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File: magikarp-splash.gif (64 KB, 220x191)
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I can't understand the Pokéfans or the community.
I can, they're all fags, trannies, and low functioning autists. at this point I just use the board to harvest images so I don't have to look through fetish content to find cute zorks
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They're all retards
except me
the thing is, anon, it has the sonic issue all over again. the fanbase is so large and so violently autistic that no matter what, you'll have people getting pissy about anything you do.
I mean, fuck, look at the high amount of genwars here. a tonne of people in the fanbase think their opinion is the ONLY opinion, and start to pull a sperg out of their ass.
in reality, this site as a whole and pokemon autism blend together too well and create a barely functioning hellhole.

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