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/v/ - Video Games

Displaying 3,000 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
683835734It's friday night.: It's friday night.[View]
683854250Dogshit gen comprised mostly of cookie cutter yearly FPS/TPS/Sports game releases for nigger kneelin…[View]
683847726Was this really necessary? I'm bald but thankfully not insecure. I'm handsome and look pre…[View]
683848443DARPA chief?[View]
683856158>pivot to live-service GAAS where there's an in game shop and battlepass to subsidize free c…[View]
683854185So now that the dust has settled was Rebirth a good game? I fucking loved it but I’m a FF stan so…[View]
683848632Fantasy Is Dumb: >guns are a thing in the setting >most characters still use melee weapons Exp…[View]
683848212Remnant 2: remnant 2 is on sale. is it worth buying? i played the first one and hated the enemy scal…[View]
683855060>western woke games try their absolute hardest to get black players >blacks would just rather …[View]
683830229What's your excuse today for not having moved on to VR gaming?[View]
683855129Be honest would you survive?[View]
683855581>Tfw we will never see him again[View]
683836012i fucking hate space[View]
683852001How long does it take to beat this hunting game[View]
683849965Who is the official Queen of Sony?[View]
683849507What is it about this game that makes it feel so different? If someone asked me to name a game that …[View]
683847754would you?[View]
683854507Melee is the same type of game that Rocket League.[View]
683836020Real Life Vidya: Patch came out and a couple new classes have been introduced due to player demand, …[View]
683846860ITT: Games that have been erased from the collective consciousness[View]
683849518New timeline just dropped, chronology bros we're so back.[View]
683852958A bunch of RE fans were butthurt about the Paul Anderson films not adapting the games directly, so t…[View]
683843342Pure fucking sovl. Capcom did it again[View]
683844178Do the miyazaki bootlickers actually like these? Yet another complete waste of time hp bar where you…[View]
683855026>Survival games are just games with annoying maintenance gauges to maintain all the time How to f…[View]
683854316Final Fantasy ost harp covers are my new favorite thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH7WHMAHJhY…[View]
683849589Bombergirl thread[View]
683854904>play sports game >franchise mode >make up storylines and players to spice the game up anyb…[View]
683854868wtf did they send me with my collectors edition. This isn't my messmer statue[View]
683849383quick! /v/ ask her something[View]
683854070>Its a squad gets wiped in a suburban area episode :([View]
683854447>hey let's add new QoL and 4K textures but you have to give up on H-scenes/sexualization Why…[View]
683851564Ok /v/, what are some ACTUALLY GOOD H-games?[View]
683836538Shantae: Half-Genie Hero? More like Shantae: Half-Genie QUEER-O!!![View]
683850237It's no masterpiece.[View]
683848102Castle Crashers: Its on sale for a $1 @steam right now[View]
683853432Why does she have such a manly jawline?[View]
683854439>vee pretends Elden Ring dlc is easy okay lmao[View]
683850373The zoomers yearn for the PlayStation.[View]
683852840Why aren't you making the next big indie hit anon? There are loads of free game engines for you…[View]
683852850the main problem with video games is that you don't learn anything: you could play a million ga…[View]
683848907Do you like Brutal Doom? https://youtu.be/XrB2_MmB208[View]
683850410>you share a board with ''people'' that have this opinion…[View]
683851259PS5 Pro: Who else is hype as fuck for some new hardware? Will you be buying day 1?[View]
683853742I hate mobile gaming so much bros: I want refunds.[View]
683848686Give me the straight dick /v/: I'm about to start playing this game. I know it's slow as s…[View]
683853194What went so wrong with Fontaine?[View]
683854000Has a video game ever made you cry?[View]
683841578Is she the most iconic videogame character of all time at this point?: Also, the most beautiful too …[View]
683852295Which character raping her would be funniest?[View]
683845002games where you play as a fed?[View]
683849439what were they thinking[View]
683851394What are some good low combat non puzzle games /v/?[View]
683841810>It's been 10 years and the best looking most high quality One Piece game is still a Chinese…[View]
683847178out of context: post an image from a game out of context[View]
683847497If God isn't real then where are all the aliens? We're alone in the universe, we were crea…[View]
683848348Killer is dead.[View]
683849015does lewds even happens in Fate/extra then later CCC? I'm playing extra hoping i get to goon li…[View]
683847048Effortlessly avoids the game industry crash[View]
683853641dead MMOs idk: anyone playing pic related in the current year?[View]
683848605>beats 99% of /v/ KEKW[View]
683850702Ghost Girl Fright-day[View]
683847523>*blocks your path*[View]
683853285Mortal kombat bros...[View]
683851730The GOAT Cod Game[View]
683844573>goofy run animation >floaty or overly stiff jump >too much inertia when moving >not eno…[View]
683853436how come every 40k game is hyper focused on the imperium :( I want to be able to play as giant nom n…[View]
683850775Vanquish had a female president. Do you think more games will start doing that soon to better reflec…[View]
683853398Daily Bust a Groove thread: Is it a coincidence that Kitty-N looks just like Rouge the Bat?[View]
683851187RTS bros...: >stormgate in 3 days >tempest rising in a few months >zerospace in 9 months …[View]
683849423Spiral mountain song is now stuck in your head[View]
683851004I think /v/ should give Wuthering Waves a shot![View]
683850159Storm is so SEXXX[View]
683853209Name a more based villain: >'You still don't get it. do you? You don't get any second c…[View]
683851206>seek the elden ring and become elden lord your response?[View]
683851030I am forgotten.[View]
683848653>the main guy is the final boss[View]
683842302Can Overwatch be saved?[View]
683845746play their game[View]
683850887>drops casual racism against the Japanese in front of court room >doesn't elaborate >l…[View]
683853126I'd love to kick Ramon Salazar in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with th…[View]
683853101It's boring[View]
683845978Is this fun?[View]
683852739My grandmother once said: 'Go through your backlog, the game that you want to play is already there.…[View]
683852916Rocket League: >*makes you seethe* How does this happen?[View]
683852862Salvaging/Scrapping: What game has the best salvaging o and scrapping mechanics?[View]
683852781>Elder Scrolls VI will come out in 2028 at the earliest >Fallout 5 will launch in 2034 at the …[View]
683836832Post your idle animation[View]
683821856Fallout London: >spoke to one of the devs >they have all the unencryped steam username and pas…[View]
683847270More games should feature religion.[View]
683804345Anybody got one of those Marvel Rivals beta codes?[View]
683827956Why is /v/ like this? Is it the video games?[View]
683852503The Eternal Quest: Hello Gamers. I have gone 573 days without a single stroke of my penis. I have tu…[View]
683842858I hate every last one of you for allowing that soulless movie to get a sequel.[View]
683801708DO NOT BUY SPACE MARINE 2: I had my worries based on Saber's public commitment to ESG. After pl…[View]
683852263>dev is a tranny cocksucker >dev is a chud Which one it is? I heard he made faggot art of Pepi…[View]
683852249Don't even bother posting here if you're not a 250 pounds[View]
683852245Thoughts on Karlach?[View]
683844241Is Atelier dead now?[View]
683826781smt/persona fans be like >YOOOOO THIS GAMEPLAY IS FIRE!!![View]
683817908jigsaw puzzles: https://jiggie.fun/3Hf0uU 150 rotation[View]
683852049Average Zelda TOTK thread on /v/ experience: >pic related >normies : WHERES DAH MODS ITS BEEN…[View]
683843998>I'm so glad I didn't grow up with zoomer brainrot like skibbidi toilet >what he gre…[View]
683831716Thoughts on Sora as a character?[View]
683851739What do these stats tell us about the demographic of these servers?[View]
683846169Man this game fucking sucked[View]
683838042Zoomers will NEVER understand the feeling of playing your favorite game on a CRT[View]
683848118What is your favorite video game remix album? It can either be official or fanmade For me it's …[View]
683846858I fear the we might never see another genuine and soulful fantasy game ever again[View]
683846106Friday Night Dwarf Fortress (ft. FRIENDS!)[View]
683829497Fear & Hunger: Play her game[View]
683837151>game has difficult choices[View]
683813746MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!![View]
683843752>is best girl[View]
683846295Why are skibidi toilet watching gen alphoomers obsessed with Devil May Cry?[View]
683845387he's not fair[View]
683846136what's up with all the coomer groomers on /v/...and uh what DC games are you enjoying on the ul…[View]
683850268With every breath, a purpose.[View]
683849218I've gotten a Steam Deck recently and I've just been playing Steam games. I know it can ha…[View]
683849180Which logo placement looks better?[View]
683847915>Marika had a secret child you've never heard about before and he's a badass murderer a…[View]
683841035I like how the lore would have you assume that no male ever made it over sixty intelligence. — Found…[View]
683841530Which Bloodborne boss took you the most attempts?[View]
683831402Elden Ring 1.12: >ruins powerstancing in your path Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games…[View]
683846325Why do Fantasy characters speak like literal redditors?[View]
683839983Will we ever see another good Halo game???[View]
683848839What game comes to mind?[View]
683848510Mortal Kombat: Was this really necessary? Are MK1's fatalities less fucked up?[View]
683850052Yep I am thinking GOTY https://store.steampowered.com/app/1598580/Exhausted_Man/[View]
683850151it's over[View]
683851557what games do you play when youre lonely and bored with no friends?[View]
683844639what games do 30+ boomers usually play?[View]
683841371Zoomer kino[View]
683846339So Called 'Gamers' are a Bunch of Retards Who Just Want Games to Play Themselves: >Waaaaaaah, why…[View]
683845891Should Southern Europeans be considered white? To me, most of them look like sand people, which make…[View]
683793645Overwatch 2 is free and on Steam. You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.[View]
683839363Thoughts on this game? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b6xDB0egMr4[View]
683849017Game so good it ruined other video games for you?[View]
683849647Last part of this game was trash, I get to know this interesting character over the course of the en…[View]
683842449The engoodening of Multiversus[View]
683842548>PvE skill tree mode cancelled >PvE campaign cancelled after 3 missions (~45 minutes of gamepl…[View]
683849150>ranks very high in every popularity poll why do japs love her so much?…[View]
683847985NMS: This is a friendly reminder that there's a new No Man's Sky Expedition. I never saw i…[View]
683847008Stop liking physically strong women in video games. They are unrealistic.[View]
683847664What was his endgame?[View]
683848636I don't know what your complaining about anon, that game was super easy[View]
683848548Show me the chad Femchin[View]
683848242was ass creed unity any good?[View]
683847905honey b lovely thread: lets talk about honey b lovely[View]
683845962Slap my hand[View]
683848024ITT: Video game characters you want to be.[View]
683844378I am a great magician. Your console is red![View]
683845796>Japanese Historian Says There Is 'No Doubt' That Assassin's Creed Shadows' Yasuke Was …[View]
683847823I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric[View]
683847794>makes 5 GOTYs in a row >makes GOTD for two decades in a row >makes the highest selling and…[View]
683847574Metal Gear Rising is on sale in Steam, was it really as good as I remember or it's just nostalg…[View]
683838012Post Video game girls you love[View]
683806146Genshin Impact: Does anyone still play this game?[View]
683825363>game is called Pathfinder >the AI's pathfinding is terrible…[View]
683842296Play The First Descendant.[View]
683844339ITT your best game ideas: Souls(soles) kino >parry button(negates damage) >roll button(negates…[View]
683847032Was Bam Margera really famous enough to warrant his own video game?[View]
683844624Aigis is the best girl in P3[View]
683842682Will you die for a robot? Yes or no?[View]
683839634ITT the best vidya ambience music i.e. music that's specifically about conveying the feeling of…[View]
683840960What went so wrong?[View]
683844078Any vidya where I can pit monsters against each other?[View]
683846908what are some games with a satanic kino plotline?[View]
683829821*filters millions*[View]
683844167You did pick Apsaras didn't you?[View]
683846721What are some games aside Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 and Ghost of Tsushima where I can be comfy rid…[View]
683846616This is Erik from the hit series Animal Crossing. Today is his birthday![View]
683846506Underrated vidya girls thread Sitara Kaneshiya from Alice Gear Aegis[View]
683844520Which games are definitively “high art” to you?[View]
683846402What did the hydroponics deck mean by this?[View]
683845012/emulation gang/: What are we playing tonight? I am gonna run through the NES and SNES Contra games.…[View]
683846375Funko Fusion: could it happen?[View]
683846342>get goypass for MW3 >launch screen has a brown woman >game fails to launch due to an inexp…[View]
683844628Why did Tony Hawk and Bam Margera chose a literal nobody high school skate kid to join their world-w…[View]
683836590>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming >meet this guy >'Oh who…[View]
683844207English nerd sisters Japan are laughing at us[View]
683846308>finnish humour[View]
683845590I wish this genre still existed[View]
683834327How do you get past the haunted house in Vampire Bloodlines as a big pussy like me?[View]
683830642>Run around feudal Japan as a 6’4” Tyrone slaughtering manlet incels to a hip hop asian fusion so…[View]
683842130Like A Dragon: Yakuza live action series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZkC1sYxzZo captcha: 0NTR…[View]
683814671It's literally demon's souls 2[View]
683840521Where is the Mario and Sonic Olympics Paris 2024 game?[View]
683844182CODE VEIN: Fuck, marry, kill.[View]
683839149>AMD is for poorfags So surely you can afford another 14900K? You're not poor, right?…[View]
683845875mommy Sindel[View]
683841165>Stick leafblower intake on side of PC case >Turn it on >CPU gets 20 degrees cooler…[View]
683839686your LIBERATOR is here[View]
683845635I only play ATLUS games they know what people want![View]
683832250I have a growing lack of disgust for you.[View]
683845272Was 2007 a good year for gaming?[View]
683842393this is the most horrendouly designed piece of shit hardware ever. engineering like this makes me qu…[View]
683841432Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke.: This is my team so far. What do you think? Today I started my journey to…[View]
683841682>Metal Gear Rising is the most culturally relevant game in the franchise for zoomers >The ! A…[View]
683843000Why did the Cyberpunk genre never really hit video games? In the 80s and 90s every sci-fi film, nove…[View]
683843861Why must this reality be one where Monster Rancher is not a big thing?[View]
683842021Playstation Portal: i'm excited bro's. i ordered this little nigger over here and can…[View]
683841245Which of these is the least shit? I have spare £45 and want to just play some slop for the weekend[View]
683845063>he boughted a pc 'gamING' computer with linix LOL[View]
683840931If westerners want people to play their games they should add monster girls.[View]
683837672>obsoletes the Steam Deck[View]
683840049Monster Hunter 3: You want to sharpen your weapon? Well... it's a consumable item![View]
683844018Are there actually any good gacha games?[View]
683842254This is the deal. You perform an act of great evil in my thread, and I'll pop open.[View]
683844908What is some of the worst writing you've seen in a video game?[View]
683842446In just got a 4080 super what’s a good game with Ray tracing?[View]
683802842Which games mostly consist of 'that part'? For me I would say Jak 2[View]
683841553Pokemon X: Well /v/, giving this shit a try. How different is it from Diamond? Hippowdon still GOATe…[View]
683841156Why did he do it?[View]
683844606games that you can play instead of smoking cigarettes[View]
683839783>begin again but learn when to let go What? What is this supposed to mean? Begin again, sure, but…[View]
683844465It's weird to think this game is now over 10 years old now. Such a fun and unique casual shoote…[View]
683829698You HAVE 100% her game, right?[View]
683832792Bleach rebirth of souls: >teleports behind you Yep I'm thinkin it's gaming time…[View]
683844368Has MK lost the plot with their character additions?[View]
683832859Somehow, the Mortal Blade multiplied.[View]
683843404>*schlick* *schlick* *schlick*[View]
683837190>drops a steaming glob of shit on you with perfect accuracy while you can't even fucking see…[View]
683840967So brave...[View]
683842758>'Earned skills without exploits or metas are kind of looked down upon in (multiplayer) games now…[View]
683844109biowares last good game[View]
683835186Power Bomberman: Get it here https://www.bombermanboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=1925 Over 650 unlockable…[View]
683815945Behemoth Road Map: >Alien Hominid HD/Invasion announced for PS4/PS5 >Battleblock Theater quali…[View]
683842075Is there a reason why this game isn't talked about that much? It seems a bit weird that it flie…[View]
683842653>KOF XV looks like a PS2 game Wrong it looks worse[View]
683842778Official Nintendo Switch 2 Home Menu leaked New Info: Yes, this is indeed the menu for Switch 2. I w…[View]
683829142xiv thread: venat is perma dead. enjoy wuk lamat forever losers. glad i unsubbed and started playing…[View]
683843746the most beautiful fighting game ever made[View]
683843687Games for this feel?[View]
683833624this game is too fucking hard[View]
683841885Breakable Weapons are an Abomination: Listen, I'm sure the open world Zelda games are fun, but …[View]
683838454The charges, officer?[View]
683833029Dall-E Thread: bing.com/ create[View]
683842324Cuno is Harry >He's got a drug problem >he's always saying off the wall hostile shit…[View]
683842516SHIEEEETT: what Johnny gon do ?[View]
683839763>make a cool weapon >make it do zero damage Bravo miyazaki…[View]
683841869<< THIS IS AWACS SHIT EYE. ALL CALLSIGNS REPORT IN ace combat thread. >>[View]
683842589https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8fL5J6QqxE >AI can now compose better anime videogame music than…[View]
683806350Portable gaming peaked here.[View]
683836656Should she have been the protagonist?[View]
683843080Is Edelgard wife material? https://strawpoll.com/ajnE1O55mnW[View]
683835948ESA Summer 2024: Stream 1 Now: Super Mario 64 Archipelago Randomizer Next: Sea Of Thieves (Cringe) L…[View]
683837448so when is it coming ?[View]
683840929beautiful masculinity :)[View]
683806580how about a screenshot thread?[View]
683831369Be it Single player or PVP. It seems like most games have awful balance and despite many attempts to…[View]
683815014Thoughts on Korean games?[View]
683842720Are there games you have enjoyed their setting/world, but not their story? or at most you were indif…[View]
683838195Castle crashers: Is it worth picking up after getting a new update 15 years later? I remember playin…[View]
683842137>*floods your board with newfags*[View]
683842616>hailed as the second coming of rabbi yeshua >5 months later the control panel from 2002 still…[View]
683819060ITT: anti-nostalgia[View]
683841950'This is Rellana! She's the cool hidden twin sister of Rennala, and she dual weilds magic sword…[View]
683841418Is Tim sweeny right?: Honestly I think a steam + Microsoft merger would be great.[View]
683816563>Japanese game >there's an NTR development between the protagonist and heroine…[View]
683837446>game doesn't let you rebind keys[View]
683822352Oi blimey![View]
683836745Sparking Zero: Do you think that Bulma will be in the game as some sort of npc?[View]
683795330May's mays[View]
683841717Overwatch: Please anon tell Mercy 1 reason why arent you playing Overwatch right now Especially when…[View]
683842082Can we all admit that Call of Duty: Warzone is a much better game and requires much more skill and I…[View]
683836304ITT: Good series that people pretend 'went to shit.'[View]
6838353506vs6 is so much fun...[View]
683832328H-games: Post what you're playing now No wegs allowed[View]
683838652ITT: Overrated weapons/characters/moves[View]
683839750I did it!: I am at peace. I've accepted that modern video games cannot and will not recover, bu…[View]
683833526>This is what the average 'red man bad!' poster on /v/ looks like in game Grim.…[View]
683837240Gacha games are basically glorified todo lists, all of them eventually devolve into the stage where …[View]
683838001Why did people suddenly stop caring about Nintendo and the Switch? It was huge during the pandemic t…[View]
683804338Why are they like this?[View]
683829853Would you buy an epic PC games handheld?: I'd do it, most of my games are on the epic games sto…[View]
683815681What do you wanna see in persona 6[View]
683836198What's the Ok Computer of video games?[View]
683835431In what way are videogames dead? Why do people keep complaining that videogaming is dying? As a 30 y…[View]
683796938Painkiller: Play Painkiller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL8lCw2NCVU[View]
683832560Are there any games that are inherently red flags if someone likes? Like Wind Waker for example, it…[View]
683836519>You beat the game[View]
683838424The best MMORPG: How did the French manage to make the best MMORPG? >better gameplay than tab-tar…[View]
683839876ITT: Fake video games you wish were real[View]
683833247Does playing in higher refresh rates make games better?[View]
683837583stardeus: Get your fucking face eaten while all your bots are away minging a planet.[View]
683840720Super Mario Galaxy Galaxies: The best galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy is unequivocally Space Junk Galax…[View]
683840865a simpler time[View]
683840279>You do realize that the game you like is garbage and is one of the worst games ever made? >*c…[View]
683839450Why does it suck ? its not SBMM.[View]
683835702Why do classic video games mog every modern game?[View]
683840607Is he cute?[View]
683837648Best Vampire Survivor clones a.k.a. 'bullet heavens'?[View]
683839136Inazuma Eleven Victory ROAD: anyone played the demo? i've never played one of these games befor…[View]
683837924Mortal Kombat 1 New Trailer Kombat Pack 2: MK1 Full Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7nFD80…[View]
683830193Vintage Story: Post builds. Post favorite mods. Post comfy screenshots.[View]
683837891>pause game >background noise and/or music still plays Why is this still a thing?…[View]
683840139Italian Manlet Gets Bodied Fr Ya Heard?: Was he on steroids or was he natty?[View]
683827260Elden rings fatal flaw is that it has no level scaling. The game encourages you to explore and as a …[View]
683837873Damn, roblox looks like THAT????[View]
683831324IM GONNA LOSE IT[View]
683832992'Metroidvania': Last thread was nice, so let's have another, how do you like your adventure gam…[View]
683839956Good ol days: >Computer, I want you to simulate a full Xbox Live multiplayer lobby for the 2009 v…[View]
683839443This is how USA looks like in GTA universe.[View]
683811743>Estus takes 3 years to activate >instead, you just have infinite consumable healing again Why…[View]
683837143>point out bad mechanic in a game >'erm actually it's intended to be like that so it…[View]
683778143Play Starsector.[View]
683841684Thoughts on Overwatch?[View]
683809240>one of the greatest games of all time, according to pretty much everyone on the internet >les…[View]
683835992Remember this game?: I remember the controversy around it and we've never had a game like this …[View]
683788115Charge blade archive.[View]
683837860This game has more soul than any recent jap anime game but /v/ isn't ready for this conversatio…[View]
683834667what am i in for?[View]
683835303Robofuckers of /v/ how are we feeling about the R63 versions of Cyrax and Sektor[View]
683833539Favorite Handgun Favorite Rifle Favorite Shotgun Favorite Horse[View]
683826161What games make you react like webm related?[View]
683835576Fraud Howard: This man outsourced Starfield development to third-worlders. This is pathological scam…[View]
683745465Armored Core 6 made about $150m What do you think the production and advertising budgets were?[View]
683838841>sh-she's fast![View]
683828359In all honesty, is Marika and Radagon good characters?[View]
683791186This is a masterpiece. How did Nintendo manage this on the Switch?[View]
683832162Any fun or relaxing ball games to share ?[View]
683838574Not as good as i remembered[View]
683833959it was just ok. better than the trash the rest of the industry puts out but just ok still. its main …[View]
683838336Will Kojima ever make another game as good as one of the early MGS games?[View]
683828473What's your favorite game released in the last 5 years?[View]
683823174It's so hot when she berates you for losing a minigame.[View]
683833062>Male gets a coat >Female gets a loincloth Why???…[View]
683833814>developers create NPCs with unique attributes >players beg the developers to let them play as…[View]
683835865Hitman/Assassin's Creed crossover game just announced[View]
683836653It's becoming more and more clear that John Tobias was the driving creative force of Mortal Kom…[View]
683837347i presume you are smart /v/ how do you proceed? clue - enemy infighting[View]
683834253ITT: moments in vidya you knew shit was gonna get real[View]
683836295talking about the ghettoo funky funky ghetto trying to surviveeee trying to stay aliiiveee THE GHETT…[View]
683837150Bless Online: I miss it...[View]
683837125>you will never play mario royale with /v/ again[View]
683835741are you looking forward the new olympic games vidya?[View]
683836403What did she mean by this?[View]
683833294What makes you interested in Five Nights at Freddys? Was there a game or theme that did it best? Fo…[View]
683829165Why did Capcom degrade so badly as of late?[View]
683835838Why are indie games so soulless compared to the games they are copying?[View]
683836768What are some good vidya locations where you would commit suicide?[View]
683826289Normies: >videogame music isn't real music, you're an incel loser if you listen to it M…[View]
683831184“ICYMI, I am @Andrew_Ryan (he/him), and I'm here to lowkey ask you a question.' 'Is a blud not …[View]
683740495Why does nobody want to play Concord? The devs even removed the battle pass. Buy the game, chuds.[View]
683832989What the FUCK were they thinking[View]
683829754What's your favorite game where you are the police?[View]
683836710Monster Hunter: Have you done any hunting lately anon?[View]
683835691Should I play Assassins Creed Unity(with French dubs of course)?[View]
683831323I can't stand modern AAA games anymore. Can you recommend some hidden gems or good indie games?…[View]
683825981We did it![View]
683836395I'm still upset[View]
683836274Double Fine PsychOdyssey · EP33: They just released one last episode of the Double Fine documentary …[View]
683832312>daydreamed about impressing my coworkers with my video game skills again…[View]
683832646What are the best 3D beat em ups/fighting games on the PS1?[View]
683835308B IS FOR[View]
683826737>Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle. I think the worst part is the hypocrisy.…[View]
683836150Mortal Kombat 1 Year 2 Revealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7nFD80g3M[View]
683835782Remember when Mortal Kombat guests were cool?[View]
683834539SHAKE SHAKE[View]
683825770Does there exist a fighting game thats like katawa shoujo? Like every character in the roster has a …[View]
683832148Starting this for the first time. Should I use a gamepad or KB+M? Also Scarlet Nexus thread, I guess…[View]
683833779It just works[View]
683834440>Jak & Daxter Dead >Sly Cooper Dead >Ape Escape Dead >Banjo & Kazooie Dead >C…[View]
683834092I have a shit taste in video games[View]
683814802Earth Defense Force 6: >Has 206 missions with the two DLCs, longest EDF ever >Has the most var…[View]
683835596Vaporware: Post vaporware or trailers/gameplay of games never released , ill start https://www.youtu…[View]
683835525Resident Evil was truly ahead of it time, they were the first game to use AI generated images for th…[View]
683833871>Christopher, my son, I am dying >Promise me that if they ever make Lord of the Rings into a v…[View]
683820796Repost - Turtle WoW down (HACKED): Got more info about that turtle wow server going down. Dev team c…[View]
683828841Max Caulfield[View]
683834216Did Akira Yamaoka lose his touch? the BGM for this is shit[View]
683830194Does a player's personality or playstyle speak more to you?[View]
683832559Which takes more skill? Fighting games or FPS games?[View]
683835218This meat is no longer fresh. I want fresher meat.[View]
683834058>mysterious recurring character with unknown motives Name a better trope in vidya.…[View]
683830693the shadow that mindbroke /v/[View]
683785335World of Warcraft is so back!: The theme, the story and the new features will save this game! We als…[View]
683834719Remember Immortals of Aveum?[View]
683801493it's gonna break its all time player count today[View]
683815535Another popular Japanese youtube channel has spoken up about AC Shadows and Lockley's historica…[View]
683828162Sonic if he degenerate[View]
683800506How does Game Freak keep getting away with this shit?[View]
683818901Dall-E 3: bing.com/ create[View]
683831516>REEE NORMIES REEEE What makes you not a normalfag? You play ubishit and tendieslop all the same.…[View]
683829252How do I get into the Wizardry games ? I've never even played a 'blobber' and don…[View]
683823229Choose your starter[View]
683834246If there's one thing I wish 'eck had it's this but better.[View]
683826842Diablo 5: Diablo 5 hype thread! What new classes and systems are you most excited for in Diablo 5?…[View]
683832269Is it the best search action game?[View]
683830364You like pinball[View]
683831538How lucky can one guy be? I kissed her and she kissed me[View]
683833201How did PS4 mog PS5 so much?[View]
683829225wuk lamat: >finally escape wuk to go to cowboy land >'omg its wuk lamat's maid who was gi…[View]
683830592is it at least better than odyssey?[View]
683828943smh why do we hold developers up to such unreasonably high standards? game coding is HARD y'all…[View]
683832125New MK 1 DLC announced. Female Cyrax, Female Sektor, Noob, Ghostface, Conan and T-1000 announced.[View]
683830809Surely they will announce a new One Piece game during One Piece day, right?[View]
683827537Anyone excited for Wild Assault?: Haven't seen a thread for it yet.[View]
683833671What will happen when no one is able to afford Video Games anymore ? the game industry relies on peo…[View]
683824393I keep buying games and not playing them[View]
683823978>switch userbase’s biggest pet peeves seem to be crappy online, bad graphics, unfinished games th…[View]
683832820>pause game >cant directly exit to desktop >have to use 'exit to main menu' first and then …[View]
683821036ESA Summer 2024: Now: Zelda Ocarina of Time Next: Super Mario 64 Archipelago Later: Sea of Thieves h…[View]
683833176Steam deck is still the best handheld pc available.[View]
683833457vidya OSTs with this feel? https://youtu.be/BLK6hcbddQs?si=VxtVxVLBlh21dGMN[View]
683811858It took over 30 years but Peach finally has an interesting personality and it only took a fucking we…[View]
683831560The Great Filter...[View]
683833293What are some of the best game tranformations?[View]
683832887Dishonored 2: Emily’s path is canon and corvo’s isnt Cope[View]
683828068Boomers be all like 'YOOOO THIS COMBAT IS FIRE'[View]
683816189tf Takeshi gon do??[View]
683824719>fuck humans aggressive >fuck violence >fuck demons >and most importantly, FUCK GOD Wh…[View]
683770352Refute THIS[View]
683830226>indie/fan game showcase >they try to copy the Nintendo Direct format…[View]
683832414The game really isn't that hard. Just wander around, level up, find better equipment, and then…[View]
683832107Best video game web series: i'll start[View]
683810920Damaged 13th gen and 14th gen Intel Chips cant be fixed: >Intel wont respect warranties https://w…[View]
683824848are you enjoying the new warframe update?[View]
683828562Life is Strange 2: Even though it had some extremely cringy and boring moments, I thought the ending…[View]
683822313Strive to be better![View]
683828970Thoughts on Overwatch W?[View]
683829815Has buying an established studio ever worked?[View]
683827237is it really over for Skullgirls?[View]
683827717imagine if fromsoftware implemented a stance system in their combat[View]
683832201Where do you even begin with this tranny-colors slop?: The entirety of the first two games is in the…[View]
683825145Trepang 2 DLC: This was so fucking good. My main complaint with Trepamg 2 was lack of main missions …[View]
683829690Your favorite units from fantasy RTS: Give me that Highelf Dragonhawk tuah.[View]
683831930This is pretty good.[View]
683831878>Character who was long thought dead returns at the game's climax when he is needed most Any…[View]
683830208Tomba is garbage. Play the other PS1 platformer.[View]
683829053ITT: Real life boss battles[View]
683831673>game comes out >fucking retarded devs don't release it on PC >NintenGOD releases is o…[View]
683831671What are some games where the villain makes an unexpected return?[View]
683830869do you know what it is?[View]
6838310513DS love thread[View]
683826603What if it was all just a dream[View]
683790019>just stand there >press 1 button >defeat the boss without experiencing 90% of its movese…[View]
683831203move over call of duty[View]
683823321Kunitsu-Gami General: did you finish the game already? I'm still doing all challenges before ne…[View]
683824586Stellar Blade >Announced 5 years ago >hyped and shilled endlessly with outrage marketing …[View]
683825576he cute: baby chocobo[View]
683831251Your average white girl starts listening to rap songs when she’s 8, these songs will program her bra…[View]
683830784https://youtu.be/A2JxC9OY1aE?feature=shared I want a version of this song without SFX so badly, it…[View]
683827315What went wrong?[View]
683830636>MW3 nostalgia threads[View]
683816957Strong female protagonists are hated, but what about strong female antagonists?[View]
683826371Good video game intros[View]
683828778There is no game like Gran Turismo for PC. The people who never played Gran Turismo says is just a r…[View]
683824892Post your weaponfu, any game goes >Swish swish swish swish BOOM[View]
683824162Super Mario 64 Online: Lets bing bing wahoo, this time we're Deluxe Want to play? Just download…[View]
683830186Play Fallout London[View]
683830296Elder Scrolls VI: realistically what are something new that they can introduce to this game? >ev…[View]
683827835Flash games thread: In this thread we talk about the best flash games of our childhood. My list 1. E…[View]
683826171lol man fuck blizzard[View]
683828040This guy literally carried persona 5, he's the only based character in the entire game[View]
683822278Why should I side against him again?[View]
683830187This is Dr. Hersh from the video game Resident Evil: Outbreak. Say something nice about him.[View]
683830113Parasite Eve 2 is better than 1 actually.[View]
683797496was this PEAK battlefield?[View]
683817327Bomberman franchise: Why was it once so prominent and now so nearly forgotten? It even had an anime …[View]
683820264BLEACH JAPAN![View]
683826067Is it the estrogen in the water supply? What causes this retarded behavior nowadays[View]
683829462Where is the Princess Peach olympics game?[View]
683829393It's all starting to make sense[View]
683829120When did you realize that only japanese video games are actually worth supporting?[View]
683827130Why do Soulsfags hate the Bloodborne Rally and Sekiro Posture Bar? Is it because they actually promo…[View]
683829006Titnfall III when??? https://youtu.be/ArO7OY4c2BA?si=Fo33Kiq4W6lcxaSF[View]
683825295What went wrong with Kingdom Hearts?[View]
683828673It's time to admit you were too harsh on it.[View]
683825592>we're living in the timeline where Nintendo has dominated PC, Snoy, and FromSoftware in the…[View]
683825440You do have good taste in video games, right /v/?[View]
683826596what's /v/'s thoughts on Cultist sim?[View]
683825372>I love making videogames, I love fun[View]
683824151How quickly things forever can change for the worse: >2008 Blizzard is releasing a official No-CD…[View]
683824091If you could travel back in time by 15 years, what would you accomplish a second time around? oh and…[View]
683828291>Free Stellar Blade[View]
683821970Biggest POE league launch ever incoming.[View]
683814141We need more plus-sized female representation in games! Do you agree, /v/?[View]
683819734>get a Gaming PC >only use it to browse 4chan & watch Youtube…[View]
683825036FNAF: >I bet I'm your FAVORITE... Well is she?[View]
683828637Everyone who played this game as a kid is now a furry Including me[View]
683826764Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of it?[View]
683827141Would you love Nemona now /v/? Btw she's brown I must mention.[View]
683827580Have you ever released a game on Steam /v/?: If so, how successful was it?[View]
683824421>keeps fucking up How do they always manage it?[View]
683828523Why are most games so horribly unbalanced?: Be it Single player or PVP. It seems like most games hav…[View]
683815432So /v/ which dungeon is your favorite?[View]
683825793>less trash than in Paris >cleaner air than in Beijing >less crime than in Washington, D.C.…[View]
683827484>game has armored women[View]
683826962Agent 47, you are tasked with infiltrating the Le Rouge Éclat Fashion Show, a high-profile event whe…[View]
6838165597 Days to Die is out.[View]
683826864Max Payne: >YOU'RE TURNING GLUE INTO HUMANS!! >:([View]
683825649vidya dubs: for the people who speak english as a second language here do you play your games subbed…[View]
683824758What's the most overrated vidya game ever made, which definitely doesn't deserve the hype …[View]
683825042>Be the main protagonist of SNK's most popular franchise >Have less guest appearances tha…[View]
683826601What the fuck was his problem?[View]
683826019What the fuck was his problem?[View]
683820548Anyone played this game? I'm tempted to buy it on sale, looks cute[View]
683817624the vampire princess is in trouble. you can save her with your excessive knowledge about video games…[View]
683826924This is too much for a game.[View]
683827376What are the chances of Guppi's Beach Block getting revealed for the first time? Mysterious los…[View]
683814305Gaming Laptops: Why do people say they're a bad deal when they aren't? >$500-$700 >r…[View]
683826212Everyone says this game is dead but I have no issues finding matches.[View]
683822453morrowfagotinos really be seeing this shit and think no other game has combat as good as it[View]
683827094Thoughts on Ctrl Alt Ego, the most immersive sim of all time?[View]
683775942I think this game gave me a new type of depression[View]
683827036where the fuck is it[View]
683817513Autobattlers: What's your favorite autobattler /v/? For me it's Shin Megami Tensei V: Veng…[View]
683824591It's over.[View]
683823774Anon, it's time to replay blood money again[View]
683821854Soul Reaver: Soul Reaver Remastered got leaked and no threads? https://www.polygon.com/24206416/lega…[View]
683826765What am I in for?[View]
683797695Post the best game from the year you were born[View]
683822703Final Fantasy demake is officially woke https://deidetected.com/games/final-fantasy-vii-remake[View]
683825384game is stupid, way too hard: i can't even get pass the floating boss with the armor, why is th…[View]
683824214oof, i need to get off the internet[View]
683826506I like vidya games that aren’t popular and flocked to by legions of 15 year old faggots and trannies[View]
683826405What did she mean by this?[View]
683826378Concord bros?[View]
683826290Why do so few games have cute brown tomboys[View]
683823307I can't wait to pirate it on my modded Switch OLED. I still haven't decided if I'll p…[View]
683816158XIV thread[View]
6838261813x3 thread[View]
683826153will the remake be soulless?[View]
683826086Hey! Lad! Don't you want a little wager on the Rattay Tourney?[View]
683824037give it the ole FF7 Remake treatment[View]
683823548Tell me about Shy Guy. Why does he wear the mask?[View]
683819313I want a new castle crashe- >Monkey's paw curls https://youtu.be/LjS40-isk0s…[View]
683824867NAME 1 (new): any vidya with unique characters to play as/against?[View]
683821947don't say Fear: which singleplayer FPS has The Smartest NPCs[View]
683824763Why aren't there more young female protagonists in video games?[View]
683821225>Yeah bro summoning doesn't make the game easier because the health is doubled or something,…[View]
683825697>You justify spending money on microtransactions because you like the game or like a character Wh…[View]
683821731He killed millions[View]
683825421What are you emulating? I just revved up Dark Cloud 1 and am getting smashed with nostalgia. I miss …[View]
683755806Metroidvanias: How do you like your so-called 'metroidvanias'? More metroid? (no leveling up, direct…[View]
683823090Which and why?[View]
683823973Mega Man Legends[View]
683822613>only one analogue stick >cable at the bottom of the controller why…[View]
683823157This is unacceptable behavior on PSN[View]
683823950Video games thread[View]
683800947>have a million dollar game idea but will never have the budget to make it real…[View]
683824581What video game do you think would make for a great board game?[View]
683823759name the series[View]
683823442>You VILL eat ze BUGS, bugs[View]
683821246What games would you consider /v/core?[View]
683821653>been out for a week >gameplay is 11/10 >upgrades are easy to obtain and doing reruns rewa…[View]
683813634is this good?[View]
683824443You are Musashi, and so am I[View]
683821430What was her problem?[View]
683821079Was he unironically right about the industry?[View]
683819950It's been 9 years since NFS 2015 and no game has come close to matching its impeccable vibe Yea…[View]
683823397Are you happy now?[View]
683822049This is actually terrible. All this for 20man Molten Core.[View]
683823561What sonic song is this? It isn’t a gag or a trick question or anything, just stuck in my head loopi…[View]
683821756The Greatest Conspiracy Theory Simulator Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u86a0xMBIg…[View]
683814660>Marvel Rivals >Gigantic >Concord >Deadlock >even Tf2 is still hanging How long does …[View]
683782197Zenless Zone Zero ZZZ: It was as if she was looking at walking garbage... ...Or maybe she is just re…[View]
683815453Metroid: You're not a filthy scrub, right anon?[View]
683809181>bottom right what game?[View]
683808132TF Fortress 2 Team TF Fortress Team 2 Team Fortress 2 Two: I like the new maps[View]
683818165I thought it was fun[View]
683818885What was the last dino game you've played?[View]
683824112I WANNA GO FAST[View]
683796226Do we like Tharja here?[View]
683806924how many units will shadows sell in Japan given that it was #1 on amazon Japan when the preorder was…[View]
683822635Kirby just swallowed your favorite video games Character. What ability did he get?![View]
683820882I trust the gaming opinions of /v/.[View]
683820820What would a PC exclusive game look like? How big it would be?[View]
683822617Should this be a mini game in Sparking Zero?[View]
683820642Admit it. She cute.[View]
683821504Is this good design for a fictional police officer?[View]
683823360recent activity: Post 'em.[View]
683822826>Write two racist villains who are wrong about everything >Later writers accidentally make the…[View]
683785480Elden Ring DLC: Why is this the case?[View]
683819198I beat Rahdan.[View]
683823543how do I plap a cute cosplaying weebette holy shit /v/[View]
683818896MGS is the peak of the series.[View]
683819910Would you say a game is objectively bad if you have to Mod it to enjoy it?[View]
683816116>[All] no u >Mfw[View]
683822887Video game character thread.: If you could marry any video game character who would it be? I'm …[View]
683823398Any games for this feel?[View]
683821918they found WHAT on his laptop?![View]
683818915>Series is called Wonderboy >You play as a girl Fun game though…[View]
683823193how are you enjoying the genshit summer event, fellow toddlers?[View]
683810306What the fuck was his problem?[View]
683813975>post about literally ANY game >thread is immediately filled with people saying that it'…[View]
683821616need help: What's that game where it's like the final battle or semi-final battle and it s…[View]
683809771Who should I main in Tekken 8? I'm new to fighting games, on PC, not Eddie, thinking of buying …[View]
683801009I am too much of a brainlet to enjoy this[View]
683817470The Goat[View]
683820832The Cat Lady: Do you still love Mitzi even if shes BALD?[View]
683823003Im too stupid for this game: I have cleared the completion marks for all the hard characters (tainte…[View]
683819987Alien Soldier: I have literally never before in my life gotten filtered by the controls of a game th…[View]
683791317linux if he fun[View]
683822909worth it?: Some people even say it's better than miriam's game, true?[View]
683774637Paradox is in a death spiral[View]
683822851what are some good vr porn games[View]
683820325>Hello anon. May I am at service?[View]
683820382Is she popular yet?[View]
683796103Death Stranding 2: >Improved combat and stealth >More advanced terrain/weather mechanics like …[View]
683817648Kind of a stupid question bros but I have a new computer... I'm not that rich but the one I bou…[View]
683806906What were they thinking?: >Release the multiplayer-only game with just 4 maps and 2 gamemodes …[View]
683821945Wait, so what happens after the ending? Kain apparently can't kill The Elder God, and he appare…[View]
683816526>infantilizes the best puzzle in gaming history What were they thinking??? Is this the most diffi…[View]
683817296Here's your Suicide Squad DLC bro[View]
683822340games for this feel?[View]
683815745>replayed GTA:V recently >Treever was the single most obnoxious character ever created I don…[View]
683815506Why don't they make games like this anymre?[View]
683822314Overwatch: >trying Overwatch after a long time >still fun Why did we hate Overwatch?…[View]
683813819WHO DA FUCK IS DIS N-[View]
683818363New World: >Get email from cdkeys >10% off >Buy New World, has been on wishlist for a while…[View]
683821529obscure game thread, share what you have[View]
683820850Why are chuds like this? FF7R is a much better game than TFD[View]
683810534What killed the hype?[View]
683819751Why did everything go so wrong?[View]
683817197>game allows you to recruit pets[View]
683820465there has been quite a few great ninja games like Ninja Gaiden and Strider and such makes me wonder …[View]
683813126Elden Ring bosses are kinda boring, it’s all big guy in an circular Arena I just want another from g…[View]
683804180>Every year she is more beautiful CAPCOM, launch your game now![View]
683821691Hero Shooters are just fighting games for people too retarded to do inputs[View]
683821227Dont care, im gonna preorder[View]
683815403shits on every kart racer in every way but it's a shame no one could accept it[View]
683746315What the fuck is wrong with this game?[View]
683793718ITT post a game design challenge, anons suggest solutions How would you design a game that encourage…[View]
683818065Tomb Raider: So how's the remastered?[View]
683820712This never got explained.[View]
683806732FUCKING. WHEN.[View]
683821316>why yes, I love playing gacha ga- *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*[View]
683819901Why does this series feel like it was made autistic German engineers?[View]
683821446How can a Stacy like Sandland?[View]
683821405'rumono on the 'log: It's been literally 10 hours since the last battle[View]
683811018Qrd on touhou lore? Who is who?: >wanna get into touhole >bad at shumups and died at scarlet C…[View]
683821128>game is announced >get really excited for it >takes forever to come out >lose interest …[View]
683820029Ass Creed in Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: now if only Ubisoft would go back to making Ass Creed …[View]
683811278This game sucks: >$35 >4-5 hours long >incredibly linear even by walking simulator standard…[View]
683801498Goddess of victory: Humanity's last hope is a brown jk with phat tits[View]
683817468What are your hopes and dreams for this game?[View]
683810154>game do everything right >nobody play it fucking explain to me why you aren't playing th…[View]
683820895maybe it's because i'm only level 30 now but everything i do in this game feels pointless …[View]
683812850>I FOUGHT DA RAW >AND DA... >RAW WAN…[View]
683795115System Shock 2 Enhanced Edition: I absolutely hate how the enchaned edition's models look. High…[View]
683819174What did you think? Did you rike it?[View]
683820634wtf it's actually good?[View]
683820536Which way white man?[View]
683818729Quick question for you anons: In all the video games there is, which universe would you, if you coul…[View]
683820251Vidya with this feel?[View]
683819490ok, making fun of these DOA games is not enjoyable anymore. can we start making good games again? p…[View]
683757187>ruins every new game in your path 7 year streak of ruining everything.…[View]
683818494[GOOD NEWS]: Crimson Desert to be playable at GamesCom![View]
683819893Struggle-core vidya: What are some essential struggle-core games to play? Where you fight endlessly …[View]
683819612What H-games you playing /v/?[View]
683819831Comfy Silent Hill thread: Remember that tape, James? https://files.catbox.moe/qsnem1.mp4…[View]
683819006Millennials lost they mind over this slop[View]
683816736If there was a tournament of power, what would be the 10 strongest videogame characters that'd …[View]
683808321Zoomer here. I feel bad for millenials. You guys grew up with fucking ugly video games and in an era…[View]
683812280ESA Summer 2024: Now: Zelda Ocarina of Time Next: Super Mario 64 Archipelago Later: Sea of Thieves h…[View]
683819101Who was in the wrong here?[View]
683814676Do you ever wish that you could go back?[View]
683819279Hoping she makes it into kombat pack 2 as a playable fighter[View]
683819247>Disconnected from the server >Reason: Banned [PERM] - bye bye transphobe <3…[View]
683818657>'Even though the game isn't objectively good, but I still enjoy pla-' Fuck you, coward! Sta…[View]
683813346How come Skyrim STILL has the most fun archery mechanic of any game?[View]
683805230Why didn't you wait for me?[View]
683808335How do we save Lara??: Shes stuck in terrible reboots! We need to do something bros[View]
683818027you bethesda contrarian faggots lied to me: far harbor is pretty much perfect (completely dwarfs fal…[View]
683811606They are a player to this board and humanity and need to be extinguished.[View]
683816586I actually liked it, especially China and Russia. If you liked AC Syndicate then AC Chronicles India…[View]
683816014So why did it flop?[View]
683775159How is it?[View]
683818750Games for this feel?[View]
683814409>Did you want to try isolating the virus?[View]
683818723>game is saving, please don't turn off your computer[View]
683810665Shmup thread #5 7/26/2024: Todays game: Sonic Spinball Sonic Spinball might actually be an underrate…[View]
683731996I REALLY like Shantae.[View]
683816748and people call this game ugly[View]
683816076Play League of Legends!1[View]
683813551Why did he do it bros?[View]
683817307>saves you hours of grinding so you have more time to spend with your gf and friends…[View]
683817670Fortnite ruined Epic Games: I hate Tim Sweeney, I hate his game store, I hate his retarded decision …[View]
683816068SXSh Gens: https://x.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1816888665714622733 This looks like a fucking mod. yo…[View]
683814921Have you bought a PS5 yet? Concord just released into open beta.[View]
683811226Blighttown swamp...home.[View]
683815848Hey guise I found the modern audinace: Turns out they don't really play games like Assassins Cr…[View]
683817827Hello, /V/ I'm going to my first massive LAN Party, any advice or suggestions?[View]
683810914Is Fortnite even relevant anymore?: I feel like entire world has pretty much forgotten about it exis…[View]
683815584Why are they only doing 1 Elden Ring DLC?[View]
683817821>buy game >game is updated >money stolen…[View]
683805146>Companion mission for an RPG >Almost always centred around their family/parents Why? Do peopl…[View]
683809489>I need the Sam Fisher I worked with it >HAVENT YOU HEARD? HES DEAD! JUST ASK MY DAUGHTER …[View]
683812652So, was it a good adaptation of Monster Hunter World?[View]
683816131Welp new stuff for everything I guess https://www.youtube.com/live/NfPK0hEYXbo?si=0_d6gHADauwj2Q4r…[View]
683817460ITS WOKE[View]
683764183Dall-E 3: bing.com/create[View]
683815347>game has scary monsters that aren't actually scary[View]
683817435>Finished KOTOR recently >Finished KINOTOR II yesterday Why has the world decided to not give …[View]
683814852things (You) like in a vidya: >video game has a nerd homie to back you up…[View]
683814652Your stars Hand them over[View]
683811227>Lived long enough for AA and indies to thrive again >Tons of good hardware comes out too espe…[View]
683811521Speedrunning is mental illness >When you rag on the N64 controller like a gorilla for a speedrun …[View]
683811108Is anyone else noticing a rise in popularity for ds2? People are finally coming around to it.[View]
683811280Autist could make bigger and more immersive place in a week with no mods than this shantytown[View]
683789109Give me your most controversial gaming opinion right the fuck now.[View]
683813264I can't believe Zero died of Sigma.[View]
683803420Was it better than Elden Ring?[View]
683807840What happened to the modern audience? Where'd they go?[View]
683815919>pay $40 >get this I am still laughing at all those who got tricked into buying this.…[View]
683794586MGS goes Open World![View]
683816951>147 days until Sonic The Movie 3 >??? days until the trailer >91 days until Sonic x Shadow…[View]
683789986Dynasty Warriors Origins gameplay revealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGhfRz61ccI TL:DW: >S…[View]
683814669Whata re your favolite less known Dragon Ball video games?[View]
683800449How do we fix Wuthering Waves?[View]
683790148Project Moon/loblorlim: It might be well and truly over for DDbros this time.[View]
683816670What are some items in games that are oddly specific?[View]
683808989Dark Souls: My Flydigi Vader 3 Pro controller doesn't get recognized by the original Dark Souls…[View]
683813058Vidya has peaked. Life's good.[View]
683815990ITT: Space gems: This good? Also discuss and recommend space games[View]
683786795Voices of the Void: 0.8 is upon us! https://itch.io/t/3950733/voices-of-the-void-08-changelog-updat…[View]
683816331Remember when kids got tired of video-games and Nintendo tried to convince their parents to spend an…[View]
683813553>its out let me introduce you to JABALI concords newest epic character https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
683810412>Game has great graphics, but terrible art style[View]
683808991This is Yaia from Granblue Fantasy. She is 6 years old.[View]
683812309Time for another hard day of work in Sector C.[View]
683810681No rest for the Wicked the Crucible update: We are so fucking back https://youtu.be/GuxFDpDWspk?si=w…[View]
683808842>being young has never been so refreshing![View]
683813890I beat dark souls 1 2 3 without learning how to parry (just rolled around and backstabbed enemies) n…[View]
683809018Why does sony keep trying this shit?[View]
683810047why did she do it?[View]
683808347It's Friday I'm in love![View]
683813354For me it's Rankles[View]
683814827how were you supposed to know the fish opened his mouth?[View]
683815724Hitman at the Olympics: OH SHIT Hitman thread.[View]
683815243You didn't beat Elden Ring. You will never beat Elden Ring.[View]
683811437>i play Nikke how could you tell[View]
683813782if this is what the future of bosses looks like im done with souls games.[View]
683807545>nobody cared when Nioh did it! ya'll just racist![View]
683815605These games are overrated. Most people only admit Super Metroid was, but honestly that game kind of …[View]
683801350Is Fingerslayer Blade made from kid corpse?: Compare to the sword made from Radagon. It had a simila…[View]
683810182*saves vidya*[View]
683815536I'm sorry Tumblr artists...[View]
683776932wat went wong?[View]
683811881Why aren't there more games with gryphons in meaningful roles in them?[View]
683815313Why aren't you making the next big indie hit anon? There are loads of free game engines for you…[View]
683813849OnlineCTR: Why did it die so quick?[View]
683805214Fire Emblem Gameplay: >no 3H discussions (you got your own thread) >no eceleb discussions (sti…[View]
683705574Stellar Blade New Update Today: >Beach Level[View]
683802259>tfw you will never have an aryan childhood friend in space waifu[View]
683812573Since Shiggy is using all the Mario movie success to retool Peach, giving her more confident express…[View]
683814517Why does Roah Moonglow make me so fucking horny? Like every time I see this pixie cut midget my dick…[View]
683813514They killed billions.[View]
683802151If you played this game as a kid you’re alright dude you’re alright[View]
683808817Fallout Fandom Wiki being taken over by the Woke: I've looking at the wiki and it looks like wo…[View]
683803695>draw a girl >call it a boy Why is japan like this?…[View]
683808340Why didn't you guys tell me No Man's Sky was so fun? It checks every autistic box I have. …[View]
683806609No Cheese: >SS-Tier: Edwin, Anomen >S-Tier: Imoen, Nalia, Korgan, Cernd (SCS), Keldorn (no SCS…[View]
683801817>Decide I wanna check out old screenshots and recordings on my xbone >Boot it up for the first…[View]
683810137Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world[View]
683728505Weekly Famitsu Sales Thread 2: Software Sales (physical only) 01./00. [NSW] Power Pros 2024-2025 …[View]
683809843Name a more based vidya hero[View]
683806667>anon please open the door it's cold outside...[View]
683813717POWAH RENG[View]
683809215Why game companies claim to care so much for graphics when they use the inferior 3D medium instead o…[View]
683789319Edf6: Are ranger really weak? I'm at mission 23 and feels like ranger upgrades are not improvin…[View]
683804023Why did old games have so much SOVL, /v/? Why don't newer games ever feel the same? https://www…[View]
683812065Czech games > Polish/Russian games[View]
683811451>11 hours who the fuck watches this shit[View]
683813358he'll jump. he'll fucking do it[View]
683726489How do we fix the Pokemon franchise?[View]
683812918ITT games where the final boss(es) are real people[View]
683809958ultrakill is le fun[View]
683810728When is the sfw version out?[View]
683810098How am I supposed to play this game when you can only save a limited amount of times and I can'…[View]
683811298>Oatmeal: Is there a better example of oatmeal graphics than Half Life? I don't think so…[View]
683805659How he keeps doing it?[View]
683811096Summer 2016: This game was fucking EVERYWHERE, but as soon as that summer ended everyone stopped car…[View]
683812156where is the new gears of war?[View]
683811541>REMEMBER: 'Demon' can be an offensive term. Refer to them as 'Mortally Challenged…[View]
683811525I sleep here.[View]
683809390playing video games with normalfags is such a miserable experience[View]
683806163>Find a favorite server to play on for its maps >Master them and get good >You have been ba…[View]
683811215Does the Switch version run better or something? Both Wii U and Switch are moded so I can download b…[View]
683802987Resident Evil Classic: 2 > 3 > 1 What about you?[View]
683811986why did he do those things?[View]
683805581Does the game get harder than this? Because he's raping my ass[View]
683811636>hailed as the second coming of rabbi yeshua >5 months later the control panel from 2002 still…[View]
683803151When all was said and done, he won[View]
683811291I want to marry Saber and Rin at the same time[View]
683782156We will NOT let Corporate America rob video game voice actors of jobs by using AI: DIGNITY for video…[View]
683803145What is your reasoning for hating Mario Anon?[View]
683810021>millions of copies sold >91% beat the tutorial when you look at any other big game the easies…[View]
683805690>Looking for a new CRPG >Don't know a lot about Warhammer but hear that this game is ok …[View]
683807270Dragons Dogma 2: What went wrong? Has it reached 4 million sales yet? Will the DLC save it?[View]
683811194REYNATIS: >Reynatis aims to be accepted as a purely Japanese RPG, without adapting to overseas au…[View]
683808089Millicent, my beloved[View]
683795759>does something with his life >leaves /v/ forever why haven't you done the same, /v/?…[View]
683809195>PvE cancelled >6v6 is being re-added All that's left of Overwatch '2' is the shitty mo…[View]
683798390Why are vidya leotards so rare outside of japanese games?[View]
683808250Rosalina: I sometimes wonder why they don't bring her back in a Nu-Mario game...as a GIRLBOSS, …[View]
683802121whatever happened to b42?[View]
683805408Oh yeah, that happened.[View]
683753859Name one good thing about this game: (Hard mode) Can't say the amount R34.[View]
683809024Dark souls is hard? Heh, kid... *Puts hand on your shoulder* You ain't seen nothin'. Dark …[View]
683809549Is ban evasion the only effective method of getting around the mods and jannies deleting stuff on a …[View]
683802997Where the fuck is the new Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game?[View]
683810546Legitimately one of the worst games I've played[View]
683810305Where can I do text-based online roleplaying with randoms? >Video Games? Okay, well, this isn…[View]
683810484what was his problem[View]
683805404>White >6'2 >190lb >jacked >bald >blue eyed >square jaw Supposed to be the mos…[View]
683803581ESA Summer 2024: Stream 1 Now: Jedi Knight II Next: Bluey Later: OoT 100% (not a randomizer) https:/…[View]
683809017Your Sujimans are still waiting for you back at Dondoko Farm, Anon...[View]
683809952Turtlewow sisters....What will we do? Our server...It's...gone...[View]
683772838Why is being genuine frowned upon when it comes to modern writing in games now?[View]
683800264I look like this[View]
683799180Claim you're vidya brownfu[View]
683809719no ever game will come as close the raids in destiny they are SSS Tier[View]
683733598Nine Sols: What would you do if you knew your species was doomed to go extinct?[View]
683808660both of these are considered 'handhelds' The reason The Gameboy and its successors took off was beca…[View]
683807570This is a dogshit. How did Nintendo manage to get away with releasing this for $70 plus tip?[View]
683778724FFXIV Voice Actors: >>683777812 She is. >>683777759 Wuk Lamat is voiced by new talent, s…[View]
683799335>the autopsy report is outdated[View]
683809313Why is this dude so thirsty for my dick, he's literally in my camp since the beginning, never b…[View]
683794982why do people ignore the fact that the gameplay is considerably worse in ds1 than it is in ds2?[View]
683736932ITT: Images preceding disaster.[View]
683809124Shovel Knight is shit: Why do critics hype up garbage like this? This is just a shittier and easier …[View]
683805812>Greatest sci-fi show of all time >No good games >In fact, barely any games at all Why?…[View]
683746498How can Dead or Alive be saved?[View]
683799039I don't think /v/ ever gave this game the time of day but for anyone who actually did play it. …[View]
683809049what went wrong?[View]
683797684Why are real action games dying out?[View]
683807436Why are there so many space games but so few ocean games? Space is great in theory, but it's so…[View]
683795416>Hey, Anon... >You ever think that the world should be for the strong alone, and that the weak…[View]
683800841It's over: >july 2021 >s&box closed alpha begins >uninteresting globohomo menu …[View]
683782729>Final part of the game is climbing a huge tower to confront the villain at the top. Name a bette…[View]
683773053You wouldn't a robot[View]
683808626We WILL let Corporate America rob video game voice actors of jobs by using AI:: NO DIGNITY for video…[View]
683804112Why the fuck do the nikke villains look like low class prostitutes?[View]
683807584How do we fix no man's sky?[View]
683806570Alright guys, playing as a girl is one thing, but isn't it a bit strange when you commission ar…[View]
683802445I'm gonna getcha![View]
683808198Miyazaki what have you done...[View]
683804097This is PSO2 NGS, the famed MMO from SEGA, attempt of making Dark Blast for NGS[View]
683807424Who is Red Badman, and why does he make Elden Ring players so upset?[View]
683808310Very nice place you got here. You really did cash in on everyone else getting foreclosed, didn'…[View]
683718846Deadlock: Nerf her[View]
683806581Is marriage a good video game mechanic? What video games let you marry?[View]
683804938ya'll ain't ready[View]
683790498I miss handhelds.[View]
683744276>a literal decade of anons claiming Minecraft is totally awful now, guys >play for the first t…[View]
683777919What worlds would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts 4? For me, it's DTVA worlds like The Owl Ho…[View]
683807710'IT'S JUST LIKE [GAME] BUT WITH A [QUIRK]': For the game developers here, do any of you have 'T…[View]
683801578play The First Descendent[View]
683800985Why is Naho such a slut?[View]
683803052So this is vaporware... right?[View]
683807157She not hard. If you lost to her you're bad at Pokemon[View]
683807519>I am literally forgotten[View]
683806108is KoF still as excellent as ever? i just remembered playing 97~99 as a kid[View]
683803490>can't make a thread that isn't about nintendo or else FUCKING MIYAMOTO…[View]
683805189Post you're lvl 1 chars[View]
683804771Baldurs Gate 3? More like Neverwinter Nights 2.5[View]
683806816Why don't you enjoy games anymore /v/?[View]
683738905Did you enjoy it?[View]
683807238ps sextuple[View]
683807105Horror games: give me some good ass scary ass horror games on steam or itch.io, cant find any. thank…[View]
683802990Why are westerners unable to make appealing characters?[View]
683757464Why is PC building such an expensive hobby?[View]
683803106Why not a single AAA gaming studio can make a game with animations like this?[View]
683803932Any mod recommendations?[View]
683768515Do you play modded games?[View]
683806324> headcanon that they fuck because why not[View]
683801918Why did people suddenly stop caring about Nintendo and the Switch? It was huge during the pandemic t…[View]
683769001This game is overrated and too easy[View]
683790468What games let you play as communists? And I don't mean multiplayer ww2 shooter or whatever.[View]
683805198>originally a spinoff series Why do people say that so often? A spinoff always will be a spinoff,…[View]
683799975>vidya bvtts gacha X united nations What did they mean by this?[View]
683802591How do i play this game? I'm gonna play solo but when i tried to make a new game it would just …[View]
683786185How can Overwatch be saved?[View]
683793934Play Ballance.[View]
683806067What would a /v/ Worlds.com room look like?: Well /v/?[View]
683799312Play Astro Bot[View]
683798354Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League[View]
683805229The Ultimate Thread killer: I have never been in a thread where this image has not killed the conver…[View]
683805639You have got to be fucking kidding me. I just found out this guy's last name is Blaiddyd. Like …[View]
683805718Democracy is bad[View]
683804545why is the ps4 wifi adapter so ass?[View]
683799313Was anyone else really interested in checking all the unique interactions that the characters had in…[View]
683805148First two areas feel like liquid crack. And bosses are almost too hard. Then it becomes worse and mo…[View]
683803183>Her ? She looks like a woman to you ?[View]
683805334Thoughts on Barotrauma?[View]
683805054>be emulating Fable 2 >remember that we will literally never get a game like this again becau…[View]
683805185This is one of the few games I'd like to play in my 30's but I can't because I don…[View]
683802498I fucking hate people who refuse to join flights because 'it's dishonourable' or some shit[View]
683769068>pay to lose mechanic[View]
683803314>game has breedable females[View]
683794567What are the worst crimes you've committed in a videogame?[View]
683802730What makes you start playing a videogame? The story? The characters? The gameplay?[View]
683802963Does anyone remember that one old as fuck minecraft 1.4. overhaul mod (or it could just be a modpack…[View]
683804805why do people love raven team leader so much?[View]
683804163Imagine how many zoomers' first fap was Joker in drag.[View]
683803029>muh meta >muh sweats >muh maps still has 1000 people playing at any given moment and is fu…[View]
683753401The way to save Pokemon is to make M-rated Pokemon games with a lot of cute girls.[View]
683802301Kingdome Come Deliverance 2: >five months until the end of the year We're getting closer bro…[View]
683799663Fuck this game.[View]
683802470Marvel Rivals: >ctrl+f 'marvel rivals' >0 results lets change that. why did they make Hela sou…[View]
683803225So when was the cutoff for 'retro old' and 'just old' in vidya?[View]
683797612I’m sexually attracted to Video Game controllers.[View]
683803813truly, its impossible for any fallout game to surpass new vegas, bethesda or not[View]
683795974Post zased vidya clips ong[View]
683796174>performs a world ending ritual in his own house What was his fucking problem?…[View]
683787258Somewhere, out there in space time lies the perfect Dwarf Fortress / Factorio clone.[View]
683789140It's been six months. How's he been doing with the change?[View]
683796398>take down fangame while doing jack shit with the series Why does Nintendo keep doing this? Do th…[View]
683799015You now remember when literally everyone was foaming at the mouth genuinely screaming that GTAV (ori…[View]
683800507You now remember Soldat.[View]
683803017I'm not going to play a three more times if it was complete shit the first time. Just make Norm…[View]
683802442Limbus Company: Thoughts?[View]
683795240Mario if he dead[View]
683799371What's the most engaging, consuming game you know of? I need something to silence the pain[View]
683803065Digitalcucks it's actually very simple >my blu ray disc will last 20+ years >your ssd(s) …[View]
683803037Lollipop Chainsaw: Can we all stop pretending this game was good? I played it when it came out and i…[View]
683799985>real black samurai gameplay[View]
683802193ps3 is literally retro, ps4 will be retro when they stop producing them cope retrocucks[View]
683801273Which one, /v/?[View]
683802674>FInal Fantasy 3 >Next game is called Final Fantasy 7 Wtf were they smoking?…[View]
683797370Deltarune: What will be the ultimate fate of this colorful cast of fluffy friends?[View]
683798691>there are 'people' on this board who unironically chose to follow picrel LMAO…[View]
683801180Why do people hate Wind Waker?[View]
683793791ESA Summer 2024: Now: Lara Croft The Last Revelation Next: Umihara Kawase Later: I wanna be the Bosh…[View]
683802147>make a fighting game >make that 1 character that's clearly the best character there is a…[View]
683798459Bioshock Part IV leak[View]
683795052Post your waifu[View]
683801989ITT: biggest downgrades in vidya history[View]
683801871Industry standard game engines have fallen: Billions must switch to Godot[View]
683800635Despite how fucking popular and widespread it was back in 2011/2012, I cannot for the life of me fin…[View]
683789837>die repeatedly to the same boss >start blaming the game for being bullshit >start typing m…[View]
683798794You got fired, so you drown your sorrows in booze. She had to get a part-time job working a grocery …[View]
683789676>Resident Evil 4 Remake Is Phenomenal >soul vs soulless which one is correct?…[View]
683797343its out: its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fmo_goTkeo[View]
683794167Metroid: You ever notice that the Metroid series has a lot of famous skill gates? I like to think it…[View]
683801647>You reach that part in the game >Alt F4 >unninstall…[View]
683789251Post your waifu[View]
683801636Will we ever get a game life Fallout New Vegas?[View]
683797537video game girl you want to wife[View]
683785114Anthology of the Killer: It do be like this frfr[View]
683768704This will sell our game.[View]
683795352Just finished this game. What did I think about it?[View]
683797826Why aren't there any multiplayer co-op sex games on the market? The idea sounds like a sure hit…[View]
683796789SAG-AFTRA is holding a video-game strike, please don't voice act for any video-games.[View]
683750958>noooo that female ghost is in love with me HELP ME NIGGERMAN[View]
683799275What's going on?[View]
683785598>Call it 'escape from tarkov' >You go into Tarkov over and over again…[View]
683745650Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess: Why isn't anyone talking about this game? It's the most…[View]
683796947Piranha Bytes shuts down: F[View]
683794149Leave Overwatch to us.: The REAL Overwatch killers.[View]
683799592Name a game series more infuriating than Mario Kart. You can't.[View]
683793575AoM Retold beta live for everyone in 15 minutes[View]
683763405At what point did you realize that the Souls games had become parodies of themselves?[View]
683799365how do you respond without sounding mad[View]
683800149Did tendies really just pay $40 for the ability to 'speedrun' very small sections of NES games that …[View]
683799378Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League: How long till the game dies?[View]
683800130Games for this feel?[View]
683791416Video games thread[View]
683794378come home white man: game is (still) comfy you can also disable your stats now if that haunted you l…[View]
683798546>Puzzle/Point 'n' click game gives you a ridiculously hard puzzle with no indication or…[View]
683788719Is Tamsoft capable of making a good fighting game? They are making the new Bleach game. I'm not…[View]
683798910literally just looking at someone and making them commit suicide is one of the coolest things about …[View]
683797157Good evening, 47. Your destination is 4chan's Video Games board, where civil threads are wither…[View]
683798661Who's the scariest enemy in non-horror games?[View]
683798131Hey /v/ I just had an important exam and I have to wait until Monday to see what's what, but th…[View]
683789548ITT: Characters who are literally you[View]
683791246Where is the Nintendo Switch Port? It would sell millions.[View]
683798638i physically cant wait anymore why do they always lie about release dates!! dont say q3 unless u mea…[View]
683798683bros I need some games that make me feel like a full on nword. not like a upstanding black man or an…[View]
683798385New Lost Soul Aside Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekk-KTnx_g[View]
683796236how do we solve the votekick abuse problem?[View]
683797824Why don't you play some more Xdefiant anon-kun[View]
683798424Was he right?[View]
683798505Can I claim I've beat the game if I didn't clear the post game? Also Etrian Odyssey thread…[View]
683784259>Hunger bar is replaced by a generic stamina bar that's used up by running and some other ac…[View]
683798759Bejitabros: Proclaim the thread[View]
683798075based 'Jima[View]
683799013OLA AMIGO[View]
683797365Play Ame's game![View]
683795862'no gaems' is a retarded meme spouted and repeated by retarded people. It has only EVER been true wi…[View]
683798680didnt like nu eli vance: i liked hl alyx but what happened to sweet old eli vance. he was a cool dud…[View]
683795574The bargain bin near the games section... Home...[View]
683793630Here's your new Quake V map.[View]
683790698the French/Polish/German dialogue sound hilarious in a fighting game[View]
683793420BGE bros it’s not dead[View]
683798448Play her game[View]
683797061There's nothing better than this combo: I love when you discover this in games.[View]
683664772Which g*cha game has the best lore?[View]
683789436What do you guys think about Hotline Miami?[View]
683798127Back again?[View]
683797969Total Concord Death: I don't understand how you can design 20 characters but not have a single …[View]
683797138OH NO! MARIO! WATCH OUT![View]
683796828what did Saudi Arabia mean by this?[View]
683797587is this rockstars magnum opus? if not what is[View]
683796087Do you play games with girls in front of your gf/sister?[View]
683790313What's next for him?[View]
683794421It's fake and doctored: Zelda's ass isn't this fat in the actual game. Did you fall f…[View]
683796256>game lets you humilate yourself to lower the difficulty Any other examples?…[View]
683790092>woman >wants to kill everything that disagrees with it or causes it any sort of mildy annoya…[View]
683794637What kind of stretches do you do to make sure your wrists, back and neck stay healthy during gaming?[View]
683797401>the future is ravaged a by a terrible disease >people from the future travel back to the past…[View]
683794292>game from a well known brand regularly pulls stupid unfun badly designed shit >everyone excus…[View]
683797074Japan makes better games.[View]
683789052>[Game] A Quick Retrospective - Part 1 (9:38:23)[View]
683784462It's over He look like a basedboy now[View]
683783813Hopefully, she'll be more covered up in the remake, right?[View]
683782063>jrpg >slime is the weakest enemy[View]
683773218If L4D2 came out today we would've whined so hard about it being woke because there's two …[View]
683797148What gives the player and NPC models in Dark Souls 1 that je ne sais quoi? Despite the fact that the…[View]
683794572I'm so fucking sick of these indie faggots with their fucking low polygon, pastel color assets,…[View]
683772921>It has been a whole ichi year since BĞ3 came out >Still top 10 in steam How did they dew it…[View]
683794606dude juxtaposition lmao[View]
683795979What is the game ypu are most looking forward to play?[View]
683791802>antialiasing off >shadows: low >motion blur off >fog off >Everything else: ultra …[View]
683790171please fucking recommend me some games that are fun. please. i wanna feel something again AAAAAAAAAA…[View]
683794817Could an anthology game work, where multiple different developers come together to create small stor…[View]
683796610Y is it like this?[View]
683796726>post game idea on /v/ >someone steals it and makes money off of it FUCK YOU GUYS!…[View]
683794391Why people like Yakuza 0 so much: I started with the first game and then played the PSP game after 1…[View]
683784383>everyones reaction to Wuk Lamat[View]
683794460>normal people when they die to a boss: oh I guess I'll upgrade my equipment, lvl up some mo…[View]
683784951why would russia hire a nazi scientist?[View]
683796489Astro Bot marketing in Hong Kong: Why is the asian brand always superior?[View]
683796487the PS5 will stay on market for 15 years, just wait for the fun, surprising and giga-optimized games…[View]
683792550>shadow of the erdtree has a cutscene where miquella lifts the veil >ergo there is a secret en…[View]
683795257What's the point of games with an open world and a bunch of npc's if I can't randomly…[View]
683774846What's your gamer breakfast? I drink a cappuccino every morning[View]
683796345>be a tranny in cyberpunk 2077 >go to a ripperdoc >one surgery later and your dream is fulf…[View]
683789080ITT: Developers hating fun: >game features units with the ability to regenerate lost health >t…[View]
683766745Are you enjoying Marvel Rivals or are you still on the outside?[View]
683773192ITT: peak female video game character designs (images only)[View]
683791926How did China suddenly get so good at making vidya?[View]
683794232wild assault: Will be playing this chinese fox girl's game on the 31st[View]
683794827HAHAHAHA History-fags btfo.[View]
683792041Get lost or I’ll pull your arm off.[View]
683786625Why does anime artstyle prevail in Japanese medium such as their anime and games?[View]
683776039would you buy this used miku?[View]
683793292Have you played any yuri vidya lately?[View]
683795326So Deckchads... Whatcha >PLAYAN'? >EMULATAN'? >MODDIN'? >PIRATIN'? …[View]
683794531BUST A WOLF: >Dogshit Gameplay >Banger OST What's her name /v/? https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
683783231That 3D cinematic bullshit is not real gaming Where's the good music, the cool mechanics, the t…[View]
683792262>mysterious game about exploration >random encounter every 2 steps literally unplayable…[View]
683774127metroid samus returns: Can we talk about how shit this game is Kinda stiff controls and animations Y…[View]
683793159I know back in the PS2/ps3 generation every successful game franchise would get a few clones/copycat…[View]
683791303>New game >Before playing, look up a walkthrough, meta build, and any possible exploits >Br…[View]
683788562I can only play 30 minutes of this before getting really depressed[View]
683794691No man's sky: I think I've just found Brazil[View]
683780363>game literally mocks and punishes you for being an antisocial incel Fucking kek…[View]
683794826>Tranny Vercetti?... Huh! shit. >didntthinktheydeverletximout.…[View]
683788184Are you still interested in TES6?: Bethesda's reputation has been in decline since the release …[View]
683791521Police open-world TPS: Any games like GTA with similar gameplay that focuses on police and not crimi…[View]
683791024Games need more kemono representation, it is an absolute tragedy that the number of kemono games are…[View]
683791537Why are pantsu shots so rare in western vidya?[View]
683763612>bought SF6 because cammy is hot >try playing online >get assraped every match >can…[View]
683794098Boring open world slop[View]
683774917Fighting Games Thread: HEY HEY HEY Discuss fightan games Play fightan games[View]
683792328How is the new tennis game?[View]
683777878Going straight from Halo 4 to 5: Am I supposed to be confused?[View]
683794281Are there many mystery characters in video games beside scarlet mystery man from monster hunter. G-m…[View]
683789990SquareSoft’s magnum opus[View]
683794385I'm getting tired of waiting and I'm getting pissed about the devs not saying a single wor…[View]
683749596Bloons thread: Bloons TD 6 update 44 soon (tm) New Mermonkey (magic category amphibious) on the way …[View]
683787449>Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.[View]
683785782'Custom protagonist': Name a game, /v/[View]
683793450New Tribe 9 trailer: Danganronpa jrpg https://youtu.be/wEx1ekhN-1A?feature=shared[View]
683785938Just dropping this Yukari off.[View]
683788891Why did Nintendo publish Devil's Turd?: It was obvious the game was a mess after changing engin…[View]
683785813>DO. I. LOOK. LIKE. ONE OF THEM?[View]
683789936What's the most unique AAA game of the past 5 years?[View]
683776419S&BOX: Garry's Mod 2 is finally here! https://sbox.game/give-me-that I can finally play as …[View]
683787426>Gets the happiest ending in any Souls game, denying the throne and walking away with his bro Ald…[View]
683791159So, who was in the wrong here? https://youtu.be/G_uZjunjx7c?feature=shared&t=476[View]
683791167Visions of Mana: Demo soon on Steam[View]
683787767But suppose you throw a coin enough times... ...suppose one day, it lands on its edge.[View]
683774448If the Cyberpunk sequel doesn't have an option to impregnate Panam Palmer, I'm not buying …[View]
683787907what made gamers turn out like this?[View]
683791205Turtle WoW Hacked: I just want to level my warlock!!![View]
683793529I bet I'm your favorite[View]
683791695storyfags never really recovered, huh?[View]
683793516Did she deserve her faith?[View]
683790138>an ancient evil awakens[View]
683722775[Good news] FDC: Emio tops Japanese pre-order charts: https://mynintendonews.com/2024/07/25/famitsu-…[View]
683787383Official Nintendo YT channel includes ass shot of Samus: >Official Nintendo YouTube channel >e…[View]
683788802Star Fox bros....[View]
683784247H-game thread: GAMEPLAY IN MY H-GAME >:[ is good [View]
683791936Gloam Eyed Queen: where was she?[View]
683773909>just found out my favourite smash player is black When had someone involved with a game betrayed…[View]
683742923What are people even 'playing' on their switches?[View]
683774409Is this game good? I feel like everyone just ignored it completely. Very strange.[View]
683788756That's fucking insane.: Why are japs such massive tendies? Obviously not as big as mobile phone…[View]
683786772I saw Akemi and heard she has recently been added to her game, as well as Amalia from Unicorn Overlo…[View]
683668815Genshin Impact: 5.0 Soon. Are you gonna roll for Kinich or Mualani, or just gonna stick with Kachina…[View]
683778217Which franchise will she be in next?[View]
683791217I love the RDR series but the writing is off. In RDR 1 John made it seem like the gang was basically…[View]
683792728Do you prefer eastern or western female character design?[View]
683760838This black samurai single handedly caused more cope than any other japanese themed game.[View]
683779909Final Fantasy, as a franchise, never recovered from this moment.[View]
683784351I get the joke now! Its satire because in real life it's the opposite[View]
683787795Zelda looks very cute in TotK.[View]
683779381and people call this game ugly[View]
683786378Do you have any fond MMO memories?[View]
683781556Play The First Descendant: It's confirmed 100% DEI free by the one DEI dread himself.[View]
683792370which one is soul and which one is soulless[View]
683783701Don't Starve: Got in the mood for some survival crafting and decide to get this game. You guys …[View]
683784132Do you guys ever get gamer fingers? The cheese smell is pretty rough right now.[View]
683785107does your favorite video game make you feel represented?[View]
683790729Xbox 360 Marketplace is shutting down this Monday: What were your favorite 360 memories?[View]
683792108How did I make this choice? Filling my heart up with rage.[View]
683772095EDF 6 Bunker Thread: Heres my lobby, v/df[View]
683775981marital baby making sex with kate marsh[View]
683791709Why it keeps shooting probes tho? Besides imaginary physics (it's not that bad desu) it's …[View]
683791718K I N O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaTk597c3YQ[View]
683788207I AM NOT MAD: .[View]
683788547Titan Quest: What's the most overpowered masteries combo and summon ?[View]
683782116ESA Summer 2024: Now: Half-Life 1 Next: Baldur's Gate 3 Later: Cuphead Stream 1: https://twitch…[View]
683784551Any game that lets me play as a little girl that uses huge fucking weapons?[View]
683767438Claim your waifu[View]
683790397Why haven't you transitioned yet?[View]
683788781Tsukihime bros we won[View]
683786207Where are all the good mods?: Well?[View]
683788501CS2 is 350gb: when will this madness in?[View]
683780683ITT: They're coming for us and it's our only way out but the silo door won't open[View]
683787574>GTA 6 won't be 'wildly different' from GTA 5, former Rockstar dev predicts: 'I think maybe …[View]
683788381Games with good pacing? (primary activity not bogged down by secondary activities) Pic not related.[View]
683788681She lied[View]
683789832Audience: cuckold millenials parenting children that aren't theirs, funko pop collectors, spine…[View]
683788725I pirated the game along with the DLCs. I want to play it once and be done with it. Do I have to do …[View]
683786517Post vidya women will never understand.[View]
683787732First Offical Olympic Esports Games to be help 2025: >IOC enters a new era with the creation of O…[View]
683778712Miquella's plan was flawless, he absolutely did nothing wrong.[View]
683745248You're five minutes into the learning the Nocturne of Shadow sheik gives you this look. What d…[View]
683758490Is there an adult Chuck E Cheese for adults to game in? I want to enjoy myself with some fellow Game…[View]
683774783Wake up bro its 2004: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a8PonO1bl0[View]
683772868>unlikeable, puritanical, racist white man who burns women and children at the stake >game sti…[View]
683774878Bros... i think this one is unfixable...[View]
683783708it was pretty alright.[View]
683786596i'm new to the strategy genre. any good strategy games a beginner like me with low strategy IQ …[View]
683786782Were they inspired by the old cartoon?[View]
683783612>game has infinitely respawning enemies[View]
683787760Why are these type of characters rare in vidya[View]
683761270This is how i feel about modern games[View]
683784873Post boss themes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmyanvPY3zQ[View]
683782462Is Fortnite worth playing?[View]
683766042Do you remember the good old days /v/?[View]
683777151Mastsrpieces: ITT: Mediocre, Okay or even bad series that have one entry that’s a masterpiece[View]
683700245What makes Asuka so lovable?[View]
683787801This is fucking terrifying[View]
683788310I still fucking miss it[View]
683774601I'm interested in your .. uhh.. services?[View]
683788024Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves: This looks like shit, and Kevin Rian doesn't look any better. h…[View]
683783779Fate: Play Fate[View]
683781687No game title should start with 'the'. I challenge you to provide one title that sounds better with …[View]
683773778TF2: >4 patches in one week are we fucking back? new major update soon?…[View]
683787407>that kid who bunnyhopped to school[View]
683787861We have Eastern Kingdoms at home...: ...and in mirrored. Why is Yoshi-P doing this?[View]
683779450Fucking japs and their dirty tricks They should have no legal ownership over western versions of the…[View]
683783937>makes merchant npc with big nose and unibrow >Semitic outfit >Their defender is literally …[View]
683784878What are some fun lobby-based multiplayer games that don't take themselves too seriously? I…[View]
683786929>ray tracing is a me- ACK[View]
683785106Devil May Cry thread: Which DMC game should I play? t. played them all, bored[View]
683786437Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK was her problem? What was even her plan? Was she just l…[View]
683768220Was anyone else creeped out by early minecraft versions?[View]
683787403All these years later, one is still significantly better than the other.[View]
683787053the dlc is too hard[View]
683781901I'm almost there I think.[View]
683787290World of warcrcaft SoD: >final boss is a giant flaming testicle with no mechanics >other bosse…[View]
683786851Yuri Vidya: Do you accept yuribait or do you need full on-screen kissing to satisfy your yuri needs?…[View]
683774826Redpill me on this. Is it really as good as people say? I have a shit PC.[View]
683730385How do I achieve Leon's hair without looking like this?[View]
683782680Why is modern gaming failing?[View]
683783401>game forces you to play as the bad guys[View]
683780829>buy a game >'uhh you cant use this in ur account's country' >use VPN >'uhh sorry u…[View]
683763698I love May.[View]
683786649>Im running out of money paying off all the kids my tranny ex friend molested, PLEASE PLAY THE FU…[View]
683786609Is this what a based game looks like? https://youtu.be/XkVMG1bviIU[View]
683774819>Blocks your vidya What now?[View]
683786159How did they get away with making this game[View]
683784193I want to start playing 2D fighting games, where should I start? Is Guilty Gear a good start for a …[View]
683778460Who Would Win?: Every Single JRPG Characters or Every Single Visual Novel Characters or Every Single…[View]
683732846Are Western Devs Ever Gonna Stop Making Ugly Female Characters?: This is Mrs. Freeze from Suicide Sq…[View]
683769824I just started playing this and it's pretty awesome. I just wish you could smoke in game[View]
683767795Yeah, I'm thinking it's time for Deck 2.[View]
683785176Give me a quick ethnicity check on this prettyboi badass bastard.[View]
683777784Now THIS is what gamers have been craving![View]
683748925Fire Emblem: >July 26th, 2019 >the timeskip is real Five years of Fire Emblem: Three Houses fo…[View]
683774627MK 1 DLC: Mortal Kombat 1 getting more DLC announced tomorrow. Are you hyped?[View]
683775967Frankenstein MMO: Is there a centralized place where you can find instructions to set up servers for…[View]
683780584Reminder that the only good RPGs were made in the period 1997-2003. These include: >Fallout >F…[View]
683704408Who is your very favorite female video game character?[View]
683779079What the fuck was her problem?[View]
683782045I miss hack n slash games[View]
683784850Worth a download?: The alpha version that is[View]
683779834fu ri ga na gaem: what are some gaem with ふ り が な to help aid my 日 本 語 learning preferably vns or jr…[View]
683775959I want to be Tamamo for my man. good night![View]
683757807Project Moon and Limbus Company are done for.: Yup it's limbover.[View]
683782595What is there even fun left to do on it?[View]
683779575Mario if he real[View]
683779689Why have we never had a AAA Weird West genre game before /v/?[View]
683784282CSSfags, what is the name of this map? I think it's a zombie map.[View]
683782291If you should only get one Hyrule Warriors game for Switch, which one should you get?: DE or AoC?…[View]
683772943>approximately 250 doubloons per $1 200+ United States dollar! Is this the most expensive free to…[View]
683775452What went wrong?[View]
683776616Did you beta test it /v/?[View]
683783164What went wrong?[View]
683773318Play DC Superhero Girls: Teen Power[View]
683774649>releases on last gen consoles >in 2024 greedy fucks. no wonder that IP is stuck in 2014…[View]
6837776867 Days to Die: I'm having a blast.[View]
683783326If there's one thing that makes me keep coming back to this board year after year its to see th…[View]
683783675Obliterate Yourself. NOW.[View]
683747870Holy shit this is good[View]
683781712What the FUCK was his problem?[View]
683782551Why do people lack the mental capacity to handle 1v1 games?[View]
683769162Dofus is the best MMO: How did the French manage to make the best MMORPG on the market? >turn bas…[View]
683772972>grown man plays Pokemon[View]
683783380what went wrong ?[View]
683724828Fallout London: >'Just give us your Steam login to play our mod, trust us bro'…[View]
683774529>Ruins your game[View]
683779370> connects to your tower > game is automatically lost…[View]
683782465Are any of these fun?: If yes, then please elaborate[View]
683760950If you had children would you let them play video games?[View]
683765720this isn't possible to beat without a guide[View]
683781596>still the only 2D sprite ass jiggle[View]
683773645Remember my game?[View]
683781014Why is it that no other game has done gyrating like this?[View]
683773064what's her fucking problem[View]
683759238>mouse starts double clicking because i spilled water on it >swap out the switch its like a br…[View]
683766602There is nothing wrong with savescumming.[View]
683779913What the fuck was his problem?[View]
683780715I don't care, souls games gave me friends and my wife plus kids, hell, you don't even need…[View]
683769060Splatoon 3: Did the update make brellas better?[View]
683781762What is going in here?[View]
683772623Who is the audience for these games?[View]
683773947Did you like Far Harbor?[View]
683780603KLETKA demo on steam: funny game, (you) should try it[View]
683779576>I'm tried of roguelike deckbui--- How is it so good bros?[View]
683778774I miss proper handhelds the 'eck is great for what it is, but it simply does not compare to the…[View]
683779637TASTU MY BRADE[View]
683767665How am I supposed to beat her?[View]
683776478games where the real enemy is yourself?[View]
683782097Games for this feel?[View]
683768373Why is marvel rivals succeeding while concord is going to bankrupt their studio?[View]
683778184>5 years later >still unmatched What went so right shinobichads?…[View]
683781838Anyone remember these growing up?[View]
683777721Objectively the best character to start with.[View]
683739301Neru Archive[View]
683778613Will we get a 3d all stars 2? I fucking LOVE 3D Mario[View]
683773339ready for the remaster?[View]
683781628Why has no one made a battle royale game with Escape from Tarkov-style gun mechanics?[View]
683766871How do Japs write better black characters than the west who worships them?[View]
683781413It's so over. How can we even compete?[View]
683776353demons btfo[View]
683767461You DID buy his book, right?[View]
683778491Giving Joker a bum leg in the Suicide Squad game really feels like the most cynical way to give the …[View]
683773885You didn't buy a 13th or 14th gen Intel CPU, did you? I hope not...[View]
683781274Which is the best pikmin game and why is it 1[View]
683774620Did Jabu Jabu really swallow Ruto by accident?[View]
683779953I'm going to get into this Hind now.[View]
683766979ESA Summer 2024: Now: Re-runs Next: Soul of the Samurai Later: Viewfinder Stream 1: https://twitch.t…[View]
683776518Has the game redeemed itself?[View]
683756614Better than Mario World in all aspects.[View]
683769609Any good old games (late 90s to early 00s) you'd recommend?[View]
683758993Is there a bigger grift in the games industry than 'localization'?: How were localizers able to succ…[View]
683773027Pretty crazy how a regular old mainline title could outsell a Final Fantasy 7 remake, which was supp…[View]
683748559Zenless Zone Zero ZZZ: Anons please don't impregnate the cops[View]
683779551Stalker delayed to november 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxeGyXSM5Pc[View]
683777372How old is your most recent VAC ban?[View]
683778492Comfy Steam Deck Thread: So Deckchads... Whatcha >PLAYAN'? >EMULATAN'? >MODDIN…[View]
683776689Scary moments in non-horror games: Am I the only one that is enough of a bitch to genuinely get spoo…[View]
683772647this has to be a joke. some retarded dev at rocksteady is laughing his ass off, right? this is parod…[View]
683729834>keyboard literally has a built-in cheating system >gamers are just calling it a new mechanic …[View]
683779232What else would you like to see come from the year of shadow?[View]
683776904Why I can't have fun with mods? Some mods have good and fun ideas, some even FIX games, but I c…[View]
683778052Stellar Blade at home[View]
683772958Frogzard on /v/[View]
683778584>JRPG >main villain wants to either destroy God or become it…[View]
683773786Play Sakura's video games[View]
683750948I just found this crazy cool place to go swimming! Weird that someone blocked it off from the rest o…[View]
683778630Kick Silver[View]
683773880What is an unexplored vidya setting that you want to see?[View]
683772745NPCs live among us, and even post right here on this board[View]
683774995https://all-our-ideas.citizens.is/group/498/ >Best game of all time according to /v/ is Metal Gea…[View]
683778089HUNT: i need (you)r comfy loadout: HUNTCHADS? anyone still playing this? didnt bother checking for a…[View]
683768725ITT: Cute Girls[View]
683769250Armored Core 6: Did /v/ get filtered? If it wasn't ver1.0 it didn't count.[View]
683774741What went wrong?[View]
683775543I am getting filtered by Vera in the pacifist route. Is there an item that can help?[View]
683777707This is official art for a SEGA game now: what the fuck happened[View]
683777057Should Devs listen to the Fans? or Should Fans listen to the Devs? Who really controls the game?[View]
683626691The nikker summer event is almost over. You got your 4 limited characters, right? You are going to g…[View]
683757107>game has canonical marriage >nobody wants to play it…[View]
683773123Fuck this game.. I don't know what I'm suppose and where I'm suppose to go. Like I ge…[View]
683776560If there's one thing I'll never forgive tranime faggots for it's this 'deconstruction…[View]
683777045Do you guys listen to vidjea game related music? https://youtu.be/mIM7MHSZRnY?si=LGJpU6eEoxXNDtR9…[View]
683776010I want Kafka to be my mommy dommy[View]
683776396>Makes a puppet like this >Surprised pikachu face when it turns evil You can tell that the peo…[View]
683770645Underrated vidya brown girls appreciation thread[View]
683768534Dragon Ball games: What are the best DB(Z) games the Dragon Ball franchise has to offer? Budokai 3 s…[View]
683772872thoughts on lol's vampire survivors clone?[View]
683773245how can Nintendo compete?[View]
683773861vividlope is a goddamn masterpiece, peak gaming kino. play it now.[View]
683735123Master Duel: Make sure you tell Konami in the survey to sudoku the retard who came up with an XYZ DC…[View]
683776453Resources for learning Japanese through vidya: Check out this channel https://youtube.com/@gamegengo…[View]
683775623Dynasty Warriors Origins Gameplay Demo: https://youtu.be/RGhfRz61ccI?si=xJWBs1ZmJHp9ngEB the demo is…[View]
683771405She won[View]
683770531Now that the dust has settled, why did No Man's Sky win?[View]
683775580>rori has a canon crush on you What other games do this?[View]
683774289Chinese Online Gaem: Any English vdiya with the same premise?[View]
683771038This is unironically filtering me, why is this so hard?[View]
683775228What are some vidya with girls in plugsuits?[View]
683716093Pic related is every game. No matter how many victories and achievements you get, in the end you shu…[View]
683772807Why did Klonoa overtake Pac-Man in popularity?[View]
683772482>50 million people live here >apparently none of them have ever made any games Why? Why can…[View]
683775139>immediately replaces Apollo umm... so now we have 2 worthless lawyers? based…[View]
683772724It's going to happen again, isn't it?[View]
683773550Where does the grenade come out of?[View]
683774474This will sell our game.[View]
683775065Stop complaining about the state of modern video games and play Kingdom Rush 5 instead.[View]
683748145How can we save Overwatch?[View]
683774140what game is this[View]
683771067I can almost see the penis[View]
683772751>honeymoon phase is over >everybody is saying its worse than Dark Souls 2's DLC's pu…[View]
683749435>create one the most likeable dragons in all of video games >asks you to kill him What did Tod…[View]
683763492I just want to dig for God's sake[View]
683770086Videogame soundtracks: What do you think has the best soundtrack ever? Also this is my opportunity t…[View]
683765132Mahjong soul, the best game ever made, is now on Steam, and it's free? Why aren't you play…[View]
683763170vidya reaction thread: old computer broke, I need a new reeaction folder, help me out /v/ros[View]
683758218HAPPENING https://www.thedrive.com/news/culture/hackers-exploited-a-pc-driving-sim-to-pull-off-massi…[View]
683773764>replay old RTS games as an adult >getting utterly filtered by missions I had no problem with …[View]
683722220DMC3 ''combat'': >single enemy slowly lumbers towards you >is one inch from you, doesn't …[View]
683767891Final Fantasy 14: Is FF14 and the general dubbing scene finally saved? Bring on the strike and kick …[View]
683771387games for boomers: 30 yo boomer coming in, looking for games that require good strategies/ intellect…[View]
683771158System Shock remake: Did they ever improve the shitty enemy AI?[View]
683761235Who are you maining?[View]
683751805Fighting Games: Play and discuss fighting games[View]
683767652Elden Ring: Please tell me the game doesn't get much harder than Godrick, this feels like a Sek…[View]
683771363ITT: post the best /v/-related images[View]
683761980>Be in the game for five minutes >Least dialogue of any character in the entire series >One…[View]
683768792Why do people want open-source video games? https://jairajdevadiga.com/2024/06/21/lets-make-games-op…[View]
683773367Could a PC port have saved it?[View]
683770845Whenever I go home, I have it set up so RPG town music plays when I open my door.[View]
683769146>all the NPCs you meet randomly go insane and turn on you or die in a hidden crevice somewhere Is…[View]
683771789Should I buy arma 3 in current year? the dlc is worthy?[View]
683772817ITT: Unpopular Vidya Opinions: Bionic Commando '09 wasn't actually that bad, at least if w…[View]
683764902You ARE modding Terraria, right Anon?[View]
683745953What went wrong?[View]
683773136What are the most 'immersive' games ever made?[View]
683772887>game has ads you cant skip Genius Kojambo[View]
683773013All their games are boring mobile games[View]
683773068HOLY SHIT FLASH GAME CHADS WE ARE SOOOOOOO BACK!!!11!!1!!: how do we feel about the new kingdom rush…[View]
683770898Would she ever comeback to Animal Crossing with a meaning job? I miss her hugging my package before …[View]
683768630argh: >actual interesting video game related thread deleted after a few replies or immediately k…[View]
683773017furigana games: what are some games with ふりがな that i can play to improve my nihongo preferably vn…[View]
683771721It's only been a month, and people have already forgotten about it. Was it really that bad?[View]
683772192Why the FUCK were back buttons on controllers not made standard for this console generation? Even if…[View]
683771421Why are English dubs in JRPGs so bad??: https://files.catbox.moe/vm8l01.mp4[View]
683763631Halo 3>2>ODST>1>Reach>>>>>>eating shit>infinite[View]
683768742How do Asian game devs always do diversity much better than the Western devs do when their society i…[View]
683771793All other adults gave up their childish hobbies. Why is it considered unacceptable to still be playi…[View]
683767336Seriously, the lore makes no sense. It's like they just made up a bunch of incohesive shit put …[View]
683765621Tetris is one of the best game ever,why isn't it talked about more?[View]
683755138Was it fun?[View]
683770471Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 is the only right way to play on PC? Sigma 2 worth it? How bad to emulate black…[View]
683768967member when we got a new nft scam and a new delay.jpg on twitter every day? i member...[View]
683771142Kula Diamond[View]
683766391Anyone else find this fanbase to have a weirdly unfounded elitism?[View]
683765762What's stopping you from contributing metadata to Redump and No-Intro?[View]
683770398Hand over your men[View]
683769157How does this make you feel?[View]
683765309Why does an experiential vault have a G.E.C.K[View]
683771816I told you all. Gacha is coming.[View]
683768949This game is kinda creepy[View]
683770279When will /v/ admit that every JRPG is just a rip off of Ultimate 7 Part 2 The Serpent Isle?[View]
683767790>Game manages to be Woke but also shocking and offensive at the same time The good old days.…[View]
683738180ITT: videogame girls who are weak to anal[View]
683769934Who’s the better dancer here?[View]
683767023Deadlock invites: Post your steam friend code and I (might) give you a key. The game is fun[View]
683752385Why is MvC1 not as popular as MvC2 or 3/U3?[View]
683769570Just decided I’m going to do a review for Sonic the Hedgehog 06 on my YouTube channel.[View]
683770465Elden Ring: Post your build.[View]
683769549>get urge to play WoW again >resub >every version of the game is dead >literally nobody …[View]
683764256Wtf is going on in this game?[View]
683771052Come on, Crash and Mario, step it up![View]
683768252why do you complain[View]
683770934bleach rebirth of souls: Yeah im thinkin he's in[View]
683724507You didn't beat the game[View]
683769751this is objectively the best looking game ever made (this is all one level)[View]
683769408>tfw can't play competitive multiplayer games because of ranked anxiety…[View]
683765469post sprays[View]
683770526lets talk about it[View]
683770070Fromcultist Simulator Game Concept: >Only R1 , Estus and Circle inputs >arbitrarily timed dela…[View]
683766747What do I play first? I'm 30 years old and never touched this whatever it is.[View]
683765523I'm I the only one that absolutely hates indie games?[View]
683770370Fallout London: >boot up game made with spaghetti code by terminally online flat-dwelling mid 30 …[View]
683770247Go go ghost![View]
683747604Persona 3 Reload: Is it kino or no?[View]
683766176Will we ever see another pixel art game that pushes the boundaries of what pixel art can do?[View]
683769310>Lose match >Opponent says GG EZ >Report under negative attitude/harassment >Get message…[View]
683767317Wouldnt a GTA India game be fucking kino?[View]
683768825Am I the only one who has tried this game?: It was on sale on steam a couple months ago for like $5 …[View]
683768695>makes every female character hot hmm maybe marvel rivals won't be so bad...…[View]
683767417He fucking won[View]
683765429>Ruins your character by making her sound like an old hag Nothing personal chud…[View]
683766976this is what the average british woman looks like[View]
683769342>'Press any button to continue!' >Get choice paralysis unsure what button to push…[View]
683767418How did Sucker Punch get away with this?[View]
683761802It's over[View]
683764993>Objective: Survive[View]
683767859lmao fucking retard[View]
683768898Daily Bust a Groove thread: Has Bust-A-Groove ever taught you anything?[View]
683768181would you buy a soul reaver 1 and 2 remaster?[View]
683767310>AI is a bad thin-[View]
683758980if a game is carried purely by it's music and graphics, would you call it a good game?[View]
6837686402D games: Why not a single AAA gaming studio can make a game with animations like this?[View]
683768030Here's the kid i was telling you about[View]
683762608*Filters You*: Fuck this stupid faggot. Fucking naked satan lookin' faggot. >*cough* >*co…[View]
683768623>my favorite vidya character is too strong! he would defeat you any ti- ACK…[View]
683767801What the hell is his problem?: Leave Ayesha alone.[View]
683768058Why dont games have cheat codes anymore?[View]
683768276>one of the most fun roguelites is some random gamemode from DLC um wtf?…[View]
683762506Filename thread: Keep it vidya[View]
683768493I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.[View]
683757054EDF 6: EDFsisters... how are we holding up?[View]
683768359They made a soccer game and didn't release it in Europe, what the fuck was wrong with Capcom[View]
683753874SAG-AFTRA is going on strike against AI in the video game industry. The last time they did this it d…[View]
683746985if game sell more why less job???[View]
683764097Why aren't there more Dune games? >b-because it would be boring being on a desert planet all…[View]
683764231video games used to be for kids then adults took over but now the kids have taken back over[View]
683768149I am so excited for the Silent Hill content that's in development but was thinking it was lame …[View]
683760767We need more tanned shorthair tomboys in vidya.[View]
683768135Stronghold: Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition when?[View]
683764616I am forgotten[View]
683765872Is lords of the fallen any good? I really want to play a new souls like. Pic unrelated.[View]
683765442Date Everything: Is it really that hard for Western devs to not make shit designs?[View]
683767390Never forget what they took from you[View]
683760929NO MORE SOULS DESIGN: >the posture bar is the single greatest mechanic FROMSOFT has implemented i…[View]
683767808>character is slightly colorful in design >LOL GAY XD GAY GAY…[View]
683741213FFVII Rebirth flopped, now we will never get a FFIX Remake[View]
683686731Game Dev?: Which game engine uses C? It's the only one I know ( and even then it's only ba…[View]
683765525Schizobros....we eating good[View]
683762304Will playing a game high as shit make it better or worse?[View]
683749342monster hunter free unite: 15 years later, why is it yet to be topped?[View]
683745107Did gaming change your life?[View]
683767007STOP What did you play today /v/?[View]
683765871Rate the new dangans[View]
683762779This is my favorite Dead Rising.[View]
683764228ay yo they ses there's some hidden mechanic or some shit: that makes training worthless or you …[View]
683761026Name a lazier character design.[View]
683764249Let me guess, you need better graphics.[View]
683745661>Nipponese comedy[View]
683766194Say it.[View]
683766985Been playing this for almost two weeks. How is this game /v/, is it shit?[View]
683763748Why do they fuck things up every time?[View]
683765217ITT: moments in vidya that made you start frantically jump up and down while screaming 'KINO!'[View]
683764154Why are we not allowed to romance the hottest female in this game? 8ug8ear is only in one mission fo…[View]
683763541I REFUSE to let my children play Rated M video games till they are 18 YEARS OLD: I just recently had…[View]
683761997Does it get any better? I've started playing it twice and just end up dropping it after the tra…[View]
683766427Still the only game with a good use of 'Only You' by The Platters: Fallout and Arkham Knight are emb…[View]
683763081Holy kek[View]
683766617>Rei blushed when I talked to her in the PS2 NGE videogame later, virgins…[View]
683705779What are the odds it'll get a remaster? How would that make you feel?[View]
683766375>nintendo, my liege... I'm sorry... Your greatest online soldier can do battle... no... more…[View]
683764590This game is fucking awesome. What is wrong with you people.[View]
683764076The two sides of /v/. Who is correct here?[View]
683765349Is this game good on console [View]
683765681>he fell for the +Shield/-Sword meme Yes, I do want to nerf the main thing I will be doing the en…[View]
683749609THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS[View]
683763671What video game sent you on a rollercoaster of emotions? need not reply if you can't feel.[View]
683754635>Over 200 titles will become unavailable when the Xbox 360 store closes down…[View]
683742967Play Skyrim.[View]
683762373*Soul Fists in Scottish*[View]
683749045Every masterpiece has its cheap copy.[View]
683765103So, were you a badass enough dragon to reach Gnasty's Loot?[View]
683753487Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is finally being released in the west. Are you excited?[View]
683763905Oh no not the video game actors![View]
683762615What happened to Miquella and Godwyn? What happened to Miquella’s Haligtree? If Miquella enchanted M…[View]
683762253Do you guys watch game EXE videos? What do you like/dislike about them?[View]
683763659$50-100 million dollars game Concord lost to this...[View]
683765538Rex loves (You) and wants (You) to succeed in life :D[View]
683765225Post your ideas and/or basic wants for a new Banjo-Kazooie game.[View]
683761171I did not care for Elden Ring.[View]
683746809ESA Summer 2024: Now: Crash Team Racing Next: Re-runs Later: Re-runs Stream 1: https://twitch.tv/esa…[View]
683765372Is he the most cucked character in the entirety of the Soulsborne genre? He literally serves an orde…[View]
683765279Really close to kof 13 pixel art level: I'm very close to being able to mimic kof 12-13 pixel a…[View]
683765150Battle Brothers: Choose your origin.[View]
683736587For those that got in, how are you finding the Marvel Rivals beta?[View]
683765024One man did the impossible and made New Vegas content interesting again.[View]
683750675Literally how do we stop normies from buying trash games?[View]
683760742Hardcore mode makes it last a decent length of time. It looks great with ray tracing and the setting…[View]
683759864>leave Overwatch to me: Imagine her and Widow catfighting for your attention haha, that would be …[View]
683750573bleach rebirth of souls: well fellas how we feelin? how many characters do you think will be in on l…[View]
683762629In 2024: How many games did you enjoy so far?[View]
683762927>wah wah epic service wah wah Why are streamie such retarded sheep[View]
683760295Zack and Wiki: MvC4 newcomers[View]
683749851Emio: The Smiling Man: Why aren't you playing its prequel? You know... HER game? Too disappoint…[View]
683764281Post Your Videogame Girls Wifes[View]
683755754FFXIV Meteion: >M-may we please... be friends? Do you want to be her friend, /v/?…[View]
683764531Favorite and least favorite Bloodborne boss? >Favorite Shadow of Yharnam/Father G >Least Favor…[View]
683758520Are Ryzen APUs like the 5600g good enough ?[View]
683754737rollslop or secret ludo?[View]
683761708Elden Ring Iron Golem: >Starts off with a triple windblade attack >Rolls around the boss arena…[View]
683763425ITT: Fun games one you figure out all of the mechanics[View]
683764336Is this game any good? How cucked are you without the GBA features?[View]
683759996Souls is the perfect action game: Souls is your hitbox vs. theirs in a open, 3D space with free flow…[View]
683763964Builders 3 when?[View]
683764191We are never getting another jrpg main character like him again are we?[View]
683760965Xbox Series X: Can it really run games at 4K 120FPS?[View]
683763617>party member gets a DOT debuff. Money stolen[View]
683759153Imagine your plan ruined because you've mess with the wrong delivery man.[View]
683759828Well, that escalated quickly.[View]
683729304I miss this game so fucking much. Every year I replay it and despite already doing everything the ga…[View]
683758210Worst Japanese publisher today.[View]
683760780I never played WoW. Should I start now?[View]
683762662can i play the MAME version or should i track down a real arcade machine?[View]
683762832I'm a hardcore FF8 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I…[View]
683763543never fucking ever: I would buy your game IF it has smug lolis[View]
683751840>update linux >stuck at grub >games stolen…[View]
683760493Pre order Dragon Ball Sparking Zero now.[View]
683756539Why can’t Fromsoft get the parry to work properly in their other games besides Sekiro, are they stup…[View]
683763968>the first Valve IP to have a major media adaptation will be Gmod by virtue of Michael Bay's…[View]
683757524For me it's A2[View]
683754670It's simple... We uhh...stop having voice acting in games.[View]
683762491Is there any chance for Valkyria Chronicles to come back?[View]
683752998This is a Pokemon champion.[View]
683750706Play Elden Ring.[View]
683762248If Frisk looked like this, would have never needed to buy armor.[View]
683737414Why do gamers hate ugly characaters?: Most people IRL are ugly. That means most gamers are ugly. Mos…[View]
683731365so basically these guys are literally nazis?[View]
683761341Dynasty Warriors Origins - Gameplay review in a couple of hours: In just a THREE hours, the first ac…[View]
683763253do you own videogame merchandise like figures/keychains/posters/etc?[View]
683753014Mangekyou Sharingan![View]
683744447Do they deserve all the praise they get?[View]
683752084Is Marth the most carried character or am I just coping?[View]
683751356Why did the ending feel so rushed? They completely forgot to make a final boss for it.[View]
683761426Shit characters and story but still better than GTA V & RDR2 if you actually like PLAYING video …[View]
683759207new gimmicky lego mario set https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/super-mario-world-mario-yoshi-71438…[View]
6837494372 Hours of leaked Wolverine Gapleay: Milestone 8 Build : Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc…[View]
683567843/v/idya Drawthread: Previous Thread >>683325834 >If you drew it and it's vidya, you ca…[View]
683760941Titan Quest: After playing TQ for 150 hours, is there any point in me playing other ARPGs? Grim Daw…[View]
683760597>another great porn artist has fallen prey to content milking a visual novel for patreon bux It…[View]
683761641Grandia thread: What happened to JRPGs? They’re so soulless now.[View]
683760313Desktop Thread: What does /v/'s desktop look like?[View]
683741134Do you still play your 3DS in 2024?[View]
683739807What is the Patrick Star Show of vidya?[View]
683760651SONY DO THIS AND MY SOUL IS YOURS: If any sony employee reads this i know how to have a good pc real…[View]
683742137Shadow of the Erdtree: >go on /v/ >nonstop crying about the boss difficulty >watch let…[View]
683748057Budokai Tenkaichi 3 AI Tournament: Yup it's time for another Budokai Tenkaichi 3 tournament (Co…[View]
683741104Why exactly haven't you finished La-Mulana yet?[View]
683731531the absolute STATE of zoomiegaming[View]
683760617>no female elf companion to sexo and why do people like this game?[View]
683759442>Early in development, the hover nozzle was a power up you'd lose when you got hit, much lik…[View]
683746241NIER AUTOMATA x SpongeBob: Why have we not seen any Neir SpongeBob crossover games /v/?[View]
683748209Are there any good games to look forward to?: I can only think of Black Myth Wukong[View]
683744712*the only RPG to get turn-based combat right*[View]
683717262Do you think valve can beat Sony?: In terms of console sakes?[View]
683753790Have you ever interned at a vidya company?[View]
683746476Dall-E 3: bing.com/create[View]
683757136>90% of the game's defining structural elements stop being relevant after the first third…[View]
683762316I hate this guys phase 2 Getting hit once by those gay light beams instantly sets me up to get one s…[View]
683759503what's the /v/erdict on Blasphemous 1&2?[View]
683749679What would you have done?[View]
683758867>Cute girl wants to high five >Hesitates and is confused What's Cloud's problem?…[View]
683748767ik this probably isn't the best place to ask but what's the opinions on this? is it worth …[View]
683761073Backlog thread: Time to start clearing it out. Post three games from your backlog and I'll tell…[View]
683761970>it's like a Japanese gamergate! why are they like this[View]
683760270Void Stranger: When does it get good/interesting? Or did I fall for another meme? I reached floor 70…[View]
683759429GEM ?: redpill me on this game[View]
683761471> Who stop bumping zhe cart, I want names![View]
683761418Wait, was he a furry?[View]
683756265>Dad walks in[View]
683761228Why is it the best?[View]
683759692Tales: Edna[View]
683756695>protagonist is just a dude in a jacket and hat >this becomes their iconic look spanning acros…[View]
683756581I gave up on installing TTW because I'm too stupid, will it be the same with London?[View]
683759123Bow before your queen![View]
683760679Forza Horizon 4: Last Festival Playlist started today. It's also getting delisted soon. Say som…[View]
683757240>game companies don't like it when player numbers are shown >game companies don't li…[View]
683756962Have we reached rock bottom for gaming?[View]
683756798Is it a good idea for the Japanese to be catering towards Western audiences?[View]
683757104Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF6): EDF! EDF! ED—ACK![View]
683759658EDFsisters..... what the FUCK went wrong?! Japan was supposed to save gaming......[View]
683758883Help finding a game: I’m trying to remember the name of a game. Here is what I know about it: -Point…[View]
683758378When did you turn against fraud howard and shithesda?[View]
683759297did he beat the game?[View]
683759832https://classic.grandchase.net/event/uno/ UNO IS BACK IN GRAND CHASE. This is not the mobile game, G…[View]
683759796Does anyone else here just exclusively play pre-2015 games?: Modern games are filled with so much wo…[View]
683759460FNAF single-handily killed the horror game genre[View]
683755994Frogzard on /v/[View]
683756769>ruins your videogame[View]
683759296Banjoo-tooie is a misunderstood classic[View]
683753749>do everything she asks >turns on you for no reason What a copout…[View]
683757025Right this way chud.[View]
683757942BIG APPLE 3 AM[View]
683758126>Fire up Helldivers 2 >Playing against bugs >niggerfaggot runs into my line of fire while I…[View]
683752572Game literally only (You) play.[View]
683757006name a better free game[View]
683756645>first game in the series is the best When did you realize Sonic 1 was the best Sonic game?…[View]
683753237ES6 LEAKS[View]
683759170does /v/ still play ark survival ascended[View]
683748171Alien Soldier: I'm literally getting filtered by the controls on super easy... Also what the fu…[View]
683754950Wait this is a woman?[View]
683759049Dishonored 2: How do you cope knowing Emily’s playthrough is canon and corvo’s isnt?[View]
683749712Why do indies fail to capture the essence, the soul, of classic games despite looking so similar?[View]
683755335What went wrong?[View]
683757036>pirate game >voices are stuck in russian…[View]
683754521fags and dykes ruin everything[View]
683757114this is how they invented the goomba[View]
683758781Hail to the King: >Is easily the most atmospheric Batman game (hanging out in the batcave with Al…[View]
683755968No physical copy? No buy. Simple as.[View]
683681668*perception check successful*[View]
683745941Half Life 2 is garbage[View]
683757848games /v/ never talks about[View]
683757696From the sick and twisted mind of Ken Levine:[View]
683757821anon?: >and what is YOUR favourite game that was released within the past 10 years…[View]
683751365I know Bomb Rush was supposed to be good and it certainly looks the part but is Jet Set still the go…[View]
683753096how do we fix celine?[View]
683754508This game is garbage normieslop with 0 good characters and storylines[View]
683758108https://youtu.be/vxeGyXSM5Pc What did you think of the new trailer? https://youtu.be/vxeGyXSM5Pc[View]
683755705holy KINO!!!![View]
683756578This guy is fucking cool than Goku. His name is Super Vegeta![View]
683753149if duke nukem was made today this is what he would look like[View]
683755729>Load into game >Spawn in home base and wait 5 minutes for game to start >Get into vehicle …[View]
683756404Oohhh you fear barbarians will swoop down upon you?[View]
683755330>we want the gato sexo audience[View]
683755715Why are fucking indie games so expensive nowadays?: I could buy about 5kgs of beef for these prices…[View]
683743756defend this[View]
683755504Monster Hunter: Whats next for the MH franchise?[View]
683754487Suicide Squad looks like THIS?![View]
683749524Will they ever add more backwards compatible games from the 360?[View]
683756689>was gonna get high and jerk off all night >ended up finishing while I was still sober now wha…[View]
683756762Terry is lame as shit: 90% of Terry Bogard 'fans' are Smash tendies. No one plays Fatal Fury. Not ev…[View]
683752128What are the best wizard-core games ?[View]
683745923One of the best soundtracks in gaming history[View]
683756087Do you ever use steam big picture mode?[View]
683739939The latest psyop history revision that zoomers are doing now is that a) PS2 games were not designed …[View]
683755818Good pixelart in bad games[View]
683735964literally fucking impossible[View]
683705730Why did it flop so hard?[View]
683756216ITT:your biggest vidya related pipe dreams >new pursuit force game or even a remake of any of the…[View]
683757783Do you like bombs?[View]
683750431Why arent you playing the best ww2 shooter in the market now?[View]
683755069Can we have an honest discussion about the the origins-odyssey-valhalla trilogy of AC games? I'…[View]
683754882̴̧̤̤̦̮̝̘̫̭̤̩̼̙̭̩͍̫͖̜̪̠̋͑͒́̊̊̓́͗̈́̋͜͜͠͝ͅͅ ̵̓́̓̾͋̋̇̀͌͊͛̎̏̂̓̈́̊͊̓͒̔͊̈́̌͛̈̒̽͂̽́͆͐͛̍́͐̊̋̌͒͋̾͋̎͐̀͛͋̄̃͘͝͝͝͠͠͝͝…[View]
683755914>King of Fighters XV looks like a PS2 game Wrong! If it was a PS2 game it would look better…[View]
683748746I have been filtered.[View]
683754008Tomba is a shit game. Play Klonoa instead![View]
683754702>Oh shit I have a bag of milky ways[View]
683742245>got spoiled for a game i was playing it's over, isn't it bros?…[View]
683751494Mom said it's my turn to FUCK YOU[View]
683754847So uhh, how did get back down?[View]
683752721Project Milo was such a stupid fucking idea to begin with. Nobody wants a virtual little boy to befr…[View]
683753320which to buy first mario kart or smash ultimate?[View]
683752871Why is every good game over 10 years old? It's not fair.[View]
683743064Are you nostalgic for Roblox?[View]
683751920Terraria took all the rules from the Mojang's book and decided to break all of them. It has gun…[View]
683744390From what I’m hearing seems like the launch was botched and the mod is buggy crashed filled mess[View]
683744673Which non-nintendo characters could beat him?[View]
683752412What sports game should we play this summer?[View]
683754901>no good trading card vidya[View]
683752661Razer's built-in null movement feature: Tryhardcels GTFIH, should it be banned?[View]
683751298Shining Force 3: Redpill me on these games. Are they a single game split into three parts or what? C…[View]
683745834sorry soilennials but the ps3 is literally retro[View]
683753839You've stagnated and you wear it as a badge of honor.[View]
683751229Where's all the TRVE 3D fighting games?[View]
683752872this is the next mario game[View]
683754363Ah yes... Witcher 3... the greatest game of all time...[View]
683745693>Allow us to hack into your computer and steal your data for china or you’re not allowed to play …[View]
683743018Why does /v/ never take time to appreciate this Magnum Opus?: Terraria is such a massive game in all…[View]
683748121you have no idea how deeply this hurts, Cod Kids were the start of the problem. we are truly in the …[View]
683753962Whenever I see this guy, I just wanna punch this motherfucker. This sissy shorts wearing, fucking ba…[View]
683752943Let’s say you get to pick 12 newcomers for the next smash game but they can only be from nintendo, w…[View]
683738249So are the rumors about Sega developing an Eva game true?[View]
683751235Beating Radahn: 0% satisfaction Uninstalling Elden Trash for the last time: 100% satisfaction[View]
683752936So, is it finally good? im thinking on buying with the expansion and shit, im not asking for a maste…[View]
683753406complain about how x thing is unfair in a game back then: >yeah that makes sense but i think you…[View]
683738313>Choosing the wrong build at the start can affect the rest of your games playthrough…[View]
683749305The Sphinx Gate...There is no video game moment that can match the sheer awesomeness, intensity, and…[View]
683705452>YOUR BODY BETRAYS YOUR DEGENERACY How do you respont without sounding mad?…[View]
683742567xiv: I love hermes[View]
683752327WTF: It's been literally 2 minutes, started refreshing and clicking at 00:00 You niggers Anyone…[View]
683749809My game library has doubled since we last met Count.[View]
683695453Where are the zines?[View]
683743307>game has a suicide ending route[View]
683749660Post your walking animation.[View]
683749151>game has normalmaps i will now buy your game[View]
683734960zero reason to achievement hunt on pc because of this bullshit and this is one of the reasons why co…[View]
683714325Touhou crossover fan games: Touhou fans and gamers, get over here! There's this game called 東方×…[View]
683753358Ashley: I love Ashley[View]
683750018How would Touhou characters look as infected in Resident Evil?[View]
683751685name a cooler female vidya character.[View]
683750359>6 years[View]
683742958Defend this.[View]
683752803My Super Duo![View]
683752835Platforming section in non platformer games? Count me in![View]
683738534Have isometric games become a lost art?[View]
683750301Metroid: I recently played the 2D Metroid games in chronological order (Zero Mission, Samus Returns,…[View]
683750921Remember the heroes we lost so that we may game today[View]
683750986>Game has godlike gameplay and soundtrack >Is never talked about Why is that…[View]
683751549>The big cheese Why is he called this?[View]
683752529I SISSYrick the Grafted, JOBBER of the Lands Between humbly kneel to: Morgott-sama, Last of ALL King…[View]
683740396Do you think they will make another Elden Ring DLC ?[View]
683720721Elden Ring Lore: they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is they will NEVER explain how the Elde…[View]
683744935what are games that make you feel comfy?[View]
683716097remember Quistis Trepe from the hit game Final Fantasy VIII.[View]
683749781>Unreal 5 game from Chinese developer with no history Why is there absolutely NO skepticism surro…[View]
683743819Official Nintendo Switch 2 Home Menu leaked: Yes, this is indeed the menu for Switch 2. I will answe…[View]
683746009>Autistic little brother gets in trouble at school >Ok what is it this time >Was sent home …[View]
683751318>Another corporation won't cave to my demands? >Alright well no more Fortnite for million…[View]
683751469ITT: Incel-core games[View]
683719982>requires epic account OH NONONONONONONO[View]
683749774Microsoft knew Starfield was going to fail.: Starfield was Xbox's biggest and most monumental f…[View]
683746367The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool wou…[View]
683746342Find a flaw.[View]
683749149>dad walks in...[View]
683750389Hm, who could the killer be?[View]
683749083is there any game that comes even close to pic related?[View]
683751014Why do developers ALWAYS feel the need to complain about something relating to their work, or the co…[View]
683746698>leaks show the cyber ninjas are being genderbent >some people claim to be upset by this Why? …[View]
683748461>collector's edition >isnt actually collectable or worth anything why is that?…[View]
683750720do you ever cosplay as vidya characters?[View]
683742661The PS3 is almost as old as the anons on this site. How does this make oldfags feel?[View]
683743807Is he actually based? Have I been wrong killing him every playthrough?[View]
683750491What was that Mortal Kombat game that was open world?[View]
683747716What an ugly fucking game. Looks like it was made for Atari.[View]
683749737What the fuck was his problem?[View]
683730767Video Game VA strike. Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.[View]
683748204>company waits for game developer to die before milking his IP to death and shitting all over it…[View]
683749219The Playstation ecosystem is fucking abhorrent >try Forza Motorsport on PC gamepass >it sucks …[View]
683660370>few months left until 2025 >still no chapter 3 >not even a release date what's taking…[View]
683743401Do you buy skins in video games?[View]
683715482Project Moon/Limbus Company: New stream soon, and new drama dropped Get in here[View]
683746662Why are the giant kaiju-sized monster bosses almost always easier than the humanoid sized enemies in…[View]
683743026This guys walks around saying your park is shit. How do you respond without drowning him?[View]
683747259>Filtered by the teleporting spider boss[View]
683729964[DEFIED NEWS] SOUL REAVER REMASTERS COMING: Legacy of Kain: 'Soul Reaver I & II Remastered' - br…[View]
683749684Is there anything this breakdown missed? This series seems like the most autistic exploration of all…[View]
683749572You're in my way, sir[View]
683746487What's next for From Soft now that Elden Ring is finished?[View]
683740271How do you learn japanese to play japanese exclusive vidya?: >the language has three alphabets, t…[View]
683722541>Extremely experimental gameplay >Edgy setting/story >Distinct sound direction >Janky co…[View]
683719763Why are protagonists in indie games made by western developers rarely ever human meanwhile protagoni…[View]
683744251Here's your batman Arkham spin off game[View]
683740091>idolmaster is 19 years old[View]
683748271did you miss any companions the first time you played the game[View]
683748996The future of games is bleak...: >Stalker 2 delayed >No more news about Avowed >Very little…[View]
683748981Ace Attorney Investigations 1+2: The official release of AAI2 is going to sink the review-score, and…[View]
683729771Maria Retard[View]
683733737>Hundreds of normalfags is now discover that people jerk off to the limbless Paper mario characte…[View]
683748020What's the appeal of FromSlop?[View]
683743974What would you like to see in the next Armored Core game?[View]
683692826Fire Emblem Three Houss: Finished my first playthrough of Three Houses in the Azure Moon route. I ca…[View]
683740039Is Ashley a fucking emo?[View]
683748269Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke.: This is my team so far. What do you think? I'm so happy that I have…[View]
683746590Mario Party (N64) Retrospective: Starting From The Bottom: I think that party games are underappreci…[View]
683748608The final boss of Sweet Baby Inc[View]
683748494What the fuck is happening to gaming right now?: All of these controversies happening at once can…[View]
683746441I bit the bullet and started playing gacha. I don't care. Deep down everyone knows these games …[View]
683738807He was based.[View]
683745402Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Leaked: What are your thoughts, /v/Anons?[View]
683745378L O N D O N O N D O N[View]
683748294Battle Brothers: Which origin, /v/?[View]
683719781If Linux user are so smart why can't they figure out a way to deal with anti cheats?[View]
683673780Play fighting games Discuss fighting games Enjoy fighting games Post mains[View]
683724662Vidya Robot Girls: Post your favorite vidya robot girls[View]
683737665I made it to the 'Let's mosey' part of FFVII before I lost my save. How close was I to the end …[View]
683746575>gross video game character >there's 144 of him…[View]
683744469What do we think?[View]
683740924I'm still playing Xenosaga. I forgot how long games used to be.[View]
683747105modern day 'vania classic[View]
683745384Why did it miss out on GOTY?[View]
683747702>Elden ring is ha-[View]
683747568YOU MUST MENTION THE PROS: what's the best Role Playing Game released within the past 10 years?…[View]
683744098>The master of videogames >Has no game of his own…[View]
683729020>shits on nu-GoW gaymes[View]
683747762Fun?: what are you having fun playing lately? drop the top three games you're between right now…[View]
683746787101.1 MSX FM IN YOUR MANOR[View]
683743412just picked this up for 30$ on the PS5 this better be as good as everyone says (never played the ori…[View]
683747567Metroid Prime Remastered: Playing all the 2D Metroid games for the first time, and ending witih Drea…[View]
683707063For me? It’s The Feed Bag.[View]
683740275OLD VIDYA > NEW VIDYA: has this ever been debunked? not only on vidya[View]
683737854Oh no, bros...[View]
683745987GTA6 DELAYED: GTA 6 is delayed indefinitely until voice actors get their dues[View]
683747354He's watching.[View]
683744852>after murdering the victim I made everyone renact the wedding ceremomy because..... Because that…[View]
683740106ITT: Obscure waifus[View]
683733163Why is making a Sims clone so hard?[View]
683745236i forgot i even bought and played this shit game 5 year ago[View]
683746861Yall playing the new 1.0 update of 7 Days to Die? so far it's hella good so far. It runs so muc…[View]
683746135FINE DINING[View]
683744825Playing this for the fourth time: Skyrim six times Red Dead Redemption 1 five times Red Dead Redempt…[View]
683731016Mario if he kawaii[View]
683745607I hate arena fighters. But i used to love them.[View]
683732504STELLAR BLADE: Will you be playing the summer update?[View]
683745920SAMURAIS WUZ BLACK: They just was, chuds[View]
683746243Finally, a normal NPC[View]
683736229How much could it have possibly cost to produce? It's only a few hours long and looks like a PS…[View]
683746029The Getaway: The music in this game sounds so much scarier than Drakengard, Resident Evil, and Silen…[View]
683742771Do people still play Animal Crossing?[View]
683742798DELTARUNE CHAPTER 3 PREVIEW: >>683660370 well, looks like you spoke too soon. For those of you…[View]
683739079Zenless zone zero: I love hard working women[View]
683744221I made a list with video game girls that I would like to have in my harem. I came up with a list wit…[View]
683742520Ao Oni remaster on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2934190/Aooni/[View]
683745459I can only fall asleep watching Skyrim lore videos[View]
683745789bought this for 2 bucks, and it is suprisingly good. why the hell EA axed the studio that made it?[View]
683737403ESA Summer 2024: Now: Metroid Deep Freeze Next: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Later: Crash …[View]
683744474>35 to pity >Changli still hasn't come home G-Go on without me, Wutheringbros............…[View]
683685891Xenoblade discussion thread: I tried finding the general but it wasn't there Now that the dust …[View]
683723169Dall-E Thread: bing.com/create[View]
683743097Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. Now there's a good game.[View]
683742302Starfy 6 when?[View]
683702924Concord PS5 Controller Announced for $99: Will you buy Concord anon?[View]
683738979So tell me, /v/, if video games are so great, why has no one made a game about Requiem Vampire Cheva…[View]
683745413radn, what have you got there?[View]
683720030you've taken the immersion pill and are playing games in japanese to learn right?[View]
683744268better than persona 5 by miles[View]
683743656>have vampirism >have fire immunity >have dice roll perk that gives chance for other perks …[View]
683735232>one shot the host again reminder to level up your vigor so invading doesn't feel like beati…[View]
683738824Dark Souls 2: >enemies stop respawning >this somehow is a good idea and makes sense…[View]
683736029Rise of the Ronin: What did you think of it?[View]
683742202She cute[View]
683732384Why won't Japanese developers admit to ripping off Ultima?[View]
683744526Do you think we should move back to more traditional horror stuff? Like instead of objectheads and c…[View]
683735929There's no way in hell this guy would have ever lived down his actions during Danganronpa 1. An…[View]
683715087Why is Persona 5 so heavily recommended to people? It's overrated.[View]
683740715Can I get some Super Mario 64 romhack recommendations that are compatible with an N64 console? I hav…[View]
683741534>PvP and PvE sides fling shit at each other and Rare tries to appease extreme ends of each side e…[View]
683737495Portal 1 > 2 and it's not even close[View]
683740131Do you enjoy bosses where you mow down hoards of enemies or do you think it's annoying and over…[View]
683744475Who are the most persistent enemies in vidya?[View]
683744178Your life has just been rewritten by Liu Kang, what did he Liu change?[View]
683744503How would Touhou characters look as infected in Resident Evil?[View]
683732443They don't make soul like this anymore.[View]
683691161STALKER 2 Delayed: >S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 delayed to November 20 https://x.com/stalker_thegame/status/1…[View]
683741180You actually think you're THE Buzz Lightyear?[View]
683741059What's your favourite level in Soulsborne (Sekiro and Bloodborne included)?[View]
683743004is it possible to make a Halo game that the entire fanbase will consider good ?[View]
683744181What is the lore reason blue heavy is so good at bowling[View]
683744024>best game in the franchise >best version exclusive to JP >quality animation (by production…[View]
683743468Keiichiro Toyama left Konami after finishing Silent Hill 1, yet Konami still decided to make a seque…[View]
683743215>we want the Garth Ennis audience[View]
683731770>Elden Ring is a good gam-ACK![View]
683743748Elden Ring is more polished than Dark Souls 2 But Dark Souls 2 is more soulful and funand thus is a …[View]
683743736Have you ever fell in love with a videogame character?[View]
683739843You couldn't name a better video game if you tried.[View]
683741815Gamera Game: How would you go on about making a Gamera game? Or a Kaiju game in general.[View]
683743767>tfe no Ame gf![View]
683742873and people call this game ugly[View]
683716514ITT: We post vidya elves.[View]
683741342What's the best survivorlike?[View]
683739498Do you have any hope for TES6?: It will be a basebuilding dad gamer game.[View]
683740415I feel like trying to get into game design is like trying to pick a coin out of the side of a blende…[View]
683743112Which one is your favorite?[View]
683740848Why are elves in vidya always coombait?[View]
683684171What message is this conveying?[View]
683736126So is a DLC winning the game of the year award? nothing else so far has come close for it.[View]
683741845How is the only way to have fun in this game with moveset mods? what was miyazaki thinking he should…[View]
683730740Subspace was really weird in retrospect. Not great but still mogs world of light.[View]
683742693What games have this dynamic?[View]
683739174Dont care still not paying $70 for a video game[View]
683742289What should our off-topic thread be about today, scratch?[View]
683739429Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties: New FREE update came out with loads of new factions, huge extended map…[View]
683741847How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
683722553Games you played as a child and you're fond of, even no one talks about them nowadays.[View]
683742797Mechs beating the shit out of each other: I repaired my first-gen PS3 yesterday, and started replayi…[View]
683742792How many people do you think knew about the pandemic before it happened and intentionally contribute…[View]
683733645Do younger Zelda fans remember how hated Majora's Mask was back in the day?[View]
683737775this was one of the first things I ever jerked off to, is the game any good?[View]
683741927Why do elden ring bosses become easier the next day you launch the game? Is there a hidden counter/t…[View]
683737019>Nekros, the Unshorn >”Hand it over. That thing. Your piece of string.”…[View]
683741018Total Character Assassination: Why the fuck did Capcom make Balrog a good guy/father figure? He…[View]
683739442DS2 was pretty soulful...[View]
683742330V literally can’t refute this[View]
683737601Is this any good?[View]
683732471>Prime Radahn is too har-[View]
683741769What is the most masculine videogame?[View]
683741948Fuck flagship shit like Metroid, let's bring back more old and obscured over time titles and gi…[View]
683739610do you remember[View]
683737379Is Starfield good yet?[View]
683741859When you think about it, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is the first game to feature both a bisexual …[View]
683732138Wow Japanese fans are vocal about the Nintendo Wii U and they're really happy.[View]
683720403I beat Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.[View]
683737508Why do Elden Zoomers think Elden Ring is hard when games like pic related exist? Elden Ring is one o…[View]
683692502Fallout London is out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rahBCfRdVac[View]
683738306So... how does he represent a sex-murder (remembered as rape) scene, exactly?[View]
683738137Shadows of the Damned: Guess what other kusoge is getting a remake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T…[View]
683695301>4chan games never ever[View]
683734147>I don't understand. Are our games really THAT bad?[View]
683736556Overwatch: the antichrist of video games legitimately impossible to name a game that's done mor…[View]
683741138The closest we will be to Sacrifice 2.[View]
683741130Why are Nintendo Switches still being sold when all their controllers have life spans less then the …[View]
683739546Is this good character design?[View]
683740965Subahibi: >Favorite Chapter >Favorite Character >Favorite Song >Favorite H-scene…[View]
683731686Gothic (2001): Soooooo.... is this game completely fucking unknown in the US? Because in Europe its …[View]
683740446Is there any multiplayer pvp fps worth playing these days? I love tf2, but I think the game isn…[View]
683738770I don't understand the entire idea behind the Blizzard or any other union being a big thing. Ca…[View]
683738606No rest for the wicked content update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6klemEUe_vo I like the crucib…[View]
683734661The fact that they would never make this makes me irrationally angry[View]
683740359Is it going to be a flop?[View]
683732380FFXIV Dawntrail: >Y'shtola gets magically and permanently turned into a little girl Would th…[View]
683740670Is there any game that can truly be played forever without boredom?[View]
683740759Final Fantasy 15 [FFXV]: an enjoyable and fun journey: This game was such a comfy and good experienc…[View]
683732783Notch's new game idea: What do you think of it?[View]
683739145Are these the best games by Grasshopper Manufacture?[View]
683732097Who Fucking asked for this!? Please help get this fixed![View]
683736559New Life and Suffering game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2936290/The_Life_and_Suffering_of_Pri…[View]
683740045Has a younger person ever beaten you at a videogame?[View]
683739634If you watch the Olympics you are a bad person who has no regard for the suffering and anguish of op…[View]
683711527Biggest flop of the year confirmed. Mass layoffs when?[View]
683739879She's coming for you[View]
683736201What the FUCK did Miyamoto mean by this?[View]
683736198Why does reddit hate Bedrock so much? Isn't it faster and better?[View]
683736000Absolute sigma[View]
683735265Do you think rouge the bat’s name was a play on baton rouge?[View]
683737578Tao is retarded! RETARDED![View]
683735152>GAME IS SIMPLY FUN[View]
683734047i only play games before 2015[View]
683737996Saar: Saar do the needful and play Fallout: London, saar bloody bastard.[View]
683736856How would you fix it?[View]
683739818'member Red Crucible: I 'member[View]
683739358here I am playing Resident Evil 7: Biohazard for the PC[View]
683739754HEY: Get the fuck away from my friends![View]
683727905why cant i have a blue lady in my head like mr halo???[View]
683734308Minecraft: What would’ve been if he didn’t sell it to microshite?[View]
683725724Did you guys have a video game crush as a kid?: I had a big crush on Samus as a young kid.[View]
683739214itt: bullshit games[View]
683731283Seriously though, what the fuck was his problem?[View]
683738457Have you ever though about how weird the Mario universe really is?[View]
683737263loosh farm[View]
683737756Hail to the King: >Is easily the most atmospheric Batman game (hanging out in the batcave with Al…[View]
683737243DO NOT REDEEM[View]
683732898What are some video games that would have benefited from stripping content? For example: If Halo rem…[View]
683738567I'm gonna name my daughter kairi[View]
683736313ENA Dream BBQ: >2023+1 >I am forgotten Now that the dust has settled, fermented, then faded aw…[View]
683737397Want to make music for my indie game, where do I start?[View]
683729021>$30 What the fuck were they thinking?[View]
683738326the hero-shooter genre is a dry genre that NEEDS more games[View]
683738420FFXIV: So Wuk Lamat, you're telling me that you haven't had a chance to see other kingdoms…[View]
683738293Umamusume Party Dash releases on August 30th https://store.steampowered.com/app/2313020/Umamusume_Pr…[View]
683735158Which games let me BE a witch?[View]
683738212This shit doesn't work on modern hardware.[View]
683736380...Aaaaand dropped.[View]
683724852*dies* PAY UP THOSE $70s RIGHT NOW[View]
683734262>plays rpg >doesn't play as a crusader…[View]
683737538Was it really that good?[View]
683709898Zenless zone zero: Female cops with big butts should be punished[View]
683737898Stop... THIEF!!![View]
683737450Why does it look this good? Whats the technical explanation.[View]
683737631>Sends nu-/v/ into a stack of panic and shock[View]
683731772Nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification.[View]
683706326>Game has multiple romance options >One option is clearly the one the devs favored…[View]
683737481Nomuras Hate Him: Local Japanese man makes Final Fantasy Versus XIII on his Windows Vista[View]
683737484Seems like an odd attachment. Just having a canted optic and nothing else.[View]
683736385Why haven't they made a mobile PSO game? Is Sega stupid?[View]
683730408F-Zero Greyzone: F-Zero Greyzone, 2025 On-foot segments Underground racing league Captain Falcon in …[View]
683734921https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrsdGXvgmQ No other game captures the early 00's era so perfec…[View]
683736221>It's just day in, day out monotony, doing the same thing OVER and OVER again - 'Oh mister s…[View]
683717983Flintlock: Dulce Bebe Incorporado Edition: >According to SteamDB the game’s peak concurrent playe…[View]
683735059Do you think the upcoming bislut or femboy in Persona 6 will be cute?[View]
683729647>2024 I am forgotten[View]
683732876I also love Midori[View]
683732391The entirety of the concepts of XP and “leveling up” is the worst part of every game it’s in. Are th…[View]
683731549Daily reminder that Chrono Trigger is the best SNES game[View]
683732690Will the steam deck ever beat Nintendo?: Steam deck sales have been growing albeit slowly. Do you th…[View]
683727896>you cannot reply to this thread anymore[View]
683732656Are you ready for AI use in games to speed up even more?[View]
683721281>redditdivers killed off its fanbase with the psn scandal >edf killed off its fanbase with ais…[View]
683734006I think modern games sucks.[View]
683697653>He plays hack roms when 50 new games are released daily.[View]
683718919When exactly did the persona franchise become shit?[View]
683731079Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption What am I in for? I'm only ever played VTMB.[View]
683735774I FUCKING HATE YOSHIS!!![View]
683663867You like playing roguelikes, don't you anon?[View]
683730172HOW ABOUT: vidya devs make what gamers actually want?[View]
683707086THIS is the game people worship as one of the best written RPGs of all time?[View]
683733761screenshot thread????? post what you're currently playing[View]
683734579and people call this game ugly[View]
683723959Splatoon Girls: Left or right?[View]
683729557Why did they dumb down Tekken 8 so heavily?[View]
683726687ESA Summer 2024: Now: Mega Man X1 Next: Mega Man 2 Later: Metroid Deep Freeze Stream 1: https://twit…[View]
683734802Terraria is the greatest game of all time. it exemplifies everything good about the medium and disti…[View]
683726004Those are both extremely insensitive....[View]
683732510>Pick Body Type-A (male) >Dress him in feminine clothing…[View]
683734206I can't believe Mario did this...[View]
683708487The great debate.[View]
683735889>battleaxe wielding enemy >'You axed for it !'…[View]
683732975>dungeons are actually a type of ecosystem why cant we just have normal dungeons…[View]
683700486>unironically never been surpassed Seriously, name a single game that does the same thing HL1 doe…[View]
683726046Just bought this and haven't played AJ since I finished and enjoyed the DS version. What will I…[View]
683731105You've been PC Gaming wrong with your new hardware.[View]
683729187Breasts in modern games are TOO SMALL and I'm tired of pretending they're not![View]
683732771How many awards will it win?[View]
683735671>does everything with John >encourages John to focus on his family and leave the life of crime…[View]
683689648EDF 6: Did they seriously just straight up use AI voices for the dub? Just listen to this. What the …[View]
683731485bully furinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[View]
683731457>don't want to keep rollsloping all the time >but using a shield is boring and takes no s…[View]
683733873literally impossible[View]
683724681Will this save OW?[View]
683735526>made one of the best games of all time >disappeared where is he?…[View]
683651857What are some moments of devs lying to consumers about shit in their game?[View]
683733378I can honestly say that I've been asked a million times why I play games. And I normally just s…[View]
683733760post cute videogame characters in this thread[View]
683712707>Total War Pharaoh >They released Dynasties >They added Ea Nasir…[View]
683731062Vote for your favorite game https://all-our-ideas.citizens.is/group/498/[View]
683704583>singlehandedly ruined the impact and legacy of the entire game who was in the wrong here?…[View]
683724630ITT Super Smash Bros deal breakers, things that will most likely prevent you from playing the next i…[View]
683718101Does Video Game History have a Nintendo Problem? https://www.timeextension.com/features/talking-poin…[View]
683651709I love Midori[View]
683729891Holy shit the game will be PERFECT with 6v6[View]
683727654Do you prefer when cars in racing video games can be damaged and destroyed, or do you prefer indestr…[View]
683733251Will they ever make a new Legacy of Kain in my Lifetime?[View]
683730529Elden Ring is not hard. Dark Souls is not hard. Modern sIop is not hard.: THESE are truly hard games…[View]
683732614Dragon Age: What race are they suppose to represent?[View]
683731343He prefers the company of men.[View]
683675787Why ia Capcom so afraid of showing her game?[View]
683733975TWD: Which Clem is best Clem?[View]
683731056where dis bitch ass nigga been at? bes be workin on his next game captcha: NARRGGN[View]
683734538>there are ZERO video games about the GOAT Kʼinich Janaab Pakal >also known as Pakal the great…[View]
683715391Insomniac Museum... home.[View]
683732951What is it about CRTs that makes them so magical? I pity zoomers that have never experienced one in …[View]
683728506Unicorn Overlord: How are you enjoying the game? It definitely scratches that Fire Emblem itch.…[View]
683732926The G.O.A.T of GTA games >The most missions of any GTA >killer soundtrack and Radio stations…[View]
683732761The enemy variety and the amount of animations both the enemies and party have during combat is amaz…[View]
683691409How did they make a game so full of SOVL? I want this Bioware back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
683733823i didn't beat the game[View]
683728797>the only caveman vidya set in prehistoric times was a far cry game[View]
683728897what's your favorite fortnite skin anon?[View]
683731021racing thread[View]
683729963Hades II - Alt Portraits Mod: Thanks for all of the encouragement yesterday, everyone. I wanted to d…[View]
683711353Should Valve remove the ability to review games ? it honestly seems like it does more harm then good…[View]
683731752https://youtu.be/f0btcOekQVI?feature=shared this will save suicide squad[View]
683706032Fallout London: Troubleshooting and Modding OMEGATHREAD: Which mods are you planning to use with Fal…[View]
683732074Is overwatch back on the menu?[View]
683729587What were they thinking with this design?[View]
683727109>ruined Max Payne by turning him into le reddit man >killed off Team Bondi after they created …[View]
683733145>148 days until Sonic The Movie 3 >149 days until the trailer >92 days until Sonic x Shadow…[View]
683694924How come it didn't do so well? Why are people forgetting that Tears of the Kingdom exists?[View]
683667239Master Duel: master duels[View]
683731552why can't they give us a sonic unleashed remaster? I remember this being one of the better soni…[View]
683731426You can't imagine pol humor happening in real life[View]
683672241Marvel Rivals beta: Who are you maining? Who are you hating? Who are you wanting?[View]
683724423>friend buys rimworld so we can play together >he doesn't know how to play or anything …[View]
683716842Goddamn this game is hard. I feel like I need extensive knowledge of a room before I even open a doo…[View]
683723605> You will design the next Overwatch killer and make us lots of money Well, what's your plan…[View]
683731782>completely butchers the writing and pacing >completely butchers the balance of the combat …[View]
683729249Ace Attorney: Apollo should go out with Juniper in the next game.[View]
683731198Reminder that the current WoW team has nothing to do with the excellent original game and they all d…[View]
683731113>i faced it's horrors... now its YOUR turn to face the horrors... of the Darkest Dungeon, TW…[View]
683686308Why is manface so prevalent in western female character designs?[View]
683726907Are you looking forward to Black Myth Wukong?[View]
683730324>Talos principle 2 Expansion has been out for a while >0 threads since release you disgust m…[View]
683730910What vidya cutscenes made you genuinely react like this?[View]
683731614Sub-Space Emissary: What was the point of this melodramatic cringe-fest? Story mode should have been…[View]
68373115399CQ2-BZI4A-4ZF7G 7H0KQ-2ELRA-L3AHX DXVZT-E9HFF-GGPBG thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
6837317137 days to die: I have heard about this game for many many years and i played it almost exactly 1 yea…[View]
683731878Do you have to beat the game with Knucles to say 'I beat the game' on the internet?[View]
683692149Thread: Videogame Girls[View]
683724002vidya robots/mechs/tanks: big machine needs advertisement on this board, post some cool clankers of …[View]
683728831Has a game ever been so heavily advertised to you that you refused to play it out of pure spite?[View]
683723742I finally did it bros. I’m finally free. 136 goddamn shrines. It will take a whole lot to get me to…[View]
683730215What happened to all the hype I thought people were excited for Classic+?[View]
683728851I don't get the seething. She is cute.[View]
683728918what do you think it's like in there[View]
683724951Do you agree twitch views are the single most important metric ever made?[View]
683731259Soul Reaver 1 and 2 Remastered: Spotted at San Diego Comic Con.[View]
683728496Skyrim. How to explain it?[View]
683730919>put archers behind spearmen I am Napoleon.[View]
683730225Bleach Rebirth of Souls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQdoskQiUAA Who are you maining?…[View]
683716290Steamdeck: Alright boys what are you playing[View]
683720227mega man defeats the last character you played in a video game what move does he copy from them?[View]
683719517honestly people are correct in saying the PS5 sucks, its pointless to even buy one assuming you can …[View]
683728306What do you usually munch on when you get gamer hungries?[View]
683730438Why did kratos kill her?[View]
683729030FALLOUT LONDON: Its up on GOG[View]
683730780Better than XIII-2: It's just a shame you need to play through that game to get from XIII to th…[View]
683728041Play League of Legends![View]
683730371>Kill super duper durable non-boss that instakills you unless you have tip top endgame gear in Mi…[View]
683730692RTS: Do you really think you need high APM to win? Isn't high APM just a justification for shit…[View]
683727859What’s the best Fallout to murderhobo?[View]
683730023>wanna try project zomboid >too much nerdy shit >just wanna shoot zombies >quit 'realis…[View]
683720242>Be notoriously incompetent >Have constant PR disasters >Multiple dying games, no new notab…[View]
683724461I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT RENANS[View]
683602824Aerith the Goddess[View]
683730091Nows its all said and done, did your choices matter?[View]
683730335Except for EOS and $60 price tag this game is perfect Most fun game i played(pirated) this year[View]
683728958Drakengard 3: what am I in for?[View]
683728127What am I in for? Jeanne d'Arc just came out on PS4 and PS5.[View]
683729102>single player game switches genre halfway through the story and becomes a multiplayer game…[View]
683729836>Andy and leyley coded characters[View]
683727243Come home, white man.[View]
683725221[Happy news]Warframe adds romance: Who will you date?[View]
683728929any GREAT vidya idea you got anon?[View]
683729859Did Nintendo go too far this time?[View]
683723254redpill me[View]
683728863Dragon Age Veilguard won't require EA APP: >Veilguard is Steam Deck Verified >Veilguard i…[View]
683727819How hard will the cubezooms mindbreak when there epic new chibi robo-like flops epically?[View]
683725807Get in, retard. We're gonna go capture the flag.[View]
683728325Where's her new game, Namco?[View]
683728096Ban violent video games.[View]
683710367Now that it's had some time to percolate, was it really THAT bad?[View]
683727587>*Makes you drop the game*[View]
683728618>delete the kaneshiro and okumura arcs >game exponentially improves thank me later…[View]
683718587ffxiv: I miss meteion from ff14. I wish she was like a easter egg or something in dawntrail[View]
683725913Why is the storytelling through item descriptions so praised in the souls games? Everyone says how a…[View]
683726183Mystery of the Druids: was it a good game?[View]
683727548check out my demon wife[View]
683714662Pokemon should wear clothes[View]
683703110biggest comeback in the history of gaming absolutely incredible[View]
683723323recommend me some bullet hell games[View]
683720240Why do people buy this?[View]
683726618so have you dipshits realized after enough time it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be(…[View]
6837238906v6 Overwatch is coming back. You excited?[View]
6837184867dtd is 'out'[View]
683728931>he never mind controlled random raid-troons into the lava..[View]
683725846about to play parasite eve for the first time, is there a patch I should worry about? or is the vani…[View]
683720679Concord design objective tier list: .[View]
683714736Comments like this about Helldivers 2 will never not make me laugh: Comments like this about Helldiv…[View]
683728660>Carries the weight of the entire videogame industry on his steady and firm shoulders How does Ge…[View]
683674201This creature is bad game design but everyone just accepts it because it's 'iconic'[View]
683699529>boomers really think this[View]
683714497Honestly? Yeah, it's not as good as FO3 but it's better than NV.[View]
683726525Stop liking evil women.[View]
683728451How do we fix the horror genre?[View]
683719424PARAPPA NO[View]
683726480Ok so which version of camp pinewood actually works and has Gwen Pennison??[View]
683724563>The best Fallout mod isn't even for Fallout[View]
683720201What do you think about the narrative decision to have Shepard die at the very start, and then be fu…[View]
683719332What are your favorite flash games? Mine were Stick RPG and Sonny.[View]
683726745I want to become a dad after playing Idolm@ster[View]
683727817Is it kino?[View]
683715117>'T-60 power armor?' >'Son T-51b is the pinnacle of pre war power armor, dunno where you kids …[View]
683715351dios mio[View]
683723658Why are video games?[View]
683722130>game has killable dogs[View]
683726895How do I install Grounded Commonwealth mod for Fallout 4?[View]
683702203What's your favorite death animations in videogames?[View]
683716217>Gunslingers have an unfair advantage over casters I think video games should get with the times …[View]
683727642Frutiger Aero games: >Wii Sports >The Sims 3 >Super Mario Galaxy >Mirror's Edge any…[View]
683723359ITT: Best bros in vidya[View]
683723493>Sony brings PSVR2 to PC >Gaben does not bring Half Life Alyx to PSVR2 OH NO NO NO NO NO NO…[View]
683667501DALL-E 3: bing.com/create https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?scenario=texttoimage…[View]
683723668Uhh, the game's really good.[View]
683727129Sword Art Online Gameverse: Why is AL so fucking shit compared to HF and HR? The gameplay is just so…[View]
683719838SMT V Vengeance physical: >day 1 steelbooks are still available at a major discount, even xbox co…[View]
683727079Hey buddy, still alive?[View]
683727023Is Mario an cuck?[View]
683726415Do you prefer jiggly Mai but, or not jiggly?[View]
683726572What went wrong?[View]
683723740>BOTW but good[View]
683724362And just like that, you've trivialized Skyrim[View]
683726265vidya music with lyrics that aren't cringe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcB1ctf-jKs…[View]
683716213For me, it’s Chloe Von Einzbern[View]
683725770female video game character you'd wife[View]
683723296>Team Fortress 2’s roster will never be top…[View]
683723046Is that.... The Legendary Doom Slayer(tm)? Omg he's going to fight God and save the universe, a…[View]
683715042Why did they let it die?[View]
683725436Dear steam deck hating snoys/nincels: Why can't you post a gaming computer/laptop that has spec…[View]
683724261I'm tired /v/... I just stare at my monitor all day, waiting for games to be released that were…[View]
683723113https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nrpz5OFPNg hunt showdown is getting a sequel will they make it play…[View]
683725276Palsnoys are like the Trump cultists of gaming. They lost ages ago but will never admit it so they e…[View]
683714459Can you recommend me some old games with graphics like this? What does it call again? Isometric? Pre…[View]
683718080ESA Summer 2024: Now: The Rescue of Princess Blobette Next: Takeshi's Challenge Later: Pieces S…[View]
683720284ITS OUT: ITS OUT[View]
683725202Fuck you I liked it[View]
683722212Things Bhaal is confirmed to have canonically had sex with: >Humans >Elves >Halflings >O…[View]
683724962Stellar Blade: Perfect relationship exists, Maciej Nowicki and Hyperintelligence Eve[View]
683704594In all seriousness, is Junko the most famous female villain in video games?[View]
683724396>Marvel makes a crossover game with a beloved fighting game franchise >everybody loves it and …[View]
683716883What games did you buyed boughted recently?[View]
683724267i only play games before 2016 specifically because Nieru Automata was goated[View]
683724446is this the most technically advanced game ever made?[View]
683724234console themes: what were some of the best back then? ps4 still had some pretty good ones too[View]
683675805Emulation Thread: What is your most emulated game /v/? What games have you been emulating lately?…[View]
683724168Are there any games you wish you could revive? Why don't we hear 'game preservationists' commit…[View]
683692640We stand with developers y'all.[View]
683700134Fires of Rubison sold 3 million units: https://www.gematsu.com/2024/07/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubi…[View]
683722510Last Origin Thread: I love breasts and tummy. No global release yet.[View]
683715864What do you guys think about Disco Elysium?[View]
683723898i was honestly dreading to get into another city of macabre after the logic bunker, but i got to the…[View]
683723786Do you think Skyrim should be remade in the Creation Engine 2?[View]
683721504should i play the original or the remastered? I already know this is is one of those games where the…[View]
683715269>he plays Nikke[View]
683719069DlSNEY Speadstorm: new track is Lookin LIT ![View]
683717553>RTX 3060 16gb RAM >circa 2010 graphics game >9fps whatever i do huh ?…[View]
683716171vidya hags: >older women can't be attracti-[View]
683719726What was his name again?[View]
683723424>niche let's player you've been watching for years suddenly becomes a tranny…[View]
683720002>still having those delusion's of darkstalker's getting another game mr.anon? don'…[View]
683719262>Developed for less than half a year >Exceeds everything Paper Mario has done in the past 20 y…[View]
683713240So I thought Miyazaki was doing the classic 'wink wink, nudge nudge' bit when talking about the new …[View]
683720774L O N D O N O N D O N[View]
683711571This is just a mindnumbing ubi-clone. I completely ignored it for years and only now played it on PC…[View]
683671017https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout_london Fallout: London drops TODAY Will it be a Frontier-tier di…[View]
683640745Thoughts on Overwatch?[View]
683721519The first time a videogame company has ever sponsored the real life olympics And its fucking chinksh…[View]
683719061what's their favourite vidya?[View]
683718570Downpour: This just arrived today What am I in for? Also Silent Hill thread I guess[View]
683723090New Ao Oni remaster on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2934190/Aooni/ Scream at the end o…[View]
683719780Tales: Dead......[View]
683715154ITT Post the most clever shit villains in vidya have ever done: >Purchases a factory >Purchase…[View]
683718827Soma: Before the ending, why didn't Simon and Catherine redo the ARK upload until they both won…[View]
683709143Will there be a lego sonic game to tie in with this?[View]
683722581>EA makes brown zoomers seethe Are they based after all?[View]
683721401>Bark sloppa poppa poopy 2 piggies will tell you that this is fair enemy placement Grim…[View]
683722517>chose the “I forgive you” dialogue option >still set me up like a faggot He deserved this, wh…[View]
683720718I need a hand finding material dickriding the hell out of Hollow Knight. Comment, post, video, anyth…[View]
683720884Can someone explain their business strategy to me? They spend this huge amount of money to buy multi…[View]
683682612Why can't we have a good Lord of the Rings game?[View]
683720423I will 1cc Sanae's mountain of faith.[View]
683709941If a game insults me and my values or is bad, I'm not gonna buy it, simple as.[View]
683710668Prime 2 is still the best game in the whole franchise[View]
683685815what can fromsoftware do to improve their combat system?[View]
683720724Sonic was always Amazing.[View]
683717839>Join a TF2 Server >They're still spamming lenny faces like it's 2013 why are they l…[View]
683695170Weekly Famitsu Sales Thread: Software Sales (physical only) 01./00. [NSW] Power Pros 2024-2025 <…[View]
683713304Why is it that 'older' games, say 5-10 years old, running at maxed graphics look better and perform …[View]
683721669Duke Nukem was the worst Doom clone[View]
683705415Asuka Kazama[View]
683707602We are not getting another Armored Core, aren't we?[View]
683719191Crazy to think that many people were wrong.[View]
683719910>/v/ now hates King Harkinian What the fuck happened?[View]
683703491what happened in 2008[View]
683717438It's weird to think this game is now over 10 years old now. Such a fun and unique casual shoote…[View]
683671863Calling it, this is the best MMO currently.[View]
683720165Why did they write him to be such a humongous faggot?[View]
683718148>nearly 300 million people live here >no relevant games ever made Damn. Why haven't they …[View]
683721067Youtube should have a built-in feature for spoilers, I don't want to get spoiled because I sear…[View]
683653787How did action games go from this...[View]
683717198>china makes better coom games than the west The west has fallen. When will rich old men in compa…[View]
683697432omg hooman so cute! *dies*[View]
683710171Kek mass layoffs incoming, the AI psyop won https://www.gamesradar.com/games/call-of-duty/activision…[View]
683717931>GameTrailers dead >1up dead >EGM dead >Joystiq dead >Easy Allies had all good member…[View]
683715290>Ask an AI to create 'your country' as a videogame final boss Post results Mexico here…[View]
683719282Post a Hideo Kojima and someone recommend a video game.[View]
683718941This is hard? Heh...cute.[View]
683717725Season four when?[View]
683650692Why does every new RTS game try to be like Starcraft?[View]
683718548How to make a good Chainsaw Man video game?[View]
683714150Is SMT the only JRPG that can compete with the best of cRPGs?[View]
683716028>game has a giant fuckoff tank that's armed to the teeth This is beyond based.…[View]
683720282>game has girls who are stinky sweaty losers I will buy[View]
683712143I hope we get more obscure nintendo characters in smash 6, though really just more nintendo characte…[View]
683686812Armored Core: Do you guys have a signature name for your ACs and player characters? I always call my…[View]
683719460vidya bunnygirls appreciation thread[View]
683719558>mother I do request with the upmost enthusiasm that you bring to me a means of documenting this …[View]
683680320TF2: How would you fix the Spy?[View]
683710498>black rabbit brotherhood creative gank fight with each add jumping in individually while you hav…[View]
683709307Amored Core 4:FA is where the series peaked[View]
683712859>see interesting game on steam >read description >roguelite >deckbuilding…[View]
683719286How did a game made by a bunch of depressed Eastern European communists on a budget of almost nothin…[View]
683719283*cucks you and chops off your feet*[View]
683716041Wii bros and Wii U lads: I want to play the Disaster Wii game on my Wii U. Did you use your Wii or W…[View]
683716546ITT: best worlds in platformers[View]
683719161Stellar Blade and Bloodborne. Two of the most influential games of the last two decades. Say somethi…[View]
683717497Gundam EXVS2 Overboost: >Gundam Game gets leaked by Hong Kong after GGGP When will Bandai Namco a…[View]
683711761Is this a reddit game?[View]
683717275>Average wrpg ost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKt_uBspT_g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLh…[View]
683710410Who watches the watchmen?[View]
683717524Eerie locations in videogames[View]
683716301dear anon:: have you ever had a cool vidya idea or dreamed of one?[View]
683688680I just uninstalled soul calibur 6[View]
683716746ITT: Wasted villains: Making Luca some kind of sub boss was the gayest shit ever early in the game a…[View]
683681078Now that the dust has settled, what went so wrong?[View]
683661679Why is there a divide between the two playerbases?[View]
683713756We used to be a country. A real country. Why don’t consoles have cool things like memory card icons …[View]
683715925This company single-handedly paved the way for gacha to thrive and give gambling addictions to milli…[View]
683706529xiv: Where did it go so horribly wrong?[View]
683715448Kunitsu-Gami: discuss the game. did you finish already? I'm still at doing all challenges in th…[View]
683717382So how many years until /v/ starts shilling this 6/10 as if its a 10/10 like they did with the first…[View]
683705902NIKKE: Here's your confirmed anniversary unit, bro. Hope you saved up.[View]
683712583Ever realize that when you were a kid, you could load up a game and spend hours exploring, noticing …[View]
683713679enough of cobscord threads, let's discuss good character designs. look at this girl, one swimsu…[View]
683717018Who was the hottest Jak n Daxter babe?[View]
683716925>grabs a corpse 15 times when trying to get a spear >grabs a spear 16 times when trying to gra…[View]
683664793>Concord looks bori-[View]
683634090Deadlock: >Makes the game playable You're welcome[View]
683715002What are some cool and easy to learn video game glitches/unintended mechanics? Post your faves.[View]
683716734Even though we are all literally in Hell and society is collapsing into total chaos, everyone is too…[View]
683711821Why do Ubisoft allow so many Rayman Fan Games?: There are loads of Rayman fan games in development, …[View]
683696539The lore of these guys is deeper than Melina's story lmao[View]
683700551Post yfw you didn't buy intel[View]
683716641>New update for No Rest for the Wicked >its the endless PVE mode instead of new campaign conte…[View]
683708000ESA Summer 2024: Now: Monster in My Pocket Next: Nova the Squirrel Later: Little Nemo: The Dream Mas…[View]
683715828This actually looks promising if they manage to pull it off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3XXGVCE…[View]
683715050>invade your village and the property value nosedive as a result[View]
683665636GTA6 will suck[View]
683716403Just pirated this and having so much fun I love environmental destruction and coop is so funny Shame…[View]
683714039Why'd they get Terrance Stamp for Truth in Halo 3? He fucking sucks compared to Michael Wincott…[View]
683710710Archive: New Sensei here. How do I stop my students from raping me? Sometimes they get me in the bat…[View]
683712697Why the fuck does it seem impossible to make a good Evangelion game? With how popular the franchise …[View]
683698216Why did devs make her so smug?[View]
683715382I'm now only being aware of this. What the fuck did Valve do to Alyx? She looks like a complete…[View]
683714881From's stealth nerfs to summon aggro and AI are disingenuous at best and downright fuck you at …[View]
683714182Are you Nostalgic for Roblox?[View]
683715797Self-inserters BTFO[View]
683712515I have a prebuilt PC with a 1650 Super 4GB. Should I buy a gaming laptop with a 3060 6GB for €600?[View]
683713010A certain agenda is being subtly pushed on Twitch.[View]
683714615It's a vidya toilet appreciation thread[View]
683664867Who won the link bowl?: Only one girl got to claim the man, which of the four was it?[View]
683700289Can we all agree she’s the best written Warcraft character in history AND she is one of the best wri…[View]
683714405I'm not buying a console just to play GTA6.[View]
683713347CAPCOM: Verte desnuda es recordar la Tierra. La Tierra lisa, limpia de caballos. La Tierra sin un ju…[View]
683712763>its actually kino we over reacted, not gonna lie[View]
683714976Why are there no Dragon Ball games with the adult GT Goku costume?[View]
683624483SHH! Mr. X is sleeping![View]
683714650Pokebunnies thread[View]
683705572Are you ready for 600- 700 dollar consoles /v/?: Next gen consoles are expected to be significantly …[View]
683708787It's time to learn Russian and play white man Fallout[View]
683711650and people call this game ugly[View]
683711814Xbox Live Arcade Shuts Down in 4 Days: What are some of your favorite games from this era on the Xbo…[View]
683711649Come back to Strive: The Team of 3 Beta is FREE for all players this weekend. Even if you don't…[View]
683665627I just boughted this. what game should I play first[View]
683708547What's the worst video game character of all time?[View]
683703170what the fuck is wrong with you niggas[View]
683714796Japan's sexualization of brown and PoC women of color is sexist, racist and disgusting[View]
683707321Haremge/polygamy kino: I request your help in my search to make a comprehensive list of games where …[View]
683697314EDF 6: The devs are sorry, okay? Now stop reviewbombing and make an Epic account.[View]
683704017....where is it?[View]
683710296the biggest comeback in the history of gaming absolutely incredible[View]
683666454You wake up in 2002[View]
683714635>remember a flash or indie game you used to love as a kid >look up the guy who made it >he…[View]
683714626>returns in Yakuza 9 is he gonna mog Ichiban and get his own game?[View]
683713097Remember Fall Guys?[View]
683714117Why are games not fun anymore?[View]
683714246Why didn't the MC mind his business?[View]
683710926was looking for games to play and found this. am i in the good path[View]
683713148>Is the only publisher releasing anything worth a damn this year. Nintendo I get because banking …[View]
683706364Why do male gamers find this so attractive?[View]
683706628I bet if Makoto Nijima was real, she'd stink like a barn.[View]
683713336>gets outsold 10:1 by Elden Ring remind me again why FromSoft bothered with this niche shovelware…[View]
683683529Why did Sega shoot themselves in the foot? >Half Life 1 + Blue Shift >Castlevania Resurrection…[View]
683649883Post thy tarnished.[View]
683703761Is it cheating? Will you buy it?[View]
683714146Did the Final fantasy series deserve the death that it received?[View]
683710916>screencap threads What causes this mental illness?[View]
683695915Can Overwatch withstand the triple threat of Concord, Deadlock, and Marvel Rivals? Or is this the ye…[View]
683711236Earthbound 64 would have been kino of the highest order.[View]
683713651>How long have you been up already? <Pretty long. It's drink o'clock. >It's …[View]
683713819Play nice: Play Pharah.[View]
683713419>Deus Ex: Human Revolution > Cyberpunk 2077[View]
683711115i have no idea about concord's gameplay, but i really hope there are jazzy sound effects when g…[View]
683709145why is the anniversary OST so much worse[View]
683688585It's getting delayed, isn't it?[View]
683708871LMAO. They are already claiming the game is free to play.[View]
683710153This is not a drill! Fallout London has dog balls![View]
683712927It's a jungle out there Disorder and confusion everywhere No one seems to care Well I do Hey, w…[View]
683653607Splatoon 3: >First Jackpot get their title stripped away and banner removed for racism >Now a …[View]
683699673POST: YOUR DANCIN' MOVE[View]
683687063\ / -- \ / -- [View]
683710343The Undead Burg/Parish is the absolute peak of FromSoftware's level design, and they were never…[View]
683710046>character creation is pointless when Medic has a model that looks unique compared to any Diamond…[View]
683708937SF insider here: The artists have no choice. They want to make Mai 'realistic' for the (mythical) mo…[View]
683704795Just started SMT v vengeance am i late to the party?[View]
683712447what the FUCK would Joe do with the amber though?[View]
683703964what is this pose suppose to mean[View]
683712947Finally beat it and got the best ending: The bosses are awful except for the dlc ones But the art an…[View]
683704871dear god, I hope with all my soul that fallout london ends up being just as bad as fallout frontier,…[View]
683655523It's up!: Finally a way to play the best part of Yakuza on it's own. https://store.steampo…[View]
683694527STALKER 2 delayed again: its not even funny anymore.[View]
683712358Overwatch: i know how i can save ow everyone knows here reworks are shit BUT i here's the onl…[View]
683694294Cacodemon? More like CACAdemon haha![View]
683693645Should remakes be as close to the original as possible?: I am afraid MGS3 will be the exact same gam…[View]
683704676The PS5 does have games! Behold![View]
683710354Flop status?[View]
683699361Space Marine 2: No concern trolling please Did people actually download the leak or was everyone too…[View]
683709828Thoughts on the new Overwatch Hero?[View]
683708731Is Persona a good video game?[View]
683703691ITT: Unironic 10/10s.[View]
683705893possibly the best lore in gaming imo[View]
683706876/Shenmue/: Can we get a shenmue thread going on? I just completed shenmue 3, it was honestly a soli…[View]
683711507Cant wait to get home and play this[View]
683709917I got out of the gacha cycle: Stopped FGO after 5 years, Wuthering Waves after the Changli banner. Y…[View]
683707303>try to repeat a successful formula >fail…[View]
683709795SONYBROS, WE WON[View]
683711013>this facebook boomer meme buckbroke the project zomboid devs lol[View]
683702193Ubisoft: Why is this happening?[View]
683710213>MAX AMMO! black ops 3 ruined zombies[View]
683703720>be employee at good gaming company >work for 5 years designing different sized cups and dirt …[View]
683708742I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father to my…[View]
683703592Goddess Tifa[View]
683701907You don't *need* more than a $50 modded Wii. The last great vidya library + emulators.[View]
683704130What went wrong?[View]
683709036Do people really buy F1 and FIFA games every year?[View]
683700257This image SCARES the competitive Melee player[View]
683707934Total War Warhammer 3 not Baba Yaga.: Is she evil?[View]
683689691Zenless zone: Fuck the police[View]
683698220Is it possible to civilize horde players or are they doomed to be virtual savages forever?[View]
683663827Do you collect video game plushies?[View]
683706968What do you think about Aerith?[View]
683702443This battle system is fucking awesome, wow I wish I started this earlier[View]
683700517Does anyone else find it odd that every other version of them were love interest after the classic s…[View]
683707360The first decendant is 720p rez on xbox series x and ps5: 720p 720P Why upgrade man, even the big bo…[View]
683704764>zoomies call this cheating now[View]
683705286You move /v/[View]
683683243Post you're waifu[View]
683701313What's the best switch for gaming?[View]
683697152This character in Cuphead makes no sense, there were no such sexy characters in vintage cartoons.[View]
683705159>Mfw I leave my 100th 'Try finger, but hole' message in Elden ring[View]
683708746Gamers deserve as much respect as partakers of any other hobby have. Gamers are still looked down up…[View]
683708025why do Argonians have boobs[View]
683708340vidya that has unique characters to play with?[View]
683708504gaming is so fucking boring now that the only game i am truly excited for is a cute life sim game th…[View]
683705374Why women love Minecraft so much?[View]
683705250Best quest in the game. Did you tell Jeff or not? It told him the truth.[View]
683707390Four days left until the Xbox 360 online store shuts down for good. Is there a definitive list anywh…[View]
683698010Seriously, what is causing this? Who actually likes those quirky and dorky wholesome chungus good gu…[View]
683707641What the fuck went so wrong with God of War?[View]
683703547sony bros[View]
683704206the first game may be better and have a better story, but they absolutely nailed the feeling here so…[View]
683701871If I were to make a roguelite game about a muscular tomboy waifu beating the fuck out of enemies wit…[View]
683707940Units in RTS games you'll always cherish: This one guy was the deciding factor for winning the …[View]
683707772We can now see our game ideas a reality.[View]
683700576Main System: Activating Combat Mode[View]
683707443If you were similar in age to an underage character when the game came out, is it still okay to be a…[View]
683703494Best games with stories only games can tell?[View]
683704573UE5: >'oh hey I think ill play [UE5 Game]' >7.8 terabyte initial download >game runs at 18 …[View]
683705506Vidya should never have gone main stream[View]
683707394It's weird to think this game is now over 10 years old now. Such a fun and unique casual shoote…[View]
683704012let's have a discussion about /v/'s nintendo problem[View]
683706429ARMA Reforger Vs Squad: Which one is better?[View]
683706175You can't live off nothing but indies. Modern AAA may be shit, but there's an endless supp…[View]
683698416>the best cardgame vidya current on the market that isn't gacha >/v/ doesn't talk ab…[View]
683707028shmup thread #4 7/25/2024: Todays game: Abe's Oddysee I remember playing through this game for …[View]
683704903What did she mean by this?[View]
683705804Roll makes me rock hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERNCKDOnzQc[View]
683690389>Wide pelvis, small jaw - a woman, gotta be[View]
683705053What does /v/ think of this game? Is it, dare I say, soul?[View]
683687823what are we playing today?[View]
683694167gog > steam: I don't give a shit about muh gamer facebook[View]
683706489Anyone up for a nostalgic FFXI thread? https://youtu.be/Qexq4rGQaOc[View]
683700361ESA Summer 2024: Now: Karnov Next: Yume Penguin Monogatari Later: Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers …[View]
683706421EVO moment #39: >Hayao was not given EVO moment #39 Can you smell that? it's al the SF6 shit…[View]
683685837Why did it flop?[View]
683703958Why is this even a thing? Fallout should always be about american culture.[View]
683701971Steam Edition or Re-Mars-tered?[View]
683685625my Meta Quest 3 VR headset arrives tomorrow. what games should I play with it first?[View]
683702515what's up with modern games[View]
683703073>literally the cause of every single bad thing that happens in the game >gets away with it …[View]
683705767Woohoo! Bath time![View]
683699470Recent games you enjoyed: Since /v/ has various shill campaigns going on right now let's have a…[View]
683596568Fighting Games.: You don't actually know what neutral and 'honest footsies' are just admit it. …[View]
683699224Dark Souls 2 was good, altought flawed compared to other Souls games. I would still place it below o…[View]
683702517>430 billion dollar company >doesn't put a low battery indicator on the controller >do…[View]
683682191Play League of Legends![View]
683701707Why did Nintendo forsake Fzero?: >long race, fucked up on lap 2 >go into ultra instinct mode, …[View]
683682292Talk about this for my amusement.[View]
683678496Prostagma? >tfw got banned on four boards for making Prostagma threads[View]
683672730ITT: your peak gamer moments[View]
683703630Yakuza / Like A Dragon: I wish it was October already.[View]
683675791>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community >popular e-celeb makes video about said game…[View]
683705217Go go ghost![View]
683702620Soulful. Underrated. Kino.[View]
683702208What other games would you suggest I should play by looking at picrel?[View]
683697593>player should feel bad for making game fun >why? >because killing is... le bad…[View]
683702912Is this what gamers really want?[View]
683647941>create the first truly successful digital card game >desktop and mobile support >braindead…[View]
683704515why can't there be anymore good kart racers like this gem anymore? does no one care about the g…[View]
683682634Maybe I'm weird, but I'll trust Japanese historians over what should be in a game set in J…[View]
683704271Do you reckon executives and big wigs laugh at gamers who farm virtual stuff?[View]
683704146why did they put a sekiro boss in elden ring. i don't understand. she's designed around th…[View]
683703648Vivian: I think this little ghost thing is very CUTE!!!![View]
683688859How good is Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road?[View]
683701646Fallout: London: It is out.[View]
683695184Bleach Rebirth of souls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQdoskQiUAA Who are you gonna main?…[View]
683698950Do you mod your games?[View]
683696953How'd you do today?[View]
683699946Holy shit. Fallout London uses the forbidden 'Male' and 'Female' labels. I didn't think it was …[View]
683701651>he calls levels in platformers maps[View]
683694536Helldivers 2 thread: >EDF bombed Heh, guess they couldn’t handle the 500kg...…[View]
683630614Do you have fond memories of this game?[View]
683698137GTA India very good sar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra-lYQAhbB8&t=72s[View]
683703879>new map >new biome >improved graphics and auido Neat. >bullet-drop Gross. But who know…[View]
683700515Laddergoat was 30 years ago.[View]
683678701One Piece Odyssey: >/v/: Switch can't run it! Switch can't run it! It's too weak! …[View]
683703781Do you like vidya robots?[View]
683701629be nvidsia: >be nvidia >only processes greentext…[View]
683657673Atelier: Which protagonist would you want to be a recruitable party member for?[View]
683690157[Sad News] EDF6 is currently Overwhelmingly Negative on Steam: Steam users are reviewbombing the gam…[View]
683702523Is Steve Minecraft a black man?[View]
683701797I see why /v/ was glazing this game now: >easiest soulslike, easier than demons souls >complet…[View]
683702978What went wrong?[View]
683699504I just realized I do not like Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. Thank god for indie devs or I would be o…[View]
683701612durotar… Home.[View]
683702032>Fallout 3 IS NOT better than you think[View]
683697364>restarts your game[View]
683703065>Earthworm Jim What are some other long dead vidya IPs?[View]
683684430in awe of the size of this lad. absolute unit[View]
683695419Who will replace Xbox?: If they move out of making gaming consoles? My pick is mark zuckerberg with …[View]
683698863I started playing Mass Effect 1 again. I dunno why /v/ regards it as the best in the series >char…[View]
683698969How can you call yourself a video game enthusiast without at least owning a x090 card? Would you cal…[View]
683700823Girls' Frontline 2: News when? Also comedy[View]
683700223ITT games with untapped potential: This game needs a sequel or a remake that makes the story feel co…[View]
683701420I still can't believe /v/ doesn't care about her.[View]
683702059THE CAKE: the cake IS A LIE[View]
683695708>game let’s you pick between two completely different protagonists for the same story >is stil…[View]
683691856Who is the target audience for these games?[View]
683692919We truly owe a lot to the philosopher gamer, Neil Druckmann.[View]
683697642Why is it always the shittest players in online games that blame their teammates? It's always t…[View]
683675636Bros, I'm helplessly in love with Panam. It's been weeks now and I still can't progre…[View]
6836919492025 and AAA games are still being made for last gen: Will the ps4/xbox one ever die. I hope they la…[View]
683702150Sonic Frontiers 2: Every element of Frontiers is either heavily flawed or doesn't belong in a S…[View]
683701460I have 200+hrs in both world and rise yet i only use GS over and over Please recommend me a weapon w…[View]
683698159So, what's your favourite game anon?[View]
683696954.hack//: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l15AFUuaoQ Anons I NEED a modern .hack game[View]
683701003*is the last console ever worth buying directly in you're path*[View]
683689821>get gud Ok but how? It's not like you can train your reaction time and become like Ongbal, …[View]
683695589>Zanzibart please forgive me[View]
683701632GAF GAF GAF[View]
683691940When was the last time sony cared about its old and forgotten franchises?[View]
683657946I have to agree: It actually feels kind of creepy dating characters that are so young[View]
683685762Something makes me angry that we know so much yet so little about HL2 development pre-2002. Why?[View]
683697530How should Nintendo deal with piracy? I don't think the yuzu lawsuit was enough.[View]
683695469Decided to give PC gaming a try. How the fuck do j get rid of this rainbow shit?[View]
683698924I don't get it. Why is this popular? It seems like an autobattler where you have extremely dive…[View]
683665478>'no one ever said morrowind has good combat' yea that's right. morrowind's combat is d…[View]
683699610What can I expect, /v/?: im new[View]
683696285So this thing launched yesterday. Honestly, it feels like they've really revamped the environme…[View]
683697860https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-M1Lu6iVhg&t=0s This looks even worse than what they showed pre…[View]
683697512should demon's souls be called demon souls instead?[View]
683700120Mario just can't compete[View]
683701113Elphelt Valentine[View]
683693835what are some good monitors for 166hz gaming[View]
683689483More than disgust, this picture makes me feel guilt.[View]
683697224Has pirating a game ever backfired on you?[View]
683682291Why are you expecting something good from the war within? I mean, why are you trusting Blizzard? Wow…[View]
683640453Thoughts on Miquella?[View]
683699335not required: no good game requires you to jump[View]
683697245i'm a totally sane person i swear[View]
683693881Tales Of Edna: 145cm AA cup 18+ Years old[View]
683694365How would you save xbox: Satya nadella has sold Xbox and now you own it. How do you go about saving …[View]
683700497More games should indulge my combo autism.[View]
683700492Ace Attorney: Anyone know what the age of consent is in Khurain?[View]
683698058What do you want to see from this game? Me >less roster fillers >more mario-inspired kart part…[View]
683691291I think dungeon meshi does a great job exploring the idea of how dangerous adventuring and dungeon d…[View]
683699090WoW sisters are mad the pre-patch for the expansion. More news at 11.[View]
683699692How is their game coming along? Will they prove DEI-slop diversity hires are bad for overall quality…[View]
683699737Is this the perfect remake[View]
683692596This game sucks ass: You need a guide to anything wtf[View]
683699969we WILL get an updated version of BotW and TotK for switch 2 with better visuals and master mode for…[View]
683698024any games you reccomend for my 3050?[View]
683695193I require games with the best and comfiest safehouses. Base building welcome but not required[View]
683697301>8 million copies sold >season 5 is already forgotten…[View]
683684520Chad Warden: Was he right about the Playstation?[View]
683664132deckies be like[View]
683692941Every, single, time...[View]
683698114The Timeskip is Real: >July 26th, 2019 Five years of Fire Emblem: Three Houses for the Nintendo S…[View]
683698412how did we go from this..[View]
683674089This is what western videogames would look like today if we had the graphics of today but with the s…[View]
683675648Why is he so small?[View]
683696796Kenshi!: Kenshi is so much fun. It honestly has everything I love about videogames and smashes multi…[View]
683695659>let's just make demon souls, but worse Why can't companies nail the FromSoftware formu…[View]
683696458Oh shit, I'm sorry[View]
683698805Skibidi RTS: How would you design a skibidi toilet RTS game? There are obviously two factions to cho…[View]
683694240why didn't TOTK win GOTY?[View]
683695348Elegg Sexxo[View]
683697938Did this bitch just quote Hamilton and kill himself?[View]
683694384is this a good creature design[View]
6836911754chan games: Snoot Game's 4chan references were very comfy, are there any other games with simi…[View]
683698518Post games where you can either friendzone girls or cuck all of your male friends.[View]
683690720zoomers couldn't beat him[View]
683689848why are gacha games so popular?[View]
683693747Momiji archive[View]
683689468ESA Summer 2024: Edgy edition Now: Mirror's Edge Next: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Later: Duck…[View]
683696451why don't switchies support their 3rd party devs?[View]
683695950Have you ever stopped playing a game for reasons other than not having fun? Specifically singleplaye…[View]
683699275Would you love Hex now?[View]
683690436Why did people suddenly stop caring about the Switch all together ?[View]
683697037Who was the best character in all of vidya, and why was it Marcus’s dad?[View]
683691560>autosave overwrites quicksave[View]
683697263Post your favorite game and let others decide what kind of person you are.[View]
683697405I'm 41 years old and all I do is play Brutal Doom over and over again[View]
683693001Name the game series.[View]
683697030bad games go to development hell[View]
683696680>15 million views what was the appeal?[View]
683693808Now can you repeat what you said about Xbox the other day? *flexes muscles*[View]
683696147How are mods for this game?[View]
683691845What went so wrong with vidya creepypasta?[View]
683696842Do you buyfag video game merch /v/man?[View]
683696283I miss this fucking series like you wouldn't believe.[View]
683692803Classic /v/ Memes The Jannies Fear: HE[View]
683678876>Be a canadian developer in the 00s called Patrice Désilets >Create Sands of Time >Wanna ha…[View]
683696547Comfy Nintendo Switch thread: What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? Favorite Switch…[View]
683694360>Breath of Fire VI happened[View]
683693628I played Fall Guys yesterday with some friends and they've somehow managed to completely suck t…[View]
683696310never underestimate, the power of the scout s code.[View]
683696089Could it have been good?[View]
683696202メタファー: Why no fairy romance?[View]
683695757>actually fun SRPG >but playable characters are bunch of diversity quota checklists >latino…[View]
683693327If you play anything other than gacha you have way too much time on your hands.[View]
683689865The Spyro games are so much better than Midrio 64 it's not even funny: >elegant movement and…[View]
683688227Epic Games isn't owned by Chi-[View]
683695907>Plays an advertisement in your path[View]
683681378Fable coming 2025: are we hopeful[View]
683688328just started this after years of putting it off. what am i in for? (ive already played 2, 3 bloodbor…[View]
683680005video games are drying up[View]
683695605I only played Genshin for the first month after release. Is Barbara still the best girl?[View]
683692384What makes cutscenes so uninteresting now?[View]
683691762itt: your favourite vidya duos[View]
683693775>PVP Multiplayer game >Best played in singleplayer or at least PVE…[View]
683693608Give me a single reason why he wasn't the final boss.[View]
683692721Go to https://frinkiac.com/ and make a 4x4 of a video game then others guess. Starting with an unso…[View]
683693215>beat boss >get perfection >step on spike in devil room and lose it right away…[View]
683687917Video games are retarded, at least console shit[View]
683682060I refuse to pay for games without sexy girls Why? Sexy girls is the only definite way to tell that n…[View]
683691308Zelda won![View]
683682665What vidya game did you buyed boughted recently[View]
683683069edf 6 bombed: edp sisters not like this[View]
683690207>Half Life is getting a movie >Directed by Michael Bay I don't think anybody saw this c…[View]
683690876Any more good games coming out this year?[View]
683667464>black girl by the west >bad >black girl by japan >good Explain…[View]
683642324>nearly 20 years old >not considered retro…[View]
683694169It was Not Ready lol[View]
683691350The gameplay is amazing and you cannot deny it.[View]
683693385>Take-Two Interactive >Shuts down Private Division & nukes a bunch of smaller projects …[View]
683693615Why is everybody so sick in this game[View]
683666964Post characters no one has ever actually used.[View]
683691643Have you ever wanted a video game girl to beat you up, demolish you and break your bones then kiss y…[View]
683693483Toki the girl with normal tits.[View]
683693015Sonybros... is that true?[View]
683693650Address Unknown continues...[View]
683687349Name a bigger hack.[View]
683687650Still waiting for The Sims 5.[View]
683680189So... do they actually look like humans or not?[View]
683691216Average steamtard.: This guy with 12,000 games and he only plays dota and counter strike.. lol. Also…[View]
683691524Why is some schizo fag trying to force a narrative that zoomers never owned PS2 and are just '…[View]
683693565Total War is over[View]
683692828>How many of you have autism, and if so, has it helped you in your modding career? How do you res…[View]
683687509>i can't breed[View]
683685586No Rest For The Wicked update: first ever update comes in a few hours >its not the multiplayer no…[View]
683688754Woah, I wonder what's inside?[View]
683678791Warframe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S_pNtEG5_c[View]
683689738Fun ADVENTURE vidya are no where to be found[View]
683680208What is the greatest video game OST of all time? Similarly, who is the best video game music compose…[View]
683675095Name a flaw[View]
683688629look at her go![View]
683692169Sekiro is way too floaty, I expected an elegant game but it's basically trial and error until y…[View]
683691501Simple card (Vidya)games for a retard like me?: Never been into card games as a concept but I played…[View]
683691181Gaming is healing[View]
683683273You now remember the Attack on Titan tribute game.[View]
683691026Why would a ln evil space alien villain wear a womb tattoo?[View]
683689526>hero is a kid >villain is an old guy Why is this so common?…[View]
683685183Wake up, Sony: Time to die. The downloads are so insane that ISPs globally are literally buckling un…[View]
683684969>m-MMO with good true action combat, no P2W, no DEI, no SBI, no Blackrock/Vanguard shenanigans, p…[View]
683653310>50 hours into new vegas >oh, I should probably pick a faction to side with >decision paral…[View]
683687757it should have been Godwyn[View]
683686536What changes would you want to see in the remake?[View]
683626898Bloons: She's popped millions[View]
683667832Ico: Discuss Ueda's kino.[View]
683691787FOLON: >giving your Steam account access data to some shady third party client ISHYGDDT…[View]
683686435>delayed to November 20 OH NO NO NO NO NO[View]
683666307When is our girl Rebecca going to be in a fighting game[View]
683690889Fuck went wrong with Capcom?[View]
683690705Why did Iwata stop asking?[View]
683688868Unending Dawn: The future is CHINA https://youtu.be/y0qnWZkBK70?si=ET-vGBX7iAnLiiLp[View]
683678710Games where the sequel is better than the original[View]
683674765>He still uses wired mouse and keyboard[View]
683688453Why would he use attacks that leave him recoiling in anguish and fearing that he will corrupt into e…[View]
683691430Mainstream media has discovered Roblox pedophiles. How long until stricter government regulation of …[View]
683688785THOSE vidya songs thread:: You know the ones. https://youtu.be/_N52BlepsJ4[View]
683673351Reminder that the ability to pet le dogs in games is a sign of bad game design and prioritization of…[View]
683671513>one shot in life to get a faithful remaster of the greatest RPG of all time >this butchered a…[View]
683691234Elden ring: CURSE YOU BAYLE[View]
683681763You are going to play his game tomorrow, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axm9PyIbXtc[View]
683690394Is it good now?[View]
683689282Japanese games don't respect your time. Most of them are boring as shit too[View]
683689858Going to play the Elder Rings. When does Miquella shows up?[View]
683690813when are we getting a vidya adaptation?[View]
683690856valuable member of community?[View]
683683345Will there ever be anything like it?[View]
683682045fuck school settings i want to read vns with adult characters[View]
683684753Shithole, I'm out, I swear i'll never return.[View]
683656198>outlasts Palworld >outlasts Helldivers 2 >outlasts Dragon's Dogma 2 >has better pl…[View]
683684631Was Dr. Breen actually a villain?[View]
683687230>This 20 year old texture made Gen-Z shit and piss itself[View]
683686665Hail to the King: >Is easily the most atmospheric Batman game (hanging out in the batcave with Al…[View]
683689248>tattoos Name anything more repulsive in a character You cant[View]
683690573I think this game will probably kill any chance of Deadlock or Concord having success.[View]
683689418this is what graphics will look like on the switch 2...[View]
683689759>It's just day in, day out monotony, doing the same thing OVER and OVER again - 'Oh mister s…[View]
683690356Total War Pharaoh: Is it good now?[View]
683687781any other games for this type of feel?[View]
683688932>game has chimeras[View]
683689729How much do you love ドラクエ?[View]
683683812Have speculative investors ruined the retro game market?[View]
683654717A year from now, AI will simulate a videogame.[View]
683686835Starfield sirs, this wasn't supposed to happen...[View]
683630013Concord is bombing on PS5: No Battle Passes tho https://kotaku.com/ps5-concord-battle-pass-overwatch…[View]
683640286Something about this is castle...deeply unsettling.[View]
683681856Should I make a roguelike game? Or a roguelite?: What are some mechanics that you would like to see …[View]
683689284What's the deal with Birdo.[View]
683688842I suck so much bros, It's literally the first fucking boss..[View]
683683805Post a cute vidya girl /v/! One you want to give a big kiss to![View]
683685683Why is it that New Vegas feels like such a comfy, lived in and grand world despite being set in some…[View]
683689026Name a cooler looking pleb filter[View]
683666057What killed the reputation of the FF games? was it 13 really that bad?[View]
683685994For me? It's the P90 (Akimbo)[View]
683682313What causes this phenomenon of pretending to like games you've never played, is it over-sociali…[View]
683644159we took 00s lucasarts for granted bros...[View]
683687965Did nothing wrong thread: Post vidya characters that were right but are villainized for the sake of …[View]
683672373Post games that saved their franchises from mediocrity and oblivion[View]
683685120I finally understand pinball This specific machine is better than 90% of video games If they did a p…[View]
683677939ITT: Games that /v/ says are bad but are actually good.[View]
683681846shit like this is why I hated MMOs like maplestory back in the day. they're fun games no doubt,…[View]
683666318Old consoles were just better[View]
683678621EDF6 requires Epic account to play online: Yeah I'm thinking Timmy won.[View]
683685914Stellar Blade chads won, bigly[View]
683683851i just started this when should i start going for bosses? i have silver gear is that good enough for…[View]
683641901Do you use custom sprays, decals and graphics if a game lets you, or do you just don't care abo…[View]
683678952ESA Summer 2024: Now: Kubinashi Recollection Next: Obama Later: Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy …[View]
683639182Is Pokemon Unite a good MOBA?[View]
683687783video games used to be for kids then adults took over but now the kids have taken back over[View]
683684560This is good[View]
683683431Extinct Gaming genres: We really live in the worst timeline. We could have had: >God games They w…[View]
683674909GOOD LORD WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE? >FEV Experiments?[View]
683683427>mad parking skillz[View]
683681863>Pulling the exact same bullshit that killed Helldivers 2 LMFAO[View]
683683993>modern video game (or TV show or movie) dragon has it arms and wings as the same appendage like …[View]
683685738>Kill super duper durable non-boss that instakills you unless you have tip top endgame gear in Mi…[View]
683686668...should I buy it? I've heard it mentioned a time or two.[View]
683679291Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess: Capcom's final good game before they will become completely …[View]
683664112>it's all a dream >plot immediately loses all tension, weight, and impact Why did they do…[View]
683687484Wipeout HD: Wipeout HD came out in 2008 and is still the best looking racing game with a strong sens…[View]
683685615For me, it's Dead Rising 2 poker.[View]
683662217Why did fans of the series miss the point of the story so hard?[View]
683684318Look upon my works ye mighty and despair[View]
683684098>>683663815 Sorry I fell asleep before you replied, so here: >Post (1) Zelda I-IV clone ht…[View]
683685579Zenless Zone Zero: Good morning, f2p fags. How are you coping today with M2 and signature of your ne…[View]
683681060What is the most mid game you deeply enjoyed? I liked pic related despite all the repetition and bos…[View]
683685118Was Adel MTF?[View]
683625997The problem with Malenia isn't Malenia, its Dark Souls' controls. >Camera lock more tha…[View]
683685960Everybody’s Golf: >Best sports game ever >Is now a dead franchise Why did Sony do this?…[View]
683686221How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
683664654What's the appeal of Tharja? >ugly >autistic >evil >awkward…[View]
683682629Vidya places you'd like to visit[View]
683662806Zenless Zone Zero ZZZ: Zhu Yuan x Nicole is the power pair[View]
683644531Why are english localisations of Japanese games so terrible?: I'm not even just talking about l…[View]
683671597Are we allowed to criticize this yet?[View]
683685139Going to be riding in a car for 6 hours today. What games can I play on my phone? I bought XCOM 2.[View]
683672636Noah and Mio's love is peak and you fuckers just hate Xenoblade for promoting heterosexuality[View]
683685759i’m actually fucking stupid.: i was SUPPOSED to stream cult of the lamb today, but i forgot. i have …[View]
683675592>game is about telling the native american experience in colonial tike >devs and writers never…[View]
683683634why does every Bandai Namco game have such atrocious particle effects ?[View]
683614491Fire Emblem: Ara ara![View]
683683771>Metal Gear has an anti smoking message >Makes smoking look look the coolest shit ever What…[View]
683678005Frogzard on /v/[View]
683683596The Great Debate[View]
683684158Other than the actual native Vita games (mostly ports of other games, Vita exclusive library is dire…[View]
683680092>game stops loading when you alt-tab[View]
683685220FFXIV Dawntrail: >We want the Scions gone, they're boring and their character arcs have conc…[View]
683684040Can someone recommend me a brain-dead, colourful, switch game with cute anime girls. Dynasty warrior…[View]
683655891World Flipper: Pour one out for my favorite mobage. RIP[View]
683640219>I'm tired of third party characters in Smash we need more first pa-…[View]
683683421Why does Valve get shit for 'not maintaining' their games when most publishers out there offer, at b…[View]
683676497We are going to have to act, if we want to live in a different world[View]
683682225Prove you actually like videogames and shoutout some indie game GEMS >Wilmot's Warehouse A k…[View]
683682767Oh yeah its gaming time[View]
683670354I tried to play vidya instead of lying in bed all day today and I ended up just hitting myself in an…[View]
683684652underrated gems thread?[View]
683677461What autism bothers you more in a video game? >guns not working properly >guns having the wron…[View]
68368441420 years in a few months[View]
6836842652024... I am forgotten[View]
683684271Anon, humanity is doomed and the world is ending So we're sending you to space alongside 5 vide…[View]
683650908Thoughts on Korean designs?[View]
683679647>dark souls is the hardest game of all t-ACK[View]
683684429>tf2 has no dev- Apologize.[View]
683684394*BING BING* WAHOO[View]
683668684>Game doesn't have a cute fairy[View]
683684127What game franchise has the worst case of nostalgia pandering ever? i'd say pic related.[View]
683674636Mr. Anon, it says here you don't use push-to-talk. It also says you have the washing machine ru…[View]
683683253Vividlope: I'm going to kill that fucking Bunny >Get both fruits >Finally get a 100% >…[View]
683680076It's gonna suck, isn't it?[View]
683683062You like Megaman games, don't you?[View]
683662012Defend this character design.[View]
683683518So this is the power... of the modern audience...[View]
683589168>Space Marine 2s entire game gets leaked >No one discussing the plot leak So, can anyone discu…[View]
683683649I need poopi[View]
683671730>walking around a dead world that is completely devoid of life with my fake girlfriend as the wor…[View]
683683557this bitch can fuck off[View]
683676217Is griefing in modern vydia still even a thing? Anyone who does it gets banned quickly[View]
683680878I tried playing it, but gave up two Main Dungeons in Why is this game so highly rated? It felt reall…[View]
683682720>Jane's a gamer. Got a good taste.[View]
683671931>game isn't even out yet >already has a tryhard meta chasing community incredible thank y…[View]
683675362This is not what autistic people look like[View]
683679854what are your favorite open world games?[View]
683659745>Gamecube/Wii emulation is perfect >PS2 emulation is improving every day with most titles play…[View]
683673335>people bought the yawnfail xiv for this embarrassing[View]
683681969i like video games[View]
683681525Shouldn't Abyss have been the one called Tales of Symphonia? I mean the whole game revolves aro…[View]
683679560*FFXII notices you looking at it from across the room*[View]
683681339WHAT I OUGHT TO PLAY - 3 x 3: Not your favorites, but what you should havebplayed already, your back…[View]
683680990PRAISE BE TO KARRAS[View]
683666526you should be able to answer this[View]
683682185Weird question but are there any games about cleaning/organizing/fixing up things? I ask because I p…[View]
683669507I only play old games. why browse /v/?[View]
683672256hey guys, should i play this game?[View]
683678765How is this possible, /v/? This defies all logic and reason![View]
683679591>369,982 In-Game[View]
683660272I’M HAN SOLO: I’M HAN SOLO[View]
683679616why do chads abstain from gaming?[View]
683647740How do you go from this...[View]
683668153disco elysium if he real[View]
683675996Ace Attorney Thread: >In a statement released on Tuesday, von Karma admitted that there is “no ex…[View]
683668627>new to Grim Dawn, still playing on my first character (2handed bleed warder) >elite difficult…[View]
683666165Literally impossible[View]
683681775How will they redesign Mai for the Olympics?[View]
683673020>Final boss take over an hour to kill.[View]
683673524Why do female gamers find this so attractive?[View]
683664845Nintendo Thread: There will not be a Nintendo Direct this September because in it's place will …[View]
683680558Why the idea of koopafication was never used in the games, but it was used in the cartoons?[View]
683677980Don't mind me folks, just checking out these fine threads on the catalog.[View]
683666480Why do time travel plots in vidya almost always suck?[View]
683681098I like when games have dance scenes. https://youtube.com/watch?v=1CEG5P2vJok[View]
683680957>protagonist's asshole twin brother[View]
683673696Where were you when kino dropped?[View]
683677929Mario if he hyreal: What are the implications of this?[View]
683675427which state do you think would be perfect for the next fallout?[View]
683676269What do they taste like? >inb4 apple[View]
683674554Got a new gaming laptop: It has 4060 and 13th gen i7 What games should I play that utilizes it'…[View]
683663158What happened to all the GTA clones? it seems like there was a million of them in the early 2010s, t…[View]
683672787Has it been clear enough that Japanese people are the masters of the current video game industry? Ev…[View]
683647645How'd they do it?[View]
683674669What went wrong?[View]
683679140Is Dark Souls hard?[View]
683663146Redpill me on Persona 1 and 2 Do I need to play 1 to play 2? I played 3-5 and strikers recently and …[View]
683615215Who is your favorite video game character?[View]
683673810what is up with zoomers drawing gordon freeman with a ponytail all the time even thought it was just…[View]
683679837SECTOR IS *breath* NOT SECURED[View]
683680194video games used to be for kids then adults took over but now the kids have taken back over[View]
683675585Why is the Monster Hunter series so addictive?[View]
683674505I refuse to play as a bad guy in a WW2 game (the Allies).[View]
683679000all those years of people making fun of nintendo for making 'kids games' instead of mature games lik…[View]
683668974I want to start gaming on Linux, but I am scared I won't be able to play with my friends anymor…[View]
683679270Should Splinter Cell come back? I miss the stealth genre and this series was so good.[View]
683676938>Kidnapper fox aggression increased >Forest Giant speed increased >Jetpack cost increased t…[View]
683640474Stellar Blade still getting free outfits added. Photo Mode coming next month.[View]
683679031Gaming is healing[View]
683679521Paranormasight: What would you like to see in a Paranormasight sequel? I'd like Shogo to be bro…[View]
683668954Tips for a first time playthrough?[View]
683677069>The long standing Blizzard corner at San Diego Comic Con was finally replaced >by gacha of al…[View]
683679395I NEED to know what it is. No other dev piques my interest anymore. They are all that is left. >C…[View]
683677460Borderlands bros we eatin good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icnysn53neU[View]
683671772Madou Monogatari: Fia to Fushigi na Gakkou: Opening Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN5I_TdCm…[View]
683674362The truth is out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4-GcS1UQyg[View]
683675821Is this weapon cheating like using summons?: I finally beat Malenia with no summons on my 2nd playth…[View]
683663190System Shock: I don't want to hear another boomer whine about the state of video games again. N…[View]
683676993be completely honest /v/: now that the price on pc for the base game has dropped to 30 eurobucks, is…[View]
683677668world of darkness text games: has anyone here tried out the text games from world of darkness like t…[View]
683673897what would you do in this situation[View]
683668142Snowbreak won censored gacha games in shambles[View]
683639184Rayman IP: How fucked is it right now? https://www.ign.com/articles/mario-rabbids-chief-davide-solia…[View]
683661641>”el pozole” >*sticks you with a plasma grenade* >”HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” How do you respond witho…[View]
683673091Imagine if they did a second brain damaged and called Postal: brainrot, everytime the dude kills som…[View]
683670543What would Snake have done here?[View]
683649396>Eeeh? You are over 30 years old and still play video games? Oji-san, that is sooo lame!…[View]
683678061Games that changed your life[View]
683670861The time has come to choose, gamedev man.[View]
683666728Ataribots in shambles. Inchadivision keeps winning.[View]
683677918Stop spending money on video games and figures and gacha rolls and gunpla and trading cards[View]

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