when will food prices go down now that trump is elected. immediately after he takes office?
>>489063510yeah he's gonna press the "good economy" button and everything will be fixed
>>489063618This but unironically
>>489063510noif you thought trump was really about the economy (which is good shape by the way) and not for the memes and hating a nonwhite women youre stupid
>>489063510Educated Guess is two more weeks after for beefy 5-layer burrito to go down
>>489063510Imagine a republican president regulating prices
>>489063510I don’t want food prices to go down. I want you poor height shaming assholes to suffer.
If we donate enough monies to Israel can the jews please bring back down the price of chicken tendies?
>>489063671Five more layers
>>489063666>which is good shape by the waythe BLTs at 7eleven are 6 fucking dollars
that's where rfk's based (((sneed oil ban))) (a.ka just make sure it isn't pure 100% motor oil) will step in
>>489063510If trump promised to lower Crunchwrap Supreme prices he would have gotten my vote.
>>489063510Go…down?Trump never promised that you freak
>>489063936stop being poor
>>489063510there's a decent chance they won't the point of electing Trump is just that the current administration has made it clear that they're intentionally inflicting economic warfare on its own citizens, and that cannot stand whether Trump and his administration can really reverse this trend is as yet unknown
>>489063666yes my frend sareconomy good shape a nonwhite womens is good