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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

Displaying 60 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
7214762Be honest with me, am I never going to get better at Art? I've been drawing for 14 years almost…[View]
7216525new fotm just dropped this cat called 'Car' from shitty weirdcore game called 'garn47' https://x.com…[View]
7213144Finally posting my degenerate art: Always wanted to post my mediocre drawings to see what people tho…[View]
7210701Why is talent such a heated topic on this board? Most anons accept things like race and IQ being gen…[View]
7216595Drawing board colab: https://r8.whiteboardfox.com/84955763-9381-1393 let drawwww together…[View]
7209041/lsg/ - Loli Study General: Please wait a while before making a thread Edition Previous: >>71…[View]
7216422'Just Draw': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL9GmNAToaA >this is your work on just draw…[View]
7210455Clothed figure references: Does anyone know of any large repository of clothed figure references? I …[View]
7214789Does being good at drawing automatically mean that your handwriting is also pretty?[View]
7216245beginning crappy comic: Wanderer of Desolation #1 https://www.deviantart.com/nieprawicz/art/Wandere…[View]
7203776What career path exists for someone who excels at the anime-aesthetic art style? >animation indus…[View]
7208263Concept Artist: Is it too late to eventually land a job related to concept art at 28? I don’t mind a…[View]
7216013How accurate is this? I feel like 80% of all posts follow these guidelines.[View]
7215978painted this today, thought about a friend i haven't had contact with for 4-5 years now he was …[View]
7216132why did he end up looking like he has autism[View]
7208574Any tips for shake hands? My hands are very shaky, do you guys have exercises for hand steadiness?[View]
7214337>he hires other artists to work on his projects![View]
7215831>okay, which construction method should I use? >wait, which method is correct? >should I s…[View]
7211070Is upgrading to CSP v2 or v3 worth it? Ends today and I'm unsure[View]
7152421Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans. Some free resources https://qu…[View]
7213275I once heard a professional artist say AI will never replace human art, it will just be a tool. Now …[View]
7176706PYW: Daily reminder that literally all criticism that comes without work posted is worthless. 99.999…[View]
7212978Why are 2000s anime styles much more maligned than 80s and 90s ones by a lot of people? Sure, the sw…[View]
7208175Proko Documentary just dropped, get in here: https://youtu.be/Usry6gVEAcE Despite how ic no draw fag…[View]
7214892Where to beginning learning drawing ? or anatomy (kinda lost in where to start)[View]
7213027How can I draw like this? I always have to use construction or 'gesture' and sometimes that's a…[View]
7209405How do I stop being satisfied with the idea of drawing and start drawing?[View]
7207927What do YOU consider drawing for fun, anon? For me I’d say it’s doing anatomy studies, it’s always i…[View]
7211082What makes for an interesting Portrait?: I wanna try studying facial features more often from imagin…[View]
7214519Brush: Asked a few times in the brush thread but no dice. Anyone have a similar brush used for the s…[View]
7213427/int/ & /beg/ - Intermediate and Beginners General: If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in…[View]
7215361am i gona maek it[View]
7206834Is being a professional artist dead?: It seems like that regular art is kind of dead. At least it…[View]
7214378I've realized most comic book artists are fucking hacks, the reason they complain about big ani…[View]
7212212Reminder that this is considered /beg/[View]
7211461Desk Ergonomics: Anyone here do anything for ergonomics when working on your desk? Is it possible fo…[View]
7211442Cel shading: I wanna try doing more cel shaded stuff. At some point I stopped doing them at all so I…[View]
7213701Where can I find reference photos of normal ppl doing normal things?: Pinterest is full of ig selfie…[View]
7214674Thread for traditional pen,ink and brush drawings: anything you think looks cool, share it with us.…[View]
7181503/dbag/ - Digital Brushes and Assets General: A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital a…[View]
7214527I’m fairly new to CSP. I accidentally moved something around and now the vector layer button is gone…[View]
7212239Comic sample pages and carrer advice: let me know what you hate about it... I hope to maybe take les…[View]
7214078Well, /ic/, did I fuck this perspective up?[View]
7213313>mfw i've realized the only way to learn art while working a 9-5 is to go slightly insane…[View]
7212486Quick reminder that if you can't paint traditionally: Then don't bother calling yourself a…[View]
7204434What are your most controversial art opinions?[View]
7212131Why does no one talk about Vilppu anymore? Is he forgotten...?[View]
7207991Why does 3D look shitty despite being technically correct: yet this doesn't? What exactly is go…[View]
7197103Give it to me straight. How hard is it to learn Japanese, and to becoming a professional mangaka, se…[View]
7210075Styx (art thread): Styx is a character that is designed to be like a canvas. You can change anything…[View]
7213554Horses: Let's have a thread about horses. Horses, centaurs, it's all good as long as it st…[View]
7213475How do some of you guys get your money? Through paypal? And if so, can you get money from paypal int…[View]
7213568Have any of you considered using a prostate vibrator to stimulate your dopamine centers while studyi…[View]
7203004>FUNDAMENTALS FUNDAMENTALS FUNDAMENTALS Why the fuck do people treat learning to draw like homewo…[View]
7212084I’m drawing star platinum, I’m stuck what pose should I give him?[View]
7211614/int/ & /beg/ - Intermediate and Beginners General: If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in…[View]
7213046Look, anon You can make finished work while currently a /beg/ but that only works for school childre…[View]
7211545Okay, Tell me how this isn't an improvement[View]
7212742Learning to draw What is the best way to have a solid foundation? I'm practicing drawing circle…[View]

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