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/trv/ - Travel

Displaying 21 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
2708396What have your experiences been traveling to the UK? Did you like it? Absolutely hate it? What were…[View]
2708707Is moving to Venice to live there even a remote possibilty if you aren't multimillionaire / hav…[View]
2703068is he the most entitled travel vlogger?[View]
2704963How to 'naturally' meet people when traveling? I can understanding more 'artificial' ways like using…[View]
2707892on my way to naples right now. I have 3 days. Wanna get the most authentic experience, also wanna go…[View]
2707216my job gives me a week of holiday from december 24th to January 1st, thoughts on spending that in Ja…[View]
2709147Just got back from a trip in Scandinavia. Unfortunately, one of the Airbnbs I stayed at had a piece …[View]
2707995September European Travel Destinations[View]
2708540Considering doing a motorcycle tour through Cambodia or Laos with 4 buddies.Probably rent 125cc noth…[View]
2707585Why isn't Pittsburgh more desirable? It's looks cool from the pictures, what goes on here?[View]
2698818>move to Europe >work remotely for an American company >pay no local taxes >inflate loca…[View]
2704582I'm in Cusco now and I don't want to go back: ;_;[View]
2704211Head to Ireland in a week, was wondering if busing around is fine or rent a car? Thought car might b…[View]
2705965I know I'm late to this, but now that Southwest is becoming like any other airline, is there st…[View]
2704101Bulgaria tips and safety: So, I'm going Bulgaria in mid september, what is there to do and what…[View]
2705939Hi guys. I'm flying to Manchester England in mid October. Shitting myself. First time traveller…[View]
2703649Which city can look like this but outside USA ?: These kind of buildings and the very green vegetati…[View]
2707001Aspen is the richest Ski town in America yet they haven't updated their airport since the 80…[View]
2705447i hate it here, there's nothing to do except go to the beach[View]
2699715If you snore please don't stay at a fucking hostel holy shit why is there always one of you in …[View]
2696817Vietnam General: Why did the old one get jannied?[View]

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