Good morning, grandpa. New year, new funnies. They're so gosh darn funny, you won't believe it!Hmm? You don't believe it? Savvy, grandpa.
aurelius while you wait
>>146935215 best shark
>>147013414certified horny comic
new year,New Pluggers
Huh, you are early today.
>>146935275 >the ship sank and hundreds died>meh, I once saw a monkey get mauled by a leopard
as a speed reader, I was deeply concerned for the few seconds I thought this was the dad
>>147013463way too much work to do today before the storm hits and I lose power
>>147013479Honestly, it's 9CWL, it's only a matter of time till the incest orgy.
so much for "intelligent" life, amirite
>>147013536what a way to end the strip
>>147013405no idea. because alligators are cold blooded and can't get fever or something?
I really thought her hare was longer
>>147013566yes, exactly
>>147013405>>147013566I'm stumped too. Maybe it's because he has a sweater on inside, but even when I'm inside I have extra layers on cold days.
certified brap comic
>>147013581If he has a fever he'd be feeling hot so would probably take the jumper off.
gluttony is a sin
>>147013638I have seen somethings that can't be unseen in a nearly-26 year old comic.
you can do side bends or sit ups, but please don't lose that butt
>>147013809old enough to drink, old enough to vote, old enough for cheap insurance. old enough to fart, I guess
(skipped by accident)
...and that's it for today. more next week! stay safe in the storm, fellow US anons
>>147013793Well, you can't spell "digestion" without "sin."
>>147013767Popeye on point. I think this might be the first time a property has acknowledged its own status as public domain.
>>147013398Actually, speaking of calendars, while I don't see an actual Phoebe and Her Unicorn calendar, I noticed that Crabgrass received a desk calendar of it's own, joining the likes of Garfield, Peanuts, and even Far Side. Maybe more recent comics might receive calendars soon if Crabgrass has one now.
>>1470134051&3. 2&4 have different lenght on fork, and 4 lacks the lower serif on the a(which I noticed last despite being way more egregious)I'm not seeing it Slylock. Where you you even get a clown mask that covers that huge mouth? Also fish and lizard can absolutely use fevers to fight off infections, though they will heat sources rather than isolate thencoldExtra palm in the background, lenght of cloud, eyes on the lizard, orientation of black lef in corner right, shape of T-rex? tail and shape of one of the purple dots IT WAS THERE IN FRONT OF ME ALL ALONGanyway, Here's Arthur
>>147013629>they don’t have “” in the tile panel anymore
>> ceased to exist years ago.
>>147015161it’s a shame honestly, i really loved all the stuff they packed into it
>>147013538jej>>147013793Rosa, you are Mighty indeed. But this is a fight even you can not win. Even the cereal box dog fears for his life.
>>147014441holy walls of text, ms. halper
oh; i said this before, but iswear i saw someone that looked like bernice pre-2014 at my high school once
>>147013860just curious; any idea how preteena got so popular here?
>>147013405Alligators are ectothermic.Cold-blooded animals don't get a fever.
>>147013536It has become increasingly racy lately.
>>147016014dang, that's pretty clever of them
>>147013405uh, you don't wear a sweater when you have a fever because that's your body heating up and you should try to cool down?
OFFICIAL TIER LISTMY (FOOLISH) WIFE TIER:>>147013833SLYLOCK TIER:>>147013405CHUCKLE TIER:The Argyle Sweater (but I really wish he'd let the visual gag stand for itself. Just once, Scott. Try it. You'll like it.)Arlo & JanisB.C.Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!Far SideFoxTrotGarfieldIn The BleachersLioNancyPeanutsPopeyeRosebudsWizard Of IdPreteenaOne Big HappyZack HillCOMFY TIER:Phoebe & Her UnicornBreaking Cat NewsCul De SacSherman's LagoonWallace The Brave"BASED NERD FETISHIST" TIER:>>147013435"I GOT GROUNDED FOR THIS AS A KID" TIER:>>147013513"JESUS CHRIST, HOW HORRIFYING" TIER:>>147013777All others DNQ. Thanks, as always, OP.I really lost the plot today. Have a clown for some reason. Happy New Year, all.
>>147013405WTF is that t-rex, did Bob just finish watching Primal or what?
>>147013712I think this is the third comic that takes place in Cleveland. Seems almost over represented at this point.The City, the shitty Herf Backderf alt comic.And Edge City, which is sometimes posted here and is a pretty good Peter Bagge style comic.Crabgrass is also Ohio, but not Cleveland. Lots of Ohio. Too much.
>>147013812This comic really is just a striking remnant of a very specific post-war feminism. 60/70s era.
>>147015129which Arthur character would you fuck?
>>147017880Calvin and Hobbes arguably counts, Watterson's from Cleveland.
>>147018944i dunno, they don’t usually state it
(one mrpe bump for interest)
>>147017935What the fuck does that have to do with newspaper comics?
>>147019323I'd assume they definitely live somewhere in the Great Lakes
Funnies aren't very funny
>>147013767Kek, these Popeye comics have no right being as consistently good as they are.
>ctrl+F crabgrasswhere is it>>147013479This is good>>147015499Are these reprints or is there a rugrats newspaper comic I didnt know about? I guess I didnt know either way
>>147013909I was anti art style change but this is nice
>>1470134051 and 3Gators are creatures of Satan. Marcus Aurelius was infamous for his persecution of Christians.tree, eye, tail, cloud, bush, spotc) because i want to believe
>>147022170Feels like the comic has improved a lot since taking on the style changes. The varying line weight has given the characters more depth.
>>147022517And the author responded to someone on X talking a little about that. Seems like SuprDee is still actively experimenting with line we weight.
>>147022464My dumb wife is probably going to break all of those off by the end of the week. >>147022517Everything seems a lot livelier now. He's making the most of the more simplified designs by warping the fuck out of them constantly.
>>147022623Also, unrelated, Maria is a cutie pie.
>>147022629>He's making the most of the more simplified designs by warping the fuck out of them constantly.I think my favorite example of this are the faces Rosa makes in the elf arc, especially that super pissed off expression. It's probably the most expressive she's ever been in this series.>>147022623Oh really? Did he say anything of note? Good to see he's sharing his progress with people.
got the most recent luann stripcall it a hunch, but i don’t think this “Mr. Right” is gonna be any one outside the 4th wall
>>147013833>holiday weightOfficially certified slampig territory.>even includes the scale shotYeah, I'm into it.
>>147022119guess he forgot Crabgrass , here it is >Are these reprints or is there a rugrats newspaper comic I didnt know about? I guess I didnt know either wayThese are reruns of the Rugrats newspaper comic , they still are syndicated or at least reruns it.
>>147022780Nah, he does post stuff time to time. This was just a little exchange.The next post that I didn't include is just the guy fanboying out, not really worth including.Makes me wish I could read it in newsprint though. It does look very different, it's been probably a decade plus since I've read a newspaper comic in a newspaper.
>>147013638Fart fetishists have gotten out of control these past few months.
>>147013544A classic.
>>147013700Fascinating, the more I learn about fungi the more alien they feel.
>>147013700Mark's hand is super fucked up in that last panel.
reading bump
>>147013405I know the answer is alligator can't get a cold but it seems like it would be really obvious if someone in a mask was an alligator or not
>>147013551She runs her mouth as well.
>>147024058messing around with shrooms too much will do that to you
>>147013700>>147013706What's the story between the two different art styles for this?
>>147025717I'd say it's two different artists.
>>147026138Sure, but it's not a continuation, they run both at the same time?
>>147026187"Classic" is reruns, basically. Notice that it's dated 2003.
>>147013860Teena should show her legs and toes more
>>147013860That's not how prayer works, but it is how preteens think prayer works.
>>147013872Is it weird that I thought the "couple" acting out that drama was a son and his mom?
>>147013741The word "gaslighting" has been around forever and I still think it's stupid. Not the gaslighting itself, the complaining about gaslighting. It always seems to be the case that an author (either of a comic or a twitter post) is constructing their own personal victim complex just so they can be the star of the show and gain sympathy for all the horrible gaslighting going on. Maybe that's the real gaslighting.
>>147026138One appears to be meant as a comic, while the other appears to be a illustrative rendition of video footage.I don't know if it's different people, but artists can have more than one style depending on the context.
>>147013405If the answer to Slylock is that "Alligators can't have fevers because they're cold blooded" would this be the first time real world species biology has mattered? I always treated all the anthropomorphized animals in Slylock as human, because a real alligator wouldn't be wearing a fucking sweater or living in an apartment now would he?
>>147013821literally chuckled
>>147013833Ironically she'd probably get more followers if she kept the weight.
>>147026187So, newspapers need fluff. News alone has never been enough, so they draw a bigger crowd by including comics or comedy articles or housekeeping articles or whatever else. What do newspapers not need? To have to fight with creatives every day to get something worth publishing. It happens, of course. Sufficiently small papers can cut a good deal with a local artist, or massive ones (like WaPo, since Telnaes' resignation is in the news and brings it to mind) will keep a stable of artists on staff to make tailor-made pieces to accompany the issue's articles.Beyond those exceptions, everyone turns to the syndicates. The syndicates handle all of the details. They scout the talent, they negotiate the contracts with the talent, and they pitch the funnies/articles/etc to each of the individual papers that works with the syndicate. Traditionally, the syndicate even owns the comic strip IP, though that's not a guarantee; modern cartoonists sometimes barter for a better deal, or buy the rights back from the syndicate like Davis did with Garfield. One of the big benefits (to a paper) of working with a syndicate is that, because they own a whole mess of properties, they can instantly offer you a replacement. This often comes up when some comic (say, 9CL...) does something offensive. The newspaper isn't directly connected to McEldowney in any way, so they can cut him off immediately. No contract buy-out, no fees, no arbitration. The editor-in-chief simply tells the syndicate to stop sending over 9CL and to start sending over anything else instead, and it's done, as simple as that.Again because the syndicate owns the strips, strips can live far longer than the creator. Nancy is a well-known example at this point. Katzenjammer Kids ran for 100 years. Mark Trail is close to 80 and has gone through a handful of creative staffs. So, if some paper's readers complain about a new guy? "Hey, King Features? Send me Elrod reprints forever." No extra cost.
>>147026462I'd follow her jog if you catch my drift
>>147013501hnng wife socks
>>147013405>Thief wore a clown mask>Alligator is Coulrophobic>Fear of clownsHow would he know the thief was wearing a clown mask if he was sick in bed all day? Gottem.
>>147013479The shit this comic gets away with is nothing short of admirable.
>>147013746Millennial """Humour"""
>>147022517I really liked this art piece from him using the new art style, it's nice
shit was a bunch of bullshit this week, nothing good imo, though elf Rosa is hotthanks anyway, op>>147020506shut the hell up
>>147027406>that arm>>147013909>that side viewis she getting fatter too?
>>147028386>is she getting fatter too?Pretty much since the strip started. She used to be as skinny as Maria, just shorter.
>>147026187I dont know about newspapers but Go Comics does that sometimes. They have Jaimies run Nancy and then a separate Bushmiller Nancy Classics running daily on the website
>>147015408>Monsters Inc.jpg
>>147026706Fuck me, that's even better.
>>147028404sorry I was talking about glasses girl but that side view is also good
>>147013812Imagine taking care of your home and family instead of spending 40 hours a week in a cubicle doing HR work. How utterly meaningless and degrading.
>>147029699Oh. I don't think Rosa's getting fatter (since being in shape is a huge part of her), she's just being drawn thiccer.
>>147013513>>147013528>>147013600>>147013606>>147013629>>147013752>>147013767>>147013815>>147013860PERSONAL HIGHLIGHTS>>147017935Sir, this is a comic strip thread.Catherine
>>147013520I never understood thisJust say noYou can say no
>>147013591I hate this author so much. It's literally nothing but virtue signalling."Look at me! Look at me being good!"Disgusting.
>>147030394And he's been doing it for 50 years.
>>147013585First time I've ever found this comic relatable.
>>147030361There was a time where you didn't want the boss mad because it directly impacted your Christmas bonus.
>>147032721Then you go look for a new jobNot that hard, especially back then
>>147032735As a manager? Not without spending years working his way up again.
>>147032977You're kidding, right? HR loves experience.Why do you think job hopping became so popular?
>>147033005HR? Back then?
>>147033455Yes. Back then it was called "personnel" and it was part of administration.
>>147030394dude was the pioneer of the strawman comic
>>147032735You're still risking stability for the chance of a better job that isn't guaranteed. Bumstead's family and their future is basically being held hostage by his shitty job, that's sort of the point.
>>147013580This is the closest this comic has ever came to feeling even remotely coherent.
>>147023129omitted, not forgotten. the bicycle strips are utterly uninteresting, imo>>147026187GoComics runs several "classic" strips, but I don't know that any paper does both a classic and a current simultaneously. for Mark Trail, I don't think anyone runs the classic at all. I pull it from the archives because one anon used to hiss and reeee about the new art style (in good fun).and I feel the same way about new Heart
>>147029774>How utterly meaningless and degrading.I'm guessing you chose the 40 yours in a cubicle.
>>147030361>I never understood thisAmericans
>>147013812Punchline really should have been mom just saying "If I'd chosen that, you wouldn't be here."
>>147033005Tell me how you've literally never worked a real job in your life.
>>147037043I'm a single NEET man. I just think it's retarded to act like being a housewife is a soul sucking waste of life when the average person's career is stupid meaningless bullshit with nothing to show for it at the end but a little bit of money. It's obvious why the lie is pushed, because doubling the workforce by adding women keeps wages down. But why does anyone fall for it?
>>147013398comics that give a pedo artist vibe
>>147013568HA HA HA HA HA!
>>147013573peanuts vibes
>>147037798>I just thinkNo, I very much doubt you do. Ever.
>>147037798because a soul sucking waste of life that gives you a little financial independence is better than one that doesnt, and also because housework can be much more work than sitting in front of a computer sorting excel files for 8 hourst. NEET that lives with family and has to do the housework until I find a job
>>147035133>You're still risking stability for the chance of a better jobNo, you're risking a possible bonus in exchange for not being a total fucking slave.If you risk getting fired for refusing overtime, you shouldn't have been applying for the job in the first place.>y-yeah butYou ALWAYS have alternatives. Why do you wish to be a slave so much?What the hell is wrong with you people?
>>147039022This is bullshit and you know it. Stop pretending America doesn't have the worst labor practices in the developed world.
>>147039261As a Japanfag, I actually laugh at how lazy you faggots are.
>>147039645Given that your country is infamous for overworking people to the point of suicide, I wouldn't be casting judgment.
>>147039261You faggots also have the MOST PROFITABLE jobs in the world.60k is poor to you. I will earn at the most 30 to 40k, if I'm lucky.And this is in one of the wealthiest countries in the EU.>>147039969That's mostly the older boomer generation.The younger generation wisened up and has long ago started pushing back against such practices.
>>147013405My dude.Are you okay?
>>147040081>60k is poor to you.This is middle class, depending on where you live.>30 to 40kDon't forget that 60k doesn't include health costs and user fees and a load of bullshit that Euros don't pay for. 60k after taxes in America is a lot closer to 40k after taxes in Euro then you'd think.
>>147039969You don't have any right to cast judgement because you don't know a damn thing about this country.For one thing, YOUR COUNTRY (USA) has a higher suicide rate. Dumb piece of shit. You are criminally lazy and don't understand what it actually means to be an ethical and productive person that people can depend on. You don't know what it's like to live in a FUNCTIONAL society. Americans are repulsive, the way they whine and cry when they need to exert even the tiniest amount of effort to accomplish anything. You probably show up late to every arrangement you've ever made.
>>147040352>This is middle class, depending on where you live.The lower end of your middle class, maybe.Your poverty line is our upper average.>>147040352>that 60k doesn't include health costs and user fees and a load of bullshit that Euros don't pay forHealthcare is only useful when you don't have to wait months, if not years, for treatment.The EU is not a holy land where every illness is instantly cured for free.Do you even know how much the average house costs here? 450k.With rent eating up 40% of your income and getting taxed triple, if not quadruple times, you'll have to work for your entire life and then some to afford one.If the prices don't increase further, that is. That 450k is projected to increase to 525k next year.You seriously have no idea how good you have it.
>>147024058Fuck, now I can't stop noticing it. It's like he has a little baby doll hand.
best mom
>>147013629I don't know what they were expecting.