What's the worst gym injury you've ever had?
>>75714742probably a torn bicep
Injured my serratus anterior doing God knows what, felt crippled for 2 weeks and was in a foul mood from the constant pain for at least a month.
not really injured but my shoulder is fucked due to a fall i took skating 10 years ago and once my shoulder popped out when I stretched I couldnt put in place so I had to ask someone for a chair to rest my shoulder and do this maneuver to put it back in placewas gay as fuck because it hurts a lot and i screamed when it popped outhope no one has to live with this curse of weak shoulder ligament
>>75714742Imagine if he didn't put clips on.
>>75714742Rhabdomyolysis Broken ArmShoulder impingement
>>75714777>RhabdomyolysisHow ? Did you try Rich Piana 8 hour arm workout ?
>>75714742Dropped a ten pound plate on my toe. Had a black spot on my nail for months.
>>75714782I was a gym newbie and did single leg dumbbell deadlifts with too much weight when I was still sore (I think with 60lbs each).I was only middle rhabdo and I didn't went to the hospital.
>>75714742Plantar fasciitis from running, which would relapse and remit whenever I pushed milage too high. I've never suffered a lifting injury more serious than a wrist sprain with a two-week rehab. The plantar shit thought, I used to have to take weeks off again and again. Carbon fiber insoles and copperfit socks finally prevent it for me, but most kinds of anti-inflammatory supplements and collagen helped to a slight degree.
>>75714760>eat lots of chicken wings with the cartilage>drink lots of bonebroth>rehab shoulder
Dropped a 45lb plate from waist height onto the joint of my big toe. ~11 years later I still can't lunge properly from it.
>>75714742Lumbar disc hernia from doing deadlifts with bad form. Now I'm alright but for the first 2 months I thought I'd never lift again, I could barely change positions on my bed, let alone lift. Check your form brehs
>>75714825I could give you a foot massage.
>>75714825Ditto. Except my mobility is fine. The toe-nail came off though and it's been ingrown ever since.
>>75714742Safety arms saved me last week.I was retarded and trained forearms before benching. Then when i got to Bench Press i wasn't really gripping the bar and flexing my wrists since forearms were tired.The bar slipped when it was at the top and fell on the safety arms. I don't know if 120kg would've killed me if it fell directly on my chest but it would not have been pleasant.
was doing cable kickbacks and felt my hamsterstring snap like a broken rubber band
>>75714791So you didn't have rhabdo.
>>75714742hurt my shoulder which turned into a dislocation when I came home and did a weird movementhurt like a motherfucker, then hurt more when I put it back inslept like a baby after I hit my head on the wall to stop the pain tho
>>75714742Dislocated a rib. Popped back in pretty easily, not too bad all in all.
>>75714742strained my lower back twice deadlifting
>>75714742Why do they always use the clip on the bar?
idk what is but when i was a noob i was doing dumbbell shoulder press with the weight to my side and not at an angle, they fell backward
>>75714742this guy training to ride a new york subway with white boys or somthin?
>>75714742I threw out my back deadlifting 2 plates
>>75714742Why do these guys always fuck up and push the bar TOWARDS THEIR NECK!?
Tennis elbow for about 10 months. Still worked out anyway until I got pissed off and stopped all upper body for a month straight. Eventually went away on it own. Shit is no joke though. I refuse to do farmer walks because of it.
I have a fake knee at 37.
>>75714742torn quad tendon, herniated a disc a handful of times, costochondritis
>>75714742deadlifts left me bedridden for 3 days. all i remember is feeling a pop in my back and then laying on the ground wondering if i paralyzed myself
>>75714742Had to roll of shame a bench attempt.failed last rep.>the shame hurt most of fall>also hurt my stomach a little a bit as it rolled off but w/e
>>75714742>buck status: broken
I dropped a mortar and pestle on my foot last night. Hurts like a bitch.
>>75714742Does anyone have the webm of the woman in the leg press whose knee bends backwards?
>>75714742Getting raw dogged in the sauna after a random encounter, my back was blown out for weeks.
>>75716097For real what a nigger in his stupid nigger clothes can’t even feel bad
Pull my back deadlifting. I couldn't even sleep. Thank God for quiropractors.
L5 S1 herniated disc when I was 22. I am 35 now and it's been painful every day of my life since.
I got a really bad headache doing heavy sets on leg day a couple years back. Had to actually stop midworkout with how bad it was getting. Couldn't really train heavy for a few weeks without it starting up again, I think
Ruptured a muscle in my back trying to show off without warming up. Couldn't sleep for weeks.
>>75714742Tripped on a weight that was on the floor while I was carrying a plate back to the rack. Rolled my ankle on it but thankfully it didn't break or snap, I just couldn't walk on it for 2 weeks.
Shoulder impingement from pull ups.Disc herniation and sciatica from bent over rows.
>>75715389You would think it goes against instinct but maybe they are tired and don't realize they can deflate their belly/chest and push it down their bodies even if causes discomfort but at least it isn't on one's neck..
>>75714787I had a 45 fall on my foot after I leaned it against a rack. Saw it out of the corner of my eye and pulled away last second. It smacked the top in the air rather than slamming into it while my foot was still on the ground. Still, I was done for the day and still have the occasional ache there, like something is out of place and needs to pop back in.
>>75714835>>75715572>>75716216How much were you guys deadlifting?
>>75714742Squatted 2 plates after a 2 year hiatus without working back up to it. Heard a weird grinding sound from my back on the last rep. Was able to get it up and rack, but by the time I walked back to the locker room I couldn't bend at the hip and walking felt like hell. Was bedridden for 3 days and hobbling like an old man for about a month after. I can squat/hinge fine now, but get sciatica-like pain if I sit for too long.
>>75714742I misloaded the bar while benching, lifted it, and immediately spilled the plates in front of my new coworker who coincidentally happened to be there. Mild emotional injury.
>>75715389Staged video. No one benching 4 plates is clueless about the roll of shame.
>>75714742What a stupid nigger.>put your lower back down so it touches the bench>do the roll of shame>escape uninjured (except for your pride)Do guys really not know this?
I'm currently experiencing long term elbow pain, which feels like Tennis Elbow (albeit I don't play tennis). So far I've been pushing through it because I got a good progress in the gyn since november, but I'm afraid it might get worse. Half of my upper body lifts make the elbow hurt and I cannot properly work most (upper body) muscles if I don't do those.Advice would be much appreciated.
>>75720242I have tennis elbow and even a slight tear in the tendon. you'll have to find alternatives to bicep and shoulder exercises that exacerbate it. it takes a long time to go away.
>>75720222You would be surprised. At the same time, the roll of shame with four plates is horrendous because it has the ability to fuck up your ribs - so some people see it as a last resort. Obvious alternative would be to simply bench with safeties and/or with a capable spotter.
>>75720260>you'll have to find alternatives to bicep and shoulder exercises that exacerbate it. Fuck>it takes a long time to go away.FUCK!!!The worst of all will be switching lateral raises. Literally the best deltoid exercise. Damn.
>>75714742i did something with deadlifts once on dbol and i could barely walk for like 1 month.and then another thing with deadlifts where it felt like my shoulder dislocated for a second mid pull and while it did not hurt immediately after the lift, i learned the next day that i could not do pullups or any kind of pull movements without intense pain for about 3 months straight. it all went away with time though, which is cool, so that means whatever happened wasn't terrible damage.
>>75719854only 270lb and it wasn't even near my normal reps which I think was 320. thats probably why i was slacking and not bracing properly, which led to the njury.
>>75714793I got that back in the fall after pushing my mile time down over and over, while also doing toe running. I did go down 30 seconds in 13 days but yeah, toe running probably isn’t for me. Need to get back into itz
I dropped a 125 pound steel baseplate directly on the arch of my foot at work. It literally bounced off. I was seeing stars and my foot hurt for the rest of the day, but somehow it didn't leave any marks or break anything.
>>75714742I did zercher squats (at night on a friday) and at the end of my first set I feel some popping or ripping in my hip. I immediately stop with the squats. Try to somehow continue with the next exercise but have to quit because something feels really wrong. I'm up all night, walking around or trying to sit in an elevated somewhat comfortable position. At some point start to shake because of the stress and have to throw up a couple times. The following days I can basically not lie down without pain, sleep on my stomach and fall asleep with pain. One nerve that goes up the back starts to be really irritated. The coming monday I find out that my doctor is on vacation because of some holidays. Don't remember what happened then the following days I at some point went to my doctor. I think I had a strained piriformis muscle. I took pain killers for a week or two and had to start to go very slowly into leg training. But I guess I still was really lucky considering what could have happened.
>>75714742none because i dont take my warm up advice from people that dont need to warm up because the igf 1 they take makes them recover by the next daypicrel
>>75715166only two?come on now
Fuck deadliftI'm never doing that retarded exercise
>>75720832get a power belly and rest the bar on your stomachi was easily getting 300lb zerchers when i did it seriously
>>75720864I'm natty and I don't warm up
>>75714742how the fuck do you get to 4 plate bench and still use clips while benching alone????what a fuckin retard
>>75721025i'm not fixing or redoing that i'm going to bedthis retard needs rest
>>75714742Tweaked something in my back while doing incline dumbbell press. It was so bad that I could barely get out of bed in the morning for a couple weeks. It was the kind of pain that takes the breath out of you
>>75720242See a PT or a good DO
>the Hulk in the background while he chokes
>>75721017>him having four plates on the bar means he worked his way up to that level
>>75714742Worst was popping my lower back on fucking 135 lbs squats. I was skipping on core work and my form was shit. Utterly embarrassing. I recently squatted 290 so I've made up for that. Dropped 205lbs on my face benching. Was trying to rack on the lower arms and missed. Only half the bar catched. Other half was on my face. Tennis elbow, fucking bitch ass tendons need to nut the fuck up. Had to cancel a blast early and take a month off. Doesn't hurt any more and it better not. Going to introduce deca into my blast so fucking tendons don't bitch out.
>>75714742a fat girl laughed at me
>>75714742Anyone else wishing he was gonna die?
>>75714742Inguinal hernia
>>75714804collagen is so good
>>75720242I had this like 3 years ago when I wasn't giving myself enough sleep. I would modify my upper body exercises and force myself to do forearm strengthening stuff through the pain. But it eventually went away on its own. That took about year.
>>75720242Do picrel stretch. Do it way deeper than the girl in the picture, i used to have that and i fixed it by doing this stretch before every workout to prevemt it and doing the stretch multiple times a day when the pain was already there. If your right arm is stretching on the wall have your right leg forward, left leg back, and face the left to get it even deeper, you gotta go rlly deep with the stretch, i remember my elbow joints felt like they were crumbling to dust before i started doing this
>>75722663stretches dont work mike israetel said so
>>75722120>>75722663Will do, thanks
>>75714742ThisLanded a kick on my heavy bag too far up on my foot.
I somehow managed to fuck up both my shoulders somehow. Went to rehab, got shots. Still hurts. Just started taking fish oil and glucosamine in addition to at home rehab so maybe I can finally fucking get back into the gym I mean goddamn it's been forever
>>75714791>>75714835>>75715572>>75716216>>75720306Not doing deadlifts lol.
>>75714742Herniated disc from doing dealifts