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/fa/ - Fashion

Displaying 61 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
18402448is it ok to have this kind of hairstyle?[View]
18400579>fucks your whole skincare routine[View]
18395664Can someone explain why 'Fashion Runway Shows' and 'Designers' do this? I mean it just looks ridicul…[View]
18401409Michael Jackson’s hair: Genuine question that maybe only /fa/ can answer… what was up with the weird…[View]
18398353Upcoming hairstyles: what are the next generation of haircuts? i have medium length hair and Norwood…[View]
18386883WAYWT - wear what you like edition: It's fun having many styles of clothes to choose from, even…[View]
18398896/frag/ - Fragrance General #1156: Discontinued Edition - >>18393144 --- FAQ - Frequently Asked…[View]
18387852>the kryptonite of everyone into 'fashion' Seriously, I see this Lululemon logo on a girl's …[View]
18402417Qajar hat: Where can I buy a Qajar hat?[View]
18401613One job: >What are you, the fashion police?[View]
18399114Using AI To Help Plan Fits: Anyone using AI in any way related to fashion? I think it could be cool…[View]
18397537/wt/ watch thread: Kofe Time edition You may only post in this thread if you have a recognizable col…[View]
18398305Favorite traditional clothing: Which ethnic groups traditional clothing are you really fond of? It d…[View]
18400615You were bullied by chad at school in the early 2010's for having no swag, admit it 4chud incel…[View]
18398576Are vans still fa?[View]
18392231Denim and Workwear General: YUMMY BUTT EDITION - General discussion about all things denim, workwear…[View]
18400331Mummy Boots ID?: Just watched Werner Herzog's Nosferatu. The mummies in the opening scene had a…[View]
18401671I sometimes get 2-3 acne pimples but I do not want to go on Isotretinoin because I do not have a sin…[View]
18401209i have two questions: hello, sorry if this is a bad thread but i have two questions; is it fine to c…[View]
18401097we used to be a proper country[View]
18400745Can old baggy faded cotton jeans pair well with anything at all[View]
18400689How much accessories do you wear, /fa/?[View]
18399426Are silk pyjamas effay?: It just seems like a lot of trouble to have a complete extra set of clothin…[View]
18401824uniz: what do you think of uniz? https://unizworldwide.com/collections/all and what can this style b…[View]
18397635/nawt/ - Non-avatarfag Watch Thread: The place to actually discuss watches, free of avatarfagging dr…[View]
18399453Which is it for you?: Well?[View]
18396748round 2[View]
18398741A thread for tattoos. Post ideas, plans, whatever. Don't take life too seriously.[View]
18399124How do I get my hair like this?[View]
18399404What do we think of millennial gaped butthole ears?[View]
18401036I have these 70s made in Canada moccasins, how do I dye them black?[View]
18401443Don't wear denim unless you work in a mine[View]
18396020Hoodless Hoodie: >a hoodie >but without the hood What is the name of this garment? It's n…[View]
18401113What are some good athletic shorts for everyday wear? Something baggy, with a bit of stretch, pocket…[View]
18393920Shall I retain the slick back? I feel it gives me a more dapper countenance but idk[View]
18401174DSquared2 F/W 2025: This was the best runway show in years tbqh. All the models coming out to clap w…[View]
18400063Women are SICK and TIRED of the lazy fashion sense of most men (slim jeans, sneakers, tees, baseball…[View]
18398491Crossbody bag for men: I have been looking for a small crossbody bag (2L~) to store my big ass keych…[View]
18399569Thoughts?: Vintage RRL.[View]
18398782'Womens shoes': What makes picrel a womens shoe instead of a mens shoe? I've been wearing these…[View]
18400023Why haven't you started wet shaving yet?[View]
18401185Fashion Show Thread: Fashion show season motherfuckers, lets talk about it[View]
18395797Where does this faggot buy his clothes from? I want to buy sweaters like this[View]
18398944Vkei (ouji fashion): Got a new outfit ^_^[View]
18399763guys were wearing short shorts long before zoomers came along[View]
18399485what does /fa/ think of subtle vidya merch like pic related?[View]
18400882Is uhhh gen z okay? The zoomers at my gym all have worse hairlines than us and that's just the …[View]
18395385Hiding panty lines: How the fuck does she do it?[View]
18399447Is /our-guy/ chet /fa/[View]
18400951When is this gay 90s 'vintage'/ noughties baggy shit going to go back to being forgotten? Seeing the…[View]
18400909/fa/ award of the month goes to...[View]
18399821When is gen Ayyylmao gonna revive 90s emo style?[View]
18399483Name a more /fa/ actor[View]
18400701I need this oufit. Can someone please help me? Need names for this clothes.[View]
18400604Are they the most effay president/first lady?[View]
18399870Office Attire: There has to be better spots that don't cost a ton other than Bonobos right?…[View]
18398863This is like 90% of you guys[View]
18399324Oldfg jeans thread: black label 517, 32 x 36'. Am I wrong?[View]
18400405>buy clothes >instantly want it discontinued so mine gets rarer…[View]

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