View]
475741178I will never vote for a woman by the way[View]
475736095Are you locked and loaded for what comes next 6 months from now?: The assault on your freedoms goes …[View]
475737960First jewish famale president of Mexico gets elected: >Sinaloa Boss Cartel gets arrested Mexicob…[View]
475741406I hope Kamala Harris picks a woman for a VP and wins the election because I wish death to america. B…[View]
475739751>/ptg/ shilled 24/7 for years with the same images and replies >NOOO WE HAVE SO MANY KAMALA SH…[View]
475712990It's over.: Kamala now has one of the best slogan. A direct response to 'Make America Great Aga…[View]
475700258Vaccines are the only category of product that may not be questioned or challenged.: If you’re a doc…[View]
475738471Sean Grayson is so fucked.: 100% of normies hate him. Officer Tatum tried to defend the officers an…[View]
475739589Too much SEXY in Paris: Which cute male athletes will y’all be salivating over this Olympics?? Also,…[View]
475730563Hypnotic content on /pol/: What percentage of the content on /pol/ and /x/ is hypnotic, suggestive s…[View]
475734508/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17212: Previous: >>475727391 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475733547Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump?: For fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rb9b8rYhII…[View]
475741167This is the N°1 top post in R*ddit right now. You lost.: Trump lost. Ch*ds lost. Kamala won. Gen Z i…[View]
475737550Vance is the gift that keeps on giving: He's asking for donations to the Trump campaign to repl…[View]
475737989Why do Nordic Lutherans have such low in-group preference?[View]
475732641Why do low iq and uneducated vote for republicans when is always against their best interests.[View]
475724909brit/pol/ - namebames are mentally unwell: >Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition…[View]
475740640RISE.: She keeps climbing higher and higher, what is happening?[View]
475737272Trump 'Kamala Harris [who boycotted @netanyahu ' speech] is totally against the Jewish peo…[View]
475731143>too scared to debate a woman What a fucking bitch[View]
475736766Is the Simulation playing a trick on us? the Universe has a sense of humor and maybe its telling us …[View]
475740721Why is terrorism seen as bad?: I understand why the normie cattle sees it as such - cause they said …[View]
475737344Why do republicans make retarded concessions for fags, niggers, and other assorted coloreds? They…[View]
4757409532024 is our Final Battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the wa…[View]
475739488Will he kill niggers when he’s elected?[View]
475740046how many attacks today?[View]
475739028The Bell Curve has been disproven by the 21st century: The wealthiest groups in America do not corre…[View]
475739110MOMMY 2024: „I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic fo…[View]
475738833Meanwhile in Russia: Russia is bas- Oh nonono nononononono[View]
475728433Why do Americans get so angry every time someone questions circumcision?[View]
475739999This One Activates The Almonds: Given what we know about Obama's mother being a CIA breeder, is…[View]
475739039Europe: In 15 years Europe will be majority non-White. There are no more White countries anymore.…[View]
475740291Based Brother tailbout CERN: Dropping them redpills left, right, and center. Come on y'all get …[View]
475738839CALLING ALL WHITE DUDES!: >What do you mean you’re not joining the Zoom call specifically created…[View]
475738295Where did all of those Dark Brandon faggots go?[View]
475732879/pol/ stands with TRUMP and ISRAEL: If you don't you're a commie vegan tattooed libtard, o…[View]
475737844>i will start fighting to make my country a part of north korea, that will probably improve my li…[View]
475739470Is she on to something here? Is this possibly the new NPC or normies can't visualize things mem…[View]
475740156Why is this fraud remembered as a good president? Like even from an objective historical point, he g…[View]
475740477Trump is BRAT[View]
475733907If they win what hell will they unleash?: What can we expect from a Dem victory?[View]
475730842Seriously, what the fuck did he mean by this?: Did he just foretell his own future assassination, th…[View]
475738088Final Countdown: I am so glad I wasn't raised up by a computer and had untainted childhood and …[View]
475740021The first Jew[View]
475739331>Literally admitted to planning a fake terrorist attack to escalate war with Cuba >There'…[View]
475733364France Olympics Show: are you watching the fall of France show anons?[View]
475737644Adolf Hitler was the greatest man of the 20th century. Lets take our time to appreciate his brave cr…[View]
475725989NO/WAY/OUT: literally rotting my fucking life away at the office for a paycheck. ..[View]
475738540It’s over: Study shows women should be whores. It’s over. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article…[View]
475736305Why did Trump kill off the small business website?[View]
475739568DO NOT REACT: ((They)) are trying to make us act violent so Harris can get sympathy votes too...…[View]
475736327Why are Whites not turning toward crime?[View]
475737757Dear Anons, The reason you're seeing a lot of pro-Kamala threads and posts is because we'r…[View]
475736741Marijuana Hits & Beer Shits!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ enterta…[View]
475734439What's with the Kamala spam?: Are we being massively brigaded? Are the glowies finally invadin…[View]
475738556Elon will cure the mind virus: He has invested heavily in a company thats developing a small compute…[View]
475739735He's genuinely so unsettling to look at[View]
475738317Post something that make you reply with picrel[View]
475730571ava tyson: say something nice about her, pol[View]
475741437/mala/ general[View]
475736288>sheboon poll workers steal your election, again Heh, maybe next time kiddo.…[View]
475738470Imagine defending a ZogBOT on /pol/: >She was not a suspect >They had 0 authority over her …[View]
475733658Russian Tactics: yfw you're on solo mission with just a radio and wish.com gear https://files.c…[View]
475736126While the seals are clapping: The houthis are promising kino operations[View]
475737457>I LOVE how House of the Dragon deconstructs the inherit injustice and misogyny of the monarchic …[View]
475733944Why is the FBI like this?[View]
475735060What do British people think about Pakistani people?[View]
475738704Troonmaxxing: Why haven't you taken the troonmaxxing pill yet? >be me >lived my infancy, …[View]
475738732If you are within lethal range of ANY billionaire and you don't kill them, you will be judged. …[View]
475737952Guys it's ok, Trump already has replacements for us after he sends us to die for Israel.[View]
475737629Why are they like this?[View]
475739003Israel has no right to exist: Kikes turned into Satan worshipping long time ago We are living in a l…[View]
475736966Oh hey anon? You ordered burger? (fries not in included) https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/soleilh…[View]
475739386I live in a in a very young, trendy, blue state. I could FEEL the excitement on the streets. I saw L…[View]
475739277Is there a mainstream movie or series that shows how to organize business and political networks eff…[View]
475738716Kamala already showing her Joe Biden dimentia energy: After a brie honeymoon period, reality has sta…[View]
475736980Happy birthday to this future war winner say something nice: Today is general Syrsky's birthday…[View]
475736657The 144,000 Elect: The 144,000 Elect will form the New Waffen-SS.[View]
475734256Can any Russians here explain what Dedovshchina entails? Do they really bum all the new recruits?[View]
475737608People need to start carrying around bells. Whenever someone starts taking about the bullshit destro…[View]
475735998>Kamala shilling threads start >BBC posting stops >NAFOposting stops lmao…[View]
475737071marriage-phobic.: I remember the fairy tales from my childhood. 'The princess and the prince got mar…[View]
475735651Kamala Harris will win: Kamala Harris is good.[View]
475738869japan is the white man's last stan-ACK[View]
475738861As a French-American I find the Olympics to be a total embarrassment.[View]
475737811I'm pretty down about the Trump stuff bros. I don't have a lot going on in my life and 201…[View]
475730644Kathryn Janeway: Is she a war Criminal?[View]
475733762Why don't Christians have a mystical tradition? It's no wonder they are materialistic gole…[View]
475735285Beaner sisters the gringos finally caught El Mayo. Our response?[View]
475737167Kamala sisters...w-what the hell happened to our momentum? How is fat orange cheeto bloompf still ah…[View]
475730475Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy: Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024? Repre…[View]
475735807Since we have so many more Indians here to shill for Kamala: I think its fair to ask, why does pic r…[View]
475733763Why did the CIA pick him to lead Russia?[View]
475738276What did the Obamas tell Kamala on the call?: What message do they have for the new queen of the Dem…[View]
475736787Republicans have no ammo against Kamala: Why is it all just petty insults?[View]
475737174He deserved it for cheating on his wife[View]
475724642Christian groomer arrested. /pol/ silent.: What's the matter? does 'grooming' only matter when …[View]
475735118We have to summon and appease Kek, its the only way.[View]
475737021It was never about Trump!!: It was never about Trump!!! It was always about taking down the big man!…[View]
475737883We need him back: we need him to come back and trail-of-tears the entire country to stop south-afric…[View]
475733381They're winning the meme war: DonOLD: Instead of Donald they're calling Trump DonOLD. I…[View]
475736852Don't let Trump cheat this November Demand paper ballots, ID and in-person voting[View]
475720567JUST TWO MORE YEARS BRO FUSION IS VIABLE BRO: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c80e86d1kl3o >…[View]
475736711Why does Switzerland have so many Albanians?: And how are they generally viewed?[View]
475730164Jewish tourists in Japan see a Palestinian flag: And go bonkers on the old man What gives? https://x…[View]
475737890Counter demoralization thread: The left has a home team advantage having so many sociopaths that enj…[View]
475733862Why can't Trump's campaign come up with a narrative to smear her? Is she really that good?[View]
475736066Realistically how does Kamala actually win?: She has no path to victory.[View]
475735840BREAKING: Trump meeting Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago TODAY: What will happen? At the request of Bibi Neta…[View]
475737685ASTRAL UBERMENSCH: Astral Consciousness is the birthright of any self respecting man >The politic…[View]
475733912The Harvest: Which ancient deity was this a sacrifice to?[View]
475737665they don't think it be like it is, but it do.: >Kamala shilling begins on Sunday >BBC pos…[View]
475734544>predicted 3 years ago >today's reality How did they know? https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
475721754ZERO PERCENT: 0[View]
475736909Mala mala Yes maga Border czar? No maga Telling lies? No maga Opened the border? Ha ha ha[View]
475734064for or against?[View]
475737396Remember just yesterday when /pol/tards that do nothing but consoom cuckservative personalities disi…[View]
475723894Jon Cooper, DNC Faggot, Likely Responsible: 4 years ago during the last election, anons here and on …[View]
475732398an actual thread about geopolitics, none of the stupid vooting threads. The India and China dustup i…[View]
475732800Why do Pakistanis in the UK look so fucking weird? They have a quite distinct look when compared to …[View]
475735104Be ashamed of what you've turned on: White men are becoming either: Trans women who, after some…[View]
475736483What causes a masculine 40 year old man to do this?[View]
475737053I'm assembling a team[View]
475735838Why did he do it bros, why did he let it happen?[View]
475732784Ukraine: >*has to die because russian and western leadership are boomers who are mentally stuck i…[View]
475736201Why is Russia banned from participating in the Olympics but Israel and USA are allowed?[View]
475729284Death to all Nazis: Death to all Nazis. 6 million Jews were gassed. This is what Americans learned i…[View]
475707685>the supposedly largest international event of the decade is here >nobody even pretends to car…[View]
475735844>Communism is ba-[View]
4757359952024 is our Final Battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the wa…[View]
475689329Are TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) our allies? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” an…[View]
475733604Lately the board has been supporting Russia over NAFO and the Kiev regime.: It’s not looking good fo…[View]
475727844When is he gonna start interviewing controversial people again?: >interview controversial people …[View]
475734780Everyone on this board suffers from Jew Derangement Syndrome[View]
475730015Young voters aren’t into Trumpism[View]
475736875How did we feel about the RNC?[View]
475735188do people call for genocide on national tv in your country[View]
475725722What's all the fuss?: Heard this book was pulled from Amazon and other websites the day Kamala …[View]
475736729Don't forget a vote for Goynald Trump is a vote for Israel. Do your part for greater Israel[View]
475736124Is it appropriate to call someone who is universally loved and voted for by his compatriots names li…[View]
475728972Realistically, how will a spic-majority US fare?[View]
475736335Chuds will seethe so hard when Momala pardons this modern day civil rights hero.[View]
475736293Why is Kamala losing independents so much?: 20 POINTS. This is impossible to recover from. There is …[View]
475730961We MUST protect her, bros...[View]
475723673The DNC astroturfing is already dying down. Not only that but Reddit of all places is getting tired …[View]
475733010>Trump wants a sycophant who matches his views to entrenched MAGAism in the Republican Party >…[View]
475736056MICHIGAN NIGGERS BACK HARRIS: Wtf bros, I thought the RNC was enough to make niggers love Trump? Wha…[View]
475736282just watched the video, why did he not use a taser instead??[View]
475728894>saar we are high iq saar knowledge economy saar If they are so smart then why did they not keep …[View]
475735005Everybody cashing in on the latest 'thing': Looks like the silver companies are already cashing in o…[View]
475698549WHO. HAS. THE. MEMES. NOW?[View]
475728023I have a right to a young virgin wife, just like my ancestors did for thousands of years. If society…[View]
475734337There's no white genocide. People aren't having children because raising a child it's…[View]
475736084>>475731365 Every international institution is useless jewish garbage: Nazi war criminals beca…[View]
475736076Tucker Carlson promotes Noahide laws: Adam Green exposes CIA nigger Tucker Carlson shilling Noahide …[View]
475736073It's obamover.[View]
475714852why are indians like this?[View]
475736001Vance or Haley for VP: I know the 'source' is dogshit, being a former adviser to slick-willy, but wh…[View]
475726041I'm a furry national socialist, I think the world should be run as a furry ethnostate. >Gove…[View]
475728517Why is neoliberalism like this?[View]
475734720The revolution in two years will be led by middle class young white men: https://x.com/joeldavisx/st…[View]
475732745Why do we allow this?: Denmark could be easily absorbed into Germany or even split down the middle a…[View]
475735391>The elites support communism and it's the common man and his resilience that's keeping…[View]
475730070High food prices? I decided to stop buying food and simply eat my preps for the next 5-6 years until…[View]
475728532Why does Kamala keep losing polls?: This guy is one of the most popular leftists too. Do leftists ha…[View]
475734482Long live the Queen[View]
475734545Let me guess, people have a problem with this[View]
475723621What is your opinion on Balkan music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2Kqg-TubiQ[View]
475735268Maybe she won't be that bad after all. Seems to hate niggers plenty.[View]
475711968The Mystery of the fences of Australia and Mars I have been thinking for a long time about why fence…[View]
475735573Albaner Thread - Swiss edition ta qifsha nonen: Breeeh chum us Basel Stadt! Einzig wahre stadt i de …[View]
475733819The USA will never have a cooler, more virile president[View]
475735089They are using the simpsons against us. They don't know that we've analyzed every episode,…[View]
475735433Never forget: that the very same democrats who attempted to destroy 4chan and remove it from the int…[View]
475729919>A Michigan man suspected of using an all-terrain vehicle to run over an elderly man for supporti…[View]
475733613The Real Feared Candidate: No amount of psyops or false flags will stop his rise to power! https://y…[View]
47573447378 is far too old to be president How can someone who can't stay awake in court be a competent …[View]
475730600You're not actually voting for this, right?[View]
475709290BRICSissies....: It's over..... >The US dollar is showing no mercy to BRICS and the de-dolla…[View]
475719430no refunds[View]
475734218Kamala Harris thinks Biden is a rapist[View]
475734987This unironically changed my disabled older brother’s life. He was able to move around much more fre…[View]
475734569>we need to destroy our government every 20 years What the fuck was his problem?…[View]
475734894Will Jewservatives Ever Regain Their Republican Party?: Why does the Republican party bend over back…[View]
475726008What has been your experience with women and their political/social beliefs?: Have you ever managed …[View]
475728703Why are indian men losing their balls?[View]
475731451JD Vance says that only people with children should be allowed to vote: and that the more children y…[View]
475734773Kamala's campaign will never allow her to talk to reporters unscripted.: Just like Hillary she …[View]
475734566Operation Angel Tears: Taysisters, you know what to do. We have the immense fortune to shape the nex…[View]
475727391/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17211: Previous: >>475717436 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475734398Who tried to kill Trump?: If Trump is so committed to Israel and Jews, then who tried to kill him?…[View]
475732636Skibidi Harris[View]
475731437>Son of the richest man on earth. >Can have almost anything he wants. >Decides to become a …[View]
475723527With my PERFECT form, I shall enlighten you on The Kamala play: Its a strong Defense Strat: Everyone…[View]
475733757Do you retards think Elon isn’t in on his child trooning out?: It’s another human sacrifice to Satan…[View]
475731241Remember Argentina used to be 85% white and the rest light-skinned mestizos Many years ago, European…[View]
475679280unZOG your computer by installing Linux[View]
475732020I'm a Llama for Kamala: Let's go![View]
475730443Why does his face bother me so goddamn much?[View]
475730469>>475727900 >00 Your fellow gay arabs use there as a HQ for international organized crime a…[View]
475715098Why do these people keep acting like voting actually matters, that Trump is the nominee, not the pup…[View]
475733158Genuinely not a bad first female president, I think you guys will do alright with her at the helm. T…[View]
475733903Hey, did you know that Israel shot Trump?[View]
475733740it's time to vote /pol/ https://strawpoll.com/GJn447XPmnz[View]
475733567Protagonists of history: >germans >germans who emigrated to england 1500 years ago >germans…[View]
475733087Kamala Harris is descended from an owner of 120-plus slaves who ran a Jamaican plantation!: >Harr…[View]
475733436Watching the libtards rying to make cringe Kamala nigjeet Harris likable is the funny[View]
475733752LTSwastik's called 'Ugnies ženklas'; LT name—UGNIUS(firey)—Odin's(Perun's/P…[View]
475733735Christianity and Church in 2024: Anon, why don't you join my church?[View]
475733696Thats gonna be a yikes from me.[View]
475729390Allan Lichtman, the guy who has predicted almost every election correctly now says Kamala will win t…[View]
475731475BREAKING NEWS: Hawk Tuah Girl says we are in a recession. How long until she officially endorses Tru…[View]
475715760No good father says their child is dead to them, no matter what. This guy is a shithead[View]
475732117Is northern ireland discussed in Irish politics at all or is reunification a fringe issue for most p…[View]
475725312trans denialists be like: >BRO I JUST GOT OFF THE INTERNET AND MY DYSPHORIA WENT AWAY WHEN I WAS …[View]
475731999What happened? Did he say it?[View]
475732837Adolt Hitler was a biological female, a transgender man.[View]
475733376The Western white man is literally castrated, culture and identity are the balls of every single man…[View]
475731110Donald tRump, a man who was found guilty of 34 felonies says that Kamala Harris is guilty of committ…[View]
475722914This pasta first popped up in 2020, but was relatively obscure. It's funny that it's now g…[View]
475727397What do Republicans even want, exactly?[View]
475730457IOC should exclude those third world shitholes from hosting Olympic Games.: France The UK America ..…[View]
475730269Why cant russia defeat Ukraines military?[View]
475730847What causes this?[View]
475712651How is this legal?[View]
475733001What ethnicity is this?[View]
475731285JEWISH WOMEN LOVE IMMIGRATION: Nonwhites commit 95% of all rape and 90% of all crime in Europe despi…[View]
475732908>2 million dead or maimed Russian children >Not allowed at the Olympics because you're s…[View]
475730400Stop with the Kamala threads: Kamala is a Finnish word that means horrible, awful, ghastly, dreadful…[View]
475731313Purgatory isn't Biblical. Roman Catholicism is pagan. The Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of…[View]
475729884Are there people here who unironically support Kamala Harris?[View]
475729800=Grocery Store Visit= Kamala Harris visits a local grocery store for a community engagement event. A…[View]
475730905Why don't we send this white nigger back to africa?[View]
475731614captive dreamer: What's the deal with this guy from the BAP sphere? He barely has any followers…[View]
475732720What will a Harris presidency be like? It will be worse than Biden, but in what ways. And what shoul…[View]
475732317Remember Your Black Power!: >Michael Jackson refused to perpetuate the whitewashed narrative of K…[View]
475731365Wait, America didn't arrest Netanyahu?: Isn't he found guilty by the International Crimina…[View]
475730202Everyone I know thinks Democrats were involved with the assassination attempt of Trump.[View]
475731518How many Dem primaries did she win?[View]
475731679Wanna hoop, Jack?: https://youtu.be/uIGytB5hmUk?si=SofKemAularDhq4N[View]
475730078The Great Party Switch of 2024: It's happening. Just like how the democrats and republicans swa…[View]
475731498Based Kamala.[View]
475730734Marriage age gap: Why is it all of a sudden taboo for there to be an age gap for spouses? I remember…[View]
475724474After careful consideration I've decided that I will holla for Kamala. She's the best pers…[View]
475728215The Trump shilling is 100% astroturf: Who even are these people who support Troonmp? I refuse to bel…[View]
475729789Who’s Kamala’s VP choice?[View]
475731969We need a 3rd Party whose sole goal is to kill them all: If elected our candidate will hang all of C…[View]
475731728They laugh at you.: You know this site is a place where your overlords laugh at you while pretending…[View]
475729633Why is this warmongering, genocidal dictator desperately trying to start World War 3?[View]
475731595US government: trans women are NOT women: I thought the government said they were female... how coul…[View]
475731533Kamala hoes, how do we respond to this without sounding mad?[View]
475729526Why do so many Americans hate America so much?: Are other countries like this or is self-loathing ex…[View]
475725242Why is Kamala losing just like Biden was?: I thought she was supposed to be better?[View]
475726367canada thread :)[View]
475731310>'Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Walter Rathenau?' >'No.' >'I thought not. It's not …[View]
475728110Que Mala Eres: Literally quoting Marx as the Vice President of the United States. The Communist over…[View]
475721435I hate this fat pig[View]
475730152HAPPENING? Government warns Biden of impending terror attack!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCRGh…[View]
475721987Why is california such a shithole?: Imagine this approaching your car.[View]
475730500Wtf happened to the western man?: How are these the same niggas that took control over almost the en…[View]
475731755Your side is more controlled by jews no YOUR side is more controlled by jews. I dunno if they'r…[View]
475724603If only you knew bad things are going to get[View]
475724866I want to join the US Army and fight for America.[View]
475720649The Olympics will begin in 5 hours: Will there be any political turmoil during the games? For examp…[View]
475731642Would you support him?: Local control Esoteric Historic Content?[View]
475731635China and Israel are good friend, why the fuck some people in twitter try to act like china care abo…[View]
475731328Why do rightwingers consider being on the ballot unusual?[View]
475729606JD Vance wants to take away your right to vote and multiply single mothers' votes.[View]
475727367Dare I Say, Based?: Yep, I think I’ll keep voting Democrat.[View]
475731363If the vaccine was dangerous: Why did they give it to jews in Israel? And don't give me the shi…[View]
475727763USA and Israel are Attempting to Build a Pretext to Invade Iran.: There has been a lot of False Flag…[View]
475721574When did you realize America was doomed?[View]
4757224851 Billion for four migrants. British is hopelessly corrupt. Imagine how many trillions they would ne…[View]
475731234Gladio: Who has information of post-coldwar stay behind networlks?[View]
475730247HARRIS / SWIFT 2024[View]
475730712Thoughts about who'll win this shit?[View]
475730550lol https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagon-finds-another-2-billion-accounting-errors-ukraine-aid-…[View]
475731136Haiti and Haitians are the worst I'd rather take in the blackest Gabonese guy over a retarded H…[View]
475730742Family life talk General: How's your family doing? >I live with my parents I sort of mooch o…[View]
475728059Ignore Pajeets, Round house kick pajeets: They are Raiding the whole Board. Its not Polite. Don…[View]
475725815Go ahead faggots: do a flip[View]
475730991The reason fiat money is doomed to fail is because no government - whether that be Rome, Bongland, o…[View]
475718703Remember this? Somebody had it removed from the archive[View]
475730979/phg/ - President Harris General - Trump Is a Bitch xD Edition: /phg/ - President Harris General - T…[View]
475730026Is this what winning looks like? Russia is a failed state, but they’re too ignorant and stupid to un…[View]
475728835>be me: >re-watch conspiracy theory >first 5 minutes is a deluge of redpills, 99% we now kn…[View]
475722552Kraut/pol/ - TGIF Edition: >English language analysis https://youtu.be/f8rt1oGUvBQ https://youtu.…[View]
475660496/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #1568: Previous >>475624069 ▶WARNING Glowniggers are try…[View]
475719296LEADER OF THE ALT RIGHT PREDICTS KAMALA VICTORY: chuds lose again :)[View]
475730340I need stories from people who were at the RNC when Grindr crashed. What is the republican gay scene…[View]
475730524So this is the Democrats secret weapon to win over the undecideds. Fascinating. Tell me more. Yeah I…[View]
475713810This is political: I’m a 21 year old weird autistic nerd man. What I wanted from life like nearly ev…[View]
475719840/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14935: Previous: >>475707232 ▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475719020Now that Ukraine has been depopulated and sold to West by the Jew Leader: How will Ukranians feel no…[View]
475730371We MUST cooperate.[View]
475725932Mormonism was created by Bael: >the indians are ancient jews >all christianity from 33 AD onwa…[View]
475729581americans stay LOSIN[View]
475718880Stop giving women 'The Ick'. Learn to do this and you won't be so miserable all the time becaus…[View]
475727562>/pol/ claims to hate the jews >supports gigakike Trump What is the explanation?…[View]
475722401Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer: > Start off as based right wingers > Turn into homosexual de…[View]
475716468White men excluded from the future: How have they done this so well? >31 year old white male …[View]
475729848The US stock market is dying: $1.1 trillion wiped out in a single DAY. Why isn't the media talk…[View]
475730063The only way to stop faggots is by state force which is the opposite of capitalism.[View]
475729380The 2024 olympics is a false flag to kick off war with Iran[View]
475729273Most Right-Wingers get pussy: I.E. /pol/ is full of leftoids and pajeet shitskins, the least desired…[View]
475727935Move to Japan, homosexual gayfaggot[View]
475726567Ended up getting the jab back in '21 when I was 19 for college. Is there anything I can do to s…[View]
475728457>muh miga >muh greencarders don't care, still voting trump…[View]
475728262You think you’ll win race war whiteboi?[View]
475725647>'My people, the jews, emerged from the depths of hell' A bit too on the nose…[View]
475729516i got really blackpilled ever since i started working in the wage cage in 2016, what do you think?[View]
475728997>please help me, i am winning[View]
475729829Why are muslims here so docile: Despite all their noise on social media about palestine that has bee…[View]
475715023Mossad / Gladio terror attack in France: no threads?[View]
475727614Why do people have a problem with eugenics?[View]
475729759>*Stop following current events and happenings for just a single week* >*Feel much happier and…[View]
475729310>the lefts reaction when right wingers call for civil war You're aware the only civil war th…[View]
475728732How come Americans are fine with all-black schools but Brits are racist against them?: You see these…[View]
475727060/pol/ recommended books thread[View]
475728874This just in - The Paris train arsonist spotted: They cannot keep getting away with this![View]
475721522Why does pic related make jews and söyboys seethe so much? Is it because they fear testosterone?[View]
475720116>go on google maps looking for restaurant >look at images >half the images are half eaten m…[View]
475728904Cope the Candidate[View]
475726355Olympics have always been garbage to encourage multiculturalism and the destruction of the host nati…[View]
475729473I think we have the wrong idea about him and the black cube.[View]
475728282Homo Sexual: Sapiens means Wise man, niggers are surely not homosapiens, but homosexualis. There is …[View]
475729378Child abuse: **Title: Vulnerability in the Argentine Interior and Political Manipulation** The disap…[View]
475728050Operation Troll Wall Street[View]
475722445Marijuana Hits & Beer Shits!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ enterta…[View]
475728741What post is he talking about /pol/?[View]
475729287Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League: I hate the Democrats.[View]
475725483BTC about to collapse: Thoughts[View]
475719311Admit it: You simply have no narrative against her.[View]
475729006We must prevent war with Iran at all costs.[View]
475728600America forgot Republicans were super racist because we had a white president for four years. You ju…[View]
475723771Should genetic engineering be allowed, and to what degree if so?[View]
475726368JD Vance caught searching for dolphin porn: JD Vance shared a video on Twitter of a woman being 'vio…[View]
475677856REDDITORS NOTICE WHAT WE CAN'T: Literal self-proclaimed Marxist subs like picrel have noticed t…[View]
475724590That's how you meme, regards: Why wouldn't you vote for a true shitposter?[View]
475725074Why is (You)r country not playing whitest of all sports, anon?[View]
475727994OH NO KAMALACATS WE GOT TOO COCKY: Its so over….[View]
475701590Trump: If they get me then 'America should OBLITERATE Iran, wipe it off the face of the Earth': http…[View]
475728718This is the next President: They know you won't do shit. Votes were never counted in this jewi…[View]
475728542Lichtman's Keys: >>475724850 >no 3rd party >Kennedy polling as high as 8-10% >No…[View]
475723728/phg/ - President Harris General - TRUMP COPE EDITION pt. II: /phg/ - President Harris General - TRU…[View]
475720308>Biden fucks up at debate >Trump survives assault, heroic pictures. >THIS BASICALLY WON HIM…[View]
4757286471 Jewish man father 165 kids (and supports them!): Hundreds of Millions of white incels can’t even f…[View]
475727341they should be with us soon.[View]
475727730What did Trump mean by this. He is for America first, right? Anyways still voting trump Ana ready to…[View]
475724849many people who comment on the Ukraine war seem to miss an important factor - the human factor if Uk…[View]
475726416>Implies that kris is a tranny groomer >Twatter goes mad >1 year later, it turns out he is …[View]
475725725Postmodernism is 100% correct, there is nothing but power. Religion is fantasy. Science is a means …[View]
475728486Has a job writing for palecon publications Has an Asian wife Is erudite /pol/ John is everything …[View]
475728430Hang on. I'm supposed to believe these guys have 'systemic power' and the Rothschilds don'…[View]
475721714SANDNIGGER POLITICS RUIN OLYMPICS... AGAIN: Israel's Tohar Butbul (the #9 ranked 73 kg judoka) …[View]
475728334Which one of you guys did this? Putting a literal glownigger into Aldi's ads?[View]
475727453drones will come for you: In fact, drones are a more dangerous weapon than nuclear weapons. Video re…[View]
475727378American nigger rapper carrying the olympic flame. Why can't we have anything nigger-free? I…[View]
475721281Men literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.[View]
475721790HAPPENING!! NEW CRUSADE ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!: https://nitter.poast.org/UKR_Report/status/18168088458610…[View]
475726825Why do some Americans ruin everything for everyone else?[View]
475714066HAPPENING! Putin is officially paying the salaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, lmao. https://twit…[View]
475723355Did the jews won the secound world war?: >The only ethnicity you can't speak of. >They c…[View]
475724639Atheism has been disastrous for whites[View]
475727704spics are a net drain on america[View]
475727720Leaving /pol/ and going to tiktok will change your life It’s like the old internet[View]
475705550So, I think the cat is out of the bag now that Peterson is completely insane, right? In the past, he…[View]
475728097Pewdiepie knew[View]
475726180why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?[View]
475726235Watch Democracy DEI: What are the political implications of the token DEI VP from the last election …[View]
475705082MEGA HAPPENING! Russian terrorists in France are bombing the high-speed rail network during the Olym…[View]
475715916Is Hungary: Better or worse off after Orbans' rule? How effective has he been?[View]
475720000I just wanna talk about ching chongs.: I’ve honestly got kike fatigue. Can we have a single thread w…[View]
475727667Why is there a sudden rise of Islamophobia in Britain again?, did they fell for the jeet psyop[View]
475727907>diaper don running from the debates Lmao that was quick[View]
475727900Why should I care about Israel? No right wing boomer has ever been able to explain to me why I shoul…[View]
475713973>Unable to access 4chan on any of the SIMs (Megafon, MTS) or home wi-fi without a VPN >Somehow…[View]
475726139There it is[View]
475727214With these elections, Americans will choose which war they will die for. If they vote for Trump they…[View]
475724374I might actually kill myself if she wins. I’ve been a loser NEET since 2020, same year Biden was ele…[View]
475727630Viktor Bout: What happened to this guy?[View]
475727232Lmao. Kamala trannies are so pathetic. The only people who is voting for Kamala Harris is trannies, …[View]
475726862The 78-page document was released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by concerned…[View]
475722809Make Israel Great Again[View]
475721280The Great Extinction Event of 2024: Personally, I'm a nonlinearity supremacist. I fully believe…[View]
475726190What did he mean by this?[View]
475727449Trump shooting independent investigation: https://www.youtube.com/@PeakProsperity/videos I recommend…[View]
475727442How will right wing Amerimutts COPE when they get a pajeet-negro MUTT as their President?[View]
475717436/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17210: Previous: >>475709780 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475695045/pol/ Humo Thread[View]
475722187Quick question boys: What has the Patriarchy ever done to benefit you?[View]
475722668>Day 884 of the 2 day special operation[View]
475727161Gladio: Are there Anons who have proof or evidence on post-coldwar Gladio networks. You know right t…[View]
475717437/pkg/ PRESIDENT KAMALA GENERAL #2: Welcome president Kamala general thread #2. Ignore all Zion Don k…[View]
475719079Why don’t men understand this?[View]
475721999What causes this?[View]
475727252Michelle traffic: Suspicions about the Democratic Party in the Case of Human Trafficking in Argentin…[View]
475705427NASA Torture, Mind Control, Trafficking: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is heavil…[View]
475721932What's /pol/'s problem with DEI anyway?[View]
475695589The only book that should exist.[View]
475721127Somebody will have to pay.[View]
475724204Banning smartphones in the Russian army: https://youtu.be/ZMssRTq3oa8 Due to the fact that soldiers …[View]
475724606Brazil is a great example of how miscigenation destroys a country at all levels. While the portugues…[View]
475716645>bring 12 fatherless children into the world >they grow up weird or actively dislike him >b…[View]
475725937Russia: https://youtu.be/ZTVMrxw0IMM What do Russians dies for in wars? Is it worth?[View]
475726374Kamala bros..:why did Kamala fail to make any impact on polling ? We got rid of an old white guy and…[View]
475726150Why does JD Vance laugh like a maniac sociopath? He reminds me of the Joker.[View]
475722803MAGA fags explain yourselves immidiately[View]
475724934US financial aid to Israel has taken quite a beating lately. I'd like to take a moment to defen…[View]
475723681Christians I have a question: Why do you say you believe in forgiving everyone but won't forgiv…[View]
475726068Paris Wanted a Green Olympics. Team USA Wants Air Conditioning.: Why do Europeans hate a/c so much? …[View]
475718994um anons, is this legit?: is this actually what happened? i know you retards, you must have info to …[View]
475721406Timmy goes climbing into dark, cramped, featureless caves, meanwhile black men are breeding their wo…[View]
475725963How different would the US be if the Confederacy had won the civil war?: How many of you had family …[View]
475726684I SOLVED IMMIGRATION: CHUDS ! I SOLVED IMMIGRATION ! I just invented the perfect way to speed up bor…[View]
475726295Your next VP?: Are you really okay with this man being your next VP and 2nd in line for President? L…[View]
475725901Everybody wants you Everybody wants your love I'd just like to make you mine all night Na, na, …[View]
475723840Is Trump gonna win?[View]
475725880Why was UK trying to object arrest warrant against Netanyahu?[View]
475708627is physiognomy real? is there a difference in the hook nose of a kike vs the roman bump many white p…[View]
475725014it stinks and i dont like it: >wake up this morning >page that previously had trump on it now …[View]
475724626I really hope jews will kill Trump, blame it on Iran and make American go to war with it. I can…[View]
475726526Anyone catch Michael Tracy on System Update the other day?[View]
475725208Uh gaybros??? Is this true!?I thought ypu said you were born thar way?![View]
475726422A skinny dweeb leftist nearly took out a big government globalist, while right wing tough guys won…[View]
475725411Can confidence be faked? Science says no: Scientist conclude charisma and confidence cannot be faked…[View]
475712800aus/pol/: https://archive.md/RByvk >Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil is set to have Australia’s…[View]
475724116Jamala Herpes will make men even more miserable.[View]
475715339Pol/ webm bread: Saars saars ,you can post'em[View]
475717108War on man hating JD Vance: JD Vance wants to raise the taxes of childless men and take away their r…[View]
475721408Politics are utterly irrelevant. If your life revolves around anything other than forging your own b…[View]
475725780Who cares how great you were if you couldn't rise the next generations?: You literally destroye…[View]
475710510Is this why the world seethes at the thought of us?: Serbia is the only men's basketball team i…[View]
475720180Is communism more evil than it is stupid or is 50/50 evil/retarded a fair estimation[View]
475725308Remember now, Donnie is NOT America First...: Presented without shilling etiquette. For a man to pro…[View]
475719689Imagine being such a cuck that you die so that rich people can own slaves.: lol,[View]
475724795Make Kamala President NOW: All the Dems want Biden out so do it fagogt. We get Kamala, which we all …[View]
475717682So you considered Ashkenazi Jews as white? They have like 70%+ European genes or more.[View]
475725526Are normies checked out of politics?: I'm entirely basing this on my social circle of family, f…[View]
475703885Ukrainian philosopher Andrii Baumeister believes that his country has transformed into a Totalitaria…[View]
475725518Only aliens can save the Democratic: I'll only vote for Kamala Harris if they show me aliens in…[View]
475718165JD Vance’s war on Single Men: How to declare war on Trumps most fanatical supporters in one easy ste…[View]
475719129JD Vance: I'm convinced he was put in just to make Trump lose. Is Theil a deep state asset secr…[View]
475703741>when inferior races colonize vs when superior races colonize[View]
475723336Americans, why don't you just execute the bottom 50% of your income bracket? It's clear th…[View]
475721564Stop taking Filipino woman away: My wife left me for a stupid Aussie I fucking hate Australia and I …[View]
475725379holy f*ck....MIGA bros....WTF are we supposed to do, our king is gonna get completely buck broken[View]
475719721Richard Wagner would have despised Hitler and would have easily seen through the jewish psyop that i…[View]
475722716I have a half nigger child with my ex bed wench and I plan to sell it to a cotton plantation in the …[View]
475724850This is the current election outcome, as predicted by Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted e…[View]
475724920Vote for kamala[View]
475720784Who cannot wait for the Trumpanzees to fuck off so we can have a board that discusses real issues an…[View]
475718482Extra tall Biden: I will keep baking this until you all accept the latest stilts edition of Joe Bide…[View]
475721573I used to find leftists online annoying but now I’m finding rightists online annoying. Do I just hat…[View]
475724365Why is every minor thing getting significantly harder? It's just not worth it man...[View]
475721658KAMALA thinks Joe Biden is a rapist[View]
475723774FRANCE: UNPRECEDENTED SURVEILLANCE STATE?: Well my dear frogs, if you’re out there tonight, how are …[View]
475718854Who pays for the pro-Barron Trump propaganda threads on /pol/?: Guess.[View]
475710835What is society going to do with all these childless, unwed wino millennial women as they get older …[View]
475723365Why there's so much...: shilling for khamala here? I understand it in normies social media site…[View]
475723756ok pol, cath me up to speed: haven't kept up with events since ass in nation. What's curr…[View]
475721923Its TROVER: Team Coconut Wins[View]
475723195OBAM ENDORSES HARRIS: Trump is done for[View]
475717118Trump: Attack Iran If I Die: Trump said that his last dying wish if he were to die is for the USA to…[View]
475708688>we are ready to negotiate K. But, why would Russia negotiate now? All they need to do is keep pu…[View]
475723614https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qd-YmGkBg8 I don't care if its a jew, nigger, spic, wop, chink…[View]
475721149Literally how does she win??: >Low IQ speaking >Laughs like a drunk slut at a party >Was p…[View]
475718754I'm voting for Kamala Harris so that Christianity will be destroyed. No more of this talking sn…[View]
475713835I have finally finished building my time machine /pol/ What should I do first?[View]
475723674Ignore the concern trolls and astroturfing jeets. Harris has TONS of ground to make up to even have …[View]
475723588What happened to /phg/?[View]
475717937Every 4 years, American athletes like this go out terrorise people in Olympic Games.: How do we deal…[View]
475711789brit/pol/ decent baker mark IV edition: >Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition ht…[View]
475718200Let's make being Gay Uncool Again: Hollywood has made being a homo cool and trendy. We need a …[View]
475721216He's scared: Trump is scared.[View]
475720525>Michigan is blue again LOL[View]
475721044Reminder that mods transformed /pol/ into a leftist shithole and bot mill: Whilst still acting like …[View]
475718990Our response, bros?: I'm convinced that she can.[View]
475718132>Go to heaven >3/4 of the population isn't even white Am I, as a white man supposed to d…[View]
475722600how can we defeat globohomo when russians keep suiciding[View]
475718418Jesus would support bombing Pallistinian children.: In fact, Jesus probably enjoys watching mudslime…[View]
475722821Ukraine was planning to do chemical or biological terror attack in Russia.: >BREAKING: Ukraine wa…[View]
475722245Is this what winning looks like, Kamala shills?[View]
475722221Why are leftist jannies so afraid of Trump if he's 'cucked': Look what they did to /pol/ in the…[View]
475722360Zion Don is SHOOK and in full panic mode![View]
475720028Sweden has been saved. They were THIS close to being exterminated by Russia. Thank you NATO.[View]
475722616Benjamin Netanyahu:: >'Jewish people emerged from the depths of hell' What did he mean by this?…[View]
475721082What is the solution to the housing crisis? QRD: >Every local jurisdiction has their own laws inc…[View]
475721027Has anyone noticed how odd it is that the US Government: Has suddenly started using Russian vocabula…[View]
475712378Rich Europeans are now partying: In Spain, Italy, south of France, Greece, Croatia. Only losers are …[View]
475721090Serious question: Who was behind the shooting of Donald Trump?[View]
475721178What german people think of nazi-neolarpers?: are they worthy?[View]
475722646Do you know any based and racist women IRL?: If so, where can I find these racist women to start a r…[View]
475719989Nick Spic Fuentes is an open leftist now?: Why does he parrot leftist media articles that downplay t…[View]
475702172Sonya Massey: Ok so The cop suggested to her to move the water. He said “yeah we dont want there to…[View]
475721356France's infrastructure is collapsing. All their train networks are gone, all of them.[View]
475718455Why are rightoids like this: Leftist extremism > The rich capitalistic elites are greedy fuck an…[View]
475722252Why are Republicans like this?[View]
47572187511 year old boy arrested for school bomb threats and swatting: Authorities arrested an 11-year-old b…[View]
475721600You aight white boi: >Show up to an outdoor court running wigger game >'Aye I got next bruh' …[View]
475722032Everyone in Home state knows he is a FRAUD. Why did Trump picking a fraud race mixer closet gay to b…[View]
475719271Prediction: The more people are exposed to Kamala (not through astroturfed memes, but rather speeche…[View]
475702540'Free the hostages you rapist!' Japanese harassed by Israeli tourists: https://x.com/Partisangirl/st…[View]
475720776Why is Kamala losing so much?: I thought she was suppposed to be better than Biden?[View]
475722328Kamala's popular vote vs Trump with the help of Russia/China - who will win?: Ok so it looks li…[View]
475722298Kamala is so julia[View]
475719476Based or cringe?[View]
475717311Is this how we're all gonna live in the future?[View]
475715112>day 884 of the 3 day special military operation >special side quest: ruin olympics…[View]
475721478Trump is winning bigly. Trump’s ear was pierced by a bullet. Trump does not need to debate Harris, H…[View]
475718003California woman went ballistic on people walking on beach: Dubbed 'Beach Karen', this woman claims …[View]
475721210For the first time in my life i am voting red: Yep thats right im Voting for the orange bafoon that …[View]
475722030The right wing has innate disadvantages politically preventing them from succeeding: The right wing …[View]
475721874Western Europe or Central Europe, /pol/?[View]
475714264Riots in the uk: What's up with all these riots in the UK rn, they burned down leeds now there…[View]
475721232OH YEAH DEMS GONNA KILL TRUMP: According to Reddit Kamala the best ever and they are busting NUTSSS …[View]
475706189do incels really deserve to die alone just because chad and tyrone kill their wives?[View]
475721848Here is your 47th president bro.: It's Joever, truly Joever...[View]
475721537/RIG/ - REMOVE INVADERS GENERAL: Seriously, what the FUCK can we do to get these subhumans to leave …[View]
475721788ITS NOT THE JEWS: JD Vance is chud Aristotle.[View]
475718532oh no no no no[View]
475718399Ever thought that maybe you are wrong on Israel and maybe just maybe they are the good guys?[View]
475721171ESL here. What's the difference between Noxious and Obnoxious?[View]
475720329Social Engineering and Eugenics: When did you realise that the eugenicists, and idealists, won.…[View]
475719940FRANCE COLLAPSING High speed trains sabotaged in France.[View]
475721223Can we get an explanation for Grompfler's conduct![View]
475707444We are so back.: Trump keeps delivering LMFAO. Meme energy is officially back. I hope he uses X too.…[View]
475721549From the holler to the oshun, greater unified Virginia will be free (of blacks). When I'm gover…[View]
475710649Poland is set to become a new world superpower: Are you guys ready for the woke, islamized, brownifi…[View]
475718066Sorry guys, but at 2nd attempt im more than aware: Trump's rethoric looks like one used by prim…[View]
475684988Let's answer the old question. Who's better?[View]
475715689Did JD Vance really fuck a couch?[View]
475713276neighbours keep having loud sex: what do?[View]
475711946>Weak young men, unable or unwilling to improve themselves in order to increase their attractivit…[View]
475718494Are queerness and disability linked or something? Has science addressed the link?[View]
475721375So?: Was Trump right?[View]
475718759It’s as simple as this: Trump - No Wars, Strong Economy Biden - Multiple Wars, Weak Economy Actblue …[View]
475721347So said Don Miguel !: Adolf Hitler at the end of the Age of Pisces has restored the principles of th…[View]
475716881Why is the woke mind virus so deterious to the right?[View]
475721198Remember: when everyone thought trump got shot with a bullet..kek[View]
475718584Say hello to your next president!: Cut your son's dick off in the name of Moloch![View]
475717727Why are they like this?[View]
475716227'Some ethnic groups is pushing racism again. 1 of the first 3000 replies gets a feastable bar, no pu…[View]
475717146UFOs are fake and gay: Skeptics won, UFO fags lost. You're never getting disclosure and proving…[View]
475718540I wish I could learn more about Judaism. Maybe convert some day. Books can only take you so far, and…[View]
475720642>saar I will go to new york on tourist visa and work as a bartender[View]
475720983All nations but one must die[View]
47570126530 min of Police Body Cam released #3.1: 30 min of Police Body Cam released #3 No.475662453▶ Body ca…[View]
475719187Obamas finally endorse Kamala: drumpf voter here, is it over for drumpf?[View]
475714036How can politicians reverse the baby bust?: And fix birthrates? Currently the situation is as follow…[View]
475718380So let's get this straight: Trump is said to be Conservative but worships Israel. Kamala is Lib…[View]
475720914Don't let this fake and gay election distract you from the truth. Before and after election day…[View]
475718946Guys if Ukraine loses then their kids won't get to have 65 genders, rap music, marijuana, tatto…[View]
475712517HAPPENING: Local pajeet tried to rape Danish woman, and he ended up getting TIED UP IN PUBLIC. KWAPB…[View]
475720306It's over jew bros...: we are not going to war with iran... >Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% i…[View]
475720720What will you do if a black person gets in your car, slaps you and tells you to drive as he was bein…[View]
475712462Who benefits from this?[View]
475703928Who was the better pick for vice president, Vance or Pence?[View]
475720241DEIbros…: I don’t feel so good[View]
475706762I played all my cards bros.: No more aces to play. This is it for me, the final stretch of my life. …[View]
475720611„I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it s…[View]
475716593>Trump will actually start a war with Iran[View]
475719120Why is it so fucking easy to bait /pol/? Is there a keyword list for 4chan x in order to avoid those…[View]
475717509Nothing will ever happen. This war has been lost a long time ago. There will be no white awakening, …[View]
475717106TOTAL TRANNY DEATH: They are the only group I hate with every fiber of my being.[View]
475695395>Smartest man to ever exist >Socialist Pol hates.…[View]
475715688As a strong man, I stand with Kamala.[View]
475718195Andrew Tate endorses the Taliban: Top G is based according to the Talichads. https://youtu.be/3alO2W…[View]
475718606Can I get a quick rundown on Agenda 25?[View]
475708466OBAMA ENDORSES KAMALA HARRIS: Yep, victory is soon.[View]
475718293But Putin bootlickers on /pol/ said Russia could win against Ukraine in 3 days. What happened? >R…[View]
475720368>883 day of the 3 days special operation KWAB[View]
475704015IT BEGINS: French rail lines disrupted by ‘coordinated sabotage’[View]
475718644Suppose a tranny, the 1 in a million that 'passes', would seduce you. And then you discover the trut…[View]
475708301To change the world, use your imagination: Can you imagine a social system of relationships between …[View]
475713583HOLY SHIT! DEMOCRATS DOUBLING DOWN ON TRUMP HITLER RHETORIC: Democrats just released an ad directly …[View]
475720043Are rightoids really gonna fumble this election by falling for the lefts shit tests? Anyone with hal…[View]
475720129There are no tanks on Bhagwan, the Russian army is crumbling: Russia has been defeated. Israel has a…[View]
475694686pussy hahahaha[View]
475718776how come 21% of europe's skilled workers are gay?[View]
475712672What's the deal with so many celebrities being mentally ill? Why can't they just be happy?[View]
475719605>zero footage of Paris train attacks >every attack in US manages to have perfectly placed came…[View]
475712588Feminism, LGBT, hiring minorities at important positions are just mechanisms to depopulate the Plane…[View]
475707232/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14934: Previous: >>475696528 ▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475719771The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a nigger from (((Yathrib))) who looked like this. Jews like Mukhayri…[View]
475719749Trump should be afraid. Here's why.: I was helping my buddy Fritz out the other day at his work…[View]
475718209Does /pol/ support this? Why or why not?[View]
475719110Why do they ignore that fellow europeans were viewed as niggers at one point?: Back in the 19th cent…[View]
475712211Is there a single reason why this shouldn't happen?[View]
475719477which candidate accelerates the fastest to civil war?[View]
475717595>yfw Jews have been subverting politics in the US for a very long time This was McKinley's a…[View]
475714248Some of you Frenchies are alright…don’t go to the opening ceremony tonight[View]
475716556Kamala Refuses To Meet With Bibi: Trump says Kamala is against Israel and the Jewish people. This is…[View]
475717213Here is your Friday reminder that Kamala Harris is the most pro-israel Pro-jew politician in human h…[View]
475718721川普同志是我们派往美国的卧底间谍: 他是在2017年正式成为中国共产党党员,为了帮助中国从内部摧毁美帝国主义而努力战斗。 >图片是川普同志的入党纪念照片。…[View]
475719076Why prostituion isn't legal yet?: > Be modern man > Have to work extremely hard enough j…[View]
475718814'MALA general I'm thankful to be blessed by her loving presence. America's never real…[View]
475716169Groyperbros we can't even tweet anymore without everyone laughing at us...[View]
475713291Linux is piece of shit: Linux is just as compromised as Windows 10 and you are stupid to use it IF I…[View]
475712181Has anyone here actually read Hillybilly Elegy?[View]
475719194Are Women Capable of Accountability?: If a woman cheats it is the mans fault. Everything is the man…[View]
475713769>/pol/ will defend this damn I was fine with the other places but even total shitholes like brazi…[View]
475717662When are we going to stop talking about 9/11?: I'm sorry but 10K dead Amerimutts is a nothing b…[View]
475718550Why the so called “World” Anti-Doping Agency mainly focus on Russia athletes?: The entire Chinese na…[View]
475704675Operation Kill'em With Kindness - EVERYONE MAD EDITION: Previous thread died, kikes are mad, ja…[View]
475718434>here's that desperate last minute replacement as nominee I was telling you about…[View]
475703349My country: Anons, what do you unironically think about my country - Kazakhstan? Ever since its inde…[View]
475717549I think The Division is an American Civil War game.: It's an anarchist civil war where everyone…[View]
475711477Same guy?[View]
475717854What is your honest opinion of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas?[View]
475718567No one voted for her...: ...because no one votes in a communist state. The party bosses decide the l…[View]
475718551Racist society: Is SpongeBob popular becausr he has blond hair and blue eyes? If so, that's rac…[View]
475711141Oops haha.[View]
475718503Now that kamala has won the presidency, is she objectively the lowest IQ president in US history? Bu…[View]
475716808Mostly false...[View]
475718317Vaccines: >be American >have child’s genitals mutilated, give them over 100 doses of poison, a…[View]
475710733Is it possible for Russia to invade Poland given current military exercises?[View]
475718350Now that the dust has settled that the orange nigger is a compromised Jewish fraud, obviously along …[View]
475714846wow: idiocracy is real https://x.com/BarackObama/status/1816760809193677069[View]
475713951Military: Is joining the military for a few years worth it?[View]
475713794Anons, the scratch in the ear isn’t working. What’s going on?: Kamala Harris is leading Trump by two…[View]
475690742The new wave of masculine-presenting women: What is causing this?[View]
475715382Evolution is a lie!: The people who say shit like this are narcissists who think they are the smarte…[View]
475717826That little two week period where the media seemed to be doing it's job: >was just to push J…[View]
475707032FUCK AMERICA: zoomers are calling for the destruction of the kike tranny nigger evil empire[View]
475717411I hate these servants of Judea.[View]
475710034Oceangate: What was this all about? Assassination scheme? Tax laundry? Pure incompetence? Hocus Pocu…[View]
475697204You wake up tomorrow as the only man on earth: What do?[View]
475716862Live At Home Forever: Showed this to my mom and that only thing she got out of it is my generation i…[View]
475715235Imagine spending your Friday at work. I've been unemployed for a week now its its great. NEET …[View]
475715182Hurrrr durr Noticing, I'm a Noticer. Black IQ is marginally lower than White IQ. These are the …[View]
475717587Hi, I am Joe Biden and I am not dead,: You can tell im not dead because i will emerge to suck israel…[View]
475717573whats /pol/'s opinion on Richard Medhurst he hates zionists and Americans that bend the knee to…[View]
475717043Once you're anathemized by Globohomo, there's no pleasing them, they're out to get yo…[View]
475713113What will happen if Kamala wins? Ukraine will give up territories to Russia for NATO membership and …[View]
475713086Aus/poz/: Australia's baby recession: The suburbs with the lowest and highest birth rates https…[View]
475709780/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17209: Previous: >>475699843 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475717447You are beyond fucked, USA anons.: >76.4 million baby boomers alive in USA >only 1.3 million i…[View]
475714636>Queen of /pol/ SAY HER NAME[View]
475681420MAJOR HAPPENING!: UFO SPOTTED IN BRAZIL >ITS REAL https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ecaor2/…[View]
475714671NEW PRESIDENT OF MEXICO say something nice about her[View]
475717007imagine the smell[View]
475715818oOooO Mr. /pol/ how bona to vada your dolly ole eke[View]
475717257Geen terugbetalingen: https://archive.is/bz5A0[View]
475715817Why isn't this guy doing anything?[View]
475716605West Germany vs East Germany.: Would you rather have all your genes replaced (but hey at least you g…[View]
475714977pitiful disgusting wimp hahahahahahaha[View]
475714948America, please start a war with Iran: If for no other reason, then do it just so that I can be ente…[View]
475714609When will the sonya massey riots start? I’m so bored.[View]
475694926France's Next President Calls for NATO Withdrawal[View]
475713670blacks for trump 2024[View]
475711053I don't get the incel mindset: Why do incels expect any respect or relationships when they…[View]
475706871Muslims rape kids[View]
475712655Christcucks, indians are representing ur religion HARDER than whites are, KEK Youre response bros? …[View]
475712877How are curry niggers taking over all the executive offices in every Western democracy? I thought it…[View]
475712618White men are scum: Disgusting https://youtu.be/vtkJUcxrzLc?si=64ghspY9fw5SDwxN[View]
475712314Operation DOT: Kamala is a Indian. She need to have a red dot on her forehead, so the African Americ…[View]
475708437>Over $1.1 trillion in value was wiped from the US stock market on July 24th…[View]
475716817What Phenotype is this?: Are these some Mormons or just plain Ameri-mutts or both? They say theyre …[View]
475715825Family positivity thread Since the world is going to shit and Elon and Vivian Musk have taken the li…[View]
475716756Why does trump suck so much jew cock?: Does he not realize no one gives a fuck about Israel, and tha…[View]
475716411What's your verdict about women's tattoo?: >10/10 >doodle some 'tiny', …[View]
475716749Why is pol not talking about the arrest of the most senior cartel member in the past 50 years? Ismae…[View]
475716710White people with brown eyes fucking suck[View]
475706167PADDYS BACK: What the fuck is wrong with the Irish? Advocating violence!? We live in a democracy. W…[View]
475715143Was he the worse president in our lifetime?[View]
475713265Germany. 2024.[View]
475716195gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang...: madam pres is my name, uhhh...no cap, i was bussin frfr on god.…[View]
475711531well, /pol/ ?[View]
475706723Harris' likely VP pick: and pol will still prefer the couch fucker[View]
475709658Like father, like daughter[View]
475716080The entire country is currently having an awakening: >Everyone is currently uniting and finally r…[View]
475713975Hi guys. My parents are kicking me out when I turn 30 (in 2 months). I have 280k from working part t…[View]
475716560Alright retards of /pol/ You are sitting at a desk with two buttons on it. One button has a 100% cha…[View]
475716503What are the political implications of hard working people funding the life styles of 4chan NEETs?[View]
475711775They are simply too good at lying. How is anyone going to even compete ?[View]
475715392you know a man by his enemies[View]
475714630It is my belief that the true rulers of this world are secret. We don't know their names. We do…[View]
475715212So many Americans donate tens of millions of dollars politicians that ultimately fail to deliver on …[View]
475716397Mutts are targetting Chinese athletes in the Olympics: America recently announced that the Justice D…[View]
475714169REMINDER: Kamala isn't beating Trump in polling She's doing just as bad as Biden from befo…[View]
475715071Choccy Queen Reigns Supreme[View]
475714956>Trump Fumbles Big-Time Trying to Attack Kamala Harris >Donald Trump’s latest campaign rally w…[View]
475707558Can't argue with this.[View]
475712912National Democracy[View]
475716060This is Bharat. https://youtu.be/1Kc-R8OZlEA Brits have been trying to hide it from you, /pol/.[View]
475711479New first world map just dropped[View]
475714454KAMALA HATES JEWS![View]
475710445There have not been a successful rebellion in the west for over 100yrs.: Why? Rebellions or upraisin…[View]
475702222i want him to win solely because it would be immensely funny[View]
475714862Loomer: This terminally-online ugly Kike witch that shills MIGA to Zoomers should be enough reason n…[View]
475715170Genuine question, what are we going to do about pedophiles in power? IMO Thomas Crooks had the right…[View]
475714475Why socialism is bad again?[View]
475692386Absolute Pacifism: I feel alone in my view here. My view is that punishment is wrong no matter what.…[View]
475706656Indian here: I just took a massive poop in front of parliament, where are good places to poop?…[View]
475714535What if we openly supported Kamala?[View]
475705617Bulgaria #1 in the EU for new car registrations: What is happening in Bulgaria?[View]
475703444>this is what poorfag retards mean when they say food is too expensive[View]
475714679computer experts escape from Java: 53% of Java users abandoned it due to licensing costs of Java pro…[View]
475714014Pitbulls save people from drowning, stop being racist towards them[View]
475685467Remind me why atheism is bad.[View]
475715003>Is... is that a presumptive democratic presidential nominee? Oh god I'm endoooooorsing!!!…[View]
475715206Who is getting beheaded today?[View]
475708591Is the United States trying to decrease the populations of East Asians? Japan of course, but are we …[View]
475713099WW1 started 100 years ago: Who was in the wrong?[View]
475711203England hits RECORD POPULATION: Tower Hamlets 328,626 Manchester 579,917 Cardiff population hits 383…[View]
475698265Mass Indian immigration will not change the West much at all: Indians are just tanned Whites Indians…[View]
475683184How did Europeans achieve so much despite being inferior physically?: I work with them and their cod…[View]
475713472>Gets shot >Drops in polls lmao[View]
475713201Smokers should be banned from having children: Every lit cig is literally spitting into faces of the…[View]
475714302Why are Republicans so violent?: And why do they project their violence onto Democrats? They're…[View]
475713168and just like that Trump has lost the election.[View]
475701807Trump may approve $500 billion Lend-Lease for Ukraine and lift restrictions on weapons Former US Se…[View]
475709903A Tribute to Leafs: I know that Canada is a shithole full of cucked faggots but let's leave tha…[View]
475710300Lets say some of you youngster anons of /pol/ will became future vip politicians. Whats your opinion…[View]
475714127The future President of the United States is a black woman.[View]
475704578What's your plan to save Nippon? https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/07/japan-mys…[View]
475711969Why can't argentina just be a normal country with normal politics and a normal economy?[View]
475698569Video Andrew Tate Raped and Beat up a 14 year old girl: Where is the outrage towards him he is liter…[View]
475700282Neder /pol/der general: the BAD DOG of the Netherlands: >Another day, another escalation - 3 time…[View]
475711386I'm voting for Kamala Harris so that Christianity will be destroyed. No more of this talking sn…[View]
475713610Amerimutts are going to get tricked into another middle east war lmao it's like they are toddle…[View]
475712917I'm scared bros. What if Mommy Coconut wins?[View]
475713759I love the person I see in the mirror, do you nigger or jew?[View]
475704885NZG Nigger Zealand General: >reminder that New Zealand was originally an all White nation that be…[View]
475714406President Slenderman: How well his presidency would result if Slenderman became the President of the…[View]
475712583What will happen if he is found innocent, will it start a race war? https://youtu.be/vSZcAcsTIcY?si=…[View]
475713323Clown world[View]
475710111Incels lost: Racists lost again Japan needs diversity because they have low birthrate[View]
475712809G:\ for GOVERNMENT: that's cute[View]
475701207brit/pol/ - POV: it's Friday morning and daddy pm just brought u brekkie: >Man kicked in hea…[View]
475674271Best Way to Dress?: What is the best way for a man to dress according to /pol/?[View]
475710416I mean, he's got ya there.[View]
475713839>pay taxes >receive indians Simple as.[View]
475705168>biden drops out >seemingly unstoppable momentum crumbles into nothing…[View]
475713437The family next door to me just chopped down a huge conifer tree that a group of squirrels lived in,…[View]
475706490What's going on with young white males?[View]
475713729>Day 884 of the 3-Day Special Denazification Operation wew lad[View]
475713841Fat secret service: I can't find any photos of fat, short secret service women. They're bl…[View]
475699582Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?[View]
475712864Obama endorses Kamala: So it's a given now, she's the Democratic presidential candidate. …[View]
475709477So why do Indians just follow this rigged system that says you have to reincarnate in order to get a…[View]
475712586>the face of the American white supremacist movement is a literal fucking beaner looking 10 years…[View]
475712530>cratering in polls, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina all back in play >'oldest candid…[View]
475703707HEAT 'DEATH ZONE' IMMINENT FOR UK: >40C+ summer temperatures in the NEAR FUTURE >thi…[View]
475710466Malmö - The worst city in Sweden: Let's take a stroll through it. https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
475711868Ukrainian roastie caught beating her child on camera: >NEW: Ukrainian Sunny Isles Beach mom who w…[View]
475712879I need to get this off my chest; I am somewhat heart broken by Trump. His first term, he made mistak…[View]
475708691This woman has decided the 2024, how does that make you feel?[View]
475710589Sarah Palin without the tits[View]
475711219going by chud logic, fucking Buck Angel would be considered straight sex.[View]
47570505825 minutes of applause for a war criminal what in the h*ll is wrong with America[View]
475713406>Louisiana nurse kicked out of steakhouse over her ‘too revealing’ outfit: ‘Really humiliated’ lm…[View]
475713393>covid stimulus check was american zoomers GI bill[View]
475708099CUM A LOT HARRIS CALLED GEN Z STUPID: KAMALA HARRIS: “What else do we know about this population, 18…[View]
475713329[Official] Cast Your Vote! [2024 Federal Election] (No Need To Register) https://strawpoll.com/wby5Q…[View]
475710825New leaf homework just dropped and it’s just as anal as one would expect it to be[View]
475708191The Iraq War Wasn't About Oil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeloY3bVBtc[View]
475709967Why don't Republicans have ammo against Harris?: Why is it all just petty insults?[View]
475711934Are you living the European dream?: Everyone is at the Mediterranean partying now except losers. ht…[View]
475712875The future of America is shitskin, chuds.[View]
475700761>Just love your kids, alright?[View]
475709880Door Dash: Fuck these useless pieces of shit. I work the line at a decent local restaurant in north …[View]
475705352The audio is somehow even worse than the description[View]
475708936ITS OGRE[View]
475712762/pol/ will defend this. Billionaires, capitalists, landlords, boomers, and shareholdees can never be…[View]
475711804Why don't women care about male suffering? I thought women were supposed to be the compassionat…[View]
475709566The right needs to keep steering the conversation back to the economy. The JD Vance cat lady controv…[View]
475712570Donald Trump playing golf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rb9b8rYhII[View]
475711794All out sage war on kamalla bots, make these shills lose money[View]
475710911Michigan just turned blue, Wisconsin will follow, then Pennsylvania. All due to Kamala being the Dem…[View]
475705095Legalized Marijuana: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ entertaining audio o…[View]
475704853What is the deal with anime and troons?: It's commonplace for anons online to post anime girls …[View]
475710960Joe wants to destroy SCOTUS on his bumbling way out: >resident Biden has agreed to step aside, bu…[View]
475711518The fire rises..[View]
475709341HAPPENING! Russian war criminal Maria Lvova-Belova, guilty of kidnapping over 20,000 Ukrainian child…[View]
475698651The kikes are fucked.....: >pro palestine protests in every city in the US >most zionists in t…[View]
475711046It's funny there are some 'christians' on /pol/ that view these subhumans as allies.[View]
475711412The fire rises.[View]
475699255HAPPENING: video of new angle of 9/11 controlled demolition has been upblished on X for the first ti…[View]
475711542Why did Israeli agents film 9/11?[View]
475711449>“78-Year-Old Criminal”: Kamala Savagely Roasts Trump’s Newest Meltdown >Kamala Harris has iss…[View]
475711278The Real Truth of the Current World: Historical Misconceptions: The so-called Jews of today, from De…[View]
475711605Turns out Bald and jewish is a giga-mutt. He is even part negro lol. Are jews just traveling mongrel…[View]
475704822>pray in Arabic language >greet in Arabic language >kneel facing an Arabic city, 5 times a …[View]
475710939Incels of Australia, would you do an Abbo?: They are all women after all.[View]
475710273>I said,stop,talking,shit,Israel GOD DAMN IT[View]
475711480How can you believe that it has not been changed, rewritten???? This applies to any popular politica…[View]
475708303Please help. I'm addicted to 4chan.: It's probably some form of mental illness or addictio…[View]
475710759Idiot republicans: The whole point of VP selection during a campaign is to create a balance in optic…[View]
475710334You love Kamela Harris.: You have always loved Kamela Harris.[View]
475701574At First, I Was Like[View]
475710812Like for real POL what is going on?: Why is the internet literally being FLOODED with pro Kamala and…[View]
475704989Being homeless is the answer: In this vid I explain why everyone is a renter. https://www.youtube.co…[View]
475704473Is this country the biggest shithole on earth?[View]
475711266Israel anoint Trump as POTUS: As some of you faggots who aren't completely void of brain cells …[View]
475711246Free Pablo Ibar.: He dindu nuffin.[View]
475709772Obama gives full support to Kamala: It's over....[View]
475711092This fucking chud is going to put a streetshitting pajeeta in the presidecy through his incompetence…[View]
475711101I see a whole lot of atheism here, also a whole lot of 'my God is right and your God is wrong', but,…[View]
475707828***OBAMAS ENDORSE HARRIS!!!***: What does this mean!?! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-electio…[View]
475711123>'k4mala' 14 filtered >'h4rris' 7 filtered shills are getting sloppy…[View]
475706911Dinner With Kamala: Thomas Matthew Crooks has a relative named Amy Frizzi, on his mother's side…[View]
475709987Are really going to run this bug eyed leprechaun against JD?: JD is taller than Trump. Kelly is shor…[View]
475710926IT'S OVER: Obamas Officially Endorse Kamala Harris For President: >'Kamala? It's your g…[View]
475709751Vaccine + shedding thread: I got shedding on me through second hand clothes. Shedding is selfspreadi…[View]
475710213Views on Catholics?[View]
475709934Is there anyone who's Been this presidential lately?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0yvc2Qhn…[View]
475701403/phg/ - President Harris General # Laser Focus Edition: THE OFFICIAL GENERAL OF PRESIDENT Kamala Har…[View]
475703950Alt-right leader Richard Spencer says that the Democrats are going to win the election. They simply …[View]
475710525>ayo we iz voting fo trump, he gave us $1200 last time >The hood love Trump! We did it trump …[View]
475705967Are the olympics dead?: I remember when I was a kid the Olympics were this MASSIVE event everyone ta…[View]
475701447I still have around 600kg of long term covid preps. I can literally just cook my own food and don…[View]
475710211Putin is sending rain above Paris right for the opening ceremony: I can't believe this is happe…[View]
475710082>tfw you weren't born in japan >tfw you have normal parents instead of slant eyed parents…[View]
475704837>Europeans watching yet another American being cancelled for texting a 17 year old…[View]
475698404the implication here frens is that Kamala is a superior debater to Trump[View]
475702765His Majesty Bibi the First, by the Grace of G-d, King of the USA and His other Realms and Territorie…[View]
475709969>The report said the investigation began early in the inquiry's process and considered seven…[View]
475709955>USA is renaming 40 North American bird species since the discoverers had 'problematic' views Wha…[View]
475710136I feel bad for the couches in the naval observatory Imagine how nervous they must be right now[View]
475709941Will we ever see a kino happening on the scale of WW2 in our lifetimes? I'm so fucking tired of…[View]
475709907>wake up >you are the Nip emperor What do?…[View]
475700318Do Americans really put a humiliation ritual hat on schoolchildren that misbehave like I see on TV ?[View]
475699843/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17208: Previous: >>475671381 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475708237>Trump is losing. >Losing. THE VOTE is a placebo. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides everything and…[View]
475689491No one actually believes this thing can win a national election, right?[View]
475704680Men in Women's Sports: In high school, I was a male stunter/tumbler for the cheer leaders. At c…[View]
475708542This is going to be a blue landslide[View]
475678953When did (You) realize The Divine Right Of Kings was right?: (((Democracy))) is a kike scheme. No pe…[View]
475706036Paris Olympics 1924 vs Paris Olympics 2024: what happened in 100 years? difficult level: dont name t…[View]
475703731This makes the establishment shit their pants. Grass roots support. If you're a patriot, you…[View]
475693991Replace JD Vance, Your Campaign is Doomed with Him on the Ticket: REPLACE HIM NOW The election is ov…[View]
475708243Vance is a turbo incel: Vance is a turbo incel LARPing as a tradcon because he married and knocked u…[View]
475709655Daily reminder that this is a zionist neocon piece of shit and if you think he is 'based' you should…[View]
475697046China is such a fucking shithole: And no amount of chink cope will ever change that. >Where do th…[View]
475707554queen donkey's bot farms: what's up with the obvious bot farms spamming pro harris stuff? …[View]
475709088Jews rape kids[View]
475712117Wakey, wakey, incels! It's another day of meaningless existence from your increasingly elderly …[View]
475697149no aus/pol/ bred? Jannies getting paid OT?: >did he get Mike'd? https://www.abc.net.au/news/…[View]
475704205Trannies & Anime/Weebshit: Every single time I see trannies online, they always, always seem to …[View]
475700361Elons son is a faggot.: Ahahahahahahahahahahahah Same weak father as pederson And you imbeciles thin…[View]
475703691Russia is weirdly slowing down youtube: https://mobiili.fi/2024/07/26/venaja-alkaa-hidastaa-youtubea…[View]
475708643So what's the deal with black people anyway? They're not black, and they're not peopl…[View]
475668907MAYO ZAMBADA GENERAL/MZG: HAPPENING!! Mayo Zambada has turned himself over to the DEA. https://www.…[View]
475706874INCREDIBLE, SUCCESS~!!!!: IDF Rescues Hostages (Bodies) In Gaza! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Len…[View]
475708143>solves the middle east conflict in 1 week It's over for Zion Don[View]
475709031>And that's when meemaw found my sissy hypno folder and called me a faggot…[View]
475705964The coversation went from >Oh my god I can't believe Trump got shot! to >Oh my god I can…[View]
475706881to kill two birds with one stone[View]
475705090Mexico's largest cartel's boss captured: First photo of El Mayo released in over 20 years…[View]
4757064347 guardians of the realm: Narcissisus always wants to rule heaven. Bipola always wants to crawl insi…[View]
475704162Women need to give me a good reason not to force myself on them.[View]
475691944Trump was a retard for picking Vance, Tulsi was the only option. She's the natural counter to K…[View]
475707883North korea is dumping trash into my country everyday it's getting Hella annoying better launch…[View]
475705313which is it, hypocrite democrat terrorist cultist subhumans[View]
475706184Are women in your country race traitors?: FINNISH WOMEN GO CRAZY FOR EVERY NON FINNISH GUYS EVEN PAJ…[View]
475709063Loomer: This terminally-online ugly Kike witch that shills MIGA to Zoomers should be enough reason n…[View]
475705889>chinks cant develop civilizati-ACK![View]
475708081More and more people are losing their god damn minds lately: It's everywhere now, people are wa…[View]
475709094Obama said today he will support Kamala: https://www.uusisuomi.fi/uutiset/us/f387c5f4-9291-480f-90ca…[View]
475708754why are they like this?[View]
475707761They got him[View]
475708859>meemaw found the rubber glove mason jar apparatus[View]
475698893The Erasure of European Heritage in the US: The US has always tried to destroy and erase the ancestr…[View]
475704411Do you trust Indians?[View]
475705190why don't you simply get an indian wife like every other right winger??: or are you too poor to…[View]
475708881Yall need to get your shit together and vote for the real candidate!: >> One candidate is a de…[View]
475705842Remember this face when Trump barely loses the election.[View]
475708791Trump hasn't gained more support or flipped any voters over the years since 2016 and has only b…[View]
475707013Why didn't this lad get much screentime in Dragon Ball Super?[View]
475704753Remember to ask[View]
475702042Kamala Advertising General KAG01: Hello fellow 4channelers, Are you enjoying the new Kamala Harris a…[View]
475705285Does An*los going extinct make you hard?: It's a sign of being based.[View]
475703911Well, /pol/? Can we normalize this?[View]
475692267HOLY SHIT: I had no idea! George McFly got mega jewed and pilpuled and wasn't even IN back to t…[View]
475704253They got what they wanted: >the right has been calling him senile since 2020 >spend 4 years fa…[View]
475706904I DON'T CARE ANYMORE: it's all so tiresome. it is time for: total tranny death, total nigg…[View]
475702287Trump is too old to be president.: He should be in a nursing home, not the White House.[View]
475706753narrative collapse: you're witnessing just how fragile the narrative is; at the first crack, sh…[View]
475704832I want brominated oil back in my MTN DEW: Fuck the FDA. Yes, this is political.[View]
475707080Kamala >Not a zog shill >Prosecutor that locked up nigs for weed and used them as slave labor …[View]
475707636Long Biden[View]
475699450Ohhh shiit apparently JD really did fuck that couch: > The Associated Press removes a fact-check …[View]
475708102Why does JD Vance have this fake forced laught like the Joker. Is the couch fucker a psychopath?[View]
475707528Was Chanology a mistake? Before my time but it looked pretty cringe on that shit documentary Netflix…[View]
475708025Politically speaking, Americans are dumb, fat, stinky, brown, black, yellow mutts and a complete men…[View]
475706279Never Forget: We were a hair away from making America Great Again, but this asshole fucked it all up…[View]
475705509HAPPENING! Putin cancels YouTube and Russia's FSB glowies launch massive PSYOPS against Kamala …[View]
475707375His face when: >bad VP pick >assassination swept under rug >opponent replaced >jeet and …[View]
475702435Who is this Nobody guy I keep hearing about? Asking for a friend.[View]
475706546It is my belief that the true rulers of this world are secret. We don't know their names. We do…[View]
475707619>makes the world 300x worse >nothing personal kid…[View]
475706342Stasi: >Spies reported every relative or friend who stayed the night at another's apartment.…[View]
475707581What the fuck was he thinking?: >uhh let me appoint some random hamster-cheek babyface that hates…[View]
475705300quick reminder[View]
475701843NATO is purely a defence military alliance, it's not a political alliance. That would be EU, an…[View]
475707154This anti-Black meme is racist and needs to stop: https://x.com/UpAndAdamsShow/status/18157788379903…[View]
475681419Was it politically incorrect for several major news companies to share the video of Ms Universes ski…[View]
475703662Iggy Azalea says she isn’t co-parenting her son with Playboi Carti. 'I'm very much a single mot…[View]
475696528/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14933: Previous: >>475679623 ▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475706734kekus maximillianus: Russia raised gas production by 8.2% in the 1H, as exports to Europe and China …[View]
475706893Reminder both candidates have jews in their immediate family. Zion Don's daughter married a jew…[View]
475704652How come so many women don't know how to keep a man?: Where does all this penis envy come from?…[View]
475702995inhumane heat: billion persons suffering from gloval warming https://yle.fi/a/74-20101518?origin=rss…[View]
475705764>GOP changes language to be 'inclusive' to literal shit eating faggots >VP is a race mixer …[View]
475706310Quick rundown on the Israel situation, preferably in quolloquial[View]
475701103y'all being an entrepreneur is the only way to escape poverty[View]
475695800Trump is no longer kino. He's not even funny anymore. You know it, I know it, everybody knows i…[View]
475706814https://youtu.be/j8v_XqFO8Bc?si=8yTMZibkzzfYYSHJ What the fuck was this overt message just shoved in…[View]
475689699Woman goes on trip to 'find herself' after breaking up with her boyfriend. For some reason she chose…[View]
475705801Why is the pitiful, disgusting, evil, unfit, Kamala Harris, objectively the worst and most corrupt p…[View]
475706673Day of the rope: TALIBAN STYLE: were WE the baddies? >Mullah Omar ( founder of the Taliban) becam…[View]
475701135REMINDER: only 1 KA-mala thread at a time: do not litter ... thank you[View]
475706215Spell ideas: Im god My powers work through natural language and whatever I think happens Give me s…[View]
475694839Most Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity: As you know the ICJ has listed Israel's war crimes on …[View]
475705596Brat (brother) is clearly the new codeword for being a communist tovarishch. Were all gonna end up …[View]
475706525>poop america chicken >claps >fat america gun give desert >claps >kiss wall america s…[View]
475706156Amazon removed book critical of VP Harris, in spite of selling it for 4 years. Was AMZN told to remo…[View]
475696037You don't mean anything: Nothing does. Give up.[View]
475706483The problem is Judaism. Resilient ideology of ppl who refuse to assimilate with local culture, are J…[View]
475702714No one seems to.: Remember me?[View]
475703933Papua New Guinea massacre: >Dozens of villagers have reportedly been killed after a gang of young…[View]
475705621Tank ran over lada: Lada is a car available in Russia Now a tank ran over it and the driveer died ht…[View]
475702134will ireland be able to save themselves?[View]
475704564>Olympics are in the Islamic Republic of Paris Odds of an attack of peace?…[View]
475704502What actually happens if they rig it again? last time, margins so thin that a lone negress could bal…[View]
475703587Don't care, still voting for Mitt Romney.[View]
475705492Wtf, we allies now?[View]
475702623NO WHITES: >ValiDate has a team of ALL people of color. We have no wypipo on our team. I did that…[View]
475702651If this site was any danger to (((them))) it would've been taken down long ago, but it wasn…[View]
475704617Helter Skelter begins soon. 8 miles high and falling fast. Would any novice occultists in the audien…[View]
475704950What was his catchphrase again?[View]
475698894IT’S OVER! Zoomer pop star Charli XCX endorsed Kamala Harris, signaling the end of Brat Summer. >…[View]
475703637Kamala Harris raped me as a child. We cannot allow her to be President[View]
475682079Alberta Wildfires General: This is giving me serious Maui fire vibes. Normies on FB even speculating…[View]
475701054Analogies are like a litmus test for IQ. How many times have you seen a conversation like this: >…[View]
475703957If Lil Donnie wins the election, will he stop funding Ukraine?[View]
475705769/pol/ Humor Thread Jeet Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAZTFuVVBeg[View]
475704992Just found this in my grand fathers garage: What should I do with it?[View]
475705473Fucking stop: Keep this shit in >>>/soc/…[View]
475699598War In Ukraine and Russia: There seem to be two primary flavors in American interpretations of the w…[View]
475701141Breaking: France's high-speed train(TGV) network sabotaged: things just getting worse for frogs…[View]
475703201can /his/ explain to me, a non american why the confederates were 'bad' or any worse than the foundi…[View]
475701301Doesn't a belief in freedom and liberty extend to sexual proclivities[View]
475705198This is fake and gay, but everyone believes it and it's fucking hilarious.[View]
475698632We elected JFK because he was a young, handsome and charismatic president. And in a couple months we…[View]
475704192It's time for Don Old to drop out.[View]
475701404We are barreling towards a civil war. I'm not crazy in seeing this, am I? I've known it wa…[View]
475702104Indians Attacking Christians in India: Smashing crosses, stealing the donation box, beating worshipe…[View]
475705279State of Global Politics: Is anyone else having the problem of finding people completely unagreeable…[View]
475702054It’s over: FBI admits Trump faked his assassination to please the Jew, JD Vance literally fucked a c…[View]
475703618So is he getting impeached or not...?[View]
475696960Why did we stop seeing attractive people on tv?[View]
475699694Why does your country allow Americans to operate a military base there?[View]
475699127Proof aliens exist. Government coverup. Ants in the pants. Tango tango uniform. ALL PATRIOTS MEET AT…[View]
475703022I KNOW HOW I'M VOTING: Show me all the best/worst Kamala Harris memes you've seen circulat…[View]
475702794UKRAINE 2014: >What went wrong from here?[View]
475698432Why did Zion Don's super iconic fist-pump get forgotten so quickly?[View]
475700249Kamala meme thread: Post Kamala Harris memes. It doesn't matter if they are pro or anti Kamala.…[View]
475703938gandhi: redpill me on this streetshitter. Was he based? Was he a globohomo asset?[View]
475677133Pajeets will crash the whole Canadian economy: Millions of Pajeets have made these kinds of loans, 2…[View]
475704804>British pop singer >Influences US elections Redpill me on Charli XCX. Why does she have so …[View]
475695596All celebrities are sellout. Always. The entire Hollywood celebrities are with Kamala Harris now. I …[View]
475702709Do indians all wish they were born with albinism?: Look at this bloke, he broke the currycel curse o…[View]
475704356KAMALA ON TIKTOK NOW: Youth vote: secured.[View]
475704620>be me >go to wife's friends birthday party >it's brat themed >they will not s…[View]
475668594the beach shitters in Canada are getting out of control: >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDbT4w2…[View]
475703413Shadowbanned content:: https://pastebin.com/jk2hAdmh[View]
475703337Meeting between Israel Defence Delegation to India[View]
475702112She can take me for a ride if you catch my drift[View]
475703058Hypergamy is out of control: What's the fucking point anymore? Unless you're in the top 1 …[View]
475704535Why do Americans believe they have freedom of speech?[View]
475703954why does /pol/ always side with the pro-israel interest groups?[View]
475694919All wings report in: >All wings report in[View]
475703309What is the rights response to Hasan Piker? I mean, seethe all you want about it but he is objective…[View]
475700685How to respond to positive Economic numbers?: Hello, fellow based MAGApedes. Just curious how I can …[View]
475700064>less than 2 weeks from the 'sobering' incident and cooling down of rhetoric >calls Trump camp…[View]
475703472Get ready to start kissing her brown ass Chuds: Kamala Harris will be your next president[View]
475701982There's so many virgin Japs. It becomes a problem. https://uk.style.yahoo.com/one-ten-straight-…[View]
475704272im so kamala: like slayyy, such a bratty girl with my venn diagram lips overlappin willie brown…[View]
475701788Why is CIA so bad at it's job?[View]
475700343Do 'demoralisers' jumping on this board from discord even know that in the end they are much bigger …[View]
475704266Maciej Nowicki. Husband of the best wife in omniverse, hyperintelligence Eve. Stellar Blade.[View]
475694891Imagine holding onto the idea that America will even exist in 30 years for a 4.489% yield...[View]
475702549I thought transgenderism was good because it would mean that there is less competition for me to get…[View]
475696677Kamala is losing independents by 20 POINTS: Holy shit she's getting destroyed.[View]
475703939White women lol: White women are organizing to vote for Kamala in record numbers and so many of them…[View]
475704181TikTok is crazier than /pol/: I did some digging. They say all the usual words you see here. However…[View]
475700907Your choice[View]
475701600>travel to tunisia >see this so that's why andrew tate converted…[View]
475679364pedo hunting: what's your opinion on vitaly's child predator hunting? i think it's pr…[View]
475703296Texan here, reminder that if we secede we'll probably get Ron out in Florida to secede with us,…[View]
475695033Just ate the lasagna pol: Have any of you flown a helicopter? And what was your experience? My wife …[View]
475703358LANDSLIDE VICTORY INCOMING: Trump is an old senile felon. ’Mala will WIN. And your dying breed can’t…[View]
475702382I was over at my dads house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rur…[View]
475698616FBI confirms: WORST PsyOp EVER: The Trump “shooting” was the worst PsyOp ever and cost the lives of …[View]
475699294Trump bros, we’re dropping like flies out there![View]
475697441explain: Wtf why does she keep going up? Is the sit being bought out by democrats or something?…[View]
475703574>Anti-Israel >Prosecutor that locked up nigs for weed and used them as slave labor >Support…[View]
475695343NOOOO That's too much land for Jews: Why are muzzies like this?[View]
475703043Is it possible that lefties, women and other certain groups are actually infected with some sort of …[View]
475701471You don't have to like them, but you do have to respect them[View]
475703456Kikes: Can there be any peace between us, where you stop fucking with the White race. Pilpul will b…[View]
475703448FRANCE: UNPRECEDENTED SURVEILLANCE STATE?: Well my dear frogs, if you’re out there tonight, how are …[View]
475703434It's His Story: We just happen to be living in it.[View]
475697748Do you feel bad for Anglosaxons for lacking the mental capability to understand music? https://www.y…[View]
475701356>If i'm gonna get killed at least make my death benefit Israel What a cucked shabbos goy Bit…[View]
475698469'I wouldn't go to France, because France is no longer France': https://www.gov.uk/foreign-trave…[View]
475702933>assassination plot against Trump fails >democrats immediately coup their own party to get bid…[View]
475699965>IDC about politics I got gangstalked for 30 years[View]
475702107You can't advance with Vance[View]
475702815Mussolini: What's the board consensus on Benito and Italian Fascism in general? Why has the man…[View]
475683136What if the whole world was indian: what would it look like?[View]
4757001571991 was a good year.[View]
475702388And ˹remember, O Prophet,˺ when the disbelievers conspired to capture, kill, or exile you. They plan…[View]
475700353miga is low energy: the meme magic is gone it's over[View]
475682913This is some real Weimar Republic shit bros what the fuck[View]
475700066Office workers should never be paid more than minimum wage[View]
475700868>visit /pol/ >front page is just green Kamala memes Is /pol/ supporting Kamala or something?…[View]
475701900Leaf here: Something major will happen tomorrow. The United States will be forced to mobilize and Ir…[View]
475702413'JOE BIDEN' SEEN LEAVING THE OFFICE AFTER THIS SPEECH: https://www.tiktok.com/@miss_jamiel…[View]
475701587Explain in 5 seconds..: Why are there so many Kamala threads?[View]
475699543The 144,000 Elect: The 144,000 Elect Israelites will torture those who betrayed the Aryan race. They…[View]
475701236The. First. Black. President.[View]
475696986The Bible implies time speeding up in the come up to Apocalypse: >'And if those days had not been…[View]
475699217She's gonna win, isn't she?[View]
475688991We're 2 years away from AI propaganda being impossible to identify: I was watching some videos …[View]
475698458veteran hate thread: the veteran suicide rate is fucking hilarious[View]
475699831Alexander Bows To The Great Indian King Porus: This is the true history, not what the Greek historia…[View]
475702183Objectively, it is better for Europe if Kamala wins: 1. Kamala will continue to pay vast amounts to …[View]
475701274>the fucking STATE of this board[View]
475702496Women hate thread[View]
475699480Stemcels on suicide watch lmao[View]
475699516Yellowstone: It's exploding. Right now and you're sifting through Kamala threads? Monitor …[View]
475685706AMERICA IS OVER: Generation Z and Millennials don't want to work anymore. How do we fix the laz…[View]
475702472if turks' DNA is overwhelmingly greek, because turk men fucked greek women, who fucked turkic w…[View]
4757020433 TEENS MURDER OHIO MOTHER: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/3-arrested-in-death-of-alexa-stakel…[View]
475702673WE. WILL. NOT. GO. BACK.[View]
475694579Did Copmala spend her entire budget on 4chan?: Because the shills have been working massive amounts …[View]
475702564Ailing Supreme Leader Josef Biden, in what appears to be a fit of delirium, has purged the preferred…[View]
475701142Donald Trump Urges Netanyahu to End War in Gaza Ahead of Friday Meeting: Republicans in Congress app…[View]
475698650I feel so bad because GEOPOLITICALY SPEAKING: Trumps goals are against polish interest in the small …[View]
475690940It's time you guys know It.[View]
475698993latinx fragility: >cannot handle the most minute criticisms >constantly begging white men to f…[View]
475702251Could therapy be the cure for trannies?[View]
475700365Best cold drinks for the summer: Political because of the summer heat causing you to need a variety …[View]
475700584What's going on here?[View]
475702206Joe's final priority is to destroy the Supreme Court: >resident Biden has agreed to step asi…[View]
475697291Ex pushing for and increasing child support: So basically I don't wanna go too deep but I have …[View]
475697059Trump will be a three time loser come November![View]
475701203Any reason to not join the US military? I've been thinking about it recently because I'm k…[View]
475701192What’s your thoughts on? Matthew Heimbach[View]
475699502>you think you just fell out the coconut tree? >the coconut tree >the coconut tree >you …[View]
475702078>https://www.axios.com/2024/07/26/israel-netanyahu-harris-ceasefire-hostage-deal-talks oy vey you…[View]
475697862I was talking about politics with someone, an elderly person from my village, and I mentioned a poli…[View]
475698281Everyone hates JD Vance: Literally one of the least popular picks of all time. What the fuck was Tru…[View]
475695463OH NO THOMAS CROOKS GAB ACCOUNT HAS BEEN FOUND: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J6EcIZo3ydo…[View]
475701576ka mala: ka = (in ancient Egypt) the supposed spiritual part of an individual human being[View]
475684906I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS: >Christian: I rebuke you in the name of Jesus >Pagan cop: H…[View]
475701380I will NEVER vote for a woman.[View]
475701420So what's with all the conspiracy theories about him staging his own assassination lately? Do y…[View]
475701627Voting in this election is suicide for white people lol. Neither side gives the slightest fuck about…[View]
475700888looks a lot like a camera lens pointed outward[View]
475696910I hate Jews: No seriously why are all Semite kike shitskinsisters so fucking disgusting?[View]
475692957How can america have incels when pic related approaches your car when you're at a red light[View]
475700927Why was the rifle at least 12 foot away?: Did he spasm when shot and fling it or somting?[View]
475701506how much better would /pol/ be if you chuds stopped replying to 1pbtid bot threads like this?[View]
475698580Just 36 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Francisco.[View]
475701425This is what the US is up against: Lefties equate clapbacks with national security policy. Elect Tru…[View]
475695719I am a scientist: The only way to win is to post frogs. Post them everywhere. It has to literally ra…[View]
475696097Pol music: whatcha listening to? I'm listening to Pastel Ghost and playing Everquest on the Agn…[View]
475700998come home white man[View]
475699727The usurper slurper is really going to be the final boss of globohomo? I really don’t believe it. T…[View]
475674014CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF AI BIDEN #2: previous thread >>475622291 Highlights: >pinky grows an in…[View]
475697930>war with Iran >more tax cuts for the rich and wealthy >mass green cards for foreigners …[View]
475701109Are 'foodie calls' an actual thing?: Do women really go out with you just for the free meal, assumin…[View]
475700169The last white American President.[View]
475700526He's going to lose Trump the suburban woman vote.[View]
475699856Kamala Harris beginning to shorten in the betting again. Just accept that she will be the next presi…[View]
475701033Transgenderism is amazingly good: I know ALL of you anons have thought that if you are in Thailand y…[View]
475678859This might be my last post. Gavin Newsom just issued an order to clear all the homeless encampments …[View]
475695766Non-American here. Everywhere I go online (including here) people are championing Kamala. Please ex…[View]
475699122Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates: Nearly five months after Donald Trump vowed on so…[View]
475691909We are all God's creatures. We can all get along.[View]
475693944/novote/ general- saddam edition: None of the above 2024! Abstain, or vote NOTA this November.…[View]
475693952I was out fishing with my uncle in the swamps of Louisiana, a place where the gators are plenty and …[View]
475699789Gottfried Feder: What were his policies? How effective were they? Could they be used today? Discuss,…[View]
475700340How is this DNC going to go? Is this going to be the peak of the establishment exposing themselves i…[View]
475696996How anally annihilated will /pol/ be when it happens this year? Not 2036, not 2032, not 2028, this y…[View]
475688775Worse than niggers of Africa? wow Hindus are stupid af[View]
475689985Dear Anons, The reason you're seeing a lot of pro-Kamala threads and posts is because we'r…[View]
475699887I would be an excellent US president: I hate poor people with a burning passion. 100% tax rate on ev…[View]
475686608JD Vance is going to cost Trump the election: lol, why did he listen to Don Jr?[View]
475700286:'C: I want out please[View]
475697212Pepe thread post best Pepe[View]
475699324At what point do you put a limit to the threads per hour created?[View]
475700413Do you hang the flag of 2 guys kissing, nigger wannabes and everything immoral on your house?[View]
475696364What is the plan to stop this nigger/s?: Kamala is surging. Plan trusters. What is the plan?[View]
475697538It just doesn't get any more obvious than this.[View]
475698615if trump doesn't get PENN it's fucking jover.[View]
475698806people don't even say “bless you” anymore: they just look at you like this[View]
475695823How the hell are there incels in 2024? You can literally just pay a woman for sex. It takes less tha…[View]
475700297>pic related causes conservisharts to shit and piss their pants unconrollably How does she do it?…[View]
475688112BOOK EXPOSING KAMALA HARRIS BANNED FROM AMAZON: This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever…[View]
475699489The king of the jews visits the USA: The radical left does nothing. Right wing Nazis do nothing. S…[View]
475696518What's going on here?[View]
475694033Should I only date asian chicks? Many of them are thin, pretty, intelligent, and traditional, meanwh…[View]
475699060A convicted felon talking about law and order[View]
475699943It's over for Drumpflefuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL1yGqQ3pnA&pp=ygUIcm5jIDIwMTY…[View]
475700118muh red deer: well? I was promised car crashes and mass confusion[View]
475696124MARTIN LAWRENCE.... NOOOOOOO. >Patriotic >Obama Bruh.…[View]
475697735You see the pro-Kamala spam right?: This is what your tax dollars are used for. You liking it, niggu…[View]
475698526It's over...: Trumpbros... we got btfo again... Harris has rebuilt the obama coalition[View]
475699840How do you like them apples, Chud?[View]
475647235total stock market collapse: the end is nigh[View]
475690615I made 5.25 an hour working fast food in 2003, as a teen. Pic related is for 2022. So 2024 is more l…[View]
475698680Married men of 4chan: Do you fear your wife?[View]
475699794TRUST IN SESSIONS[View]
475698508>0% Indian pride Can you blame her? If she walked down any designated raping street in india, we…[View]
475697574imagine it trump fucking sucked pally cock instead of jew one, what are the chances he would of just…[View]
475697803I know there are white women here. ANSWER THE CALL Support women. Avoid the Handmaid's Tale. Do…[View]
475671381/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #17207: Previous: >>475650557 Timeline /tug/: http…[View]
475698165Say it with me: KAMALA HARRIS HOTUS OF AMERICA[View]
475697245Deus Vult “Christians” on /pol/ when Israel murders millions of actual christians in the Holy Land:[View]
475699026I was looking at reddit for some cope about the way men are treated by society for having depression…[View]
475698221So the leftist media is in full force right now to fabricate mass support for Kamala and paint her a…[View]
475698444What if the internet could just stop existing? I mean, really stop existing, so that people can…[View]
475699558Kamala's Basilisk: I recommend all Americans to vote for Kamala Harris this upcoming election. …[View]
475698708>these colours don't ru-ACKKKK[View]
475699476What is the deal with Rumble?: I rarely use it but now it has two ads on every video for stupid shit…[View]
475697792I got some questions pol: Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own) Are X white…[View]
475693313Brown people are starving, and you're laughing?[View]
475698194>too young to vote for Trump in 2016 >too young to vote for Trump in 2020 I can't take it…[View]
475699312>leftists threaten to withhold votes unless politicians respond to concerns about Israel >succ…[View]
475698377Anyone else?: 2 Time Trump voter, 1st time Kamala voter[View]
475696070I'm unironically rooting for Harris now. Fuck Trump. Fuck zionism[View]
475698130Guys...: >tfw suicidal as fuck >Tfw just heard my close friend killed himself yesterday >We…[View]
475698241I know jannies are underappreciated. Often overworked and underpaid (they do it for free). But for t…[View]
475698553Kamala’s colors: Let’s address the accusation coming out recently that you don’t like Kamala Harris …[View]
475699081>You can't vote for her! She... uh... laughs a lot! Trump is too old to run for president. H…[View]
475694776how do we stop transhumanism?[View]
475695703If kamala is elected this country is done for.[View]
475696727MIGAcucks fear her[View]
475698859In This Thread: We have a funeral for the USA in remembrance of the good times: Thread theme song: …[View]
475699123Kamala out: do you really think kamala can win? do you think the kkk is finished? if it happens that…[View]
475698189Just wait until August 7th when the Dems name her nominee. It may even surpass Trump.[View]
475699090>Taylor Swift is a MKULTRA project /pol/ was right again no wonder she got shilled here so much i…[View]
475689656Reminder 4chan is constantly being bottled by glowies They want u to hate Jews They want you to fo…[View]
475698924Why didn't he seek for a reelection?[View]
475699052What's going to happen when Artemis fails?: Will this be the moment the West realises DEI was a…[View]
475695023>visit Tunisia >download tinder >see this lol, lmao…[View]
475698403ITT: And the land of the free........[View]
475698475I just realized this: If you look at the video, this guy is really in the grove[View]
475697713i remember/pol/ were pro Trump. look at these thread, those fucking tourists spamming anti tump thre…[View]
475692324>destroys your presidency[View]
475698624Manchester Chief Constable Confirms female officer injured during Airport incident[View]
475698625how can someone so old be so unhinged, decrepit and a criminal?[View]
475696613This is Historic.[View]
475692732be honest, why do you not like him?[View]
475697121well 4channers?[View]
475698397>Kamala HATES Israel and Bibi! She will stop the wars in the Middle Ea-ACK Enjoy being consripted…[View]
475688924Inflation is out of control: For all of you Kamala supporters, here's a good reminder of what t…[View]
475696885It's. Over.[View]
475698296>why are there so many shills for kam hoe online You know why don't act like you don't …[View]
475698176The race will be over in a week.[View]
475691376Is Trump threatened by Kamala's intelligence?: He's never had to run against someone with …[View]
475696491Benjamin Franklin: Been watching a doc on Benjamin Franklin, pretty interesting guy. Couldn't h…[View]
475683189>awareness of Project 2025 is spreading >every week, more Americans are having a negative perc…[View]
475697602*HALTS the war in Iran saving thousands of White Americans and DOES NOT ALLOW Israel to wage war in …[View]
475696190Why no Stand Your Ground or Castle Doctrine in Europe?: Why is it that Europeans can't 360-no-s…[View]
475690708Remember when 2 years of your life were wasted because some boomers got a cold?: it was so surreal. …[View]
475696422Stop shill spamming disinformation about the American mutt lady.[View]
475672140Why does society blame incels for their situation?: I'm not saying it's necessarily anyone…[View]
475698003Credit rating agency Fitch has downgraded Ukraine further into the default zone Fitch downgraded Ukr…[View]
47568343830 min of Police Body Cam released #3: https://youtu.be/XwBygHmIZ6c back door man responsible?…[View]
475694124I don't know who's jewing who anymore. Bernie? Really?[View]
475693444They wouldn't be so arrogant if there weren't so many of them...[View]
475696308Was Nixon our last based president?: > 'The Jews are all over the government,' Nixon complained t…[View]
475694500covidlockdowns caused radon poisoning: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230810/Could-natural-rado…[View]
475689464THE KIKES LOST THE INFORMATION WAR: Everyone hates rednecks and jews now[View]
475697796Tim Parker, chairman of the National Trust, Post Office Ltd, and HM Courts & Tribunals Service.:…[View]
475687307WTF MAKE IT STOP: Now trump losing in Michigan[View]
475690694The Italian pussy.: Greeks are sluts, everybody knows that, but what about Italians? In rare occasio…[View]
475692767Was the Trump assassination attempt a PSYOP staged by the Mossad?[View]
475686542Krasnohorivka Has Fallen. Pokrovsk And Toretsk Breakthrough: Henlo my Deer Frens! https://www.youtub…[View]
475697657I have a half nigger child with my ex bed wench and I plan to sell it to a cotton farm in Mississipp…[View]
475696845kamaggot.(this is political)[View]
475692730I don't mean to fedpost, and I AM NOT ADVOCATING VIOLENCE Why don't any neo-nazi groups e…[View]
475696408I wish I could learn more about Judaism. Maybe convert some day. Books can only take you so far, and…[View]
475695659>Make abortions harder to acquire >Surprised when the masses vote in a female president Women …[View]
475697166Did Hitler lose because he didn’t believe in Christ?: Well, pol?[View]
475697325She's fucking unstoppable. Her vagina is swelling with bratty power. Her labia flaps erraticall…[View]
475669654UM WTF ALASKA BROS???: We are just gonna ignore this? Ok.[View]
475693292Elon Musk’s and Peter Thiel’s puppet JD Vance is now Trump’s Sarah Palin, kek. The hillbilly venture…[View]
475686466After Biden withdrew from the race and Harris took the spotlight, millions of dollars in provably fr…[View]
475694896How close are we to another 2011 financial crash?: After the whole crowd Strike accident last week I…[View]
475695939Why does his fucking aggregate keep going up?! She's a strong African American woman with the l…[View]
475696839>Trump is losing. >Losing. THE VOTE is a placebo. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides everything and…[View]
475697164Do 'demoralisers' jumping on this board from discord even know that in the end they are much bigger …[View]
475687284'Thanks for visiting sis it's been along time,' 'Let's go see Jordan I'm sure he…[View]
475692578Free Burger!: Did anyone take advantage of this free burger offer? I am a bit hungry and was wonderi…[View]
475695439Which country is the most based in Europe in politics?[View]
475693718If Jews are in control why would they do this to one of their own?[View]
475693400Kamala Harris will NOT pick Mark Kelly to be her VP: I'm an oldfag and from 2011-2014 I worked …[View]
475696734Daily reminder that if you’re not pro Kamala: Pro Israel and pro Ukraine Then YOU ARE BROWN[View]
475696571Why is Kamala losing every poll?: There's literally not a single aggregate where she's win…[View]
475697114A PHOTO THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY: A reminder that even daddy Trump will bend the knee... in fact he…[View]
475675489Lol Yasuke museum expert fired from Japan: >Assassin's Creed's nigger 'Yasuke' has been…[View]
475645608Yakub's backstory is a rabbit hole: It appears that the Nation of Islam copied Yakub's bac…[View]
475695864hint: the darkside is men. Men are gross sex pests, stupid, and dangerous.[View]
475697073Attempted assassination of Donald Trump: VOTE HARRIS 2024!!![View]
475695273If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing.: Get it ? White man ?[View]
475696554Brap: Absolute braphog[View]
475696527Daily Reminder Trump Will Lose 2024: Daily reminder Trump is a coward Trump is a bitch Trump is a tr…[View]
475695621What was the real reason for the global Crowdstrike issue?: Let's assume it wasn't DEI hir…[View]
475679623/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14932: Previous: >>475666274 ▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield …[View]
475695521Why don’t you useless fucking mods do your jobs and ban these dumbass Kamala spam posters?[View]
475696184Race is just an invention by liberals to divide and conquer us. I'm glad Trump and MAGA Republi…[View]
475694644>not voting for a nigger: wtf bros how do i counter this spent the last 4 days trying to get peop…[View]
475696474Women support the LGBT because they want to use gay men as body guards[View]
475696197Republicans are nigger lovers. Vote Democrat[View]
475694201HAPPENING! Zion Don is UTTERLY SHOOK and desperately seething![View]
475695147If modern Jews are actually descended from recent converts, doesn’t that mean they’re just white? In…[View]
475692969He's literally a nigger: >has 10 kids from different baby mamas >never looks after them …[View]
475695676American military industry: How will the fact that nobody is buying American weapons anymore affect …[View]
475692228Welp: Why does the richest man in the world allow his daughter to get blacked?[View]
475695756Euro cucks and their comme shit caused this.: Letting third parties to have kernel level access.…[View]
475694024Woah, Christianity might actually be a more consistent successor to First and Second Temple Judaism …[View]
475694870Imagine being dumb enough to think Trump can still win LOL: >Loses last election to a geriatric w…[View]
475692655The Simulation is Ending: Not an /x/ post Legitimately, we have gone so far into post truth (*ewish)…[View]
475696259Fuck niggers and jews tbqh[View]
475692215FACTS: >1. Global nuclear holocaust will break out in 2025. This is the depopulation. >2. 2024…[View]
475695149>150k white women on a zoom call all at once denouncing trump and supporting kamala it's act…[View]
475679129Gnosticism is winning on /pol/: And I think some of the best gnostics are former Christians (like my…[View]
475696053Objectively Republicans are more beneficial for USA, and rich Republican is even more beneficial its…[View]
475694386BLACK VOTE THINKS TRUMP ASSASSINATION WAS STAGED: saw this article on worldstar[View]
475693713An ottoman has come forward claiming to be JD Vances son: Do we believe him /pol/?[View]
475689477>he keeps going down people are finally realizing how much of a piece of shit scumbag donald trum…[View]
475690638I am non-white, so tell me why should I vote for republicans? You guys always talk about how non-whi…[View]
475694765Just wondering how many of y'all have moved out of state because of this[View]
475651169WW2 in a single picture?: Do you agree or were there legit reasons to fight ?[View]
475692041The best thing about Kamala is how she makes conservatives become deranged and say insane shit. It r…[View]
475695910Kamala and Charli killed brat summer[View]
475692191It's her time.: It's her time.[View]
475688659TRUMP DEMENTIA?: Well, does he /pol/? https://youtu.be/XsrOQuUXbXU?feature=shared[View]
475694648We’re reviving this image for the election: We’re gonna need it a LOT.[View]
475695706>if the exponential line slows down, we're all doomed Maybe don't set up your welfare s…[View]
475695117US arrests Mexico's leaders: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/25/world/americas/mexico-cartel-is…[View]
475691655Why are the whites here so fat, retarded, and dsygenic?: And why weren't they genocided after t…[View]
475690339Kamala IS brat tho[View]
475695218I'm racist and sexist. I will not vote for Kamala Harris. >I don't care about her poli…[View]
475679386Who is Jewing who?: Trump says Kamala hates the Jews. Is he right?[View]
475690147Before white man comr: >Land was nigger, jew, jeet free >Before white man come man was based a…[View]
475692127I often hear the term 'climate change'. Is it a real thing or just a hokes that politicians like to …[View]
475693845I hate this world[View]
475683513Why do I keep seeing the same threads reposted on here? The same Kamala shill threads keep being rec…[View]
475694152Venezuela is having an election: There is a female clone of Javier Milei running against Maduro.…[View]
475695565Kamala sisters...: Are we the baddies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWPROCAPMNY[View]
475692565Fascism llost every single time it has been tried[View]
475692771Why shouldn't society dish out medieval punishments for savage medieval crimes (murder, rape, t…[View]
475688329Can someone explain how someone who was so unpopular in the 2020 elections rise to power and become …[View]
475695341Black people are amazing![View]
475694393Do you remember? Pepperidge farm members.[View]
475694328You don't have to like her, but you do have to respect her[View]
475693697Why are there so many of them? Nature isnt infinite...[View]
475695030Why does this confuse the Pajeet?: This one trick can solve most of India's problems. Are they…[View]
475692630>THAT'S AN AWFUL HOT COFFEE POT >*pulls out my big boy 9mm* >DROP THE POT OF HOT WATER…[View]
475688964nigh speechless: I think this one finished it, and nice fucking work.[View]
475684995there is no work in america for a young man[View]
475695076This is Kamala country! Post your hopes and dreams for her administration when Madame President clai…[View]
475690984Imagine how good it would feel to die knowing you were responsible for the deaths of countless jews[View]
475695181what's the age of consent in your country?: mexico is 12[View]
475691194was being pro palestine worth it?[View]
475691959she is the most anti-jew candidate[View]
475689743she stands against world jewry. She's against the war against iran. she stands against israle…[View]
475694884[WARNING] US to become Racial Warzone.: >*smacks lips* Wez gonz eradicate da white race fo da atr…[View]
475693322When they get rid of of Bibi will Israel finally be democracy?[View]
475692546the whole world needs to see this: Honestly I think that you guys should watch this video. Especiall…[View]
475684386>CCP kick ROC out of mainland China and into Taiwan >Taiwan becomes a wealthy first world nati…[View]
475693152>no social media >no iphone >no internet even >no industrial society >based beliefs …[View]
475693895What the fuck is this? I just want to find a new couch.[View]
475694880Marijuana Hits & Beer Shits!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ enterta…[View]
475694023You're going to kiss Kamala Harris' black ass: So pucker up.[View]
475694837Poor 'ol me: Grew up poor in coal country. Had a few fuck ups in my day like most people where …[View]
475694782It's over.[View]
475680479Sonya Massey was innocent: Massey: I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus Faggot cop: Huh? Massey: I…[View]
475693894(((THEY))) ARE AFRAID: .[View]
475689939What is the “main story” of geopolitics and history?[View]
475694640***WHERE TO WATCH PREDPOACHERS VIDEO?!***: Anyone have a link to the full video predpoachers did whe…[View]
475694576Cancel culture is a crime against humanity.: Think about the lives that are ruined from one mistake …[View]
475693841Kamala Harris is ugly as fuck, the purest example of disgenic disgusting abomination.: How can look …[View]
475694039Kamala is a BRAT[View]
475681955Imagine defending a zogbot: >She was not a suspect >They had 0 authority over her >They w…[View]
4756930682024, the year Nazis are defeated[View]
475693977At least Sarah Palin had 'aw shucks!' MILF sex appeal. How am I supposed to fap to this?!?[View]
475693812Why does she support Harris? Is there really a girl code, like there is a bro code? She wants Kamala…[View]
475692703Hypothetical Scenario Thread: Despite all the Kamala shills, good luck keeping up the shilling until…[View]
475692587We gotta change change marriage laws. Lifestyle and culture has greatly changed from when these laws…[View]
475693859If only he picked Tulsi: Kamala would be hiding in a cave somewhere from dread and fear of getting v…[View]
475694231Liberals are face value: Liberals are simple minded. >I'm a woman, I'm non-binary becau…[View]
475685288How long does he have left on the ticket?[View]
475683653'Conservative' Women: Is there even such a thing? Most of them seem like they're just liberal f…[View]
475693356Watching a Hilary Clinton documentary. Was this a meme in 2016? Why is she making such an odd motion…[View]
475687131>Republicans want to ban abortion even though it's almost all niggers and non-whites getting…[View]
475690903So, Trumpsters: What are you going to do when Trump gets locked up for Jan 6, the blue wave sweeps c…[View]
475693806What is a thought crime and why those it exist in the UK?[View]
475692011Are these actual people or bots that post shit like this? It seems unhinged.[View]
475688443He chickened out!!!: Kam-H was just won the election! MAGA BTFO'd[View]
475673512KAMALA SECURES 4/5 SWING STATES: And with Kelly pick, she's taking Arizona too. What's Tru…[View]
475694169what will happen if the russians attack the united states, occupying the northern states and force e…[View]
475694084I love my fellow Americans despite their political leanings[View]
475676071DESTINY GOT DESTROYED: Remember when Nick Fuentes used to act like he was best buds with Destiny?…[View]
475693794There's no point of voting, you guys yourself said that they rigged the 2020 election. Just sta…[View]
475688498TRUMP IS DESTROYING KAMALA. ALL NEW POLLS HERE: Looks like the honeymoon wasn't enough, Kamelto…[View]
475692592Holy sh*t, it’s over for trumpbabies[View]
475693188Could you solve a mystery better than the cops or intelligence people or even the military?: I bet y…[View]
4756924612016 DNC planted Hillary: The Dems absolutely fucked the 2016 primaries/selection. All of this Kamal…[View]
475684842Operation Kill'em With Kindness - MODS MAD EDITION: Previous thread died, kikes are mad, mods a…[View]
475668167redpill thread: lots of newfags about, post em[View]
475691825Why is Nick so bitter nowadays? We are literally staring down the possibility of some indo-negro mut…[View]
475693171lmao >pic rel[View]
475692604>heyyyy cutie, want to head to the polls with me and vote for kamala? What will it be, chuds? Wil…[View]
475690827/Pol is pro German and pro Jewish: https://youtu.be/T6QSSWhmFXs?si=wruAxZU29zNi7FQl[View]
475691236Now that the dust has settled: Did he fucked a couch?[View]
475677747jeets RAPE dolphins to death: https://redice.tv/news/pakistanis-raping-pink-dolphins-to-near-extinct…[View]
475691614>New candidate erases any advantages his campaign had of running against a dead body >He will …[View]
475683161I need to add 'Kamala' to my filters. Every thread is being astroturfed with kike shill kumala spam.…[View]
475688159Kamala is more popular than Obama ‘08: Do they think they can manifest a presidency by lying? Beyond…[View]
475693112Oh no shillsisters.[View]
475683857EL CHAPO'S SON JUST GOT PUT INTO WITNESS PROTECTION: 'released' is what is says when …[View]
475661942Let's fucking go! Fuck Disney.[View]
475691732In 1982, President Ronald Reagan read a news piece about a black family who had a cross burned on th…[View]
475678992Paris, France before the islamic revolution[View]
475690487Are they getting stupider?[View]
475686718How did this happen, anons?!? ;_;[View]
475693158The boys are back in town...: Musk Theil Vance Trump Bibi Sacks Ackman Horowitz ...and we're ma…[View]
475693205Deport trannies to Africa (Niger)[View]
475693199Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Queer + (everyone else?) What do these people have in common? Besi…[View]
475692819Supreme court ruled that boneless chicken can have bones.[View]
475677427How do you deal with this, realistically? If he stops campaigning in public his support wanes, if he…[View]
475689996Chian is winning: >US scraps DJI ban after realizing alternatives are low-quality and unaffordabl…[View]
475690355This is ALL we ever fucking wanted[View]
475690828Can Trump betray his masters?: Can he bites the Zionist cocks that feeds him ?[View]
475692910Now that the bandaid has been pulled it'll be so much easier to ask kamala to step down after h…[View]
475687733/pol/ humor thread: Fuck niggers edition[View]
475667115Why are amerimutts so lazy[View]
475692261My queen, your queen, our queen.[View]
475692497NOW WHAT DRUMPTIES?[View]
475691247When was the exact moment he decided to start milking chuddies?[View]
475690330Anyone here ever dated a porn star? They seem to be the most loyal and based type of woman.[View]
475688462If I buy Canadian military MREs, am I taking away from soldiers, and hurting the CAF? Because that w…[View]
475685165Where will they go when Ukraine wins?: First F-16s have just arrived. It’s over for puccia.[View]
475692017When did you figure out that she would win?[View]
475691129We are SO BACK: Netanyahu met yesterday, after his address to the US Congress, with Elon Musk in Was…[View]
475687327It's not looking good for Kamala: I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping wi…[View]
475692411>two weeks of libcuck negro worship[View]
475690923Still voting Trump: If they do “assassinate President Trump,” which is always a possibility, I hope …[View]
475684697The g in Freemasonry obviously stands for g spot[View]
475690838As a redditor, I am sick of whataboutism. I go on reddit and any criticism of Kamala or Biden is res…[View]
475692337Ah yes, the perfect Europa[View]
475692318Her entire campaign is pure Emotions and Hatred of Men: Nothing of substance, no policy, no platform…[View]
475692294cannot trust computers: What if they just use crowdstrike to crash the voting software and allow Kun…[View]
475691256experts say donald trump will make inflation worse: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/26/business/nobe…[View]
475690963Harris's first campaign video. https://youtu.be/sHky_Xopyrw[View]
475670163Messages found across Belfast, Northern Ireland: I’ve been following the happenings around Europe la…[View]
475691380New 9/11 video dropped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TexFDMtomU[View]
475688271Marijuana Hits & Beer Shits!: GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio inspired HITSKITZ enterta…[View]
475690986What is he thinking about right now?[View]
475684273NWO legend Kevin Nash took to Instagram to make his political affiliations clear, on the run up to t…[View]
475691834Is winter coming yet?[View]
475690651I will vote for Trump if he uses the incompetent/maliciousness of the Secret Service during his assa…[View]
475686793Why are puccians like this?[View]
475691319These are the Kamala shills: Like her they are dirty jeets who shit in the streets. Assume every Kam…[View]
475687557Uh oh: Uh oh uh oh uh oh!!! We're in trouble guys![View]
475690416/ournigga/: What ever happened to Tommy Sotomayor? He started redpilling blacks on the Jews and was …[View]
475689360This man is a hero for getting rid of a future pedophile, free this guy[View]
475691711I’m a conservative at heart who's voted red for the last 8 years, but I’ve had it up to here wi…[View]
475687829>Trump is losing. >Losing. THE VOTE is a placebo. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides everything and…[View]
475676972The govt pays me for my vaxx free blood: Twice a week I go to the govt center to donate blood for mo…[View]
475685495Good night pol: Wife made some lasagna and I’m watching Kid vs Kat. Best show in the universe[View]
475688644TRUMP BACKS OUT OF DEBATE: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/3100266/trump-backs-out…[View]
475682774Imagine a world with only white people and japanese[View]
475683278Is Hawk Tuah Girl correct, are we in a recession?: (Webm related)[View]
475689900CRA notifies Jewish National Fund it will revoke Canadian charitable status: https://nationalpost.co…[View]
475690369so the hawk tuehy girl is running for president now?: it boggles my mind that just the implication o…[View]
475683022Poos sneaking into US via Canada: https://www.voanews.com/a/undocumented-indian-migrants-chart-new-p…[View]
475682273Will a Trump presidency result in war with Iran?[View]
475691320I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very ur…[View]
475671348aus/pol/: >'anti-semitism bad', dan andrews tells jews at synagogue https://archive.is/…[View]
475690631The Jewish Question: Did the Holocaust really happen like they say? Do the Rothschilds really contro…[View]
475691034Which of these is UK's number 1 problem?[View]
475688269pork should be banne: >filthy animal >has parasites >banned by major religions…[View]
475687952Based Poland: Keep it up[View]
475691156he tried to warn us, /pol/: https://odysee.com/@Channel_Zero:a/Chuck-Missler---Armor-for-the-Age-of-…[View]
475672792can mrbeast recover?: ex-worker of mr beast makes a video about all of his lies and illegal practice…[View]
475690531I don't care if global warming is real or not, I like green energy because solar panels and win…[View]
475689223What the fuck is his problem.[View]
475690271I don't want to have kids because of the off chance it's severly autistic and I have to sp…[View]
475690960Redditors Receive Trvthnvke about 'Racist' Police: Hundreds of major 'racist' police chiefs and poli…[View]
475690928How come only lefties ever fight the big banks?: And righties are just fine lubing up their asses an…[View]
475689817WHAT KEEPS YA' PEPPY POL?[View]
475690908Kamalabros....we eating good[View]
475685779The problem with pro-natal policies in Western countries is that they will benefit non-white familie…[View]
475689091Is feminization of society going to far?[View]
475690863I've got a wide stance: Yep, I'm a wide guy.[View]
475677894WIPE IRAN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH: Trump is right.[View]
475680587KAMALABROS… IT’S OVER: >honeymoon phase >democrat voters are just happy somebody other than a …[View]
475687476Based black men do exist. Like that chicken meth guy from breaking bad.[View]
475690374Maybe It's Maybelline[View]
475686523It's over: Endorsement incoming. Trump is finished.[View]
475688524Which candidate is the least Zionist?[View]
475690692Today, we're going to imagine a scenario where, upon losing the election (for the sake of all w…[View]
475688410'DICKS could be here' she thought, 'I've never been in this public office before. There could b…[View]
475690602>blame American companies like a good goy We are the absolute dumbest for allowing the CCP to hav…[View]
475686660HARRIS DOES RUPAULS DRAG SHOW YESSASASSAS: The very stunning in brave Kamala Harris just made it ver…[View]
475690520So easy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3W9zplEiV0 old school would always crush this place know t…[View]
475690329I think Joe Biden got beat up: Left side of lower jaw (screen right), on the jawline (4 o’clock to 5…[View]
475689689Are zoomer girls cleaner than millennial girls?: I see many with the same penis envy, sleeves of man…[View]
475689189Hmm... it's almost like public roads are a bad thing. Maybe if that land was privatized it coul…[View]
475684493Iran wants war, look how close they put their country to (((our))) military bases: >jews Every s…[View]
475689957The great debate: Who is the better choice?[View]
475690402The indian issue is greater than we realize.. these are the people the anglo love an adore to 'legal…[View]
475690358Don't ever tell me about the greatness of the White race anymore. It's a ridiculous farce.…[View]
475689293Niggers with machetes killed between half a million and 800 thousand people in Rwanda over the cours…[View]
475688303Why did the British police cover up their crimes?[View]
475688138what should her punishment be? looks like she’s going for the mental health defense[View]
475682764How does it feels to be replaced by invasive foreigners?[View]
475686807Do you think he regrets turning yourself into a human potato for Jewkraine?[View]
475686079Watch out ytbois. If you don’t stop insulting Kamala and black women, Van Jones and his army of 20,…[View]
475678750It's over: for the white race. The tables have turned and whites have now become objects of rid…[View]
475690096Does anyone experience random waves of hate towards Poles despite never meeting a single one? I try …[View]
475685954Voter Registration has never been so high since Obama: You are fucked. https://www.wric.com/news/pol…[View]
475688367Why are Republicans so out of touch with the young voters?: You could have invited these two upstand…[View]
475688327Red is an obnoxious color[View]
475688595Mr Beast: Mr Beast is an obnoxious power-hungry influencer who shouldn’t be exempt from criticism. H…[View]
475688663Why can't racists admit his death was fucked up? Just because he had a questionable past and wa…[View]
475687383So what IS /pol/?: /pol/ is, according to normies, simultaneously: 1. Basement-dwelling mentally ill…[View]
475683734Increased Streetshitterophobia Canada: Any other Canadian born Desis sick of the Streetshitterophobi…[View]
475687458Happening Video Elon Musks Trans Daughter responds: We get to see the tranny in video format. She sa…[View]
475689678This is the final nail in the coffin for Republicans. If they go through with this they're fuck…[View]
475689103donald trump is sickening[View]
475675839Who was this actually?[View]
475687736THE CANARY IN THE COAL MINE IS DEAD: >Last week John Deere announced it would be cutting some sal…[View]
475686624Political implications of being shadow banned IRL? >Gangstalked from childhood >G.A.T.E >Sh…[View]
475678377The headline: The article > 'I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get o…[View]
475689476What happened to the forgotten man? Trump being our champion?: Sorry but I’m not voting for Trump. A…[View]
475688383You're not actually going to vote for an 80 year old israel worshipping pedophile are you /pol/…[View]
475687035Well /pol/?[View]
475674121How do they compare to niggers?: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13670179/Attacks-Papua-New…[View]
475675008DRAWFAG: r8 my /pol/ drawings. also taking request for the next 1 hour.[View]
475686497Is hunter pence a better VP pick?: I know things got tense but who is Vance supposed to bring into t…[View]
475689379>These nazis care more about my country than my bosses... >You know what? Fuck it. >My pen…[View]
475680453TRUMP SECURES 5/5 SWING STATES: And with Vance pick, he's taking New York too. What's Kame…[View]
475687790The competency crisis strikes again >Mexican drug kingpin Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada was arrested …[View]
475685193Why is she pretending to be President?[View]
475685905Where is the best place to poop in Canada?[View]
475689225ppbros...: how do we respond pierrebros? theyve managed to stump us with this one tricky question…[View]
475688751Why is Trump serving CUNT?: He looks so fucking cunty in this photo jesus... lips puckered, eyebrow …[View]
475683034What are the political implications of gun owners all leaving their guns at home?: More Americans sa…[View]
475686881When did right-wing media become corporate PR?[View]
475689093Mudslimes Invading Russia: Why are Jews flooding Russia with Muslims if Russians are also subhumans?…[View]
475687439What was Q's endgame?[View]
475685177Bohemian Grove: So do they sacrifice babies or is it just a summer camp for boomers?[View]
475681506Why are we always picking up after niggers[View]
475676489“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing h…[View]
475686507An English popstar has effectively decided the next president of the United States. How do you chud…[View]
475686562DRUMPF SUICIDE WATCH: orange bozo terrified cause slim got lines ready ether shit frfr no cap[View]
475684856British supermarket caught selling 'knee grow' pants online: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9e…[View]
475687369>'I got shitfaced and sucked a dick but didn't like it': 'Hope no one ever finds out...WAIT!…[View]
475686811Notice the Krampala shills have stopped posting: They must have another round of in-authenticity lin…[View]
475684289It should be legal to kill women who idolize school shooters or write letters to serial killers. It…[View]
475681496AI revolution is hereAAAAAACKKKKKKK[View]
475688638Is this shill bot mania?: Wtf? Kek[View]
475687938Build prisión[View]
475675123HAPPENING: John Bolton calls for regime change in Iran!: All memes aside, does he have a point on th…[View]
475688523Thunder: https://youtu.be/lW1eUcUMeXQ[View]
475688215Trump lost. Now he's about to be a 2 time loser.[View]
475688016I was at a restaurant and I saw an Indian girl sitting with a black man. How do jeet bros feel about…[View]
475687677WHAT THE FUCK: How??? How is this not illegal?? https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/181656819103…[View]
475688324>back-to-back 1-term presidents How does this make Americans feel?[View]
475687817Shills must go!!!: Why is it that incel losers and trannies keep shilling for Kamala on this thread …[View]
475686396Kamala is actually pretty brave to take this stance. I respect her for that. This basically secures …[View]
475687957eurocuck hate thread: eurocucks brought disease, niggers, kikerats, feminism, faggotry, and troonism…[View]
475686145Too many people: I don't hate people, but I do think we have an unsustainable population growth…[View]
475686815SCIENCE SAYS you have to vote for Kamala[View]
475682581MOMMY PRESIDENT[View]
475688243Halt! Papiere, bitte!: Does Richard Spencer support Kamala? He was right about Biden...[View]
475685639Are you in a red or blue state /pol/?[View]
475687860Just why are Americans like this? https://x.com/Tokyo_love_love/status/1816255905400512577[View]
475683835Trumpbabies….: …..not like this…[View]
475687745Reverse Uno card: Why doesn’t Trump drop out and let the GOP run someone who has a chance?[View]
475685094When did the ALT-Right become the Right?[View]
475686152All the energy and meme magic is with her Trump social media is just cringe shit from years ago and …[View]
475686893Was he right?[View]
475687658Trump is back[View]
475687391>I think you should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American fla…[View]
475667809No one is actually pro Kamala here right? It's ironic[View]
475685775wtf is wrong with boomers?: Israel could drop a nuke on an American city, claim responsibility for i…[View]
475687769niggas are taking over: Why are Jews forcing Americans to pick either them or gays The left finally …[View]
475682952What did Trader Joe’s mean by this? Pic related is one of those reusable shopping bags from Trader J…[View]
475684941>you can sleep on the couch if you like: What do you do? The nearest hotel is miles away.[View]
475687320KAMALA HARRIS for PRESIDENT!: I don't care if he's Ugandan! Kamala Harris for 2024! Who…[View]
475684963HASAN HAS BEEN GOING OFF ON MrBeast’s KRIS: >watched Ludwig’s breakdown of the case >said the …[View]
475686224We need him back[View]
475678547Creating a quantitative measure of evil is inherently subjective and complex. Here's a proposed…[View]
475685545Its over: 'According to my assessment of where the Keys stand now as detailed on the 13 Keys Tracker…[View]
475687262What if: All dybbuk boxes and ouija boards and fentanyl were all in one place[View]
475681954LEAF MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE: A reminder Kamala lived in Canada, graduated from a Montreal high school,…[View]
475687054You will never be a Chadgertinian /pol/[View]
475687270If it's good enough for Ian Miles Cheong to vote for Trump, then I guess I will too.[View]
475682810Hillbilly Smellegy[View]
475684954Any reason for the huge amount of pajeets flocking to this board? Its like they're so insecure …[View]
475684979How does one cope with this?[View]
475682633So are you democrats even planning on taking care of Kamala (oh my…it rhymes with Obama, just like n…[View]
475686075Who is he voting for?[View]
475676841Fren Zone: Off-topic thread. Post your non-political rants, your hopes and fears, your deepest secre…[View]
475672866“She slept her way to the top and into power”: Is there any proof of Kamala Harris actually doing th…[View]
475684144Why finns are still butthurt about losing the winter war? It was so long ago[View]
475685757POV You're being gangstalked in the shower[View]
475664224One Issue Voter: One issue voter here. Who sucks less jew cock? Trump has been shown to love his mas…[View]
475686913CIVIL WAR in the Wikipedia trenches: TDS editors trying to warp articles to match the regime narrati…[View]
475684524everyone I know is getting covid again[View]
475686826Is this your hero?[View]
475686596Just a bunch of fruits in 3 piece suits, trying to steal all my loot.: Smells worse than an American…[View]
475684872Trump BTFO by himself[View]
475682335young aspiring artist applies to art school in 1907,gets rejected twice 26 years later,oops[View]
475686347I can understand, to an extent, when ugly, non-celebrities peddle this shit to make themselves relev…[View]
475682274Tired of the Nigger Jew Cult of Diversity?: Tired of the Nigger Jew Cult of Diversity? jews do not …[View]
475685392What are the political implications of this?[View]
475681847Obviously ukraine russia conflict is a rug pull: Alright faggots, where were you when you realized t…[View]
475683223if hooch has been part of indian culture for such a long time then why don't they have more wri…[View]
475680577You idiots, Kamala will literally WIN a debate with Trump: Trump is very arrogant and prefers to att…[View]
475678085WHICH CANDIDATE WILL STOP THE AI GIRLFRIEND MENACE?: Birth rates are already below replacement level…[View]
475686484I was over at my uncle's place in Ohio, helping him fix his tractor. He lives in the heart of c…[View]
475680004/POL/ ICE CREAM HANG OUT THREAD: So I was at the store today and noticed prices were down. I was wal…[View]
475676789You will die for Israel: And you will be happy.[View]
475684735Proposal for American monarchy: According to R*ddit. What's your take on it pol?[View]
475681997Admit it.: You enjoyed life more when he was president. Life started to go downhill when trump came …[View]
475684220You Still Voting For Him?: Just attacked Kamala for not being pro-israel enough. Wants to start a wa…[View]
475684215>the 2020 election was rigged >Voting for trump this election! despite nothing changing in ter…[View]
475686386What are the political implications of Dravidians and whites having identical bone structure?[View]
475685464/pol/‘s thoughts on standup comedy?: Do standup comedians have any significant effect on real world …[View]
475685296Ben Garrison Comic: Ben Garrison Based Again! Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of the…[View]
475681853Lmaooo. There's no way Kamala Harris cunt is asking for a debate kek. Trump will end her career…[View]
475667410KAMALA KUNTS...: IT'S OVER....[View]
475675802Which country will be white man’s greatest hope once the great reset happens? My money’s on Argentin…[View]
475681965There’s unironically nothing wrong with being transgender, prove me wrong[View]
475685050i don't understand this why is uncharismatic challenger marked true here? even the most derange…[View]
475684321Religion is political. Take this Christian denomination test and report back with your results and y…[View]
475684417He reminds me of Jesus Christ.[View]
475682614>this is who /pol/ was cheering not even a month ago Unequivocal proof that this board is filled …[View]
475683500Hi, I have one message, KILL ALL MUSLIMS, thank you for coming to my tedtalk[View]
475685698TOP TEN REASONS WHY JD VANCE IS /POL/ APPROVED: - he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and bo…[View]
475684096The right made a deal with the devil with Donald Trump. He did nothing in office, turned the right i…[View]
475678064Seriously, Sars. Which side is accelerate on?: Trump or Harris?[View]
475685038How do shills get away with these disinfo campaigns?[View]
475679180Omg Chudlon Musk: He should be fired from all companies for transphobia.[View]
475683254How’s the war in the ukraine going? Did the f16s perform well?[View]
475684966The g spot: China has 1.4 billion people that's a lot of g spots when you think about it, what …[View]
475664679And like that Trump lost the Presidential Election: His Vice presidential running mate just made the…[View]
475679382https://rumble.com/v58h931-america-first-ep.-1360.html >feuntes confirms no vote for trump No vot…[View]
475685358The wind caused the shooter to miss.: >There was no wind There is a flag behind Trump blowing in…[View]
475671008Pajeet driving wrong way kills baby and 2 grandparents: Durham police say Manpreet Singh Gill is now…[View]
475651404Deep state groups.: List the main deep state groups and factions. How are they going to lose?[View]
475668541She really did throw boiling water at him. I was wrong. I'm sorry. https://x.com/i/status/18158…[View]
475685181I swear the niggers who call whites 'crackers' or 'mayo monkeys' should go back …[View]
475678196/pol/ humor thread: What has this board come to? No humor thread up? ... also, checkem[View]
475681934Cocaine is a Helluva Drug: Get a load of *this* shitshow... >https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status…[View]

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