DChads, we can't stop winning
>>147136444Is there any website that follows how many printings gets every comicbook?
Based as fuck. There's no stopping JackedBats
>>147136444I'm surprised that it took such a long time for for Batman As Fuck to overtake USM? I've always assumed that it outsold it in the initial printing. Did people crave unfucked Parker so much?
>>147138059They're both really good books, so I'm glad they're both really successful.
>>147138133>Absolute Batman>good
>>147138204Yes, hence why people are still buying it in massive numbers.
>>147136444>USM doing well means Marvel might have a 0.000001% chance of undoing OMD>Absolute Batman doing gangbusters means that Batman is in the brownstone forever because fictional rich person badth-thanks Snyder
>>147138204>thinking it isn't good
>>147138133Both are shit.