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/fa/ - Fashion

Displaying 91 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
18162144Is it a fashion faux pas to wear both a backpack and a crossbody? What if I'm attending a conve…[View]
18162953Is every guy over 50 without any gray hair dying it?[View]
18162413Was goku /fa/?[View]
18163723Extreme sunken eyes over short term solvable?: A few days ago I first started noticing that my eyes …[View]
18163796Does a jeans over black boots combo look stupid with skinnier legs, like the gentleman in the image …[View]
18155005What kind of shorts do 23 year old white men who graduated college wear[View]
18105962Girlfriend /fa/shion: Post things you've purchased for your girlfriends before. I'm lookin…[View]
18163758REESOURCES THREAD: Drop your knowledge /fa/ggot the best PDF Guides, Articles, Info-graphics, anythi…[View]
18163236I unironically wish to dress like a Medieval scribe: Will I be laughed out of Wittenberg for such a …[View]
18146536Work shoes: Sup /fa/gs, I'm starting a full time job in a couple weeks after years of neeting. …[View]
18162603Too risque for /fa/?[View]
18163610rate: rate my outfit[View]
18163735This is how girls look at me when I explain that they aren't just khakis, they're 1950s 8.…[View]
18160109/PUT/ - PICKUPS THREAD: •Latest pickups that you have added to your wardrobe •Can be a piece u picke…[View]
18162959>fall for the le versatility meme >looks bad with anything other than sweatpants I don’t know …[View]
18162961What pairs well with cargo pants, and chunky military-esque boots?[View]
18163578Whats the cream of the crop when it comes to nerdy japanese hand woven, folded 1000x times etc cloth…[View]
18160926Aluminum chlorohydrate on black clothes: Does anyone know how the fuck to get this out of black clot…[View]
18162140how do I match this look?[View]
18139240Hats needs to make a comeback Sun protection is very important People are scared that hats makes the…[View]
18163502Redpill me on dyeing my hair: I am 25 and got some noticeable amount of grey hair and it ruins my me…[View]
18161859/WT/ - WATCH THREAD: Double signed edition. Guides and Info: >Classic Meme https://imgur.com/a/6C…[View]
18163362Can I wear jeans like this as a 30 year old boomer?[View]
18157348how can I comb my hair to hide a side of receding hairline, it's so over[View]
18159475/frag/ - Fragrance General #1082: Discontinued: >>18155970 NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack:…[View]
18162760Nike cortez: Do these look good on a nerdy white dude?[View]
18150972>makes you look good and comfortable >women think you got high self asteem >comfy as fuck …[View]
18163181Why the fuck are they making fun of denmark? Still one more trophy than you[View]
18160737Best way to hide gyno when wearing just a t shirt? Right now I’m just using medical tape but it’s so…[View]
18162951What's this hairstyle called? What do I tell my barber? I am tired of long hair[View]
18162915Cop or nah: Snatched this perfecto on sale for $99 cad. Keep or return? It fits like a body glove ma…[View]
18162614Is this a women's jacket? I wanna wear cropped jackets but can't find them for men. 200lbs…[View]
18163100Miley Gucci Flora: https://youtu.be/A72b17CHozw?si=sQr5nARRlXW0LwGV[View]
18160861Larry E Kingcore: How do you achieve retired deepstate satanic pedocore[View]
18163075What are you going to wear for Nosferatu? https://youtu.be/b59rxDB_JRg[View]
18157879About the Uniqlo U t-shirt: I want to dedicate this threat to the Uniqlo U t-shirt, I would like to …[View]
18162509How can I achieve this look[View]
18162849Looking for a good place to start with runway culture and high fashion in general. Anybody here able…[View]
18155825I am completely bald. Why does 4chad consider it a pathetic cope to grow a beard? Does anyone offlin…[View]
18162544the hemppill of clothes: why havent you taken it yet? >breathy like linen >durable >environ…[View]
18162267Free form locks? Are they /fa/?[View]
18160636Is it widely accepted that 3-4 days of exercise a week is the optimum amount?[View]
18159539Why don’t women cut their hair short more often?[View]
18162678why are all shetland sweaters cuts in the same way? aka long in the body and shorter sleeves. are th…[View]
18162157is BAPE a cringe now?[View]
18162227God gave me the neckbeard: I have to shave it because im too embarrassed to keep it and i don't…[View]
18153419what kinda clothes should i wear if i'm a cool car racer enthusiast guy?[View]
18157790Jared Leto knows fashion. Could you pull this off?[View]
18160753Are CROCS ok now?: I see a lot of zoomers wearing them casually now (not as a fashion statement), wi…[View]
18162298w2c something like pic rel?[View]
18162485high--waistchads, what am i doing wrong?[View]
18160979suits: i want a suit for church. who here knows about materials, brands, whatever? i dont mind spend…[View]
18161305Is having a Widow’s Peak effay?[View]
18161926>search for weeks for a nice haircut to get >find one >show pic to the barber >he just d…[View]
18161187I think I'm gonna give up and just wear t-shirts and sweatpants for the rest of my life. I buy …[View]
18157454Levis ad from 1995 looks a lot like what zoomers and gen ayyy lmao is wearing today.[View]
18161496Fashion is a playground, just because you lack the balls to mix it up doesn't mean to have to k…[View]
18162367W2C: ?[View]
18161879Why aren’t Mohawks as common as they were in the past?[View]
18161468>if you don't give a shit, you wear clean clothes that fit how true is this saying? Am I sup…[View]
18162241Hey /fa/, I bought a new suit for tomorrows date, what do you think? Will it work?[View]
18148556tattoo thread: post your inspo, I recently got my first pic rel[View]
18162150What core is this?[View]
18152424Military surplus thread: Feel free to share your insights on milsurp and fashion ITT. I needed a lig…[View]
18161845Graphic Tees: Haven't worn a non blank t shirt in years What kind of t shirts can I get that wo…[View]
18161107What /fa/ thinks of this guy?[View]
18161827Rate this outfit/vibe.[View]
18151235>muh selvedge >muh denim >muh boots What makes it NOT onions?…[View]
18161915memes thread?: been watching some YT and there was a guy covering /fa/ memes, but imgur collection h…[View]
18161897I'm tired of shaving so I'm gonna start letting my beard grow. Question, how do I learn to…[View]
18161956How do u grow a great big long beard that grows the same as the hair on my head? Not just scratchy …[View]
18161760what's /fa/'s REAL opinion on Balenciagas?[View]
18159384how are we feeling about this coat fafags[View]
18160315What type of top is that on the right?[View]
18160778/wt/ - watch discussion: Guides and Info: >Classic Meme https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8 >Poorfag gui…[View]
18161714yay or nay?[View]
18160794COT or NOT: i have a hard time justifying spending 250 on these.[View]
18156743TNS: Whats /fa/s oppinion on TNs are they fa or to much chav style[View]
18160440Does anyone here like visual kei?: I've always been into it but I can never seem to find anyone…[View]
18158094is it just me or do women's shorts look off if they're not super short?: like in the photo…[View]
18159726How do get this hairstyle?: My grandad was ashkenazi so I have black thick wavy hair genes. I want t…[View]
18161590I am eating chicken liver right now When will I start seeing gains?[View]
18148701Rate my fit: What can I improve on?[View]
18161219ID on the jacket?[View]
18154389LINEN: It's summer, time for lindy linen, who is the go to for affordable, smart but relaxed li…[View]
18161475What core is this and would it work for men?[View]
18159627Why are women like this?: >proceeds to show 10/10 male models in linen…[View]
18159895Would it kill you guys to dress with a bit of class?[View]

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