How do you combat fatigue in the gym?
i hate women so much with these meme exercises
>>75714914Eat more.
>>75714942It’s all about the glutes baby
Overtraining is a myth for 99% of people.I am 30 years old with a sporadic sleep schedule and I usually don't eat enough. You'd be surprised how much shit you can throw at your body, and in my case it's not the CNS that's giving out it's flirting with over-use injury. By that I mean full retard programming where you squat x4 and DL x2 a week. Only CNS issues I've ran into is that you need a day in between high effort, if you deadlift heavy on monday you are not going to put up peak numbers on bench of tuesday even if different muscular systems are being used. But on wednesday you might.
>>75714942Women are so easily brainwashed they all go into the gym to build ugly nigger asses now. What a meme sex
>>75715062There’s this nigger in my gym who’s rap name is Fatigue. How should I handle him in hand to hand combat?
>>75715066You might as well be a nigger if you don't know when to use 'who's' and 'whose'
>>75715077Whose cares?
>>75714985What are your lifts? And what do you do outside the gym?
>>75714914dont get tired? seems pretty easy.
>>75715143But she was following a program
>>75714914I custom mix and intra workout drink consisting of Hydrolyzed casein (aka casein peptide aka PeptoPro "not regular oricellar casein*), Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin, citrulline malate, creatine HCL.
>>75714985You never know till you try i would see where longer periods of rest get you as someone who didn't sleep so well and its either lift and be weak all the time or lift 1x/5 days regularly.
>>75715066>nigger fatigue Heh
>>75714914>how no sleepy?kilojoules, dumbass
>>75714985This. The most pertinent thing I've learned from maxing out every day is that it's pretty much random what days you can lift heavy and what days you can't. I've had days where I miss 85% and 90% attempts, but then match my PR. On the other hand, I've had days where my warmups feel amazing, I'm energetic, but I can't even get 90%.Unless you are in tune with your body to the degree of an elite athlete (which you are not), you don't truly know where your body is at unless you go near your max.
>>75714985I agree that you can push further than most people think they can, however I think over training absolutely is a thing and is a common roadblock for new people to the gym who put in more work than is sustainable for them at that time and then burn out because they haven't eased into it gradually. I removed deadlifts from my program completely because the fatigue is too much for me, I simply do not enjoy how draining they are and to me that is one facet of 'overtraining'.However overtraining is really a combination of training, sleep, food intake, and programming.
>>75714914>hip thrusting lmao1pl8
>>75714942>new fatass woman joins the gym>staff: ok so welcome to the gym, here's the hip thruster machine. there's a squat rack over there where you can chat. any questions?
>>75714985Overtraining is real if you're not dyel like these gym twinks. Big muscles need rest.Gym twinks need understand if you have small bones accept being a dyel and just stay healthy, if anything gym twinks are made for running not lifting
>>75716996Kek this is so accurate. They never ever make any progress
>>75714942Hip thrusts were invented by a man and they're about a hard as deadlifts when you load them up properly
>>75716524whats that? jackass
>>75718415Stfu you absolute whore
>>75714914mfw on the left
>>75718415I can deathlift 405 for 4-5 reps. I can max out the hip thrust with 45 pound plates and hit 15 to 20 reps without training it with any regularity. It's more of a workout to load and unload it. Not worth the time or effort IMO.
>>75718924I found loading it up annoying but then I started doing it one leg at a time
>>75714942Plus the fact that she "placed herself into fatigue". What a fucking retard.
>>75714914>placed myself in fatiguewhat? esl?
>>75714914Thats good for her lifting. Nice bitch fuck a china dick . Hopefully she gets stronger .
>>75720221Do you have tourettes or something?
>>75714942Women are so funny man. All female gyms can never stay open for more than 6 months, and when women invade male gyms they all do their meme glute exercises and complain about "fatigue".Life is so good when you totally separate yourself from their shenanigans, lift at home and never have to cater to their constantly changing list of "needs".
>>75718924try actual barbell hip thrusts/glute bridges and you will see the difference
>>75715062Just say you're into men
>>75721904it’s not any different you don’t know what you’re talking about. You can load up so much on the hip thrust compared to a squat or deadlift
>>75722370brother I have 650 lbs deadlift, your 1 RM is my warmup, stay in your lane, these feel very different
>>75714914Sleep more
>>75715126>>75718403my lifts are 190/130/230
>>75714914Isnt this the same bitch some days ago some anon posted? The bitch that posted on tikthot or normiegram about "being overwhelmed" at the gym? Why doesnt this bitch suck cock for money or something? She is clearly not meant to be at the gym or anywhere relevant to society in general