Her dad's extremely homely (big nose, thin hair, crooked teeth) and her mom is very, very hefty, how did she not come out looking worse or at the very least, as bad as either of them? even Darryl could've looked worse but at most he's just hefty like their mom.
>>147134317This is the power of race mixing.
>>147134317>homely (big nose, thin hair, crooked teeth)Cute way of saying ugly.
>>147134342That you roll the dice and keep yer fingers crossed in hope that the kid gets the "best" genes between homely and hefty?
>>147134317I can't fix her.But damn do I wanna fuck her.
>>147134317She'll balloon when she gets older.And that's a good thing.
>>147134317Asians age horrifically. They look like they just don't age until they hit 40, then they have an almost overnight Ark of the Covenant viewing session.
>>147134939>And that's a good thing.Are you from the United States or Mexico? Fuck off, fat lover!
>>147134939>She'll balloon when she gets olderHopefully sooner than later
>End result is fat old brown womanJust wanna take this time as a wageslave to remind you to go shopping with your elderly relatives, especially the brown ones, we don't get paid enough to deal with them
>>147134317Is this what you wanted, anon?
>>147136545Would you still love Molly even if she looked like this?
>>147136545kek>>147136760Probably not. brutal blackpill, I know, but its the truth
>>147134317Do you think in a show about death she knows what suicide is? even pondered if Scratch took his own life hence why he was a "ghost"? you know before it was revealed what we all knnew about him being Todd and all>>147136760Not really.
>>147136545Skip the nose, but keep the buck teeth
>>147137366way ahead of ya
>>147135087>pudgy genki girl always ready and willing to put a smile on everybody's faces
>>147136545Keep cute little nose regular Molly has and make her go barefoot and then maybe.