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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

Displaying 985 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
144666885Book of Bill: Would you make a deal with Bill? Would you let him come inside you?[View]
144678431Heres your new green lantern, bro[View]
144658570DC Announces JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED From Waid & Mora: https://x.com/dcuworld/status/1816568212…[View]
144672999Obscure/underused/forgotten villains Discuss any and all villains who you just think should be in mo…[View]
144679719Is Shrek one of the best animation movies ever made?[View]
144679718Seriously... what was his fucking problem?[View]
144678653what the fuck is his problem?[View]
144678815What do you think of the first two 2D animation movies by DreamWorks?[View]
144678439Should they kill criminals?[View]
144677969I'm starting to think Ewing may have a thing for black women. If true he genuinely might be the…[View]
144678577They mocked you[View]
144675458Invincible Season 3 and 4 confirmed: No Invincible thread? https://x.com/InvincibleHQ/status/181693…[View]
144678250Will it be a satisfying ending?[View]
144677627I don't get this one either.[View]
144640855>Be HBO >Get popular and successful in the 70s and 80s for letting people see nudity on tv for…[View]
144670185Who was worse at dating?[View]
144677130Why did the art and animation never improve in Ralph Bakshi's later pictures, even though by al…[View]
144677485Why the hell did Artie Lange only to get to voice the fugly purple sonic parody in Game Over and nev…[View]
144677481MCU Galactus revealed in Comic-Con drone show.[View]
144672934If there was ever an Animation Domination fighting game, would you play it?[View]
144678519Webweaver: Ever since he appeared I can’t stop thinking about his potential as someone heroic but de…[View]
144670910TCJ Bill Randall on Don't Go Where I Can't Follow[View]
144676487So I've been watching KOTH lately and I have to ask. What happened to Hank's voice in the …[View]
144677568I keep reading that The Marvels went through extensive reshoots, but I can never find info on what t…[View]
144676859> Marvel Comics Exec Editor Confirms ‘X-Men’ Books Will Continue Hiding Last Page Behind Annoying…[View]
144597600Weekly /co/ creation thread: Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog. Wiki: …[View]
144621997superman and his friends enjoying some delicious jelly donuts[View]
144678312I literally can fix her: spending endless nights giving her all the pleasure and love that she crave…[View]
144676786>hulking spiked monstrosity >hey bud fuck off What a brave man…[View]
144677928I basedfaced like a S°yWars fan[View]
144676772>Viva la Robotolution![View]
144677653Amphibia: What did you think of Darcy?[View]
144677162Who are they?[View]
144677348Now that the dust has settled, how did he survive?[View]
144673924Let’s have a thread discussing hypnosis[View]
144677245Why does this guy cause so much heated discussion?[View]
144675214>is okay with everyone at his school calling him a loser >loses his shit when Shrek calls him …[View]
144666414Gunnerkrigg Court: Chapter 95: Page 5 It's natural. https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/[View]
144674919so is indie animation the future donation and patreon is what will prop up animation And what lead …[View]
144677473I think he should cancel more shitty cartoons[View]
144673090Common Side Effects (Adult Swim): Is it good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgkQQCFaYuY…[View]
144677435>We got a white bronco heading east into the forest. Requesting backup.…[View]
144676598OK, see you in the trees. Uh, I'll take care of them. I'm a tree. I'm a tree wizard.[View]
144671923>cartoon is hated because it's a 00s cartoon in 2024[View]
144671910>your achieve your goals >but he has power over you for the foreseeable future Would you shake…[View]
144671558Dadders, we are so back[View]
144658262New Transformers One trailer. The movie had screenings in certain theaters 2 months before release a…[View]
144673027Did it /co/?[View]
144664565Olympic Mascots Thread: Discuss[View]
144674748X-Men 97: >half the episodes are disconnected nonsense[View]
144674372Ready for this show to get sucked off again for one crossover/cameo again?[View]
144666073Storytime of Pain 2024 - Growing Up Gerudo: Are you a Zelda fan? Have you ever asked yourself 'What …[View]
144674062THE CROW first clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFuT1BsZRiw[View]
144673073Pure sex: the character: How did a 'cartoon for kids' have the sexiest ADULT waifu in existence? How…[View]
144669517She's so brat bros. Why did she have to marry such an ugly loser?[View]
144674724Toonami Rewind: English-dubbed anime on an American western cartoon block. Where the only original c…[View]
144667402Weird /co/ntent thread: Do we need to go back to calling these 'autism threads' or 'cringe threads'?…[View]
144675148>Rule 63 Smiling Friends What changes?[View]
144674181Dynamite Comics announce BEN 10, THUNDARR, and other H-B heroes, and DUCKTALES series!: Lineup of ne…[View]
144675151Ive literally never heard of this fucking show[View]
144664937>Dude, don't you just LOVE how Batman has no Alfred, no mansion, and no pussy in more ways t…[View]
144669104>People says show is awful >Nobody gives reasons about it…[View]
144671843What was the cause of RWBY's downfall anons[View]
144664377What are some of the most drastically different adaptations of /co/ characters? Deathstroke in Lois …[View]
144663326ITT: Yandere Girls! post whatever character that it has a Yandere-ish like personality! FEMALES ONLY…[View]
144671094Future Kamala Khan won’t have boobs or show skin: I’m depressed. My whole point from reading Ms Marv…[View]
144671118Kevin Feige says the MCU won't be rebooted anytime soon: >'I think these characters will be …[View]
144674103'Why do I get the feeling I'm being watched?'[View]
144673211New Bugs Bunny animation to promote the olympics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAAUoZl02jw[View]
144667679Thoughts on Middlington Mayhem?[View]
144673049Uzi Doorman: Say something nice about her[View]
144672993Minion in Olympics opening ceremony: bow to them![View]
144653632It's Jackie Lynn Thursday again!: Post only the best Jackies[View]
144675427>D&W opening previews were almost as high as Infinity War Why the fuck is Wolverine so popula…[View]
144675398How did Fairy Odd Parents of all things get four separate future timelines? It's bordering on G…[View]
144673763Storefront and Soulja Boy return in Vought Rising 2025[View]
144672323Is a fan fiction version of Mxyzptlk also canon?[View]
144674008What are these lines artists draw on a character's face and why do they do it when it makes 99%…[View]
144668796>Poof recasted >Timmy recasted >Isn’t even brought back to voice to even voice the other ch…[View]
144674458pleasssse anyone have seen this cartoon series?: >first episode has a sea fairing ship that caugh…[View]
144674863Fionma & Cake Season 2: Looks like Huntress Wizard will be in season 2. Along with her ex boyfri…[View]
144671596Death Battle: Are you excited for Death Battle's return?[View]
144674915To celebrate prerelease day, let's enjoy this little cartoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG…[View]
144674900This was ok. I found nothing objectionable and may even buy it. Tell me why I am wrong and a faggot…[View]
144670294Can't wait to get my new issue[View]
144674444Damn, Cassandra Nova looks like THAT?[View]
144668750When can we evolve to some good cartoon designs?[View]
144673557Rank 'em.[View]
144674024DC vs Marvel at the Olympics: If DC and Marvel had characters compete at the Olympics, who would tak…[View]
144674036Is there a /co/ girl only you love on this board[View]
144673064What would you have done differently?: Wanda must still be the villain and America Chavez must still…[View]
144651371Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Storytime[View]
144670944NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET FIGMENT, BITCH!: Don't blow it this time, /co/.[View]
144672717Why doesn't Marvel just fucking make John Walker Kang? With elements of Proctor tossed in so th…[View]
144672536Does anyone know any /co/ fanfics that are actually pretty good?[View]
144667360Storytime of Pain 2024 - Larry Hama Batman: Larry Hama has had a long career, written many good comi…[View]
144671281Story time Order of the stick 700-750: Please leave comments and makes me feel like I'm not was…[View]
144672981Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: What kind of panties does she wear?[View]
144670891Why do I get the feeling I'm being watched[View]
144672897So all they needed to do was make her black and all would be forgiven? lol lmao even[View]
144673237Why are yellow characters so successful?[View]
144661249Spider-Man Storytime #223 NW Annual 368-370, ASM: Yesterday Spider-Man managed to punch out the step…[View]
144669370It's muffin time![View]
144672207>Still animated better than most cartoons today[View]
144671380Worst Era For Cartoons?: The 70s, 80s or 2014 to now?[View]
144673354Was he a virgin?[View]
144669013Perifag: Where's Perifag? I haven't seen him in months[View]
144672409>Tourists call this anime[View]
144665290> new Disney movie with new milf > everyone else gets hyped for her > can’t really see appe…[View]
144671954this is a duck boy from a cartoon[View]
144673548What are the Avenger, FF, X-Men, and solo heroes policy for if Ghost Rider shows up in the middle of…[View]
144673450Titan AE: What's stopping another alien species, more united than the Terran diaspora, or even …[View]
144672137Seriously, what the fuck was his problem?[View]
144673310Should Cir-El return?: Would now be the best time for her to return?[View]
144642250Post crossover pairings[View]
144673093why did Alucard fuck up her weave?[View]
144668149Storytime of Pain 2024 - Novas Aventuras de Megaman: SUPER ROBÔ LUTADOR MEGAMAN[View]
144670815(You) are now the mayor of Gotham City. What will be your policies to fix this shithole?[View]
144663684Cheshire is a terrorist.: Is everyone just supposed to forget that she NUKED AN ENTIRE COUNTRY? Hone…[View]
144672120Grab em: >'Grab those titties Starr' >'Grab Them Hard' Kino…[View]
144670286I liked it better than the first one: But then the ending felt rushed and a copout.[View]
144672802Common Side Effects: New show from the creator of Scavengers Reign: https://youtu.be/FgkQQCFaYuY?si=…[View]
144672285Is Bill Watterson overrated: Don't get me wrong, Calvin and Hobbes is a great strip, but people…[View]
144670394this movie is going to age terribly once the novelty of the cameos wear off desu[View]
144672609Bubbles on the first page[View]
144672648Something BUGgin ya?[View]
144667728Do normies not even know the difference between Marvel and DC?[View]
144657233Spider-Man thread: Are you all ready for the edgiest Spider-Man look of all time?[View]
144643258imagine leaving your husband after he makes you into his cute raptor wife in his cartoon. women trul…[View]
144672087>be me >just moved to Chicago for school >Friday night, no friends, so I kill time by watch…[View]
144672543does anyone know where can I read this kino online? It's been out for a few months now and it…[View]
144672475Star should have just killed Jackie- no one liked her anyway[View]
144669392I like tomboys. Post tomboys.[View]
144671450'Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run is just a below average Stephen King novel'-Jim Shooter[View]
144670750>When I write a book, I put everything I have into it; so the more I have, the more the books bec…[View]
144663208Casually mogs MD, HB/HH, and TADC: Skibdi bros we fucking won!![View]
144654315Reaction Image thread[View]
144669514Why didn't nearly enough people get mad at Netflix for doing this?[View]
144668752Will the Fantastic Four push work? >New movie with lots of marketing before even filming >wh…[View]
144672040>It's a Clark gets his fat ass violated episode[View]
144634754Who is your favorite and least favorite character in Gumball and why?[View]
144669271This is a baby show.[View]
144671590First look at Laika's Wildwood revealed via Empire Magazine[View]
144665230Classic Webcomic General[View]
144671030This episode was like if a nuclear bombing of Hiroshima except it's shipfag community instead.[View]
144671502It's that time again! The 2024 Summer Elite Cup is on, and we're the very first match of t…[View]
144669750Just finished this. It wasn't what she did at the end. That was probably the best option. It wa…[View]
144669487Mad Hatter is literally a fucking faggot: >wants to abduct Batman >Crossdress him with a Blond…[View]
144669168>movie bad because animators were overworked >DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE ANIMATORS WERE ABU…[View]
144671905What did you think of it?[View]
144666784Storytime of Pain 2024 - Malibu Street Fighter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VchglFlNIvo…[View]
144671845What would you say are some of the more interesting voices for an animated character you've eve…[View]
144671225these redraws are fun[View]
144671667she's alone without a place to sleep for the night and comes to your door. will you let her spe…[View]
144667652Outsider art: What do you think makes for 'outsider art'? Yes I know there's plenty of definiti…[View]
144667013Just finished the finale, and damn this show is good wtf[View]
144668648what's the point of this really?: I get the idea to make this show but this show just doesn…[View]
144671242Will Deadpool & Wolverine’s execution on costuming further encourage, or outright confirm, the u…[View]
144667937>Jeff leak reveal to be in Marvel Rivals roster >Gwenpool, Jeff's owner, forgotten Lol…[View]
144671111>One night a year, Rumpy the Flying Rump uses his magic toot powers to fly across the world and d…[View]
144671621OK KO and Mighty Magiswords: Two of CNs most 'toyetic' shows that aren't Ben 10 and they absolu…[View]
144671613What are the worst Loud House episodes? My picks are; 1. No Such Luck 2. No Guts No Glori 3. Heavy …[View]
144670409anyone remember the 2006 animated Starz series The Wood?[View]
144667452Can we have an animated video thread? https://youtu.be/yt8anGRsarQ?si=0HW69Qqohe-V6144[View]
144666389bored rn so I'm leaking two of the CN Cartoon Cartoons shorts https://litter.catbox.moe/95hqfg.…[View]
144671330Plagiarism: Why do 'artists' bitch so hard about AI 'stealing' their 'work' when they are all blatan…[View]
144651372What are some good military-themed comic series?[View]
144659199/co/ Skeletons: What are some of your favorite cartoon Skeletons? Would you a skelly?[View]
144670904Krapopolis: Is Fox this much starved for content that they renewed this absolute BORE for a fourth s…[View]
144667138Glitch Techs: >build robot daughter because of reasons >design her with an absolute dumptruck …[View]
144670086>Here's your 18-year old college student bro[View]
144668408Why the fuck is the Joker immune to the Fear Toxin?[View]
144668309>becomes a super hero to fight crime to protect this Pretty based, desu…[View]
144667747Let's talk about this, /co/. Is there any hope for the X-Men family of comics? Ultimate X-Men h…[View]
144670962Adventure Time: Roz Ryan (Cake's VA) posted a photo of a recording session for Fionna and Cake …[View]
144670656Why is catra a cat?: Does the show give any hints or explanation as to why Catra's a cat? there…[View]
144662010Steven Universe: What do you think of Connie?[View]
144670722why did they make a stupid smurf hot? i swear i didnt feel this way even about smurfette[View]
144653364Hey /co, look at my disguise![View]
144669542Someone is knocking. You open your door and see pic related: What do you do?[View]
144661416Death Battle: They're back lol[View]
144668198The Goon army: >Goon Army[View]
144665913>Already 1.8 Million views TICK TOCK POOFFAGS THE REAL OG RETURN IS BACK…[View]
144670558It really should have been Katz Cafe[View]
144670434What do you think he'd do if I pissed on his foot?[View]
144664254I don't get the extreme hate. I thought it was alright.[View]
144665072I've heard great things about this run, but I've never read it. I saw they're putting…[View]
144669756I have more fun reading comics I don't enjoy, with characters I find unlikable If you do too, c…[View]
144669022dance party: https://youtu.be/qpf09TQzFl0?si=wz3ZMZXZdnb9-JO0[View]
144664981Unsounded: Duane's such a good dude, trying to set up his little bro with some golden thiccness…[View]
144666827Marvel Rivals: Jeff and Thor being added tomorrow: Also, Jeff the Land Shark trailer. >https://ww…[View]
144669808>‘Krapopolis’ Renewed For Season 4, Fox and Dan Harmon Announce at Comic-Con (EXCLUSIVE) https://…[View]
144668259It's like Rick and Morty but without the overt cynicism[View]
144670005>WHAT ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT? i don't get it, did she not listen? is she deaf?…[View]
144667124STORYTIME OF PAIN X: SPIDER-MAN BY J.J. ABRAMS & SON: Welcome to the TENTH year of the Weekend o…[View]
144668774Fan episode ideas: Where can I make fan episode idea with other fans? I know it's not allowed h…[View]
144669835So how did he fuck this up?[View]
144664277>Show has this ship Does it make it better or worse?[View]
144669970adult swim looks goods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dprFSMfILEg[View]
144668336>Pepe gets cancelled >Bugs doesn't ?…[View]
144669786I give you... THE ZOOMINATOR[View]
144667540The Deadpool 3 movie still didnt explain how mutants will show up in the MCU. If anything it ended u…[View]
144669723The Amazing Digital Circus: Pomni love edition TADC thread[View]
144669604I get that making more music videos costed a lot, but did they need to play it every day, on an almo…[View]
144662998Xavier School[View]
144667727>>144662172 >Grace Park would have played Wally’s love interest Linda Park Kino was cancell…[View]
144667901>burton gets tired of making a movie about weird loners >'what if the normal guy surrounded by…[View]
144669328Have u seen this vampire Batman yet https://youtu.be/7mCL_PXqf04?si=VN-937CSqlxhqexc[View]
144668938Are you ready to see Spidey and Ultraman team up?[View]
144668504Cartoons are DEAD!: >Anime is screwing us over >f/a/gs keeps talking shit at us in their board…[View]
144667296The quiet crazy type: I love this archetype, post examples and recommend shows/comics please[View]
144669186>Massive living space with no rent/mortgage >Do nothing but read, train and play video games/w…[View]
144668644Do you watch Zig and Sharko?: if so do you like it?[View]
144669083Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Predictions for the movie? Will Metal or Mecha Sonic appear? What will the aft…[View]
144667217Storytime of Pain 2024 - Pirate StC: I don't normally repost the comics I've used to start…[View]
144663159Inside Out 2: Thoughts?[View]
144665233>gets kicked off Disney Channel schedule it's over, isn't it? it ended with scott getti…[View]
144668759Goth thread: Post goth girls, preferieable if they are hot[View]
1446675084chan's Definitive Top 20 Worst Animated Series of All Time!!!: 1.Steven universe 2.Adventure …[View]
144667549Good morning everyone[View]
144667756Nickelodeon is back at it again with the foot fetish https://youtu.be/7csI23mfqls?si=5kn_291HCYIXLVL…[View]
144663732BTAS Spinoffs: What do you think could've made for an interesting spinoff of BTAS? Aside from t…[View]
144668380In retrospect it was kind of weird they had a straight up serial killer trying to murder Spongebob.[View]
144661285Glitch Productions: Who here is a fan of Glitch Productions?[View]
144622355The Book of Bill: What could possibly go wrong, /co/?[View]
144665381why was he chinese[View]
144659548>rewatching old futurama seasons >theres an episode where Fry (25) hooks up with Amy (20) >…[View]
144666582>it's another 'massively overpowered villain who could've killed the MCs instantly but …[View]
144665645Is it safe to blame Bojack’s parents for his mental illnesses as an adult?[View]
144666058What is your favorite type of cartoon villain?[View]
144661325>Chip and Dale get movie >Darkwing Duck get reboot >Ducktales get reboot >Gargoyles get …[View]
144661588The mask as it could have been: What if the mask was actually adapted just like in the comics?…[View]
144661597>This is like something you'd see on 2000s-era DeviantArt or Newgrounds! Okay... and why is …[View]
144661390The Professor Brothers: https://youtu.be/Dyu7yevZRGw?si=WftqJeewZullkCM4 'Ah won hav to fug my couch…[View]
144666845Animated Music Videos: The thread the other Anon posted archived right when I entered it. https://ww…[View]
144617335Ongezellig: Love this based Aryan show.[View]
144668006Riza zhaba klushepara[View]
144667590Please Forgive Me!!! 502: Cool Pix!!![View]
144664575Fionna and Cake: Roz leaked the first episode title: 'the crocodile who bit the log.' HW confirmed, …[View]
144667537Shitposting aside, would you say that these are the absolute worst cartoons ever made /co/? https://…[View]
144661913Hottest Animated Character Thread Who do you think is hot and why?[View]
144664662Krapopolis: Krapbros we got renewed for Season 4 before S2 and S2 debuted... https://variety.com/202…[View]
144667108CBR's Top 20 Worst Animated Series of All Time: 1. Ren Needs Help 2. Teen Titans Go 3. The Wack…[View]
144662240save me tumblr sexyman!!!![View]
144664929Remember when this show used to be based back in S1? What the fuck actually happened? Feels like a c…[View]
144664258Was Dave a loser?[View]
144657006Did Morrison just leave the comic book industry?[View]
144590188Do anyone of you have trouble sleeping?[View]
144659023>gets over his obsession with margaret >becomes a successful artist >married with 3 kids (f…[View]
144663586I can't believe Vicky is fucking dead[View]
144666724What if he needs someone to pass the salt[View]
144654509>DC tries so hard to reinvent their characters into trans icons >Marvel just makes an alternat…[View]
144659877This guy's art must be stopped.[View]
144665261It's okay to like series that are flawed. Don't pretend Archie Sonic is anywhere near perf…[View]
144665205If they made an Aces comic would you read it?[View]
144665565If it was Playhouse Disney's flagship show during 2003-2005, why did Disney never merchandise i…[View]
144666470How did a bunch of mutants living in a sewer build a fucking Hindenberg?[View]
144665147Simpsons jokes off the top of my head that revolve around the Squishee machine https://www.youtube.…[View]
144665871That'll be $4.99 plus tip[View]
144666364/co/-related Dreams Thread: I had this dream where I saw a trailer for a Minnie Mouse 'movie' which …[View]
144661269Blimbo and His Friend: It's been a while edition: The all new /co/ series Blimbo and His Friend…[View]
144607822>this made millennials shit their pants[View]
144664634Where is he?[View]
144662446Why do comic 'purists' defend Spider-Man having fake webs?[View]
144665953Was Tom Goes to the Mayor a good show?[View]
144663002Sam is so weak against the Red hulk that he needs to rebuild the Avengers[View]
144651115KLASKY CSUPO CARTOONS ARE SO UGLY!!! Klasky Csupo cartoons:[View]
144666037Be honest: It should have been a videogame series, as originally intended. Children would have to sp…[View]
144665101how many more cats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQzuhCi-ob4[View]
144666254>Ahem I TOO, BANGED A DOG UP THE ASS[View]
144660571What does /co/ think of Cheburashka, one of the most prominent figures in Russian animation?[View]
144664625cute stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpf09TQzFl0[View]
144662893ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong[View]
144662034So… what ever happened to this lmao[View]
144659881Would you watch it /co/[View]
144662378New clip of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHVlNZfy0eA…[View]
144652387What could a potential Ed Edd n Eddy reboot learn from stuff like FOP: A New Wish? There's no r…[View]
144661085>Fuck animu shit >Fuck lorefaggotary >Fuck melodrama crap >Fuck quirky unfunny protagoni…[View]
144665707I want to fuck a chicken[View]
144665756If he was a Daxamite would he have done it?: >Kara we gotta repopulate Daxam!…[View]
144662816Happy Birthday to Meta Runner: >First episode date: July 25, 2019…[View]
144664731Amazing how so many characters in later seasons of KotH got flanderized while Bobby became an absolu…[View]
144665537Steamed Hams but very gay, also Clutch Cargo: https://youtu.be/x3RhJzWBlcQ[View]
144663658What /co/ villains have the smartest master keikakus?[View]
144664798>3 seasons[View]
144657784Your hopes for zootopia 2[View]
144661832found the rare Primos defender: 'The show can't be racist to Latinos because the creator's…[View]
144661920Has there ever been an animated western movie as good as Rango in the recent years? Hell, an animate…[View]
144663843“Oh, they fucking” -ProZD[View]
144658675Do you think a sequel to the pixar short, “Knick Knack”, the short containing the sexy figurine “Sun…[View]
144664563>SAW IT WRITTEN AND I SAW IT SAY >FULL MOOOOOOON IS ON ITS WAY Is this going to be good?…[View]
144665095>Characters forgotten only because of their ideology[View]
144663901The surprise blockbuster of 2001. How different would be the american animation film industry right …[View]
144664896Animated music video thread? SIAMÉS has a new one out today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaLJbIx…[View]
144664834eltingville club general: I have eltingville club brainrot currently lol[View]
144662123Should today's superhero comics attack malign regimes, the way Golden Age superheroes would reg…[View]
144664641I miss her. A reminder of better days.[View]
144659519Clone Wars was pretty good overall but this shit was so stupid that The Acolyte seems like a good sh…[View]
144664041Coming off Deadpool & Wolverine, I think the main issue with Marvel’s Multiverse Saga is the lac…[View]
144656799ITT: boomer comics[View]
144661247What would she be like as a guntuber?[View]
144664647Now that we probably have to wait a year or two for the next episode, how would you rank Smiling Fri…[View]
144661914JSA Storytime: iHerc: Good evening owls, Axis of the world or something?[View]
144662085Was it a good movie?[View]
144662065Well that's cute[View]
144663167AEW VS ADULT SWIM BATTLE OF THE BOOTY: Including appearances by meatwad, fang and mr frog. It starts…[View]
144663866Would it have survived Comedy Central in the 2000s among prime South Park, Chappelle's Show, an…[View]
144662614Dan Mora Thread: Have you ever heard of Dan Mora? Hes a GREAT artist and the modern Jim Lee (Mora is…[View]
144663061ITT: So Close: >Movie looks alright >Robot has a decent design > They Talk > And the …[View]
144658466ITT good cartoons retards won't let you talk about[View]
144663806would you if she admitted to you about being a 'monster'?: >TRANSylvania I can't b…[View]
144662857You become aware of a deep state assassination plot and you need the coolest secret agents on /co/ t…[View]
144662383Whats the worst animation to ever be seen on TV?[View]
144663205>diana felt in love with a pilot crashed on her island >hal jordan became a green lantern by b…[View]
144662082why exactly was xray vision so strong against unity? I must've missed if it was ever explained …[View]
144662172Would it have been kino?: >Before Green Lantern and Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds almost played the Fla…[View]
144660177YOU ARE A TOY[View]
144663622It wouldn’t be illegal for Patrick to marry his adopted sister when she grows up, right?[View]
144658765The Ottifants - Germany's attempt at making their own animated sitcom like 'The Simpsons': Thes…[View]
144656112Here's why Duke doesn't work: His parents aren't real characters. Duke's whole b…[View]
144651555A thread about Daredevil villains (and other underappreciated capeshit villains)! DD has a really go…[View]
144663739Who would be a worthy successor for Robby Benson if he were to ever retire from voicing the Beast?[View]
144661216I would unironically read a Colonial Man comic. Why doesn't this whiny faggot just go ahead and…[View]
144663451I don't get it.[View]
144663115>could solve every problem. In the X-Men movies >The X-Men don’t recruit him Why?…[View]
144656975Weird /co/ntent: Post the weirdest /co/ related shit you got NOT a bullying thread, pls no bully Als…[View]
144663403Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hey, remember how the explicit reason the Foot Clan replaced all the h…[View]
144663444Harley Quinn: DC. Needs. To Stop. Wanking. This Character. To Death.[View]
144659830Thoughts on 'The Flash' (1990)?[View]
144661622Since this and jason momoa exist does it mean Aquaman will never be white again?[View]
144660066Kunshikter and bluey fanart: Both cute shows, Wanted to make a cool fanart of em :D[View]
14466333939th Imagen Awards Nominees: https://www.imagen.org/2024/07/39th-annual-imagen-awards-nominees/…[View]
144661158I miss old MAD, bros.[View]
144661087ratz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvEGhDb9k2E[View]
144658402Helluva Boss Doesn't Make Any Sense: After a long time not watching Helluva Boss, I decided to …[View]
144651833Reminder that original DC Atom was manlet who was only boobs tall compared to female JSAers: Hello, …[View]
144657662What are these type of women called and where do I find more of them?[View]
144656467Who is more powerful?[View]
144660631Since she turns 40 today, how about a MILF Frankie Foster thread?[View]
144662054>we're just trying to comply to the unnataineable standars of beaulty Ah yes, the uggo ran-t…[View]
144647662Deadpool & Logan (Thoughts): Came back from seeing this slop... so, some of the jokes involving …[View]
144659505What’s your first impression of this chick?[View]
144658478Is it really that easy?[View]
144662103You better not play trash!: also new video upload kek >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oZi5pAaBH…[View]
144661858Mark Hamill to replace Brian Doyle-Murrayas the voice of the Flying Dutchman for SpongeBob's ne…[View]
144653066Is Leah Williams' Power Girl good? I've never liked anything I've read from her, thou…[View]
144659254>writing a comic with a twist >also writing an alternate ending in case people figure out the …[View]
14466187283 Fucking years and she still doesn't have a personality beyond being a woman[View]
144658927Admit it, /co/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDk8RMTf95M This scene was cool.[View]
144655948Here's your Fantastic 4 bro:: >Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards >Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm …[View]
144662153Do you think this indie animated film will be good? >When loser Duke, who has screwed up every ha…[View]
144661103What were your favourite cartoons growing up?[View]
144659770What are your thoughts on this new sea bear doctor?[View]
144659928Remember when SU fandom bullied an artist so hard she deleted all her medi because she drew rose qua…[View]
144659004If you or someone were to make a comic book series about your life, what would it be about? What wou…[View]
144661850>The Writer's Barely Diguised Fetish[View]
144658879Cyclop's optic blast isn't heat vision.[View]
144654505Pop Pixie: I really like it and I'm not a fan of Winx Club. That is all.[View]
144653259Batman/Superman by Gene Luen Yang: This is pretty bad. Are his parts of The Terrifics and New Super…[View]
144661228Villain tropes you'll never tire of: >it's the robotic evil clone of the hero >it…[View]
144648469G-Ville Comics by Jimmy Gownley: Issue 1 is out: https://substack.com/pub/gvillecomics/p/g-ville-com…[View]
144655915Storytime of Pain 2024 - Asterix and The Falling Sky: I recall this got over rather well last year, …[View]
144634107Storytime of Pain: Fight Club 2: Were back the story is getting even more pretentious plus remember …[View]
144659440>M*rvel comics now have physical DRM, requiring you to scan the last page with an app in order to…[View]
144661763Daniel Way unironically won. I remember when I first started coming to /co/ and everyone was complai…[View]
144661209Remember than time Xavier said he was in love with 16 year old Jean Grey?[View]
144659611I'm screwing up his little g-ACK[View]
144661144What went right? Rewatched it the other day and it 100% holds up. Just as good as I remember it bein…[View]
144657384I am now officially all ready to go and greet convention-goers at my table. I have my #Sonic $10 box…[View]
144655119Why Are Comic Veterans Lying About Marvel Pushing QR Codes Into Their Comics?: This such a shitty id…[View]
144659631Oh no, Jugger-Gwen is stuck. Don't do anything to her, anon.[View]
144659358ITT Characters like this: The quiet deranged weirdo of the group who can't be wrangled and seem…[View]
144661355Why does he have a photo of Timmys grandmothers feet?[View]
144659307Still the best second installment by Pixar[View]
144640924Death Battle: The dragon episode is the next episode.[View]
144660053Your job is to make the Outsider a relevant team rivaling that of the Justice League like they were …[View]
144638202People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have >Death of >Knightfall…[View]
144658234The New Adventures of Turning Red Storytime: Previous thread https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/14462…[View]
144656502Alpha Cop bros...: We were robbed.[View]
144661058Have there been any cartoons since Over The Garden Wall that haven't sucked or become shit?[View]
144660555A friend told me this is too anime-inspired for a Superman show. It got me thinking about what weste…[View]
144637908Skibidi Toilet gets movie and TV show deal: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/skibidi-toilet-michae…[View]
144659360You WILL be rooting for the adult swim team tonight, right?[View]
144654705I'm not letting my kids watch Bluey anymore.[View]
144652911Are you excited for DC All-In?[View]
144660912Back in the day, this guy was the funniest shit i had ever seen.[View]
144647579He Did Not Ask To Be Saved: What do you think happened to this asshole after the court case? I can…[View]
144656650Have you ever read a good romance comic?[View]
144660854>Miss Bellum is a heterosexual women >We have to remove her because her dress is too revealing…[View]
144660193Storytime of Pain 2024 - Superman: Burning Fires: I've got time for one more SoP thread, so mig…[View]
144657236The Dragon Prince: Less than 12 hours until the new season[View]
144659719Does anyone else think Big Game could have done with a few more issues for character interactions? P…[View]
144649698Parallax >>> Green Lantern[View]
144659558What's the point of reading the book if you can't see the rainbow? https://youtube.com/wat…[View]
144658970/co/ screenshots thread[View]
144656775Did we really need this scene? /co/ watches The Last Unicorn in HD. What did you guys think of it? h…[View]
144654322TCJ Rich Kreiner on Ode to Kirihito[View]
144654736It's Frankie Foster's 40th birthday today. What do you think about this milf?[View]
144656946The revival's greatest crime was killing him off.[View]
144650315The Dragon Prince: Any idea where I could read this comic online? I found the first 2 but not this o…[View]
144655103Okay, but who watches the watchmen?[View]
144651506The Flash #11 Storytime[View]
144630373Let's do something constructive. I want YOU to list five (5) comics that you would rush to buy …[View]
144654549Post comics that are thematically constructed. >Watchmen It's 12 chapters and loops back to …[View]
144602961ITT: Characters comic book writers have no idea what to do with[View]
144659523Perhaps the most divisive MCU movie: What are ya'll thoughts about it?[View]
144658977>hasn't been in any noticable form of media outside of a marvel comic miniseries nobody reme…[View]
144656905I stopped reading ongoing comics 2 years ago because it was tough to keep up with a lot of books. Bu…[View]
144659150THEY RECAST HIM WTF[View]
144640084BCB – Bittersweet Candy Bowl: Sue wants Daisy to hurt Paulo edition[View]
144657115>Confirmed dead Why does Fiege hate him?[View]
144658749spider: fascinating[View]
144655910How come the unpaid shills never shill for possibly interesting comics?[View]
144658587i thought this was neat. an early (the earliest? its from 1966.) example of those lines steranko lik…[View]
144659114How did The CW end up with the most consistent live-action superhero Multiverse?[View]
144656962Why would you even print a cover like this?[View]
144656152What are some of the dumbest retcons in comics? For me it's making Wolverine's real name J…[View]
144657247JoJo Colossus[View]
144656547Storytime of Pain 2024 - Legends of The Dark Knight: Grimm: As some of you may recall, I posted all …[View]
144659306She-ra pop: For the honor of catgirls![View]
144635698Homestuck Beyond Canon Upd8: It upd8ed again. Continuing from yesterday's point. I can only ima…[View]
144654306Kyle Baker's should have drawn his Plastic Man run traditionally.[View]
144640335Goth kids: Why did the goth kids stop getting used in South Park? They still show up in the backgrou…[View]
144581431/Shelf/ Thread: 'Your backlog cant be THAT big' edition Don't know where to buy? Try these: htt…[View]
144658916Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Ed? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not …[View]
144653869Ignoring her show and its garbage story, how is her design so perfect? She’s perfect.[View]
144654338Why didn’ the adult american animation evolve the same way as jap adult animation? Why didn’t Ralph …[View]
144653952What if the joker went out on a crime spree in Gotham and then it took an unexpected turn >Batman…[View]
144642717King of the Hill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH8mR1VDqPE How much of a cunt do you have to be i…[View]
144656033I stopped reading X-Men comics decades ago. What the fuck happened to these comics? I don't und…[View]
144645265This song was cool.[View]
144653773Storytime of Pain 2024 - What If? AvX, Miles Morales, Dark: Who wants more What If? Tough, you'…[View]
144655837EC Comics: Epitaphs From the Abyss #1 Storytime: >From the publisher that drove Tales from the Cr…[View]
144658502raccoons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnXXR2s7gMs[View]
144657714Who has the saltier, most autistic fanbase?[View]
144658264now that nice[View]
144653677Cyclops and Kamala[View]
144657977fuck that ending[View]
144658265What was Garth Ennis trying to say with this arc?[View]
144654001trope we hate: the villain has a kid, that has the same power trope[View]
144657250Which Nickelodeon Cartoons periods/years are your favorite?[View]
144653038Was it kino[View]
144650559Storytime of Pain 2024 - Warrior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFsyKvE8rAU[View]
144658013Gravity Falls: Was it just me or did Dipper seem kinda boring on the show?[View]
144657499I'M GONNA SAY IT: Post-Endgame MCU has been fine aside from Secret Invasion, She-Hulk and The M…[View]
144650914Waifu/Husbando thread: Post em[View]
144654996What's his tax policy?[View]
144657569The Amazing Digital Circus: Why did Jax tell Gangle she looked submissive and breedable and proceed…[View]
144654770Why does Cartman draw the line at bullying disabled people? Cartman will make fun of (or commit hate…[View]
144655818the same kind of people that liked this are the same kind of people that cry over loli/young charact…[View]
144656414>Series that is obviously made for boys has a female-majority fanbase Why doed this happen?…[View]
144655724Deadpool and Wolverine: What the fuck is this? Why would they bother doing this, even as a gag?…[View]
144657064Dexter's Laboratory: Let's shit on Dexter's Laboratory for fun you guys, dog pile on …[View]
144652047Canonically Homosexual: Post Canon Gay.[View]
144644317Ultimate Black Panther #6 Storytime Thread: I'm starting to think that you guys don't like…[View]
144656985So, is it happening?[View]
144654949Could Batman beat Spiderman with prep time? I know he gets suplexed in the one crossover and gets bt…[View]
144650367>First it was Dr. Disrespect >Then it was the Mr. Beast family wrecking tranny >Now one of …[View]
144656240Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.[View]
144655997>Charlie wearing a cross necklace >characters praying to God whenever they're in danger …[View]
144648793Should I buy this blind?[View]
144644023>40 years of age[View]
144623661The comic shop model is absolutely indefensible. The overreliance on these dying shops is killing th…[View]
144650963is being the misery porn of capeshit the whole shtick of wolverine? I just read the jason aaron run …[View]
144636535Beyond Parody: In an effort to combat piracy Marvel is replacing the last page of the new X-books wi…[View]
144656219Before Watchmen: Minutemen: what is that on the top panel? i never figured it out[View]
144650353CIRCUS SISTERS...????[View]
144649520covers that go hard[View]
144656358> nooooooooooooo you can’t make Harry Osborn venom, you’re replacing Eddie Brock…[View]
144653656ITT: write an episode for the upcoming King of the Hill revival[View]
144650871There's an extreme untapped market for the ability to make cartoons based off of 2000s to early…[View]
144651003Storytime of Pain: Fight Club 2: i just took a massive dump the final 2 issues then Fight Club 3 in …[View]
144655636I'm so confused by what he's posting, apparently there's an investigation but I have …[View]
144648620Lapis Lazuli: Discuss.[View]
144655132She-Ra Hate Thread: >shit worldbuilding >unresolved arcs >plot holes >shit main cast Why…[View]
144656129New suit, same old me.[View]
144650508Marvel won the Legacy Character Wars: If you name drop Miles Morales in a class room, everyone knows…[View]
144656059So technically he could turn water into wine? Early in the movie he makes It rain orange juice, then…[View]
144655187Be cool, relax.[View]
144653956> Valentines episode end > Bob kisses Linda > Louise kisses Rudy > Tina kisses JJ > G…[View]
144652250Comic books are an inherently subversive medium. You can argue that there's tons of great chara…[View]
144655958Who was the best character in Amphibia, and why was it Sasha?[View]
144649935ITT: Cannon Fodder: Poet your favorite henchmen, grunts, and minions.[View]
144655792>only airs animations that are already on youtube >censors profanity on top of that >rarel…[View]
144652682Storytime of Pain 2024 - Superman: At Earth's End: I must post this because... I know this is a…[View]
144653312Why do all of Wally's OC villains suck except for Zoloman?[View]
144655020Fat Dog Mendoza thread https://youtu.be/O19ePvi65G0?si=JsHQ6iPx9i1VeaSr[View]
144651388Which of the 2 is the ultimate JL cartoon prequel: I feel like JL and JLU inherited more elements fr…[View]
144651082Storytime of Pain 2024 - Nash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3gIZ_Z7V8k[View]
144653865How do I into Mark Millar? He seems like a top geezer.[View]
144644919>Prevents Thor from killing Thanos and ending the entire Infinity Gauntlet battle by getting in t…[View]
144639233Inflation in media thread[View]
144651615raccoons: i like her stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTWezzID_c8[View]
144637287They should make a Wonder Woman movie and cast that white girl from the Shazam films as Diana. She s…[View]
144649930You may erase one Marvel event from history, but only one Choose carefully and consider the fallout.[View]
144651692Dynamite will Publish New DuckTales Comics!: Twenty years can be an eternity in the comics business,…[View]
144655446>Owl House had a cart racer tie-in Fucking how[View]
144655191https://x.com/MarkArt__/status/1815916452156957006?t=WlhK_ctEpQtpelNgyqaCAg&s=19 Is this sociall…[View]
144654952The Lorax is anti-monopolian neopuritan eleutheromania propaganda, so all of the authority figures a…[View]
144654789Ben 10 OG: I honestly think Ben and Gwen look like a 12 year old boy and a 13 year old girl. Their d…[View]
144655102>FIFTEEN MILES[View]
144653348Tamers12345 15th Anniversary: 15 years ago today Tamers12345 started the youtube channel that would …[View]
144653190>cucked by Rogue in '97 and later dies >is the butt of the joke in Deadpool & Wolveri…[View]
144650989what is your favorite instance of WMAF in /co/ media?[View]
1446549042000s Webcomic Thread: Post webcomics from the golden age. Nothing post 2012, no HS. 90s is fine I g…[View]
144652071They drew, posted, and advertised this art of their personas to hundreds of thousands of people with…[View]
144653567Arkham Asylum in Joker 2. Best live action arkham since Begins[View]
144653111Suicide Squad Isekai Ep. 7: is up. Discuss.[View]
144632074TRANSFORMERS ONE IS A HIT: The fuck[View]
144638658cute hags[View]
144648833>It's okay Rudy, we all make mistakes! >Leave yo' parents outta this! Does anyone …[View]
144653775I know this show is considered unremarkable and nobody talks about it and most don't even reall…[View]
144652281Do they even know what a pirate is?[View]
144645447Storytime of Pain 2024 - Sonichu Part I: You thought I was going to just do a rerun of my 2023 stuff…[View]
144651666If a TMNT show came out right after Batman TAS?: Would it be like a better version of 2003?[View]
144650102Did you like her movie?[View]
144654284If Milhouse never had any goldfish that Santa's Little Helper could have eaten, then why did he…[View]
144646169You can’t the amount times on one hand how many revivals/reboots are better than the original series…[View]
144642927Detective Comics #1087 Storytime[View]
144651537How came alien civilizations dont look down on Asgardians for being backwater and outdated but they …[View]
144652623>good morning usa![View]
144651693i dont get what domino pieces have to do with luck[View]
144654021Jessica Sandals is my least favorite OC. Not because I find her ugly, quite the contrary, I think sh…[View]
144651640Did his comic ever get good again after issue 50?[View]
144651018This looks like the shittiest cartoon ever. Why does normie adult animation seem to only get more te…[View]
144653684plastic and fake. and /co/ liked it that way![View]
144652800>ninja turtles had a crossover with batman, power rangers and fucking naruto >but still no cr…[View]
144653326Placeholder cartoons: Shows that where only made to be a placeholder, this and Rise of The TMNT wher…[View]
144653349The Worst Era of Nickelodeon: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzmt2wWjPGA&pp=ygUVV29yc3QgZXJhIG5pY…[View]
144653575I'm under the impression that DC is getting a reboot this year. How did they mess it up this ti…[View]
144650182>character has super strength >they just smash and throw everything in sight like a fucking re…[View]
144651241Why doesn't /co/ talk about The Flash (2023)? Also this Supergirl is pure sex holy fuck I love …[View]
144653296I find it ironic how a show about Dragons was made by a Christian. But it doesn't bother me at …[View]
144653159Well, there's somethin' I've been meanin' to tell ya 'Bout the college on t…[View]
144650617The Last Unicorn in HD: /co/ watches The Last Unicorn in HD. What did you guys think of it? https://…[View]
144645676Post kisses in shows[View]
144651727Why is this so good bros?[View]
144649784I need all the out of context cartoon scenes you got, stat[View]
144637634Why is Tim Drake not as popular as Dick, Jason, or Damian?[View]
144652000Horror animations: Post your favorite horror animations, /co/ https://youtu.be/lIkuZguPfOA >A few…[View]
144642269why did he do it[View]
144652660It’s a camping episode[View]
144635117ITT: Incest: >Incest of all kinds, even accidental >That time Jimmy's brother wanted to f…[View]
144650320Marvel Rivals: Are you enjoying the beta? Venom is awesome while Spidey sucks balls, damn.[View]
144651868Will the Joker actually do anything substantial in Joker 2 like shooting a guy on live tv, or is it …[View]
144652180Why they scrapped certain characters: >Scrappy Doo Understandable >Mermaid Man and Barnacle Bo…[View]
144652133instead of making ten different G.I. Joe series, Image should pay writers and artists to finish seri…[View]
144647476Leakers are saying Jubilee, Iceman and Angel are confirmed to appear in the MCU X-Men reboot. https:…[View]
144635126The Spectre is such an under utilized character hes basically only pulled out for huge cosmic and ma…[View]
144652577Cartoon Network promoting Foster's Home For Imaginary friends (2006)[View]
144628381Dall-E/AI Thread: Party edition! Previously: >>144613257[View]
144642100Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery #1 Storytime: >Millarworld and Dark Horse Comics are proud to prese…[View]
144651677wife material[View]
144652122Who is Sodabull?: hey, me again. i made a thread last week about how this character only seems to ex…[View]
144651576I wish there was separate boards for /co/ and all the super hero stuff: No offense and not calling i…[View]
144647855The World of Quest: What do you think of this?... A more serious reboot of The World of Quest but w…[View]
144651708Storytime of Pain 2024 - Sonichu Part II: We've seen the origin stories of Sonichu and all your…[View]
144651654You're asking for it[View]
144651748What's the appeal of sex related jokes on adult comedy shows? Is it 'neopuritan christian propa…[View]
144650066I....don't get the hate. It's just a silly little cartoon without any kind of agenda which…[View]
144642455Oh boys, Atomic Betty thread.[View]
144651812I didn't get it[View]
144649823>we're just trying to comply to the unnataineable standars of beaulty Ah yes, the uggo ran-t…[View]
144651774The Fairly OddParents: I guess this franchise is staying huh, about to get 10 seasons of the new ser…[View]
144645083ITT: messed up cartoon PSAs: https://youtu.be/c3RTUlsqx2w[View]
144651334ITT: Extremely low-budget cartoons: Post anything made for budget of 40 cents in dad's garage, …[View]
144641738Primos: Disney's Primos comes out tommorow /co/! And a 9 episode Disney+ dump after. What are …[View]
144647965What do you think?: Are some art styles inherently unsexy? Recently someone said in a Code Lyoko thr…[View]
144645712SpongeBob Confirmed autistic: >And leddittards want Tom Kenny Canceled and fired over it https://…[View]
144650418This autistic specimen is (You) /co/[View]
144646004Why discussing about this series was some sort of sacred shit?[View]
144648562DC universe - darker and edgier: is it just me or has capeshit like dc universe gotten more edgier o…[View]
144648218>ENOUGH with Arthur and the Minimoys (2006)![View]
144647616What runs and storylines would you consider to be essential DC? I'm trying to explore more of t…[View]
144642426Absolute Power: Origins #1 Storytime[View]
144651140I love velma[View]
144644310Your honest thoughts on this creature[View]
144638159TCJ Greg Stump on Curses[View]
144646316What are some instances of great shows with horrible or disappointing endings? Unsolved plot holes, …[View]
144650124Will comics ever go back to this?[View]
144640796>most adult animation is written by people who have never picked up a pencil Creativity was dead …[View]
144639582we need more nerd x bitch paring's[View]
144645300Spider-Man Storytime #222 SM 30-31, NW 32-24: Yesterday we saw Spidey tackle a real street level pro…[View]
144650865We're very interested in your house.[View]
144648009YES IT IS[View]
144650710New SpongeBob reaction pic: From the most recent episode. Let's make this a meme /co/, post it …[View]
144640352AJ grew up to become a gigachad![View]
144645266How bad will the KOTH reboot be?[View]
144650348>there's only been 5 Green Lantern standalone medias in all of history wtf?…[View]
144647818The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish: Ok where's the episode link you dastardly anons, just saw so…[View]
144642287Storytime of Pain 2024 - Batman: Digital Justice: I'm still working my way through all the refi…[View]
144639729/co/ kids you would’ve been friends with just to creep on their mom[View]
144650634Ha, I didn't feel anything, but you did![View]
144650516Inside Out 2: Envy is a cute[View]
144635370Storytime of Pain 2024 - What If? v1-3: For anyone who remembers my What If? storytimes from last ye…[View]
144650588>anxiety is a FUCKING WAGIE our queen…it’s so fucking over anxietybros[View]
144555599Jackie Lynn Thursday!: Post your best Jackies[View]
144649640Deadpool: The best adaptation of a Marvel comic book in the last 5 years. simply the best, it looks …[View]
144648891Marvel character: The Beyonder[View]
144586966MCU Thread: Is there a possible way for our heroes to end the M in their universe?[View]
144648065Who has done the Multiverse concept better so far?[View]
144649909THE BEST ERA[View]
144639899WOYA NOW[View]
144650106Hunger virus in marvel universe...: Do we have a concise answer to the origin of this virus? it seem…[View]
144647534Is Gipsy a GILF?[View]
144647111Questionable Content: Terrible[View]
144624835Spoilers are out: >Begins with Deadpool digging up Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton and using…[View]
144649991>Reed does science because he wants to learn everything >Tony does science for practical reaso…[View]
144636275I miss the two[View]
144616831How is it possible to accidentally create such an unlikeable, terrible, reprehensible bitch of a cha…[View]
144649747They really put this shit up on tv and thought it was okay?[View]
144649026There's an indie animated film headed to Comic Con. About a guy who falls off of a cruise ship …[View]
144647287Shows that nobody cares about[View]
144645196Now that the dust has settled....[View]
144640801>we're stuck with this crap for 10 years at least cause no one has the balls to criticize a …[View]
144640841Heathcliff is looking at the burger.[View]
144640003>the new book reveals that Dipper has issues with his parents Holy crap, you know who foreshadowe…[View]
144638810What's /co/'s opinion on THIS epsiode of PPG? https://www.megacartoons.net/video/supper-vi…[View]
144649362So who'd win?[View]
144649145Do people not know how to make children's cartoon characters look halfway decent anymore?[View]
144641451Crystals and Ronin the accuser political marriage.: Could it have been sustainable?[View]
144645765Cyclops Thread #2 '24: Is Cyclops redeem to the masses now thanks to X-Men '97 or does he …[View]
144632500Find a flaw[View]
144648646I am encouraged by how excited Joshua Williamson and Scott Snyder are in their All In video. They se…[View]
144622812How do you view the smartest man in the universe?[View]
144649159new cartoon adult comedy idea i invented called 'Harold and the Brainman'. thoughts?[View]
144649341Why did Amethyst hang out with her to begin with.[View]
144643955This is the most retarded couple ever created in comic history. EVER. ... and somehow it works.[View]
144647195Would you let him move in with you?[View]
144638204Storytime of Pain 2024 - TMNT v1 Guest Era: Again, don't worry - I learned my lesson from last …[View]
144648344favoeite hey Arnold adult?[View]
144631842How come the FOP reboot was well liked and beloved than the Ren & Stimpy reboot?[View]
144640181What is the best storyline / issue of The Sandman?[View]
144647047What if Season 12 was the last season?[View]
144648468First 4 movies by the studio PDI/DreamWorks. Do you think they hold up?[View]
144621435Tuesday Carolthread: >LAST WEEK IN CAROL Avengers Academy #4 Avengers United #41 Spider-Woman #9 …[View]
144647885How would you have done MCU Kang?: I'd have him as the big bad of Phase 4, a warlord from anoth…[View]
144641352>Poof came back >Chole still dead Cholebros... It's over…[View]
144646102Brooklyn Guy Gets Fired: There's plenty to criticize him for but he's definitely one of th…[View]
144637852What would their kid be like?[View]
144643674>It's not a blender sphere with a couple of details added so its overdesigned!…[View]
144642071hold up /co/ I'm cooking[View]
144646369THE GREAT DEBATE: Who has amassed the most autistic fanbase?[View]
144647782Now that you-know-who is running for president, will DCcomics use Dr Multiverse?: For those of you n…[View]
144648157Arthur and the Minimoys (2006)[View]
144647627Favorite unlikely friendships between characters from different cliques? Personally, I love the smal…[View]
144647498Toy Story 1 is cartoonier and goes off-model more often than most traditional animation being made t…[View]
144645923Is there a character that can even touch Peggy Carter? And I'm not talking about regular Peggy …[View]
144643224Why didn't any other cartoon bands really take off like Gorillaz did?[View]
144646917Umm guys, I think something is wrong with Patrick.[View]
144643745Big if true.[View]
144637766TOM BREVOORT: What's your thought on Marvel's outspoken Vice-President?[View]
144573030Rule 63/genderswap thread: What if cartoon characters were born as their opposite gender? How would …[View]
144647116How would you feel if the next live action Superman was an older and more seasoned Superman who was …[View]
144645728How could Marvel wrap up their story now that their sequel is confirmed to not be happening? Killing…[View]
144645049'lep on 'eck[View]
144646350Ha, I didn't feel anything but you did![View]
144641748Kevin Feige says Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. could return as variants: https://comicbook.com/m…[View]
144633291Borderline Personnel Disorder: Kelly does it again.[View]
144644948Hella new Glitz and Glam merch: https://youtu.be/PHYZkX1Q9Lo?si=MtTSe54eKNZoJlYG[View]
144645671Why do toon reviewers have such awful taste in aesthetics?[View]
144645004The VCU doesn’t have any supervillains, so what the heck was this movie even about? Are all Vought …[View]
144643947How horny is this show going to be?[View]
144645227Do you like Drawfee? I like Drawfee[View]
144641939Can we get a cartoon model sheet thread? Side note: you'd think more people on here would want …[View]
144645781Toad of Toad Hall[View]
144645956i like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGhEe8-qeVg[View]
144642702Absolute Power: Task Force VII #2 Storytime[View]
144639110I liked it: Pacing was a bit rushed, especially at the end, but the setting was too interesting for …[View]
144641732Shade the Changing Man: Is this worth reading?[View]
144641219One of the best comics ever made. I don't get the hate.: I just finished reading all of it (exc…[View]
144638277In the end, was he really the best choice for the multiphase villain?[View]
144644078Is it true that Mary Jane was a stripper in the comics: Which issues/continuity did this happen…[View]
144642520Gonna: >GONNA Gonna.[View]
144635304>Crawling in my skin >These wounds, they will not heal >Fear is how I fall >Confusing wh…[View]
144643718Doom has to legitimately be one of the most schizophrenic /co/ characters due to how he's used.…[View]
144636459Blood Hunt Tie-ins Storytime: Comics in this thead: >Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7 >Strange …[View]
144637042The most powerful people on the planet: >The two of you are the most dangerous men on the planet.…[View]
144628224I'm 100% certain this book will completely fall apart the moment Peach Momoko moves on[View]
144645388How do I cope with the deep sense of longing I feel after finishing a great series?[View]
144642411How do you feel about Johnny Bravo as a character? Could he have a successful series today?[View]
144635604It's over: The Nickelodeon has fallen. Billions must die.[View]
144644906The first thing that I do when I walk in is Find a way out for when shit gets bad and I've been…[View]
144635113This is the whitest show ever made[View]
144643800Since 9/11 is outdated for a character origin what about using the israel and palestine war for Simo…[View]
144620006Eastern European cartoons: Has Eastern Europe done any cartoons lately? I remember some guy here pos…[View]
144644600A bountiful beauty from: >Mombassaaaaaaaaaaaaa[View]
144643874If The Joker was real would he be a lolcow?[View]
144644205Why exactly do you prefer animation over live action?: I personally just can't get invested in …[View]
144640366>Wednesday >0 (zero) units of comics storytimed…[View]
144640562Yup that's logan's best outfit alright[View]
144642704Guys, how do you cure adicction for one character? everyday I check if there are more uploads of her…[View]
144642557Could Milo Murphy beat Wonder of U?[View]
144643741Disney and Pixar are dea-: I don't think the anti-mouseketeers, Inside Out haters or Figmenthea…[View]
144639830>Liz is in the movie for about 5 seconds total >Doesn't use this design It's the fuc…[View]
144643974Thoughts on this cute slutty jester?[View]
144643411>Only 99 days until Halloween, Goody Anon[View]
144643725>watch ren & stimpy reboot >It's so fucking terrible that I actually start to symptha…[View]
144643958Spongebob Tying His Tie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huDaG_SJnOc >Spend the time to actually …[View]
1446258952000s Webcomics: Remember having a Webcomics bookmark to check every day? Remember Anders Loves Mari…[View]
144638735>ITT: post talentless hacks[View]
144641926'Venom War' Tie-in Issues Spotlight the Fight to Be the True Venom & More: >MAXIMUM…[View]
144643628>competitive and constant action couple There should be more shows with these two instead of Patr…[View]
144624723>In My Gym Partner's a Monkey, A running gag is that animal girls want to fuck Adam What did…[View]
144643465How come the Disney Channel original animated series were all aimed at tweens? Literally the only on…[View]
144638154Is shadman drawing a loli pinup of keem's daugther CP? Or is it legal but morally reprehensible…[View]
144639352Inside Out 2 Highest-Grossing Animated Film Ever: https://variety.com/2024/film/box-office/inside-ou…[View]
144641379This was ground zero for vtuber and streamer culture. if you watched this back in the day you have …[View]
144641145>Its a Beatlemania parody episode where the main characters are Beatles stand-ins and satirizes t…[View]
144642298This episode really pushed a certain dynamic between them.[View]
144637539What's her tax policy?[View]
144641184What Ben 10 alien species did Kevin lose his virginity too? The guy was a teenager in space who was …[View]
144642543>Saves the entire Multiverse. How does he do it?[View]
144642008I just watched this and I spent the entire show repeating the words 'This is degeneracy, this is jew…[View]
144641216blue skin is the sign of best girl[View]
144580797>be passively aware of Peanuts >it's that comic that does those Christmas specials >bo…[View]
144635341>NEW Look at Raphael, Michelangelo, April and Splinter from the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur…[View]
144641445gwensday: i like gwenpool[View]
144641353Why is he like this?[View]
144642196Would it have worked, like a T rated version of DC Superhero Girls?[View]
144641007NO HUGH NO[View]
144642356>I love Smiling Friends hehe The show made by creeps who were accomplices to THE Shadman????…[View]
144639907I dare you to find a better comedy movie than the first Madagascar[View]
144637319Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm: Did you like this show?[View]
144635014ITT: /co/ characters that look like (You)[View]
144638482I'm the old norm. I want normal beer.[View]
144640453Dipper Pines uses the internet: Is he one of us?[View]
144640395Why do sitcoms last longer than cartoons?: The Big Bang Theory is considered one of the worst sitcom…[View]
144638748Is the age of 'nihilistic' adult cartoons over? Everyone seems to agree with Smiling Friends' p…[View]
144638176I think it's mildly amusing that if you had a mutant from the current lineup of X-Men books tim…[View]
144631356Marvel's reboot plan for Kang: >Introduce older Kang played by veteran actor (Colman Domingo…[View]
144640795Is it any wonder he fucked Suki? Go to hell Mai lol[View]
144529676Primos: 10 days remain. How will you celebrate with your Primos once it comes out?[View]
144640872>I will call it Mighty Magiswords, you see.[View]
144632136Unsounded: Aldish vandals go the extra mile.[View]
144639064Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?[View]
144639864Shrek is Drek[View]
144622100New Joker 2 trailer: https://youtu.be/_OKAwz2MsJs?si=lwnHRQnp-7_4_-qz[View]
144616182Adult Poof: Now known as Perry[View]
144637410Can she be redeemed?[View]
144639774The CW's CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS Nearly Got Theatrical Release: >'I don't believe thi…[View]
144639962I need Loona in my life: Holding out for the anthro robots, maybe discussions with /g/ are necessary…[View]
144641249It's weednesday: Post weed comics[View]
144638078Does anyone know what this sampled? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT5j2bU420 It doesn't soun…[View]
144640345And you call them patented Skinner burgers, despite the fact that your name is Tamzarian[View]
144640233Why did Boomers find this depressing shit funny? Was it the war?[View]
144640901I just thought it only two spinoffs: the show with teenaged Pebbles and Bamm Bamm & The Flintsto…[View]
144639606Mean Girl thread? Mean Girl thread.[View]
144637960>God tier writer and VA >Posed as animation model for both Ariel and Belle during the producti…[View]
144635311Silent Interlude[View]
144625033For me, It’s Xierra: And Susan[View]
144637053Need Help Finding a Specific Comic Panel: It’s of a woman in a restaurant looking at a man in center…[View]
144640574Sweaty, intense pon-farr sex with Maj'el![View]
144639677Which AI program is best for comics content, /co/? I've heard Claud is one of the best but it r…[View]
144639301Ooey Gooey[View]
144636069I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Freddie Fear's mom[View]
144610709New April for the upcoming Naruto/Ninja Turtles crossover[View]
144633690Gunnerkrigg Court: Chapter 95: Page 4 Really gets her goat. https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/[View]
144640350>it's a Dom Irrera episode[View]
144635050Mars Express: >tfw no qt alcoholic detective gf English dub mega (64th level of basedness) aHR0cH…[View]
144636947Why was she so beloved: She was honestly an asshole[View]
144635083Would a typical standard 2010s dystopian YA novel make for a good cartoon, especially if it was aimi…[View]
144626605Death Battle.: We were robbed out of a Giga-Outerversal match[View]
144637860Now that sine time has passed was it a justified critique?[View]
144639177Multiversus Season 2: New characters: >Samurai Jack >Beetlejuice Unreleased Characters >Nub…[View]
144638328This is a screen cap of a random side character from HBO Spawn season 2: Is there any way to make mo…[View]
144635509Alien: Monday: ALIEN IS /co/ NOW, BITCHES. https://youtu.be/ShGElGusepA?si=jEEjzUjOkeliWZMj…[View]
144639949Even when I was a kid, I thought that the 'Kids Code of Honor' thing was stupid and arbitrary.[View]
144636439why did she wanted to wake up hilda at night just to say 'you are sleeping'? What's her problem…[View]
144639420cute demons[View]
144639320Uh how about you anons come into ol Gill's thread? Theres some real interesting posts here[View]
144639129The first two seasons of Adventure Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go5wle3_G5k[View]
144639661>Sandy, Patrick, Gary and Mr. Krabs are totally out of character and unnaturally cruel towards Sp…[View]
144629502ITT: /co/ movies and shows only you've seen[View]
144639297Can someone explain to me why this show made for toddlers and retards has an adult fan base?[View]
144637521Warriors meet Batman: Genuinely stupid question, how would Bruce Wayne react if he went camping with…[View]
144638026Ullman shorts, Christmas show, Marge's fling, Homer's bro, Bart in well, Flanders fails, W…[View]
144635826Jellystone: A bunch of Jellystone storyboards are online, mostly of unreleased episodes likely for t…[View]
144571889ITT: We are I.M.P. interns[View]
144638941Am I the only one who didn't watch this show as a kid even though I was in Cartoon Networks dem…[View]
144638588Sunny miami is pretty cool[View]
144633006Was it rape?: >Tied up >Kissed multiple times dubious consent It's at least sexual assaul…[View]
144587052>You're... non-binary?[View]
144614202Storytime: Muertitos (Second Half): A storytime for the SECOND HALF of the 2004-2008 comic Muertitos…[View]
144638122>animator sites Bob Clampett as their biggest influence >turns out to be a pedophile Weird it …[View]
144639128she made it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vzFdjGGjEY[View]
144638292hey its me Bart Simpson join Scientology dude WAAAAAH[View]
144637837Scott Pilgrim: Talk about Scott Pilgrim or whatever comic book game movie show doesn't matter…[View]
144628574Cartoon characters everyone knows: But haven't been relevant in decades. Seriously when was the…[View]
144639011ITT characters you wish they were gay.[View]
144636464The west will never be able to do comics/manga like Japan does, not with its eleutheromaniac obsessi…[View]
144638037What did Tex Avery mean by this?[View]
144637472What did Patrick mean by this?[View]
144638786what happened to zootopia 2[View]
144636710Captain America #11 Storytime[View]
144620564Tim Drake: What went wrong and what can fix him?[View]
144636565Does this character ever have consistent runs? Or is he just a series of limited runs whenever someo…[View]
144637708So this is why she is so FAT![View]
144631386Now that this universe is over, what the fuck was the point of this?[View]
144637207Smiling Friends: will they cancel it do to the recent news[View]
144638329Angry Beavers: Why did seasons 3 and 4 end up being so horribly unfunny compared to seasons 1 and 2?…[View]
144637515school is in[View]
144638492bunnies: what does she hear[View]
144638428Gumball Supremacy[View]
144638331How did they get away with this?[View]
144638317others cartoons with this kind of vibe/style?[View]
144637467>Energon Universe >Massiverse >The Unnamed >Spawn's New Universe Which is the best…[View]
144603884/co/ will never admit it but Wonder Woman is a fucking damned to obscurity and to failure character …[View]
144634514Be honest. How many times did you wank to her?[View]
144630486The criminals can't fight back if they're laughing too hard.[View]
144637016Energon Universe: Void Rivals #11 Storytime: >War in the wasteland. Zertonian forces have caught …[View]
144630963I don't think that this is anatomically accurate... Nice ass.[View]
144629274Transformers The Movie vs GI Joe The Movie: which was better /co/?[View]
144620794Isn't it retarded to take X-23, give her a less cool name, and stick her in a less cool costume…[View]
144635958Was old Wolverine healing factor able to let him regenerate another limb?[View]
144634093The Yucca Man: Here is a short story time. A mini horror comic about a local cryptid.[View]
144637691>Pyronica censored in my book of Bill Nah I’d refund[View]
144636924Why didn't The Simpsons or Family Guy catch on in Nippon like South Park did? https://www.youtu…[View]
144629934SpongeBob's kind of on the spectrum too as a character,” he said. 'It was the first time I’d ev…[View]
144634154Would you /co/ ?: >Prelubed[View]
144633532There he goes![View]
144633337Are there any /co/ characters that don't believe in good and evil?[View]
144632783Storytime of Pain 2024 - Morrison/Millar Judge Dredd: Well, it's Wednesday (at least it is in m…[View]
144634686*There is a new x-men film/cartoon adaptation*: The stories they adapt[View]
144636863GLITCH THREAD: GLITCH THREAD >Glitchinn murderdrones leak: https://glitchinn.com/wp-content/uploa…[View]
144637383Hi Hi PUFFY AmiYumi: Hey Lois, remember that time Ami and Yumi went to hell?[View]
144632920Well, /co/?[View]
144634750>Brutal Iron Man Tony's been angry before, but this is the first time I've seen him des…[View]
144528856Official Win-O'-Thread: >What is this thread? Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we ga…[View]
144625975'Captain America: Brave New World' trailer re-edited to remove President assassination scene: Origin…[View]
144631260Who stinks more[View]
144631894Superman & Lois | Final Season Trailer: well, what do you think..?[View]
144607163Donald Duck:: >Becomes more popular then Mickey Mouse >Gets his own cartoon serise > Appear…[View]
144611064>Watched the R&S reboot leak >was the most painfully mediocre shit I've ever seen sin…[View]
144628249>Literally the entire point of the movie is that racism and war are bad and we should take care o…[View]
144630169>*ding dong* Your response, anon?[View]
144620574>show has this pairing I will now watch it[View]
144635808What would happen if Wonder Woman and Rogue have sex?[View]
144634534I hate Superman so goddamn much. This picture alone generates so much seething within me that I coul…[View]
144633949I love this smug cat[View]
144632207The Dragoness Says Sit is continuing! Yes![View]
144633242Is she the biggest slut of all of fiction?[View]
144636661mfw when a robot and a scorpian have more character and chemistry than the main trio.[View]
144630777Questionable Content: Terrible But in all honesty I did laugh[View]
144636432This exact same situation but with you and Black Cat[View]
144636389The Hulk/Bruce Banner is probably my favourite cape character There’s something interesting in there…[View]
144634202Hekapoo: She deserved better[View]
144628776>4 movies[View]
144634801It's Preview Night at SDCC, so I might as well post a few previews of certain classics![View]
144633941THE MARVEL COMICS COVERS OF JACK KIRBY: Dark Horse Books and Marvel Comics recently announced a new …[View]
144635495Does anyone remenber this 2000s series of cartoon shorts that would be broadcasted in between shows …[View]
144636231Does anyone know what this sampled? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT5j2bU420 It doesn't soun…[View]
144634841Everything post Flashpoint Paradox sucked. who do I blame for this? Maybe Zoom was just trying to s…[View]
144635417What do we think of Astrid Deetz's mothers?[View]
144634793A 40 second clip from LS Mark's animated pilot just dropped https://files.catbox.moe/03r2g5.mp4…[View]
144635542>show nosedives into shit in your path I remember dropping this when it was coming out, and now t…[View]
144632397Was he right about garfield's influence?[View]
144635092Let’s say These two switch wives: What happens?[View]
144631611You think he ever tried to pound Cake?[View]
144631686Goosebumps animated series thread: If the Goosebumps series was turn into a animated series and not …[View]
144618578What's next for these fuckers?[View]
144635148Cartoon Network producing preschool shows: Why do CN still want to produce babyshit despite it faile…[View]
144634537Bri'ish comics[View]
144633115Reminder that we got Wilbur before we got GTA6[View]
144635346that strange: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0XDZ4mhqMQ[View]
144629973Living with Dad/Les filles de Dad: Thoughts? https://auvio.rtbf.be/emission/les-filles-de-dad-21445…[View]
144634725Terminator and Alien, new comicbooks: Following news of the licensing partnership between Dynamite E…[View]
144616752He's really just Diet Dr. Darkseid. Convince me otherwise[View]
144634356Throwing no shade at Jim: but we can all agree it was his fault his dad left right[View]
144635543found this from my childhood: thought I'd share because it looks like something out of gumball…[View]
144633355Avengers 5 and SDCC MCU panel: Hopes for MCU panel for this Saturday? Chances A5 is Avengers vs X-Me…[View]
144583237/co/ General Drawthread: >Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one im…[View]
144589855Post the last /co/ character you beated off too ITT[View]
144629124ITT: Post genuinely irredeemable /co/ characters.[View]
144627916>One of the biggest appeal of the series is porn Which is it?[View]
144635025Joker 2 confirmed peak cinema Thoughts?[View]
144622755Marvel Rivals: Who's playing tonight? What characters are you interested in? Hopes and fears? L…[View]
144635127>go into ChatGPT >ask it to write a storyline about a comics character with any amount of para…[View]
144622485I don't get it, why is she hiding ?[View]
144634953How exactly hiring and filming an actor speaking, then paying for live action/cartoon combine proces…[View]
144630874Bobbypills: hahaha what if we made characters that had sex and swear? I’m totally not 13!!!!! hahaha…[View]
144634829Lately I've been interested in checking out Marvel's supernatural characters, and I'm…[View]
144634658goddamn I hadn't thought about this fucked up PSA in ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3RT…[View]
144632669>hey anon, benson put me on paid leave for a few weeks and I'm not feeling too great >yea…[View]
144630429Redpill me on Constantine. What makes him better than like, Spawn, Ghost Rider, or Hellboy? It just …[View]
144621987Ben 10: The Nemetrix should've had a Way Big predator that was a legally distinct Zetton[View]
144634103>Radiohead - No Surprises starts playing the fuck[View]
144630755Answer me this /co/. From beginning to current day, which series is the better one despite the years…[View]
144633390Why do they fear him so?[View]
144630210>made by an animation studio founded by Spielberg, who was also the executive producer >releas…[View]
144631368soundwave superior[View]
144632858>Jason “I hate religion and my dad but I heckin love valid enbies and awesomesauce beer” Aaron …[View]
144602705Sunny miami thread[View]
144631421Monster House: Any more news about the announced sequel?[View]
144632259Is it okay to close a pull list via email? I'm going to go to the shop for two more weeks, and …[View]
144633682TODAY IS THE DAY /co/'s favorite goatlickin' bastard returns![View]
144627149>starts as some crappy flash animation (for adults mind you) >somehow gets picked up as a kids…[View]
144633602Tell me about the Rhino. Why do they call him the Rhino?[View]
144633339Yeah I’ll take a humiliation ritual with a side order of secondhand embarrassment. Hold the Spider-M…[View]
144625981I like this raccoon[View]
144631697>DC has a kids youtube channel where they post clips from all their cartoons >teen Titans Go o…[View]
144628693Spider-Man Storytime #221 SM27-29, Thor 447-448: Yesterday Spider-Man and Puma shared a spirit quest…[View]
144626108how old was she again?[View]
144631569Deadpool and Wolverine “worlds longest family guy episode”: Lmao[View]
144629513Now that critics hate Marvel, do you think they'll embrace DC or just shit on all capestuff?[View]
144620402Can we have a YTP thread? >Normal Modifier: /co/ related >Hard: you made it yourself >Very…[View]
144631046Spider-man: Unlimited was kind of interesting. The costume look terrible though.[View]
144630602Thoughts on the current DCAU?: >Dude.. ICE CREAM LMAO[View]
144530446Cartoon MILFs: Post them![View]
144630411Who was the first /co/ character you ever masturbated to? Pic related.[View]
144629533‘DuckTales’ And ‘Thundarr’ Join Dynamite Lineup As Publisher Celebrates 20 Years: https://www.forbes…[View]
144632739What would be the most effective way to troll him if you were Superman?[View]
144631668Arcane: Hopes for Season 2?[View]
144632256Spawn: Spawn thread, because why the fuck not. Get in here[View]
144629199He was a really great villain for a kids show. Compared to other action shows on the CN at the time,…[View]
144630790ITT: overrated villains[View]
144626204Analog Horror is a curious genre It's based around the fear of the unknown And yet it's cr…[View]
144627763Ships you hate: I fucking hate the Supergirl/Brainiac 5 ship. It makes Kara less special if her boyf…[View]
144617389Imagine this being your new body.[View]
144583986Gravity Falls: Do you think they kept in touch? Since it's confirmed in other official side med…[View]
144615054Why doesn't DC remember they have their own 'Miles Morales?': Did DC forget he's on Prime …[View]
144630491The Offenders: Should Marvel have gone through with their plan for The Offenders? Have Modok, Hit Mo…[View]
144630523What went wrong, This IP has potential for infinite storylines, games, toys, etc.[View]
144632088Most accurate blackpilled movie. Girls will always pick Chad over the ugly nice guy.[View]
144630779Pretend all you want but the school season was unironically the show's peak.[View]
144631432ITT-post /co/ characters that make up your personal traits[View]
144616681Why does every male on this show act like either women or toddlers?[View]
144630132>marvel actually found a use for galacta[View]
144630600Todd McFarlane Announces KING SPAWN Movie: https://www.ign.com/articles/spawn-movie-finally-reveals-…[View]
144632035>You will never marry a raccoon girl. JK Raccoons are terrible. https://www.comic.kaerwyn.com/…[View]
144625291It wasn't bad at all[View]
144631276Why did this make /co/ so mad?[View]
144627450>a character so hated, the franchise refuses to acknowledge his existence after his debut season…[View]
144602196how long are we going to be stuck with this shitty mutant retcon? i just want kamala to go back to h…[View]
144627942I like the X-Men in Spider-Man RYV universe.[View]
144631711It’s time.[View]
144630329Post comics that made you chuckle[View]
144631463who is more dangerous?[View]
144627420What ever happened to the chronological mignolaverse threads?[View]
144630493Superheroes at different points over the years in comics (mainly looking at DC and Marvel) have use …[View]
144629120Imago: Any options about the show? https://auvio.rtbf.be/emission/imago-26615[View]
144614069Seriously, what defines tragic characters?[View]
144628802What went wrong?[View]
144629173my 13 year old nephew started watching teen titans and told me he thinks Raven is hot. Is there any …[View]
144614579Spidey Suit Thread: Peter has one of the most iconic looks in comics, so lets talk about it. What ar…[View]
144613257Dall-E/AI Thread: Sisterly love edition! Previously: >>144599688[View]
144631053i can't believe Hilda fucking died. /co/ told me that it would be a cute and funny show, and i …[View]
144631005Does anyone know what this sampled? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT5j2bU420 [Embed] It doesn…[View]
144630986Anyone know where I can find dubs of Pixar and Dreamworks movies? For archival purposes. I'm lo…[View]
144628259Bri'ish comics[View]
144630593I finally get the refference[View]
144629560Why did this end so sad[View]
144630272who will gru be tonight?: that's the question.[View]

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