If I airfry chicken breasts or fry chicken breast whole there is almost always a bit that tastes like ass. Why? How do I get around this?I usually make strips of it before eating so I can't see the pattern which part it is. This only happens when I cook, ever experienced it when dining out.I defrost it in hot water if that masters
>>21104870why are you freezing chicken breasts ever man
>>21104870>tastes like asshot women's ass?
why the fuck are you cutting them into strips?
>>21104870cover it in aluminum foil beforehandyou retard
>>21104943i'm poor
>>21104870Bajserad och rövpillad bild favä, vuxenpoäng
>>21105153Häromdan kom jag o tänka på hur jävla cp-skadade dom i sverigetråden egentligen är. Hur dysfunktionell måste man vara för att ha kompisar och fiender på 4chan? Hur ensam?
>>21104870>I usually make strips of it before eating so I can't see the pattern which part it isSurely it must be the thickest part, yes? Why hot water defrost it rather than let it defrost in the fridge? Have you tried cutting it up before cooking?
>>21104870the hot water is cooking the thinner parts. then you airfry you're cooking the thinner parts again. also since it's thinner it's cooked in half the time of the thick parts, so its basically thrice cooked, which is why it's gross.