What fats should be consumed?
>>75726506If you're retarded monosaturated for most of it olive oil(needs naooa stamp to not be adultered shit). About 10-14 grams should be saturated but this almost more nuanced because the fatty acid composition differs between most sources.Try to get DHA where ever possible.If you're not retarded get your hdl and ldl levels checked and eat according to that.
>>75726661>to not be adulteratedWild. Some ITALIAN olive oils, which happens to be the most popular source of olive oil, from the ITALIAN mafia, to cash in on that popularity are adulterated, and suddenly EVERY country has this problem. American olive oils do not have this problem. MOST Italian olive oils do not have this problem. MOST olive oils in general do not have this problem. So what has this problem? I'll tell you what has this problem. $2 for 500ml in a plastic bottle that's your fucking problem. Instead of avoiding those cheap ass gross ass olive oils you suddenly get paranoid about all olive oil regardless of country of origin, or quality control practices of your retailer. Absolutely astounding.
>>75726506Cute Llama.
>>75727246According to Forbes 80% of US olive oils are mixed or diluted with other oils. Not just non-virgin olive oil diluting evoo.
>>75727250we don't have olive oil in plastic bottles
>>75726680This would be a sad world without wacky critters such as this in it.
animals have fat, everything else is an oil
>>75726680Do these retards act more like deer or sheep?
>>75726506that’s one queer fuckin dog