The world would be a lot better if ran by a sadistic German nationalist little girl with magic powers.
>The world would be a lot better if ran by a sadistic
Also Tanya Degurechov is Ukrainian or something; her name and physiognomy are entirely Slavic
>>489043859The world would be better if literally anyone other than jews and americans ran it.
>>489044142... Yeeeaah. Fair enough. The only good Americans feel ostracized by most Americans, and at that point it's basically a bad people.>>489044094>>489044012You're taking this post way too seriously.
>>489044235Take back your shithole country and kill the traitors or you will end up like Germany under american zog occupation.
>>489043859The desire to be legally and politically ruled over by a what I presume you find attractive young woman is inherently grounded in impure lustful beliefs
>>489044525You'd get it if you watched the anime or read the manga. It's endearing seeing a little girl get an evil look on her face and then blast a squad of Frenchies to hell.>>489044424We're working on it. Hopefully Trump doesn't follow through with the idea of actually helping non-criminal foreigners immigrate here. It's so BS that there's not a "I hate foreigners" candidate.
>>489044803>non-criminal foreignersLiteral oxymoron. They are invaders by default.>It's so BS that there's not a "I hate foreigners" candidate.Because you people pussyfoot around the jewish question.Start honking and shut down cities.The canadians brought canada to the brink of implosion with their trucker strike.If you did the same in california, washington or ny you would kick the jews and their fucking shabbos goys out within months.And bring a gun in case they try to crack down on your peaceful protest.
>>489045644No, I meant foreigners as in literally. He wants a regular immigration process. After all the illegals are deported.Also, a ton of stuff would need to first happen before people think of kicking Jews out. I would if I could but it's not like I can control thousands of people to do what I want.
>>489043859girls aren't like that
>>489043859the world cannot be better. this is as good as it gets.
>>489045921>He wants a regular immigration processI know. I am disregarding the concept of legal migration from non whites.>Also, a ton of stuff would need to first happenWell then get to work.>I would if I couldYou can, anon. I believe in you.>it's not like I can control thousands of people to do what I want.Media kikes do it all the time.You dont need to drag them on a leash like the jews but only push their buttons.They dont need to be rallied to kick out the jews.The jews will radicalize them for us, anon.You just need to get them out and obstructing the government.Being bad for business.It doesn't really matter what its for.Your government is going to take care of that with every time it lashes out.Protip: the one thing they hate the most after of course being named are anti war protests. That would cast wide a net on the normies, cause a vicous backlash from washington and be accompanied by jewish temper tantrums to punish the normies.
Its funny how the thread goes silent the second someone brings up the obvious solution.Its almost like complaining about the jews running your country is merely a show you put on.The good americans or cop if you will who totally isn't like all the others just another zionist golem more than happy with his housenigger position.So tell me glowniggers. How do you plan to subvert the next anti war movement?More serial killers?
You do have a plan dont you?Yikes.You better come up with one quick because framing an anti war protest as racist or sexist isn't going to work like at occupy wallstreet.
>>489043859That's my wife
>>489043859Tanya's an internationalist new-(current)-world-order business enthusiast. The goal of the military stuff is to bring the modern world about.
>>489044094It's spelled Degurechaff. It has to be 11 characters.
>>489052062>t. didn't read it