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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Galarian Rapidash(January 23rd)

- Tinkaton has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>57159344
What is the difference between this and tcgp? Convince me to switch
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>Reach 1557 yesterday
>Fall back down to 1492
>Climb back up to 1530
I'm really worried about reaching 1600 this season, I haven't missed a sticker yet but this season is a disaster.
>psyduck picks psychic against a dodrio
>a tri-attack dodrio no less
Damn, no wonder the fucking ostritch never seemd to go down.
>accidentally picked flail instead of heavy slam
Now I look lik a common Flailtard AND I cost us the match!
Wasn't Rapiash supposed to come out on the 18th?
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>Scott Cawthon
Sorry, I was shitposting somewhere else lmao.
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caring about some dumb sticker
>get super dominant lane, fuck shit up, KO both and get near if not full stacks immediately
every time
>internet cuts out right before fug
>check api
>enemy team surrendered
>happened fast enough to not even take a good boy points hit
This game is
Pay to win
Pay to rank
and ya'll are
Gay for pay
>enemy instalocks four immobile attackers with no stuns
>no one banned mimikyu
Time for a game of disappearing backline.
genuinely why the fuck does everybody want to pick jungle onto to do one clear the entire fucking match
I feel like I spend more time looking at the minimap to check if they're going back than I do playing these days
>cinderace goes jungle
>never goes back
>always off inting on their own
>our team is predictably getting its ass beat because our backline is non-existent
>get to fug
>finally turn things around and push enemy back
>the rabbit has free reign to rip fug
>instead it's just standing there in the bush next to it, doing absolutely nothing
>when it finally gets the hint and starts hitting the dragon it's not only too late but they're fucking aiming for the enemies instead of the big shiny objective
I wish there was an anti-good job button that could take away Fair Play points. I wish players like this could be actively voted out of playing Ranked.
>Pretty sure I clicked on casual
>Played as Clefable Solo Queue (My for fun only Pick)
>Man these are some spicy ass casual players
>played as selfish as possible
>to hell with my team mates Im a Fucking double stacking Clefable
>Stayed on bottom lane until its cleared, literally 1v2 Absol and Umbreon
>team mates botishly got the top lane cleared thanks to Regieleki
>fug fight time
>Follow me on Umbreon, Absol, Venusaur, bush hiding while our Gardevior Ulted
>100pts score and won
>kek I was in rank all along
>Im 2 matches away from getting masters

Fuck this game for real, I know for sure the next rank games will be instant losses
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>don't go jungle
>jungler ints to give the enemy exp, never goes back to jungle, you have to take jungle now but you're extremely underlevelled and the level 15 enemy zacian is constantly stealing because they can see your piece of shit jungler up in top lane accomplishing nothing all game
>go jungle
>everyone decides now they want a piece of the jungle, end up extremely underelevelled and can't accomplish anything while the people who stole just went to backcap top and bot respectively and inted the exp/buffs away any ways
>leave teammate with fug at 10% HP to push entire enemy team as surftoise
>enemy gets it
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fertilizing my flawless female...
No, owl, you do not get to steal jungle because you decided to walk into a 3v1 as Rowlet and died.
Exp share is not worth it
Should I stack glass and cookie with Sylveon?
I dont feel her damage and she is very squishy
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>The Pokemon autochess that I always wanted comes out but only Chink
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So what's the gameplan against a Dodrio/Comfey pair?
I picked Pikachu for a point-n-click stun, but those two were hard as balls to pin down, and even when I did get them they just kinda lived and fucked off to wreck our team another day.
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Oh my fucking god dude we're getting absolutely gypped in terms of content
Year of the snake, but not for us.
Glaceon requires zero skill & you NEED to kill yourself for using it
So unless you get super lucky or pay out the wazoo you're not gettin' that fancy Pikachu holowear, are you?
i'd stuff her cheeks with my bullet seed
In the rare instances where I actually get to ban shit I ban that stupid fox instantly.
I hate it as much as Comfey, only I don't see Comfey nearly as often.
>we wipe out the enemy team
>instead of immediately ripping fug our team would rather wait for the enemy to respawn
>enemy blows us up with all their ults they didn't get to use earlier
My five-man Machmp ult was for nothing.
>an actual poison mon for once in 3 years
>boss npc

Let it go man. You are under a spell
why is there Scorbunny up top but Cinderace on the bottom
Gastly didn't change to Gengar
I don't mind Comfey because it's super easy to counter, just take any mon that shuts down a single target like Slowbro and Mimikyu and you're essentially getting two for the price of one by eliminating the Comfey wearer. 99% of Comfey are too retarded to recognise when they need to swap who they're attached to so they'll always go down with the ship.
Timi was based for once
So are you guys excited to get the Three remaining Eevees in the game over a span of 5 months?
I want to die
same, honestly
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If everything's broken...

...Then nothing will be
I will enjoy killing them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or2fAOOFOfY
There are rumors going around that Galarian Rapidash being an All-Rounder could've been a placeholder, her datamine code classes her as a Speedster.
Sorry, I meant game data.
Now that makes way more sense
Good, I don't wanna imagine a Dodrio that can actually take hits.
FUCK you carloss fuck you and your retarded friend fuck you, I am sick and tried of having retarded cockroaches on my team fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you timi fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
you know she actually has plump and full tits but most of the outfits hide them
it's saddening but i understand
>The Pink Eye icon still shows up even when I'm alone and in a bush
sorry about your pink eye bro
this game is absolutely retarded and i don't understand at all how ranked is populated by people who don't seem to understand even basic game mechanics, or deliberately go AFK
i am reminded of why i stopped playing this dogshit. I fucking hate MOBAs
>blind pick darkrai
>up against darkrai, submission, blastoise
>as if that wasn't enough our blissey picks eggs
>enemy has blastoise, darkrai, buzzwole, and pikachu
>fuck it, blissey time
>cuck the enemy from their stuns
>enemy surrender before 3:30 with four of them having 0 kills
So was tink.
Good. Those retards at the bottom for draft picks need to learn the hard way on which mons actually have to be drafted instead of picking the same mons that are not broken anymore or mons they just hate.
Yo, where mah homie, Weezing, at!?
does aeos cookie actually have any value or is it just a meme? i see it in a lot of builds and im genuinely curious. pretty safe to assume the hp stacks are whatever on squishy mons but how do they hold up on a tank like buzzwole? or maybe wigglytuff or something??
Works best on tanks with percentage heals.
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>teammate goes the wwrong lane
>teammate skips the bunnies while I have exp share they're playing chandlure
>other teammates pick petal dance/sludge bomb
>owl picks shackle with no stacks
holy mother of god non draft games are full with retards no wonder nobody is ranking up
I use it on Metagross and its the only time I survive a skirmish
Does it work with Buzzwole? Also considering sticking it on Tink for wacky boosted auto heals, but shes kind of squishy
Cookie works on Tink

I think Buzzwole needs float stone more?
> Muscle Band is a considerable item to smooth out boosted attack to reduce wind up but does nothing for building boosted attacks faster.
from unite db
Sylveon should have gotten Moonblast, make it bigger and AoE
Her Swift should have been just one big star

mystical fire seems so out of place
tink being a level 5 evo is hell ngl
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>D-Darkrai isn't that b-bad now!

Yes I love being stunned into a stun and THEN get put to sleep
>play snipeshot
>umbreon goes in and mean looks someone at fug
>I miss all 3 snipeshots
I'm so sorry.
deep sensual loving plaps...
This is me anytime I play Snipeshot.
The hitbox is so fuckin' narrow, I just miss every shot even when I'm trying to predict where the enemy will go.
Dead commie game
Every squad i joined are dead as fug
They should try making the game good.
>Tinkaton's lane gets support from mid
>6 and 60 stacks, level 12 by 5 minutes

>Tinkaton's lane doesn't get support from mid
>2 and 15 stacks, level 6 by 5 minutes
Help your Tinkaton people, she's obnoxiously weak before level 7, worse than Gyarados.
>Rowlet and Goomy Top-lane
that was genuinely one of the worst Lanes I've ever seen.
>The Scizor from my last game goes Decidueye
And apparently, our Jungler was also revolted by his Preformance
>The classic 4 Physcal Attacks with no Stuns and a Blissey up against a Scizor
Well fuck me I guess
welp, I'm at 1592 and I just got a non-draft match, wish me luck.
I've been stuck in the 1400's since basically the start of the season.
Good luck.
We lost because out Cinderace tried ripping Fug instead of actually being useful. The ultra Ninetales who somehow wasn't the worst player on the team managed to get Fug, but by that point 4 of us were dead, then the Ninetales died, and the enemy team could free dunk before anyone respawned.
Where did you get that from?

First the date and then this? Are they planting misleading info on purpose?
Can't win 'em all.
It will be playable instead

G. Rapidash was playable tho. I guess it doesnt matter
The Eevee named Chico
i havent played in like three years

is the grass cat playable?
sadly yes
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Now I'm at 1596, debating whether to stop for the day since I've been playing for 8 hours.
Welp, I queued again, and we lost because the snorlax went AFK in base, and I still lost 10 rating.
Yellow emblem float stone exp share pika is the most evil thing imaginable
>three matches in a row where someone's AFK from the start so the match ends like a minute in
Dammit, I just wanna play the game.
Why is that so fucking hard?
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I use Focus Band/that one ally guard one that isnt buddy barrier/Leftovers on Tink. Figure if I'm gonna be brawling I wanna brawl as hard as humanly possible.
>regirock fucking pushes itself out of my secure by placing a rock on itself
God I fucking hate this game, it's not enough to have to carry 4 braindead shitters who will int all game and are on one of the top goals when Fug spawns. Even the objectives themselves are out to screw over you in particular.
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You do you, bro
>Rapid Spin
guess which I got
>absol afk from the start
>surrender prompt pops up
>"opposing team surrenders. your team wins"
Good to know even the enemies are having a shitty time actually trying to play the game.
there's nothing more harrowing than being first pick in draft and watching your team slowly lock in attacker after attacker after attacker (maybe a speedster in there for some extra failure)
The issue is people can't trust their teammates when picking a mon. Typically the 1st pick player is the best in the team so they have to lock in their offensive mon. But as it goes down, the weakest player just goes for whoever.

The main culprit for this is no one in draft trust each other to be the offensive carry. Flipping/getting Fug is all that matters at the end but maintaining a solid early to mid gameplay even if losing helps obtain Fug easier.
So everyone tries to be a hyper carry by going full offensive and has the mindset (I'll use my teammates as decoys/meat shields so they can weaken the enemy and I play clean up to get all the glory).
Typically what I have been doing and this works only for my A9 is using potion, spoon/Specs/Focus band with Blizzard/Avalanche. Even if I'm fragile, focus band would let me take 2 hits while shoving/cc enemies. This throws enemies off because they know an A9 shouldn't be able to take any hits with how fragile and slow she is. This slight survivability results in giving my teammates a follow up even if they are all offensive mons
Take a break. You have a good losing streak going and you certainly will get the sticker tomorrow
>playing slowbro
>top laner and jungler keep getting fucked by an absol because they refused to take CC options and the one guy with CC fucking sucked
>get to fug and unite the absol in the middle of my entire team
>none of them attack it, it survives and then the charizard leads the enemy to a bush where my lane partner (the only other competent player) is trying to retreat to base
fuckin' A
I'm so god damn FUCKING tired of Scizor. And I don't mean the ones on the enemy team.
Every single Scizor player is a monumental fucking retard because the only people dumb enough to play this zero impact damage sponge haven't a single thought in their heads.
99% of the goblin players for me.
>use move
>get tapped by the slightest .1 sec stun
>move gets cancelled before it comes out, you get put on full cooldown
>lose game off of this interaction
nothing feels worse, why the fuck do some mons get to be unstoppable 24/7 and have their moves active the entire duration of their stun while others get punished for existing
Just got back into the game after awhile. Any open squads? Do they even matter?
/pug/ still. Matters for the weekly bonus.
Is tranny horse good should I transition into a horsefag?
or should I wait for Alolan Raichu?
her supple tender softness...
>draft match
>the second highest person on my team doesn't even have full items equipped
Ended the day at 1584, went to bed, woke up, played two matches, now 1600. You were right.
First match was an easy stomp, second match was a 4v5 because our EXP share Ceruledge would not stop trying to dunk but we won in the end due to the rest of us actually fighting.
>havent made it
>going into the weekend
its so over, maybe I should just spam something stupid like razor leaf owl and hope there's never any cc
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what a sick fucking joke

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