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/trv/ - Travel

Displaying 24 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
2749351>plan out a trip to Thailand >everything is booked and all >finally go and tell my family j…[View]
2749457Myanmar: Tell me about Myanmar. I saw some shit about it on Instagram the other day and, at least a…[View]
2747150True Culture: I am a frog living in one of the most famous country-museum in the world, tourists com…[View]
2748440How crazy would it be to visit India as a solo almost 30 y/o western man without too much travel exp…[View]
2745257Credit Card promotions: Is it worthwhile to make use of these credit card promotions? I've only…[View]
2749595US passport application mistake: My wife filled out what she knew using the online form filler, left…[View]
2747482I have no idea if I'm actually going to be in the mood for my plans when they finally come arou…[View]
2740372Any Australian’s fled? If I can’t afford a house, I don’t see the point in being here. But on the ot…[View]
2748751travel tips for working anons not budget tips, but some tips to make the most out of your paid time …[View]
2743564Asian Cities: Why are so many asian cities just like this massive beehive with people crammed in? Th…[View]
2747837Central asia thread, including >Afghanistan >Kazakhstan >Kyrgyzstan >Tajikistan >Turk…[View]
2749309Is Nagoya boring?: I'm going to Japan and I came across this give me a reason for going to Nago…[View]
2749642Is there anything to do in Ireland besides drink and look at fields?[View]
2749355Do you guys have any tips on how to live abroad without having any particular skills in Digital mark…[View]
2749559Rate my plan to travel abroad: Trying to develop a plan to travel abroad. 3 of my last attempts to t…[View]
2746816Moving to America: I want to move to Los Angeles (I'm Irish) to pursue my career of working in …[View]
2747712Teaching English in SEA: A hold your hand tefl course with job placement assistance runs about $1500…[View]
2743878What places in Colorado are worth visiting?[View]
2748505What single language opens up the most doors for travel? Or maybe 2-3 languages[View]
2739791Will Syria be safe for tourism in the coming months?[View]
2746472Up north: What can I await when going to these spots (in winter as in summer). Want to do some nice …[View]
2747534Shanghai vs Taipei FOR A SEMESETER ABROAD: To the anon that made previous thread, I'm still aro…[View]
2748817Anybody here have experience skiing/snowboarding in India/other Himalayan countries? Where I am (Can…[View]
2748444What's the most out of place you've ever felt while traveling?[View]

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