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/trv/ - Travel

Displaying 28 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
2676424Is Brasil worth visiting for the car culture and music?I wanna save my wagie bucks for a trip next y…[View]
2678418Bolivia is the most sovlful latam country[View]
2673526Why normoids fear this one?[View]
2677906Best Day Trip from Mexico City: If you had time for ONE day trip from Mexico City what would it be? …[View]
2676517couchers / couchsurfing: > host gril > 23 years old, cute, from latin america > hit it off …[View]
2677804>be sitting in first class flight to Australia from Amerishart land >guy behind me rips a fart…[View]
2674770How do i find people to travel with? It's lonely to travel alone.[View]
2677059What's a realistic budget for a month in Paris?: I'm looking into a solo trip for this Dec…[View]
2678061Im looking to drive to Toronto from the usa and pick up a ton of shroom chocolates from a legal disp…[View]
2677071So next week I’m going to be in Miami and it’s going to be a lone trip. I never traveled alone so it…[View]
2676321Help me with Georgian train table: I am trying to find a train transfer that gets me from Borjomi to…[View]
2677042MOLDOVA the least visited country in Europe, thats quite something, fills me with curiosity. There m…[View]
2677936Is antalya just a tourist trap these days?: 31m, solo travelling, I've got a week to kill betwe…[View]
2673524Visiting Lahore: I am going to Lahore. Probably going to spend 4-5 days there, with the possibility …[View]
2677522What exactly is the downside moving to the Micronesia Islands?: Been working full time for a while n…[View]
2674547What's India really like?: Considering visiting India. Problem is that it's literally the …[View]
2677784Is Slovenia recommendable for a beach holiday?[View]
2677020OK anons, real talk. Anyone here did the Grand Tour? I understand that it requires having enough res…[View]
2674954I just made it to Toronto from Ottawa! I am new to the city. It’s my first time coming to a city of…[View]
2675868Malta. Yes or no? Is it worth the price of the plane ticket ? Go![View]
2676986how long in advance should I buy plane tickets for the cheapest price?[View]
2676406>have a bunch of vacation time saved up, around two weeks worth >never left the country >be…[View]
2675264What is it about this profession that universally turns people into utter scum at every longitude an…[View]
2672077North korean mountaineering: Mountaineer here looking to expand horizions North Korea has some of th…[View]
2675730Hello guys, i talked to my friend for 3-4 years till he got jailed, does anyone know how to contact …[View]
2675420Is San Jose, CA worth a visit?: Staying in the Bay Area for a few days, in a few days, and to be hon…[View]
2676710First time in Paris... at the Olympics: So, my wife reaaaaally wanted to see the olympics and now we…[View]
2674887Theme park reviewers: How do you feel about certain theme park reviewers/historians and how they por…[View]

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