What multivitamin/multimineral supplement does /fit/ take to cover their bases? Post yours.
>>75732029I don't take vitamins or supps
liver pills
>>75732032Thanks for your contribution to the thread.
>>75732038You're implying that using these factory drugs is necessary for optimal health when it's not, my contribution is telling you that it's stupid
>>75732041Nobody even remotely replied anything even in the ballpark to being close to that.
Magnesium 500mg ,taurine 1g x2, thiamine 250mg. 1/2 two per day life extension multi.
>>75732042>hat multivitamin/multimineral supplement does /fit/ take to cover their bases?What supp does /fit/ use, implying all of fitcover their bases, implying that everyone has nutritional deficiencies
>>75732060Yes, because every single thread applies to all behaviors of all people. Stop arguing, you lost. Nobody implied that. You just want to be argumentative. That's not what the term cover your bases means. It means to be extra precautious. Learn to not be so combative.