Traditional bench press is severely overrated, complete and utter waste of time and energy at best and counterproductive or outright dangerous at worst. Most people would be much better off with alternating between weighted dips and dumbbell incline bench press. Just stop doing this bullshit of an excercise alltogether.
>>75727426I'll take "Things DYELs say for $500, Alex"
>>75727426Barbell bench press serves no purpose other than getting better at barbell bench pressing. DB offer better pec growth by allowing one to go deeper and get a better stretch. Incline bench is objectively the superior bench method as it activates more upper body muscles than flat bench. Dips are good too. >t benches 3pl8 so no I'm not a dial>inb4 3pl8 is still dial territoryWe're not talking about me, stay on topic.
>>75727530Genuine question, if incline recruits more musculature, why do people move more weight on flat? Smaller rom?
>>75727426Easily my favorite and I got way bigger, not crazy strong though.
Bench counter signallers are so retarded. If you bench 3 plates you almost always have a good enough chest
>>75727548How heavy will your squat get doing like leg extensions only
>>75727548Pushing straight up (perpendicular to your spine) vs pushing slightly overhead. It has to do with the orientation of the lift. But incline incorporates more shoulders and upper pec.
>>75727560You pretty much never see a proper DYEL benching big numbers (excluding archmages). if someone is moving 160kg+ for full ROM reps, or old school bodybuilding half reps where you don't go to the top and just work from the chest to halfway up blasting it out, then 99.9% chance they're seriously jacked or are just fucking huge in general
>>75727593Yeah but some retards like to pretend that because they saw one video of some skinny (I think he was Asian) guy doing some heavy lifts once it means that benching heavy weight is worthless for muscle growth and you need the optimal stretch with your pinky up to even look like you lift.
>>75727530I never got any bigger doing dbs only shoulders not even biceps, forearms they're nice flies suck penis.
>>75727593Just do it with heavier weight what is this p90x and you have 5s 15s and 20s breaking a sweat feeling cute
>>75727426Daily salty benchlet thread.>>75727494This.
>>75727548Leverage and range of motion, same reason ohp is harder than both despite being better for hypertrophy.
>>75727593You pretty much never see a non-fatties benching big numbers (excluding archmages). if someone is moving 160kg+ for full ROM reps, or old school bodybuilding half reps where you don't go to the top and just work from the chest to halfway up blasting it out, then 99.9% chance they're seriously obese and probably sleep with a CPAP machine in general.
>>75727426This is cringe. Dips are essentially a decline bench with the added benefit of more core/hip drive generating a significant amount of force and offloading it to the primary movers, basically turning your body into a giant spring. The body is more centered along the bar path, so you get better leverages, more mechanical advantage. That’s why you can lift far more weight for more reps on dips than you can the bench press, it uses more muscle groups. Bench isolates the chest/triceps much better.Incline bench is more focused on the upper chest and anterior delts, it’s going to be far less efficient at building big arms/chest vs the traditional bench. I never built big arms/chest doing dips, even when I could do 100lbs weighted dips @200lbs BW for 10 reps, and was doing OHP as well.I only got bigger when I started benching.