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/vp/ - Pokémon

Displaying 270 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
56220989You like: Pokémon eh?[View]
56221046now that the leak/speculation has slowed down a bit what do yall want to see in ZA besides the obvio…[View]
56221021The fuck?[View]
56217907Why didn't the best side activity (PWT) ever return?[View]
56218611What's preventing physically stronger and bigger trainers from overpowering weaker trainers?[View]
56220926What episodes in the anime series make you feel like a badass?[View]
56219251>The world if Game Freak kept using the Gen 6 graphics and art style to make HD games:…[View]
56219866did gaijins get mad when they got this instead of WaterBlue?[View]
56221804What's the procedure for when a trainer falls unexpectedly pregnant? Surely it happens when the…[View]
56219171Great underrated pokemon. People forget this thing has Fire Blast/Flamethrower.[View]
56214532Why did they flop?[View]
56220508Gen 8 leak season/Dexit era was the only time this board was funny.[View]
56217661Casey is a cutie, she's like a 90s Iono: I wish we got to see more of her...[View]
56220577Which Pokemon in the anime clearly wanted to fuck/get fucked by their trainer?[View]
56204955While there are many who shit on Gen 6 and X and Y What would you say X and Y did right?[View]
56189877/pmdg/: Friends edition: Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Previous threa…[View]
562196622025 generation 10: Gym leader[View]
56144543How would you fix the Ice-type?: I'd start by giving Glaceon Snow Warning.[View]
56219269While there are many who shit on Gen 8 and Sword and Shield What would you say Sword and Shield did…[View]
56218158There's not a single memorable character from Gen 5[View]
56213753*is literally unplayable without 600x speedup and clock forwarding*[View]
56217699How would you fix Kalos' difficulty?: Last thread >>56212762[View]
56214295This is one of the worst things ever. Please stop ruining Kanto(Gen1)(The best games)[View]
56213278Are there any Pokemon you would use the Box Cutter item on? Picture very related. They say Pokemon d…[View]
56209832/padt/ - Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread: LiPagos Edition >Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC…[View]
56198018/ss/ - Serena Sunday: It's the best day of the week! Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!…[View]
56217968>hex is guaranteed to be male in PLZA[View]
56191437Staraptor thread: Let's show some appreciation for every Sinnoh team's second-in-command. …[View]
56209538delibird: it's cute[View]
56219472>No, i haven't actually played any of the Pokémon games, i'm just here for the cute fur…[View]
56215837Reaction Image Thread: Post your Pokemon reaction images here.[View]
56219000Gamefreak ruined Charizard by parading him around and wanking him off so much. Pikachu should have b…[View]
56218758ORAS was kino[View]
56219404Rotom at home[View]
56214888Do boomers really?[View]
56216930What I should keep on mind when writing Sabrina fanfics? Plot and characterization ideas?[View]
56207611I saw my son drawing Delcatty and Lombre today. I asked why he wasn't drawing more popular Poke…[View]
56216508ITT: Loathed designs that would be beloved if they debuted in Gen 1.[View]
56218140When did gamefreak stopped caring about typing 'rules' and pokemon's types actually having to m…[View]
56201747The Big Three: >Why is it, when something happens, it is ALWAYS you three?…[View]
56218608What happens if you go to Lake Acuity right after the gym battle with Byron? You can get the HM for …[View]
56217635>Today I will remind them.[View]
56219109>he watches the shitty anime instead of reading the manga[View]
56214242Imagine ORAS realeases in 2014 however: >it’s faithful remake >only mons in game are gens1-3 …[View]
56218301Girafarig should be Psychic/Dark. Normal should be a purely elementless type, Normal also being a 'b…[View]
56213679/vp/ plays Pokemon Desolation: Multi-LP: LAST TIME: >most anons are finishing up >bunken defea…[View]
56216856Pokemon Stadium: I am playing the NSO version without transfers, rental-only on R2. Bros, how the fu…[View]
56214141Did they ever resolve why Seviper is so racist?[View]
56208910We are gathered here today to talk about Pokemon XD Why are you a fan?[View]
56218737Monotypes: 150% stab Dualtypes: 135% stab on primary type, 120% stab on secondary type Bug relations…[View]
56215318>tfw you have grown up and you don't feel anymore that particular feeling of attachment to t…[View]
56197922AI Pokemon Thread /NAPT/ Thread 59: Comfy Edition: This thread a successor of Novel AI request threa…[View]
56218642>singlehandedly better than every single pokemon design[View]
56217560Was Claire really too stupid to pass this test?[View]
56217731Iono before she became famous[View]
56218434Build your Dream League: You’re the chairman for a new Pokémon League that can secure anybody for th…[View]
56217201I just got hired at GF(DEI) I can't wait to put fake info with a little bit of truth[View]
56217999wait, Rose was actually evil and not just misguided?[View]
56207499Chikorita: Let's look at this bean[View]
56218233LYCANROC Thread[View]
56216232>it's another 'forgetting Snom and Frosmoth are the only Bug/Ice Pokemon' episode…[View]
56216410What did la Klara mean by this?[View]
56218336oh boy my magneton is evolving i sure do hope it turns into something cool and not a complete abomin…[View]
56207490/pgg/ - Pokémon GO General: Niantic Shitstorm Edition >July Info https://pokemongohub.net/post/ev…[View]
56212342Nessa! What do you think of her?[View]
56217593What went wrong?[View]
56212891What is his name? And why is he so unpopular when compared to his peers? I bet the new Blueberry kid…[View]
56209011What will the next titles be called?[View]
56218164What would these games be like?[View]
56218050Only Genwunners and newgen fags (7-9) hate Unova: Last Thread >>56215100[View]
56137083Goh / Gou / Go Thread #41: Young Goh is researching on the Internet Edition It's Goh time! Let…[View]
56217930Woah what a coincidence[View]
56217536Give fairy type[View]
56217735What games would you recommend to someone like me who greatly enjoyed Pokémon Gen 1, 2 and 3 on the …[View]
56211907Why did she flop compared to Bea?[View]
56216660I traveled the whole region with him, made his journey a bit more fun, and did everything to support…[View]
56214930If you were a Gym Leader?: - What type or theme would you have? - What type of layout and puzzles wo…[View]
56213224Why did they flop?[View]
56190165Fanfic/Fan Work Thread: A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks -…[View]
56213590why did they close his mouth[View]
56217392Left or right?[View]
56213139How would he evade a 3-star wanted level?[View]
56217480Which fangame has the best spritework?[View]
56215028>Be Giovanni >Be one of the most famous and feared mob bosses around >End up being forced o…[View]
56212349Will they get mega evolutions or will Z:A make them dexfiller like the Sinnoh trio?[View]
56215758What went wrong?[View]
56209228Should disabled people be allowed to own Pokemon?[View]
56209783You walk past her salon and she gives you this look wat do[View]
56217269would Kieran be considered 'hard' if he had a singles battle instead of doubles?[View]
56217308As of July 2024, there are still no DP remakes.[View]
56216443>Let's Go Wooper >Final Rival battle >Silver sends out his aces >Level 24 Weavile a…[View]
56215673Seviper or Zangoose?[View]
562172396 Sages Teams based on White Forest Pokemon: So there are 36 Fully Evolved Pokémon available/being e…[View]
56217166The question isn't if this is a good deal. The question isn't if it's worth spending …[View]
56213172>Goodra got a new shill forme before Garchomp even doe it was her region why do they hate sinnoh …[View]
56208882POV you had sex with your pokemon which is a crime and now your wanted level is at 3 stars[View]
56216593/vp/ Tournament of Wishes 2024: We didn't get that many nominees this time but if you want you …[View]
56205973Which game do you replay the most Why[View]
56216844Next trailer of Pokémon Z-A (08/17): >>You'll work for the Flare's Lumiose City urba…[View]
56212533What is your favorite 600 Club pokemon?[View]
56216773Look what I got[View]
56216661What is the most mediocre pokemon? It's not great, it's not terrible, it's just there[View]
56214787Hot takes: >Double battles are just autistic easy modes* Kaizo games with double battles are a jo…[View]
56214748Alright, /vp/! Which Legendary trio is truly the most powerful?[View]
56215397Which of the two fossil bird dinosuars do you think did the whole prehistoric bird Pokemon thing bet…[View]
56216475What city or town in the entire pokemon series is the most ghetto, slum, hood, section 8 project shi…[View]
56215441Pokémon Legends: Z-A: Lumiose Plaza main hub, as you progress in the urban redevelopment plan access…[View]
56216520>Turns asexuals straight >Turns Milfhunters into pedos Is she canonically the hottest girl in …[View]
56215722Pokemon Legends Z-A : behind the smog: Pokemon Legends Z-A does not use the same mechanics as its pr…[View]
56216094give brave bird[View]
56215196How does Gen 9 cross-gen evos compare to Gen 4 and 2?[View]
56216236Test: Hi[View]
56211554Who are going to be the starters in Legends Z-A?[View]
56210552>best routes in the series >almost no plot roadblocks >lots of optional areas and backtrack…[View]
56216169pokemon clover thread[View]
56215139>CleFAIRY >Normal type wtf were they thinking?…[View]
56215489Jobmon Thread: Post your favorite jobmon[View]
56212762How would you fix Unova's difficulty?[View]
56188160/ef/ - Eevee Friday: Angelic Edition Previous Thread: >>56156195 Old Thread Catalog: https://a…[View]
56212503I LOVE GEN 4 (DPPT + HGSS) SO FUCKING MUCH BROS: https://youtu.be/0Bq_tYRBzdg[View]
56214637Just who are the masked heroes?[View]
56212582ITT: Genuinely Terrible Music: No baiting, only the worst music throughout the franchise. https://yo…[View]
56215463He looks like a bona-fide chud.[View]
56212625What's you're favorite mythical[View]
56188652PokeGoddess Thread IV: Summertime Princesses edition: Kneel. Worship. Obey. Take the quiz to see wha…[View]
56212329Dawn is a pathetic loser[View]
56208515i don't want to go meet your kid FUCK OFF[View]
56202715Male MCs really live on easy mode compared to pokegirls.[View]
56214181August is gonna be our month[View]
56210353haha funny frog-dino-cat[View]
56214285Is this really the original version of Lavender Town? I sounds much better https://youtu.be/LNKEcCna…[View]
56214819Why did mom make you ride in the back[View]
56096743/nuz/ - Nuzlocke and Challenge Run General: N edition >What are you running? >How are you runn…[View]
56207258Kanto ranking thread. Not ranking pre evos, tiers here aren't ordered. https://tiermaker.com/c…[View]
56213389Anyone who thinks this is an armadillo doesn't know shit about animals: Sandslash and Bulbasaur…[View]
56212152Which way, western man?[View]
56210254Do you think we will ever be able to give our mons clothing?[View]
56211215>cucked out of mega evolutions >cucked out of signature moves >cucked out of dynamax forms …[View]
56214050Why is the kamen rider pokemon a dark type?[View]
56213547What did he mean by this? I require reference images.[View]
56211398>Skarmory BTFOing Corviknight in usage in every single area >Defog is shit in a meta Ghold blo…[View]
56214388Any advice on how to tackle the final round and earn the gold print for the battle arcade, /vp/? Is …[View]
56201138Outta my way -- I need to get this coal to page 10 stat![View]
56206162/dg/ - Dawn General: The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi. >Dawn Visual …[View]
56211106it's fucking cancelled[View]
56214203Do you think this problem would be solved if the game was less linear? part 2: The original thread I…[View]
56211354Could he beat any evil team if they stole his sister's Purrloin?[View]
56213363How would you fix Kalos's difficulty?[View]
56214205GF was so based for releasing two hot relatively young male professors in a row.[View]
56205274>Dragon claw >Scale shot >Draco meteor >Stealth rock Fucking Mr mime could defeat th…[View]
56208523>catch a physical attacker >Adamant Based. How jelly are you?…[View]
56212623/vp/ Tournament of Wishes 2024: There was a couple of problems last year but let's try it again…[View]
56213799Gen 5 is the hardest game[View]
56213514Whats your opinion on the Pokemon ambertwo part? Apparently its was cut in some releases of the movi…[View]
56213694How could Masuda let this happen?[View]
56208791/vp/ plays Pokemon Desolation: Multi-LP: LAST TIME: >jannies are faggots >bunken, ashime, and …[View]
56180146/tcc/ - Trading Card Collector's General: Rescue Friends Edition Previous Thread: >>5612…[View]
56212241Are Ranger games worth emulating? I played Explorers and the Gamecube games and thinking of trying o…[View]
56208810Pokemon Clover 2 leak https://voca.ro/1vNbXaIXEb6y[View]
56213520You didn't beat it it[View]
56211160Riolu is native to Unova but not Sinnoh. I can find Riolu in Flocessy Ranch but I cannot find Riolu …[View]
56212183>Wow this is a great place to add a meaningful update to the original GSC by adding Gen II Pokémo…[View]
56210583Why do you hate the ones you love?[View]
56211713This pokemon would suit Giovanni. Its a ground type which is the type Giovanni uses and its based on…[View]
56211128>no Galar starter/starters >no regional shitbird >move of his team is from prior gens Ash …[View]
56207218It's so... beautiful[View]
56212366Pokemon in media: Do you think that Pokemon have taken over the media in the Pokemon World?[View]
56200216don't evolve your cutemons. they'll be ugly.[View]
56202516What are some unconventional uses for pokemon?[View]
56211092Hello. I am John GameFreak. I will allow you to choose 10 Pokémon for a “cross-Generational” evoluti…[View]
56207618how is this legal?[View]
56201087What those /vp/ think of me and my Gardevoir?[View]
56212336Gen 10 - Outback: Hi all, I'm here to share what i know about gen 10. Gen 10 will be set in Aus…[View]
56212403i never played pokemon but i have been in love with her all my life. is there a chance she appears a…[View]
56212473Anyone else unironically like farfetch'd? Sure, its a joke mon. It's stats are garbage, an…[View]
56212289POKEMON LEGENDS ZA LEAK VERY REAL 2024: there will be NO POKEMON ABSOLUTELY NONE the starters will b…[View]
56203268Do you think this problem would be solved if the game was less linear?[View]
56203811Being an Entei fan feels bad[View]
56196251Reminder that the games would be a trillion times better if the movement succeeded: > 'Noooooo th…[View]
56212153>urgh, gears, trashbags and ice cream... Gen 5 is full of ugly objectmons >OMG I WOULD DIE FOR…[View]
56208666What was the purpose and thought process of his design and what was the general & your opinion o…[View]
56211581Which would make this thing viable? >+40 to its offensive stats >+40 to its defensive stats …[View]
56211241Dialga may look cooler, but palkia has a better typing and is more fun to use.[View]
56204594Post pokegirls with canon big tits[View]
56206774How does ancestry work in the Pokemon Universe? Obviously, when two Pokemon of a different species m…[View]
56209986RBY Retrospective Thread.: Attention all /vp/ers. this is the first in a series of Retrospective thr…[View]
56209065Is there any fixed SwSh hackroms yet? With Natdex, Optional Exp.share, etc? I wish I could hack it m…[View]
56206461Am I underleveled? I just beat every single trainers before the victory road[View]
56208347How did he evade his wanted level of 5 stars?[View]
56208040So .. why exactly is there no major pokemon game release/DLC in 2024? What was the last year this ha…[View]
56210429PLA > SV > LGPE > SwSh > BDSP[View]
56210549Fakemon thread: Post fakemon[View]
56211486>never used by a relevant NPC in GSC >had the worst mega >one of the worst terastal users …[View]
56209622Out of all the beta pokemon this is the one I miss the most[View]
56206885How do we feel about a cross species Furret/Gardevoir?[View]
56192913Lord Arceus commands thee to repent and leave the innocent critters alone, and go get a job. Verily.[View]
56211660I heard it's healthy to give your vulpix warm rocks, am i doing it right guys?[View]
56211467>Espeon refuses to give me item she picks up despite having max friendship with me How? Just give…[View]
56211306Do we agree that Charizard vs Entei is peak kino animation?[View]
56208976Z-A news: Game has a mix of mega evolutions and regional variants. Mightyena variant becomes dark/gr…[View]
56209362>only spawn in one area >1% encounter rate >once you have it he's one of the worst mon…[View]
56199081/tog/ - Trainer OCs General: tesorogetstrolled.png Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writ…[View]
56208871Anon...: Do you have shiny hunting horror stories? Longest shiny hunt? First shiny running away from…[View]
56209423Best story poll (main series only): One vote per IP address https://strawpoll.com/6QnMQOVNlne…[View]
56210485Fun trivia thread. Share your obscure trivia.: From Generation V up to VIII, the move Charge Beam, w…[View]
56204727What would she look like in a bikini?[View]
56210390>go to Suno.com >upload pokemon_song.mp3 (60 sec or less) >add lyrics >????? >profit …[View]
56210216Did Pokemon make a mistake when it moved away from 2D sprites?[View]
56209887lol what a pig[View]
56209905Why was Gen 1 the worst games?[View]
56202610Imagine being an Absol[View]
56204554You'll never be a pokemon trainer: Even if you're rich your life is boring the only thing …[View]
56204993Pokémon Legends: Z-A: >After the catastrophic events of lumiose city the Protagonist joins Quasar…[View]
56206147So Blue, we all know him. The OG Rival and all that. But my question is simple; As he has had some m…[View]
56208272Did they jump the sharpedo right here?[View]
56207211Gen 3 bros[View]
56208399you get one chance at a remake....and that's it. i want to cry[View]
56197505Meowscarada Thread: Post and talk about everyone's favorite grasscat and her evos.[View]
56208358Generation 10 leaks...: -Based on Madagascar -115ish New pokemon -AI enhanced battles -No longer tur…[View]
56145977Can I offer you a Gardevoir thread in this trying time?[View]
56196686/padt/ - Pokémon Anime Discussion: Happy Manko eating Edition >Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM…[View]
56209670Z-A informations: Hello, I will be sharing some informations. Z-A is set after XY but in the past, w…[View]
56207781Personally I don’t mind GFW core for starters, I just want the death of Overgrow/Blaze/Torrent.[View]
56205683Which city would you live in in each region?: For me Kanto: Saffron or Celadon City. They're bo…[View]
56209576>meteors rain down from the sky >somehow this is a dragon type move…[View]
56170796/pmg/ - Pokémon Masters EX General: >What is Pokémon Masters EX? A mobile Pokémon game that'…[View]
56206978Leak of Legends: >Modern day, sequel to XY >Quasar Co. is headed by a board that feels Kalos’…[View]
56209152>what is game design[View]
56204162Oh yeah, those exist.[View]
56203165I am once again asking...: Who TF are you repping!? And why? BLACK EMBOAR TERROR GRANBULL BLACK FERR…[View]
56198672Why aren't you playing Radical Red? It's the best rom hack out there![View]
56207284Fairy type is a cancerous and trash type Light type is a pure, cool and badass fan type (And fairy i…[View]
56208460Legends Z-A Information: Greetings /vp/, I've came across a few interesting things about the la…[View]
56175934She should have had a Noctowl. The way Hoothoot stands on one leg makes it look like a golf ball sit…[View]
56208474LGPE > ORAS > HGSS > BDSP And they are all better than the originals, yes even BDSP > Pl…[View]
56207087Gen 5 started the trend of constantly healing you at every route[View]
56206586I don't care about Saborcord drama: Let's have a nice thread about Frog Pokémon pictures. …[View]
56207944News to Legends Z-A: Hello, sorry for taking too long to reveal information. They are keeping things…[View]
56206905is he the best poketuber atm?[View]
56204745You're not a Pokémon master until you've got the battle tower ribbon in emerald, which is …[View]
56205292Pokemon Showdown?: Why doesn't this board have a Showdown/Smogon general? Is there some past dr…[View]
56207931Fuck this ugly idiot[View]
56208231Why do we give https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE16BT9RFEc a pass while never let up on https://www.…[View]
56205862Tell me about Ogerpon. Why does she love Unova so much?[View]
56207650For me, it's Kyogre. Sapphire was the peak of the IP[View]
56207776Predict it's upcoming mega-eeveelution.[View]
56207797Just got my ass absolutely handed to me by Whitney, even used up all my potions and revives. What th…[View]
56202746Should Pokemon have changed protagonists earlier rather than having Ash all the way through Gen 8? T…[View]
56199932What was she thinking at this moment[View]
56207973Uhhh based?[View]
56192553Team thread: Super Gold 97 Ready to fight the E4. Wish me luck. Ampharos Ho-oh Aquaria Kyonpan Warw…[View]
56206897Regions: >kanto is too small and boring >johto is small and the mons are shit with a bad level…[View]
56203278Everything I know about Legends: >New Pokemon? Only 2. Both legendaries. One, Arrbyrel, is a Gras…[View]
56204905ITT: foreign pokemon names >Seemon[View]
56204788Wait...why would I need a fire type in Sinnoh? I don't think I ever used a fire type in Johto o…[View]
56206867>No Flying/Dragon quetzalcoatlus past Paradox Ho-oh :( >No awful robot reskin of Keldeo :)…[View]
56206636Water cat starter is happening and it will stand up on two legs[View]
56204766/vp/ plays Pokemon Desolation: Multi-LP: LAST TIME: >bunken and formerly take a trip to scotland …[View]
56207553/vp/ plays Pokemon Desolation: Multi-LP: LAST TIME: >bunken and ashime see through the judaic dre…[View]
56205230Pokemon Legends ZA: Trailer Info: The game revolves around Lumiose City. Now the first city fully-po…[View]
56206934Empoleon's new forme will never replace the original in terms of design or competitive viabilit…[View]

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