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/fit/ - Fitness

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I have a seven and a half month old son, and I'm curious about fitness training for when he's a bit older. I remember when I was a little kid, I was told that lifting weights would stunt my growth, and I didn't learn any real exercises at all until about middle school, all of my exercise until then came from running aimlessly during recess, or from being forced to do stupid ass dances to stupid ass songs in P.E. My peers who did little league were far and away more fitnessly advanced by the time I hit middle school.
What age should I begin training with my son? Should we just do calisthenics and cardio routines until he gets old enough to lift weights? It's a hobby I want to share with my son, like all fathers want to share their hobbies, but I don't want to fuck it up either.
Cardio and body weight until he's 12ish and puberty is starting. Dont stress his joints before they get blasted with T. If he can bang out pull ups and push ups, moving to free weights will be a breeze. And definitely sports. Not baseball, that's gay and I played baseball. Get him doing something that requires constant effort, like soccer, rather than standing still for 98% of the game like in baseball. Biggest thing is diet. Feed him well, including vitamins, and he'll have a huge advantage over the kids who grew up eating pop tarts and frozen chicken nuggets.
>inb4 soccer is gay
Ya cool but you can't run more than 3 minutes wuthout throwing up so maybe being gay will do you some good.
Put him on DHT at the very least

Get 1-androsterone, prohormone that boosts test but almost entirely converts to dht so it makes adults go bald but as a kid it will make you super masculine and give you a huge dick.
Skateboarding or parkour.
Mostly for confidence building and social gains. Everything else is a bonus.
Obviously, don't introduce that until like five years old at the absolute earliest.
Swimming from a young age is really good too.
My parents took my brother, sister and myself to swimming lessons as early as possible and continued with it for years. We're all really strong swimmers now and love to be in the water.
>Not baseball, that's gay and I played baseball.
Ho le fuck, baseball is so fucking lame and gay. It's the lamest sport, almost golf tier but at least golf has gorgeous greens you walk on.
Almost any sport is better than baseball.
> Soccer
> Basketball
> Football
> Hockey
Just say no to baseball
Any dads ITT put their sons in football? I want to put my sons in chad sports like football/hockey/lacrosse but I'm paranoid of CTE
Teach him to ride a bike and have him play a team sport like soccer. Let him grow up watching you lift and before you know it he'll be asking for lifting tips
This. Sports will be best because his muscles are already under constant strain from normal growth. He'll put on mass no matter what but he'll need focus on his endurance and agility. Make sure he exercises a lot and eats like a horse - tons of whole grains. But don't get him into lifting until he's a teenager. Too young and he'll overwork his already-growing body.
I've been thinking about this plus hgh for my son. He's 5 now and about average size. Maybe having a chat with him at 14 and seeing if he'd be interested in being bigger and stronger. Do you know of any literature about dose and timing?
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>tons of whole grains
Why would you focus on grain when his body needs proteins and minerals to develop new muscles and bones?
swimmpilled and familybased
>And definitely sports. Not baseball,
The key thing is playing multiple sports. Make their body do multiple things and work different muscles. Most kids today play one sport and it grinds down one area of their body because it never gets rest.
In respect to baseball, it’s a top tier sport in terms of hand eye coordination, develops hip/core movement, and teaches people how to throw which is not only a uniquely human skill, but anyone who can’t throw looks like a complete loser when they try that short arm shit. Most women never play a sport that requires a proper throwing motion and it’s why the phrase “throw like a girl” is real. So at least make sure they can throw a ball
what is the best sport for a girl that also wont turn her into a lesbian?
Video of Cristiano Ronaldo throwing out a first pitch. Top athlete in the world looking like a fucking spaz. You can’t hide not being able to throw.
14 is very late for something like that
with kids of both sexes you want to heightmax, put them in swimming lessons make sure they stay active and get lots of sleep and of course great nutrition
Ew gross, I just want to run and socialize not feel bad about myself.
True, i played 4 in high school. Let them try different ones and see what they like.
>Almost any sport is better than baseball.
Counterpoint: tennis
Just play with your kids. Wrestling, running, biking, drumming, etc. Play fun games with them and they'll get strong naturally. Don't let them sit and do nothing.
My 3.5 year old can now ride her pedal bike by herself confidently. We started her on a balance bike and she was able to go to a pedal bike without training wheels. We go on bike rides after work when the weather is nice.
Don't be overly autistic about food. Kids go through phases of being picky and often want to eat shit food. As long as 80% of their diet is good is not going to hurt them if they have ice cream or other treats. Just make sure you're not piping sugar slop down their throats b
Kids learn by watching. Make sure you make it fun for him, and show him how and why you enjoy it.
tennis is fun. everyone is also playing pickleball so that's probably better for social gains.
Me missus mentioned to me an interesting tidpit of information:
>lack of proper sleep fucks up the growth
The growth hormone is released during sleep, so one of the most important things to do as a parent is to be fucking strict about bedtime for as long as you can. Just scare your son his dick wont grow... that should do the trick.

Hopefully, by the time my kid will go to school, we will copy the Aussie laws blocking access to social media apps and sites for anyone bellow the age of 16. No smart phones untill then either for my kids. I rather help my sons get over being made fun of, then to see them rot their brains away as a tablet kid.
Mental health and upbringing is more important in this digital age of ours as anything else. You may have to be patient. My younger brother hated any sport or activity for years, until he himself came home with the idea to join a historical fencing troupe.
My son is 2 and a half and oddly jacked. He climbs fucking everything so that's probably why. I also hold his legs and he walks around on his hands laughing his arse off.

The mma gym at which I do muay thai does kids bjj from 3 years so I'll get him doing that when he's old enough. I think they start kids muay thai at 12 or so
Do you have that image in higher res?

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