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I have anxiety and in the last months it got so intense I can't even go to the gym because I uneasy around people. I live in Italy and here psychiatry and stuff isn't developed so I'm trying to self-medicate with phenibut. 250mg daily will have some effect on anxiety or not? I've been reading people only downing 3-5 grams a day but that's fucked up.
Honest advice, deal with social anxiety with gradual social exposure
Say hi to people at the grocery/bakery/coffee shop
Make small talk with older people, it's a cheat code to get started
Start with the minimal to get comfortable, then talk more and more
Actually TRY to be interested in other people's lives, but in an innocent and honest way
Only use Phenibut on big occasions (job interview, date, social gatherings), don't mix with alcohol
Do not use this shit daily, you think it's the easy route but it's the wrong one
The fact is that I used to be more sociable and talkative but in the last months I feel like I am not even human but some clumsy alien life form. Stopped working out, lost motivation etc. So I am considering a low therapeutic dose
Do not take Phenibut daily. Take it once a week, at most twice a week if you feel you need it. Taking it daily will giga-fry your brain, once a week is relatively safe.
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social anxiety is a fucking bitch. before phenibut try shit like lemon balm pills/tea, L-theanine, and valerian (i think you guys call it ‘baldrian’ over there).
i know theanine has a bad rap because sheltered redditards placebo’d themselves but it does have clinical benefits (NOWHERE near as highly praised as reddit says, dont get me wrong).
like other anon says; unfortunately there isn’t a magic cure. not even shit like xanax is a magic cure for real social anxiety. you must use these supplements as a “push” to help expose yourself and teach your body/brain not to freak out in these areas. it will not be easy, anon, but once you accept that i find it does get easier.
i have heard phenibut rebound-anxiety is absolute fucking hell so please try “mild” shit first.
How do you intend to get it? I think its illegal in Europe.
Take some rhodiola or panax ginseng, cut all sugar and caffeine and alcohol and week and wait 2 weeks to level off
Phenibut rebound is terrible if you take it daily, if you use it once a week as a confidence-booster to get you out and about, you won't crash hard (or at all)
I thought Italians were tough wise-guys who externalised all their thoughts
this and consciously pushing yourself to “relearn” to not be anxious will be a great help but do try it with minimal crutches. im not even a soberfag, i know what leaning on a crutch too hard feels like, and let me tell you anons that crutch will snap in half and you’ll fall on your goddamn face. and it hurts.
They shipped it in two days
Phenibut is one of the "safest" drugs to use as a crutch for bad anxiety, assuming you're actively trying to fix it. But, like I keep saying, it can only be used once a week. Twice a week at most, though sparingly. Any more will fuck you up worse than benzos and SSRIs
Once a week but what dosage? I've read that taking the therapeutic dose (250mg-500mg) daily with some days off is harmless
500mg is what you should take. Also, I thought it was a controlled substance in Italy?
man holland is so sick i cant believe it
Yeah it is, just like magic mushrooms, but both can be bought online from dutch websites
500mg is a good dosage, but you should use it as a crutch to get out and socialize. And don't take too much, the withdrawal from Phenibut is anxiety worse than any you've ever had, remember that.
>just win bro
I love phenibut. I take 500mg when I go out for my weekly socialization. A side benefit is that it enhances the effects of alcohol so I can nurse my one drink to fit in and still get a good buzz without wasting a ton of money and calories.
When you go in public, how much do you think about any one random person? Unless they're hot, probably...zero. That's what normal people do. That's how much they're thinking about you.
I used phenibut for about 3 months (2mg/day) and honestly didn't see any changes, beneficial or detrimental.
It literally didn't do anything for me.
phenibut? more like penis butt lmao
Go confident at the gym . Lets goo. Xool bitch fuck a china dick. Lets lift together.
I've hung with all types of degenerate drug addicts. Heroin, benzos, alcohol, and everything in between. The phenibut addicts had that absolute lowest quality of life, and that is truly a feat. The withdraws looked atrocious. They did such stupid shit that even the soulless xanex addicts seemed more rational. I'd stay away.
What you need is gabapentine. It will fix you right up. Some people get withdraw effects, but I don't. It is one of the least harmful drugs. It is not a controlled substance, and usually doctors, at least here in America, will work with you if you request it. It is basically all the good parts of alcohol with none other bad and its subtle. Its amazing for social anxiety.
OP don't listen to anyone else in this thread. They are all retarded.

Phenibut for anxiety is prescribed in 3 doses per day of 250mg to 750mg per dose. However this is not a long term solution, no longer than a month or 2 months at the absolute most. Start ar 250mg 3x per day for a couple of weeks and see how it affects you. Increase the dose gradually if needed but honestly that should be fine.
You took one one-hundredth of a dose. No shit it had no effect
DO NOT take phenibut more than once a week.
Read the subreddit about it and psychonaut wiki.

Phenibut is a GABAergic drug, like GHB or benzos. It's very, very easy to become dependent on it.

Take it once a week and decide that this day will be your social day, don't do it any more.
Sold on every darknet market, like every other drug.
Your dumb know nothing normie honest advice is shit stop giving it
This it's going to give you suicidal withdrawals
Anxiety, you should try something like modafinil instead
This is a different approach, instead of coming down you get up for it and lean into it, you go hard, that works better for me anyway might be something to think about
Your smart know everything Chad honest advice is great keep giving it
Orotate is pretty good too really chill no withdrawals or side effects

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