Why do normies like drugs so much?I'm including alcohol, because it is a drug. But normies constantly sing about, watch movies about, and brag about drug use. Whiskey is the current cool alcohol, wine is super genX. >pour me up another double shot of whiskey>I take my whiskey neaaaaaatNormies are so obsessed with alcohol especially, and how cool they are for drinking it. It's wierd
Most people aren't brown thirdies with weird religious hang ups about booze.
>>75723220same reason autistic incels like anime and 'vidya' so much
>>75723220I thought alcohol was a dying meme and everybody smokes weed or is sober now
>>75723231Only on imageboards because they're full of chinks, jeets and mudslimes.
>>75723220For some people it really is there whole deal, but a lot of people just talk about it because so many people do it that the subject is more likely to land on common ground than, say, cold dropping Sonic Adventure 2 autism
>>75723220I want to fuck Tails so bad
>>75723220It's because they are neurotypical and have sex
>>75723226>you need religion to be smart
>>75723226I am none of those thingsAlcohol, weed, absolutely destructive bullshit drugs
>>75723220I turned 37 a few days ago and drinking just sucks these days. I didnt make any conscious decision to be sober it's just not worth it anymore so I'm naturally gravitating away from it. That being said I fucking loved drinking when I was young and I think a lot of people go through a similar arc. I don't know what to tell you anon, it's not like there's some complicated psychological reason people drink, it's literally a chemical that makes you feel good. Same goes for all drugs. People like to shout about things that make them feel good, we're just big chimps howling at each other, simple as.
Lookup Alex Becker's latest post on alcohol on Facebook.
>>75723317Literally nobody said that.
>>75723220As for alcohol because it lowers your inhibitions so you're more likely to engage in behaviors you would not otherwise and thereby have fun. Nerd.
>>75723526you just said that
>>75723231Zoomers don't drink because they're pussies who are worried about looking "young" forever despite the fact that they all look like they're 20 years older than they really are.
>>75723220People who drink whisky neat are retards who don't know they're missing out on half the flavor profile. That said, fuck you OP, bourbon is a gift from God.
>>75723228Wowee that's literally true
>drugs are lel bad said techie which is worse for you
>>75724246Going to go do some posture exercises right now. Thanks for the reminder, anon.
>>75723558Zoomers do a fuck ton of drugs, vaping and smoking. Thats worse than drinking.
Pussying out of prohibition was a mistake.
because it's promoted to destroy people and earn a shit load of cashlook at the sassons and the opium wars with china