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Elin releases in 12 hours. (Successor to Elona)
>early access
nah FUCK off dumbass
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Yeah let's all play Veilguard instead
>ironic shitposting with an anime avatar
great posts everyone, really nice stuff going around /vrpg/ today
How about you play an rpg, you dumb nigger
Can't believe it's really coming out.

Elona was more of an RPG than 99.9% of the stuff posted on /vrpg/, all signs point to Elin being the same way.
I'm not playing either of those because I'm not some NPC that can only play things that are currently being discussed.
Another good game /vrpg/ will miss out on.
Where I can pirate it?
>eternal league of whatever
It sounds so gay and limp. What's the game about though?
It's Elona sequel-prequel
I might actually look into this, but what a gay name.
Have they even finished properly translating Elona even? Had to stop playing years ago because I just started phasing into pure moonrune territory
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Finally a good game abou... wait a second, this isn't TERA!
I don't play Elona but I remember some controversy over a high-level Door being unlocked within the recent years, or the highest level character was finally able to enter some unknown room or something similar.
It was either Elona, or maybe some game that starts with T? I only have vague memories. Anyway, assuming it was Elona, what was that all about?
stop drinking
I've seen that game posted around every so often and I guess it looks somewhat like a japense cataclysm: dark days ahead or dwarf fort adventure mode, just obviously more weeb. Interesting. I'll keep an eye on it, but fuck early access.
>successor to Elona
>not free to play
Shit game
Good, the butthurt trannies here deserve nothing good.
Please don't respond unless you have an answer, newfag.
What are you talking about? All games are free.
i gave you the best answer to your problem
The best news in rpg history this past decade
>hey look at me, I'm such a contrarian
autofellatio is quite a hobby
I too got my hopes up for some elin sex...
>Fairy Pianist round 2
1ft tall Mozart and his harem of knight ladies.
>mouse controls
Not my vibe
That's not a contrarian. Just a hipster.
looks like a fake japanese version of fates of ort
THIS is why I come to vrpg. I just purchased this. Steam reviews look legit, turn based roguelike jrpg with unique progression system? sign me the fuck up. if you did me dirty OP i'm gonna come rip the game in this thread later lol
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>if you did me dirty OP
It's just elona 2, are you retarded
>THIS is why I come to vrpg
you come to vrpg to consume shilled early access slop? why don't you just go directly to kickstarter and save some time.
>"shilled early access slop"
>game already has many times more content than some full releases
>dev is breaking his back rolling out huge updates daily
Where can I find some more "slop" like this?
but, will he actually finish the game this time. he doesn't have a good track record.
fuck off, i never would have heard about this game or the original without this thread. it's better than crying about how shitty our western games are.

for the fellow based chads itt, what are the best classes to start with? i went with a hillfolk warrior, seemed like a good combo for a noob build
anyone got any updates on this? could anyone possibly mirror the game files?
dude plz this was trending on the "upcoming releases" page on steam like all week.
damn, i forget there are people this new here
>Have they even finished properly translating Elona even?
Like 20 years ago, yes
That doesn't sound like Elona
I'm a longtime Elona veteran and I think juere executioner looks like winner. Juere gets more gains from food which is the main source of stat gains, executioner doesn't die until they run out of both HP and MP. Yerles has bonuses to learning skills and show be another strong race. Nefu gets a big fat +25 to speed, the most important stat and better spell gains. The speed advantage is diminished if you wear something on your waist slot though.
they abandoned other EA games?
How do you make guests come to your house? I have a room with 4 makeshift beds eligable for guests, and I bought the "Open For Business" but no guests have come to the base. Do I apply to somehow apply that Open For Business thing to the room? How do I do that?
>they abandoned other EA games?
There were many attempts to make this game that got abandoned before reaching the EA stage
I dont think abandoning pre-EA games really counts

>I will make game
>Makes prototype, Its shit
>I will not release and try again
he never even finished elona itself
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I am so bad and lost at this game but having a lot fun fumbling around blindly
Except you are.
>Succubus Pianist
I gave a worm to the assistant guy early on and as I tried to sleep with no stamina left he came and fucked me to death.
10/10 would play again
Found out this today, no more threads in /vg/ ? Was hoping to see people playing this posting there. Shit pretty fucking expensive for an ea, but thats japs game price on steam.
>because I'm not some NPC
Nigga the fact that it's a part of your moronic vocabulary is proof you're an easily influenced dipshit
The only threads allowed on /vg/ are the ones gachafags schizophrenically bump 20 hours a day in one of their 85 tabs.
>moronic vocabulary
hello pot, meet kettle
There you go again, getting influenced, but wait
>mad over the word nigga
>afraid of a hard r
just so you know, when someone says "pot, meet kettle" they are making fun of both parties and saying they are equivalent. in this case, i'm saying you both sound like morons of limited vocabulary. the fact you couldn't understand that confirms it even further.
>erm it actually means
Nigga did I ask?
>erm no hard r huh?
HAHAHAHA nigga, shut the fuck up and talk about elin. I'll be back in a week to see your stupidass reply so it better be funny
i accept your concession and am glad to have educated you. now go on, git.
Aw, opened the thread thinking about those cute little gremlins.
I honestly don't get the price complaints. 20 dollars seems pretty reasonable to me.
Also there's no reason why an early access game should cost less than a full release, at least in any significant amount imho. Maybe some slight "early adopter" discount makes sense but you are still just basically buying the full game with an early access to it, not some lesser version of the full game.
>I honestly don't get the price complaints. 20 dollars seems pretty reasonable to me.
No, this is the only valid complaint. Better roguelikes are free and will remain free. Someone who has never played a roguelike before has many, many free choices which are infinitely better than Elona and it's new sequel, Nethack, Sil-Q, Infra Arcana, IVAN, Frozen Depths, Frogcomposband, DCSS, etc. All games that are much, much better than whatever this game will ultimately become are free, so only after spending hundreds of hours playing all of those is it logical to play Elin. What is in Elin is very, very easy to code and Japanese don't understand this because they don't play real roguelikes.
Shut up, dude.
I made the thread. No reason to be ignorant, these are the facts and I won't ever mislead people.
You're pretentious.
Elona is built on ADOM. ADOM is Nethack with all the fun mechanics stripped out. Elona is ADOM with all the fun mechanics stripped out replaced with boring grinding bloat. And that's how Elin was born.
Yap yap yap, stop being a vampiric fuck.
I have given you 3 days to discuss the game. You did not discuss the game. Now I am discussing the game.
>I have given you
lol narcissist
I don't even think of Elona a as a roguelike, it's more of a hybrid of a number of RPG subgenres. Plenty of people who aren't really into roguelikes seem to like it.
I'm not sure that this compares exactly to those games you posted but either way, you can go play them instead of this. I do like free shit too and I think it would be awesome if this was free but 20 bucks is still a fair price for this imho. The level of seething anger this seems to cause is just weird. Imho.
>The level of seething anger this seems to cause is just weird
why do you type like a teenage girl?
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>made thief
>chose longswords
>just realized after 10 hours their str and ive been building into dex all the way
I feel the same way. It's just shitty ADOM with boring Japanese randomness and pedophilia.
Yes, ADOM is indeed shit.
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Elona is more fun than ADOM.
There is no need to attach a photo of yourself to your posts anon.
>ADOM is Nethack with all the fun mechanics stripped out
ADOM is ADOM with all the fun mechanics stripped out.
we are SO back
>What is in Elin is very, very easy to code
It's a one man passion project wtf is the matter with you?
He got away with that with Elona because it was an obscure japanese title. I'm a bit surprised it made it onto steam.
But then steam has become pretty degenerate. There are loads of sex games on it now.
> But then steam has become pretty degenerate. There are loads of sex games on it now.
The cheeseburger man shows his final form.
It's funny how people are still trotting out the little girl as if it's in any way titillating or funny. What's next? Sheena's ass?
Was anyone around when the early versions of Elona were discussed on /v/?
I remember there was a global chat, and when people died in the game it announced it to everyone else playing.
Does Elin have anything like this?
>I HAVE to deal with the shitty tax and land system and handle piles of garbage that come from nowhere
Please tell me I can completely skip using the land deed, somehow.
I have no idea what specifically you're talking about, but Tibia has long running mysteries that took people years to figure out so that might be what you're thinking of.
the girl is the most viable for later combat without a bunch of effort to be fair
you can just ignore it, you'll just be a criminal tbf
So does none of the gear aside from the weapons/tools appear on your character doll/sprite?
Literally the only disappointment for me
Yeah I'm done with base building, I'm just gonna refund it.
It's roguelike. It's never going out of early access. Even when they slap 1.0 on it, it'll be filled with bugs.
wytpipo lmao
Where the FUCK can I find the recipe for a decent bed? Day 110 and I'm still sleeping on a makeshift one.
Idk I'm almost as far as you and I randomly dreamed up 'poor bed' recipe while sleeping.

But I didn't need it since I carried off an inn bed from town for 3 furniture tickets long before
Well, I have no choice but to confiscate some poor fuck's bed then. Imagine living in the world where some stinky adventurer can just barge into your house, wave some blue ticket and take whatever he wants.
How can I bring an altar to my settlement? It weights too much. I tried grabbing one and using the scroll or return, didn't work.
Tibia might be it. Thanks.
Lift more. Get stronger. You have to go quite a lot over your 'maximum' weight before you can't move. If you can move, you can teleport.
So this is really grindy? I don't remember there being much of that in Elona unless you actively wanted to sperg on pointless things.
not in elona she isn't, you have to get rid of her as soon as you get her so that you can either buy or catch a better pet (or speedrun a shitty god pet) due to the charisma restraints on pet limit, by the time i even cat get her i already have much better pets due to the fact that i don't set foot into vernis until after i've detonated a nuke in the starter cave
>my retarded little girl and imouto swordswoman sold all their bandages while in town
right, never gifting supplies ever again
wish this game had correction
shouldn't be that hard to code in additional interactions for the wooden horse, crossbar, gallows, etc.
iirc in elona, if you give a usable item to your pet, they will use it on the next turn
however i do not know/remember if that extends to things like rope, or iron maiden, which cause instant death when used
>why yes, I DO savescum wells, how could you tell?
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So I noticed that Luck altar weighs much much less than the other ones and managed to drag it to my base. How do I convert it to Jure's altar? Is there some spell, or do I just offer junk and cakes to it?
Many people in the thread have been waiting for this game for more than 10 years. Elona has long been a 4chan favorite, newfag
>Better roguelikes are free and will remain free.
There are zero better sandbox RPGs than Elona and Elin available at any price.
It's fine, you can always train more strength and the thief's innate +30 to luck is super good for anyone
>So this is really grindy? I don't remember there being much of that in Elona unless you actively wanted to sperg on pointless things.
The whole game is kind of grinding, but you can just go around doing whatever you want and let your stats rise naturally, and then it shouldn't feel like a grind. Elin is a horrible game to play optimally, just like Elona.
Worship Jure and make an offering of sufficient value and Jure will take over it. Use either a heavy corpse or something Jure likes like iirc gems. If you fail you will be cursed with a heavy iron ball, wait for it to go away before trying again
>horrible game to play optimally, just like Elona
speak for yourself, bubble training is simple and highly satisfying.
It stinks and struggling your way through life as an F tier retard adventurer is an essential part of the experience
game is too easy in general, optimizing godhood is the only interesting mental puzzle here for those of superior stock.
I bought a slavery license for my settlement in the tinker camp, anyone done the same?
How exactly does one start building the slaving economy?
How do I get residents to work? Been trying to get my little girl to chop wood and it's not working.
Don't do it, anon. Slavery is mean.
But I wanna. Already have a great experience with slavery from derphy, bought a silver-eyed claymore witch as a bodyguard. 10/10 experience would do again
i have hundreds of hours in elona, but i'm gonna wait a few years to play this.
>'Wanna get some tail?' dialogue changes when you're talking to a pre-pubescent person to 'Wanna go birdwatching?'
now THATS the immersion and quality life improvements I was looking for in elona 2. Would've been even better if it was 'Wanna play doctor?"
The pies in Sheena's ass are the best!
>What is in Elin is very, very easy to code
the power of arrays
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>You can only have sex with drunk people
>You can go insane from having sex
This game is indeed japanese
am i crazy or does elona have a general somewhere. i vaguely remember lurking there for a bit but i cant remember which board it was
thank u anon
don't thank me, i sent you to a desperate land.
>Better roguelikes are free and will remain free
may you name some of them
he did in the post you quoted...
you ok?
An i tame the monsters like clowns and goblins in this game?
There are pokeballs for that, kinda rare though.
Do they level with the character so they remain useful?
I'm not sure since I dont use them.The pets and allies can have inventory/equipment slots so these captured mobs could also have the same. You might wanna ask in /v/ thread where its more active >>>/v/694544992
K, thank you
>Also there's no reason why an early access game should cost less than a full release, at least in any significant amount imho. Maybe some slight "early adopter" discount makes sense but you are still just basically buying the full game with an early access to it, not some lesser version of the full game.
This heavily game dependent. A lot of early access games are quite honestly not finished products. I dare say MOST of them are like that. There's no shame in that, I've bought a ton of EA games before (they were all trad roguelikes, I implicitly trust traditional roguelike devs more than other game devs for no reason) and most, if not all, of them have had enough content to be considered full games. Some of them more content than actual full games, but that doesn't change the fact that EA is often incomplete. Unfinished quests, large chunks of content missing, the fact you're essentially a playtester and will likely drown in bugs.

I sincerely doubt the people who played Baldur's Gate 3 back in 2020 would say that the game then was "not a lesser version" of the full game released in 2023.

>ADOM is Nethack with all the fun mechanics stripped out
The most fun mechanic of all is playing with a wiki open that you flip to every 2 minutes,
>The most fun mechanic of all is playing with a wiki open that you flip to every 2 minutes
skill issue
dead game, doesnt even have a general
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It does, it's just on /v/ and the jannies ignore it for some reason instead of banishing it to /vg/ where it rightfully belongs.
Why does it need to be on /vg/ while people still post about the game instead of wasting time with homosexual circlejerking while never talking about the game
it's also the fastest thread in /jp/ post-/vt/ containment board
Because /v/ is for culture war, outrage, and softcore porn threads only
You can level anything up and could potentially turn the most feeble enemies into godslayers. But it'll be more work for some creatures than others.
Should I play elona before buying this game. Also how good is the game on the 'eck?
Guess what tranny faggot, you got what you wanted.
You don't need to play Elona first and Elin is easier to pick up. From what I hear it works fine on steam deck but I have not tried it myself
New general >>>/vg/503906127
New general >>>/vg/503906127
New general >>>/vg/503906127
Wonder why that fag is so obsessed with this. A wannabe jannie?
>going to /VG/
Any pets/companions can level up.

Elin is better than Elona. Elona+CustomG is a more complete experience as it's been modded for well over a decade. If you don't want to play Elin yet because of early access, play Elona+CustomG.

It's likely someone who feels personally attacked by Japanese games. I'd wager it's some sour Chinaman, considering their activity is always during peak China hours. It's become obsessive since they search every board exclusively for this particular game, even trying to hit jp threads.
My guess is that someone's ass never recovered after the year-long 7 concurrent Genshin threads got pruned.
That's funny because the Chinese love this game. Look at all the Chinese workshop mods.
>Chinese workshop mods
worst thing on steam. they never tag their shit properly and copy and steal constantly. i really wish every game would segregate them.
Elin is more fun than any of those. :]
How much more fun, percentage-wise?
It looked up DCSS because you posted it and it looks like shit slop. At some point the video game has to be playable and not circa 1988 graphics with ASCII icons. If Elin is so easy to code, make your own.
DCSS is nothing like Elin, anyway. That's just a typical roguelike where you're stuck in a single dungeon the entire game. This is a sandbox RPG.
>m-muh graffix!
Zoom zoom zoom!
Let's just stare at punch cards because that's "real gaming".
This doesn't answer the question.
I fully believe you are this stupid
How does one reliably acquire floor/wall workshop recipes? Or is it a case of "level crafting and abuse Derphy's workshops for 5 hours"?
I dunno what derphy's workshops means but yes if you have sufficient crafting to make the recipe in question you'll start obtaining them when you sleep or destroy walls and floors
>Someone makes a post about a game
>Gets called a shill
Just tried it. Virtually no different than dozens of other colony builders.
I get them from time to time digging up dungeon walls and floors. I've got nothing for reliability though
Sounds to me like you didn't try it. Building your bases is less than half of the game

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