The official tie-in to the hit animated series on Disney+ continues!
>>147133652Don't know how I feel about aunt may just being a hot girl now. On the one hand it's going against May's original purpose as an old kind lady to make Peter's life harder due to her health and all, but on the other hand, you can only do that plot line so many times until it gets tiresome.
>>147133665>>147133668>>147133686The fucking whiplash I got from modern lingo and then seeing classic Enforcer costumes was astronomical.
>early ditko years retoldI want to like this more than I do. On paper it sounds so good, but there's just something off about the whole thing and I can't figure out what.
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>>147133721A rare Enforcers win
>>147133732It's a clash of identity. It wants to tell a classic retro Spider-Man story, but also a modern version with cellphones, social media, and new or different versions of the characters. It needs to pick a lane.
>>147133698I don't think cowboys and mobsters were exactly cutting edge in the 60s either.
>>147133675If this retelling actually stayed faithful to original Ditko-era Peter when he had a serious chip on his shoulder you could do some stuff with a younger, hot May. I could see Peter being very protective of May and after finding out May's started to date some rando who may or may not be a sleazy fuck he gets violently angry over it and hunts down the guy before he comes to his senses.
>>147133781That's the major issue with this project as a whole. Feels like they don't know what they want.
>>147134035They want you to just shut up and eat whatever slop you're given.
>entire raison d'etre is historical revisionism of the 60s into degenerate woke shit because americans got really weird about race lately Shan't be readingShan't be watching
>>147133623Among all the stuff in this comic, Peter being familiar with wrestling terminology and how wrestling storytelling is meant to work is the weirdest to me.
>>147133637>>147133643>This man just picked me up and tossed me 20ft into the air. I am only uninjured/alive because he was faster than gravity and caught me.>I will therefore pick a fight with him.The fuck kinda retarded shit is this? This makes less sense than those manga where the noble parents treat their biological child like a serial murderer pedophile despite the kid doing nothing to earn their distrust, and then immediately siding with another kid they adopted 2 weeks ago.
>>147134567That's not right at all.
>>147133623Human Spider did this joke better.
TL;DR Does Uncle Ben not exist in this continuity?
>>147135865he existed. past tense. he's already dead.
>>147133781Spectacular Spider-Man the animated series pulled it off>>147134035
>>147133686I wonder if they’re going to be in the show.
>>147136038So tired of /co/ pretending Weisman was ever good.
>>147135055TV Tropes?
>>147136307Spec Spidey was the best Spider-Man cartoon, a top tier cartoon in general and a top tier superhero story across any medium
>>147136712Yeah, this is a great example of what I was talking about.
>Peter and Nico
>>147137872Same. Maybe it’ll be Danny/Sam done right.
This again?
>>147133732This Peter is nothing like Ditko Peter
>>147133612>tranny lighting>traced 3dyup, its a marvel comic of a billion dollar movie franchise.
Well the only thing Nico had against Spider-Man was him being an adult, and given she was into Alex and Victor, good ol' 15 year old Peter Parker should be right up her alley, pun intended
>>147139882>tranny lightinghave you never experienced dusk you brainrotted husk of a man?
>>147133658I’m guessing that’s where he’ll meet Lonnie.
>>147140572its inside a building you fucking retard
>>147139859No one said he was?