Is carnivore good for weight loss? How long would I have to do it to see results? I could realistically do >1lb ground beef >6 boiled eggs >1 can sardines in water drained >80 grams of oysters in boiled water drained (each can has like 160 grams of it but I'd splitting it to 80 grams a day because shit is expensive)Idk if every day I could do the sardines and oysters since I don't exactly like the flavor or texture much, but I could probably try pan frying them with a bit of beef tallow to see if that changes anything I could probably also do 1 cup of kefir and 1 cup of yogurt Greek or full fat I'm tired of being a fat fuck, which I am right now at 5'10" and 235 lbs
>>75719517sure, if it helps you eat less.
>>75719517Sure if you want to fuck your hormones up and become a tranny meme dieter. Just do fork putdowns and don't fall for shitty reddit meme diets.
>>75719517That's nowhere near enough meat.If you're doing carnivore for weight loss you cut out the dairy too. Eat a minimum of 2lbs of fatty red meat. This is beef or pork. Eggs are not meat, they're a treat. Don't eat them unless you've already gotten in your 2lbs or are positive you can get your 2lbs in the rest of the day.Dairy is to be avoided because many many people experience food cravings as a result of eating it. I am absolutely one of those people. Casomorphine is a known and well documented appetite stimulant, and the cravings are not going to be for more meat.I went carnivore for my gout. It has been utterly life changing for me and I was never a fatass. I used to deal with cravings when I was "eating clean" even before my gout diagnosis, but willpower usually prevailed. I haven't had a craving for anything since a month after my switch. Ice cream, doritos (my old kryptonite), donuts, candy, chocolate. None of it has any interest or appeal to me any more. I know that they would taste delicious but I just have no interest in even a nibble, no appeal. Except for that time I tried adding in cheese to the diet thinking i wanted more "variety". Within literal hours of a single slice of provolone cheese on a hamburger patty after more than a year of being craving free I found myself riding my bike to the grocery store and in the chip aisle looking at bags of doritos. I came to my senses and didn't buy any. When I cooked dinner the next day I ate more cheese and found myself on the baking section of YouTube fantasizing about making a giant batch of sugar cookies. I did make the cookies but managed to come to my senses and just took them to work.
>>75719948Buy yourself a ribeye loin. Typically 14-18lbs a piece. If you don't have a nice big sharp knife ask them to cut the loin into 2" steaks. Be sure to tell them "no trimming". This will get you almost exactly 2lb steaks each. You want to get some baking trays with some of those matching grid racks. Liberally salt every surface of each steak. Put them on the grid racks on the baking tray. Make sure the steaks do not touch each other. Then place them uncovered in the fridge. This dry brining will work magic and make the most delicious steaks you've ever cooked. You'll end up with 7-9 steaks from each loin. Just pull out a steak, cook it, eat it, and move on with your life. Steak #9 will be just as delicious as steak #2. In fact days 5-12 are my favorite. They're dried out more and thus develop an amazing crust when cooked. I don't even cook them until they've been in the fridge for at least 48 hours. The salt works it's way throughout the entire steak and requires no seasoning.>pic relatedTook some pictures of the loin I cut up just now for some example photos for you.If you want even better flavor leave the loin into the cryopack wrap exactly as you got it from the store for 4-5 weeks in the fridge. This really helps the cheaper grades of beef like USDA Select or Choice stand out. The Select grade steaks I cook up in my skillet in lard after wet aging for 5 weeks and dry brining for 7 days taste better than any premium steak I've ate at the nicest steakhouses I've been to in the US. Including a steak that was supposedly worth $300 at a restaurant in NY a business partner bought me when I was there.
>>75720099Looks good! I'll have to try this. Though most days I could probably only do ground beef for my budget.How long should I do it before I go back to normal?
>>75720148Personally, I'm never going back to a "normal" diet. My struggles with gout are enough to convince me this is it for me. I'm not risking another gout attack for any food.One of my attacks when I was practically a vegan, my big toe was so swollen that a lesion erupted underneath my nail bed and leaked out puss and gout crystals. My second toe was so swollen it was as big as my big toes normally are, it too developed an erupting lesion. The gout pain was so bad that after my third attack ever I had my brother come over and take all of my guns because I was contemplating blowing my brains out to stop the pain. I have broken my hip falling off a mountain. Given the choice between the two I'd choose the broken hip over a gout attack without a second thought. No bread, pasta, cake, or vegetable is so delicious and tasty to be worth the risk to me.In my experience the minimum commitment you should make is 90 days. The first 30 you're still adapting to the energetics. By day 60 you'll start to get your meat hunger figured out. By day 90 most people are at a good baseline to gauge how they feel.Hunger on this way of eating is completely different than what you're used to. Most people undereat when they start. They're used to eating a certain amount and saying "I'm done". The best thing I can try to convince you of is to get 2lbs every day regardless of how not-hungry you are.To help learn your new hunger signalling ay attention to how good the steak tastes as you eat it. As soon as I get to "meh, this steak is mediocre" that's when I'm done. That same steak which tasted mediocre at the end of dinner is ravenously delicious straight out of the fridge in the morning.If you're doing ground beef, get the 5lb chubs of 73/37. Dice up a pound of bacon. Mix it into the beef and make 1/2lb patties. Even the 73/27 will lose too much fat when cooking and you'll be eating too lean.
>>75720099Cooking a thick ribeye - or any ribeye - will split between the eye and the spinalis, causing it to get a weird shape while cooking and cook unevenly. One thing you may want to try is trussing it along the sides, this way it keeps its shape during cooking.I learned this the other day with a $40 ribeye from Central Market. Still delicious, but I'd rather the spinalis and eye be closer in temp.