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/fit/ - Fitness

Displaying 536 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
74777478Guts anon plz: How does one get such chest gains? >t. smol chest…[View]
74781766online fitness advice: How do people fall for this grifter Goatis? Dude has zero credentials and not…[View]
74775258What are some hobbies you do to decompress that are not lifting/running?[View]
74776344Should I even be taking creatine? I'm trying to cut my supplements down since the supp industry…[View]
74776826Is pasteurized honey still healthy, or is it just sugar syrup?[View]
74771321Why do most people stop caring about Fitness when they get a partner?: Most couples balloon up like …[View]
74779474>spend a shitload of money buying pic rel for my GF >she doesn't lose a single pound Are …[View]
74774361Home Gym Master Race: >decided to start working on my homegym 2 months ago >bought barbells, d…[View]
74774697>ozempic face isnt this just from losing weight?[View]
74780921>3000-4000 Calories/d >still small >can barely get food down Is the bulking meme ever gonna…[View]
74778763who do (You) lift for? for me its pic rel[View]
74777497I'm going to college soon, how do I eat healthy? I checked and none of the meals have calorie o…[View]
74781322Hey /fit/, I don't usually come to the board, I think I've only ever made like one post be…[View]
74781301>you are fat because of water bottles and non stick pans People will say anything to just not sto…[View]
74775567>he doesn't have a bulking partner NGMI[View]
74778011why do women do only this exercise?[View]
74779018THE ENTIRE GYM IS A SAUNA: the heater is on the windows are fully fogged[View]
74772620Am I really that fat?: >bought a chinese 'smart' scale >5'9'/175cm Is this accu…[View]
74777470Should I be paying more for pasture raised?[View]
74778671Arm day: Is having an Arm day Gymcel cope, or is it just better to cut 1 day off the routine to have…[View]
74780369vertical fitness: In regards to height, when can you still lift yourself out of your predicament and…[View]
74779049I gave in. I ate a huge burger with fries and chicken nuggies I'm pathetic. I actually want to…[View]
74780535I found a new /fit/ mascot >This is what lifting does to a mf[View]
74776489>soience based lifting be like[View]
74779051Best /fit/ snack coming through![View]
74780485Can this shit actually make you grow muscle? Would I just have this all day, even while working 8 ho…[View]
74778628>I simply MUST hoist those metal cilinders up and down fore-ACK[View]
74776733For self defense, is bare knuckle fighting the best martial art to learn from? Mike Perry seems like…[View]
74778569Is cheese good for you (fitnessly speaking)?[View]
74776395Resistance Streching: Is doing stretches with resistance objectively better than without for flexibi…[View]
74763166/plg/ - powerlifting general: Advice? post s/b/d@bw+height >The official pastebin (includes books…[View]
74774208>1.5 years of lifting What went wrong?[View]
74768969So if carbs are used for building muscle then what is protein for?[View]
74780469Reverse Curls: Should you use a thumbless grip for reverse curls? That's what most people seem …[View]
74780370hardest thing about dieting... two meals can look identical but be double in calories because of hid…[View]
74778274All my friends just want to smoke weed and drink every weekend, and if I cut them off then I'll…[View]
74779887NattyGODs, our response?[View]
74780379>soulless automaton >started training martial arts >now an actual human with a soul Should …[View]
74773877You make friends at the gym or talk to anyone there? You don't just show up, workout, and then …[View]
74765438Fitness expo: Is it worth going besides for jeets to take creepshots?[View]
74779836is it possible to gain muscle while loosing fat at the same time? I seem to only be able to do one o…[View]
74770920>And here's our son's room. He loves working out![View]
74777465What are some good Halloween fits to show off gains?: I know its not close to Halloween yet but what…[View]
74778607I genuinely look like Steve Rogers before he took the chad serum. How do I fix this? I'm in my …[View]
74778119Are you /fit/ enough for Special Forces, anon? Pic related is from the official SF selection fitness…[View]
74774382I got gyno from meth Dont do it lads Shit will fuck u up[View]
74778683Men shouldn't train legs and women shouldn't train upper body[View]
74779455Are Smith machines good enough?: The closest gym to me is a Planet Fitness. I know the memes but I f…[View]
74779750What was /fit/‘s Friday morning workout?: For me, it was: 4x10 185lb squats 4x10 Hamstring Curls 4x1…[View]
74779905How to increase jaw width? I've been doing 3x leg day and jaw stays like this. I'm trans b…[View]
74773141/fph/ - fat 'people' hate: previous: >>74766694[View]
74778182when does the leg pain go away: I had to skip legs on my 2nd workout ever because the squats destroy…[View]
74778565Sex fitness: Last month I had sex with my gf 4 times in one day. And I didn’t skip the gym. I’m try…[View]
74778112how to become pajeet chad like jay sean?[View]
74778700How many times a month should a healthy adult male masturbate? >not /fit/ I'm asking from a …[View]
74779931Do you practice full body tension during your reps?[View]
74774402Define a 'Healthy Diet' in 10 words or less[View]
74779370>deload week[View]
74779725>wake up with a fever >realize that I'm about to lose half a year of gains…[View]
74779328>start out going to a small local gym >great amount of free weights, not too crowded despite b…[View]
74772474Europeans eat shit like this for breakfast and are still thinner, healthier with lower levels of dia…[View]
74776162Best boxing gloves?: Started boxing since October last year with gf’s dad, I started boxing by mysel…[View]
74779405For me it's vegan keto, THE healthiest diet.[View]
74776977Does /fit/ use rings?: I really like peppering them in as an accessory movement on some days, or eve…[View]
74778101what is the single best multivitamin out there? this is what I'm taking right now zinc & c…[View]
74778338tics/tourettes: Does anyone here have tics or mild tourettes? I've had motor tics all my life a…[View]
74776458eat like the anglo chads: not like the ameribetas[View]
74779322MAX strength possible?: hypothetically speaking, in 'clinical ' terms: if a man a full gym , full of…[View]
74779233>it took me nearly 2 whole years of lifting to finally start feeling my side delts despite hammer…[View]
74776603Creatine is like wearing high heels. There is no serious evidence well trained individuals permanent…[View]
74779011>tfw 100% body fat[View]
74778002How to Make Protein Bars: Anabar seems to make the best protein bars, but they're pretty damn e…[View]
74779084Is it true that you stop building muscle 36h after lifting? I usually fast the day after.[View]
74778739rate this physique.[View]
74778640Im looking for the name of a german (maybe bulgarian or bulgarian living in germany) fitness girl wi…[View]
74776736one cheat day a week shouldn't hurt, r-right?[View]
74778848Is this achievable natty?[View]
74772098do you deload or skip/rest? when do you do it?[View]
74773171/Fat/ - Fat Loss General: >Who is /fat/ for? For the dessert devourers who are working towards a …[View]
74778753stucked on 100 lb weight for a while finnaly gon get 145 far from anything like a 235 or 325 or even…[View]
74777328Weakfag here, how can i increase my bench as i am a fucking faggot and stuck at 110kg/242lbs @90kg/1…[View]
74777672Is this attainable in 8 months?[View]
74778609Go to sleep.: Tomorrow we train.[View]
74778283Do you need to sweat to lose weight?: I got a walking pad that I use for 3 hours a day, an hour in t…[View]
74771313Is gooning good or bad for gains?[View]
74778442can i eat cat food for protein bros?: my mom buys cat food with 40% protein. if i eat 100grams (a ha…[View]
74777112my bicep tendon hurts when I lower by body in dips[View]
74775732Today I failed 1x5 290 lb deadlift: Am I doomed to never make it bros. After 3 reps I was dying…[View]
74776497the area marked with red (right where the chest connects to the shoulder) started hurting when I ben…[View]
74777318I am now without a gym for the foreseeable future. What can I do with a 20kg dumbbell, 30kg kettlebe…[View]
74778127#goalbod thread -- I think this is achievable for myself natty. started a pushup and shitup routine,…[View]
74778062You only need 1 set.[View]
74777141High volume (and esp. with resistance) = big calves: I do the elliptical hours a day and weeks. Yes,…[View]
74776657Dealing with number on scale: I used to be super anorexic and had a bad eating disorder, stopped tha…[View]
74776708CONFESSION: Today I ate 2 bacon and egg baguettes, 2 cheese and onion pasties and 2 Jamaican patties…[View]
74772487Besides the nutritive characteristics, why is cheap/processed/slop food bad for you?[View]
74776882>injured knee is feeling good >injured shoulder is feeling good >strength and muscle increa…[View]
74778050>the more i lift, the more i desire BBWs >the plapjak meme keeps me from acting on these urges…[View]
74775610Is losing weight really worth the loss in strength?[View]
74776581>not barefoot yet Why? You're missing out on foot gains.[View]
74777561Advice for men with this physique?[View]
74776530>a boomer 1960s actor who didn't even lift mogs every modern gymcel alive How the fuck did h…[View]
74777656>up at 4am >on the bike at 4:15am >in the gym at 4:30am Who else is up early with the sunri…[View]
74777870how do i money for more food i wish to have more foods food pizza kebaps fries and taco shell[View]
74774253Burgers are ready boys, who wants one?[View]
74775971do you respect and acknowledge ugly/older women if they are fit?[View]
74771141Does working out actually help with anxiety?[View]
74777367I want to join a gym but I'm too scared. Are you supposed to lift heavy weights by yourself or …[View]
74776504Do you ever watch motivational speeches to pump you up for lifting?[View]
747765873pl8 squat and 4pl8 DL? What a joke. Why would I ever want that? Legs are designed for endurance any…[View]
74775897I have the so called 'bad calves genetics' but after stretching my legs a lot, I started noticing my…[View]
74775740What food should I eat and what food should I avoid?[View]
74775236Is this burnout?: I have fallen out of love with lifting. I did it for years, learned lots, made ple…[View]
74776477losing weight as cripanon: Any suggestions for exercises for losing weight as a cripanon? Walking is…[View]
74777648>spotted a guy doing a PR bench >he lifts it >place my arms where he can't see them an…[View]
74777349Redpill me on Smith Machines: I moved and now the closest gym is a Planet Fitness. I checked it out …[View]
74767883>he skips the forearm day NGMI[View]
74777488I started going for walks to lose weight but I realize I am just scanning the ground for food, is it…[View]
74777523>he uses oil over butter[View]
74758434Alright gentlemen let's try and have an objective discussion here. Pros: >Cheaper than weed …[View]
74776522any anons ever struggle with pic related? I have for most of my life and I don't know how to b…[View]
74770081>be bi liberal loser >jerk to degenerate porn all day >start losing weight because fat >…[View]
74776100Is this gonna improve my bench press bottom position?[View]
74742590>muh metabolism Is this just an excuse or is there some science to it?[View]
74772539How do I achieve this physique? It's my biggest dream in life plz help me anons[View]
74773832How the fuck did you guys quit drinking? It's destroying my gains and probably myself if I keep…[View]
74767721What is the optimal fasting period?: I'm on 34 hours and I'm so fucking hungry. I hear it …[View]
74776801Cycle Ideas? Been working out for about 4-5 years now thinking about starting a cycle after I get m…[View]
74775289i have a really pronounced farmers tan from working outside all day how bad are tanning beds for my …[View]
74776648Why do big traps look so good on some people and terrible on others?[View]
74776877Do you ever have days where you don't feel like going to the gym?[View]
74776889Thoughts on Goatis?: I agree with his takes on food, lifestyle and I find him genuinely hilarious bu…[View]
74775680I can't believe bang fuckin lied to us. I just tried one of their drinks for the first time in …[View]
74728184/LEAN/ - Lean Pill General intense gaze edition: Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the…[View]
74775502Anybody else's recovery time for a certain muscle increased drastically? I had been training pu…[View]
74775639Need to gain weight after disease: So last year I got IBD autoimmune disease (ulcerative colitis). E…[View]
74776795Routine and program for this look?: I want to get this[View]
74776510Anyone know a good routine for someone new to the gym? He's a teenager looking to supplement hi…[View]
74772661Should I keep bulking? 6’0 233lbs 30 yo[View]
74772051The obessesion with leanness is making fitness people broke as shit: Just take test and bloatmaxx I…[View]
74767332what do you do with your muscles? Are you a martial artists, a blue collar worker, a gymnast or anyt…[View]
74775582What are you supposed to do on rest days?[View]
74776690Am I dying? Did I read my peak fatness? For the past couple of weeks my appetite has drastically dro…[View]
74776658Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74774573Nice lifts kiddo[View]
74776653how long do i need to build up 10kg of lean muscle mass?[View]
74776616How can I exercise to get an ass like this?[View]
74776399Does the fiber thing work?: I've been reading about the human microbiome, and it seems like the…[View]
74775124When a new gym opens, it's usually first populated by hardcore fitness enthusiasts and dedicate…[View]
74773423Guys you thought were buff: >no abs >no legs >no shoulders >no lats >all biceps and c…[View]
74773985Im having chest pain from push ups that are so weird, it actually feels more like a heart attack to …[View]
74775896GF is Plateauing in weight loss help!: Hey guys, my gf has been on a weight loss journey for around …[View]
74775688anyone know what this is?: I'm still waiting on test results but I got a week. about a month ag…[View]
74760567How do I slow my speed of aging?[View]
74769650>cares about his health >still uses tap water to wash off cutlery/blending devices >still u…[View]
74775844been lifting 2 months, very important question: when do squats stop being excruciating?[View]
747580115x5? 1x5? 3x8?[View]
74776001Should fat people lift?[View]
74773688I'm out Fuck this board The bastards posting BBC cuck, faggot, end your life, furry porn, porn …[View]
74766316My good friend has started taking ritalin because he has convinced himself (and a doctor) that he ha…[View]
74775208Apparently eating low carb crashes your testosterone levels. Why do people recommend eating this way…[View]
74758932I have literally never stretched before lifting. What are the benefits of doing so?[View]
74773637The entire bodybuilding industry only exists as a coping mechanism.[View]
74774960Do the long term benefits of regular consumption of red wine outweigh the negative effects of consta…[View]
74774203D Aspartic Acid and Test: Anybody taken this and had any success?[View]
74774889Free Gyno Surgery: If I start identifying as female who wants to transition to male will they give m…[View]
74776048ITT: Best supporting characters: I'll start. Pic related [spoiler] Walter Skinner [/spoiler]…[View]
74753447/fraud/: Yet another Dasha thread No sarms No source talk Read le hecking based epic chugus 100 wi…[View]
74776099As a weighted calisthenics athlete I can just go to a gym and lift weights. A powershitter on the ot…[View]
74768949Is it true that there's not longer a fitness 'middle class'? Everyone seems to very in shape or…[View]
74775315how do I lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks. I have a high metabolism already but I know that's hard to …[View]
74775749whey protein: what is your go to whey? do you prefer regular whey or isolate? do you drink with milk…[View]
74776055>6.5/10 workout today, couldn't go hard enough, lifts are plateauing, felt exhausted on a cu…[View]
74771569How should I lift if I don't necessarily want to get as jacked stacked succulent and dense as h…[View]
74769285What's his cycle?[View]
74773664FUCK YOU[View]
74766719Keto: When is the 'fat adaptation' supposed to happen? is it even real? Depending on where i look it…[View]
74774682Ashwagandha: Who is supplementing Ashwagandha. How much should I take a day for stress relief/lower …[View]
74775125Do you still remember the moment you got rid of your loser mindset?[View]
74773149WYPIPO AINT SEASON THEY GLUTES: >black women >roid 2x more huwite men >niggas can’t stop ro…[View]
74775456I have 14 inch arms and am 5 foot 11 Is that big?[View]
74775676Is it possible to outlift being a poojeet?[View]
74775013Mike Mentzer finally won him over[View]
74770398220kg squat after training for 10 years Dyel or strong?[View]
74774958>Does nothing >Is jacked Fuck this douchebag…[View]
74774784sugar is good for you, actually[View]
74774939So, it's been 1,5 days since I've started consuming these 2. And when will I experience be…[View]
74775427how effective is creatine?: I used to lift weights and take Creatine about 10 years ago. my max benc…[View]
74775400>I beat my meat: they call me a gooner >I beat my gf: they call me an abuser >I beat my mus…[View]
74775353post /fit anthems https://youtu.be/FNhioPspZ3k?feature=shared[View]
74775312How do I prevent walking pad dizziness?: I got pic rel to walk when I’m at home and not doing anythi…[View]
74775348Discipline: Are you disciplined? Do you discipline your body with physical training? Do you discipli…[View]
74775279I only ever like doing cardio I want to work more on my biceps but always feel unmotivated:([View]
74774214Kug Fu doesn't do strength trai-: Kung Fu flick actors form the 70s were pretty buff in some ca…[View]
74769216>You look nervous. What's wrong? Is it the stretch marks? Wanna know how i got them? >My …[View]
74769647Supersets: What's stopping me?[View]
74774437Can women really build asses like this through lifting and eating? Realistically.[View]
74775008>feel a painful impingement in my back or shoulder one day >ease up on lifting that weak and b…[View]
74764972>eat healthy, lots of protein >avoid processed foods >exercise >go outside >take vit…[View]
74775061Is excess sleep more useful than eating more?: I understand that 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is h…[View]
74775025Post your gym: I'll start[View]
74774664>makes you break out in cold sores Nothing personelle, kid[View]
74772007Is his body achievable natty?[View]
74768288Why are bulgarian split squats so fucking difficult? I literally feel like puking after a few good s…[View]
74773379> Get noticeable big > Random morons try to pick fights with you without any reason Why does t…[View]
74748011/cbt/ - Get lean edition[View]
74774907How to get an accurate body fat estimate? I read that calipers don’t work. What about those scales t…[View]
74764641How do I get a body like Patty's?[View]
74774633Wheres the best place to pirate gym programmes?: I don't feel like paying €50on shit programmes…[View]
74764654>slept for 12 hours again[View]
74774766help me help my parents\ uncles: tl;dr: Im 29 yo man, and Im super fit; do track and field, calisthe…[View]
74773309>mfw morbidly obese but still a chad was at the mall earlier, casually out walking about and as I…[View]
74772047Seeing how /fph/ brings out all the coomers, this must be /fit/s perfect waifu.[View]
74760124There's no proof that seed oils are bad for you[View]
74772359can you build muscle with just protein powder and a multivitamin? i only have 10 of these from my ol…[View]
74770871Too good to be true: What's the catch?[View]
74773247i will train for the glory of the emperor: Fuck xenos, fuck chaos and fuck gay little tau[View]
74770402>that DYEL who trains and diets consistently for years, but get mogged by random untrained normie…[View]
74770656Anyone else not enjoy lifting at all? I do it because I like gains but it's not fun to me.[View]
74770931I fucked my thumb up with a veggie cutter and I can't lift for like 3 weeks. Go on without me b…[View]
74774179Should I get it or is it shit protein[View]
74774166I eat a 32oz tub of plain whole yogurt, stuffed with 16oz of granola, and 3 bananas, for a total of …[View]
74745935Is starting strength still the best routine for beginner lifters? I heard it doesn’t give enough foc…[View]
74767828Squats RDL Hack squat Bulgarian split squats leg extensions hamstring curl calf raises yep, that…[View]
74774101Dance bros? Does anyone else just get high and do cardio full body wiggle dancing for hours day afte…[View]
74770600Do you lift for the Lord almighty?[View]
74773163What does the ideal back on a man look like?[View]
74774005Why don't you try mental prayer as you exercise for spiritual gains on top of physical gains?[View]
74772456At what bf% do you cut/bulk? At 10% start bulking, at 15% start cutting?[View]
74773351Is it unhealthy to eat pringles and sugared treats during workouts or does it cancel out?[View]
74770571How much progress will I see in exactly a month if I start going to the gym tomorrow? I'm a com…[View]
74773504BJJ > Muscles: What’s the point of getting big muscles if you don’t know how to fight? Benching …[View]
74770620I still don't get how muscles recover and heal up: I may be retarded overlooking something here…[View]
74771933Fapping after workout: I know you faggots are all nofap monks but I finally benched 230kg (inb4 do y…[View]
74773906I have to use the bathroom. Be a pal and watch my barbell, anon. I'll be back in a sec.[View]
74768031The hardest part of cutting is when it ends, and you realize that cutting wasn't the reason you…[View]
74772592ITT fitness memes you fell for: I’ll go first… >starting strength >pre workout >”peanut but…[View]
74772999Any drug experts here?: I didn't do dude weed lmao for 3 days. Has my tolerance gone down? I di…[View]
74773742I actually stuck to my calorie deficit today[View]
74773697Please rate my routine or recommend changes: Day 1: Chest and Shoulders Day 2: Legs Day 3: Back and…[View]
74750725/run/ /roon/ - Running General: >Advice for new runners - Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (s…[View]
74772199Why are black people on average much more muscular and athletic looking? Watch videos of Nigeria, i…[View]
74768825Over the next ~2-3 weeks I will be consuming about ~4000-5000 calories per day. So 42 000 - 84 000 c…[View]
74767797tell me the secret: how you lost weight. how you became muscular. how you became beautiful. how did …[View]
74767678Is there an explanation why everyone looks so sick nowadays? I first started noticing this after Cov…[View]
74762329You know I had to do it to em[View]
74772616You may not like it but this is what peak programming looks like[View]
74771707Explain. Why is my bench and pull-up so weak?[View]
74770393how did the old timers workout?[View]
74771595Fuck counting my reps, i'm just gonna time it[View]
74771708It's impossible to eat enough to get gains. I fucking hate eating[View]
74772418AFG AUSTRALIAN FITNESS GENERAL: Almost Friday edition Welcome, one and all, to the #1 thread on /fit…[View]
74773046green man symmetric strength: finally, I'm fucking finally all green. >picrel side not, wha…[View]
74756455I think cardio not killing gains is a big fucking psyop >roider with a built physique >just d…[View]
74764694What's the best machine for cardio at home?[View]
74748943Any carnivores here?: I started carnivore as of today and I saw a thread in desuarchives that you ne…[View]
74772344I stopped smoking weed completely a year ago, however I still have strong urges to smoke. Like I alm…[View]
74772590Reminder that you are too fat, even as an elite athlete: In 1848, 5 percent body fat was average for…[View]
74766899>Who is /fat/ for? For the tastefully thick who are working towards a longer life and a better ph…[View]
74772585Achilles Tendonitis: How to deal with Achilles tendonitis? I started running like a month ago for th…[View]
74770450>93 hours into my 7 day fast. My strength is weighing bros. help me. Maybe I committed to too b…[View]
74772110Yes, this is fitness related: What are some tips and tricks for the ultimate instagram pics to show …[View]
74771846Is it a scam?: There's this gym in my town that I think is owned by 3 people. One of the owners…[View]
74772209Im a 5 foot 2 mexican man.: Planning to take 500 mgs of test and bloatmaxx to 300 pounds Wish me luc…[View]
74766459nyerrrrrr im a gains goblin giv me ur gains roarrr smoke weeeed lift for women nyerrrrr[View]
74772291Obesity Is A Symtpom of Food Poisoning: https://youtu.be/ASaxVWjXYhg?si=xGpbP38_7ZeogykH It's y…[View]
74772252Anyone else don't respect big guys anymore? I just can't reasonably believe they are not o…[View]
74771279>hey bro can you give me a spot here? well what do you do?[View]
74770292please god I just want it to end[View]
74768775If I have one last workout left in my routine and I see someone else using the bench/machine/weights…[View]
74771850Any other looks maxxing tips Am 5’6”. Latino I’m already lean 13% bf Around 150 What should I do nex…[View]
74765771Mobility thread: /fit/ approved?[View]
74771649>skippy's creamy peanut butter 1.81kg ingredient list: >91% peanuts, sugar, vegetable oil…[View]
74770556Is this natty achievable in 2 years?[View]
74771844>when you see a dumb whore at the gym hurt herself lol[View]
74767423Does lifting make women more or less feminine?[View]
74771648>drive home ffeom gym with friend, have my workput playlist connected to my car >consists of r…[View]
74766694/fph/ fat 'people' hate: Its pronouns are kg/lbs.[View]
74769693Don’t even count me out of a fight, count on that.[View]
74769761Is 225 for 10 reps brah worthy?[View]
74771081what's the best form of cardio? I like rope jumping but my calves always give up before my lun…[View]
74770441Would only doing bodyweight exercises while having access to dumbbells and barbells be considered tr…[View]
74769740Eye don't see a reason to do Barbell Squats over BSS.[View]
7477157421 year old continues to mog all of fit[View]
74768579>sugar is le bad >our ancestors loved honey Uhh ketolards?…[View]
74769433this is what i look like. im going to try and change that starting today. I'm saving money for …[View]
74764524*is actually, literally, completely fucking impossible to get rid of*[View]
74771290Growing up as the Fat Kid: What are the Social & Moral consequences of growing up as the 'Fat Ki…[View]
74770917You have no business doing accessories if you cant lift 4/3/2/1[View]
74771008penis health thread: >a 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 1…[View]
74767927You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.[View]
74762292Staring at boobs healthier than gym: What are some other cheat codes I can do during the day? I know…[View]
74770630Pls help: Bros, I've been lifting for over 2 years now. I'm legit twice as strong as I was…[View]
74767559>have been lifting for 10 years >'enjoys' lifting >doesn't use his strength for anythi…[View]
74765814redpill me on gymnastics[View]
74749756How much Sun is too much Sun? Do the benefits of vit D outweigh the aging radiation effects?[View]
74770013Lowdown on creatine?: Hey /fit/ What’s your experience with creatine? Any tips or horror stories? Sh…[View]
74767538Just wanted to share this here for all the people who say Leg Press doesn't work My leg day (d…[View]
74770857Nattybros, our response?[View]
74770396Straightening front leg in front splits: I’m having trouble straightening my front leg in the front …[View]
74759131Redpill me on wisdom tooth removal: Will it make my smile smaller? I already have a narrow palate. …[View]
74767694Are Trap Bar deadlifts easier on your back?[View]
74770898Is this fixable?[View]
74763811THE NATTY LIMIT: So apparently GVS broke thru it... it took him 10 years of working his ass off with…[View]
74770769ITT: Underrated lifts: I'll start: Incline Zercher Dumbbell Row. Great for back gains IYKYK…[View]
74769889How poverty is this squat coming off 6 months not really being able to train legs?[View]
74768707Hard truths: ITT hard truths >If you bulk to the point you have a fat pig belly or maintain a pig…[View]
74770644How to cope with never looking like this[View]
74766401How difficult is it to maintain health and fitness 30+?[View]
74770501Why don't you look like this?[View]
74770203Why the FUCK didn't you idiots tell me I need to control the movement down too? I just felt a s…[View]
74763018Does creatine cause hairloss?[View]
74770671Is using an ab wheel and doing leg lifts enough for me to get abs or do I need to do more core worko…[View]
74769327why do people lift for anything other than aesthetics?[View]
74769637Fuck natty lifting if you can't achieve something like this, what's the point then? To loo…[View]
74764470I got gyno from abusing meth and adderall. No joke, shit fucks with your prolactin. It can happen. G…[View]
74765519Do you lift alone? I lift alone Everyone I knew is dead or far away I observe other's lifting f…[View]
74764184How do I wash My Face?: I have only ever just taken a bar of soap and lathered my face and then rins…[View]
74770478I think I fucked up my rotator cuff getting the weights up for incline dumbbell bench. Anyone had t…[View]
74763513Have you taken the nachtkultur-pill, /fit/? The culmination of body-culture takes its form as naked-…[View]
74770460Gotu Kola for stretch marks?: I've read from multiple fitness sources that at high enough doses…[View]
74769976You make friends at the gym or talk to anyone there? You don't just show up, workout, and then …[View]
74765657Croatia >Joined Olympics in 1992 >Current Population: 3.856 million >Current GDP: 71.6 bill…[View]
74769509I can’t find a consensus, do carbs make you fat?[View]
74768456got any good chest exercises: besides bench presses i want to have a good physique[View]
74764646MILK: Redpill me on milk /fit/ why did globohomo start saying it’s bad for you?[View]
74769821The dietary effects of cold water: When you are cold, your body MUST spend energy to warm you up. Th…[View]
74769929sleep: is there anything more anabolic to fall asleep to other than skyrim ambience?[View]
74770080Is this achievable natty?[View]
74769591F U L L[View]
74768382Okay, /fit/ : how do we fix PPL?[View]
74765077What kind of barbells does your gym have?[View]
74766293Based or Cringe?[View]
74767953Can I build a good size just drinking milk?: Sticklet here. Could I bulk up and be healthy by drink…[View]
74766099>I have to get 185g of protein per day on a 1650 daily caloric limit How in the fuck man. Chicken…[View]
74769921Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74754997OHP Thread: Am I doing it right? Finally hit 2 plate, is that good?[View]
74769785Should you do dips? Is it bad for shoulders? Is it going to grow me manboobs? Is it going to help my…[View]
74767751Are beans a good source of protein for religious fasting days (Wednesday and Friday)? What about pea…[View]
74767228Why am I always sleepy?: Everything I do while I'm awake just feels exhausting. I peel a few ca…[View]
74769612Which one of you faggots is this?: .[View]
74765946What's happening to me?: Been eating mostly meat and 5L of raw milk weekly for the last 2 years…[View]
74769453why my toes bent[View]
74769101Is there anything wrong with eating junk food on a bulk?: >be skelly >bulking for the first ti…[View]
74769310Does recomp work for you? Have you even tried?[View]
74767632I’ve been having a protein bar for breakfast and lunch each day with a real meal for dinner because …[View]
74757740Are estrogen blockers helpful?: Never done sarms or anabolics but considering estrogen blockers. Am…[View]
74766905How to use a hand gripper properly?: I just bought two recently like picrel to make my forearms bigg…[View]
74757637is this natty?[View]
74769073I need help: So far I have lost 32kg/70p from 105kg. I am 6.2 and I went from being skinny fat to sk…[View]
74768657I just graduated college and will be living on my own for the first time, what are some easy, health…[View]
74768791I was originally gonna put this in /ck/ but think it fits better here. So I know Pupusas are like no…[View]
74766691How to get Bruce lee shredded at 5’10” before 2025?[View]
74768909What are some supersets you like for legs?[View]
74768124I'm not ready[View]
74763447Are you guys ready to watch weightlifting in the Olympics? My liftfu Wenwen Li is back again. She…[View]
74762884Does /fit/ have a PT?[View]
74763662Rate my meals from today: I'm 19, 5'8 around 160-170 lbs, definition of skinnyfat. I took …[View]
74764322whats the catch[View]
74767602>Saar I am fucking Sam Sulek[View]
74768667The wrong side of history: Can someone give me a comprehensive list of poisonous goyslop products so…[View]
74766589Golf Gains: What are some good exercises and stretches to improve your golfswing and distance? I kno…[View]
74768615I train to failure on alsmost every set[View]
74761517is he right about exercise?: >After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic int…[View]
74766526Imagine being a walking billboard for the mentality that you are weaker than a vegetable[View]
74767347Low sex drive since 18: Since I was like 17-18 I've have had very low sex drive. I've went…[View]
74761715You now realize that one day you will need to slow down or completely stop going to the gym[View]
74766903What mode is this?[View]
74767046>Be me >Enter new gym >The staff are friendly >The gym is very well lit and not at all d…[View]
74762989Why has the narrative on the smith machine seemingly completely 180ed in recent years? Before it was…[View]
74768022front me a nickel[View]
74768266what's your ape index? is there any real point in getting strong if you don't have a good …[View]
74768146>milk makes me fArt and gassy bloated :(([View]
74768145what are the pros and cons of creatine? Every time I go to total nutrition to buy supplements the sa…[View]
74763841Legendary Post Workout: I swear by this drink. 2/3 Milk to 1/3 Pulpless Orange Juice. It is sweet, s…[View]
74765353Do you use Whey? If so, has it improved your workouts?[View]
74752063/fit/ is dying. its summer, and the zoomers don't bother posting shitposting on /fit/ :( where …[View]
74766911>that guy stretching between reps[View]
74766108What's the evidence that seed oils are bad for you?[View]
74766742You know your testosteron level, right anon?[View]
74766456>took the neckpill at 25 I should have done this shit in high school[View]
74766016Scars: Every women I've liked has mentioned that they think scars are hot, which made me wonder…[View]
74766059Soreness: From what I understand, soreness is basically inflammation, which is the body sending bloo…[View]
74767836The chart that destroyed every single powerlifter on /fit/[View]
74765298Exercises that exposed a huge weakness? Pic related for me, this one tricep felt like it has never b…[View]
74766984>wake up >its early in the morning >,sun didnt even start shining >wake up my gf >'um…[View]
74767655Oh no bros...it happened again: Ate too much yesterday, so swore I'd fast all day today. But co…[View]
74761042How many of you have a cheat day?[View]
74767428Fuck man i am getting mogged: >everyone in my gym is open about roid use >everyone my age is t…[View]
74767635how deep do you have to go when squatting? is parallel enough for optimal gains or should you go ass…[View]
74759810Hunger: >start lifting >now constantly hungry Shit this is finna burn a hole in my bank accoun…[View]
74767220.: .[View]
74767090>be fat fuck >try to pull a Goggins by eating very little, probably only around 1200 calories …[View]
74766861I just want a six pack but I can’t stop drinking beer[View]
74766281I did facepulls but I'm not getting any more handsome[View]
74766333Is yogurt good or bad for you in the long run?[View]
74765623Should my wife still exercise while very pregnant?: Any recommendations? BTW picrel is NOT my wife, …[View]
74767253How come it's only ever fat people that complain about BMI?[View]
74762439This is literally the perfect meal[View]
74767143How do I get fit despite being fucked mentally: I have struggled with severe depressions, eating dis…[View]
74765111Anyone else not do warm up sets? Just immediately load up the bar and get into their working sets? I…[View]
74766035Let me guess... you need more[View]
74766964Hi /fit/, How many rest days are needed if you trained for a whole year? It used to be two weeks off…[View]
74764271What's your opinion on this miracle stuff? I am aiming to lose some weight and this has been a …[View]
74762480Keto friendly snacks?: I'm need to increase my energy intake during the day but I don't ha…[View]
74761092I will be accepting apologies below[View]
74751836Ideal bodies thread[View]
74763144I love rows and pullups so fucking much bros, i'm going to keep pulling until i can climb anyth…[View]
74766428Why can't i just take aromasin to suicide kill the androgen receptors and stop signaling my bal…[View]
74766107Any other Bulkmaxxers here?: currently 6'0, 255 lbs, ~26% bodyfat, natty. Would cutting be wor…[View]
74766267How often should you lift? I'm doing 4 ways a week, upper/lower, but lately I've been push…[View]
74762248Mog thread: itt: we post brutal moggings[View]
74766579>go to gym at 4am so I dont have to deal with other people >every bench in free weight is take…[View]
74763854Those with big 3D delts, what's your routine for shoulders?[View]
74766518I've gained weight Lifting 4 times a week, 1km swimming every single evening, and I've sti…[View]
74763013How do I get rid of my fat face?: I've been steadily losing weight, but while my waist keeps go…[View]
74763541>started lifting at the ripe old age of 23[View]
74762317/fit/ humour: Post old shit, post new shit. Just post shit.[View]
74760229solid sources: most threads here are just bad. arguing and bickering with strangers who are just spe…[View]
74764982this is the only supplement you need. I have significantly more energy at the gym and it made my ere…[View]
74765922>Should I go to the gym today? Went for six days straight. Had a rest day yesterday. Should I tak…[View]
747659375'6' stable 130lbs, how do i gain weight: what's the most autistically minimal and low cos…[View]
74765792Ever since I started to take fitness more seriously and have been lifting weights, All I can do now …[View]
74763917Warming up: >you need to warm-up or you'll get injured! Is this true or just the biggest mem…[View]
74766117Thoughts on science based lifting?[View]
74763901is he fat or jacked[View]
74765658Why the fuck is bench press so hard to progress on? >5' 8' >187lbs >425 squat >550 …[View]
74765395Do deadlifts count as pull or legs under PPL?[View]
74765514Nobody gives a shit about your progress: All this 'little victories' people spew about on social med…[View]
74765294Is it possible to come back from this?[View]
74765804Any of you taking pre/intra/post workout supplements? I don't get the appeal but I also hate ca…[View]
74764270I hurt my foot and I can't lift this week[View]
74763770How do I get a body like this?[View]
74765550America will never be fit again: this is so sad and true[View]
74764798mewing thread[View]
74763735/wheez/ - Asthma General: Hey, /fit/ Any advice on how to unfuck yourself and actually cover some mi…[View]
74764481How do you use magic to manifest health and fitness? Share any tips.[View]
74763671Constant doms/soreness after 10 years of training?: Bros how the fuck I’m I so fucking sore after al…[View]
74765078Mmmmmmmm… who else doing a summer bulk? I’ve never been so high test before.[View]
74764029Fatass Here: I can't do pull-ups yet I feel like my lat growth is entirely in the upper lats. H…[View]
74764144Help: Can someone help me what the hell the red spot under my chest is? I don't mean the ridicu…[View]
74763974I have been doing 2MAD for a few months skipping breakfast and every few weeks I get mad blood in my…[View]
74763798How do I know if I'm actually on a calorie deficit? I feel like I'm not.[View]
74765418How do I go from skinny and nerdy to jacked and chad like zuck did?[View]
74764204>back squat day: able to hit 325 for 6 reps >2nd back squat day: only get 1 rep what causes st…[View]
74765283kryptonite thread: garlic knots will destroy me[View]
74761688Things you thought before fit: >vegetables are good for you >you should lift until failure and…[View]
74765045I'm intoxicated: All my life I have drunk Coca Cola instead of water, I have only used vegetabl…[View]
74762121Is this one of the shittiest machines out there? Hip abduction machines stop at like 200lbs, even i…[View]
74759013Humans are literally top predators of this planet. Just because you're a pussy living in a worl…[View]
74763568Checking grip strength?: What is probably the best way to gauge or check your grip strength? I like …[View]
74763992>Makes you fat[View]
74762522>workout for 8 months consistently >go from 140lbs to 175lbs >stop working out (aside from…[View]
74761862/fat/ - Fat Loss General: >Who is /fat/ for? For the Salaciously Sedentary who are working toward…[View]
74765153Tom Segura (left) is on TRT/test?: The guy is a millionaire, is on 'TRT' (probably low dose steroids…[View]
74763709America home of the weak and land of the obese: the average american has much testosterone as a euro…[View]
74764955What's his endgame?[View]
74756586What age is a man's physical prime? As in what age or age range he can reach his peak fitness p…[View]
74762868I'm too bald to be this fat, how do I reject food and embrace the cut.[View]
74765205How do you deal with plantar fasciitis while maintaining an active workout routine?[View]
74765127So per the advice of this gay board I started eating like 100-300g of fiber per day. I've never…[View]
74764684>quit smoking the Jew flower how to abstain going forward, gonna drink like me father…[View]
74764924I hate old people. Some of them are fine, but it's the ones that wander around aimlessly and ta…[View]
74762339Black Fitness General: Race is so predictive of drug use, that even our women roid 2x more than Whit…[View]
74763590How much ice cream until it's bad for you?: Is eating a pint in one sitting okay if you're…[View]
74764770is it bad if i eat almost exclusively protein?[View]
74764192strength routine to break out of a plateau?: im an intermediate lifter, is 531 any good?[View]
74760902cushioned running shoes: Just watched 30 minutes youtube video to conclude whether should I buy* cus…[View]
74764682How bad are these for a snack?[View]
74764242I put on 7 pounds in one month and at this rate I'll get to 200 lbs of muscle before the end of…[View]
74757924Is this f'real? Because if so, it sounds like my idea of heaven. If I paired this with homemade…[View]
74757584What do you eat for your daily 3000+ calories? I am sick of milk and sandwiches, I need some ideas i…[View]
74764076How many years of lifting is this?[View]
74763719>Look babe, to look like greek statue you need a big and detailed upper back, which you can get b…[View]
74764025Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74762648Is it possible to get big traps without being a roidtranny?[View]
74764465I lift for a pimp named slickback[View]
74764419>it happened again alright, fuck it. who's had herniated disc repair surgery done? And how s…[View]
74764386Starting diving: I'm sort of interest in diving. Should i hop in a open water class or buy snor…[View]
74764163Why do all of my favourite fruits and legumes have to be so dense in phytoestrogens. I just wanna ea…[View]
74763594Peak human form: You cannot negate it[View]
74753506Natural lifting does nothing.[View]
74763702What do you mean you, as a man, don't like men? >Again, it's all a fucking faggot psyo…[View]
74758942*slam* >'ENOUGH FROM THE MANLET!'[View]
74762742How do I achieve this body?[View]
74762185Why the fuck is leg day so taxing and tiring compared to upper body days?[View]
74763988quick meals: what are your quick meals, /fit/?[View]
74763456I'm a DYEL and I fell in love with leg day. Don't get why dudes hate it. I'm not the …[View]
74761950How can I prevent foot pain during long runs? Any tips or specific footwear recommendations?[View]
74763696>gym going great, move up in weight every week >looking bigger and bigger >suddenly wake up…[View]
74763628I'm trying to write something up and am a total idiot with words. How would you describe going …[View]
74762148Should I cut? or bulk?: Idk what the fuck I should do. I went from 100kg to 76kg, right now I look l…[View]
74756825/fph/ - fat 'people' hate: previous >>74748955[View]
74760803>tfw you can out dead lift every woman and many men at the local gym, showing how much of a stron…[View]
74763847Do you still eat bacon on a CUT?[View]
74761851what is the best diet for fitness?[View]
74759558I literally bench more than I squat[View]
74763087I've already posted that before but this time I took a better pic to compare both. Anyway, here…[View]
74762846hernia worries: hi /fit/, I'm an amateur at exercising and sometimes when I do too many situps …[View]
74763343This is pure sugar and carbs and out ancestors loved it. Our brain is hardwired to find carbs delici…[View]
74762307Unknown medical condition: Medical experts of /fit/, I need your help. For around 3 years Ive been d…[View]
74761860Are push ups enough to build up a chest like this?[View]
74761045Help me understand this video: So what it's basically saying is that two guys that have very di…[View]
74755784>Women don't like roidtrannies! Meanwhile this is what your future wife's friends will …[View]
74761415My friend has a muscle problem. When she trains legs, she only feels it in her adductors when she wa…[View]
74763557FACT: push-pull-arms is the ultimate split.[View]
74762687>feel bad for the gyms resident bloatlord is there anything I can do to help powershitters? It ma…[View]
74757854if i can bench 6 reps at 60kg does that mean i can do 1 rep at 100kg?[View]
74759662Why is /fit/ness today so neglectful of its ancestral origin? Why do almost no fitness endeavours be…[View]
74759114B12 injections where: disregard uncontested 1980 Mr Olympia winner and top 10 greatest BB ever Where…[View]
74760857Creatine Face Bloat: Does creatine bloat your face? this is the only thing im worried about - i dont…[View]
74760424is cocoon mode still a thing?[View]
74762890>Studies have shown that the stretched portion of the AACCCKK[View]
74763287The Myocel: Similar to incel. One who discredits natural lifers and believes anyone more muscular th…[View]
74758814Reminder that fruit is bad for you.: Unless you think blood sugar spikes, cavities, and energy troug…[View]
74761966100 pushups every day for 30 days: HELLO! I need suggestions for exercise. I just finished “100 push…[View]
74762760>bulk during summer >cut during winter[View]
74763091is it better to do both arms at the same time or alternate for curls?[View]
74759843Being in Europe and not seeing one obese whale is honestly a luxury[View]
74755120I felt to confident and in good shape after a long cycling workout. Then I took my shirt off and loo…[View]
74748255/plg/ powerlifting general: Advice? post s/b/d@bw+height >The official pastebin (includes books a…[View]
74762704How would your /fit/ness help you in this situation?[View]
74762159Diatomaceous Earth: >heals you[View]
74753234If you’re too poor to afford it, just say that. LOL[View]
74762304I just pulled my right trap or something doing OHP can I deadlift tomorrow?[View]
74762909Advice on my program?: > Pic is me atm with a pump > 23yo, 176cm (5' 9'), 75kg > I eat…[View]
74761340Lifts for this mode?[View]
74761933Has instagram been dogshit for you guys lately? My fitness posts are getting removed and I'm no…[View]
74758311How the fuck are you supposed to lift if you have hemorrhoids?[View]

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