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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

Displaying 22 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
2886497I want to collect HHO gas: I got an old trainset power supply . I stuck the DC wires in a jar with s…[View]
2873390How do I turn the top lights on? Please help it looks retarded without the top lights on.[View]
2886426Cheap/dodgy copies of 18th Edition Wiring Regs?: Please sarr, I need to find a copy of the BS7671 18…[View]
2876458Oasification: what would be the fastest way to dig tons of semicircular bunds in deserted land?…[View]
2884611how to convinced my wife that it would be a great kid's bedroom[View]
2886299Is grease with rubber good for Elevator brakes: I recently greased the elevator in the apartment as …[View]
2881001would a honda goldwing make the ultimate car? >cool, not gay >parks anywhere >can fit more …[View]
2883771what is in this outlet box?: Its near the thermostat, doorbell, smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alar…[View]
2886258How hard is it to DIY a carriage house: That is, a two story building with a living space above a ga…[View]
2886245High pitch noise from furnace: My furnace is making a high pitch noise. It seems to be this circular…[View]
2885969Anyone know any good tutorials on how to make these? I tired youtube but they overcomplicate things …[View]
2883187Wooden vs PVC vs aluminum windows: Are the modern wooden windows better or at least as good as PVC o…[View]
2886073Renovating before selling: Due to a sudden death, I'm going to be moving out as soon as probate…[View]
2884570a fucking mouse died somewhere in the walls of my house and now it stinks. wtf should i do ? Cut the…[View]
2884130Okdiy, I have a bit of need for help. I have a sim racing seat, and here is an image of it, along wi…[View]
2865699How do you cure or remove tonsil stones yourself at home?[View]
2885828PCP pump cooling: Normally you use water to cool them, but can you use alternatives like silicone oi…[View]
2882857Alternative lasing meduims: Would gases like hydrogen or cholrine work as a laser meduim?[View]
2885810DIY REKT: >Buy old beat up bush hog with holes in it >Run out of plate steel to patch it up …[View]
2885311i need a new pcb to restore a corroded power supply, all i have is a drawing from an old service man…[View]
2884961In recent years, the use of CNC machines and resin 3d printers to make models for casting has become…[View]
2885807I have a kitchen appliance that got wet, and tripped a breaker, now the breaker trips every time i p…[View]

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