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/fit/ - Fitness

Displaying 551 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
75143900never been refuted: Tasty food is good for you Untasty food is bad for you This only included whole …[View]
75144074I only go to the gym to make girls uncomfortable literally dont do any workout at all[View]
75144456BCAA vs ATP: As I understand it, BCAA reduces the amount of FFA in the bloodstream, freeing up album…[View]
75144113quitting smoking: I started smoking over a year ago at 19. I was in the best shape of my life a few …[View]
75141791>saves your bulk[View]
75140674Name a better cardio soundtrack[View]
75128749How do you get rid of the belly pouch?: It is always there no matter how much ab workout I do or how…[View]
75143199Are their programs any good?[View]
75142285How long to get my gains back?: Assuming 5x/week. Give it to me straight[View]
75118657pushup thread: its time to roll[View]
75143926I've found the optimal diet for weight loss is reducing caloric intake[View]
75144337Baconator: >it is bulking season >you are limited on food options >all you have are goyslop…[View]
75138760/fit/, is it over for me as a male?: I hate my body as is even when I look like this.[View]
75144146You can totally reverse diabetes by not eating for a week.[View]
75139946Why the FUCK is it so hard to find nutritional information on CHICKEN of all things? 5 different sou…[View]
75143851I'm now convinced that the right food (nothing industrialized and no animal suffering of any ki…[View]
75140253What motivates you to lift?[View]
75143991heh nice recovery you got there, it would be a shame if someone were to... ruin it[View]
75142990>high carb >moderate protein >low fat Time to build muscle…[View]
75139786How do I cum better bros?: Whenever I cum it just pathetically drips out, I wanna know what it'…[View]
75142810Just got back from the gym. How you holding up my fellow gymcelbros?[View]
75138373Recommend a workout routine and an anime to him.[View]
75142080Does anyone know a good research chemical vendor for mind altering grey market drugs and not physica…[View]
75142970Fact flood.[View]
75142682/cog/ - corn oil general: Corn oil is fed to the chicken -> (You) eat the the chicken recycled co…[View]
75143827What routine gives a physique like this?[View]
75141473>Start lifting >Chest hair starts growing out of nowhere What is happening…[View]
75143738Stop working out. Like seriously, stop right now. It's unnatural. Our bodies were not made to …[View]
75143746What mode is this?[View]
75136027>tell my doctor I've been eating more protein and taking protein supplements >she immedia…[View]
75140365I lift to brit pop on full blast then go home and get blasted on cheap whiskey. will i make it?[View]
75143288Should you prioritize lifting over courtship and fighting?[View]
75143435Vitamin D: Can it ever be topped?[View]
75143300Exercising after 40: My body does not recover the same and i cant do the things i used to. Anons ove…[View]
75141509wtf am I supposed to drink[View]
75143517working out every day or once every 2 days? which one is better for gains?: newbie here, i get sore …[View]
75142955I'm doing it /fit/ and you can't stop me I'm going to do situps[View]
75143278Has anyone dealed with the SEYGNALET diet ?: Sup /fit/izens. A very good friend of mine started a ne…[View]
75129236My god[View]
75141083be real with me /fit/ is this a good way to lose bodyfat?[View]
75140474gomad ONLY: has anyone ever thought of doing gomad but having nothing else to eat so you’re literall…[View]
75142975Full body routine: Full body chads give me your best 3x/week routine, geared for hypertrophy.[View]
75137396What's the equivalent to the gym for your brain? Puzzles? chess? how does one keep your brain h…[View]
75140333I desperately need to cut but don’t have the strength needed to yet and don’t wanna lose more Which …[View]
75142780Protein Powder: Whats some good protein powder to put in some milkshakes? I'm still new to exer…[View]
75143128/traps/: tips and trips to max traps?[View]
75138162Wait wait wait. You skipped breakfast? You what? Huh? You skipped breakfast? But you still had lunch…[View]
75138321Does architecting a fat girl work?[View]
75141283Are there any consequences to exercising outside when it's cold. My lungs always feel different…[View]
75142890I love my hair[View]
75142914I hate rowing exercises. I don't know why. I'm not weak at them. But I hate them nonethele…[View]
75142105How do I get a body like my idol Jacob Paul?[View]
75130147What are some of the more subtle signs that a woman is on steroids?[View]
75141818>Doing my sets with 25-pound dumbbells, just mirin' at myself in the mirror, tossing out the…[View]
75139596Homosexual fantasies on cut: I've been having extremely frequent homosexual fantasies since I s…[View]
75140928My grandma makes a lot of chicken breast but began to threaten me that's she's not my priv…[View]
75142719Hahamaxxing: I don't listen to the few advice threads from this board, I just laugh at the funn…[View]
75139022>4 years of lifting (natty, no supplement whatsoever) >manboobs won't go away >can…[View]
75141334Will my health get better if I completely get rid of grains and seeds from my diet?[View]
75141900Which martial arts are the best for gains?[View]
75141216tfw 31 years old[View]
75137949fitbros...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSt6VLCuGEk is he right? is bodybuilding actually unheal…[View]
75140909is being exhausted from working and working out and all of that a buzz on its own? sometimes i feel …[View]
75141967If you don’t do weights and some sort of martial art can you even call yourself a real man? Benching…[View]
75140115Is this physique achieveable natty?[View]
75141887>Those are some impressive muscles you've cultivated, but will they stand up to my blade…[View]
75141761people that work out in the mornings before work, what's the shower situation? I like to shower…[View]
75141952Is American cafeteria food good for lean bulking?: Recently started college here[View]
75134933*is the most optimal routine program in your path*: How old were you when you finally realized all o…[View]
75137442Do you prefer to workout solo or do you have a GymBro(s)?[View]
75140591I finally reached 12% bodyfat. Where. is. my. gf.[View]
75142095Thoughts on this physique? Attainable natty?[View]
75141189How do I get into pole vaulting as a 31 year old man[View]
75141158Is the whole gym culture thing kinda homo?[View]
75140336history professor put this slide up and said: >what do you notice about these statues? >could …[View]
75140582no point in doing a full body routine more than twice per week, you're hitting every muscle gro…[View]
75139278are women the ultimate gains goblin?: >be me >lift and run for 3 years straight >get a gf …[View]
751420642 months of working out and most of my pants stopped fitting well so everyone can see my now much ni…[View]
75140447This is a serious question What will happen to your body if you do nothing but curls Has anyone ever…[View]
75140673was it roids: supposedly the pics are only about 6 months apart No way did this son of abraham achie…[View]
75140501Are psychedelics /fit/?: Do they lead to long-term improvements in mental and physical wellbeing?…[View]
75117910Why aren't you juicing?[View]
75140827>lose 33lbs >still the fattest guy in my gym Is it time to just leave? No one says anything bu…[View]
75141468I don't care much should I roid?: I literally just want to get as hot of a body as soon as poss…[View]
75140893https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJbkUhPjXdw i love this nigga le science nerds BTFO[View]
75141808Is there a term for the turtle-like body shape in some dudes that don't do fitness? I've s…[View]
75140592What's the best program here?[View]
75128403/fph/ - Fat 'People' Hate: >>75113379 Previous thread[View]
75138281Nice try mosad, I won't change my split: sex with little shota boys[View]
75140692>pick random gym in my city >pay for a day pass, sometimes it's even free >enter >w…[View]
75141561GOMAD + OAD: Is there a more based diet? Please discuss.[View]
75139513Whats the fastest martial arts I can learn to beat 99% of people in a fight?[View]
75141279Unironically, how do I get this smooth and shredded, but as a guy? The striations look so perfect.[View]
75139892This is a picture of everything I eat[View]
75133310OK, /fit/ has convinced me. I'm doing the egg on toast diet for the next 14 days. We'll se…[View]
75138575Hey /fit/, I’m looking for some advice from the more experienced lifters here. I’ve been going to th…[View]
75141364I ate 3500 calories worth of curry tonight, how far do I need to run tomorrow?[View]
75141014can /fit/ defeat sv3rige in a fight?[View]
75138573Forget about the bitches making it why are so many men buying onlyfans subscriptions instead if usin…[View]
75137867Hiro approved meta thread: >Each board is permitted one thread to discuss the meta Why do the mod…[View]
75122133Just got diagnosed with Klinefelters is it over for me? What do I do???[View]
75134973I've got (undiagnosed) ADHD. I'm in college and finishing it off with a 4.25 GPA so I…[View]
75139180*enhances your lifting experience*[View]
75138439Do you regret not playing Sports as a kid?: I was a lazy kid My parents made me try different sport…[View]
75136861are microplastics a real health issue?[View]
75140377Why is fitness so cringy now?: Feels like its been ruined by weird girls with daddy issues and broco…[View]
7514089534yo shape finder: I'm 34yo. I've got two dumbells 7,5kg each fully stacked. What should m…[View]
75126203/fraud/: No source talk Read the R*ddit wiki No SARMS zoomers[View]
75140847>try hot oatmeal >fucking sucks why do people eat this shit hot milk SUCKS the oats arent sogg…[View]
75140809old bodybuilding game: Does anyone remember a log on the starting strength forums about a bodybuildi…[View]
75139860>lose weight >clothes dont fit anymore >buy new clothes >bulk up >new clothes dont f…[View]
75137629What do you think of going to gym vs. at home workouts? I just don't like commuting to the gym …[View]
75138694Kill me: Anhedonia is eating me alive.[View]
75139561weak male hate thread: weak male hate thread[View]
75140566Times When Being Fit Sucks: Every time I go through the airport some fucking homo at TSA makes up an…[View]
75133637How come asians are usually thin and tend to age better?[View]
75137310Rate my hair loss prevention stack: > 1000mg Pumpkin seed oil > 650mg Caster oil > 50mg Zi…[View]
75137169What is the closest natty physique to his?[View]
75139211peak natty physiques look better and more proportional than fake natty physiques[View]
75139903Why can't mom accept me as her daughter when all I ever wanted to be is like her?[View]
75140540Is it necessary to have a workout routine or can you just workout whatever feels small? I plan to wo…[View]
75140204>smoked DMT while doing leg extensions[View]
75139077is doing a weekly twerking course a proper form of fitness or is my girlfriend just a dumb slut?[View]
75139506Is supplemental d3 less likely to be more stored as fat? Compared with natural sunlight vit D?: I as…[View]
75133906Fitness related side effects of finasteride/minodoxil: I recently saw a picture of myself taken from…[View]
75131801/Fat/ - Fat Loss General: Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/ Few expect to regain…[View]
75134878Red light therapy: ...Does it do anything? Is it /fit/ approved?[View]
75137989What do you think his workout routine is?[View]
75139418Mike Canaan of Revolutionary Periodization here.: Delete all your defamatory threads or else I'…[View]
75139696ONEGAI MUSCLE![View]
75136799Will I get bullied at the jim? I’m in a predominantly white area in Canada (shocking I know) and I’m…[View]
75140186How to get this physique[View]
75139881what did everyone work today?[View]
75138047Face bloating with creatine: Have recently started taking creatine and I feel a noticeable improveme…[View]
75130155>lifting man made metal in an man made building for no reason[View]
75133918Mushroom coffee: What are your opinions on / past experiences with mushroom coffee or its particular…[View]
75140271NEED TO BULK: But fear losing the 6pack What’s the go-to here?[View]
75135208Does Gymshark not pay their athletes?: I’m unclear as to why she would need donations for this…[View]
75140087I boughted and eated 150 grs of pistachios again god fucking damn it I hate how these devils are 600…[View]
75139753low bodyfat: is 3-4% bodyfat at these levels really this much of a difference? Apparently the op of …[View]
75136898why do people think diabetes makes weight loss harder? symptom of diabetes is weight loss[View]
75139372I am dumb: I hit a thin metal square rod as on the first picture. Now after icing , blabla , 10 -15 …[View]
75139121Sore knees?: I've had soreness around my knees for over a month now, which has completely wiped…[View]
75139369>I have ASCENDED[View]
75139829You don't need more than picrel. Anything more isn't functional.[View]
75139305/fit/ness dick in your mouth[View]
75139743September 26 2024: Rich Piana's 8 hour arm workout birthday tribute. Be there goddamit.[View]
75137370Is this the best a natty has ever looked?[View]
75139157Why don't rich people like Elon, Trump, Warren Buffet, etc tend to workout?[View]
75134808What's the best tasting whey protein powder that's still relatively high quality? I'v…[View]
75136070Is there any link between ASMR and increased recovery? I feel so relaxed during and after a good one…[View]
75128024How do I reconcile trying to be /fit/ with the fact that I'm only attracted to chubby/fat women…[View]
75139475Is 3x full body in 1.30 hour sessions enough to get big on a bulk assuming good diet and exercise se…[View]
75139654The absolute supplement truthnuke: It's picrel. >watch any YouTube video on how supplements …[View]
75135982is there any health guidlines that EVERYONE agrees with?: (with the exception of picrel) --get enoug…[View]
75138492Month 2 60 kg (132.27 lbs) Ok I do feel a difference strenght wise and my ribcage is not longer that…[View]
75138744/fit/: >be me >hop back on /fit/ after benching 3pl8s >Catalog has gone to crap What happen…[View]
75139464>want to add some protein to my homemade ice cream >buy unflavored whey for first time ever …[View]
75139515New Diet Plan: So for the past three or four months I've been on a diet plan of my own creation…[View]
75130323/plg/ - powerlifting general: >programming advice? post s/b/d@bw/height/age >Pastebin (Whateve…[View]
75139202Let's say I get a gym membership tomorrow with the full intent on going there and continuing to…[View]
75139241rate my preworkout thank U[View]
75121879STOP SLEEPING ON YOUR BACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZCtV4NAu30[View]
75134674Which of these bodies is most ideal?[View]
75139257September /fit/ survey: >Age 27 >Diet Anything, probably 300-400 cal surplus >Exercise rout…[View]
75138048Healthy food can’t be yumm- Apologize right fucking now.[View]
75139165>12 years lifting >still a virgin[View]
75137358I was broken, shattered, hollow and alone. That day something inside me died, and something new was …[View]
75135951Bodybuilding isn't gay!: Stop saying it! Or else I'll come to your house and suck your dic…[View]
75139008Is picrel the perfect depth of a squat?: and going deeper is nothing but competition shit, egolifter…[View]
75136560>Cutting phase got my face look like GWF Hegel.[View]
75139032Is this good quality protein for muscle gains?[View]
75136504CICO lol: If CICO is everything and abs are mad ein the kitchen, then why do starving people and ano…[View]
75134330>Yeah I listen to videogame OST, how could you tell?[View]
75138968Should I buy greyskull lp third edition: Im interested in doing phraks greyskull lp variant but I ca…[View]
75138447>think I have Genital Herpes >Depressed.exe >What's the point of gym >Get another o…[View]
75138205I've been eating 5 of these a week for 9 months.: Am I fucked? Should I stop?[View]
75133176Donate blood: Anybody tried donating blood to lose weight? I read that you can burn over 600 kcal fr…[View]
75135197I left the gym a bit ago. As I was walking out a young woman perhaps around 18-20 was coming in. I h…[View]
75137984What went wrong?[View]
75138168What supplements do you take?: i need energy[View]
75138635Yo I need some help dialing in this routine this is what Ive gotten so far Day 1 - Chest / Tricep F…[View]
75137718Body removing toxins or sign of bodily harm?: Recently I dropped acid and then drank some Valerian r…[View]
75137127>Only my dumbbell understands me[View]
75138405So I’ve got a few options on hand, and I’m wondering what’s better for general health and immune sup…[View]
75137075Nicotine: Name a better pre-workout (you can't).[View]
75135422I lost 175lbs in 2 years. I have a lot of loose skin. I decided to start lifting. I can do 20 chin-u…[View]
75135650>Feeds your mitochondria >0 calories I don’t get it…[View]
75138487Leg size?: Share your thigh size/circumference and your height and if you think they're big or …[View]
75138367How do you guys channel your inner power?: I realized that I’m always trying to get myself in some s…[View]
75136094Is sleep apnea KILLING my gains?!: I found out yesterday that I have 20 AHI. I have been unable to r…[View]
75138167Caliper question: These fucking stone age appliances man. When using calipers, which depth is correc…[View]
75126253How heavy was Jesus' cross? Could the average gymbro lift it?[View]
75136390Redpill me on HIT: Is it bullshit? Have you tried it? How does it compare to high volume routines?…[View]
75133073According to the roman empire. A diet consistent of wine, olive oil and (wheat) bread was considered…[View]
75133385How the fuck did he do it? He looked 20 times better than the rest of his era[View]
75136663Achievable natty for a 19 year old gril?[View]
75138221off day activities: >wanted to gymcel today >migrane kicks in have good one for me lads. my fr…[View]
75136793Why are so many men such sissies nowadays? Is it truly all the micro plastics and xeno estrogens? W…[View]
75131958Is she enhanced or just amazing genetics?[View]
75136699Pinched a nerve...: Somewhere in my back or shoulder. Now my right pectoral and tricep aren't a…[View]
75133733Name a better front delts exercise[View]
75134493What can I say to my keto mom when she tries to shame me for eating bread? I’m 23 and when she was m…[View]
75137179Is this reasonable..? He went from 240lbs to 178lbs over the course of 8 months at 6ft 1 (feel like …[View]
75130519How do I reach 100kg on BP? Do you guys do Barbell or Dumbell? I'm definately eating enough and…[View]
75133225HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE: What do you do to raise your HGH levels, outside of injections? I've had …[View]
75134766Ever since my dick started getting hard, and I saw my first bodybuilder online, I knew what I wanted…[View]
75134118What does /fit/ think of Andrew Huberman?[View]
75135835Regular Creatine Supplementation Increases IQ by 15 points: >Research out of the University of Sy…[View]
75136645Do you lift for women?: Do you lift because you seriously think women will notice you? You aren…[View]
75132325How hard is it to bench 150 kg at 80 kg?[View]
75120899whats the point of this? why not just drink milk?[View]
75137504how has ur fashion changed now that you are /fit/ and look good in basically everything? are you /fa…[View]
75137041This is an result of 17years workout in natty What do you think of ?[View]
75137528I haven't lifted this entire month.[View]
75134455You can burn calories by shaking a thick duvet if you don't have access to weights.[View]
75133565what muscles do i work out if i want to carry fat bitches like this? imagine pic but with an absolut…[View]
75137143Help me anons get fit I really want to otter mode how do I do it[View]
75136417If a machine was invented that exercised all your muscles at once, giving you equal gains than your …[View]
75136200How do I cope with the fact I just started lifting at 29?[View]
75135798It's weird to think u need to eat muscles to gain muscles Not even a vegan opinion, I just fini…[View]
75132316Motivation: This is a thinly veiled /adv/ thread, but I thought it would fit here better. Anons, wha…[View]
75134233Are you more fit than a baby?[View]
75137340My gf has been diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis. What are some things she could do other…[View]
75137344are se*ual aesthetics good enough motivation?: I'm a man and I want to try having s*x with pros…[View]
75136450I cracked the code: /fit/ shills weird diets because most people here are autists with sensory sensi…[View]
75133127>I went down to 86kg 7-9%bf This nigger is literally saying he cut to men's physique-tier st…[View]
75133663How do you avoid getting biceps like this?: Just don't curl? Do chin ups for biceps instead?…[View]
75133909its over[View]
75133547Why do people like this guy again? I find him insufferable.[View]
75136408>yeah, it's roids, not natty[View]
75135689What do i even do: I tried doing abdominals but after a month i have a big ugly wrinkle in the middl…[View]
75130440My girlfriend's niece has moved in with us. She's 18 and she's closer to university f…[View]
75134981I fucking hate bulking[View]
75133197Should zoomers be banned from commercial gyms?[View]
75135939>gives you lumbago post-haste nothing personnel kid[View]
75136670Are rest days really important? Nobody knows and everyone gives different opinion[View]
75130996>36 >already lost 60% of hair >wrinkles are now deeper and evident even in favorable lightn…[View]
75132757Too fat for pullups; have dumbbells: Any way to target lats with dumbbells until I’m thin enough to …[View]
75136359Bench Progress Help: Within my first 7 months I hit 100kg bench and 60kg OHP at 13% bodyfat / 78-80k…[View]
75135772Snapped my neck: Happened 2 days ago but couldn't post because was banned. Don't think it …[View]
75134843injured my shoulder again award[View]
75128616>21 years old[View]
75133832>ruins your life[View]
75135665Redpill me on asthma anons. Ripe age of 25 and just got diagnosed. it doesn't feel good bros.[View]
75133384rate DSP's 'giant calves', /fit/[View]
75135517How to fix fatigue?: I am a night gymer, however every time I get home I feel so tired the moment I …[View]
75135896There is absolutely no point in lifting, dieting, or any other self-care if you have a mouth full of…[View]
75136022Alright, lemme tell ya about /fit/—the online gym full of protein shakes and dudes flexin'. Fir…[View]
75135862Performing reps with song lyrics: My rep speed depends on the music I'm listening to. Like when…[View]
75132648How come you cant see men with adams apple anymore?[View]
75134561What's the best exercise routine without any equipment? I don't want to be relient on anyt…[View]
75134514Not liking wide hipped and fat assed women should be a legit way to notice low T levels on men.[View]
75134638Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
75132336DYEC bro?[View]
75135449DYEL general[View]
75130471Ozempic: >Half of /fit/ are still trying to lose weight when Ozempic exists >Literal normies a…[View]
75133747Is this shit good?: I spent $50 on this.[View]
75135313let me guess, you need more?[View]
75126999Was he the closest thing we had to our own zyzz?[View]
75134623>take pre-workout >lift to within 3 reps short of failure >eat 150g of protein >sleep 7.…[View]
75134263>starve myself until I get hollow cheeks >drink protein shakes >lift weights without skippi…[View]
75135274does more fat mean stronger?[View]
75134986Apply Vicks vapor rub to the bottom of your feet: To stimulate your medulla oblongata. You may also …[View]
75133675Hi... I'm going to be honest. I've been training for years and have this demon I believe w…[View]
75134979How are muscular men percieved in japan?[View]
75125546What's the point of doing less than 8-10 reps?: It doesn't build muscle. I've seen do…[View]
75134080If you had to only use a Curl bar Hammer curl bar Dumbbells Barbell For biceps forever, Which would…[View]
75130782How do people LIFT while high? I become a bumbling, embarrassing and paranoid RETARD on THC, yet Mik…[View]
75127637If CICO's real...: You can eat a 14pc KFC party bucket every day AND STILL lose loads of weight…[View]
75132193Quads and Abs make a Physique: Nothing screams 'oh shit, that person lifts' more than large quads, d…[View]
75128376/kg/ - kettlebell general: >Start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPxiClwIyKU&ab_channel=Mark…[View]
75130588The last couple weeks I’ve skipped breakfast, had a protein bar for lunch, and had chicken and rice …[View]
75133282I need a stretching program cuz I'm stiff af plz help anon[View]
75131499>*unironically kills a ketolard*[View]
75133433How do i make this work in a cut?[View]
75134169Do South Americans have good genes for lifting[View]
75134124Top 10 (Ten) Exersises (2024): 10. Puhs ups 9. Sit ups 8. Row row row your boat 7. Unalive lift 6. B…[View]
75129704Is Aniracetam (and other nootropics) addictive?: I started taking Aniracetam about 3 days ago and I …[View]
75134579>think he's /fit/ >can't even control his face well enough to smile on command…[View]
75125918Gym Motivation: How do you get motivated to go to the gym if you have zero motivation to begin with?…[View]
75132228>'Why yes, I've been working out 3 times per week for 1 hour with machines for the past 5 ye…[View]
75133382he goes hard like me[View]
75132904What high risk hobbies do I get into to get aesthetic facial scars? Limb loss would be kinda cool to…[View]
75125762He never misses[View]
75129932I understand that 100g oil has less physical volume than 100g of broccoli. But I don't understa…[View]
75132684If your skinny and have abs it doesn't count: A skinny guy with abs is like a fat girl with big…[View]
75134434>going gym >up at 0400 to drive about 15-20 minutes >workout 1-2 hours a day >do this fo…[View]
75133954Started cutting. Am I on the right path? 6’0 227lbs 31 years old[View]
75134202What does the guy on the right have to do to mog the one on the left?[View]
75134423Why are /fit/ pregnant women so aesthetic compared to untrained pregnant females? They look more com…[View]
75134587Shouldn't people who have lived in high altitudes be more athletic than people who live in lowl…[View]
75134223Drinking soya milk instead of cow milk made my nipples less sensitive to the point I can't cum …[View]
75132698>Roid rage Wrong. Demonic possession.[View]
75134323>bro just shave your head >bro just take a shower >bro just grow a beard >bro just go ou…[View]
75134412Mire Thread: >these brown women taking pics of me from afar >boomer couples think I'm a m…[View]
75134176I'm tired of your demoralizing, I'm coming to your house.: Let's see if you're a…[View]
75134135>kills your arm gains[View]
75134304>you have not seen a single xy chromosome being do squats or deadlifts in your gym I always thoug…[View]
75133375What body type would you call this and what can this guy do to improve it?[View]
75129459*mogs the entirety of /fit/[View]
75133544here science shows us why this is the most optimal male physique...[View]
75133845what is the best no nonsense pre-workout with proper dosages of the important stuff but not a shitlo…[View]
75128037>Lifting is for slaves, if you go to a gym you are a brain damaged cuck trading in your youth and…[View]
75127769Recomps: Let's settle this ONCE AND FOR ALL. Do recomps actually fucking work or is it all just…[View]
75126664So how do I get muscle if I hate meat and refuse to eat any of it? not even vegan thing, I can eat i…[View]
75125680Which physique is best for fighting zombies?[View]
75133537What are the pros and cons of Tribulus?[View]
75123458>he includes the bar weight[View]
75133614*mogs all gymcels*[View]
75133456Finally, after pushing past psychological resistance, I have to entered cocoon mode. Any tips from /…[View]
75123999>quit coffee for a year just to prove that I can >have a double shot latte with friends >st…[View]
75130460My gym has no squat rack. Should I bring my own?[View]
75133707How much higher is the bioavailability of nutrients from meat versus other sources? Which animal fle…[View]
75120408Strikers are destined to get fucked: > people first start letting fighters with different styles …[View]
75133661>Science based exercise routi-[View]
75125801/fast/ General: Haven't seen one in a while, this week I am trying a rolling 48 fast so figured…[View]
75131400How important is having DOMs after a workout?[View]
75125412Why do all goth girls seem to have IBS?: It prevents me from being attracted to them. Can fitness fi…[View]
75131604Is this peak physique? Discuss.[View]
75133538Hard to swallow fit pills thread: Machines leg exercises>Barbell squat[View]
75133516noob: I hadn't done deallift really but i tried it at the gym i did warm up with 60kg then i di…[View]
75132838My back is completely fucked Its not 'snapped' as in powersharter herniating a disc squatting 100000…[View]
75130122How are tech billionaires doing it? They don't even work out, it's unfair[View]
75133376What excercises should I do to get a stride like this?[View]
75128182Is there anything more dyel than not smoking?[View]
75120741this shit any good?[View]
75131061Why havent you bought an oxygen concentrator yet /fit/? >improves mood >improves brain functio…[View]
75131331anyone on /fit/ do canning? Thinking I could prep a shitload of chicken for cheap. does self canned …[View]
75133243>Autofellatio between sets[View]
75126808I'm not coping, you're coping!!![View]
75132952cottage cheese before bed: is eating some cottage cheese before bed good to stop middle of the night…[View]
75131663Women even fail at anorexia: A new episode from the recent series 'let's research illness to fi…[View]
75124076Stop pretending to be an athlete: You are not an athlete, stop training like one, stop comparing you…[View]
75130973What are some science-based /fit/ youtubers that focus on strength training as opposed to hypertroph…[View]
75129882>Finally below 12% bodyfat So life begins now?[View]
75132912there was no chocolate flavor so I bought rum raisin will I regret it?[View]
75132429If you can't cross your legs properly you're literally dysgenic.[View]
75128886>be me >in college, 21, 6’1” 280 lbs now. >decent amount of muscle. Get told I’m buff, bu…[View]
75132434Reminder that Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of onions milk a day and is still stronger than you. T…[View]
75125527AI MOGGED /FIT/: >i asked ai to make the ultimate Workout Plan and it absolutely crashed fit To m…[View]
75132595Reminder >S𐐬ya milk reduces the risk of breast cancer in women via the same effect as nolvadex (r…[View]
75130102When anti-CICO people say that you can't accurately measure calories out, do they not realize t…[View]
75132875So what is a actually considered goyslop or not? Is processed shit like flour,whey protein powder an…[View]
75131608How do you lift the oneitis away[View]
75132427It’s more socially acceptable to be an alcoholic or do drugs than to not eat out.[View]
75128800Redpill Me On Sprinting: Pros/cons vs distance running? Real test boost that's lasting or just …[View]
75131738dat dere cell tech: Is it the only OTC supplement that's been proven to work? What else?[View]
75129978>*powers your workout* Thank you little monkey[View]
75132578Let me guess, you need more[View]
75131828I'm getting into jogging and I'm making actual progress. Right now I'd like from jogg…[View]
75132514If you eat after 6pm you take in TWICE as many calories as you would before.[View]
75130402Can you truly call yourself strong if you get emotionally triggered by picrel?[View]
75125170Best music genre to listen to at the gym?[View]
75132493hello /fit/ i've come to you desperately, in need of anecdotes and experiences in dealing with …[View]
75131959Need help with coverup: A few months ago I started working out with a colleague of mine. He's a…[View]
75131753Only pull-ups and chin-ups for a nice upper body?: Trying to get back into fitness after a 2 year hi…[View]
75128125>2 yrs of gym and this is my “physique” >76kg Should I give up? What am I doing wrong? Give it…[View]
75126913I'm thinking of only doing deadlifts for leg day thoughts?[View]
75132260How do you get healthy energy?: What are healthy aliments that give you the most energy. No goyslop …[View]
75115535what the fuck is going on in the CBT thread, have jannies just completely given up on /fit/?[View]
75117286Let me guess, you need more.[View]
75131126I find that my failure point for several of my lifts is my forearms, not the muscle group I'm t…[View]
75132160Are wheat and grains good for you?[View]
75132138>barbell skullcrushers >scaps tucked in >solid body posture >done this 100 times >in …[View]
75131177The natty limit is closer than you think it is.[View]
75130021Does it matter if i do pull and push exercises on the same day[View]
75131037Do squats improve when you cut?[View]
75127426/swim/ general: Never seen a swimming thread on here? No anons go for the peak low impact cardio opt…[View]
75131156My right shoulder hurts on OHP, incline bench, and the peck deck, but not on lateral raises, front r…[View]
75124142what's your favorite fruit slop, /fit/? guava is my weakness[View]
75130136white rice with scrambled eggs. no seasoning, no sauce, no nothing.[View]
75124869/fat/ - fat loss general: >Who is /fat/ for? For the ample anons who are working towards a longer…[View]
75129884Grains: Are grains a good source of carbs for muscle/strength building?[View]
75130958I had to take like half a week off lifting because of uni bros…. missed like 3 lifting sessions It’s…[View]
75131779I've lost all motivation to go to the gym, been sipping on cheap whisky sours and eating canned…[View]
75123984compete in strength sports.: compete in strength sports.[View]
75130411I had a dream they made TRT pills that didn't shut off natural production so I could take TRT w…[View]
75131133Brutal moggings: I mog 99% of /fit/. Fact[View]
75130209BPC 157 Healing Skin Tears: Can this be used to heal skin tears? If I have some nasty cuts, can I us…[View]
75131378How do I achieve this physique?[View]
75124722Is this the natty limit?[View]
75128375Dieting for a autistic /fit/gga: I don't have any social obligations to meet because everyone t…[View]
75129248r8 my physique mainly do pullups, leg raises and l sits[View]
75130685be honest is there a limit to how ugly you can be where physique stops mattering no matter how nice[View]
75130731I miss him bros[View]
75125395EWW: This guy looks fucking grotesque & I'm sick of seeing him. The youtube algorithm initi…[View]
75121519did you niggas play sports growing up?[View]
75113238*solves lower body*: When did you grow out of the >machines are... LE BAD phase? Because you LITE…[View]
75130806How's my new /our/ legacy belt looking on me /fa/?[View]
75131213is oatmeal porridge good for me?[View]
75127494Post the absolute best pre workouts. I’m talking about ones that make you want to beat some faggot t…[View]
75125621>sprain ankle badly (torn ligaments, a small fracture) >dont really do anything about it for l…[View]
75127628Okay give it to me straight, how many pushups do I need to do as a 32 year old man to have a chest t…[View]
75131151DEADLIFT IN CALISTHENICS?: I know for a fact that good morning carries over to deadlift since it…[View]
75129611Am I close to pitt mode bros[View]
75124564I'm in my 30s and trying to be a cute femboi I've lifted my entire life so I'm muscul…[View]
75123195Do you have good genetics?[View]
75130133Was this worth roiding for?[View]
75125197Do Judo.[View]
75122281What happened to the oatmeal craze on /fit/?: Are oats bad for you now?[View]
75126419Why do tall people get super defensive and mad when you tell them the 'taller = harder to build musc…[View]
75130736Are Pull-Ups enough to train Spinal Erector muscles?[View]
75125037>be me >27 >depressed and anxiety since age 12 >both severe according to doctors >can…[View]
75127312How many calories would you estimate are in this General Tso lunch platter?[View]
75125971Why are so millenial men nowadays so fat and gross looking?[View]
75130436Why are Mentzer fags so annoying?[View]
75130298took 2 weeks off from the gym: bros i took 2 weeks off from the gym. i came back and was just as str…[View]
75126877I took a chicken breast, cut it in half, coated it with flour -> egg -> breadcrumbs and then f…[View]
75129024Piana-isms: Post your favorite Rich soundbite. >The best exercises also carry the greatest injury…[View]
75129886macros are far more important for good body composition than calories are[View]
75129851Shoulders: People keep saying I have big shoulders but I still of the opinion I am DYEL Is it an emp…[View]
75128872What's your goto leg exercise? Need juicy calf muscles[View]
75122221How do you deal with you're gf making you eat out all the time?[View]
75126935Stretch marks: How do you guys deal with stretch marks? How do you prevent stretchmarks?[View]
75127000I know there is a 'Starting Strength' program. But is there a 'Stopping Strength' program for when I…[View]
75129942You can lose weight if you eat no more than 2000 calories a day and then burn 700 calories on an exe…[View]
75126865/soap/: Is there a soap meta? what do you guys use. are bars better than liquid?[View]
75128034I eat at least 60g protein worth of 97% lean ground beef a day. How fucked are my cholesterol levels…[View]
75129387Quads and Hamstrings Isolation at Home: How do you isolate these two muscle groups without leg exten…[View]
75129803just ordered a helimix shaker, what am i in for?[View]
75129554massages, ice baths, other forms of physical wellness do you mix these into your routine? enjoy the…[View]
75129405You like cheat days don't you /fit/?[View]
75123662Fictional places you want to train at, people you want to be trained by. I always wanted to work out…[View]
75121903/plg/ - powerlifting general: >rip previous thread >programming advice? post s/b/d@bw+height …[View]
75129812tribulus: share your experience[View]
75128040What are some fitness related videogames with muscular women and men being badass?[View]
75125143can you outlift this[View]
75128912We need an Iron Chef but for fitness.[View]
75120568>notorious fatty happens to lose weight after ozempic use becomes widespread >'hurr durr it wa…[View]
75121679How the fuck do I even get this exact (EXACT) body type? It pisses me off that I'm 153lbs, 5 ft…[View]
75129721Can anyone recommend a /fit/ approved sweetener that is 0 calories and doesnt fuck up your gut biome[View]
75129544Imagine being mogged by a woman like this[View]
75127904I'm in my 30s and trans and my only hobby is beating my body up as much as possible. I lift twi…[View]
75129662>tall >normal to flat chest Why is this combination so incredibly rare in anime?…[View]
75129187Calories. Are they important to calculating weight gain and weight loss? Or are they an outdated con…[View]
75124714Hi /fit/, beginner here. This isn't specifically about preacher curls, the question applies to …[View]
75129509I've been feeling a lot more anxious and i'm constantly having negative thoughts lately an…[View]
75128793Hi /fit/ I'm looking to build muscle and get stronger. Some background: I've struggled wit…[View]
751288265 weeks gym proggy What more can I do?[View]
75126991Let’s settle this once and for all: which one has the best physique?[View]
75127667Massage Sore/Tenseness: Alright I figure this is something /fit/ doesn't see a lot of but or mo…[View]
75128001Is running good for legs or does it kill gains?[View]
75129125Ok, so my home gym room height is just not enough to do snatch or clean and jerk with any meaningful…[View]
75129093>eating 500 calories of chocolate after you’ve finished cutting down from 20% bodyfat to 8% bodyf…[View]
75122382>be me >started keto 6 months ago because carbs are literal poison >only meat and fat can…[View]
75128063Apparently, fat cells NEVER die after they're created... how can fatties cope with this??[View]
75117297BOULDERING GENERAL: What's up negroes, show me your routines and your local bouldering gyms…[View]
75126600/DG/ - DYEL General[View]
75126330Who in here can't feel their lats raise you hand (one is also bigger than the other so I'm…[View]
75125482raw milk lmao: sorry chuds, your ancestors are stupid and Gil just BTFO both you (gay) and them (dea…[View]
75128693HOW TO GET STRONGER AT DEADLIFT WITHOUT WEIGHTS: I know for a fact that good morning carries over to…[View]
75127988Rate my back routine 3x a week with progressive overload and emphasis in the stretched position. 8 w…[View]
75107502/bfg/ 30+ general: Boomer (30+) Fitness General Previous: >>75094138[View]
75126492Am I going to die?: >intermittent fast daily >dont drink alcohol >lift 3x week, active job…[View]
75128598How can I get thighs like these?[View]
75127727I do these with 30lbs per hand for 8 max strict reps and I bench 250 for 1 therefore if I double my …[View]
75112838This tastes better than sardines. This shit actually tastes gourmet.[View]
75122419how do I suppress my apetite without drugs? I need to stop binge eating at night[View]
75122897Gym Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zOT3IZ90U i was never a huge fan of power metal unti…[View]
75115221For a bit of perspective, normies consider this “jacked.” You don’t need to be any bigger.[View]
75127193How to go past a plateau strategies.: What if I just add ¼ lb of weight each day to my lifts? Will I…[View]
75125223>gymbro asks for my Instagram[View]
75128083how fast can you lose facial fat by fasting if you are kinda skinnyfat? my cheeks are bloated though…[View]
75128205Which way, /fit/izen?[View]
75124437ohpbros: jeff nippard, /fit/ and mike israetel say this is a bad lift for shoulders but its in my ro…[View]
75120744Freezer Meals and TV Dinners: Any halfway decent freezer meals out there that /fit/ recommends? I…[View]
75128121Tendonitis tips?: >started doing four sets of wrist curls (including rolling the weight all the w…[View]
75128240How come when I get a full night sleep I wake up with good morning wood but am not really horny but …[View]
75125163>It's about time to start developing some muscle definition on my belly >Let's see h…[View]
75126347Unless you're a beginner with completely DYEL legs or a roider trying to turn IFBB pro leg day …[View]
75123634Gym retards thread: Post your favorite webms of retards getting btfod in the gym[View]
75127025>Speaking to gym bro between sets >About to show him funny gym memes on my phone >Forgot to…[View]
75127641Pullup and dip bar: Is this worth the money if I want to build muscle? The maximum weight capacity f…[View]
75126683Metathread: Are you currently satisfied with today's threads? Donate $0 so our board's jan…[View]
75126233I fell for the sticky meme and then became a doctor and now I have no time left for the gym. How do …[View]
75126396WHITE GOD: I live in a country fill of niggers and sunlight. I never used to care about being in the…[View]
75121863How to age gracefully?: What are the secrets to avoiding the wall?[View]
75124320Sunscreen: >Rub our chemicals on your face and body every day or you will get skin cancer goy …[View]
75127070>b-but I'm a hard gainer[View]
75122907How can I train to be more mechanical, less emotional and not crumble under pressure?[View]
75126022name a more perfect specimen[View]
75118975I just ate 14 eggs and my stomach feels like it's about to explode. You told me it'll be f…[View]
75127757Are those inflatable boxing punch bags any good for cardio? Or do you need to be a boxer to use them…[View]
75113379/fph/ - I dont even look like a pig edition: Previous thread: >>75103021[View]
75127568Is this close to 15% bf? Srs answers only[View]
75122289i miss it all bros i miss going to a big commercial gym i miss the air conditioned building to do ca…[View]
75125955What is this physique called? You know, the kind of 'Ehh, I guess this guy trains but I'm not …[View]
75127696Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
75118681Now what?[View]
75127507I never have an appetite and most eating food feels disgusting and heavy to me.. except sweets. I re…[View]
75127111I work out 2 hours every day just to come home to this shit[View]
75124696Anyone know how much ozempic costs private uk?[View]
75127439The compression shirt guys: Wtf is this shit even and why are they always just curling?[View]
75126566Be honest, how much do genetics matter?[View]
75125905abs: how do you do abs without wanting to kill yourself out of boredom t. abs skipper[View]
75124457Should I: >Pushing yourself too hard for 4 days every week and needing to rest the other 3 or …[View]
75125975deadlifts work the back should I do deadlifts before or after back day?[View]
75126703Finally cut: 7 months progress Maybe a bit too thin but yea.. your thoughts?[View]
75126017Anyone notice a lot of girls are going /fit/ to bimbo? Why is this?[View]
75126186no more lies: Tell me how to get REALLY fit while i consume this delicious banana.[View]
75126031A National Socialist worked out today.[View]
75124787Science based exercise 'experts' simply cannot accept the fact that everybody is different and will …[View]
75125604Low-carb diets lead to higher risk of diabeetus: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S…[View]
75126665>be me, 31 year old skinny factory wagie >sleep 5 hours a night on average for past 5 years …[View]
75126604Hey /fit/ retard question incoming. What's the science behind high rep/low weight in terms of g…[View]
75126637should i spend the winter and fall bulking?: I am 146 pounds and want to bulking until i get to 180 …[View]
75112709> just natty bodybuild bro[View]
75123566you look like (insert celebrity): is this women flirting & does it count as a mire? I've be…[View]
75126464>has never been to a gym in his life >still mogs 90% of /fit/ How?…[View]
75124812Redpill me on fly agaric: Only actual knowers allowed itt. Been experimenting with psilocybin for a …[View]
75125157>Stop Using Eletronics an hour before sleeping >Dreams become vivid That shrimple…[View]
75123691How to not be a voicecel? Lifts for this feel? https://youtu.be/aVGRTsFIy0c?si=a6-b1jTGxyuyhB5G&…[View]
75124358>doesn't work nearly as much muscle mass as bench or even incline bench >doesn't eve…[View]
75124970how do i get abs like this[View]
75113982Comrades, do your kettlebell exercises[View]
75125664What is he up to these days?[View]
75122462>ruins your life[View]
75124538Is this achievable natty?[View]
75126234My nigger diet: >before workout Canned sarma (500 calories) >after workout Enough protein bars…[View]
75124843>September >School back in session >2-5pm gym period is ruined…[View]
75124511ELI5 why this is bad for you if it has 0 calories[View]
75125825I enjoyed the memes while this degenerate sociopath whore lasted: Her smug face brought the lulz man…[View]
75104762/run/ /roon/ - Running General: It's getting cold edition. >Advice for new runners - Build u…[View]
75125042can I keep using the same dumbbell weight if I just start counting when it becomes difficult[View]
75103654Anyone on /fit/ ever done limb lengthening surgery? Is it worth it? What were the physical consequen…[View]
75125251I way 130kg/286lbs and just fucked up my second computer chair. I do not want to loose gains just to…[View]
75121536OHP Calculation Bench Press: How do I calculate how much I can OHP based on how much I can bench. If…[View]
75123255holy fuck the gym is boring these days is there anything i can do on my phone to pass time? scrollin…[View]
75124133Need help cutting: I compete in powerlifting for fun. I'm not a huge fatass, I'm always at…[View]
75124640What is the second best exercise to get over developed front delts?[View]
75114692Why are they like this?[View]
75124860>Start eating curd >Libido is through the roof Any other healthy foods that have similar effec…[View]
75113802/fit/ Deer Thread: Making a thread for the sacred deer, because I need to ask it a question, and may…[View]
75122174>become 12% body fat >lose virginity in under a month Guess incels are just fat.…[View]
75124592I have lost 51lb without trying over 2 years and look no different feel no different, clothes still …[View]
75125670Why is it so hard for people here to just perform the classic lifts?: NOOOOOOO! THEY ARE HECKING MEM…[View]
75125377Since we are bombarded with so much estrogen in our daily life, are strogen blockers necessary in mo…[View]
75123872>Taking care of your body with healthy food, nutrition, and muscle stimulation >Not doing the …[View]
75125159I was rear-ended back in April. I felt mostly fine, but I was concerned my spine might be slightly o…[View]
75125390When memes come true https://youtu.be/3YE_RCp3pas?si=AuTW-YfM07Qt7H4O[View]
75125430If I had to drink an entire gallon of milk a day I would probably go mad.[View]

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