>mfw I realize all of Spider-Man’s enemies are modeled after the spider’s natural predators
>>147147621>Goblin>Octopus >Space parasite >Rhino>Electricity sounds about right
>>147147621I'm not sure how Jonah and Mysterio and Rhino play into that. Venom too I guess.
>>147147621I think Janet just doesn't like his sense of humor, I wouldn't call them enemies
>>147147621>Rolled up newspaper>Slipper>aerosol spraymy favorite spidey villains!
Ah yes. I remember that one documentary where Attenborough said>as you can see, octopi gobble down spider shit nigga like a bitch turning tricks>moving to dry land, we can see a rhino devour an entire colony of spiders on god while the goblin tries stealing his sheeit for a few stray legs and thing>oh fuck nigga here comes the vulture...
>>147147621>Mr.Negative what the fuck Stan Lee? Is true that they eat the bugs but was it really necessary?
>>147147661Until she lays eggs in him so her babies eat him from the inside out.
>>147147621Don't forget Kraven the hunter. And Kingpin and other assorted mobsters. Truly a spider's worst natural enemies.
>>147147684>aerosol spraySleeeeeep
>>147147684>Rolled up newspaperWhy do you think JJJ is always out to use his paper to take him down?
>>147147783this is some heavy handed symbolism right there
>>147147783Holy fucking shit
>>147147621Ah yes the spider's natural predator, goblins.
>>147148079Considering he's got a broomstick, it checks out
>>147147638Don't forget the deadliest of them wall
>>147147621What was your goal here, anon?
>>147147661>>147147757I want there to be legitimate beef between Janet and Peter.
>>147147783BRAVO DITKO.
>>147148167I will take reheated bait threads over Xitter shit any day of the week.
>>147147783Fucking lol
>>147148267Im posting this thread to twitter then reposting it here in 2 weeks.
>>147148289Don't forget to put in on Reddit
**Da hell is this site**
>>147148308Should probably make a cycle to bluesky too just to cover your bases.
>>147147646As far as Venom goes, spiders eat other spiders all the time.
>>147148185Janet swoops MJ off her feet.
>>147148451Dangerously based.
>>147147621If you had pointed out instead that Spider-Man is objectively helpful but is unfairly slandered and feared by many regardless, just like (most) actual spiders, then you would have had something.
>>147147621>>147147700 thanks for the sensible chuckle, anon
>>147147621>The Walrus>Panda(mania)>White RabbitI should have known
>>147147717sounds right to me
>>147147646>johannewspapers are actually pretty deadly against spiders
>>147147783fucking brilliant
>>147147621[Bait in position]
>>147147621Shocker preys on beetles if anything
Don't worry OP, I recognize that reference
which of apidermans villains actually are spider predators?
>>147147783Ditko you fucking bastard.
>>147147621I don't know any wasp/hornet based villain who wants to forcibly impregnate him.
>>147147783Holy shit I kneel Stan/ditko
>>147147638>Electricitybug zapper
>>147147700That style doesn't fit Attenburoughfor Herzog, it's HILARIOUS
>>147147783There's no fucking way that was on purpose, what the hell Marvel
>>147153387doesnt have some kind of subconscious apprehensions with Janet way back?
>>147147783wtf. i kneel
>>147148259>>147153201>DitkoIt was all Stan.
>>147147621>>147147783>>147148167OP got exceptionally lucky his stolen post spawned an actual gemFuck you, OP
>>147147621>Grizzly>Kangaroo>Gibbon>beetleOK I'll give you the beetle, maybe. Some of them are predatory.
>>147148374Also needs to have a logo added to each iteration with slightly lower resolution until it reaches a nice crunchy texture.>>147147783Put me in da screencap for the redditors and twittards.
>>147147783Well hot damn it's the soggy bottom boys
>>147147646mysterio represents mirrors in this case
>>147147783Can someone draw JJJ smacking Spider-Man/Peter on the nose with a paper?
>>147147783not bad
>>147147684>>147147783He even has one of those sometimes.