I havent been feeling good about my current style. It all started when i tried to make ass and more anatomical shapes, all the minimalism and straight lines didnt help me with it, I made some results using and AI of my own art to test the results and try to learn from them. Is just that i feel that my current style is too simple and minimalistic, wich is good because it was what i always aim at when making designs but sometimes i feel like its way too simple. I feel like it doesnt translate well to some aereas and isnt versatile enough idk.
>>7419068Fuck off ai pajeet
>>7419068Good faith advice: Try to draw a real human body accurately then next to it draw around 5 heads stylized body/head and slowly work your way to your more angular stylized look.Avoid ai because you're getting information processed and diffused and reused too far away from the source. Same issue when copying a copy of a copy of a copy of a trace of another artist. You might get a good result but you wont be able to replicate it because you won't have a solid understanding the original shapes and choices made to represent anatomy.If you can't find a real artist or original look that the ai is basing it on then ai as a sort of mood board for the look you want but be sure to have a real person/photo to make sure that you know
>>7419068Forgot to include the shapes you were looking for>>7419127Samurai jack samurai jack daughters of aku / or Emperor's new groove is likely the angular hip shape you're searching for
>>7419127yeah yeah i was trying to study anatomy lately, i got some books from this board lo, ty for the advice, ill try it more often. And on a side note, the AI i used isnt any chatgpt or online or smth. Is my own model that i run on my own computer that i used and feed it with my own drawings of the past years, no internet connection or anything. So i didnt feed any corporation my art or smth like that, at least intentionally. Again ty for the advise, ill look forwards to it
>>7419137Well most of my inspirations are pretty simple and stilist styles like funamusea and PantyAndStocking anarchy. Mostly this kind of simple semi chibi style that a lot of japanese use
>>7419139I don't particularly care about ai, I know there's a lot of ree pajeet or whatever but I see it only as a tool but it's best served for cutting costs not creative work such as developing a style or fundamental drawing skillsAi is best served for doing inbetweens or coloring in frames based off reference sheets made by skilled people etc or creating different backgrounds for solo projects based off reference backgrounds at different angles. You can fine tune good hand crafted works and increase production but if you use a machine as a replacement it will create derivative work which is functional but artistically/creatively weak and gets boring to look at after the initial wowbut using it to learn from will always be a crutch at best and at worst you'll make mistakes without realize and create bad habits making your work weaker.Not really interested in moralizing since tons of people do that anyway with no results to show for it.
>>7419144Panty and Stocking is their take on a more western based style but they put their own unique flare lol Try to study your influence's influences if you can. Lookup your favorite character designer's interviews you might find it interesting what influenced them to make the choices they did.
>>7419068It looks better, but I really wouldn't use AI for this. You can do the same thing with any art, just grab something off pinterest and nab some details off it. The real issue with AI is that for the most part it's only really one art style, and not a great one at that.Regardless, I don't think what your art lacks is rendering or anatomy, in fact they're making it worse. The main flaw I see is poor shape use. You're just taking a regularish human body and making it /angular/. It's uncanny in the strictest sense of the word. But look at what P&S is doing. The shapes flow into eachother. The simplification is there to assist in turning the entire character into just one big shape.
>>7419160tyty, i even was looking these days at the officila artbook of the series and kind of redrawings some things i see there>>7419171So you think i should styilize even more my initial artsyle instead of trying to make it more complicated by adding more anatomy?
>>7419144Top kek. This AI tiered garbage isn't even close to the quality of panty and stocking!>simpleIt's still too too hard for you my bro.
>>7419127>original shapesWhy do westerners always think in muh shapes and never in lines? Is this why their art inevitably looks cheaply made even if they claim "inspiration" from anime? And anime inspired by western art still looks like high quality anime art.
>>7419185I mean look at this, can you imagine an anime character designer working like this?
>>7419180>So you think i should styilizeWhat do you think "stylize" means? You should learn about 2d gesture the way anime uses it. Panty and stocking looks good because it's always conscious of gesture in its lines
>>7419180>>7419171Yes. I know this sentence is going to get memed on, but "anime is a realistic art style". The generic anime style like the AI or most shows are using takes much more from realism than it does stylization, everything from poses, anatomy, lighting, design, composition, pretty much everything. That's why it's so easy to drop anime characters onto a real photo and have it just look right.If you start to deviate away from that realism, you immediately start falling into the uncanny valley. You have to cross a fairly wide gulf of stylization to get it to look good again. Think about how you have standard anime characters, chibis, and absolutely nothing in between.
>>7419171Something more like this? Here i tried to make a dinamic and more intersting pose
>>7419194>"anime is a realistic art style".Yeah in a way it is. Even more deformed styles still present a lot of information that exists in the more realistic styles. Westerners just simplify everything into a smooth/angular abomination and call that "stylization" when the actual Japanese way still has a lot of complexity and subtle changes in the lineart.
>>7419196>shift + left click>yep, the arm's done>it's actually my style!!!
>>7419200Yeah thats why i wanna make a imporvment in my style fag, I feel everything is too straight and simple shaping and doesnt evoke a lot of character
pic related seems to be a redpill that applies everytime western cartoon pseudo anime is mentioned, huh.
>>7419202Then drop the pseudoanime, don't call it a style and and study actual anime art.
>>7419185Btw the west has taken a lot of stuff from anime as well it's not a one way street. The animator of little mermaid said when creating ariel he was inspired by the large eyes seen in Japan from astroboy and other and that's how he came to the idea.It's not about east vs west, it's about recognizing what others do well and incorporating it in a skillful manner.
Daily reminder that it's either ALL anime or nothing. There is no middle path.
>>7419205I dont intend and never intended to do anime srtyle. I dont like it, i find it too complicated, over detailed and somethimes even generic (depending of course of the artist behind). I have some anime inspirations, that is different.
>>7419206>it's about recognizing what others do wellThe issue is that westerners literally can't do this beyond the surface level (>>7419203). They're largely incapable of drawing at the same level because they can't see what makes anime actual anime.
>>7419203>>7419205this sort of thing/thinking will cause you to end up as an /asg/ perma /beg/
>>7419068The joke is that you correct the AI result and then use the style, if you are going to copy and paste the AI you are going to get frustrated.
>>7419211Then you're a lost cause unless your view changes. Literally nothing you do will be effective because it's all doomed to be in the same general low tier category as you refuse to study what makes good 2D stylized art look good.
>>7419213>Japanese illustrator's book is /asg/The cope never ends, does it?
I actually unironically love AI, it's going to cripple so many people so only the strong will remain standing. The ultimate plebfilter.
>>7419207>go full slop or end up with nothingit's actually over...
>how do I make it better>study those who know how>it's too complicated I don't like it! oh no actually it's generic and simpleThe eternal westoid.
>>7419214Yeah dont get me wrong, i dont intend to use the AI as some kind of artstyle bible or smth like that. It was a test to see how it would kind of look if i tried to make a more complicated approach to my current style. Obviusly is just a silly concept, iof i really wanted to go on with it i would study from real sources and not just use IA to correct all my drawings
>>7419219>slopThen you should be able to reproduce it easily, right? Why are westoids always so arrogant and ready to attack anime when their own drawings are laughably bad imitations in comparison?
>>7419212Then why would Japanese animators use western cartoons as an influence? If you acknowledge that the east has a decerning eye then it breaks your own logic.
>>7419221>my current style.But you don't have an actual style. Randomly choosing things "you like" with no complexity and internal logic/coherence like in high tier stylized art isn't a style.
>>7419221if you understand that, then what the hell are you asking????
>>7419068I think how you're implementing the angular thing looks bad personally, it looks like she has 80s style shoulderpads underneath her skin because the lines don't flow well. You have a very distinct square for the shoulder with an arm attached to it, but more than that you're trying to add too much detail inside your silhouette. If you look at PSG they basically only have an outline with a few very simple lines to suggest detail. suggest lines are a powerful thing and often look better than hard edges, especially for shit like abs or ribs.
>>7419225Inspiration doesn't mean lowering their artstyle to western levels. Japanese are free to choose any inspirations and they have the skill to back it up and make it their own thing.
>>7419226I do have an style. Ive been drawing for like half a decade and went trouhg a lot of changes in the way i draw lmao
>>7419224Hit a nerve, huh? It's the truth.
>>7419231Yes you're picking things you "like" but this isn't a real style like you see with high tier japanese artists. It's just your peculiar way of doing things due to lack of skill.
>>7419227Im asking if i should stick to this way more simple style that i use or try to take it beyond by appliyng a lot more of anatomy and complexity>>7419229So you are saying that i should be even more simple in my style?
>>7419235>simple styleWhat does this mean?>anatomy and complexityHow do you "apply" anatomy? It's knowledge about construction of the body.
>>7419233Yeah thats also true lmaoMost of my stilyst choices were made due to my lack of skill when i started drawing and thats why i made things so bland and with straight lines since i didnt had a good pulse to do more complex outlines.Thtas also part of the reason im thinking of this style change to make things more complex and attractive
>>7419222no one cares for your cope, weeb faggot. full anime is slop(the generic ones/moe shit) and will always be seen as the fast food of art.
>>7419212fake as shit, Japanese people copy from magazines and photos.Asshole
>>7419237>style changeBut the thing is that you're perpetually trapped in this westoid system by your own refusal to learn. You will never get significantly better even in 10 or 15 years of this path.
>>7419236With simple style i mean that is only based on a simple shapes and not too much lineworkWell with applying anatomy i mean to apply muscles and anatomy work into it, like biceps, thighs, anklers etc. Because all those muscles in my current style just pass as a straight line
>>7419241It addresses nothing I said. Westerners largely can't draw like the Japanese and are chained to their own delusions, the Japanese are free to copy whatever they want.
@7419239Then you should be able to reproduce it easily, right? Why are westoids always so arrogant and ready to attack anime when their own drawings are laughably bad imitations in comparison?
>>7419242Yeah thats why im trying to learn by making this excersices like making my style more complex lol
>>7419245>based on a simple shapes and not too much lineworkIt will look like garbage if you don't understand good linework. Isn't this just an excuse to skip something hard.>Well with applying anatomy i mean to apply muscles and anatomy work into it, like biceps, thighs, anklers etc. This is good, but consider that there is no one way of adding these details. Simpler Japanese styles know where to omit/highlight details in a way that looks good.
>>7419235What you are asking about translates into 2 things:-Detail or dynamism, you have to choose one.
>>7419249>trying to learn>I dont like it [anime], i find it too complicated, over detailed and somethimes even genericPick one and only one.
>>7419251>>-Detail or dynamism, you have to choose one.oh no no no no westoidbros
>>7419251I want dynamism with simplicity, like P&S. But since i choosed that path i felt like i was being too over simplified the muscles and body anatomy to a poiunt where i cant make poses or certain angles correctly
@7419248no one cares for your cope, weeb faggot. full anime is slop(the generic ones/moe shit) and will always be seen as the fast food of art.
>>7419247Did any westerner fuck your mother? You have no arguments, you are the typical MUH WESTERNERS
>>7419255>I want dynamism with simplicity, like P&SThen do careful copies of P&S. Capture every detail and the way every line changes. Then do originals using the logic of P&S you learned.
>>7419250>This is good, but consider that there is no one way of adding these details. Simpler Japanese styles know where to omit/highlight details in a way that looks good.Yeah thats one of those things im trying to see. Where do i highlight and omit these types of details in a way that looks stylized but at the same time dont over detailed
>>7419260Only way to learn is by experience of seeing and drawing styles which have the properties and thus "upgrading" your cognitive resolution the way Naoki Saito-sensei's book talks about: >>7419203
>>7419252I sont like anime style but that doesnt mean i cant recognize its pros that it has. I always was inspired by it to make my own artstyle (specially by araki)
>>7419255Well, start with the one that costs you the most, you are still a beg
>>7419258tyty, in fact i did that other day, as i mentioned i have the artbook and ive been studying to see how it can improve my own style. Idk how to put it, im just testing a lot of stuff like the more simplistic style of P&S and one more complex like the first image i showed here. Im still seeing what i should do lmao
>>7419263lmao yeah u right
>>7419262There isn't one anime style though. It's an entirely family of styles with common properties but the ones draw by highly skilled artists are all complicated in some way, even the simpler appearing ones. You make your own artstyle by careful study of the masters. It's the path every Japanese character designer followed.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShuhariThis concept is used in that book (https://e-hentai.org/g/2325811/25035cc9f3/) applied to anime art.
>>7419254kek, westoids will literally cry about this post and then say you have to choose one thus acknowledging their own self-imposed limits. it's sad.
>>7419068>AI shitThere is no advice for you
>>7419267Yeah yeah youa re right. And btw i dont mean simple style as some kind of insult or discrediting P&S artstyle or anythingn similar to it. I believe simpler styles are somethimes even harder to make look right that more complex ones
>>7419275Yeah this is very true, you can compare simpler anime styles with more realistic ones (anime settei / model sheets) work best and see how even simpler styles retain a lot of information of the realistic styles.
>>7419277true true, believe me. I also do sprite work on a very small scale and somethimes is os hard to get those little details to look right in such a small board.
>>7419230Why be inspired by something inferior? I think the Japanese artists are smart to take inspirations from a whole bunch of different areas. All great artists take inspiration from things they find great.
>>7419068Can you name the top 3 artists/styles you like the most?
>>7419244>>7419241Of course, taking from life is actually better than copying other art styles. Western/Eastern artists who are the best at what they do always take inspiration from the source.
>>7419285> I think the Japanese artists are smart to take inspirations from a whole bunch of different areasthat's the difference between them and the average /asg/ shitter like >>7419254>>7419185.
>>7419289>trace and trace
>>7419068>>7419068People are shitting on you for using AI but you're using it how it should be usedIt's like how literally everyone uses chatgpt to send emails and shit now - you write up what you want to say and then clean it up, and then you SHOULD take what's been generated and iterate on it yourself You're doing the same thing but you're drawing the reference keeping what you like and fixing what's wrong like the hands Also I like your original style- but as others pointed out- your arms and legs are too simplified - but from your posts it looks like you agree and taken the AI's "advice"Just don't rely on it and keep pushing your work
>>7419286Dunamusea, panty and stocking and i suppose that Araki. But the last one, more than artsyle is for how well he manages color, poses, and composition
>>7419300Funamusea* lol
>>7419299tyty, i really appreacite your wordsRN im doing a test to try to fuse bot of the simple and more anime like style to see how it turns out
>>7419299>It's like how literally everyone uses chatgpt to send emails and shit nowmost people are in fact not doing that actually.
>>7419285The thing they're inspired by isn't necessarily inferior or bad in its entirety. We're talking specifically about artstyle/character design skill level.
OP is very based for wanting to learn.But the state of the anti-anime westoids in 2024 in general is saddening. They don't even know how blind they are.
>>7419306I work in tech, and pretty much everyone I know from managers to support are using.My friends who are teachers, government workers, even indie devs have said they use it often for small stuff like emailsThe only ones who don’t are usually older, holier than though, or genuinely autistic. At least in my experience, it’s everywhere, but maybe that’s just because my line of work is all about simplifying complex stuff
>>7419319>I work in techmost people don't.
>>7419196>>7419171To celebrate this board's long standing tradition of posting work, here, I drew you my interpretation of an improvement to your style.
>>7419322>improvementI think the head and abs are better but literally everything else is worse
>>7419322You made the face cuterBut you've lost the edge (literally too)It's way less cool nowOPs style reminded me 2010's my chemical romance fans would draw, in a good wayYour style feels more like 2010s deviantart, like powerpuff mixed with card captor
>>7419326>>7419323make your own version
>>7419321Don't most jobs involve a computer now? Even firemen gotta do paperwork
>>7419330you're being purposely obtuse if you think working in tech is the same thing as working in an industry that uses technology.
>>7419328If the thread is up tomorrow ill give it a try
>>7419326I know, the edginess really just does not work with the example character, however. That's the point. What OP was complaining about was a lack of versatility of their style. It really requires you to have a lot of spikey clothing and jewelry and such like their other example, otherwise it ends up looking like they have bone tumors. You cannot draw simple characters, everything absolutely must be My First OC levels of kitsch detail otherwise it doesn't work.
>>7419342>theyThat is in fact correct grammar, yes.
>>7419343type he or his so schizos like >>7419342 won't seethe.
>>7419347T H E YT H E M
>>7419352>>7419343>>7419347Where do you think you are?
>>7419342kys reddit
>>7419187lines form .. shapes, what a shocktry being retarded somewhere else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC3EDNOLxiM
>>7419360Someplace it's real easy to trigger fragile losers.
>>7419360i'm aware, just giving another anon a tip.
>>7419317you flatter me
>>7419322woah woah ty i like it. If you dont mind ill make a quick sketch taking your draw as inspo to see what i can come up with
>>7419326im flattered again. I love all that 2000s style and aesthethic, even when i dont reproduce it too much lol
>>7419340true true. For example one of my limitations with this style is that i can draw ass. Idk why, it just looks out of place have something round surroinded by straight lines
>>7419322i tried to make a in-beetwen
>>7419437I guess 80s shoulderpads are here to stay
>>7419437Nice, I think that works a bit better.
>>7419440idk i feel like its gives them more character
>>7419437I tried making some ass with this using the technique of using the same silhuette and just flipping it to make sure is consistent with the front version of the draws and, idk. It feels so off to me
>>7419497is literally just the silhouette flipped idk
>>7419497Your curves are fighting against you. They don't really feel like they're emphasizing any form. For example, on mine, the curves bulge outward at the hips, and fold to a crease at the waist; to make the hips feel fleshier, and the waist feel contracted. Even though the hips are actually the thinnest part of the legs, they still end up feeling like the meatiest part.
>>7419515hmhmhm yeah i see what you are saying, in fact i come across that fact when i was drawing bc i did those same curved lines when drawing lmao
>>7419506at this point i dont even know how to do back anymore ahhh
>>7419068>le more anatomical>copies reversed at hand like a retardtime well spent
>>7419552i deserv that cuz i didnt payed attention to that and didnt noticed it until i finished lol
>>7419481It just looks stupid
>>7419211Please don’t listen to that retard he does this in every thread
>>7419068please dont take anything posted here too seriously.most of the people on this board with strong opinions have brain damage and dont talk to people outside of their own heads, or outside this website.your drawings look good, i think.the shoulders could benefit from a curve instead of an angle, but other than that it has a lot of charm.
>>7419718you flatter me
If youre trying to learn anatomy, use real photos instead of AI. AI just copy aesthetically how human body works, an real photo shows more of the dynamic of the body and it helps to show how it really works to apply at art. I just recommend AI if youre searching for something really specific, or something objective (like kawaii girl ahegao or something)I think the problem is trying to mix simple shapes with "realistic" anatomy, which just makes the art look very awkward.figure 4 looks like when an preteen try drawing porn (no offense).figure 3 looks really good because you didnt added weird ass abs and used very well the simple shapes for simple anatomy, if youre trying to draw simple stuff, keep that
>>7419068Your style is shit and will still be shit when you "make it more complex".
>>7419897tyty ill consider that
>>7419545choices choices choices
>>7420040head looks comically fucking large compared to your body proportions. if you want a 4 body high character, the rest of the proportions should support it. looks like a bobble head
>>7419068finding appeal is difficult to explain. i feel like I could tell you and you itd go over your head cuz too many words.basic is obvious, find shapes and things you like from observation, try to do it yourself. And examine your art carefully to try find whats messing it up or not being appealing in practice so you can fix it. sighh....imo I don't like the cheek jaw thing shape, it makes sense as a part of the style but... Too pointy n pencily. Like there's gotta be a better way you can do that. The one on the right looks fine. If you can find a better shape you're one step improved.
your style is shit son.
>>7419481It makes them look buff or tranny like.You're getting some solid advice from these people.I wish I could ask the same for my style.
This is peak dunning kruger. OP as a favor, you're not at a level where you should be using AI if you can't even see their hand is fucking backwards.
>>7420294yeah i saw it. Thats why it has thumb corrected on the final version, thats just the sketch lmao
>>7419068you're gonna ruin your art trying to learn from ai
>>7420274>I wish I could ask the same for my style.so do it
>>7419068This doesnt have a lot to fo with anatomy or trying to find my style, gbut rather with just messing around with colors and clothing so yeah happy year i guess
>>7419196Look up scott pilgrim takes offIt also has the kind of look you might be able to take inspiration from in terms of proportions.
>>7419335Sorry ended up hanging out with friends on new years eve instead of drawinghere's my attempt - but the more I look at it the less I'm happy with it
>>7420664another go because I hate front facing angles
To get comfortable with a style,try getting comfortable with your characters. Not typical anime bubbly SQUEEE! stuff,but doing things in their environment, to force yourself to world build as you design the scene. And draw these just for yourself, just to get something on paper. Ideas in your head matter far less than ideas in some medium that can be shown and studied, for others to build with and upon. Didn't like how your latest drawing came out? Use it as reference material for the next one. Eventually,your characters 'look will reflect attitude,emotion, and maybe opinion regarding the situation they find themselves in.
>>7420705your art looks artistically inbredhave you tried branching out into a different medium besides cluttered spikes
>>7420664I don't think you really kept the edginess either. Kinda just turned into a D&D goblin.
>>7420705tyty philosophical anon. Really like your words, ive nver put my characters into real escenarios or at least mini comics abt it, just blank spaces. I only did a couple of comics some months ago that were super simple and short. ty aagain>>7420664>>7420668I really like your style dud, if you dont mind later this day i can redraw over your draws to see how it turns out in my style
>>7420668>another go because I hate front facingbased 3/4 enjoyer
>>7419068First stupidty of 2025
>>7421427This time i did this making my own anatomy, and just using a pose as reference. But the skeleton and all the work i did it by myself, no AI or anything.
>>7420706The previous picture was a grind,and a double grind at that. I was pondering in what direction to direct my drawing time for maximum benefit. I decided to do the characters from my Snowglobe story in this new style I was making comics with, and afterwards I would embellish the penciling with a touch of black gel ink pen,to teach myself it's use through doing so.
>>7420421why do you draw the shine of the eyes in the wrong spot? is that what your ai thought you to do?>>7420454westoid ripoff of anime
>>7422063it's just my artstyle bro
>>7422063I got that thing of the eyes cuz it looks good and i saw it from otyher artists
>much style fagsjust learn to draw
>>7421578i withdraw my dismissive statement this one looks very coolgoes hard very cool
gave it a go too
>>7420668What do you think?
>>7423881sorry i ddint tell you before but amazing work dud, i like how you did the hair so i kind of tried to imitate it>>7421578 btw your art is so cool too, id dint tell you before either lol im sorry
>>7419068I think you could get good results if you just keep experimenting with changing the emphasis on different parts of her proportion and anatomy for more shape variety. The main thing I see wrong with it is too many similar shapes. If you add a few gentle curves to her it would be easier to draw a curvy ass too.Be careful what you take from AI as well anon, it might hurt more than it helps long term.
>>7425359yeah yeah tyty. RN im experimenting lot of stuff and "moving the slider on my style" of how much simplicity and anatomyi put into it. And dw abt AI i took measures to not take it too much srsly, rn im more using different artist references
>>7425392I think a lot of the issue might just be with your poses and have nothing to do with the style.Like, you drew a big straight line there, but the line of action in your reference is a classic contraposto S shape.
>>7425405Oh no that wasn the line of action, it was a line i used as a reference to make sure the anatomy was correct and the, for example, the hips were too backwars in relation to the neck. the line of action was delethed already
>>7425427You still seem to be too very overly rigid with your poses. Whether you intended it or not, your pose IS following that straight line.
>>7425444oh yeah now it look better. ty for the advice i think i will use yours now if thats no problem for u
>>7419068You’re trying to complicate your design choices while claiming you’re seeking a minimalist/simplistic approach to your art style.Take a look at your inspirations >>7419144 styles like those are deliberate and aim to convey as much information as they can with as little as possible. In your drawing, it’s like you think you aren’t conveying the proper information and try to make up for it by adding more lines/more shapes.
>>7419068 I'm sure that this is appealing to some but my main issue with this is how scary it looks. That smile and eyes...
>>7425444here is the draw over and with the pose more acentuated, what do you think?
>>7426318I think you need to study human bodies more, and stay off tumblr/newgrounds
>>7426318Doesn't that pose basically look the same as before? Or am I missing something. How did you accentuate it?
>>7426318Study anatomy more
>>7426592hey hey hey really cool, sorry i didnt mentioned before but i saw your last draw, i just forgot sry. Looks good, later i might also draw over it if you dont mind
>>7426318I don't think there's anything wrong with your style. If you're stuck in a rut you should attempt something more ambitious like a short comic. Drawing your character moving around and interacting with a world will help your pose game more than drawing her in a void.
>>7426759TY. I did a couple of short comics but they were pretty simple and not a lot of movement. Ill try new stuff cuz i have some ideas. ty again.
>>7426767Hell yeah.
>>7426636yeah go for it
>all the hate postsWhere's your no rules just tools catch phrase, artists?
>>7419144i'm /beg/ myself but in the case of paswg the artists have a good grasp of normal human anatomy/proportions/etc. to start with, i think that's why the poses look so dynamic. would not be surprised if deep sea prisoner also can render a body realistically you should try starting there, i think.
>>7430441tyty :D >>7430826yeah yeah ive been studying shapes and trying some anatomy sketches, like this sketches of 30seconds poses. So ive been trying that, ty too
>>7430826i tried doing this more complicated pose, what do yall think?
boobs lmao
>>7432436Try to split up the lights and darks before shading, your cartoony anatomy isn't bad but I feel that the shading of the forms is where you go a bit off. Here's my attempt
>>7432642damn yours looks a hundred times better, ill take notes about your advice.
>>7432436i tried again
>>7432436>>7433279Part of the problem you are putting sharp points on both soft and hard parts. That's why it looks strange. It's okay to make bony protrusions at joints sharp but on muscles and fat it looks like shit. Even when you are doing muscles under tension they look better if their angles are rounded.