Why were women more accepting of mens bodies in the past? This guy has the body of a 12 year old boy and chicks loved him. Now you have to look like Arnie or they swipe left on you.
>>75714957>swipeThere's your problem, champ
>>75714957women still don't consider a body like that 'bad' if it's attached to a handsome millionaire rock superstar.Stop coping
>>75714957It’s because he has talent and actual substance
Not really. Jim Morrison has a beautiful face, it's that simple
Because face and charisma beat everything and still do. You fags cope about body because you don’t have those two things.
>>75714957it’s the hair and the millions of dollars
>>75714957Because most men were dyel at the time. Weight lifting was uncommon and obesity was much lower.
>>75714957Women are still accepting of men’s bodies because they only care about things you can’t change, muscles are an afterthought to put you ahead of other guys who already have the goods nobody cares about your muscles if you weren’t getting laid while skinny
>>75714957Women loved Jim Morrison due to his poetry and charisma.
>>75714957this was 1967when Arnold came out he was seen as a circus freak. muscular bodies weren’t prevalent
>>75714957>be musician>be famous>promise drugs, money, and multiple STDs>HURR WHY WOULD WOMEN WANT THATYou have literally never met a woman.Face>money>hair>personality>frame
>>75715024Personality trumps all of them. If you can make a woman laugh and make her feel good and happy just by being around you, she's in your pocket.
>>75714957I think being a famous rockstar probably helped him a ton. That and women back in the day weren't inundated with social media and movies where every man they see is juiced. Look at movies from back in the day. Look at stars like Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, and others before the 80s.
>>75714957Women crave social status. This guy was rock star.
>>75715027if you looked like a chode you wouldn’t be able to get near an attractive woman to showcase your personality
>>75715027Confidence doesn’t mean shit if you’re a fat balding loser that dresses poorly. Such a cope lmao
>>75715027You have never met a woman.If you have the right face and money a woman will start to feel good just being around you without you saying a word, hair has the same influence.Personality is 100% more important than muscle mass or frame though.I will agree to that, I have seen turbo fatties both poor, ugly, rich, and in general just not very good people who pulled 10/10s by just having personality.
>>75714957That's because this is the ideal body to women
>>75714957I think having long/unique hair is an important factor too, that definitely carries, perhaps having some chest hair does too?
>>75715104the way he toots that ass up in the air is so hot
because being skinny makes your cock look bigger and women like big cock and hair over literally everything else unless you are brown only works for white men
A body like this would be considered good for most women simply because it isn't fat/skinny fat. There is a higher percentage of healthy weight women to men, and more men are overweight than women (though women have higher obesity rates). It also helps that he has a nice face. Even if he wasn't famous, dating likely wouldn't be too hard for him
maybe cause he was a star>>75714974he had no talent tho, they sucked bad live. their music was produced at Lookout Mountain Studio by glowies lmao
>>75714957He had a good face and hairThat's why they liked himNot his body.
>>75715027women laugh more around attractive and successful men
Jimbo had beautiful, model tier face, lucious curly hair, was charismatic, rockstar, kinda bad boy of rock even in his his time, poet, and had huge cock. Him being that skinny just added more to his already magnetic appearance.
>>75715027Nigger, if you need to convince a woman to fuck you, she doesnt like you. Stop being retarded and begging for crumbs of used pussy. YOU are supposed to be the prize. Have some fucking self respect. Men do selfimproving and women dont for a reason.
>>75714957>This guy has the body of a 12 year old boy>he thinks girls don't still go wild for this
>>75715027yeah noo sorry, you see a fat dude that has all that but women would still try avoid them this anon >>75716675has it right, though height is an important factor too
>>75714957>This guy has the body of a 12 year old boy and chicks loved himBecause of his face you fucking retard
>>75715051>>75715050No you guys are coping. I know so many average looking guys who get with a lot of girls and good looking ones Do yourself an experiment. Next time you are in town on a busy weekend, look at all the couples. Most of them will be good looking girls with regular looking guys. Yeah yeah inb4 beta bux, just a cope. Status, confidence and personality are all important and lands average dudes hot girls. It's why dudes rush fraternities in college.
Every woman has different tastes but if the man has a good face, she’ll like him at any size (except morbidly obese) My wife is always wishy washy with what she wants with my physique. Sometimes she wants me to go twink mode and become a skelly, other times she wants me to bulk and get a dadbod, then once she wanted me to get as ripped as possible.In the end I think she doesn’t care and always said I had 10/10 face anyway. Her dictating my physique is probably a girlie dress up game for her or some shit
>>75715050you can always try stand up comedy.
>>75718332the point is you don’t need all the extra fluff if you have looks, and you’ll have an easier time acquiring women with even better attractiveness. i’d argue women expect more from an average guy since they’re very common and, as such, easily replaceable. it’s a necessity to have those things because you have to stand out from the rest of the mid guys you’re competing with. physical attraction still carries a stronger pull and it’ll make women compromise in the other departments that one might lack in
>>75715012He's honestly still viewed as a circus freak right now. Most women don't like roided bodies
>>75714957>face>hair>status>moneyno shit, retard>caring what women thinkretard
>>75719985Tell all the roided muscular turkish biker drug dealers fucking blonde european white women that lol
>>75714957Hes an industry plant with rich parents
>>75715217How do I say it…Most artists suck live these days? Everyone is auto tuned and overproduced. Even back then they would play prerecorded songs and sing and pretend to play so I’d rather listen to a “shit” live than musicslop
None of you antisocial faggots know girls in real life.
>>75720252>industry plant with rich parentsparents had glownigger connections too>>75715027lol jej zoz
>>75720275i do and i know that they’re more vain than any of you psuedo narcisistic closet fags any day of the week
>>75720275Probably. I wouldn’t know myself if they do or not.
>>75720281i think it’s fake vanity. every girl likes to believe they’re hot but they all have self esteem issues and date average men
>>75714957why do roidtrannies not understand that women are not attracted to muscles, gay men are
Is this natty?
>>75716675>women laugh more around attractive and successful menWomen don't laugh, virgin. They miss the genes for humour.
>>75715027I almost made a woman taller than me run someone over after she bought me lunch and she still wanted to go on a second date
>>75716675>the more attractive I am during a certain period of my life, the more women laugh at my jokes>"haha Pedro you're SO funny" even when I'm not explicitly trying>mild or no laughter during the times I am/was not very attractiveCan confirm.
>>75722853was that a joke? you really fumbled that one
>>75722869Youre 1rm
>>75718332>beta bux is a cope>99% of aforementioned average guys are paying for everything, dates, her bills, you name itDudes will say "sunburn is a cope" to a tomato-lookimg white guy frying under noon's sun just so they can paint women as wholesome. Outright reality denial.
>>75715027>personalityif you meet her base requirements, if you're too ugly or broke she's not even going to take the time to get to know your personality, not to mention because you're ugly or average you have to overcompensate with your personality and charisma skills to get this chick, do more than what a good looking guy has to. if you looksmaxx hard enough and you're a 7-8 you're going to automatically slay downloading tinder. a 5 that does bad on tinder can make up for it by charisma maxxing irl, learning to talk to women, but this is far harder than just being physically attractive & downloading tinder. overall everyone should aim to be balanced, but looks are FAR more powerful. I started looking better, leaner, skin cleared up, nice new jacket & shoes, I get women looking and staring now.
>>75714959>>75714957They still do. You would not believe how much pussy I got when looked like this. I shouldn't have listened to you retards on here.
>>75718332> I know so many average looking guys who get with a lot of girls and good looking onesI've seen this personally, but these are "average" looking dudes, not chode bros, not incel looking balding ugly nerdy guys, average dudes can charisma maxx to get women irl. there's also the issue that it's extremely hard to fake a confidence & charismatic personality.
>>75723594Why not just go back to that then if your current body doesn’t fit your face?
"Well, we don’t see enough photographs of the stupid fat berk lying in his bath tub, we only see him moody and handsome" - David Bowie
>>75724213Losing weight takes a while, especially being that size. I was 125lb in those pics
>>75724658Just keep doing you, anon. You’ll get back to it.
>>75720275The hottest girl at my work is into me but I have a wife
Reminder that this is the body that women lust after
>>75725346proximity attraction
>>75725414Not just women...
>>75725414lol hell no I dont
>>75725414Literally my goals anon, women absolutely thirst over that.
>>75714957my dad used to be a music industry journalist, and he said that a lot of rock stars were really pissed off when mtv came around because they had gotten into music to be able to fuck girls while being ugly. But now that you had to be photogenic as well it was all over.
>>75720243You saying this over and over again doesn't make it true. It makes you look like you have a gay little fantasy involving muscled leather clad men getting naked and having sex that you want to share. Faggot.