Western Europe (Mediterranean, Celtic and Germanic) is the only relevant place in the world.It's not America, it's not Asia and it's definitely not Russia. Any discussions about them is completely irrelevant.
>>489041322Hue hue monke
western europe is a nigger infested place where you can go visit and cry over the decadence of failed spelndour
>>489041322This is it man. My ideal european union. Maybe minus poortuguese macacas but other than that its perfect. Build a big ass wall on the eastern border of germany/austria and shoot any brown slavo-gispy subhuman abomination trying to cross the border on sight. Ive always advocated for an EU in this form but youve finally brought it to paper good job favella garbage appreciate it mate
>>489041322Greece is Eastern Europe. Finland arguably too.
>>489041322Nah man, poles are pretty based add them in there