Maybe I would taken an exception to someone like Butters, but Wendy is unlikable as fuck.
>>147109993I actually thought that was where the joke was going to go, Cartman would end up beating the crap out of Wendy after she's been all built up and sanctimonious and it would be incredibly awkward for everyone.
>>147110061A better joke would've been Cartman beating up Wendy, but people still thinking of him as an asshole because he, a man, beat a woman. The actual episode felt like a generic 80s "kid beats up bully" episode with a slight touch girlboss.
>>147109993The most interesting dynamics they've ever had were in the one where Chef wants to change the South Park flag because he thinks it's racist, and the Smurfs one. Everything else is generic antagonism.
>>147109993Honestly, yeah really felt bad for him as really cartman is a dick but most of the boys were. If it was a different ep I could see stan and kyle making the same jokes as they are assholes. Really wendy isn't that likeable but she had funny moments in this ep but it really was because of how they played off cartman.>>147110061Actually this would be funny and I remember a old Grim adventures of billy and mandy thread mentioning something similar. Basically in that s1 ep where sperg is introduced people joked that it'd been funnier if mandy gets set up and got beaten up because at that point mandy wasn't the goddess of evil she became later so she wasn't infallible and could get hurt. So idea that mandy scowls at sperg then he just bips her is hilarious and same principle with wendy>>147110094Yeah even still didn't have same aura as really cartman felt to much like the victim as he really was never a threat so dramatic irony would be more your way. Basically cartman is so cowardly and pussy but still wins because he's a boy and has like 40 lbs on wendy. Literally he could just sit on her and win.Also funnier end is he beats wendy and is shocked and starts doing a 80s montage victory jump/dance then stan runs up and punches him then the rest of the boys jump him because well boys aren't allowed to beat up girls lol.
>>147109993>>147110061>>147110094>>147111230>>147111232Why would that be funnier tho?
>>147111257Fuck off, mass replying retard.
>>147109993>I'm a right-wing incel gamer bro!That's it! That's OP's post! Soooooo original!
>>147109993Why didn't she just kick him square in the nuts?
I just wish Butters didn't turn on him so fast
>>147110094howabout a compromise?wendy beats cartman but hewins by cheating like hitting wendy in the back of the head as she walks away making cartman a true asshole and a coward
>>147109993Cartman was pusjing his luck again and again though.
>>147109993What if Heidi not only took the high road in walking away from Cartman, but crop-dusted him in one last maneuver to prove that she could outfart him?
>>147109993Did you miss the part where Cartman's a fat ass who's morbidly obese to despite all his shit talking was shown time and time again not believing he had a chance against Wendy so did everything to try and get out of the fight without publicly acknowledging he's back it out?He's someone healthy he's single how did we lower the scores entire Fitness level grade in the episode where he destroys all his dolls.
>>147111489ThisAnd the joke isn't entirely that Wendy beats his ass, it's that Cartman took the wrong lessons from it and learned the wrong answers>Gets his ass beat in front of the whole school for making fun of breast cancer>Cries because he thinks no one will think he's cool anymore when being repeatedly told no one likes him>Goes back to everyone thinking he's cool all under 5 minutes
>>147109993Well if you liked Cartman in that episode you're a fucking asshole. So basically, American.
>>147111465Unironically Sounds great
>>147111232>stan and kyle making the same jokes as they are assholes.If it was season 1-6. They would've definitely made those jokes. Every kid character except for Cartman turned into a faggy generic goody two shoes after that.
>>147111356Go back to tumblr, tranny
>>147111545>HeidiHoly shit don't remind me of that arc. Cringiest shit they ever did, and that ending was cringe incarnate. God Matt and Trey are such ginormous faggots.
>>147112096Kyle just has the bonus grossout flair of being made to eat poop and pee while being sanctimonious, while Stan has the show-stealing dad
>>147111230Ironically, the role that Cartman played in the Smurfs episode is very similar to the way many political opinion influencers operate, more specifically those that show the thumbnail of some random politician of any ideology with one sad face of that person and the other laughing, while it appears in the titles:>They humiliated (s/he) now the (supporters of that politician) cry.
>>147112148Apparently they wanted Heiman to be a stand-in for Trump supporters trapped in an abusive admiration with Orange Man, as well as Trey venting married life being hell since he and Boogie wound up being on the outs after.
>>147112164Season 20 was fucking terrible. So the girls just hate the boys for the whole continuity after because of one troll online? These two used to be edgy.
>>147109993Like when the midget challenged Cartman and still lost?
>>147112229The timeline where they weren't Trump obsessed would be something to wonder about
>>147112337And then they introduced the WHITES and mitigated their struggles. Fucking hell
Wendy's a hypocrite for going off on those edited photos, Member when she got massive breast implants?
>>147109993South Park hasn't been funny for a long time, it's ironic how they became ridiculously safe and un-edgy they became.I wonder what they'll do now. Probably more garbage about current event and cartman being a doodoo meaniehead chud who gets totally humiliated.
>>147112478That was gross>>147112164>Trey venting about his married life>Still puts Heidi in the sympathetic light most timesWhat a pussy
>>147112478Member when the South Park Studios site had some silly animated gif of booba Wendy with her big boobs boinging up and down?
>>147112919It's been some long running thing where fans notice even if the women are terribly written or just humorless nags, you'd kind of have to be that way with Randy's bullshit. It's the fine binary of stupid, unfunny man and his unfunny smarter wife.
>>147112164>>147112919>Trump supporters trapped in an abusive admiration with Orange Man,Which is weird, considering Trump supporters absolutely love Trump. The relationship Trey was trying to portray would apply to the never Trumpers, and from the way this year's election went, we can safely assume that they don't really make up a significant percentage of the voting population anymore.Either way the pandemic specials have an additional flair of humor since it portrays the South Park people as having grown tired of Garrison and shunning him, only for Trump to be re elected by the popular vote irl with the second highest turnout. I wonder if this election caused Trey to do some level of self reflection on whether he's just "out of touch."
>>147113242Quite frankly they’re pots calling the kettle black. How long have we had to suffer democratic policies? And why do RINO centrists like these two still herald democrats as the reasonable ones?
>>147110061>>147109993Nah, Cartman was such a huge faggot that he had to dress like a good boy to make it seem like he was a victim of bullying, it is the perfect representation of what should happen to every single fake victim faggot.
>>147113384>it is the perfect representation of what should happen to every single fake victim faggot"Should" happen, but not "would" happen. Nor is it the funniest happening to have as an outcome. A massive build up and cartman just panics with a stray sucker punch at wendy which knocks her out cold accidently then having him realize what hes done before celibrating like a dick in front of everyone as a teacher slowly aproaches from behind while waiting for him to notice before punishing his ass for beating up a girl would be far more funnier as well as in theme with the whole episode. You could even get wendy playing up the victim angle to turn the tables on cartman, using his own tricks against him.
>>147112096Yeah they were all misandrist, because trey and matt were. Now they are weirdly holier than thou, especially kyle but even cartman has been weirdly neutered as well. He's weird type of evil now which kind of kills his vibe.Stan is a depressive crybaby,
>>147109993>He didn't laugh at the fat fuck cowardly braggart getting his shit kicked in after outright begging for it the whole episode
>>147111545I want Wendy and Heidi to tag-team fart on him.
>>147109993Matt and Trey want their cake and eat it too. The show can glorify Cartman and have his language spread to kids and teens but they also want to show how bad he is by having him get beat up sometimes.
>>147113800I never thought the show glorified Cartman. Even when he's right, it's for the wrong reasons.
>>147109993I was on Cartman's side because I believe in freedom of speech. She had no right to beat him up for saying something she found offensive.
>make a character a complete monster and incredible asshole>do this in an entertaining way>everybody loves him and roots for him>oh, fuck, you've made a loveable monster>pussy out and start making him fail/lose all the timeMatt and Trey are fucking cowards and losers for this. I hate when anybody does this to a character of theirs and these two are no exception. They realized too late that they'd made Cartman too likeable and they've been clumsily tearing him down ever since.In fact it was right when Matt and Trey started to decide they had to make Cartman lame that South Park really started to suck. Go figure. They gazed into the abyss and blinked.
>>147114363Cartman takes L's all the time, that's the point. His wins are noteworthy because they're rare.
>>147109993I like Wendy, but I was really hoping Cartman laid her out.
>>147112152I only liked Stan when he convinced a man to kill himself on live tv.
>>147114363PC Principal is a really dumb and unfunny character, and I don’t know why they keep using him.
>>147109993same. wendy has always been a bitch
>>147112194no, a literal stripper (and yes that is another man's name tattooed on her arm)
>>147114962Why do they keep doing Tegridy Farms when EVERYBODY hates it? It's because they're assholes who are too rich to be made to care. They no longer have any incentive to actually please their audience and are free to be obnoxiously self-indulgent to their hearts' content. It's like when George RR Martin fired his editor.
>>147116316Wow. Obviously she still wants another man’s seed too. That’s what you get for being a cringe atheist.
>>147116491It's ironic how they pretty much became the people they made fun of back then, just a bunch of out of touch rich twats.
>>147113740>Cartman gets all the girls so pissed off they break out the ultimate weapon>The Sparkle Sunshine Toot Cannon>Hotboxed by a whole crowd of girls pointing their rears at him while he's held down
>>147116316>wife is a literal stripper with another man's name tattooed on her arm>wife's son is half blackThis is like something they'd make fun of on South Park
>>147117141I wonder if the reason his writing is so shit is because his wife made him grow a vagina. We’re reaching levels of cuck that shouldn’t be possible for the guy who made South Park
>>147116316What's it say? "Kobo"?
>>147117141>Randy cheats on Sharon with a Peppermint Hippo stripper>Moves the side piece and her kid into the farm, tensions and wacky shenanigans ensue
>>147109993That's because you're a man child.
>>147117295There was an episode where Sharron did Onlyfans…
>>147117175you know, there comes a time when you just need to grow up, okay?
>>147117336Save it for the rioters
>>147117141>something they'd make fun of on old South Parkfixed that for you anonnu South Park would dedicate an episode to lecturing the audience on how strong and brave she is and how you're an evil pathetic person if you wouldn't marry a coalburning stripper with a bastard child>>147117266probably "Kobe"
>>147116316>If only you knew how bad things really are.
>>147110094He's the fattest kid in school and Wendy is a 4th grade girl. The simplest outcome here was that nothing Wendy could give him a bloody nose, and then Cartman shoves her back and she starts crying when she falls and skins her elbow or whatever. Then someone else beats the shit out of Cartman for beating up a girl.Compromise being that Wendy learns that she's not as tough as she thinks she is and Cartman still gets an ironic asskicking. Making Wendy a badass is fucking retarded.
>>147111489The idea that everyone always gets what they deserve and that anyone with an issue is entitled to and guaranteed justice is a bad lesson, even by South Park standards.Wendy wanting to set Cartman straight for being a mouthy piece of shit doesn't mean Wendy gets to be stronger than a child should be and miraculously have the ability to beat someone nearly twice her weight.
>>147114962It wasn't even a good joke from the start and doesn't even make any fucking sense, but they continue to drag that dead horse around to this day while not even knowing what the fuck they're trying to lampoon anymore.
>>147118909My theory is that they keep him around so their more liberal takes seem more centered than they are. Like that ugly girl paid to follow Meg that one episode
They still haven't made fun of troons and they likely never will.>but Heather SwansonThat's them making fun of losers who use the label just to sandbag, no better than people who fake disabilities to compete in the Paralympics.
>>147116491I know a girl who's favourite South Park character is Randy and being a lifelong stoner herself, can't get enough of the tegridy weed bit. I'm sure there are others like her.
>>147119717What about that stripper always asking for a dance?
>>147116316>married twice >first marriage ended in 2 years >second ended in 5>no children of his own>still hangs out with Matt Stone practically every day Does he have a problem or something?
>>147119826Does Matt have kids?
>>147117047This guy has good taste.
>>147119955>married to pic related since 2008>2 kidsConsidering he's Jewish, still more based than Trey.
>>147120250Forgot pic
>>147119717>ms garrisonare you actually joking right now? I hated when he transitioned. such unfunny bullshit.
>>147119826he has a daughter. I don't even go out of my way or care about any of this shit and I know that. he had her do the voice for a character in an episode.
>>147109993>Disrespecting and being mean to women isn't cool>Has had an affair on every single women he's been withWhy is he like this?
>>147112970>>147112919>>147112229Is it just me or does South Park have a problem with its female characters? All of them (Wendy, Heidi, Sharon, Liane) come across naggy and emotional and annoying and just generally unlikable.
>>147121096They never had that problem in the first 1-4 seasons, when the female characters were just as batshit insane as the men. To be honest pretty much all the characters apart from Cartman and Randy are blank slates devoid of characterization and humour.
>>147110061Anon, he made fun of breast cancer awareness.
>>147114363The one where he gets an amusement park and loses it amidst massive debt and Kyle realizes God makes good things happen to shitty people so they fall harder was funny.
>>147120257They dropped the Ms Garrison plot years before the tranny problem exploded and started consuming western culture and now they'd never touch that ever again.
>>147121096It's extremely bad these days. The girls are usually always right, smarter, stronger, more authentic, etc. When they decided to add warhammer to the show for some fucking reason, the girls were all suddenly warhammer experts, for instance. Not only were they more passionate about the hobby than the boys, but they'd be into the whole time, and were better painters and players too. It's so fucking insufferable.
>>147121122>>147121773>>147121096>To be honest pretty much all the characters apart from Cartman and Randy are blank slates devoid of characterization and humour.I swear to God South Park has turned into a more annoying Abbott and Costello show. Every character not named Cartman, Randy or Garrison is there to roll eyes and act jaded at the former's stupidity. Seriously what's with Trey and his obsession with "tired sane guy" characters since season 8? In the older seasons, even the normal characters like Chef had their fun and zany moments.
>>147121096It's Trey's tired "stupid guy and straight man" formula, you see Kyle having become just the nag to Cartman too.>>147121122And to think Wendy shooting Ms. Ellen into the sun only came about because Trey realized the episode would look too depressing for Stan if the substitute really was a spy, hence the last-minute scene where it's revealed Wendy paid off the Iraqis.
>>147112127Wow. Such scathe. Very original thought! You win a billion internets because you said the /pol/ words! SO BRAVE!
>>147118849The girlbossing direction does seem pretty weird when for a while, they were only using her as kind of a bitchy punching bag through seasons 6-9 or so, but then "Raisins" was apparently Trey Parker wanting to vent a bit about how he felt when Liane cheated on him + funnee Hooters parody.
>>147122561>Liane cheated on himOof, is there anything keeping hoes loyal?
>>147118849>t. fattest kid in school who got beat up by a girlMany such cases.
>>147122748Nah, I was friends with the fattest kid in school and there wasn't a single kid in the school who could do shit to that fat fuck that would even leave a mark.
>>147122775I think Cartman is supposed to be a manlet which negates the fat factor.
>>147109993The episode worked, and Wendy herself worked up until season 20 when they decided that Wendy needs to be the show's stand in for the super woke female crowd, which made her do some stuff that's not only unlikeable but nonsensical for her archetype previously. In the episode with all the girls wanting to be sluts and the parents going along with it to not be seen as "conservative", Wendy is the one against the progressive mob.
>>147122833They’re all the same height. I remember as early as season 1 he mentioned his weight was 90 pound, how big is a fourth grader supposed to be by then.Then there was the vaccine episode.
>>147122833We're still talking about 4th graders. Him being twice as heavy as any other kid means that no one is really going to be able to do any serious harm to him. Kids are small, light, and weak.
>>147122775>Using the IRL IP-switch to deny getting beat up by girlsYou're not fooling anyone. You're not beating the allegations.
>>147109993well, you are a shithead.
>>147122863You seem unusually focused on the idea of getting beat up by girls. You want to talk about it?
>>147122527>stupid guy and straight man"What's ironic is that South Park originally started out as a show that subverts such cliché. Like Chef talking about how it's okay to be racist towards Chinese living in China, or in that veal episode where Cartman suggests using Butters' blood to skate back home and Kyle objects to it, but subverts typical sane guy expectations by following it up with "Butters doesn't have enough blood to do that." Later seasons Kyle would object to it for morality related reasons.
>>147114962His introduction and the arc with the worker romance was fun, I liked it. I just didn't like how the show made him now be liked/respected by the other characters as if it was Matt and Trey admitting that PC culture has some likeable elements, when the main point of the character is that his PC culture is making his life difficulty and forcing him to be a dick.
>>147122863You can tell an IP on here?
>>147122857>>147122859I think the reason Cartman should've won is because he was already able to easily take down a midget with a black belt. I mean yeah it's a midget, but Eric's also a 9 year old.
>>147122908Power scaling SP is crazy work bro
>>147122857There were gags in the episode where Choksondik died about how small they are in height, where they were able to hide in cabinets easily while Cartman could just bury himself in her body.
>>147122880Modern SP would go >Cartman you psychotic fat fuck! You can't just kill someone!And that would be the joke.
>>147113303>How long have we had to suffer democratic policies?Like what?
>>147123290Mass immigration.
>>147123290Letting men in women’s sports
Real question, are people posting on /co/ stupid as fuck?Cartman is BEGGING to get his ass kicked the entire episode. It's the only way it could've ended.
>>147122879I dunno. Why are fat kids getting so defensive about a girl beating up one of their own?
>>147123412Why didn’t it happen in the midget episode. Also the less on in that episode>I’ll never understand your struggles>so it’s ok for you to keep holding them over my headAnd now we have a blm founder with 2 of her 3 properties burning. South Park is way more liberal than you think.>>147123419Sturdiness and constitution’s all they got
>>147123457I've always felt Tolkien/Token was acting kinda weird about the whole thing in that episode. I can understand him being upset over the whole nigger thing, but Stan's initial apology seemed fine to me. Him getting that hung up over Stan saying "I get it" seemed kinda pedantic.
>>147123341Trump deported less people than obama
>>147123341>ignoring that Zion don wants to import massive amounts of Indians via h1b visas
>>147122549Tranny is big mad an entire day later
>>147123740How do you figure that?
>>147123923By the statistics of how many deportation were made in similar times under both administrations
>>147114363Reminds me of Rick and Morty
So the Snow Day shit killed the entire New Kid saga for good? Any hope of them making a real game again?
>>147123397You’re a woman?
>>147124455I don’t want to see faggots competing with women, that’s what they made fun of with Heather Swanson
>>147120254looks like a man
>>147109993The shows not funny any more
>>147123732his name is Token. trey only changed it to Tolkien because his wife's son is a 'groid
>>147111654The thing is that we don't expect him to learn shit. If anything, we expect the Fat Bastard to so but hurt that he'll ruin her life, just like he did with that one bully with the chili.Eric Cartman is a Pig King; nothing more, nothing less.
>>147109993Despite how centrist they claim to be they have that disdain for straight white men that all liberals do.
>>147109993It's funny how I've grown to resent South Park, because its political commentary is really stupid, and frankly outright harmful because it convinces stupid people that they're smart. Also, there is clearly coprophilia involved in the writing.
>>147123457>South Park is way more liberal than you thinki don't know how people keep confusing old mainstays of western animation for ever being conservative. the simpsons and south park came into existence to parody how stupid the american culture of the time was. maybe i'm just old enough to see it, but it's been the same since the 60s; one political wing becomes dominant, gets too big, and there's a backlash. then the other one takes over, and the cycle repeats. people barely even know what they want, they just need something to be angry at.
>>147127463I assume people at least want the truth. The people in charge are always lying and nihilistic shows try to convince you there is no truth so you should accept theirs.
The ONLY way to save South Park at this point is to return Cartman to his old self. We need the old evil schemer antisemite Cartman back. It's the only thing that could rescue the show. The trouble is I'm not sure Matt and Trey are capable of writing him like that any more.
>>147128682If he needed to be nerfed from being too powerful, they could always revert him to the dumbass who doesn't know what rainbows are.
>>147128682i want to protect kyle and his jew gold
>>147129872Too late, that fag already got robbed
>>147129889well actually he threw it away, so in the end cartman got nothing, and kyle probably got some replacement gold eventually (if not i would mine it for him)
>>147129896The other guy not getting it still means you got robbed if you lose it too.
>>147129930true but it means the robber gets nothing, and that's worth it
>>147129968It’s also possible he carries it the whole timt to one day lure Cartman to his death. To him that would be worth every shekel.
I always root for Cartman. He's just a funnier character and I projected myself onto him. But seeing him homeless in that future episode really tore a chord in me. I've begun disassociating from Cartman as a character. I mean, he deserves better and I always considered the gang a solid unit of 4 but in recent seasons it's cemented that Cartman is, has and always will be the +1 tagalong who they associate with more out of respect for the history they've had together than any real solid genuine bond and that really, truly sucks. But yeah getting away from swearing, going to the gym and living for Jesus is like the best decision I've ever made. I always feared having the apathy to give up and wind up like Cartman and staying like a fat little slob who makes as much as his mom but wouldn't be able to afford living on his own if she passed. I always thought Cartman was cool. American comedy [and by extension ALOT of the posts on 4chan] is just competitive racism that I feel like everyone is smiling because we're all in on the joke. That none of these slurs and terms actually matter but they're kinda funny to say because of past context. Going in with actual, legitimate hatred and tribalism is dumb but if it's all a joke then who cares? I always felt Stan and others still "got" Cartman on that level. He should've been a police officer in the future episode and be rendered utterly impotent as BLM or something actively destroys his vehicle. Like his whole thing as a kid in the Barbady episode was "respect my authoritah" and now he has to make a living under the threat of his department being defunded and being bitched out by the people he's supposed to run roughshod over. He'd just be constantly trying to re-escalate a conversation or situation that's being misinterpreted and the others, who would respect him much either, would give him grief for being so bad at his job or whatever. But noOoOoO, homeless. And he's actually not friends with the other 3. What a waste.
Nobody ever watched South Park for Kyle or Stan, everyone always watched that show for Cartman and for Kenny dying.Nobody played SoT for the jew elf or the generic warrior, they played to make their own character and for Grand Wizard Cartman.Nobody played Fractured But Whole for the fucking human kite or toolshed, everyone played to have their character be a superhero with Cartman as The Coon.That's how it's always been, Trey and Matt thinking that anyone watches for fucking Randy is just delusional.
>>147130168>Nobody ever watched South Park for Kylei do all the time>Nobody played SoT for the jew elfi did, although i did side with cartman on my first playthroughbut then i defeated kyle in a boss battle and he kinda cried, and it broke my heart (that was around when i started to love him), so every time i play now i side with him>Nobody played Fractured But Whole for the fucking human kitei did
>>147130101Cartman is base instinct and they want you to be ashamed of that killing some teenager’s parent is the most fucked up thing he’s done and even that was taken away
You can only choose one of the following:>PC Principal dies but there's an even bigger focus on Tegridy Farms>Tegridy Farms burns to the ground but PC Principal gets an even bigger role
>>147130969Second, no contest. PC Principal has the potential to be a great character, Tegridy Farms has run its course.
Only on 4chan would a thread sympathizing with Cartman last this long.
>>147131262That’s a wild thing to think about. The kind of thing you study in class.
>>147109993Why must South Park always be so VIOLENT?
>>147119773I hate potheads so much
>>147131262Cartman IS 4chan, at least in his truest form. He is the Internet Hate Machine made manifest.
>>147131810That’s a gross oversimplification of his character.
>>147131262>>147131297Go back to redd it faggot. I'm not hungry up over the morality of a literal cartoon character
>>147132857Hung* up
>>147127535>I assume people at least want the truth.That's where you're wrong. They want comfortability. Sometimes they crossover, but not often.
>>147109993>Wendy is unlikable as fuckdefinitely. Still not as hateful as Token tho he's an entitled fuck who always bring the black victim card
>>147131262Everyone outside 4chan only cares about Cartman and barely remember the other characters' names
>>147134149That’s not true, Carl and Sam bring a lot to the table. And don’t get me started on Kennedy
>>147125128I think you might be gay anon
South Park is known for being this le enlightened centrist show but they would do a lot of preachy moralizing shit. For example the episode The List where they unironically tried to play a message that good looks won't get you ahead in life.>>147112569Crazy that while SP has remained relevant and kept a steady number of viewers, it was WAY more popular back in the 90s when it was just vulgar and shocking. The movie was like a time capsule of that era.>>147113800A good example is that Cartman becomes a hobo ending because bad people always get punished by karma right?
>>147130101>I always thought Cartman was coolBy what metric? I've had a friend group with a Cartman when I was a kid, shit is the fucking worse. Exact same dynamic too, a spoiled fat kid that brags about his parents being the richest in the group despite still being just middle class that no one in the friend group really likes but they put up with him for various reasons. He's the type of person that deserves the misery of their own making.
>>147109993Nah Cartman was a cowardly faggot who kept pushing his luck, if he'd just kept his mouth shut after reporting Wendy to her parents he would've won.
>>147109993Cartman is a loser
>>147122710A leash.