It seems atheism is the natural conclusion of high IQ.
>>489048275yes, believing in desert myths is a sign of low intelligence
>>489048275>110 IQ is intelligent
>>489048275Lots of Asians are atheist. The problem for Whites is that Abrahamic shit is fake and gay, but there's nothing else to fall back on because Abrahamics Year Zeroed Europe's true culture and destroyed everything. So your choice is either atheism or some form of Paganism.
>>489048275made up graph
>>489048709amerigoy cattleEat the vegan burger. Snip your balls.
>>489048275No, there's a natural overlap because it speaks to the white man's desire for truth, but any deep thinking white man eventually realizes it's nothing but a death cult worshiping their own egos in regard to their intellect. It's a snare for otherwise gifted people.
>>489048275So athiests really are midwits
>>489048888>its a death cultits the definition of not being a cult you fucking retard
>>489048275Yeah because the universe exploded from nothing somehow.
>>489049052dont go near children
>>489048343>believing in DESERT mythsAs opposed to believing in non-desert myths? I only hear this specific framing from indians, and they're low IQ for being religious too.>>489048660Same thing here. I only hear this from low IQ hindus.
>>489048275No, you can't be atheist! You have to believe in great Jew in the sky! And bow down to kikes, since we're his chosen people!
>>489048275Atheism is a jew psyop, prove me wrong
>>489048275most atheists are neoliberal creationists who hate White people and think that the soul of a woman can be implanted in a man at birth
>>489049646prove youre not disingenuous
>>489048275False dichotomy.
>>489049631What I've noticed is that heavy emphasis on "christkike" and "desert demon foreskin god" comes mostly from non-abrahamic low IQ browns ie Indians.It is true that Europeans made Christianity great, and I think that it stings.
>>489049052Check out this low IQ nigger.
>>489049992it was never great, most if not gains made against the horde came in spite of christianity
>>489048275To be dumb, happy and have faith and hope.To be smart, afraid and have nihilism and despair.Choose wisely.
>>489049052Thats what the Bible says, ironically.
>>489050446In fact most belief systems claim the material world came from a formless chaotic void. Ancient myth. The wiser Philosophers believed the Universe is eternal.
>>489050349>afraid nihilistic and despairednothing to do with atheism btw
>>489050566>the wiserhahhahahaidiot
>>489050566Based ancient thinkers, void is form and form is void!
>>489050667Religion:>oook ook there was nothing>oook ook God made thing from nothingAtheism:>big bang came from nothingNot to mention big bang cosmology is approved by Catholics.
>>489050129I'm talking about the paintings, architecture, etc.
>>489050726My personal theory is that the material realm is the shadow of a higher realm made out of photons, bc photons travel ar C, photons do not experience time subjectively.
>>489050836atheism has nothing to with sciencebig bang is a theoryfucking grating faggot
>>489048275Is this Somalia IQ chart?
>>489050932The Bible is a theory.
>>489050915what good are beautiful things if they dont inspire a defense of themselves
>>489048275Sure, if you mean the quickest and most efficient path for extinction
>>489050984try saying something more stupid
>>489048275Deism is the outcome of a high IQ. Atheism’s for midwits and Religion taken literally all around is for retards.
>>489051062I think low TFR is also a natural conclusion of high IQ.>>489051024It's still a huge part of European history, it'd be stupid to reject that.
>>489051223its replacing european historyjudeo christian culture is predatory of the white race
>>489051170Both deism and atheism are the natural outcome of high IQ.>religion taken literally Allegorical interpretation is just a cope for people who don't want to fully let go. Same as gnosticism.
>>489050349>>489050567This is often how the theist defends the position, though; the facts of life are terrifying so wouldn't it be better to just pretend to believe in god for comfort? And many buy into that. But the Western tradition back to Socrates is to prefer truth to comfort, and so it should be here. Religion being useful for comfort doesn't make it true. And even if the truth makes you despair or makes you nihilistic, it is still the truth. What is the point of averting despair with wishful thinking? That's just delusion by another name.
>>489051484the reason to be terrified of a hot stove is from intimidation
>>489048275>Is atheism White?No. More like closeted homo in denial.
>>489051323I think Jonathan Bowden explained it best in one of his speeches. Europe shaped Christianity more than it was shaped by it imo. The cope is just to turn a blind eye to the old testament and some parts of the new testament and fully focus on a Jesus with blue eyes and blonde hair.
>>489051853the indisputable truth is that the mysteries have never disappeared, and though they are less capable of finding the destitute in their time of need, they have always succeeded and perservering and taking historical pot shots at the church
>>489051711Esoterica is just pseudo-spirituality for people who hate rules. No different from astrology or perennialism. Also checked
>>489051840Maybe homosexuality is White?
>>489048275Atheism isn't high IQ. Abandoning Christianity is high IQ. Believe in the God of Science.
>>489052222never trust a jew
>>489052222Checked but bad bait
>>489049052No, you don’t get it, matter simply began to exist for no reason and by no cause whatsoever but sheer willpower.
>>489048275Atheism is jewish. Atheism is a religion, not a lack of one.
>>489048275living in a third world country gives you a big incentive to believe in the afterlife
>>489052348It isn't bait. I believe God speaks to us through physical laws, that we must regulate ourselves through biological laws, and that our purpose in life is to establish the perfect set of social laws.
>>489052463Blacks get Christianity. Whites get Atheism. Both are meant to destroy your heritage and turn you into a slave.
>>489048275>Is atheism White?A subversion program targeted at Whites.
>>489052548how are you enjoying free speech nigger
>>489052597everyone is born atheist
>>489048275learn how to interpret this shitty graph niggerits literally saying the smartest people are less likely to be atheist
Atheist is a misnomer on this board, the term is misappropriated by biblecucks to accuse the nonreligious of being religious, like the fedora redditor that loves nibbling Dawkin’s chode. To ascend magical thinking of any kind you need to understand epistemology 101, which probably requires an above average IQ
>>489052973no, youre wrong, die on your sword
>>489053063No you're wrong
>>489053213certified low energy pseud
>>489049011Everything they do is for their supposed afterlife. It's a death cult
>>489052964Often yes, the theist has to redefine the atheist as a co-religionist before he can even start having an argument. Otherwise everything fails to land;>Well atheists believe [stupid thing] too!No we don't, there are no positive beliefs necessary for atheism.>Well this atheist looks stupid!So? It's not a group identity, I have no motive to defend any other atheist.>Well atheism did this bad thing!It's still not a group identity and it has no beliefs so anybody doing anything has nothing to do with their atheism.To the religionist this feels like unfair shirking and dodging but it is just a consequence of facing a belief system with a simple lack of belief.
>>489048275>This average test about averages is average
>>489053643why dont you use a fucking dictionary
>>489051711>The universe in a state of high density, the cosmic egg >>489052088>The expansion of the universe, Ein Sof
>>489049508Ethnoreligions are based and high IQ. SS leaders were 130 IQ+
>>489048275>atheism is the natural conclusion of high IQ.Of course it is. By the way, don't forget to take your booster shot, pay your carbon tax, and cut your dick off, smartypants!