I love the first season of SpongeBob, but why does the picture quality look older than Wild Thornberrys, CatDog, and Rocket Power, even though it premiered around the same time as those shows? Season 2 of SpongeBob looks so much "newer" than season 1 of SpongeBob, it's crazy
>>147149518Season 1 was actually made in 1994, but most of the episodes had to be memory holed/rewritten after Columbine. The reference to SpongeBob’s “whirlybird incident” is actually continuity to an episode we aren’t allowed to know about anymore, and it’s one of the tamer ones.
>>147149688Nice try anon spongebob had no continuity
>>147149518It’s pretty simple, all of Season 1 was hand drawn. Season 2 and beyond moved to computer animation
>>147149518The first season was made with hand-painted cels.Also, the pilot was actually animated in 1997.
Season 1 is so goodhttps://youtu.be/2KvPsANmBak?feature=shared
>>147149518I noticed CatDog was also painted with cels, but the picture quality seemed to have a higher budget in that aspect than SpongeBob season 1Rocket Power was digitally animated, but I know the first two seasons of Thornberrys were cel painted. I'm not actually sure if Thornberrys has higher picture quality than SpongeBob. To me it does, but i'm not great with telling picture quality differences a lot of times
>>147149518I do love season 1 of SpongeBob. This isn't really trying to be a negative thread or anything. SpongeBob started out strong. I only made this thread because i've always wondered why the picture quality of season 1 SpongeBob looked "older" than something like CatDog, despite the fact that SpongeBob premiered after CatDog
>>147149688>le memoryholedgetting real tired of this zoomspeak
>>147150009Anon originally wrote "I SUCK BIG SMELLY PHIMOSIS RIDDEN COCKS ALL DAY" in this post, but due to the Hiroyuki-post-rewriting-incident of January 2025, the original reply is sadly another piece of lost media.
>>147150009>memoryholed>zoomspeakThe term "memory hole" was first used by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty Four, which was written in 1949 while the zoomer's grandparents were still in diapers you illiterate rube. Though yes using it to refer to fake lost media is very gay and zoomerish.
>>147150161This just in: generation slang isn't real, Ohio was founded in 1803, more at shut the fuck up nerd
Celbob is pretty cool, there's an interesting atmosphere to the backgrounds when they're hand-painted
>>147150161Yes and "Fire" and "Bet" both date to the 80s while "Rizz" has been shorthand for charisma in tabletop gaming communities for God knows how long. Slang is largely just recycled terminology in general.
>>147149724yes it does, otherwise he wouldn't have kept his job at the krusty krab after the episode where he gets hired
>>147149688SpongeBob was greenlit in 1996 you fucking idiot
>>147149688>analog horror (2015)
>>147149518>how many times should we have THIS thread again?
>>147149518Because SpongeBob was famously given a shoestring budget while cat dog got the big investment because catdog was supposed to be the moneymaker