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How long to achieve this mode natty for real?
Steroids maybe a year
Natty like 10
natural? maybe 9 years if you have the top 1% genetics
1.5 years
that's not natty
I've been training on and off with a seriously inconsistent and shitty diet for about 3 years now and I'm finally starting to look like this. I'd say 1.5 years as
said. If you actually take it seriously and eat right, sleep right and avoid drinking.
A year or two of working out but the hard part is actually the cut
I'm more embarrassed at how I couldn't find steroids so easily back in my 20s. Legit is easier to get than fucking and more reliable than online weed.
>lift for a good couple of years CONSISTENTLY or just hop on gear lmfao
>dont bloatmaxx, ever
>dehydrate a few days before
>optional: sauna or whatever to sweat out that last bit of water
>take pic
10 months and skip legs
I look like this but a bit bigger, it took me 3 years from skinny fat to this. If I had the knowledge I have today I'd be able to do it in 1 year, easy. If you begin from skinny or skinny fat you first bulk SLOWLY at about 0.5kg per month for 10 months and then spend 2 months for slowly cutting. Just do 1 or 2 compounds per workout 5x a week and push yourself to the brink without injury. When you gain ~5kg of lean mass and lose ~5kg of fat you look completely different. Guy in pic would weigh about 70kg at 180cm, it's not a lot of mass and doesn't take a lot of time to get to from complete skinny or skinny fat dyel. If you're fat or a genetic dead end then you'll need a lot more time obviously.
If you are natty i m pretty sure you don t have same capped delts as OP pic in 1 year.
Post photo.
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I do. As I said, fuckton of compounds. In my case I loved doing OHPs and that grew my shoulders a lot.
nah you don't look like op
Don't think you understand what capped delts mean seething dyel lmao
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Michelangelo's David versus la creatura
Are you serious
Capped delts refer to horizontal protrusion, not shoulder height, are you retarded? Fucking dyels will do anything but actually start lifting. Go do OHPs you retarded mouthbreathing subhuman.
I could rape every woman in your family and there would be nothing you could do about it.
have you ever considered cutting?
kek post body dyel
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I looked like that within a few months when I was doing half-assed bodyweight in my bedroom.

can't remember my exact routine but I do remember I wasn't doing any shoulder exercises whatsoever.
nobody is gonna save pics of you like they are with OP
Faggots. I look the same.

Wax, cut and get a better camera and you look similar to op pic.
lean tummies are so cute :3
Post current body
nobody asked faggot
sorry you got triggered by my post anon
but lean tummies are really cute, i just couldn't hold in my opinion!
Go back in time 10 years to when you were young
Be born with slim waist genetics
Work out for 6 months
This isn’t you but if it is
>pretending to not care that much about exercise while owning an internet whore camera
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plant photography is my hobby, I didn't have a smart phone back then hence why I used my hobby camera.

I am like 10 times bigger now and don't post here very often.
>natty for real
that lovely foopa that is roid guts and overgrown bloated psoas portruding that lil dickie brad sported in troy is not "achievable" natty bot
Stop posting my old pics weirdo
>plant photography
Incredibly gay. Even the fat fuck balding nerd at my college was taking professional nude photos of the science major girls
>should have seen the shitshow when his portfolio got leaked
>pic related one of the photos and there's full nudes
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Fuck. The photo didn't post. Fail.
Right looks better though anyone disagreeing is retarded
The guy in the OP has 0 muscle mass he just happens to have 0 fat too
Auschwitz mode does not require exercise
What the fuck is wrong with all of you? If you're skinny this is 1.5 of lifting Clean, and not even that difficult a workout plan. If you're out of shape (fat) 2.5 years. No one needs steroids for this. If you're roiding for this you've literally never tried lifting first.

This body isn't even great, he'd look incredibly small in real life and indistinguishable from anyone with a shirt on.

Gentlemen, witness the hysteria of this south of the Mediterranean creature
god he's perfect
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Easy natty maybe 1 year in gym with semi good diet
dyel when dressed

This looks somewhat respectable only under specific light setup. I bet it took multiple attempts to make this photo, could be shopped too.
you would get performance anxiety and wouldn’t be able to get hard. then my sisters would laugh at you
have a small frame and roid. he's a biacromial shoulderlet. imagine roiding to have a normal shoulder width lol
but he has wide clavicles
he doesn't. it's an illusion. his bones are smaller than average. the capped delts (roids) trick morons like you
>he will always post garbage
>he will never, EVER post body
Wonder what compels a loser to just make the same worthless posts, day in and out, replying to himself every thread while calling what he doesn't like a bot.
>fit literally thinks this is only possible with roids

Have you niggas ever tried working out? 6 months to a year depending upon starting point

What a bunch of sad brown zoomers
Who the fuck buys online weed in 2025 granddad
You look like him, just a shit pic. Don't let the pajeets get you down bro
post body
peace and tranquility - what else?
so u're saying this tiny kid does not have grosse disgusting portruding abdomen like brad lil dickie pit had in troy bot? and u're saying it isn't roods at all - gotcha, u're pathological liar bot u know
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i was to post here:
but u gave up on the thread bot, archived it, oh well
so this one it is:
remember this jpg? sure u do, remeber this thread?
of course u do, i felt that sth was wrong with my explanation, i knew it was wrong, so here's the fix:
yes, tight levator scapulae may lead to soreness of serratus posterior superior both of which i have experienced, no SPS is NOT attached to scapula - spine and ribs only under scapula, it's a breathing SUPPORTING muscle and only that
what will happen if individual manages to fix his posture otherwise but forgets about breathing with diaphragm, breathing into belly
it will fucking hurt, it will produce anxiety, stress, state of perpetual alertness

remember bot that i told u i was impersonating human magdrill pulling myself into a board drill was braced into for about an hour? and that i was boastful about zero superficial musculature soreness? u do, u do
well, few days have passed, i have massaged SPS and it was not fucking gone, it was better, but not gone
as i was laying in bed with half the symptoms and couldn't fall asleep - i just googled it, one thing let to another and i was breathing into belly using diaphragm and pronto it stopped fucking hurting

told u bot:
>peace and tranquility
is next, cause i'm gonna learn and train diaphragmatic breathing - it's magic, i started yawning in minutes, i was suffocating all these years, lol :D innit funny bot?
woke up pissed (cause yesterday was stressful and i am not over it) and took few breaths into my belly and started yawning again lol, how cool is that to cal oneself down at will? the coolest thing ever
Less than a year if you start from skinny. It's literally just noob gains.
>tight levator scapulae may lead to soreness of serratus posterior superior
nah, it's not causal relationship, u are breathing by elevating your shoulders without using diaphragm - that's what happens, ur fucked up breathing fucks up both muscles

and by the graphic u provided bot it does kinda looks like it attaches to rib side of scapula innit? lesson learned - never trust bot provided graphics
It depends on your starting point, obviously. What a dumb question.
you will never look like this natty
there are guys who are bigger and stronger than this, but the specific proportions of the giant delts and upper chest are impossible to achieve with gear
oh wow bot, u blocked me from posting images - how fragile :D

>remember bot that i told u i was impersonating human magdrill pulling myself into a board drill was braced into for about an hour? and that i was boastful about zero superficial musculature soreness? u do, u do
>well, few days have passed, i have massaged SPS and it was not fucking gone, it was better, but not gone
that needs explanation - u are not breathing in diaphragm when u have board braced into your chest and pelvis and u pull yourself into it for an hour straight switching arms

and what happened here bot? NOBODY is interested in getting short head of biceps?
quite peculiar
??? Depending on if you start fat or start skinny, this number is way off. Actually it's way off in either case, but especially if you start skinny
holy shit this place is retarded lmao
I mean it really depends on where you're starting from doesn't it?
Could be 6 months could be 2 years
go to /b/ with this "pics you shouldn't share" bullshit
Why does it always take this long for this answer to popup? Any answer not using a current point for reference is full of shit. How do any of you know OP isn't 400lb?
Only people who think those delts aren't achievably natty are genetic dead ends like yourself. Another anon already posted his pic with similar delts. Half the lean natty guys I train with have delts like that.
I've been lifting 8 months. You faggots have no idea how to lift and no idea how to diet
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Your shoulders are NOTHING like the shoulders of the guy in OP (good physique btw).
EVERYONE in this idiot thread keep posting their body thinking they look like the dude in OP photo which is like 6% bodyfat with cannonballs delts...
You guys have good shoulders but they are not capped AT ALL.
I will post mine too just for fun at this point lol
Whatever you say schizo
yours don't project like op's does
>oh wow bot, u blocked me from posting images
What in the fuck did he mean by this?
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literally just do lateral raises, ohp, and bench press and have the frame for it while not getting fat
A fucking gypsy in this thread talking shit about people much fitter than him LMAO
don't respond to him, he's the resident schizophrenic. Always shits up threads replying to himself over and over.
Are you expecting me to post boobs on a blue board?
Also I don't want to post her boobs. She was a nice girl, smart and shy. I'm sure she wouldn't want her boobs posted around the internet
Personally I think small shoulders are more aesthetic than boulder shoulders. Women only care about chest size and arms too so win win.
Oh gotcha lol. I thought it was some new meme that was beyond my understanding.
women care about shoulders
I m not talking shit, i m saying that none of the guys posting body and saying "lol i have same shoulders in 3 months of working out ehehehehe" actually has same capped delts as the probably roided twink in OP.
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>have big X
>dating women who are into big X
>all women into big X

Honest question, what do you do when you go to the gym? Train to mild discomfort?

Very good question. I am looking the picture, just breathing air in the gym will get you a better physic than this.
Gym is for plebs, i train at home.
I always train to failure, sometimes i am almost crying because it hurts so much.
Training to mild discomfort is for women, you gotta go to failure, only at that point body get the stimulus to grow new muscle.
That s how i got +7cm in my arms in 8 months of training.
post program
As you can see in my pic i literally have no traps, no chest and no abs, and my program pretty much sums this up because my program is actually this:
Triceps, skullcrushers and some pushdown
Biceps, some curls
Brachialis, hammer curls

And shoulders, ohp and lateral raises

It s just for fun basically.

That s it.
This is why my physique is "bad" for /fit standards, but we were not talking about physiques we were talking about the OP roided twink CAPPED SHOULDERS.
>about the OP ... twink

op is not roided. It is about pump, angle and lightning. He is malnourished with small frame.
>taking pictures like that
pick one
Maybe she was one of those girls that don't talk much in person but are total whores behind closed doors
stop eating
That is the body of a 15 year old basketball player.
do literally nothing but crunches and OHP for an entire year
>That is the body of a 15 year old basketball player.
fucked up for life cause roids bot - yes
>>That is the body of a 15 year old basketball player.
>fucked up for life cause roids bot - yes
>that lovely foopa that is roid guts and overgrown bloated psoas portruding that lil dickie brad sported in troy is not "achievable" natty bot
Assuming you are already at or near the bodyfat percentage and untrained, low-end 9 months and high-end 18 months.
>just post anything, sth, it's all good as long as this above me isn't visible in default feed - t. bot


thats a nice plant!
and u blocked posting images for good bot eh?
>>just post anything, sth, it's all good as long as this above me isn't visible in default feed - t. bot
yeah just lovely bot
>and u blocked posting images for good bot eh?
Following a strength program until you plateau then switching to a hypertrophy focused routine to build out what you want to probably 6-18 months depending on where you plateau and how disciplined you are at cutting. I wouldn't expect him to push more then lower intermediate numbers but the novice stages are such an absolute crap shoot for how long it takes you get through them. Intermediates is almost entirely just doing enough work consistently enough and being patient to make slow but consistent gains with some kind of strategy that ultimately involves getting more weight on the bar some way even if it's fractions of a kg.
yeah, u're short circuiting bot, or pretending to
Post body, you polish jew.
waaah, i'm soo scawed :D >>75726594
paradoxical breathing
diaphragmatic breathing
these terms u need to search, and yes u have it >>75721290
This. But still if you're 300lbs then it's gonna take longer
Going from 180lb at 6’3” how long to get this mode?
9 months to 18 months, make sure you have rest days after lifting.

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