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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

Displaying 223 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
20700099God, why would anyone bother bringing salad to a potluck?[View]
20700123>Japan-Style 7-Elevens Are Coming to America and That Means a Vastly Improved Menu “We believe th…[View]
20698805If you bring cheesecake to a gathering you should be shunned and never invited again[View]
20665094/alc/ - Whisky hunting edition: Is it worth hunting for rare whiskies in your eyes? Around here ther…[View]
20699653sweet potato: These seem underrated. I just throw it in the chef mic and it's an instant health…[View]
20700748Why does Taco Bell get such a bad rep?: Taco Bell just opened a place near me in the UK, i tried it …[View]
20697722>ate 1200 calories of beans yesterday >on pace to eat about 1000 calories of beans today I…[View]
20696102it's basically just mcdonalds but more expensive - and mcdonalds fries are better lol[View]
20697517why are there no 24/7 Instant-Ramen/Pizza/Frozenfood vending machine restaurants in Europe? convenie…[View]
20700535>chill >wash >eat pure truly the best summer snack…[View]
20697096you ever sink cocktail or other trashy good drinks? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qH6sMQB1bTs[View]
20703487i am gonna order powdered donkeys milk: from glorious Kazakhstan wish me luck[View]
20696564just got a rice cooker, which is exciting because my stove is literal dogshit and i cannot cook rice…[View]
20703290simple treat for the senpai[View]
20699975is there anything more pathetic than trying to make junk food but high protein and low calorie?[View]
20666529ITT: Fuck you, I'd eat it.[View]
20697102For good BBQ and good ambiance, this is a steal[View]
20700532For me, it’s egg. Nature’s perfect little treat.[View]
20703035I'm addicted to this shit. I eat it every day for dessert after dinner with some granola in it.…[View]
20701299>the European and UK versions of Dr Pepper originally used real sugar until 2018 when a tax was p…[View]
20698413what hot sauce pairs well with deenz?[View]
20692990This restaurant is down the block from my apartment building. What would you order?[View]
20701398everytime I go to the convenience store I wonder if there's a good drink hidden in there but ev…[View]
20697995Literaly crack: ITT post simple addictive food, slops welcome[View]
20700779Horseradish sauce: I'm not a picky eater at all, and kinda am attracted to typical 'problem' fo…[View]
20702259>open can of vienna sausages >a sausage is missing REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…[View]
20694342Only in New York, baby.[View]
20691827what does /ck/ have for dinner? lidl pasghet for me[View]
20702970Do you even alvagamolo?[View]
20700978Dinner Thread: Went out for some Bún bò Huế.[View]
20702466Burritos without meat are fucking stupid.[View]
20701411I am hungry and in the mood for one of these. Lately I've been carefully monitoring what I eat,…[View]
20693594Bonjour à toutes et à tous, I'm a francophile and I'm trying to master the art of French c…[View]
20699645Why is cooking eggs so difficult.[View]
20695827Time to eat.[View]
20698921Cooin up some roast beef ravioli[View]
20701324Have you ever eaten at one of those famous restaurants that you have to reserve six months in advanc…[View]
20702276Finnish cuisine: a hidden gem[View]
20701141/stock/: >Chicken[View]
20698035I find Italian food to be boring. What are some dishes that would change my mind?[View]
20700300bpa free: >but contains Bisphenol S (BPS) wasn't the original documentary about male sterili…[View]
20694664Seed oil haters absolutely obliterated. I am not going to risk a heart attack by using disgusting bu…[View]
20702366bbq chicken is superior to burgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, etc. it is the sophisticated meat.[View]
20701628red lentils: would it be possible to soak your red lentils in water overnight to get them as soft as…[View]
20694801Those were the days, huh?[View]
20702627my roasted chicken this came out mushy, chewy, and not juicy at all. i feel like i did everything ri…[View]
20702617am i about to die. i ate half of it already[View]
20701582Is this enough ?[View]
20695788Dishwasherlets: I don't understand how handwashers live without this. Whenever I go to a dishwa…[View]
20702338>you have to not make it a dish and eat a slab of beef medium rare ONLY because um... because I s…[View]
20700640peppers: Why are greenshits even still a thing when red jalapenos exist? That delicious sweet and sm…[View]
20702332Mmm, breakfast sammie. Here we have egg, sausage, and spicy Kewpie mayo on brioche.[View]
20691224Pizza: Let's be honest here for a moment. American cuisine is pretty bad and laughable when com…[View]
20698837Love these niggas like you wouldn't believe[View]
20702116i fucking love seaweed: it's like flavor cheat codes[View]
20701018Is Turkish Cuisine any good?: Also Levantine Cuisine thread[View]
20698698Olive oil is the only cooking/dipping oil you need: >You have to use beef tallow >You have to …[View]
20700486Anyone here tried eating wild kudzu?[View]
20698414How the fuck do I barbecue chicken? Someone asked me to grill the drumsticks and I don't know w…[View]
20701017Besides pic related, what are your favorite breakfast shrimp recipes? My buddy Omar (we all call him…[View]
20695811Why is flour added in cornbread? It makes it into a cake.[View]
20690639Got one of these to steam vegetables and it's great. Does it remove more nutrients than roastin…[View]
20701161Why do people shit on pierogi because it’s _carbs on carbs_ while simultaneously loving aloo (potato…[View]
20701549/v/ food thread: I am playing Witcher 3 Blood and Wine right now. What food should I prepare this we…[View]
20701359Is this a worm?[View]
20698915for me it's Lan Lam[View]
20700391I’m gonna fuckin do it: IM GONNA FUCKIN DO IT[View]
20701256Does this steak look good?[View]
20700798How do I up my 'oodle game?[View]
20701450Even my Mom doesn't like my Boubouleigh Soup[View]
20700600do you dare eat grandma grease?[View]
20697383Now this is a breakfast.[View]
20700650Where in the world am I?: Can you identify this cuisine? I am posting photos from local restaurants.…[View]
20696483How do I make the perfect biscuit? Mine are always a bit fall aparty or crumbly, how do I get that p…[View]
20700840Curious About Your Mushroom Soup Experiences: Going to make mushroom soup for the first time tonight…[View]
20695639what does ur kitchen smell of[View]
20700842Lamb with mint jelly: Anybody else grow up on this? I’ve tried multiple jus, gravies and sauces on l…[View]
20698321If you have never drank milk directly from its blessed source, you have never truly tasted milk. The…[View]
20700577Good afternoon, /ck/: MAKIN’ TURKEY MELT SANDWICHES, TAKE TWO![View]
20698539I made burger: I[View]
20701074Pork Thread: Today I cooked pork (other than bacon) for the first time and it was amazing. I stuffed…[View]
20697830anybody ever tried a pasta burger?[View]
20698685In cooking videos they always say that you need to let your steak rest for 10+ minutes and that it w…[View]
20700837lambchop cheesesteak: how do i make lambchops into a cheesesteak? do i cook the lambchops liek a ste…[View]
20698976Pairing Sauternes wine with salmon: I'm going to cook a most opulent feast for some friends, an…[View]
20700242What's your favorite seasonal/holiday themed food product?[View]
20699062Fight me![View]
20695367Are nakiri knives as fun to use as they look?[View]
20700309We just paid $420 for this including taxes in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Is that a good deal these day…[View]
20695765What do you order on date night, Anon?[View]
20700430Tuna: how do you turn average store bought Tuna into something worthwhile?[View]
20700229THE GOAT[View]
20697815Is Canes sauce overrated?[View]
20698570Breakfast high protein recipes: Hey, 4channers /fit/ citizen here. I am trying to find lazy recipes …[View]
20700140Have you tried or do you eat offal?[View]
20696852They call me arthur king of the britons[View]
20697943What are the healthiest foods?: What foods give you bursting energy, anon?[View]
20698638ITT:shallow/overusedfood critiques: >it taste like cardboard >it looks like fecal matter…[View]
20699649How does /ck/ not have a daily cooking thread? Did it ever? Will it ever? Pic related. My dinner. Po…[View]
20699949what's the secret for a homemade tasty pizza dough[View]
20699847>Ruins your bag of jerky in your path.[View]
20686947Do you ever get the fancy, more expensive noodles?[View]
20697958>makes your food taste like burned plastic >that will be $500 plus tip please sir…[View]
20699837Food is nice[View]
20700047Its 1996, you are a child, and your Grandparents have taken you out to IHOP for breakfast to celebra…[View]
20695807Which hot dog do you choose?[View]
20700364What are your feelings about fruity salsas? Personally, I hate them.[View]
20700102Food that FILLS you UP: Long story short I need to up my weight by 20lbs before the end of next week…[View]
20698477I was just gifted a dutch oven, how do I use one of the niggers? Any recipes?[View]
20700014Me, I prefer my sushi to be overstuffed and get my money's worth.[View]
20699052How does cat meat taste? Describe it please. And grasshoppers.[View]
20694444do you like highballs[View]
20683882I love sashimi, hamachi (yellowtail) is my favorite cut![View]
20699889Fruit combos: Watermelon, white balsamico, maldon salt.[View]
20697608The never ending battle continues[View]
20699263What’s the best thing to make in a pot like this[View]
20700051You need to make sure that you have all necessary dipping sauces before you begin your meal.[View]
20699508What do you get at your neighborhood diner?[View]
20696832stek: Yup It’s entrecote and potato time Meat seared in butter and olive oil in a pan, finished in t…[View]
20698109If you were going away on a long journey, but could take cookies with you, a supply to last the jour…[View]
20699399Breakfast: I just made homemade plapjaks for the first time ever and they were great. What are your …[View]
20689012>created in Italy >improved in America >perfected in Sweden…[View]
20699744Rate my sloppa: It's tom yum. I overdone it with the sauce a bit but its better than too dry. B…[View]
20699460slow cooked bbq made by an overweight middle aged black guy[View]
20692627favorite snack?[View]
20696005Diatomaceous Earth: Just wondering if you guys take food grade Diatomaceous Earth supplements or pow…[View]
20699025Food animated gif: How do you like your chinese food? I likem steamed and eating them with cha (tea)…[View]
20697499Fucking weird ass sandwich and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t. Headcheese? Ugh[View]
20697543Panini: What are your favorite ones? I still remember when my mom brought a sandwich press home in t…[View]
20689826What sparked your interest in cooking?: Could be an experience, a person, etc.[View]
20697542I got turnips (I think). Never ate them before, let alone cooked with them. What do?[View]
20697708Sourkraut: Making sourkraut. Do you add anything besides salt to yours? MSG, peppercorns, herbs, etc…[View]
20698564I bet you never made a pizza on an english muffin[View]
20697673I haven't eaten an orange in at least a decade. Why haven't I died of Scurvy? What other f…[View]
20698372Spaghetti in a tub just hits different: What are you guys eating tonight[View]
20691978Are you in the club?[View]
20694052What do you guys do with your chicken filets that isn't boring as fuck?[View]
20697990TACO TUESDAY: Mutton heart mid-rare, Colby jack, tomato, lettuce, fresh jalapeño, garlic, salt, pepp…[View]
20693766I've been eating nothing except McChickens and Fish filets for the past 13 years. I also solely…[View]
20698771which one, /ck/?[View]
20698578What is this really? Its cheaper than beer.[View]
20698896>delicious >two minutes, done >pricier than a bag of rice, but gives you perfect portion co…[View]
20695717cursed or not? It's cheese, tomatoes, sausage/chorizo over salmon cooked in the oven apparently…[View]
20696196why cant you find these anywhere? why arent they commercially available for non pros? its just a fuc…[View]
20698814Grillin seafood is better than some land meats Wild caught salmon with smoked sea salt and manuka h…[View]
20698510posted a cobbler here the other day. just made two more, bottom is just strawberry and the other is …[View]
20697098Why did I waste 8 dollars on this sawdust? What is the least offensive high-fiber cereal I can get? …[View]
20697973>the government is trying to get me to eat cat food again[View]
20696177Is there any type of food that you would NEVER eat?[View]
20698328American cuisine: Post American 'food'[View]
20687354>le black glove meme just wash your hands you smacked ass you're at home…[View]
20697740How do you like the food I ate when I to Sarasota a couple of weeks ago? Its enchilada, chimichanga …[View]
20691815How often do restaurants actually change the oil in the fryer?[View]
20697604How do you make five guys mayo?[View]
20695074Describe 'Birthday Cake' flavor.[View]
20696075>Be 16 six years ago, with my parents in the living room >'I'm really craving some Froot …[View]
20697981It's Meatloaf Tuesday!: What are your thoughts about ketchup on the side?[View]
20695225Not a bad haul, huh?[View]
20696333Eating salmon makes me feel better than any other food in a way that makes me feel like I outright n…[View]
20693123crimes against humanity[View]
20697284Recovering Vegan: Best day to day hassle free method to cook a steak? I need it to be really consist…[View]
20697211Have you ever had such a tasteful experience that you said Waah?[View]
20698470Slop is the superior form of food. Nutrition and taste over aesthetics. Who else sloppilled?[View]
20698596Frozen watermelon is paradise. Don't let it thaw in the fridge for too long or it will lose swe…[View]
20695197I really don't get the hype. Sure, it's not awful, but it's a pretty average fast foo…[View]
20698553is it just me or has this website become borderline unusable?[View]
20696994Simple and Practical Food suggestions: Post any food you like that's simple to make and practic…[View]
20687846I tried alcohol ice cream and it was terrible, do not recommend[View]
20698294Cooking dinner! You guys want anything?[View]
20694767I have some allergies: Please no bullying. I can't eat soya, milk, eggs, nuts tomato, potato, …[View]
20695519I can't believe I found a fast food joint that is worse than McDonald's[View]
20694709Is it true that all American chocolate tastes of vomit?: If so, what everyday British chocolate bran…[View]
20685223Do people in europe, asia, australia, africa, or the middle east get preemptively angry and defensiv…[View]
20698215Lamb Navarin (Navarin d'agneau): What are your thoughts on this French lamb stew dish? I found …[View]
20694003Which pasta do you want?[View]
20697319Why didn't you tell me about this ingredient sooner? It obsoletes other peppers immediately[View]
20696087Anon! have you taken the fufu pill?: never mind yo bread. this is the shit dawg![View]
20695149Sometimes all you need is a sausage in a tortilla[View]
20696722what is the best way to grill meat with the lowest effort and maintenance? for now I use a ceramic f…[View]
20696200Breakfest burrito: Breakfast Burrito[View]
20695145>forbidden drinks/food[View]
20697640How do I disable the beeps? I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna forget about my goyslop in the 5…[View]
20694807I made tarator :D[View]
20695554>want to make Pizza >Finally the dough is ready, time to shape it >Give up on making a nor…[View]
20696921Is it possible to get collagen to break down in meat while also making sure that the meat stays some…[View]
20697491do northshore roast beef sandwiches live up to the hype? i've got a bottle of james river bbq s…[View]
20693972Food in America: Name a regional/cultural foods in america. Theres tons dont bullshit me[View]
20696885fluffernutter and banana: /ck/ thoughts on the peanut butter, fluff, and banana sandwich? haven…[View]
20695122Pickels: What is your fav/best pickle recipe? Been growing a ton of cucumbers and want to start pick…[View]
20697163R8 my dinner[View]
20693954Iron pan. Best oil to lube it up in oven ('season')? Canola wears out in a month or two.[View]
20695726What goes in /ck/'s bowl of oats?[View]
20689491What's /ck/'s favorite soup?: Mine is clam chowder.[View]
20696903Ok so I just got into BBQing (because I moved from my apartment in the city to a house with a backya…[View]
20697067I genuinely despise people who think throwing more and more crazy toppings onto a pizza somehow impr…[View]
20697157Why does Taco Bell have the reputation of destroying toilets?: It's never bothered me, no more …[View]
20695926Squeezit: Remember this shitty little plastic bottles?[View]
20696922What are your thoughts on coated chili nuts?: Just bought my first bag, curious what people have to …[View]
20695315I wish more companies did loss leader foods I would waste a lot more money if I could get stuff like…[View]
20695698I went to the foodbank today and this is what I got. 2 cans of applesauce 2 bags of pinto beans 1 ca…[View]
20695533What do you think? chocolate chip banana bread[View]
20695520Good evening, /ck/: Make a turkey melt with me![View]
20696132Fucking cock PENIS. PENIS. SHIT. ASS. Anyone ever made a chicken fricassee? Also what does that eve…[View]
20695309What's the correct breakfast?[View]
20696777Lunch at work today All day breakfast sandwich pack with a mix of bacon sausages and egg Jerk BBQ k…[View]
20693283Ruined Brownies: They aren't sweet at all. Never trusting a recipe that says use 1/2 cup of oil…[View]
20695272Post last thing you bought or ate that was BAD. I threw this shit right in the trash because it was …[View]
20691382Is it actually safe to microwave these 'microwaveable' plastic food storage containers?[View]
20694167let me guess, you need more?[View]
20694943Tofu isn't bland (you're bland)[View]
20694778Chicken spinach pasta in tomato sauce with garlic bread Happy days[View]
20696756Is there any use at all for vegetables that have been used for stock/soup? I feel bad just getting r…[View]
20696042New! Maplehouse Egg Sandwich: Sweet meets savory! Cage-free eggs with pork sausage, bacon, cheddar c…[View]
20693035Mr. Beast Burgers: has anyone actually tried these?[View]
20695468Just paid $175 including tip for this in Austin, Texas. How are these restaurants able to charge pri…[View]
20696421I ordered Wendy's through UberEats, and guess who picked up my order and brought it to my place…[View]
20696064I got hungery and made the chili's dog[View]
20692265Good afternoon, /ck/: Make a PB&an sandwich with me![View]
20692774i made mini pizzas using an english muffin you get 10 points if you can guess the meat ;)[View]
20693792Is it possible to keep a restaurant alive?: Not sure if this is the board for this but it has food i…[View]
20692821Eating spaghetti tonight. Here's a recipe for the best spaghetti you ever had: >fry and crum…[View]

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