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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

Displaying 40 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
3561433MMORPGs are a dead genre and probably never coming back, but hypothetically what would be some cool …[View]
3546034Pool of Radiance: At first glance one might think this series is just an outdated hunk of shit, but …[View]
3556720Choose your own adventure games: >overzealous tranny janny killed our thread Anyways, here we…[View]
3559507Nu-rpg's are all political slop. Unplayable if youre past 18yo[View]
3560685Mass Effect: Who was Banes?[View]
3555631Riviera: The Promised Land: Just released today on Steam. Is it good?[View]
3544227Realistically speaking, how many chances are there that Xenosaga will get a proper reboot, even just…[View]
3559656I've never played a Dragon Quest game. Which game would be a good game to introduce me to the s…[View]
3558917The only good jarpig in the history of ever...: ...and it's a fucking 2hu fangame Kill me now…[View]
3508254Anyone got some rpg maker games to recommend?: It's late and I want to try something new.…[View]
3557698D&D and D&D-esque games have always sucked donkeyshit. There's no tactical depth whatso…[View]
3559547Is it worth it going through this series in release order? I played a bit of the original years ago …[View]
3559175Third game when?[View]
3547302The best part of most souls games was their DLC. They almost never missed with DLC. I thought it wou…[View]
3550296Now that the dust has settled, which game is the superior RPG?[View]
3557594If there was a giant crossover game like Smash Bros but exclusively with RPG characters who would yo…[View]
3558451I am honestly shocked how badly this plays now. Yeah it was always janky, but the hitboxes, enemy ba…[View]
3547466RPGs where you need to use a torch to illuminate darkness?[View]
3557242Nihon Falcom peaked on the PSP.[View]
3542591Are their any good MMORPGs right now? WoW and FF14 are simply not 'it'[View]
3556646>Another game where Rean is the main character Have you thanked the savior of JRPGs today?…[View]
3552070DQIII: Did I screw up?[View]
3534406It's just... not good. Like at all. And the crazy thing is that I liked it when it came out.[View]
3526120Romancing SaGa 2 remake announced. Coming this year.[View]
3553238Omori: Any others in the omori Fandom here? NSFW NOT WELCOME[View]
3555446When all is said and done, was she a good friend and party member?[View]
3530849COMFY RPG Development Thread: Are you making your own RPG? Do you focus on story, art or combat? Wha…[View]
3347449Important Mass Effect Roleplaying Tip ITT: High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming u…[View]
3554730Encased: Such a wasted potential, i wish it would be completly finished so we could enjoy another de…[View]
3558032I do not see the appeal, when does it get good? I just got the oppai girl.[View]
3545884TOBY. GIVE US MORE SUSELLE CONTENT: I was in 7th grade when the first chapter of Deltarune came out …[View]
3554661I'm in the game bladurs gate 3 and I'm in the sun tower right before the wizards fight and…[View]
3551706Icewind Dale 2 > Planescape > Icewind Dale > Baldurs Gate 2 > Baldurs Gate[View]
3559143Kairi is a Disney princess: Kairi is a Disney princess[View]
3554888So I finally: It's worth playing. I just want to say, cause tons of the reviews on Steam are li…[View]
3534417Before 9 & 16 we had FF3 as the most fantasy like as the numbered ff.[View]
3554037What are the best diablo-like game right now that are not called Diablo 2?[View]
3554166Survival Mechanics: So do you /v/irgins prefer to play games with survival mechanics or remove certa…[View]
3553313Hate this cunt. She's been heavily leading on her best friend for 10+ years but refuses to date…[View]
3550717At what point is a Roguelike considered an RPG?[View]

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