>allowed all religions to prosper under his rulesomething feels off here
he referred to muslims and jews as slaves
>>489080888He never existed in the first place
>>489080888Well, one theory is that the revelation is a prophecy that takes place for 2000 years, and that the horsemen come in stages. Chengis Kahn was the horseman of War, hence why his empire was so large.
>>489080888heir ultimate goal was to fuck off the Chinks who had interfered in the politics of the Mongolian plateau for years, so they just left the rest of the region to the mostly locals as they saw fit, driving horses and killing all the resistance.
>>489081156Mongols are so fucking based ugh
>>489081476that makes him even more based in my eyes
>>489081476Well they didn't do so good, took them almost a century of constant warfare to take over China and by the time they controlled it they were so sinicized they killed each other into collapse.Lmao.
>>489080888Papacy was allied with Mongolia in the 13th century which led to millions of slavs being raped and killed and now they bow to them. which is also why Marco Polo went there, jews and (((Christian))) churches were spared by the Mongol invasions.
>>489080888>40 gorillion deadSounds like bullshit
yajuj and majuj beware of them woe to them do not follow after the mountain of gold that golden horde of fools
>>489080888Just another unfortunate example of institutionalized antisemitism
>>489081156>>489081653>HEY SCHLOMO>COME HERE YOU FAGGOT>SEE THIS PORK>YOU *WILL* EAT IT>AND YOU *WILL* LIKE ITMongolia should be renamed to Chadgolia