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/fit/ - Fitness

Displaying 638 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
74618625Anything more than this is too much[View]
74621545Does lifting keep you younger?[View]
74615517If steroids are so bad for you, how come celebrities and actors are able to get away with living lon…[View]
74623303>your own >personal >trainer…[View]
74623139What's for lunch /fit/?: >baked sweet potato with some cinnamon, can of tuna, 165g large cur…[View]
74624629I am just 2 sets of bench presses in and I already want to go home so bad. Over the past few weeks I…[View]
74624525Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74624585Bald bro's, what do you use for shaving?: I use a Remington Quick Cut but it's a bit annoy…[View]
74623771do not lift: let me be real most of you lift for attention from women, this is understandable howeve…[View]
74622296uh... carnisisters, our response?[View]
74622103Did we ever recover from this?[View]
74622372dust mites, sleep gains goblin: remember to freeze, wash and give your mattress and other bed stuff …[View]
74623777PEDs: Apparently World Records are invalidated if you use PEDs? I can't find clear info online,…[View]
74624107How to deactivate sympathetic nervous system: In the evenings I feel my entire body tighten up and h…[View]
74622040I hate this faggot so much[View]
74623908Huge knockers: How do I help my gf get humongous titties? Are there any estrogen hacks you fitizens …[View]
74614358>Boogie will never lose the wei-AAAACKKK! Who's laughing now?[View]
74617841Some people are just not built to squat. What should they do instead?[View]
74619520Even dyels have the confidence to be fitness influencers now[View]
74622517i'm hungry[View]
74622910The Best & Worst QUAD Exercises: Our King has spoken![View]
74624018>yeah bro im bulking rn GOTTA MAKE THEM GAINZ[View]
74622357>Gap between their athletes and juiced to the gills equipped lifters/strongman closing by the yea…[View]
74623825Thoughts on HGH: I use to use hgh back in the day and I felt my recovery times and gains were much f…[View]
74623966>eat dozens of cakes and sweets a day but I spit them out right before I swallow >smoke about …[View]
74618996>walk into gym busy monday 7pm >see a guy in the squat rack OHPing with the the hook set 2 pla…[View]
74618178Nobody. Is. Natty. Anymore.: Webm unrelated. HERE ARE THE STATS > while reports of AAS use among …[View]
74608660What exercises are good for sexual health?[View]
74620085is this a good physique?[View]
74623663Walk in the gym >Bawitdaba, da-bang, da-bang, diggy-diggy-diggy, Said the boogie, said up jump th…[View]
74623659Why is going from 17 to 15 bf so much harder than 20 to 17[View]
74623471https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFq6tnKQI38&t=631s >says ass to grass squats are overrated …[View]
74620837Is this progress achievable natty?[View]
74623005Are you sleepmaxxing?: Abs are made in the bedroom, not the gym nor the kitchen >Afternoon workou…[View]
74622549Natty or not?: I'm sure many of you have seen this guy somewhere, mainly IG. Let's be real…[View]
74617953Why am I more inspired by fictional characters than real life men?[View]
74622911Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
74623520When is it ok to disclose my family that I am going to the gym[View]
74619094calisthenics general /cg/: whatd you do today?[View]
74622512Tiny arms big torso: Why didn't anyone tell me bench and rows and weighted pullups barely grow …[View]
74616679/fat/ - Fat Loss General: >Who is /fat/ for? For Tubby Towelheads who are working towards a longe…[View]
74622337Are gymnastic rings the best all in one tool for working out: sup boys, got a new job thatll have me…[View]
74622275I benched 1.5 plate for reps today. It's not much, but it's progress[View]
74614904Is this body achievable natty?[View]
74621310could you beat her in a grappling match?[View]
74622612How do you actually fill out as a taller guy? Like 190-200cm tall? It seems all guys this height are…[View]
74621346The hypocrisy of this board is insane[View]
74621630I fink you are really /fit/ you're /fit/ but my gosh Don't you know it[View]
74616358Literally why would I do barbell or double dumbbells over picrel? Single arm allows you properly foc…[View]
74622956Can somebody do a full body structure version of this plz[View]
74621527Did some wide grip (to collars) behind the neck presses today. Lateral and front delts on fire. OHP …[View]
74621844>Cut back down to abs >Feel skinny, weak, and pathetic >Gain some mass/strength back along…[View]
74622194Overbreathing Exercises: I went to the doctor because my cardio is shit and I keep throwing up in ki…[View]
74611960how do i avoid this?[View]
74623074I lift so I can look good at the beach: Having said that, this 4th of July I will be eating a ton of…[View]
74622987How do I become more of a man? Every time I feel comfortable, my voice tone raises and my manners be…[View]
74621635The ultimate guide to get big: >Do ULxULxx >train S/B/D/O 2xweek >have a intenisty day doi…[View]
74615457you now remember Reddit Randy[View]
74622312>farted at the gym really loudly in the middle of a set[View]
74619678Did you drink your daily cup of olive oil today, anon?[View]
74622772broo just stop thinking about the future and bee yourself.was it this easy all along?[View]
74621814What mode is this called? The Julian-mode with a barbie doll head?[View]
74606419Humans are carnivorous apex predators.[View]
74619927Which body type do young girls prefer the most? I'm builtfat.[View]
74615983>calf doms[View]
74619868Is it true we are all going to make it?[View]
74620311Exercises to Avoid Joint Pain: I work a rather strenuous job in the military, and I want to soften t…[View]
74619290You bitches fuck with flaxseed?: It seems like a really low cal source of healthy fat, but holy shit…[View]
74614079Is roiding worth it?[View]
74619366I want to share good news with you anons. At the beginning of the year i couldn't do a single p…[View]
74622301Ay you're my homie, know'm'sayin, so remember to drink some water today, buddy.[View]
74621809Corn: Is it the worst kind of grain you can eat? You can't even digest it. It comes out intact …[View]
74622277How do I get a lower back like this?: Don't think I've ever seen this shit before, is it j…[View]
74619481Mirin that absolute unit. Bear mode.[View]
74621258is there anything better, calcium bros?[View]
74618466Is it true that prisoners have higher test than normal people because they are constantly in surviva…[View]
74620172>I only listen to Iron Maiden, Dragonforce, and WWE entrance music while lifting…[View]
74620794Ibutamoren/MK-677: Does anyone have any experiences with using Ibutamoren/MK-677 as a nootropic? I f…[View]
74619879>man with scar >cool, badass >woman with scar >banged up, damaged goods Explain…[View]
74621765>saves your cut: post other weightloss cheats[View]
74617741Running is a meme: >Destroys your knees and ankles >Doesn't even burn that much calories …[View]
74621142Looks like the powersharters were right all along[View]
74619032Uncomfortable truths: Nobody actually needs to squat more than they can OHP, legs are useless[View]
74619387I did 200 glute bridges with dumbbell and bands, is it enough to get visible gains?[View]
74621147Muscle Twitching: The left part of my upper lip is twitching for a few days now and it's beginn…[View]
74619945will I lose weight eating like this? the sauce is a bit of honey and teriyaki mixed together[View]
74621758Should you work out on rest days?: >rest day night >about to play vidya at home and shit >s…[View]
74621597What fitness culture do you look up to the most?: For me it's the Russian gymnast[View]
74621977>he doesn't walk even before breakfast >he doesn't walk at all Even a brisk wall h…[View]
74619458fitness watches: thinking about getting either the garmin forerunner 165 or 265... currently have th…[View]
74620367How much would your height and PRs have to be for chicks to find this cute instead of creepy?[View]
74620795I have completed my first week back into the gym. I did cardio for 20 mins everyday.[View]
74621555> Walk into gym > OH, SHE'S SWEET BUT A PSYCHO > A LITTLE BIT PSYCHO > ALL NIGHT, S…[View]
74621263bodybuilding destroys the body and mind[View]
74620007Now that I am doing cardio, girls feel easier to get. They know I am good at sex.[View]
74621761>try hard to get a 6 pack >hit an unmoveable wall at the last 10lbs >constantly smack face …[View]
74621573what do you call this mode?[View]
74621430>trying to gain weight >just went almost 2 days without eating how do i fix this…[View]
74621710Working out improved my power instead of my looks: >work out >2 months later, lost like 3kg …[View]
74621697Contemplating taking a role with a rotational shift up north of sweden thatll take my salary from 3.…[View]
74619212I roid but I tell normfags I'm natty because I don't want to be pestered by them. Do you t…[View]
74619793Is this skinny fat?[View]
74618764Do you actually remember routines?: I only do exercises I remember that day and don't have a pr…[View]
74619301Abs?: >6 month challenge to get abs, win $1,000,000 >THIS is the best a natty can do Is it ge…[View]
74620055What went so wrong?: Is he anglemaxxing in the second pic? Poor diet? It kinda looks like he bulked …[View]
74619718The final straw: Don't know if greentext is forbidden on /fit/ but it's relevant >be me…[View]
74618379>you will never have shoulders this wide how do i cope with being a claviclet?…[View]
74621400how to fix patellar tracking disorder: it drifts inward I believe[View]
74619498i need feedback on my routine: So basically a 2 day split works best for me. I break my routine and …[View]
74620305I am chronically depressed because of my weight loss. Today I've binge eat an extra-large pizza…[View]
74619047>Lose a bunch of weight >Get visibly more muscular >Regulars at the gym complimenting me o…[View]
74620264Oh, so you think you're /fit/, huh? So you can do this easily, right? https://youtu.be/QNJ1Vo…[View]
74620339This looks unaesthetic and unnatural, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.[View]
74620909How do I train to lift someone by the neck with my bare hands and crush them?[View]
74618046What's his secret? https://m.youtube.com/shorts/CRjGFrXyIhI[View]
74618559Using Masturbation As a Tool: If you jerked off to positive content instead of mindless pornography,…[View]
74618104How long to achieve this natty?[View]
74619418Ruck hiking: Anecdotal retard here. > did a week long backpack hunting trip in the wilderness …[View]
74620638SCARIEST MAN IN THE GYM: Are you putting the fear in others workout routines?[View]
74620687Started taking rest days serious: After 4 fucking years, I've started taking rest days serious.…[View]
74620799HRM-Pro Plus Heart Rate Monitor: How do I actually use this damn thing? I don't have a retarded…[View]
74620303If you're a man, show me the body you want. If you're a (straight) woman, show me the body…[View]
74620579can pushups herniate your spinal discs?: hey /fit/ so i am a bit overweight like in picrel (bmi 36).…[View]
74620419How can I have this body?: What foods and diet do I need?[View]
74619926Why is my facial hair red[View]
74619813You don't down talk yourself and your lifting accomplishments RIGHT??? You don't let dyel …[View]
74619825Do. The. Work.[View]
74618732Whats your fitness goal, and how much do you spend on food each week?[View]
74620584I go to Decathlon to use the weights and dip bars and pullup bar for free. I never buy anything. Tho…[View]
74620535The lungs are stored in the ass mah boy![View]
74613376Haven't been here in 10 years. Are there Metric (superior) conversions in brackets in the /stic…[View]
74620487What did lifting culture look like in Gronk era?[View]
74618703Is my split good?: I don't want a perfect split, just one that will make me gain muscles and ge…[View]
74618875I'm bored of the gym What do I do now?[View]
74620405If the treatment you followed brought you to this, of what use was the treatment?[View]
74620105Do you ever get “checked out” as a man in public by women? I never really notice but my friends ofte…[View]
74619777Whats the best way to start exercising for weight loss without dying? I'm 181cm and and about 8…[View]
74620056>Stuck watching Mrs Maisel (some actually jewish comedy show) with family members on movie night …[View]
74613219Today was my last day of being a fatass. July 1 my life as a fatty is over and my diet/exercise rout…[View]
74620272Achievable natty?[View]
74619971Are chin ups an dips enough for arms?[View]
74620230I just love putting on a lot of weight and half repping it I get stronger in a full rom quicker and …[View]
74619786A Christian swam today[View]
74618988How do I get big like my idol Aubrey Graham?[View]
74619660What bodyfat is this? Currently lean bulking and want to add 15 more pounds over the course of the r…[View]
74618568Was this achievable natty in 2002?[View]
74619490>getting lean makes you look bette- >*immediately and irreversibly age yourself 10+ years* OOF…[View]
74619347When will you whore of a mothermax?: When will you whore of a mothermax? I'm whore of a motherm…[View]
74618137Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74619331What fit activity represents what county?: Kenya long distance running America bench press Russia gy…[View]
74610577What has been the highest ROI on your self improvement journey?[View]
74618718Steroids pros & cons: Can somebody give me an unbiased summary of the pros and cons of steroids…[View]
74615793>insane upperbody gains >safeguards your wrists >prevents imbalances >rings literally bu…[View]
74619590What is the best cardio machine?[View]
74607791Brutal moggings[View]
74618991>smoke >stay lean and fit but hurt lungs >don't smoke >get fat but lungs are saved …[View]
74619375Hi, /fit/fags. Today was the first day of an office weight loss competition for me and I have a ques…[View]
74611634>you should only shampoo once in 2-3 days what do i wash hair with the rest of the days, soap?…[View]
74616221Halfway Checkpoint: 6 months down, 6 months left. You are achieving all the goals you set out for yo…[View]
74619152>2€ for 33g of protein in a non-pain-in-the-ass-format[View]
74618794Literally what's the point of going to the gym as a girl[View]
74616280Calichads.... our response?[View]
74619067Is it true weightlifting hurts you in the long run? Should I quit and do calisthenics instead?[View]
74619102Fit, i got the flu: Today i woke up very ill, fit. Despite that, i workded my legs and abs at home. …[View]
74619210How can you not stink without shampoo and other products?: Is there a way not to stink without a pro…[View]
74609892/insomniac/ general: Discuss methods and tips to combat insomnia , the ultimate gains killer.[View]
74591982/LEAN/ - Lean Pill General Beach body edition: Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the L…[View]
74613872How do I achieve this one specific shape? What exercises and what specific muscles?[View]
74618911What exercises can I perform on my penis muscle to take it from a measly and tiny 5.7' to a nice ave…[View]
74614825looking for good routines for military cucks: anyone in the military know any good routines for some…[View]
74618826>Be working out in front of the mirror >Girl walks between you and the mirror >As she walks…[View]
74613492What in the fuck is going on with this obsessive reaction against any possibility of picking up a ta…[View]
74618175what's the female equivalent for 'life starts at 12%': is the woman in the after too lean?…[View]
74618958People who would get called dyels if they posted body on fit[View]
74618910'Girls don't like Men who lift weights hehehe': Then they proceed to post the picture of a guy …[View]
74618733>permanently nerfs your fitness journey at a young age mental wise[View]
74580218/fit/ humour thread[View]
74618675I have a weird diet question. I've got a strange autoimmune problem doctors can't quite fi…[View]
74618671Does this shit actually work?[View]
74618555Natty is meme: >gatekeeped by all influential 'hardworking' 'good genetics' natties there's…[View]
74617401tfw you forget to eat bananas for a week[View]
74614903Brit Genes: >elite top performer athletes is how you age really all genes?…[View]
74615483we lost another gymbro: So this is how Timon and Pumba felt when they lost their bro Simba He's…[View]
74618017Improving mental health: >start lifting >eating right >mental health improves >1 month l…[View]
74611022How low a body fat % or how many pounds do I need to to get a flat stomach as a 6 foot 0 guy?[View]
74617416How do I last on these things? I can't go three minutes on medium speed without my legs feeling…[View]
74615193>*heals you* >*cures your bloating*[View]
74617413Could lifting have saved him?[View]
74615727Gay Physique: How do I build the gayest physique?[View]
74618430I firmly believe people who physically works (extenuatingly) hard are wiser than the rest even if th…[View]
74617659>me after turning every active discussion on the board into a steroid thread…[View]
74616082Does your gf lift with you?[View]
74612097What am I doing wrong ? 1 year apart.[View]
74618346Lost 33kg, 128kg to 95kg in 2 years and have lost motivation and started binging again because of th…[View]
74616388more like dep-rest day[View]
74618296What's your favorite relaxing exercise?: What can you zone out and do? I like to do kipping pul…[View]
74618331Is this an achievable natty?[View]
74616767If fitness is solved. Why are you still dyel?[View]
74616203I know that most people that post here are fat(>15% bf), bc there are rarely threads on meal prep…[View]
74612274How long will it take me to get a physique impressive to normies as a beginner?[View]
74616876I've heard that deadlifts are prone to causing injuries. Do RDLs have similar risks, or are the…[View]
74616865Why do fatties on this website love to argue about diets so much?[View]
74617814>saw the writing on the wall >ditched artificial sweeteners >low amount of sugar and calori…[View]
74569400Monday’s Indomitable Spirit: It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it a…[View]
74618210are rest days necessary for upper-lower-arms?: thinking of replacing my rest day with a day dedicate…[View]
74614519I have 5 weeks vacation. I've been unsure about what to do with my training and diet. But after…[View]
74612280You have to try this boyos. We have sloots walking around no underwear in spandex way up into their …[View]
74618075My apartment gym has dumbbells ranging from 3Lbs to 50 (2.5 - 5Lb increments) the following machines…[View]
74616339Saving Bars - Knurling: This Ohio Bar is already a bit fucked up, and I don't care about the kn…[View]
74616757How y'all deal with pollen allergies and gym this spring?: It's been helluva pollen season…[View]
74613661route thread: /fit/ is dying. its summer, and the zoomers don't bother posting shitposting on /…[View]
746114113 months of progress by moving more and snacking less[View]
74614668Progress thread[View]
74617941>if I eat 500 calories below maintenace I will still need 2 weeks to lose a single kg Jesus…[View]
74617197Anyone got any experience with BPC-157 and TB-500? What are the best fit approved peptides?[View]
74617972Leanpill inbound: I am finally losing weight significant weight completely on my own naturally for t…[View]
74617808The maximum amount of muscle a woman should have[View]
74617351IT'S OHP DAY!!![View]
74617355>been feeling really slow lately >workouts been really bad >bad sleep, bad coordination …[View]
74616685dont do work kids, it'll ruin your life: >stressed from stressy work >lack of sleep the l…[View]
74616236The pantyboy can't breathe and you're laughing?[View]
74615778Military fitness: AHHHHH IF YOU ARE A FAT FUCK, DONT JOIN!!!!!!! I fucking hate fat soldiers, I trea…[View]
74616662Planning on doing two sprint workouts per week from now on, but I have no clue how such a workout sh…[View]
74615992Is muscle memory a real thing? >lost 10kg due to time off[View]
74617349post youre kryptonite: for me? oh, its 'marry me chicken with fettuccine'[View]
74616557natural gymming fucks me up at 28 yo bros, im basically paralyzed after gym and the next day. how ca…[View]
74617323what am I doing wrong? 800 cal deficit for 3+ weeks, no weight loss: I gained 0.4 lb. The scale hasn…[View]
74613964alright /fit/ you wake up one day only to find out you are back in 2009 and are Chris Chan how do yo…[View]
74617680I keep getting nose bleeds when lifting for long sessions or doing long planks, it's not painfu…[View]
74616364What are the roids I should take in order to become more /fit/, aggresive, tough and evil fighting? …[View]
74617616Are food banks the ultimate bulking hack?: Every day I go and stock up on day old Starbucks sandwich…[View]
74615766>Umm ACKSHUALLY you're wrong![View]
74615414How many hours do yiu sleep?[View]
74617177>catalog full of unrelated posts: What's the best way to grow calves if you can train 4x a w…[View]
74614619Hello fit. I'm 32 years old, I'm 181 cm tall and weigh 120 kg. I want to lose weight up to…[View]
74616619Achievable natty?[View]
74614949If you don’t take an icy cold shower at least once a day I can never consider you as fit and I can’t…[View]
74615289The truth about this board is honestly upsetting[View]
74617348Imagine what your father would say if you told him 'vegetables have lectins' or 'bread is high glyce…[View]
74615933Peanutbuttermaxxing, is it a meme or does it actually work. Im skinny af like 17 bmi, need to bulk u…[View]
74615926Any stretches or exercises for spinal cord decompression? I think years of heavy weightlifting has c…[View]
74616458Why do so many girls with a cute face decide to just not start weighlifting? How does one tell a gir…[View]
74617366Gym bully texted me pretending to be my gym announcing a new mask mandate, but when I turned up wear…[View]
74610538What exercises to do for abs and an adonis belt? >inb4 just get lean Yeah okay, not what I asked…[View]
74611480Which bevarage is equivalent to milk in terms of calories and protein. im lactose intolerant[View]
74616464Imbalanced: >2022 >break right leg in multiple places >have surgery >lose ankle mobility…[View]
74617162High weight Low reps Proper diet and rest That’s all there is to it. Strength training does t need t…[View]
74617310Greasing the Handstands: So basically, I have full month off work and want to finally push some prog…[View]
74616673DYEL general: I'll start[View]
74615184Why do I always get diarrhea before work[View]
74615826whats the routine to achieve this?[View]
74615508I like Goggins but this kinda stuff is cringe[View]
74616050How do you manage stress and consequent panic attacks? I'm in an 'uncomfortable' situation give…[View]
74612099/plg/ - powerlifting general: 4 things edition[View]
74615635How do I jawmaxx so I can open a padlock with my sheer fucking teeth[View]
74616379Is this the ideal chad physique?[View]
74617046what does 'getting shredded but building mass' mean: iam training in a weight management center(losi…[View]
74616950How do you now if you've reached your natty limit?[View]
74615844I am tired as fuck all day. Im not sure why as my sleep and diet are ok. I wonder if any of you had …[View]
74616871Twink mode is the mode to go.[View]
74610817/FPH/ - FIT, THICK, PRETTY FACE, AND GOOD MONEY EDITION: Previous thread >>74597122[View]
74616798Best use of 1 year for gains? Getting back into lifting.: Need some advice on how to make the most o…[View]
74616603You need to be crackhead-maxxing. You need to be taking crack. You need to spend all your time outdo…[View]
74614603>lost 45lb of weight >BMI down to 21.2 >started rooning >resting BPM down to 60 >stil…[View]
74616443I took 500mg testosterone in the past week and I don't feel any different. How long is it suppo…[View]
74616420>that one friend you have that’s been fat as long as you’ve known him but ‘is always in the gym’ …[View]
74609175Because of work and martial arts training, I can only hit the gym thrice a week (two of those days b…[View]
74613448You're not missing out on your hot + cold shower gains, right, /fit/? You need both for maximum…[View]
74613931Jogging on the road with traffic: Drivers resent me jogging and expect me to go on the verge, this m…[View]
74614416If sugar is bad for you, why does it taste good?[View]
74613692I want to loose the moobs so I got a dip bar. How do I... not let it defeat me? Elbows hurt so bad w…[View]
74602025/plg/ - powerlifting general birthday boomer edition: >programming advice? post s/b/d@bw+height …[View]
74616663Is it safe to eat an entire carton of this shit in one meal? It’s two cups of egg whites. I’m concer…[View]
74613343Do dead hangs actually make you taller? I'm a 5'10 manlet and i hate my height. could i ge…[View]
74616609When I contract my right calf muscle, my prostate or urethra trembles and it triggers me to goon[View]
74614210Soccer player that doesn't even do any arm workouts has bigger arms than me I'm gonna rope[View]
74616408how to train legs[View]
74616342I'm actually considering taking out a loan to build my own home gym seriously doubt I'll g…[View]
74613464>Heh, nice routine you've got there, kid. A shame that in just ten years, your skin will be …[View]
74616298Hey fit senpai, looking for some feedback on my current workout routine. I've been hitting the …[View]
74612498181cm 79 kg How low do I have to get to too see visible abs and veins naturally?[View]
74610776How much calories am I supposed to eat in a week?[View]
74616178Is it doable to train like a profesional athlete if you have a full time job? Maybe less hours but w…[View]
74614522Wagmi: If you can't? Well fit what do you think[View]
74615692>men age like win-[View]
74615870Is post finasteride syndrome real?: I started using fin two weeks ago and while I was prone to feeli…[View]
74616027>accidentally went an entire day without eating again how do i make up for this…[View]
74616037Fuck this guy[View]
74613990My 1300 calorie a day cutting mealplan. It's perfect, isn't it?[View]
74611642How do I cut without losing muscle?[View]
74611799>unweighted squats and cycling hitting diminishing returns >start going to gym >keep gettin…[View]
74614014This is just softcore porn isn't it?[View]
74614843why can't we build muscles at home?[View]
74615209Vegetarian high protein foods: What are the vegetarian foods with highest protein? I'm a vegeta…[View]
74615389How to reduce fat on my face?: Any specific exercises or diet? my face is fatter than the rest of my…[View]
74614658>tfw too smart to lift >tfw can't shut my brain off and literally count such baby numbers…[View]
74615548Rate routine pls: Rate my routine /fit/ Monday:Arms Tuesday:Biceps Wednesday: Triceps Thursday:Arms …[View]
74614528pheromonemaxxing?: im noticing something weird and idk what to make of it >be me, lazy nigger …[View]
74615393apparently he has said 'ew' in response to if he went to the gym or not. did he attain this physique…[View]
74603339My body at 1 plate ohp, 265 lb bench, 350 lb squat, 455 lb deadlift[View]
74614373John McDougall was an old faggot. Rest in piss.[View]
74612268I know it's a longshot, but are there any exercises that can minimize the APPEARANCE of Mild Gy…[View]
74609721Is it necessary to include a significant amount of isolated muscle work in a lifting routine, or can…[View]
74614756are these safe to use? i heard a story once that someone literally got crushed inside of one and die…[View]
74613689Are flax seeds safe to consume? They have trace amounts of cyanide and they're the highest sour…[View]
74605438Uhhhhhh anti-carb bros??? Explain this[View]
74614583>Open demoralization thread >Post positive, motivating reply >Leave thread >Repeat You s…[View]
74615058Stop, my invincible son.[View]
74613879Can me and my squad get some feedback on our training?[View]
74613460Is flat bench press alone enough to stimulate chest growth?[View]
74613536your supplements are ally to the cause, right anon?[View]
74612876commercial gym: I need a gym recommendation. I'm going to be traveling about 3-4 days a week fo…[View]
74615094Only like 15 percent of people that I went to school with are fit. Why is everyone else such a fuck…[View]
74611917>be me, 32 y/o millennial at work >tell zoomer coworker people constantly mistake me for late …[View]
74613868fact: You don't need to grow legs more than this, this is literally perfect ones, if you grow b…[View]
74612247Azoospermia: Hoping there are some lab techs around or someone with experience to answer some questi…[View]
74610020This board brainwashed me into thinking that pic related is bad, when lifting gloves additionally tr…[View]
74606107/fat/ - Fat Loss General: >Who is /fat/ for? For Tubby Towelheads who are working towards a longe…[View]
74614265My calf’s are big as fuck and I don’t know what to do about it: I'm not a leg guy, I don't…[View]
74614667Is it better to take testosterone boosting supplements in the morning, night, or both?[View]
74614369I shower and wash my clothes regularly but still have horrible crotch smell and rash on my thighs, w…[View]
74614563>be me at festival >went out with friends who brought over girls >watching the performance,…[View]
74611923The truth about the black pill: Most of the black pill propaganda is filmed in Miami. All the girls …[View]
74613802What exercise mimics the rope pull? My gym doesn't have enough room for a real one[View]
74612591How do I make sure I use my leanmaxx body to make girls jealous? How often should I take my shirt of…[View]
74613681walking general: Did you walk today fit?[View]
74614295Training for Catch Wrestling: I started going to submission grappling classes at a mma gym. How do y…[View]
74613121I've fucking had it my gf left me for some broccoli haired loser I've just done my first w…[View]
74614377Best treatment for jock itch?[View]
74613996Looking for recommendations on stretches to improve my bridge: I know my form and flexibility is rea…[View]
74613453need the most bang for your buck exercises for certain show muscles: stuff thats easily recoverable …[View]
74613165>if I stop to take a break the commies win Does anyone else tell themselves autistic shit like th…[View]
74613763What are the ideal legs on a man?[View]
74610898Fatty needs help: Can anyone make me a meal plan to guarantee I get down from 220lb to 170lb? I keep…[View]
74601625You should run with girls: Story time >be me, 25 >can’t run for shit, maybe a single ten minu…[View]
74613949>fictional goal bodies thread No way he’s natty right?[View]
74614331I've had less than 4 hours of sleep everyday for the last whole month RIP my gains and test lev…[View]
74613927what's the difference between a 'gym' and a 'health club'?[View]
74606476life hack: i legit discovered a life hack i started adding red onions to my diet, like i legit just …[View]
74609046Does this shit ever get easier?: My numbers are improving but I don't feel like I'm gettin…[View]
74609244Stop wearing the same shirt and shorts every workout, we all notice and think you're fucking di…[View]
74612151>mogged by crackhead[View]
74613575I think I have chronic fatigue: What can I do to have energy to exercise and lose weight?[View]
74613610Peak Natty Bodies: Post Them[View]
74607329Post your failed rep face.[View]
74611657Is there any pic of him getting mogged?: Zyzz always got made fun of for for being full of gear but …[View]
74612786>he doesnt take vitamins yet lifts 6x a week why are you cucking your gains by being nutrient def…[View]
74613482>60 years old[View]
74610694July fitness challenge: >1800 cals a day, max >10k steps a day, min >No fap >50 push ups…[View]
74613690will these make my serratus anterior pop?[View]
74613974PRT anxiety. Help!! Haven't taken a PRT in three years due to a crazy deployment schedule, and …[View]
74613741I'm trying to fast, can you guys please refrain from posting pictures of food on the catalog? T…[View]
74613739how do I get /fit/ like Millie[View]
74613850>fixes you[View]
74613859>take first dose of picrel >I’m now even more hungry than before it’s over.…[View]
74613853My apartment gym has dumbbells ranging from 3Lbs to 50 (2.5 - 5Lb increments) the following machines…[View]
74613686how do i best economically purchase my enemyflesich here in germany (glovohomoland)? chicken costs a…[View]
74612569Best exercises to more effectively carry a BAR with 260 rounds of ammo through mountainous terrain?[View]
74610697How can I become more disciplined?[View]
74606949Every roider is compensating for something. Prove me wrong >Protip:You cant.…[View]
74613290i don't get it[View]
74613553Turning 33 next week bros and I notice I feel slightly less energetic than I used to. Also can'…[View]
74612462I'm going to sign up for a boxing club /fit/. What exercises do I do to prepare? I rep 1/2/3/4 …[View]
74610406What's your definition of 'making it'?: fitness speaking[View]
74613562This 71 year old gentleman can do a push-up for every year that he's been alive (all in one set…[View]
74607546I really only have 3 days a week to make it to the gym and get in a workout, is that enough time to …[View]
74604010>ketolards would be okay with this meal if he removed the buns really makes u think…[View]
74611853>2014 >shes going to die soon if she dosent start eating more! >2024 >shes going to die …[View]
74613107What kind of sled if Kyriakos Grizzly using in his workouts and where could you buy something like i…[View]
74612208/jiribrosgeneral/ bunker thread: So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame injuries, we can blame fatigue,…[View]
74612011Whats the best exercise?[View]
74613491do I have to sbd to get big?: I haven't in almost 6 months and I did dl for the first time in m…[View]
74610634Is all you need for Michelangelo's David mode to be low bf and strength train moderately?[View]
74613322>Got back from gym >90 degrees in the house because AC is broken >Jack off in bathroom to g…[View]
74612689Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74611432>go to gym >join >staff outright lie to me about the terms of my contract and lock me in fo…[View]
74613144I have never seen a single person IRL squat over 250lbs below parallel.[View]
74612563Does Grizzly even lift?[View]
74612953Fasting: How does routinely taking and breaking fast improve one's spiritual fitness? Do I get …[View]
74612760Spaghetti and noodles are the cheapest source of protein.[View]
74613174Can women get this body if by executing on diet and exercise?[View]
74612981Creamy tasting and bulks up the heavily seasoned fatty acidic beano grain sludge very nicely. A slic…[View]
74612499Do you do any lifts or exercises specifically to improve or maintain good posture?[View]
74610680>moved down to GA from New England >there are only fat, tattooed horse and dog women here I di…[View]
74608148anybody else sick of hearing about 'natty' this and 'roids' that? If you're gonna take em, sh…[View]
74599966Just realised all these 'omg bjj works in the street' videos are someone basically just sat on a dru…[View]
74612671/JUICING/: Who else /JUICING/ Made 3 Liters of watermelon juice for 2.50 Euro[View]
74610212How to prevent this?[View]
74612086Is there any way to get thick legs besides lifting weights? Are hill sprints enough?[View]
74612934What supplements do you plan to take today?: What supplements have you taken today?[View]
74611288Infinite protein hack: Leave the pizza in the oven for two weeks in summer heat[View]
74612940>wake up >take massive morning shit >stomach perfectly flat, v-taper and abs pop >eat fi…[View]
74612195Is MMA a /fit/ approved sport?[View]
74612890I'm not in a deficit, am I?: I've been in a 750 deficit for 3 weeks and gained 0.8 lb. I…[View]
74612678Is this achievable natty?[View]
74612888Transmute Sexual Energy into Gym POWER?: I decided to quit my goy habit of watching women get f…[View]
74592281QTDDTOT: Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Noob here. Started lifting recently, ha…[View]
74599393People talk shit about plant-based protein without understanding that there are differing quality of…[View]
746099895'7 188lb: Day 87 of Semen Retention here. I have added 25lb to my Incline Bench press over the…[View]
74612107Gym confessions thread.: I quarter squat.[View]
74611761I'm greying and I'm not even 30 what hair dyes should I use. superstores only have female …[View]
74611672gymming on vacation: why are there no good gyms when youre on vacation lads?[View]
74612675https://youtu.be/K441m43vn3Y?si=EZIPvBfjTTPwaVbH You have incorporated the pehwaani method of hypert…[View]
74610465Are you coffeemaxxing anon?[View]
74611339How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
74609969>He doesn't even fence you're never gonna make it if you don't know how to hold a …[View]
74611803What happens if I eat 1 5,000 calorie meal per day at 140lb bodyweight? Will I get big?[View]
74612439Is meat really bad for your kidneys?: Is meat really bad for your kidneys?[View]
74612577>left arm is a full inch longer than my right unironically, lifts for this? I'm noticing my …[View]
74608073Might be cooked, lads. Got me some cancer: Found out I have kidney cancer. 36 year old male from Aus…[View]
74612382hurt my leg in hockey (will take a few weeks to recover) and i can only do upper body. just did ben…[View]
74610544You can be a Twink in your 20s and flourish, but you should become a Twunk by not later than 30. Whe…[View]
74585068Why is rage and anger so promoted in lifting circles when calm and focus are much more effective? Go…[View]
74612403unchecked testosterone is poison, bodybuilders (roidtrannies, if you will) universally look bloated,…[View]
74605435Anyone have this? They just did surgery on my ass[View]
74603966Which one of you was this?[View]
74612381Any gym advice for the Czech republic?: I wanna leave America and I might be able to move to the cze…[View]
74608958>take one db, sit on bench, lean on free forearm lift elbow up and greet ur fuhrer with that db m…[View]
74611510Women were mogging/fit/ hundreds of years ago[View]
74612043One of the most insecure things about myself is that, I have fucked up teeth, it's kinda yellow…[View]
74611586>please sir, might i trouble you for a sip of protein?[View]
74610466Is being overweight really bad for your health?: Overweight people consume more grain sugars, salt a…[View]
74604738How can I realistically achieve this body?[View]
74610108fitness progress thread[View]
74610626I mog all of you dyel twinks: And the funny thing is, I don’t even have to lift. I’m naturally built…[View]
74611170>fucks up your lower back, wrists, and sternum This is a meme exercise, just do rope pull downs l…[View]
74609566QUICK: How can I look bigger instantly?? I'm about to go to the pool, any 'trick' aside from do…[View]
74609951Mid Year Checkin: The year is half over >How much weight did you lose? >How much progress did …[View]
74611097What kind of exercise bike would you recommend if I want to do mainly LISS cardio at home? Is a bike…[View]
74609401Dumbbells + bench: Are adjustable dumbbells (up to 100lbs each) and a bench enough to build a good p…[View]
74612078Devon Larratt: Biggest loser and fraud in the /fit/ness community. His brother knew he was a loser a…[View]
74612038What can I do to increase my body oxygenation?: I'm suffocating just standing here. I wake up f…[View]
74611954learning the correct form for exercises over the internet is fucking annoying, I hate it[View]
74611945y'all shitbulk?[View]
74610850Starting with Ballet as a 33yo male: So, in september I'll be taking ballet classes a couple of…[View]
74612005Hype videos and music thread: Post hype workout music and videos. Also fuck /mu clowns https://www.y…[View]
74611781Is 200g of meat per day enough protein to gain muscle?[View]
74611966What supplements does /fit/ swear by? Fish oil? Magnesium?[View]
74611791Why do so many people seem to have infinite energy throughout the day and just go from one problem t…[View]
74611723I think it's funny how so many people who are /fit/ refuse to eat veggies and fruit. I mostly m…[View]
74609909Goal natty right here Blackpillers of fit will claim roids Don’t listen to them[View]
74610754what muscle does the bicep curl use Also how could quantum immortality be possible? Why am I young?[View]
74611442>bro just keeps losing weight Yeah, so you can look like a malnourished 50-year-old man at age 20…[View]
74611795Post >yfw you just finished the second last set and you're getting ready for the last one kn…[View]
74611331Bee yourself.[View]
74609360I am schizoaffective. I want to avoid mood swings and get my life in order. Picrel has helped me IMM…[View]
74604875it's so fucking joever: >Start lifting again in March >Hurt my lower back squatting bitch…[View]
74604048How do men and women react when you walk around shirtless? Do you have any positive experiences from…[View]
74611482Achievable natty?[View]
74610522Eat more food NOW![View]
74611547Whey: a little over half of my daily protein intake comes from whey and peanut butter powder, how lo…[View]
74611453Is eating 5 eggs day enough to gain this build?[View]
74607789Does this mean I can’t keep blaming low T for all my problems: I thought I was incel because of low …[View]
74610495why does this REALLY happen?: pls don't make the tire comparison[View]
74608946Is 40 years old too late to start powerlifting? I don't care about being lean, I just want to b…[View]
74610116>spinach will kill you >drink onion juice >sun your butthole >eat borax >ice your bal…[View]
74601189premature ejaculation: managed to get a fit body and find some bitches to fuck, but guess what? i cu…[View]
74607557martial arts > gymceling: Whats the point of lifting if you are going to piss your pants and emba…[View]
74607468Can I get lean by swimming and tennis alone[View]
74609111Is 2 min of jump rope a decent warmup for weightlifting?[View]
74603892Diet? Food is just food dude[View]
74605618>be me >Above average height (5'11') >broad shoulders >Barrel chest >Strong le…[View]
74610818The gym fox strikes again: >Painting the green plates red to make me think I got stronger >Rep…[View]
74610884I'm looking for an adjustable bench with a leg curler. Rep doesn't have any. Not intereste…[View]
74608733how many little boys did he inspire to start lifting?[View]
74611011until failure: hi /fit/, I've recently started lifting seriously and have been doing almost all…[View]
74606940Do people respect you more after getting yoked? for me, yes. especially lesbians and males they tend…[View]
74606629TSOHAD: Three Spoons of Honey a Day >saves your bulk >easy 300+ calories >anti-oxidant >…[View]
74608868i'm not messing around anymore, i've got a fricken spreadsheet for July.[View]
74607950I have spent 281 hours out of 1056 total hours in ketosis. And I have only lost 4 lbs. wtf. What was…[View]
74605903What's the strongest sleeping drug on the market?[View]
74601021you can only post in this bread if you were part of the golden age of /fit/ broccoli heads need not …[View]
74610521>bulked too hard through autumn and winter >ended up gaining a shitload of fat >halfassed a…[View]
74610340Do I need to change my workout or do I need to get a new fucking phone? Always look better in the mi…[View]
74610691WHERE THE FUCK CAN I GET SIMPLE RUBBER COATED PLATES: 2 years ago I bought plates somewhat similar t…[View]
74610637Am I expected to workout when I feel tired due to poor sleep or do I take the day off and get back t…[View]
74607239Stop eating your pussy ass NPC chicken and rice. Get a slow cooker and make power stews out of beef,…[View]
74605193Has autism ever impacted your fitness journey[View]
74609928why does eating like a pig feel so good? if i didn't have acid reflux i would be a fat fuck[View]
74607868What's better, doing chinups where you cheat by jumping and standing on your feet between reps,…[View]
74610659Powerlifting Bars: I plan on getting a Texas Deadlift Bar, since I've heard this is the most po…[View]
74608203How do I get rid of neck fat?[View]
74609313How do you not get bored as fuck doing 10ks? A 5k is just around 20 minutes, that’s perfect for blas…[View]
74607200Which is the superior carb?[View]
74607167Does this build warrant a cut or a bulk?[View]
74609546>*picture of a roider is posted* >ROIDING FOR THIS >THAT'S ACHIEVABLE NATTY >ask a …[View]
74609555What are some /fit/ approved fast food options?[View]
74609558Lifting weights made my lung burst. I will be stuck being a dyel forever[View]
74610543DMHA is middington: if this was supposed to be legit DMHA then its the biggest mid ive ever tried, i…[View]
74606942Does creatine cause hairloss?[View]
74610405you do get your blood panel done regularly don't you?[View]
74609817Are you going to exercise out in nature today?: Nothing feels better than feeling the sun.[View]
74606585>be me >have dog >he’s a 17 year old fat son of a gun >love him to death though >bri…[View]
74605832Why should I get fit when it will repulse women?[View]
74609421How strong is the interference effect? I like cardio especially running ans swmming. But I want to b…[View]
74610270Which time period do fitizens think they would most be able to utilise their gains to prosper?[View]
74606328>Too much fat on my body to bulk >Too skinny to have any real muscle mass during a cut What d…[View]
74605405The health expert Gatis Lagzdins shivered at the sight of tribesmen: The health expert Gatis Langzdi…[View]
74608819Do you guys run?[View]
74608846Drinking & Lifting?: Will it really prevent gains? -Feel less so push your body further -I'…[View]
74610120this nigga really popped off[View]
74607466canned sardines: I bought 40 canned sardines today. I wanted to stop eating cookies and ultra-proces…[View]
74609623911 Martial Arts Jiu-Jitsu - Property Theft - Scammers: Let's say you successfully restrain som…[View]
74610072How much does intake of vitamins and nutrients and the quality of carbs matter overall? If we were t…[View]
74610094Went to a doctor yesterday to know if there's any way to prevent my inevitable hairloss in 5~10…[View]
74605483How to be strong but look weak? I'm ready to work, I just prefer to stay as skinny as possible[View]
74608319Older gym girls (30+) are pretty cool: Story time: >Be me >Heat waves are absolutely demolishi…[View]
74608966Early morning or late workout and why[View]
74609986I found a big lump on by ball sack. I really hope it's a pimple or something. Pray for me bros.[View]
74609763>yes I deadlift, how could you tell?[View]
74609693Why do I always feel extremely tired? I do MMA and lift 6 days a week, but I'm currently unempl…[View]
74609462Losing sex drive on cut?: 26m. I'm not even cutting that much. My maintenance is 2600 and im ea…[View]
74605421Negative Workout Motivation: ITT: post all the things FORCING you to pick up that WEIGHT out of fear…[View]
74609675Does gay sex kill my gainz?: I'm not a homosexual though[View]
74607942How much time till calisthenics makes me look better and bigger than rn? Is it better to do it every…[View]
74605613Ass training needs to stop: The ass trend is a psyop to turn all people gay ass is the only sexualiz…[View]
74609212How do we make this /fit/ approved?[View]
74608487How do foreigners look better than a large percentage of americans despite earning less money than a…[View]
74602826Is the chin up a viable alternative?[View]
74608089Aside from squats and deadlifts and weighted cable crunches, do I need any other exercises to develo…[View]
74609454>enter gym >YOU ARE MY SPECIALZ[View]
74606995I can never do more than 22 or 23 pushups, what is wrong and how do I fix it?[View]
74607909How do I Chudmaxx?[View]
74603702First concussion: I just suffered my first concussion before 12 days at kickboxing practice. Any adv…[View]
74609455>Not wearing a diaper whilst flexing[View]
74606001Is this true. what oil do you guys use for cooking[View]
74604618burning herpes blisters: >october 2023 >got given the gift that keeps on giving aka herpes (th…[View]
74605232How to wake up early to do high intensity workout before work?[View]
74605265Does kettlebell actually build muscle? Look at this guy lol[View]
74609255Bodily features discoveries: What are some unknown bodyparts/functions that you've discovered s…[View]
74609167If you ever start minoxidil. Don't stop taking it until your cycle is done bros... you'll …[View]
74607107I AM A POWERLIFTER: for Christ. My reps and my PRs ascend to the highest heaven. My delts are for th…[View]
7460917820 years ago this was considered peak male: Today women think guys like Michael Phelps are skinny an…[View]
74608598personal trainer?: any anons used a personal trainer? I've been considering it lately so wanted…[View]
74607387Why is it now taboo to be honest and admit you're motivated to exercise so you become more attr…[View]
74608250What's stopping me from just fasting until I reach my desired weight?[View]
74606520This guy is using fake plates right? Everything is staged, gay and fake right?[View]
74608987Take the powerbuilding pill[View]
74608657Is it over for me: 5'11 154 pounds. My current routine is running a 5k everyday, and 50 pushups…[View]
74608775You will never be a hyper masculine white man and have a hyper feminine exotic woman. I on the other…[View]
74603080>I take PEDs to get bigger >but they make my hair fall out, so I take drugs to prevent that …[View]
74608238would you ever consider plastic surgery?[View]
74608785Finally about to fuck girl I've wanted for months dick doesn't get up[View]
74605459I'm doing Starting Strength. I was missing reps even early on but I would always get more reps …[View]
74600631Transformation Thread: 265->340 lbs very successful lean bulking. let's see your progress a…[View]
74608347I'll probably get banned for saying this, but these people really piss me off. They take off th…[View]
74608231this guy is actually pretty based[View]
74606769Vegans do eat meat.: They're dirty liars and hypocrites.[View]
74606368Most fit human: You may not like it, but this is ACTUALLY what peak performance looks like. >Kris…[View]
74603189> back is loading wtf does she mean by that?[View]
74606217I swithced from chewing gum and gum arabica (much cheaper) to woodchips and noticed some gains after…[View]
74603470>He decided to go to the gym instead of playing sports >He decided to pick up something up and…[View]
74607904The Marston physique: Is this physique achiavable natty?[View]
74608198why are there so many jews in bodybuilding?[View]
74605159June 29th: Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each mornin…[View]
74587257/cbt/ FAT fuck to okay looking edition: Went from 225-205 in about a year and a half. Would look muc…[View]
74608143Wtf, so I just can't drink?: I've started trying to lose weight and get in shape, and I…[View]
74604275my sister wants to start going to the gym with me and asked me to train her and help with her diet n…[View]
74607828Creatine: Do you use creatine? Can you feel the difference when you're on/off creatine?[View]
74606892What are you guys having for your cheat meal this weekend?[View]
74604397well yesteryday i put my picture and u guys make fun of my face say i am goofy looking or something …[View]
74604216>waits for you along your path >yep it's fitness time…[View]
74607691I just want to be bigger.[View]
74607782Truth about jelqing: My dick is 5x5. Is this the end? Is jelqing complete bullshit. I feel better th…[View]
74607784If you supplement iodine you are a silly billy. The government wouldn't put fluoride in the wat…[View]
74605751Almost done: >265 vs 235 Kinda weird there's not much difference. I hurt my back in November…[View]
74607148>he’s actually pretty cute Could lifting have saved him?[View]
74606946Ambidexterity Thread: Bruhs, How do you bimanuaI/out of phase coordination? I literally have equal p…[View]
74607350Have you ever embarrassed yourself at your gym so badly you had to swap gyms?[View]
74605490>fixes ur routine[View]
74606216>he doesn't have a lineage of gym goers with his family NGMI[View]
74606536Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH[View]
74606906Bloatmaxxing, knowing how to fight, carrying a weapon, and staying out of crime ridden shitholes is …[View]
74606047How many squats per day does it take to start noticing results?[View]
74606748If you look like this, just give up on ever having a good physique, and train for strength exclusive…[View]
74606901What do you think about his fitness advice?: His videos keep getting recommended to me, but I don…[View]
74607768Hopping on steroids seems reasonable if you've maxed out naturally.: You're at peak natura…[View]
74607447Are chin ups and dips enough for arms or do I need to isolate?[View]
74607779Do core/cardio exercises reduce abdominal hernias?[View]
74607751Is it possible to get more upper body volume without increasing fat everywhere else?[View]
74606236Is it possible to train your neck to the point you can survive hanging?[View]
74603322no homo but alex eubank is fucking gorgeous[View]
74605359Why does machine attract dyels as much as shit does for flies?[View]
74603481/fit/ness related dreams: Do you dream about fitness related stuff? I just woke up to a crazy dream …[View]
74605564>lose a lot of weight through a long period of diet and exercise >'WOW ANON YOU LOOK GREAT, A…[View]
74600375>tells you to avoid all alternative exercises >Advocates only straight sets >His sample pr…[View]
74606754This angers and infuriates the doctor[View]
74605511'Don't worry, people at gym are mostly beginners like you': This is the average level of young …[View]
74606075How do i get rid of this bod. i run everyday, then have breakfast and lo behold there is this bod[View]
74603711Pic that broke fit[View]
74606853AbMat Assisted Bench Press: >lifting for more than a year >never felt pecks pumped regardless …[View]
74601023>gets you laid[View]
74607314Mid-year resolutions, motivation and improvement: I've been in a slump for the past year or so,…[View]
74604602Been doing manual labor for a month and feel my body getting a bit stronger but how long does it tak…[View]
74606564>go to gym for years with barely any gains >thought I was just constantly fucking up with diet…[View]
74606420Is cycling a good /fit/ hobby? I already enjoy lifting, hiking and long walks. Not sure if cycling i…[View]
74606624fitness models are harassing normies on the street for content now.[View]
74606656Is there any difference in terms of cardio in incline walking vs traditional running? I fucked up m…[View]
74606936What are the negative side effects from working out?[View]
74605452For bros who wanna get pumped repeatedly in the gym. QoTT: What kind of underwear do you wear to the…[View]
74603928Any tricks to get yourself in the left position when alone? I feel I can increase my weight and can …[View]
74606931help me with this fags from /fit/: What muscles do twinks look at the most? no boywife no work…[View]
74605480convince me to stay natty: Mid-30s, done having kids, anxiety and depression being treated with goyp…[View]
74606767How do I get around it not tracking calories burned from exercise: Like it tracks my steps and has b…[View]
74605408What the hell should I do: >Be me >7 months into the gym >Progress is unnoticeable although…[View]
74584392/run/ /roon/ - Running General: Joggers edition. >Advice for new runners - Build up speed and mil…[View]
74606707Hey /fit/ it's me Bugez, I need your help.: I'm looking for two midgets, one is blonde and…[View]
74606680did he do it /pol/ ?[View]
74606587back thread my back after doing barbell rows extremely high repetitions with 30 kg and fat gripz ext…[View]
74604494I am looking to purchased a gym set, the the ones with pvc weights are less than half the price of r…[View]
74605449Which physique would be easier to fix with training roids and diet?[View]
74604387How do I know lifting isn't just a trick to groom me into being gay?[View]
74605866Why can't men wear compression clothing to the gym[View]
74599267Now that the Olympics are almost here, what are the top /fit/-approved summer Olympic sports?[View]
74606170How long to pause?: tl;dr >working out at home using an app that tells me what to do (i think it…[View]
746050301/2/3/4: 1. your height 2. your age and weight when you achieved 1/2/3/4[View]
74605204~~ PICK YOUR PROTEIN ~~[View]
74595518Semaglutide/Ozempic: Girlfriend suddenly said she's thinking of taking to drop some weight. Gi…[View]
74606230Hello, I am a big and beautiful boy with a very healthy frame that my mommy helped me build up with …[View]
74600134The mid 20s Wall: >open up IG >most of the guys have puffy bloated face. Either fat or skinny …[View]
74606105iam shifting from my ascended ottermode goal to sexy rodent man goal. what should i watch out for? a…[View]

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