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/fit/ - Fitness

Displaying 433 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
75480045How do i quit smoking?: I don't smoke much, about 2-3 handmade cigarettes a day. Yet, i am para…[View]
75474896Do you work out with your partner?[View]
75477447How the FUCK do I improve hamstring flexibility? I tried doing pic rels faggot elephant walks and it…[View]
75478089>about to attempt a PR >british man in my head >and anon is going for the world record here…[View]
75478088>masturbate before sleeping >lower testosterone just before the most important part of muscle …[View]
75477123Is lifting heavy sandbags or stones good for muscle hypertrophy?[View]
75476545/fat/ - Fat Loss General: Who is /fat/ for? For hungry hippos who are working towards a longer life …[View]
75477561How do I into stoic catonian mode?[View]
75475194>be me average lifter bro, struggling with injuries. >scrolling through /fit/ one day see thre…[View]
75480880Can't gain weight as a warehouse wagie?: >be me >fulltime slave >after slave go gym …[View]
75474362>Wife is serving wifeslop again >Explain her I need guychow to stay lean How do you handle fit…[View]
75480903Tips for transforming an average body into an exceptional one?[View]
75480101Can I add wrist weights to my gooning session to get popeye torearms?[View]
75477135TIME'S UP: TIME'S UP[View]
75480671How do you keep track of progress?[View]
75479611Make sure to train your balance when you're younger /fit/. You don't want this to happen. …[View]
75477316Constipation and the carnivore diet, is it a problem?: Is there any evidence to this claim that meat…[View]
75479321Good timer apps: I need a timer app in which I can make one timer run after the other. Like time „a“…[View]
75480669>Big titty blonds started eyeing me >They feel uncomfortable a minute later…[View]
75480674BRAPmaxxing: My fitness philosophy is simple, I focus on BRAP only. That is Balance Resistance Agili…[View]
75479642>get buff >attract too many homosexuals instead of women Where do I go from here? Do I have to…[View]
75472218/PLG/ - powerlifting general: New week. New Start >programming advice? post s/b/d@bw/height/age …[View]
75479678I'm Amiel Bakshi: 1v1 me nazi scum[View]
75477305Jeff is still the GOAT[View]
75480622>Reflexes saved my ass in multiple occasion acting almost superhuman >When someone stumbled i …[View]
75476463how is my kettlebell swing technique? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqt_8gIIIXo i made pr...had my…[View]
75476066Gimme the truth about planks, /fit/. Are they really shit or do they actually serve a purpose. What …[View]
75476619Just bought a pack of Lucky Strikes after hitting the Gym[View]
75479778Upper Body Imbalance: A Day: > Squat (3x10/8/6) (10 minutes) > Bench (3x10/8/6) (10 minutes) …[View]
75477958*fixes all of your back pain*[View]
75478601Do. The. Work.[View]
75479658Protein breath: What is the point of lifting to pick up diamond gals when meeting your protein goals…[View]
75478957Clint Eastwood's diet: he's still sharp and active at 94 so I was curious.[View]
75477749Egg, steak and avocado Why do you need to eat anything else?[View]
75480010Is there any way to increase height through fitness?[View]
75476535Friendly reminder that carbs don't make you fat[View]
75480284How can I as a man get a bigger ass? My posture is messed up and I have awful tilt so I know my ass …[View]
75478302It’s time to have a discussion about the Latino obesity crisis. Why does it exist and how can it be …[View]
75477615>started lifting at 35[View]
75476282Roid equivalent of Mormons doing anal: What are substances/‘supplements’ that very nearly border on …[View]
75477818Building a wasteland warlord physique: Now that the nuclear ww3 is at stake, how do I surive and bui…[View]
75476824How does one get the real street nigga build?[View]
75478022Symmetric Strength: Post yours. I recently got back into lifting. On a 1/2/3/4 journey. Failed a 1pl…[View]
75480232What supplements should I start taking: I'm an 18, male looking to grow both in muscle and heig…[View]
75479942How do you make sure you look similar to this at 50?[View]
75478817What's the steroid cycle required to achieve a body similar to this? I dig cannonball delts.[View]
75475340How long can you stand on your non-dominant leg with your eyes closed?[View]
75479781Is Omega 3 a meme?[View]
75479693Is this achievable natty?[View]
75476328How do people in the south and midwest get so big?: What are they eating and drinking to get big?…[View]
75476439What’s the proper way to cope with the fact that I’m 24 years old and only now started lifting[View]
75479128Blacks have more muscles mass than non-blacks?[View]
75475419Why do people say fasting feels awful? It's the only time I feel laser-focused and high-energy.[View]
75479874The powerlifters made fun of me again.[View]
75479383Routine to achieve this mode?[View]
75479851shoud i wax my armpit?: it is really itchy and smelly down there which i attribute to the hairs but …[View]
75479897I can't lift up my arms all the way straight up to 180 degree angle with my body so I tried doi…[View]
75477332*sips* Yup. There's my workout for the day done. You nancy's wouldn't need to go to a…[View]
75479814My gf wants me to eat this goyslop garbage because apparently I can't eat steak and eggs that I…[View]
75479757Redlight therapy: Has anyone of you used such a device yet? Any results to share with? I know photob…[View]
75478429>171cm >115kg On a scale of 1-over how fucked am I bros…[View]
75467354>got /fit/ >female cashiers now 'accidentally' brushing their fingers against mine Am I schiz…[View]
75475334What exercises for better sex?: Last week i fucked my gf for the first time und noticed that having …[View]
75467564Would you date a girl with a medical condition that made her swole even without working out?[View]
75478092Routine Thread:: Post em[View]
75478644Bench Press - Locking Out One Arm Before the Other: I'm right-handed, and it seems like most pe…[View]
75478441is there a such thing as someone having type 2 diabetes at the blood sugar levels over 20mmol/L and …[View]
75478999I wake up with a six pack but this happens EVERY TIME I EAT wtf is going on with my body? is it the …[View]
75474488Is it really impossible to get jacked eating vegan? Be honest.[View]
75479110/LEAN/ - lean pill: Burgle+Tuna edition! >What is the Lean Pill? The lean pill is accepting that …[View]
75478667Is it normal to struggle to increase push up reps? I'm 240 5'7 and have been doing push up…[View]
75477020Is it cringe to tuck your beard into your shirt to work out? Mine keeps getting wrapping in stuff lo…[View]
75475951Are seed oils bad for you?[View]
75474373Yeah, I'm thinking volume is king[View]
75478726>people have different bodies and genetics that dictate their muscle growth, recovery, adaptation…[View]
75476059Gym culture was ruined by women[View]
75478909>grains are healthy[View]
75472840Swimmers tend to have better physiques than runners: Therefore one can only conclude swimming is the…[View]
75477379Jake fights Roberto Duran next Remember you heard it from here first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…[View]
75478370*effortlessly mogs you at 64 years old*[View]
75478193What can I do to vampiremaxx at the gym? I do a lot of back workouts to get my lats to resemble bat …[View]
75477812>Keep feeling a slight stinging numbness shoot up my forearm whenever I do dumbbell curls This ha…[View]
75478322Can you have too much muscle to the point of being unaesthetic as a natty?: Like being short and ins…[View]
75478522trapped: So I think I have a muscle strain (mild) in my trapezius. How do I get it to heal while not…[View]
75478431STOP lifting WEIGHTS right NOW (seriously)[View]
75478166Tips for working out the heart?: I started working out back in late august (29yo) and since I quite …[View]
75476963>he uses a rack you DID NOT lift the weight[View]
75470740Ive been going to the same gym for 3 years and in all that time none of the beautiful girls has ever…[View]
75478240>eating 1,500 calories a day >losing two pounds a week consistently >plateaued hard and now…[View]
75477198I damaged the tendons on the top of my foot after a sheep accident and the doctor said there's …[View]
75478039>trying to be as discreet as possible when going to the gym to avoid people >only use a machin…[View]
75466871Are you toemaxxing?[View]
75476524How the Hell Do You Get Flexible?: fit/, I’m sick of moving like a fridge. Tight hips, stiff hamstri…[View]
75478161Squat rack supremacy: Current setup for 4 years now. Been satisfied with just a squat rack. But ther…[View]
75478031Are isolations for mass and strength worth any time doing or will heavy compounds get me similar res…[View]
75476319what the best drills to get fast at boxing[View]
75476214How do i kill a fetish, and make my penis last for 30Minutes?[View]
75473394Coffee is bad for you: Raises adrenaline and cortisol. Can cause heart attacks. Makes you addicted. …[View]
75477982What impacts will running (and not doing any other exercises) have on one’s body?[View]
75477837What workout routine should my girlfriend do to achieve this physique?[View]
75455934/run/ /roon/ - Running General: >Advice for new runners - Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (…[View]
75476639Gear Procurement: Any advice on getting gear in Mexico? Anone have experience with this? How much it…[View]
75476368This was considered insanely jacked back in 2013[View]
75477677>hear about how fasting good is for focus and energy >try it >first day fasting, extremely …[View]
75473616If I brought a pedophile to my gym would he scare all the zoomers away?[View]
75477599Probably going to banned from my gym: >about to do smith machine shrugs >grab the bar and sta…[View]
75476698Is this body good enough to attract cute girls? 5'10' 120 lbs.[View]
75477252Is this physique naturally attainable?: How is this achievable? This is my dream body.[View]
75477295Why do women age like such fucking SHIT The women around my office are incomparable to girls in the…[View]
75476500Would you consider bicep curls with a 50lb dumbell in each hand to be 'curling 50lbs' or 'curling 10…[View]
75476664reps: Does reps matter? if I could do 10 pull ups one set max, but instead did 5 sets of 2 would I g…[View]
75476590I must preserve my physical and mental attributes from the effects of aging if I want to complete my…[View]
75475743jacob paul vs michael tyson: What went wrong?[View]
75477486How do you fight fatigue? Like, before you even do shit.[View]
75477407https://www.youtube.com/shorts/smlu_rXfBSQ Kettlebell swings improved my pullup strength without act…[View]
75476999BF need a workout plan, what do?: I have put together a basic workout plan for my BF (attached) but …[View]
75477300Cork Blocks: Good for anything other than primal crawls?[View]
75464897Too late to get into shape: Recently turned 44 and basically this is my body. Been overweight all my…[View]
75469169Does anyone else’s gym have an issue of zoomers loitering/standing around/filming TikToks? Why do th…[View]
75477186>get 400 grams of frozen chicken out of the freezer >scan barcode of chicken bag and put it in…[View]
75474064How do you make that part pop out more like in the pic? That's just the lower part of the abdom…[View]
75476959Lifted on and off for a few years but started consistently going for the past 2 months now When does…[View]
75476853what's the best OTC pain killer? advil? tylenol?[View]
75472633How can one bulk without getting fat?[View]
75476411>205lbs down from 250lb in 4 months what now[View]
75475970Rate my routine for escaping skinny fat: Workout A: 3 x 5 barbell squat 3 x 8 dumbbell front squat …[View]
75475792What do /fit/ bros?: Please, help me /fit/ bros because i'm too close to just kms. > be me …[View]
75475471/fit/wise, would a man be able to take down a healthy lion if you were given a shield and a sword? D…[View]
75471287to sunbathe or not to sunbathe?: What is the /v/verdict, /fit/?[View]
75475674>Yeah I do deadlifts, how could you tell[View]
75475422/fit/ BROS...: What do you need to do in gym and for how many years to get body like this guys? >…[View]
75475675itt: money saving /fit/ tips: Anyone else buy frozen fruit and put some in a seperate container in t…[View]
75475823Is swimming a good sport? I got bored of going to the gym and I plan to start swimming 3 times a wee…[View]
75469978I'm not going to keep putting up with this abuse. Men who think masculinity lies in their hair …[View]
75476643How come I lose weight and feel leaner when I only eat sweets? I'm talking like, ice cream, coo…[View]
75475450Are wrestlers natty?[View]
75475702Are there French gym-goers here?: Show yourself![View]
75473608How much Weight do you curl?: How much weight do you barbell bicep curl? For how many reps?[View]
75476270>this was considered fat in the 60s[View]
75472310Remember when /fit/ retards thouhjt this pic was real?: I do. It was like a month ago. Now 4chan ret…[View]
75474825So, Just tried the sauna. OMG Salty as fuck burns eyes. I don't feel dehydrated and have no sig…[View]
75469747/fat/ - Fat loss general: Who is /fat/ for? For fatties who are working towards a longer life and a …[View]
75475847Huge legs are NECESSARY for a great physique: Thick, girthy HORSE legs are what make a physique actu…[View]
75475319Lets end the 'she could lose some weight' vs thicc debate once and for all[View]
75473994any of you roidmunching nitwits know anything about lowering cholesterol, i've been on statins …[View]
75475774*is the only starchy carb that doesn't make me fart all day in you're path*[View]
75474230>he barely has 10lbs of muscle built >already talking about cutting hope this isn't you a…[View]
75473582Is boxing a good sport to pick up?[View]
75475902This is how the government of the United States believes you should think about food.[View]
75474707*does absolutely nothing*[View]
75474820How do you stay jacked in prison?[View]
75474110Ugly girl at the gym keeps following me around. I heard her talking to the other girls how I cannot …[View]
75475741Glute exercise?: Hi, femanon here. Do all girls who look like this exercise glutes a lot, or do some…[View]
75470979Doing no gi bjj once a week Worth it or pointless?[View]
75472976I feel lonely at gym: I started going to the gym 2 years ago, and it was difficult for me to get sta…[View]
75473956What's the fucking point?: I lose weight, go from overweight to healthy BMI. I get fit to the p…[View]
75470736Would these be effective at making gains for forearms or are there better alternatives like maybe ke…[View]
75466845why do /fit/ girls have unattractive bodies?[View]
75472389How do I get forearms like this?[View]
75475776Why haven't you taken the Shaolinpill yet? >Condition your body in every possible way. Deve…[View]
75475832>Hut my self in the jaw >Every time feel less pain and head spinning >Do same for rest of b…[View]
75475945/fit/, I need your help. I have to learn how to squat 1.5 my body weight as soon as possible[View]
75475869>See roided monkey doing 160Kg barbell shrugs, grunting like an animal >Feel visible disgust W…[View]
75474681Do I have low test?: >33 man >5ft7 147lbs Recently I've been thinking about whether I c…[View]
75475861I cant stand when women at the gym take their shoes off! Don't those whores know who enticing i…[View]
75474224guys, should i grow a beard?[View]
75475241So cortisol is basically the ultimate gains goblin, fucks up sleep, eats away at muscle, lowers your…[View]
75471180Do strongman.[View]
75472360Huge Zoomer Girls: Why are zoomer girls so big? Is it genetic evolution or something? She makes her …[View]
75473191Do you actually need rest or is it just dyel cope?[View]
75469522Is it bullshit? Does it actually work with not only zero downsides but some positives that are helpf…[View]
75475432What are some alternatives to chakonabe: Anyone got some? I want High calories alternative to chakon…[View]
75472272What happens if you are lifting and meeting your protein needs per day but you have a calorie defici…[View]
75475431was always fascinated about how men are stronger than women. I have this thing in my head where I gr…[View]
75467261Bulk or cut?[View]
75474602I can't fucking stop eating slop because my retarded fat parents keep buying it every single da…[View]
75474132anyone else getting intense growing pains from this guys method? ill be on rest day 3 and still feel…[View]
75475286>weigh 256 lbs at 6' >about to start a 2,000 calorie per day diet…[View]
75473134Why do girls prefer chubby bodies: >>>/adv/32312069[View]
75469173What are your performance related goals? (Not a body goal thread)[View]
75473762What’s the ideal physique for a 5’2 guy No gay shit[View]
75465305What the fuck am I supposed to eat[View]
75473774Are you man enough to have a skincare routine?[View]
75464252How do I get rid of this shit?[View]
75472830will an EZ bar prevent forearm pain when curling? i've never used one and only use a homegym.[View]
75453244Has this happened to you at your gym?[View]
75475284The poor man's Ozempic: >Gives you energy >Suppresses your appetite >Increases your ha…[View]
75470890Butt routine thread? >squat >rdl >hip thrust >kettlebell swings What else?…[View]
75475260How’s the bulk going, bros? All I do is fart and shit, but numbers are going up steadily.[View]
75473359*kills you completely dead instantly*[View]
75475018so if we're checking out women at the gym, does that mean they're checking us out too?[View]
75475227prank dc server: https://discord.gg/QtqRDbZP[View]
75449669Been lifting for 2 years but stil look DYEL: (picture taken after a session, so I'm pumped). I…[View]
75474694>Thanksgiving??? Do you think I want to stuff my face with bullshit food that’s gonna kill my fuc…[View]
75467734Will he make a dent in the obesity rate?[View]
75474652Normies won't judge your by your lifts but they will judge you by your job, clothes and car[View]
75474940I'm ali_samson on Twitter (It's not X) I will fight any right wing nazis who think they…[View]
75471543so much pain in this area when doing chest exercises: it hurts so bad... hurt and pain.. my left arm…[View]
75474928>Why yes, I was born after 2000, how could you tell?[View]
75470560Should I join a swimming pool close to my house? Its 9m x 9m so its kinda small and they also have s…[View]
75474483What would you do in this situation?[View]
75474848did 200 pushups via gtg method at work[View]
75473115How hard it is to break one of those? l beIieve they onIy break if you drop them and the handIe hits…[View]
75474226I'm untrained but have a good body (for a twink), I want to get a twinky af core as quickly as …[View]
75463845How much inches in penis size will I gain if I lose weight? I'm at 26% bodyfat right now.[View]
75473215is this proof of the brutality of the agepill, or is there some other bullshit going on?[View]
75474912I miss this nigga so much frens...[View]
75474847Lads ... the gym is not helping my premature ejaculation. Made it worse. Anyone here managed to ovec…[View]
75471206Can women smell my cum in the gym?: This is a very important question Suppose I just wanked a quicky…[View]
75474835Hair loss in beard area.: I've recently started experiencing some serious hair thinning. What…[View]
75474697Where does life TRULY begin? ><25% is where it begins, but <15%is where life TRULY and comp…[View]
75474803I don't even really like coffee. I just drink it every morning to coax a turd out my butt befor…[View]
75474705151.8 is perpetual hell. Too small to be big. Too fat to be lean.[View]
75471772Dear lord, Jesus Christ, give me the strength to skip dinner for a month so i can finally be lean. A…[View]
75470210The chungus multi trillion dollar pharmaceutical and agriculture industries are finally standing up …[View]
75474426anyone here rope pilled and jump maxxed? been finally meaning to add some consistent cardio to the r…[View]
75471279Is it low intensity cardio on rest days good for you? like riding bike for an hour[View]
75474486Post your routine. Rate others Do whatever. Just share routines.[View]
75473180How do i cope with gen alphaettes heightmogging me at the gym?[View]
75473633HIIT vs Weights while cutting weight: Discuss[View]
75470528I don't get it? They look like physically fit men to me[View]
75472958Does getting lean make you look older? Discuss[View]
75469702Is this the male equivalent of being 'thicc'?: Higher bf%, but underlying muscle is still at crucial…[View]
75471818What did they say to each other?[View]
75472644Why does he get so much hate[View]
75469864Why did he do it?[View]
75472828minimu,m effort routines: How do I get strong without trying very hard. I can't dedicate so muc…[View]
75474007Did nothing but Muay Thai in Thailand for 2 months Lost muscle, do I bulk to gain it back fast?[View]
75469846Shadowboxing and their derivatives: Okay... Bear with me, I've got a lot on my mind. Shadowboxi…[View]
75472226>tfw I have erectile dysfunction and not even medication works >there's no point to anyth…[View]
75472879How long does it take to achieve this?[View]
75471950If you can curl these, then you are a true fitness bro.[View]
75471354Attention in Gym From Lifting Heavy: At what point do you start to get notice by a lot of people, es…[View]
75472623just discovered microwaving protein bars[View]
75473381Is infrared red light recovery legit or a waste of time? Does it really help muscle recovery faster?[View]
75472963HELP: is eating 1800 calories a day good?once i get all the fat off ill start bulking, right now im …[View]
75471644I'm losing fat pretty quickly while basically eating whatever I want. I'm never counting c…[View]
75465564Wisdom >>>>> physical vanity[View]
75473532EXPLOSIVE GAINZ: Superset every set with a set of shadow boxing Insane pump Admiration from all men…[View]
75473561>the local gym got rid of all their old machines and racks from the 90s and replaced all the sovl…[View]
75473629does greave the groove work?[View]
75468988Do they cause hair loss[View]
75473415Needing advice: I have been been doing a PPL's routine ever since March of this year when I was…[View]
75472761Does weight lifting help women stave off aging in the way it does for men?[View]
75473512Will using a axle bar hinder or improve my gains?[View]
75472424What lifts can I do with a fucked up rotator cuff? Idk if it's my rotator cuff but it's so…[View]
75473248Can you still eat McDicks once in a while and stay fit? Like, once a month?[View]
75473330How /fit/ is your local National Guard unit? Do you measure up[View]
75465211Brutal mog thread[View]
75473139Enter gym: If this is it, please let me know If this ain't love, you'd better let me go If…[View]
75471918>When the google meet camera focuses on you and you look absolutely jacked and everyone else look…[View]
75472577I squatted 325lb for 5 reps today :D[View]
75469697>suddenly get down with fever >bedridden the whole day >no energy >no appetite >can…[View]
75471998>175lbs/79kg >5'11 >can do 20 pullups no prob >can run 5k no prob am I officially …[View]
75472864You ever go get a retarded pump and just roll a fat zooty and be like damn yo I'm really growin…[View]
75472581Joins/Tendons/Ligaments strengthening: Powerlifting routine focusing the growth of the above. Need i…[View]
75471612Is it really a bad idea to use these anti-inflanmatory gel for muscle/joint pain? Some people say an…[View]
75469857>this is the ideal physique for 5’9” guys How do you respond?[View]
75470297How do i stop being horny all the time?: Literally the meme >Wake up >Jerk off, maybe a quicki…[View]
75462145Winter Arc #2: >9 rules for Winter Arc 1) Gym six times a week: weightlifting and exercise being …[View]
75468222Keeping libido while lean/shredded: Left - can attract women, no libido Right - cannot attract women…[View]
75468639Hip Thrusts > Squats: Why would you ever do squats and blow up the quads - the ugliest and most a…[View]
75471960>want big muscular legs >dont want thighs to touch/rub on each other wat nou…[View]
75472611I'm doing push ups but I'm not feeling the chest, only lats and triceps[View]
75472845Lifts Tracker: What do you guys use to track you lifts? Also rate my PPL split I made that I'l…[View]
75472004For my fellow tradiewagies, how do you balance gym and job? Also, do you do anything for recovery ea…[View]
75468414>strong but fat as fuck >started new year of university a few months ago >qt3.14 in one of …[View]
75469951What's your imaginary gym buddy like?[View]
75472479How to workout in bedroom without it smelling bad[View]
75472287>doctor says I'm stressed and exercising would be helpful because of endorphins or some shit…[View]
75471599Semaglutides: Thoughts on them? Most with an iq above room temperature agree it's good shit…[View]
75468377Watching the fight made me realize how much it sucks that no matter how in shape you get and maintai…[View]
75466974Why do people here seem to dislike powerlifters so much? I thought powerlifting is just a sport on w…[View]
75472014how comes some dudes don't train at all but they still expect to be strong and seem to be genui…[View]
75466784How do you prevent this?[View]
75472561is it true only fat people get this?[View]
75470261What is the optimum amount of protein intake? Protein is expensive (meat or whey), can't afford…[View]
75468369Why is the gymbro sphere dominated by right-wing chuds??: Why are so many people who are into fitnes…[View]
75470127So erhm, how many sets you've got left?[View]
75471586>do one hard set to failure >rest for 3 weeks >repeat >look like this What am I missing …[View]
75471848Strongman Engine Lift Anvil Lift: How come we never see strongmen do these lifts? I would actually l…[View]
75472447is quitting caffeine even worth it while i'm cutting. i feel so fucking lethargic and shitty tr…[View]
75458987>day 15 nofap >in the gym >start thinking about pussy and ass >power through my lifts an…[View]
75470962Alright benders? Would anyone be willing to look through my program, make sure its not fucked up or …[View]
75470901Home Gym Posters: Looking for the best /fit/ posters for my home gym. I have room for probably 5-6 o…[View]
75470053Ring pullups vs chinups: I started doing ring pullups a few weeks ago and the first thing i noticed …[View]
75467772How much can you 'train' for grip strength?: I'm assuming grip strength is mostly genetics. I h…[View]
75469228>doing curls on a bench >broccoli hair came and ask can he have the bench >whatever, sure …[View]
75471320rate my routine[View]
75464559/plg/ powerlifting general: Standing on the shoulders of giants. >programming advice? Try harder.…[View]
75470387Why are they called forearms if we only have two of them?[View]
75472122My sex drive is gone all of a sudden. Is this bad news?[View]
75471681Why the fuck does Elon choose to look like that? Like he has infinite money, he could be having the …[View]
75468842Y’all are eating sea moss, right?: Apparently it’s a superfood, and it’s very trendy at the moment …[View]
75468476Redpill me on myostatin inhibitor drugs. Are they as effective as roids? What possible side effects …[View]
75470174Tamari almonds: >*Everyone liked that*[View]
75471825I started walking today: Tldr. >Got sick, couldn't move for months, started walking again t…[View]
75469447I'm planning on taking ambien for the rest of my life. Anyone else been on sleeping pills long-…[View]
75472024just my two cents but I legit feel like shit when I'm not working out, at this point calistheni…[View]
75472037winter cutting: winter cutting[View]
75469584Are supplements a meme ?: Iam eating every day 5-10 eggs. Tuna, Beef liver, drink milk/kefir/ayran…[View]
75459468goddamn...Imagine looking like this only in your 20s, all the bulk diets, PEDs, poor form, heart str…[View]
75471338Is cornbread a cake or a bread? I've made a 1000kcal meal for bulking season that's chilli…[View]
75469830Fuck, /fit/... I took 6 months off and it feels like my last 3 years of work has all atrophied away.…[View]
75469064What's wrong with bulking for 3 months and then cutting for 1 month cycles? Why does everyone i…[View]
75471685>23 years old >Trainining consistently since I turned 18 >Normies think I'm huge, but …[View]
75469370You don't consume seed oils, do you, anon?[View]
75443465>He's drinking caffeine again[View]
75469372What would happen if I did nofap, took roids, took myostatin inhibitors, did gomad, and did a full b…[View]
75469589Can any woman get a body like this natty?[View]
75471357Does anyone else program hop too much? I just can't find the one I like doing Full body/UL take…[View]
75471658Getting Healthy: >be me >trump wins so decide to get healthy for him and peanut >MAHA (am c…[View]
75468363Why is everyone at the gym who does a bro split jacked? And why are the people who do muh 531 and mu…[View]
75468976A zombie pandemic would be the ultimate fitness test.: Just be warned, bodybuilders might mutate int…[View]
75471176this is all you need to be considered 'insanely ripped' by normalfags[View]
75471211Friendly reminder that carbs don't make you fat.[View]
75465166>energy drinks are bad for you Well, at least not this motherfucker. Just tell me what's unh…[View]
75468829High Fat Diet: Fatty foods tend to be pretty dense in calories, so you don't have to eat so muc…[View]
75469874He looks younger than Bryan Johnson[View]
75464272how do you avoid this while losing weight?[View]
75471236Why haven't you taken the surgerypill /fit/?[View]
75470755Youre not a pussy that lifts in a low gravity area, right?[View]
75468773Lifts for this?[View]
75464664Is it true that strength gain basically shields against fat gain while you're bulking? For exam…[View]
75470995There are so many sodomites on this board its incredible.[View]
75458650Friday feels bar: Weekend is here lads, bar is open. How did your week go? How you guys holding up? …[View]
75470820It's diet time... I WILL NOT stuff my Thanksgiving plate with uncessary calories. Sorry gram gr…[View]
75470313Is it possible to get bigger without eating more?[View]
75470185How do I achieve a kpop idol body?[View]
75465366If you are taking steroids you are not fit, you are just pathetic and a mentally weak bitch: https:/…[View]
75462369Stretch marks: How do you cope?[View]
75467559>does nothing[View]
75467069>do 20+ reps >Increase the weight by one notch next workout >cant do even one singular rep…[View]
75470584>Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly obese, then gives t…[View]
75470339Is there anything objectively wrong with this build? What should he do?[View]
75467007adulthood is realizing he was right all along[View]
75469673i have all 4 wisdom teeth i have my tonsils i have my appendix i have my gallbladder i have my fores…[View]
75470480Melatonin has changed my life: How many things do you put up with, take for granted, and just assume…[View]
75470455Why don't they just get on Ozempic and start lifting? They have access to the best meds, supple…[View]
75470254Here is my Ozympic. It's all I need to defeat hunger.[View]
75454342CHADS WIN: RFK JR APPOINTED HHS SECRETARY NO MORE SEED OILS https://x.com/EricLDaugh/status/18571595…[View]
75468675How do I workout leg muscles/build more muscular legs without doing squats? I've tried doing sq…[View]
75469013Who here GONAD?[View]
75465512It’s over: America’s doomed https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)01548…[View]
75466221Imagine Lifting for this... :/[View]
75459263Which sport reliably produces the best bodies?[View]
75468052>have sex >can’t cum What the fuck is wrong with me? I can barely feel shit when I’m fucking …[View]
75465053Carb's aren't bad for you. You're just unhappy and trying to cope.[View]
75470105Can you go to the gym and lift if you didn't sleep at all during the night?[View]
75468451Have any of you ever managed to aquire a slampig, and then coach her into fitness? Mine left me afte…[View]
75466261The food pyramid is unfairly demonized: In japan they have their own version of the food pyramid the…[View]
75469969I'm doing NNN in an attempt to restore my sex drive and just started getting random erections y…[View]
75469637>weight before training: 101.45 kg >weight after training: 102.45 kg >weight before trainin…[View]
75469141Just finished at 12.5hr nightshift should I train or not?[View]
75465416Internet schizos tell me carbs are le bad My body tells me carbs are yummers and I should eat them a…[View]
75466244is Glühwein good for your muscles?[View]
75467158How well would you have faired in high school playing against a team that can deadlift 4 plates on a…[View]
75469304> put the fork down Why is it so hard boys? What are your favorite tips & tricks? The one r…[View]
75469720My snake oil order list: Just ordered. I also didn't order Ashwagandha and Vitamin D3+K1+K2 bec…[View]
75469251Cut or bulk ?: 6 ft 6 175 lbs Trying to get fit after the old lady left me then ghosted me been lif…[View]
75467021Bench noob question: Hey everyone, since I'm not that far into lifting: should I go a bit lower…[View]
75469677>le roids give permanent gains goyim don't fall for this meme u will get rekt…[View]
75469366How to do these exercises correctly?: Squat Bench press(dumbell) Military press(dumbell) Pendlay row…[View]
75468047GYM CLOCKS: Why don't gyms have analog pace clocks to count rest periods any more? You used to …[View]
75465436/rth/ - road tranny hate: Look at that dumb shithead, regretting the life choices he made.[View]
75469722Neck Muscles and Preventing Concussions: Lots of people train their neck muscles to keep themselves …[View]
75464965/fat/ - Fat loss general: >Who is /fat/ for? For Charismatic Chubbos who are working towards a lo…[View]
75469586is this an ok leg day? squats 25kg 4x12 leg curl machine 36kg 4x12 prone leg curl machine 38kg iirc …[View]
75467858What happens if you inject test one time?: Basically I did a single dose of 250 mg test like 3 days …[View]
75469383How do I make sure that the test boost from consistent weight lifting won't offset into becomin…[View]
75469604When will the muscles come in bros.....[View]
75468764Let me guess: you NEED more?[View]
75469256How many cals can a 5’11 guy eat a day without getting fat? I’m 143lbs take mode but just kinda eat …[View]
75464831if you do this in the gym fuck you: >let me create a 10 meter of impenetrable hazard radius in yo…[View]
75465012How fit do you need to be for Muay Thai camp in Thailand?: Was thinking about doing this, maybe in P…[View]
75469162>working out for a couple of months >arms and legs are bigger and buffer yet i still have a gr…[View]
75469394Hi bros, I have a pull up bar and a set of kettlebells and I wanted to know if it would be worth it …[View]
75467197what do you think fit? Why?[View]
75469358how to reintroduce carbs after breaking fast?: do I just eat carbs normally? should I start slowly w…[View]
75467792How's my waist look for 140 lbs?: Could I get it smaller?[View]
75462633A DECADE+ BROWSING /fit/: well boys i just turned 35 and here's where im at >dropped my aggr…[View]
75469290Ken Norton 6'3 225[View]
75466902Normies really believe everything they see online huh[View]
75466472Hairloss, Finasteride: Any topical finasteride users here? Is it a meme or can it actually help? I s…[View]
75466174Will doing this but with my feet on an office chair get me big shoulders? Or do I need to go even hi…[View]
75467066How do I channel my high libido into my lifts?[View]
75469003Post-gym Posing Thread: Anyone else love the feeling of performing superhero/movie character poses p…[View]
75468952How many steps do you walk a day?[View]
75468660How long does a muscle pull or muscle inflammation take to heal? My brachioradilais is flailing up a…[View]
75469099How many scoops of protein powder have you consumed in your life?[View]
75468719Would wearing a jockstrap provide the same performance benefits in lifting and sports as fancy compr…[View]
75468543I cum in 15 seconds of a blowjob. Things I have tried: 1) Kegels/reverse kegels 2) Nofap 3) Noporn 4…[View]
75467465Gym shirts thread.[View]
75463568Shaving Tools: Thoughts on pic related, or any other suggestions for electric shaving?[View]
75468870>better than coffee >help lose fat >give energy for the whole day >strengthens natural i…[View]
75468171Can I safely put 400kg of weight on squat stands rated for only 150kg?[View]
75467617>Now uhh, let me be clear. anon... Could you uhh... spot me on the bench for a minute?…[View]
75463835How are you supposed to stay fit as you age when father time seems unbeatable?[View]
75468768Best cheap grocery items for lean protein?: I do not care iff it is slop. I am poor and I just want …[View]
75467856Would you participate in the McDonald's public humiliation ritual for the chance to be secretar…[View]
75466517Finish this sentence: Cholesterol is _________[View]
75466258weight vest, worth it for pushups?: Hey folks, Is a weight vest for pushups worth it? I'm thin…[View]
75465396'Do squats' they said......[View]
75465451How do animals get so buff when they don't have gyms, protein shakes or influencers telling the…[View]
75465877brianbros... we lost...[View]
75467714>The guy that keeps lifting despite having shit genetics[View]
75468574Just wanted to share this proverb with you guys, hope you have a good workout tomorrow. Jesus is kin…[View]
75466870What is the MINIMAL effort way to mix your protein powder? Recently I experimented with putting the …[View]
75466525Weight going up very fast? I'm scared: Sorry for the long post but I must give context. I am 24…[View]
75464641Face fat: How do i increase my face collagen so i look younger? Do i really need to take collagen su…[View]
75466805Gym crush is wearing crop top and super tight leggings again. And I'm on no fap...[View]
75465799Good Mornings: Never done this Am I missing out?[View]
75466154How come Non Mongolian Asians don't get 'bellies' at such high Bodyfat percentage[View]
75439342Monday’s Indomitable Spirit: It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it a…[View]
75468324I read some post here saying zoomers use barbells. Is that true?[View]
75465631>rest day[View]
75467956*sips* Yup, there my workout for the day done. You nancy's wouldnt need to go to a gym if you d…[View]
75464186ITT: Body Goals[View]
75467576im brown monkey and my motivation to get ripped is to marry and protect women who look like this[View]
75466284Can I gain 20 kg in 5 months?[View]
75466264>*wheeze* >*beep........ beep* >it's a good... *wheeze* >it's a good thing I f…[View]
75463600People kept memeing and making fun of him, especially due to his face pulls obsession. But it turns …[View]
75465141Prague PRO. 4k60fps footage. CBum competing in Open Bodybuilding. Enjoy: https://youtu.be/xE-uPE4VUp…[View]
75466580How much muscle does it take to outweigh an ugly face? I’m talking ugly as fuck, like I haven’t had …[View]
75466775What do the intellectual giants of /fit/ think of walnuts? What about nuts and sneeds in general? no…[View]

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