So, could the S2 trailer mean that we'll get no PLgaZA news until april?
>>57233718Pokemon Day?
>>57233837Are you retarded or new?
>>57233718Hope so. Leave that shit in the oven for as long as possible
>>57234042come on bruh
It has no bearing, because L: Z-A was announced for Switch and Furukawa announced Switch games will be backwards compatible. Furthermore, the list of unsupported games is floating about and they're all games that mandate the use of the IR functions on the Joy-Cons, something Game Freak ignored as a feature when developing their Switch games.Just buy the Switch2, you're not poor and trying to justify spending 500 nicker on one, are you?
>>57234254>spending 500 nickerI beg your pardon?
>>57234450Greenbacks, dollary-doos, shekels, pieces-of-eight or whatever formal chit system your third world shithole uses to barter for goods and services. Clearly /vp/ desires the new system on-launch (likely to get a hackable unit for respectable prices) but cannot justify buying one and leaving it fallow with the intention of hacking it in the future when a reason to hack it appears (Gen 10 on Switch2) thus is trying to meme a dedicated Switch2 SKU of a game already stated to be a Switch1 release, to justify their purchase to hack.
>>57234617yeah, so sad that BoTW never got a switch release you see the switch logo anywhere here? I don't. it was never released on the switch, it didn't happen, period.
>>57234641Amazing, it's almost as if you ignored time passed and the board had changed.The board this time hasn't changed, the new system can play old games, physical and digital, unlike the decision to port BotW to Switch, as WiiU games couldn't be accepted by Switch, meaning the chances of Game Freak making a Switch2 version are infinitesimal. Why bother when they can be ran on the new system, if mummy was good to her wittle soldier and boiught her a Switch2? They can always force mummy to buy a dedicated Switch2 next year, when Gen 10 drops and they cast aside the obsolete system for the newly-launched one.