I love seeing these small guys with their Young LA clothes and Bucked Up water bottle when they go to the gym yet I still mog them and have spent exactly $0 on shitty gym merchandise to signal that I work out
but you don't lift
>>75721176According to girls they mog you if they have fotm shit and you don’t. Women are all about brands.
>>75721185I do, I also lift my nuts into your mom's mouth >>75721253Fuck women
it do be like that though. im autistic af at the gym and try to avoid gazing at some of these hot young girls. Lots of zoomers probably hating on me for being moderately jacked. This is how tall people think. I'm not tall, but I'm saying that what I'm talking about is exactly how tall people live their lives. True chads are floating, bros.If you're 6'4 and relatively jacked, nobody can tell you shit. I honestly cover up often to avoid feeling like that, desu.