dear legion of /fit/ i want to know how can i get rid of this 'blessed' ass body. i started training bodyweight excersies with pull up, squat 1 leg, chin up and push up. After 6 month, i see some improvment but over the next 6 month, i stopped training cause work stuff and now i back to zero. Hope you guys have any experience to get rid of fat abs. <i'm 5ft5 male chinks 21 years old<not eating much junk food but not like eating healthy enough (mostly rice, prok and vegetable)<have done some isolate excersice, have gone to gym but im broke now<not take any supplement, drink water and sometime stayed up late< i don't craved for muscular body, i just need good amount of natty
what time is it in india right now?
>>75732305nigga i'm chinks not pajeet, south east third world country
>>75732301>Pajeet doesn't even know how to greentext
>>75732301There's already a guide
CutSpam calisthenics which are boring as fuck Start martial arts or MMA to not die of said boredomI suggest kyokushin karate, MMA, it muay thai
>>75732522>itor*also spam shoulder press and chest press to get a nice frame