why do red states rabidly go after prostitutes and johns all the time. every couple months there is some big bust
>>489083502Listen. Have you ever considered just not being an incel?
>>489083502i could bust to any of those hags
>>489083646If you marry one, you can prevent her from getting deported.
>>489083646For me it's lung yin she looks like she'd put some genuine effort into her handies not just faking it
Christgolem puritanism
>>489083502They don't like drugs and hookers in their communities?
>>489083793Basically, Trad Christgolems want you to be sexless, angry, broke and a good soldier for Israel. Be sure also to pray for your enemies and feel guilty about everything while rich people run rampant.
>>489083904Oh yeah, the world is also ending every single year, Jesus is going to come back and defeat all your enemies! 2 more weeks, trust the plan!
>busted up chongsthey're doing you a favor.
>>489083502Human trafficking. Most of the women will talk and they'll get leads on the operation smuggling and selling chink hookers. Non white gangs run these prostitution rings, they freely traffick women.Although it could also be Honeypot or info gathering for China
>>489084026Make sure to also give all your money to people who are poorer than you, like the Catholic Church!
>>489084082Chinese organized crime is connected to the ccp anyways. They manage to import these women from China
>>489083502This is a triad (ccp) bustThey dont target the places ran by russian mafia (fsb) or jewish mafia (mossad)
>skin so soft, me so horneevery nice
>>489083502Who owns and operates these places? I see them all over and find it hard to believe the people working there actually run them
>>489084175CorrectCcp uses triads to do dirty work
>>489084082Nah, it's just the traid kidnapping girls and sex trafficking them.
>>489084297Chinese organized crime