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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

Displaying 30 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
371088997.32% of gamers will fail this...[View]
3707872Is there an MMO that you would consider 'finished'? Would you consider an unfinished game to occur m…[View]
3712568Do you guys play chinese fantasy games? I don't mean gachaslop. I mean wuxia and xianxia stuff …[View]
3706307Bad RPG tropes: I want to write a novel where the protagonist is shoved inside a comically shit fail…[View]
3715347FF V: I just started playing ff5, question: can i go as random as i please with classes or should i …[View]
3713551Describe your peak RPG experience: Watching this ash ghoul guys randomly praying in grey ash mountai…[View]
3711792Games you like that actually suck: What are some RPGs/JRPGs that you love despite actually kind of s…[View]
3714573post henrys[View]
3715668I want to play this 13/02 Early Access: Ekera, I already have Xbox Game Pass. If I buy the upgrade t…[View]
3715583Final Fantasy Renaissance: So I'm gonna play this game. What's a good party? I'm thi…[View]
3712515Dot Hack Series: Just picked up the GU Remaster games and realized It's the second trilogy of t…[View]
3695688why did they stop making first person dungeon crawlers?[View]
3699664Let's talk about horizon's gate and the other games from the dev The best one is still Voi…[View]
3704624This is just Zork but with a blue guy[View]
3701758Kingdom Come 2: KCD2 has 6 female romance options in the first 10 hours, yet the only thing chuds ob…[View]
3707926FlyKnight, a first person action co-op RPG came out today. Anyone play it yet?[View]
3715357Hi guys, I really want my Witch's Heart fan character to become the most popular Witch's H…[View]
3715350Game Over Screens: Appreciation thread[View]
3714911now that the dust has settled, which console had the better rpg library?[View]
3714884Does anyone else who plays mapleroyals having trouble going on to the website or going on the game? …[View]
3714650ITT: post your (least) favorite dumb animal mascot characters from rpgs[View]
3712534Just finished my first JRPG. Someone said to start with this one. I liked it - what should I play ne…[View]
3708445It's just such a dry game.[View]
3714056Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Devlopment: I am good friends with somebody that is directly working on …[View]
3713974How does Archolos compare to Gothic 1 and 2?: I've seen reviews on Youtube but they're mos…[View]
3709395Where can i get more of this?[View]
3708831FINAL FANTASY V: Is there a single JRPG in existence that even approaches the glorious fusion of tec…[View]
3696135This thread didn't go over well on /v/, so let's see if /vrpg/ is actually intelligent eno…[View]
3709541What are your thoughts on the FF7 Remake series in comparison to the original?[View]
3710407Romancing SaGa 2: Favorite class? (Diviner) Favorite Hero? (Bokohn or Kzinssie) Favorite weapon type…[View]

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