What I don't get is why trannies want kids to be educated on a mental illness at such a young age, why they think it's necessary to force it to be apart of the curriculum when the average 3rd grader is just doing simple math and learning cursiveShould they learn quantum mechanics next for fucks sake?
>>489027353When you can't reproduce you must recroot.
>>489027353They project. Assume that if someone ends up trans that they were always trans so it's better to be safe then sorry. You know. From their perspective. From my perspective we shouldn't encourage tranny behavior at any age. Parents who arnt teaching their kids proper values as well as educating them about the nature of their existence should just be shot. I hate bad parents worse then lepers
>>489027353day prison wardens are forbidden by law to fornicate with their prisoners, and of course children arent valid objects for fornication. but they can manipulate their prisoners into sexual mutilation with more or less official incentives
>>489027569>Parents who arnt teaching their kids proper valuesban female custody of children
>>489027736These pictures don't make any sense. There's never a 'zoom out' provided.
>>489027865the prisoners are being marched into the prison with bayonets at their backs, what else do you expect to see
>>489027353thats how u make more bruh
>>489027353>I don't understand why a cult wants to indoctrinate the youthBecause unfortunately, it's a powerful tool and it works, anon
>>489027353fags reproduce by molestation. we’ve been saying this for years.