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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

Displaying 38 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
3537303Is Oblivion hard to mod nowadays? Any up to date guides?[View]
3529561Chibi-Connie (A SFW Mario And Luigi Brothership Meme): I don't know where memes are supposed to…[View]
3525709>OI CHICKEN CHASER Why this make me so irritated[View]
3532702Choose your own adventure games: The saviour of CYOAs.[View]
3536051What’s the best build for the most compete play through?[View]
3536452The English trailer for the most ambitious RPG ever made is here, mankind is saved. https://youtu.be…[View]
3531421I've been playing Battle Brothers on veteran ironman and managed to get farther than usual, to …[View]
3535433Kingdom Hearts 358/2: Is this a good entrypoint to the series? I've never played KH before, alw…[View]
3532458The modern critique of biowares writing is unwarranted: It’s become fashionable now to to make fun o…[View]
3529701Does it bother you we will never get the original version of Tales of phantasia as it was originally…[View]
3533413what's the /vrpg/erdict? Should I pick up a physical Japanese copy for switch or get it digital…[View]
3536363Currently thinking of a earthbound like rpg game with urban setting but with no fantasy elements. It…[View]
3536633What are some games like this[View]
3535873Ine-san is always there for me[View]
3532416>everyone says Drakkhen is terrible >it's actually one of the best RPGs on the SNES Did t…[View]
3533876What games in the Risen series are worth playing?[View]
3517558Hot Take, the classic fallout / oblivion character build is peak. I hate the idea of classes, let me…[View]
3531344Finally, after 20 or so years, I did right by child me and beat DQVII It did involve accidently wand…[View]
3514016>DS port of 2 PS2 games >Better somehow How did they do it, anons?…[View]
3531570Thoughts? It seems like they're trying to discourage you from just going from boss to boss but …[View]
3535815I think the game would be a lot better if instead of Halsin you got cucked by futa Karlach[View]
3529316Phantom Brave: Someone told me stacking stuff up here can get me a new unit, Ive been trying for lik…[View]
3534331The Ultima series: Contemporary series like Wizardry still get talked about, why not Ultima? Games l…[View]
3524276Why are western SRPGs like XCOM not considered to be RPGs? After all, Jap SRPGs like FF Tactics have…[View]
3531626Jap wizardry: First wizardry so I'll start by asking what am i in for?[View]
3532865When does it get good?[View]
3527933>party discovers a den of cannibals >no opportunity to shut them down, just have to move on wi…[View]
3514860D&D All Editions Edition: A D&D video game that allowed characters to choose their own rules…[View]
3519643Kiseki: Everyone has a different take on the series, so what do you think about the games? Are they …[View]
3532346Soundtracks: After reading some posts, I haven't seen anyone who talks about RPG soundtracks, s…[View]
3533921I've been trying out Daggerfall plenty of times by now, creating a new character each time for …[View]
3511536Octopath Traveller II: Squeenix just stealth dropped a patch for OT2 that includes several new bosse…[View]
3521396Is the Fire Emblem series actually good, as far as SRPGs go? I mean, there are a lot of Nintendo gam…[View]
3526078how was it? not as a remake but as a game by itself[View]
3533452Imma keep it real King's Field 1 and 2 fucking sucked.[View]
3517006Visions of Mana thread: New trailer + release date soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io4_CfCLlW4…[View]
3533516The Denpa men 3: Does anyone here play this game ? Imma be honest this thread has no real purpose…[View]

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