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Good morning, grandpa. We survived the blizzard. And to think, mom wanted us to get rid of all those old newspaper. They made such good tinder!

Well, time to start hoarding again. Enjoy the comics.
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...cats...while you wait
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serials lead the way

desuarchive search seems to be down, so I can't link back to the previous week like usual
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fingers crossed Wilbur tries to fight this guy and loses
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jesus christ
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a perfectly normal family
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I played that videogame
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a powerful stroke
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Good to see you again anon. Out of curiosity, what makes you choose which comics to make as the OP?
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A few days ago, we had a thread about the Dilbert live action adaptation that was pitch before the animated series.

The only thing discovered was the nightmare inducing Dogbert puppet, which was shown on an episode of
PBS' Nightmare Theater. It really is the stuff of nightmares.

Mind you, it seems as though, there has been some Andrews McMeel comic adaptation curse. Dilbert (and Big Nate in some way) manged to be successes, but still poorly treated.
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I try to pick one that matches the vibe/theme of the week from a subset with appealing art and/or brand recognition. humor is a bonus. in other words, it's arbitrary

I've considered adopting a standard OP pic to make the thread easier to find. still open to thoughts on that...
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>Kansas City Boyfriends
I sent this to my uncle and he got mad
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wow, that is horrifying. the framing really adds to it, I bet it looks normal from a distance in good lighting
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As what buss you were on.
The liar will say she was on the bus that he wasn't on.
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What the fuck?
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the peak of artistic efficiency
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interesting idea, but we don't know either witness boarded a bus, let alone her bus
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I've read a lot of trash newspaper comics in my 38 years of life. However, this is one of the worst one I've seen so far.
Give me more normie tier humor than this faggotry.
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Y’know, this is a good idea, storytiming the Sunday trips. thank for thinking of it, OP
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enjoy, anon. we're here every week
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checks out
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I've played this game, too
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may have played this one? it kinda reminds me of a game we had back on the class computer in elementary school
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attack and dethrone, granny
>Annihilation (2018)
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have there been daily strips about the movie this week?
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no, Popeye's daily strips on King are classic strips. Olive & Popeye does dailies, but those haven't mentioned the movie that I've seen
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that's all for today. more next week. stay warm!
Every time I check out a new Garfield strip, it's always about this motherfucker texting or using a laptop/phone to do something. When did Garfield become entirely "phone funny" jokes?
That's some nice shading, Lane.
1&4 the tricky part is the right outline of the shirt in 3 is less curvy
On a 1 to 10 scale, how correlated is her culpability with her sexiness?
Guess you spent all the trickyness in the first one, huh? window, smoke chimney, orientation of plane, tassel on bird's hat, tie of scarf and profession of the human
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Nancy-sama...I kneel...
would pump that oil
try it on choccy
tho it's better to immerse the chile as it's heating then remove prior to adding the choc
I can confirm the previous thread can't be found.
Desuarchive search seems to be partially active.
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>new Cassandra Cat
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9 Chickweed Lane
Broom Hilda
Cul De Sac
In The Bleachers
Katzenjammer Kids
The Meaning of Lila
On The Fastrack
Phoebe & Her Unicorn
Wallace The Brave (both)
Wizard of Id
Adam @ Home

Dennis The Menace
Breaking Cat News
Family Circus
Gasoline Alley



All others DNQ.

Thanks, as always, OP.
This is the funniest comic that has ever appeared in these threads
>Suspects drawn in background, Cassandra and her prison jumpsuit in foreground
The artist knows what people want.
She had one.
When they discovered it was super-easy to copy-paste the same panels of someone typing or texting to get to the arguable joke.
>What question did Slylock ask?
"If you were the other witness, which bus would you say Cassandra boarded?" No matter which one I asked, they'd say it was the one she didn't get on.

Also, methinks that cop in the background is a bit of a racist. #CatLivesMatter
I've been here too long.
I read that as appaling art.
Fuck Doonesbury
A Sunday morning comic talking about getting ultra stoned
Not to mention the political content of the rest of their comics
Will the other lie to me?
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He's really having fun with these expressions.
Jesus CHRIST, what the fuck.
He asked "Could one of you please confess?" because politeness goes a long way.
It is a running gag.
>The cop is a pig
>He's idly thinking about how he doesn't like a specific race
Damn, antifa Slylock over here.
>"I want to impress my physics teacher!"
How, by driving the car into your classroom?
What are they waiting for? Lesbian prison porn?
Well since the two witnesses are there, and one is calling a harmonica a banjo, we know the duck is the liar.
So all Slylock has to do is ask the frog if Cassandra departed from his bus, no?
How long ago did they drop the 'little orphan' from Little Orphan Annie?
When she fell in to the public domain? Or was this like 80 years ago or something?
It was rebranded to synergize with the musical, so a lifetime ago.
Nancy will be Nancy
I feel like that might have been a bad move in the long term.
I mean 'Little Orphan Annie' just seems much more iconic and memorable. "Annie" could refer to anyone with that name. And I don't think she's a popular enough character to have a monopoly on that name.
Everybody always knew.
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FYI, Beetle Moses is no longer on King's website
Even such a little thing, nobody can do for me.
This is fanart.
You're safe.
Not desu, but it IS the thread you're looking for.

>the ol' "one always lies etc etc" riddle
Why's Slylock hanging around gazing at Cassandra?
She has sex with her son-in-law.
this looks like it’s gonna be a generic d9g meme at some point in the future
ngl i thought bluto and brutus produced the movie
I just noticed the MST3K crew on the side. The host seems to be Emily, going by the hair.
None of these incidents have to do with Dawn not wearing glasses either. She really just is this bad at life.
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I like how unhinged the comic has been getting. very cartoony stuff.
>ywn suck on Rosa's fat tits
Little shit about to get the starless ending if he keeps that up
actually its just tuesday and thursday. tuesday is about olive and thursday is about popeye.
finally a doonesbury I can relate to
1 and 4
What would the other witness answer? (Thanks Powerpuff Girls.)
Hat-tail thing, plane, smoke, window, patch, scarf.
b)? Surely it can't be that high.
wholesome culdesac
Wallace the Brave is great. He's the nest in the biz right now.
Just the watercolors alone here are juts so impressive. Will Henry is the MVP.
>didn't even give Dogbert the glasses
They had ONE JOB!
>my internet is being so shitty right now the comics are barely loading
I guess I'm waiting before I can participate much

Is this a caveman and future scientist comic? How does it work if the caveman is just a normal guy

I dont get it

It would have been funnier as a Nancy comic

See this is classic Nancy
>I dont get it
Dad says Curtis needs to fight like the third chimp. Curtis notes the story didn't say which chimp won. Dad sees his entire metaphor fall apart in front of his eyes.
Still waiting for that Far Side crossover.
>Who won?
The fourth chimp who snuck on with the dame while the other two fought.
>how does it work
Not particularly well. It's coasting on a 90 year legacy.
There were some rough ones when I started reading the threads, but this Popeye is really growing on me.
how fucking dare you
i hate this comic
he was gonna rape him
I see Rosa religiously watches Chef John from Foodwishes.com.
Meh, nothing of value was lost there.

>I dont get it
He can't make the aggressor monkey win, because that just encourages being a violent bully to get what you want. But that's literally what the whole conceit was based around. Making the other monkey win defeats the whole point.

TLDR: Dad got lost in the sauce.
Ooh, a girl with an appetite! She's a keeper.
Marmaduke's a hero.
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Here's the answer.
That's nice
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It had to be done.
Now that's cold.
This is why you use plastic trees.
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He's wondering how he's gonna pay off the judge to let Cassandra walk again. Maybe he still has some money left over from his fight with Harry Ape 2 weeks ago
I like how Maria's frozen hair is visible in the first three panels though you can't identify it and also that Rosa has gigantic tits.
I hadn't noticed it before in my first run through of this thread, but the more I looked at the last 2 panels, the more I realized that McKenzie looked a little thiccer on the upper torso.

Do you think that Luca is also improving on his art skills since Wannabe became syndicated as well?
it's not syndicated, it's just on gocomics. which is basically the boomer equivalent of being on webtoons.
Based mom.
>prince valiant is still going

Foster himself drew it until 1970 and wrote until 1980. Then handed it over, then it got handed over a few more times.
There's Phantom Sunday strips?!
i think you're seeing what you want to see which is still based because i want to see it too
There's everything.
He doesn't have the horns, Disney doesn't have a case.
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I like how prominent Rosa has been lately
Rare Supr Dee miss. The joke fully relies on you knowing how ludicrous 7.9 mil is, and even then, it's just not as funny as Maria's tongue ashing in the prior one.
I kinda don't. There are so many good girls hidden in strios and peoplw only care about the one with the huge rack, while mostly not giving a shit even about the strip she comes from.
Isn't Rosa practically the main character of the strip? I know all three of them are, but she's kind of the main focal point of the series unless I'm mistaken.
It's probably to make up from that one zombie maria story that went on for months and Rosa wasn't a part of it until the very end.
How the fuck.
>The joke fully relies on you knowing how ludicrous 7.9 mil is
Ehh, not too much. All you need to know is that 50K is high on the scale and that 7.9 million is a much larger number than 50K.
The latest brain behind Nancy keeps on doing an absolutely amazing job
not funny
>50k is high on the scale
white people fast food chains use ghost peppers (~1 million scovile)
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THIS is what Alley Oop looks like now? Jesus christ.
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Just on the weekend.
Who knew Tarzan had beef with albinos.
Reading bump
Lol kreegah
Wew lad.
Maria or her. Depends on what Dee feels like.
they print titties THAT BIG in the sunday funnies now?
I'd watch them fuck
Girl wear your fucking glasses.
cute cowgirl
Who does this say is playing Olive Oyl? I can't make it out under any magnification.
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Yeah, where have you been?
I'm maintaining that it's Shelly Duvall. The reference works on two levels.
Ask what's the color of Cassandra's hair. Something so obvious it's easy to sniff out the liar.
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