Deprivated isn't a word
>>75719126he just used it bro
>>75719335You can't just craftinate new wurgles bro.
>>75719342cock deprived will have a nigga sleep deprivated
>>75719335Not allowed
>>75719126That's funny because that's not what your mom said when I deprivated her last night
I will never have a good night's sleep.
It's amazing how much the "muh 8 hours sleep" is touted as a truth when the scientific evidence is actually lukewarm at best. The studies this bullshit is based on was comparing full rest to severe sleep deprivation, not just "muh i miss 1-2 hours" and I think most of them didn't even test for hypertrophy but lifting PERFORMANCE and even then there's studies showing that caffeine literally compensates for lack of sleep when it comes to performance.Sure the logic of "more rest = better recovery" is pretty obvious but in practice it doesn't seem to affect much if you just miss a few hours (probably because you don't actually need "max recovery" to recover sufficiently from your workout)Ronnie Coleman said he sleeps 5-6 hours.
>>75719588>Ronnie Coleman said he sleeps 5-6 hours.why should that be relevant?he juiced
>>75719588IDK. My whoop band makes me feel bad when I don't sleep enough and it tells me my HRV is shit.I think there's a difference between "sufficient sleep", with which you can generally go about your day, including lifting, and "optimal sleep", which gives you those extra few percentage points. It is a luxury for most people, and we therefore don't like to dwell to much on it.Now not everybody needs 8 hours for optimal rest. I need closer to 9. Other need less.Just try to do right by your body as much as you can afford to.
>>75719588I'm making gains on 6 hours. On the weekends I'll sleep in. 4 is starting to get in the danger zone for me. >>75719123Shit your pants before working out? Good.
I give myself a 10+ hour slot to sleep every night and still dont get enough sleep because I toss and turn for no reason. I'll be exhausted from work and go run for 3 miles when I get home, no screens before bed and still be tossing and turning because my brain goes into retarded overdrive during my dreams so I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep and look like a zombieno sleep apnea
>>75721172Tried magnesium?
>>75721172At the risk of sounding like a blarneknek. When I'm tossing and turning I tell myself that bedtime is the time for sleep, it's not "extra time in the dark and think about movies/music/fantasy life/sexy women". I tell myself "sleep is my friend, find my friend" and I do whatever I need to do to find my friend. I find a lot of the stuff I think about in bed are "avoidant thoughts" I use to distract myself from things I should do like adjust my position in bed or move the covers.
>>75719588I’ve been sleeping less than 7 hours for the past few weeks and wake up really early in the morning and I dream about my ex gf for some reason but today I benched 190 x 10 on bench press which is a pr for me
i had a bout of insomnia from lifting for a while (cortisol? idk) and not even melatonin helped, on top of that i always had trouble falling asleep all my lifewhat solved it ultimately was changing my sleep rhythm to waking up early and going to bed early, i suddenly started falling asleep like a kitten - like i didn't even recognize myself falling asleep so fast i never experienced that before. i can only recommend everyone to experiment with it, internal clocks are powerful and don't seem to adapt to even years of different bed times. i don't know if it can help with every case of bad sleep but i was shocked about how easily it solved my sleep, i was always a night owl but it had nothing to do with my internal clock, i never slept as well as i do now that i go to bed early.
>>75719408this nigga having sleep apnea
>>75721615I keep dreaming of the streamer Emiru. I don't even watch her or particularly like asian women.
>>75719408I haven't slept 10+ straight hours since I was in school
>>75721660I jack off to her pictures 3-5 times a week and have never had a dream about her. Never watch the retarded streams either
>>75719588While I'm not saying you're wrong, please glaring issue that Ronnie Coleman is now a cripple and you should 100% sleep more to help recovery for any and all stress on your body. Back, joints, muscles, everything, all gets fixed by 7/8 hours a day.Although I agree, since I have shit sleep and I have not seen a dip in my performance at all. And 100% factual that caffeine is a massive superpower for getting that shit going when you need it. Kind of retarded that Nazis and armies around the world never just abused caffeine and nicotine instead of crack or whatever the fuck they were doing.