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>travel to 15 different countries
>still lonely in all of them
Sucks. Might have to stop traveling
i love travelling to a new place and spending 20 hours in my room, 10 sleep, 10 playin 4 chan
Even in my dreams i stand alone.
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This is my problem too. I've started going more into nature when I'm abroad, since I figured hiking is an activity best enjoyed alone anyway, and I get to experience something more unique in a new country than a globalized downtown, and it helps somewhat. Loneliness is still a mental thing just as much as a physical thing though. I still get back from hikes and think "man, I wish I had someone to share this with". Maybe traveling just isn't for people like us man.
why is everyone on this website social retard? Just go to a place where people are, get drunk and bee yourself. It's so easy to meet people when you are a foreigner because you are autonatically interesting
There is one single common denominator in all of those 15 countries, (You).
Fix yourself.
>bee yourself.

Terrible advice to give to introverts.
DON'T bee yourself.
If you can't even enjoy your own company, why would someone else.
Good point
Nobody wants to hang out with a miserable person
You can be as weird as you like as long as you are confident. I literally speak openly about the jews and say Hitler was our savior. When people get shocked, I don't back away. I laugh and go harder. I'm confident, I'm funny, I'm well-educated, wealthy and live a cool life. I have never made as many friends as I have since I doubled down and stopped giving af what people think.
sounds like actual proof the world would be better off without you. kys
One more country bro
I swear one more country will fix it
introvert is not a real thing, you just have mental issues.
People will be yes men if they think they can get something out of you
just fly to a country talk to randos and be a retard, who cares? Are you ever going to see those people again? no, you won't, so it doesn't really matter.
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FFS OP, book a few days at a party hostel and get the picrel experience
To connect to someone, you usually need to have some common ground. Having a lot of hobbies has always made it pretty easy for me to meet strangers. If you're out a bar trying to meet other tourists, you can usually just ask what they've done on their trip and what cities they like. Ask for recommendations. It's pretty easy once you're talking to someone to be like "I want to try this other bar I have saved on my map. Have you been?" I usually end up talking to girls about traveling, our home towns, books, music, hiking, our pets, favorite bars and restaurants, shit like that. No political shit and no job talk. You mention Hitler like that other beta in this thread and there is a zero percent chance you're making a friend or getting laid. Tell a stupid dad joke instead. Be positive. Pay for a round of drinks. Ask for their whatsapp to stay in touch.
>t. extrovert
He is right. L. Ron Hubbard talked about the steps to help out an introverted friend.
I did the Scientology test once, with the aluminum tubes and shit. They never called me back.
Even Scientology doesn't want me.
I don't get lonely any more than a cat does. I do my own thing and make my own decisions as I see fit. People always talk about how it's better to travel when you're young, but years of life experience will rid your mind of delusions and develop the mental discipline you need to keep undesirable feelings from taking over your mind. Exercise your willpower more, stop being so passive. Miserable lonely people are emotional tapeworms, they want to parasitize off other people's energy in order to feel temporarily better even as they vent their toxicity and make the other person feel worse. It's no surprise whatsoever that such people are repellent to most, even when they have the novelty of being a foreign traveler on their side.
You have extreme beta energy. This sounds like a school shooter manifesto.
You in inverness? Just arrived and want to hike with someone. We dont have to talk if you want.
I'm across the sea from Scotland I'm afraid, but thanks for the offer. Good luck finding a hiking buddy Anon
Took you long enough
Lame beta simp answer
Chad smegma male answer
>le demoralisation poster
Every time
unironically thinking of cancelling an entire trip I have planned because of this... what am I even getting out of going to some far off place? Seems like a massive waste of money, time and energy. All to just have some hedonistic lonely solo trip. Not sure what I even get out of travel anymore.
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literally me
That happen to me when I hit 40 and I was still travelling but everyone had kids and careers back home, also, as you age interest in you just completely tapers off, I haven't lost many of my looks but once they hear I am 40 you can see all interest in me as a human being complete dissolve.

I am pretty sure we become the kindof people that live alone and frequent hookers
You and the people of 4chan that travel to Japan and barely leave the hotel are what gives me the hope into believing I am not the worst in the world. There are people actually more incapable of me and they're right here in my of 4chan.
Can I pull this off at 34?
in Thailand yeah
one doesn't travel to scape from loneliness,one travel to experience things and get to know other places. If your desire is to fight loneliness,you gotta do something other than travelling
when I was 27 in Goa we met this 40 something year old Iranian guy. He had more energy and zest for life than either of us. He drank us under the table and was always trying to score drugs. Dude was amazing, constantly making fun of Indians for worshipping cows and Israelis for being israelis. You can pull anything off if you truly don't give a shit
>Dude was amazing
>making fun of Indians
>always trying to score drugs
Travel just doesn't seem worth it anymore, what place were you going to skip out on?
3 month tour through the Balkans
the travel police will get you if they know you are older than 24 be careful
>waste of money
71 days into my trip I've spent $2300 so far including airfare for the 25 hour plane trip. How poor do you have to be for this to be considered an enormous waste of money? As far as energy, that's completely up to you. You're not at work anymore wagie, nobody's forcing you to go go go. If you want to sit alone in the park with other depressed solitary males and phonepost away, you're free to do so.
low inhib types always have the most fun
I think it's something they were born with. Probably gave their parents no end of grief as a child. Whereas those of us who were always quiet obedient children don't stand a chance. We just don't have it in us.
how does this happen? i have weapon's grade autism and i'm constantly around warm and welcoming people when i stay at hostels. i enjoy being alone too but i do that when i'm not travelling.
>i have weapon's grade autism
you clearly don't stop lying

like a girl saying she's clinically depressed just because she experiences a singular sad thought here and there
yeah I can make someone feel connected to me and even others by mentioning other coworkers' hobbies their first few minutes of being at work. If someone can't connect it's because they have zero hobbies either bc poor or stupid or they're just negative. So you gotta take the lead sometimes and ask people what their hobbies are just so you can connect with them but also that doesn't mean you do all the talking. Also it's just ironic sometimes that rich people can travel but have no stories. If I traveled I could tell people so much about the shithole I'm in and why I'm traveling and even a negative story is better than nothing sometimes but I can't travel lol. If you don't even have any stories about your own life then oof.
I just think look at all these peasant tier shitskins who have cars and think they are important. Wow those women look worthless and snobby, where are the hookers? Ugh these middle class "people" are unbearable ugh.
Stay in hostels. I recently visited 3 cities and decided with some doubt to stay in a hostel for one of the cities as I wanted to see if I'd still enjoy it. Staying in the hostel made that particular city easily the most fun for me as I did things with the other travellers staying there.
Yes you can - find hostels with relaxed age limits.
Sounds like you need some time innawoods, or at least in a small village.
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>be beta mental loser
>beta thinking creates beta lifestyle and becomes a beta person
you are what you think
you think like a women so you whine like one
No. You cynical faggot. I hang out with people of similar socio-economic groups because I meet them in the same nice hotels, bars. People respect people who are unabashedly themselves and who dgaf what anyone thinks. They find it a rare and inspiring quality
>travel to 8 different countries
>only lonely at home in London
TIL this exists
>If your desire is to fight loneliness,you gotta do something other than travelling
such as?
I'd get some social hobbies. Join a co-ed sports league, a hiking club, a food or wine tasting club. Take a class at a community college. Take an art class. Get a dog and take him to the dog park every day. Get a part time job somewhere social like a bar or a catering company. Volunteer somewhere social like a non-profit group. Fake being religious and go to an adult singles church group.
If the problem is who you are, not where you are, then changing where you are is not going to fix things. Maybe work on who you are?
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wherever you go, there you are.

this is why I resolved to be more social and get practice talking to strangers in my home city before I try traveling solo
good advice, pretty easy to train with old people
A bunch of dopamine slaves you are.

The solo traveler of esoteric Northern European origin finds solace in imperturbability. He lets the script of his life write itself as time passes. He understands the temporality of existence, that good and bad times alike are ephemeral and must not be held onto. He understands that disappointment is a symptom of misguided thinking and bears no relation to his environment. He focuses his attention on his environment rather than on himself, except for occasional periods of self-criticism. He does not accept being labelled with any disorder, predilection, or conviction. He piques curiosity wherever he goes, and generally commands respect from strangers. He is slow to anger, but does not forgive or forget. He accepts the simple fact that he will never live more than a miniscule fraction of the human experience. He understands that scarcity is value and simplicity is structure. He realizes that life is a journey which culminates in death, and seeks to guide his steps accordingly.
>get ignored and excluded because im short and ugly
such is life
didn't read this cringe shit
A beer and some cigs and the friends just show up

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