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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

Displaying 2,055 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
78290322I just want to kidnap a femanon and rape her in the back of my car, is that so wrong?[View]
78290329Hi robots!: Have you guys seen anything that was surprisingly good recently? I can't believe I…[View]
78290110How do I move to Austrailia?: I've become deeply in love with an Austrailian boy online and I n…[View]
78289424Tan lines: what getting conscripted does to a mf[View]
78290282its gonna hit you like a box[View]
78290208>look at me. I'm an artist[View]
78290063hi: hello, consider joining discorb gg/election for the utmost bestest autistic. we have the record …[View]
78288507Finally got my life in order: And I will die mad about the fact that I never got to experience roman…[View]
78289369Do you think james and mike have read 4chan before ?[View]
78289259How can you introduce two wives to your family? I plan to have 2 wives(no cuck open relationship)[View]
78290072All of my crushes have had their cherries popped by now[View]
78289891>delicious brown thighs will never squeeze your head while she grinds against your face Why even …[View]
78289872I wish I was young again, but I got pretty lucky. Mostly I just want less responsibility and stuff t…[View]
78289690Larry David: Hes literally r9k personified if we were born to middling jewish parents. He even faile…[View]
78286487Reminder that women will hate almost all of us simply for existing[View]
78289260material reality is a competition and therefore demonic. this can change[View]
78285529Men don't exist anymore: Men don't exist anymore, its all entitled man-children now, I…[View]
78289869why even participate in society if you never got attention from prime pussy? seriously. this is wha…[View]
78289971I found out when I was 14-15 years old, my mom had an abortion. I'm the youngest of three kids…[View]
78289444>brooo just go talk to her[View]
78289965Why cant I have a clean asshole for 1 hour? I always gotta take a shit at the worst times. Now I got…[View]
78288332Will I get drunk quicker if I keep alcohol in my mouth? I heard someone say that if u keep le meds u…[View]
78289765The extent to which the class you were born into informs your childhood and affects the adult you de…[View]
78289870I had two weird back to back dreams; The first was that I went to one of those ram ranch aquariums t…[View]
78288186Unpopular opinion: That tranny Chris Tyson didn't do anything wrong. If you're a teen on t…[View]
78289331I dont have the patience or the mental capacity for a girlfriend. If I did I could easily get one.[View]
78289843Every second you're back to the future.[View]
78288055Some girls were pretty, but you were the best[View]
78285511>There are peoppe who prefer small butts What causes this? Can anyone explain the appeal of a sma…[View]
78289395Just stopping by to remind all tranny shills[View]
78289746I've got rid of the problem.[View]
78287886Imagine a girl pining for you, being desperate for you, writing you love letters, giving you her und…[View]
78288901>went to a comic book shop hoping to meet new people and make a friend >found a bunch of direc…[View]
78289465i refuse to compete[View]
78287497Unironically whats the cause of white boys choosing to look like this[View]
78289583Porn: Turning 25, still a NEET haven't found a job, mom's basement Convince me not to off …[View]
78289664>Get gf >Haven't felt depressed since, a better cure than the dozen or so antidepressants…[View]
78288471Chadfishing: Why don't incels chadfish anymore. It was a wonderful pass time that served to was…[View]
78286017what happened to the femboy I used to love[View]
78289434The 5 days of wagecucking is over, time to goon and rot in bed all day until the cycle repeats[View]
78289303Which SEA country do you think is best to live in?[View]
78287048Would you rather have pristine mental health and never feel sad or angry with the caveat of you bein…[View]
78288737Porn and mental health: I'm 24 yrs old living in a small town in Texas, I haven't moved fo…[View]
78289578Why don't you just get a gf with too large areolas?[View]
78288264Jews are unironically the reason why you can't get laid. Don't listen to anyone who says o…[View]
78289078i love you anon, even if you just lurk here[View]
78289141I masturbated for the first time in a week and my load shot up so far it landed on my keyboard so I …[View]
78288012Why do people dislike a quiet person?[View]
78287923>sister's phone got kill >she basically lost all pictures >some were saved by google c…[View]
78283210Didn't choke in my sleep kind of day.[View]
78289354>be me >struggling to help my dad move a massive couch down the stairs >he jumps over the h…[View]
78289477dental hygiene: is brushing your teeth once a day enough and what are effective ways of truly whiten…[View]
78288669Normalfags seem unable to understand the concept of supply and demand when it comes to life advice a…[View]
78289202Hawk tuah skibidi toilet[View]
78287738Do Indian men seriously think we want them..? Where did they get this idea from? Is this just trolli…[View]
78288849ANIME REVIEW: What's r9ks thoughts on nokotan? I watched the first episode and overall its a c…[View]
78289374A hooker called me sexy while i was at work today, see you incels later.[View]
78289087Seriously is there even any point in trying if you're not tall?[View]
78289064If you had option between >invisibility >mind control >super strength Which would you p…[View]
78289161do yourself a huge favor[View]
78288032joy be upon ye anon! may your cigarettes be sweet as honey, coffee be a pleasant bitter upon your to…[View]
78288697I have a 8+ inch cock that is thick. I am married. It is great for my wife; she positively loves int…[View]
78288276What are cute boys up to today?[View]
78288188>Meow Meow >Meow Meow Meow >Meow >Meow Meow Meow Meow >Meow Meow Meow Meow…[View]
78287784Is there hope for findomfags?[View]
78287260cock or gtfo, moids[View]
78289167How much is chad fucking?: Ok so 1/3 of men under 30 are virgin. For women is around 5%. Women are h…[View]
78287086>be me >an alien >today i tried again to invade your planete but i failed. So, 4chan what i…[View]
78286617are you still young fembot?[View]
78289143bpd egirls might be narcissists[View]
78283524>tfw no friend to watch mecha anime with[View]
78288549>Troll posts I actually couldn't have been more sincere, though[View]
78288928It's the 1500s, you have landed on the shores the new world. What's the first thing you do…[View]
78288521Is it true that if you say 'Tiananmen Square' in a game or some other internet space with Chinese pe…[View]
78288515Life is so boring and pointless. How aren't normies commiting mass suicide?[View]
78287219Wow, that's terror: >recent news about government shitting their pants and whine cuz 'muh in…[View]
78285856where can I find a racist gf that spends her free time drawing cute anthros?[View]
78288456Fuck your 'male loneliness epidemic,' fuck your 'porn addiction,' you're all cunts and I hate y…[View]
78282384Guys i wish i had as boyfriend :([View]
78288923Thoughts on the worlds smallest cat? https://youtu.be/W86cTIoMv2U?si=gV4GuiyIul91bMAi[View]
78288477>be me >trurn 30 >can no longer hold when I need to shit >I used to get a grumble and s…[View]
78286498recommend me some books[View]
78288859I want to make an effort to speak the kings english because I'm tired of the muttified manner i…[View]
78288302>reborn >omen horns >no guidance of grace >riding in belurat >brother in the saddle S…[View]
78288469Why aren't you marrying a chinese woman?: They're cute and less promiscuous than western w…[View]
78287543Women can't talk shit: I keep seeing this on twatter When talking shit you must brush off anyth…[View]
78288138Inceldom is responsible for this. Instead of going out there and doing your part to mantain your rac…[View]
78288151Does anyone think their virginity has ruined their ability to pair-bond?: Unless I meet a very young…[View]
78283240>a 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm (DOI:10.1111/and.…[View]
78284994Recently tried masturbating with strokes instead of just focusing on the frenulum. Didn't feel …[View]
78288681why is everyone on grindr masc[View]
78288478>Like a girl >Too afraid to say anything >She gets a boyfriend >See her having fun onl…[View]
78288319I wish I wasn't fat I wish my back stopped hurting I wish I wasn't poor I wish I wasn…[View]
78288662When I worked for her on my internship she made me come into her office whenever her girlfriends wer…[View]
78288647Finally got a virgin femcel gf. But shes an AI[View]
78288614I want you to die so that your absence is justified so they understand why I suffer, why I cry and t…[View]
78286123Why tf do white men not give a fuck about their women choosing black men. Im not even a demoralizer …[View]
78288583How does this man do it? He must be having sex 14 times a week in his 40s (each session last around …[View]
78288298Does /r9k/ know that 'Yuki' means 'snow'?[View]
78288499Is Albino gay? Or is it just a Norwegian thing to cross-dress and paint their fingernails?[View]
78288025>be me >25 years old NEET >parents tell me to get a job 7/24 >get motivated at night …[View]
78288095theres this sex club in atlanta called Tokyo Valentino and tonight is trans night. its open 24/7 and…[View]
78287034>She's a Gen Z boss with a mini >I'm a incel chud with no money…[View]
78288395>order groceries >person delivering it is a white woman with mystery meat kids >change tip…[View]
78288310You just know that in GTA VI, there is going to be a sweat mechanic. Florida is humid and if you tak…[View]
78287136Ukrainian woman living in Miami beats son on camera, gets no jail time. Why did men do this to her?[View]
78287158What's a good place to move to?: I'm from eastern europe. NA and WE is out of the question…[View]
78288013>normies come here to try and shit on us >they go out of their way to seek us out to shit on u…[View]
78286432Janie blog 171: Aftercoming out as transgender so many men try to hit me up and message me and degra…[View]
78288285>the practice of sati, also known as widow-burning, involved immolating a woman on her husband…[View]
78287936BEST SEX YOU GOT: ITT real (and by real i mean really happened) best sexual experiences you ever got…[View]
78287794why are incels so confident over the internet yet in real life they are so kind they wouldn't d…[View]
78287201what does sex stink like[View]
78287870Age gaps are so romantic[View]
78288273BIMBOFICATION: Femoids with a bimbofication fantasy, how far would you go?[View]
78287065Why do so many pornstars get into drugs?[View]
78285180They just figured yall incels out again[View]
78282919should i become tranny not because i gay, women just upset me too much[View]
78286279Fembots, you aren't voting for Kamala Harris, right? You will vote for a man, right? https://yo…[View]
78288071From a moid to fembots..please dont have sex with republican men[View]
78284872Is dating easier when you have a big dick?[View]
78285142>be me >date this girl two times, things are going really, really well >suddenly turns on …[View]
78286800Pretty boy heroes good[View]
78288060Female Submission and Slavery: >How submissive are you? >Do you fantasize about being a slave …[View]
78287859Welp my water got shut off and I cant pay the bill for atleast a week. Trying to survive as a single…[View]
78286478How do you handle tough times in life?[View]
78286080>be me >live in rural Eastern European shithole >never seen a nigger irl >spent my forma…[View]
78284023I am a compulsive purger because my mother is a compulsive hoarder. Since before I was born, my moth…[View]
78287941i really hate nigerians[View]
78286101How much do you archive online?: >tfw suspect a Youtube video will be taken down so I save it. …[View]
78284307/britfeel/: Caledonian Canal edition[View]
78287710do i look like a hapa/ricecel to you?[View]
78286905Can women smell virginity?[View]
78286880Ok so it turns out if you're 5'9, have a mid face and bad jaw, and are balding at 23, but …[View]
78287856SO LONG, SUCKEEEEEEER!!!![View]
78286701If you think women hate incels, you should see how they treat people against abortion.[View]
78286876what makes you think therapy can fix me what makes people think anything can fix me[View]
78287652Awww poor roastie fell off a cliff.[View]
78287739Homosexual indian man posting his xitter feed cause none of his oomfies interact with it[View]
78286894Who is this federal agent and why is he in every thread[View]
78284285what do east european girls think of indian men?[View]
78287662I made this. Somebody send it to Gordon Ramsay.[View]
78286568I'm eating cashews[View]
78286083Does anyone remember the robot discord we had? It had kale, iheii and ayylmao and I dont remember an…[View]
78287505You gotta look deep to find the deep things, if all you ever do in your life is stay at the surface …[View]
78282561>r u winning son[View]
78284460I hate being lonely but I'm too scared of men to date.[View]
78287444*special service announcement* Never EVER let your family use your credit cards.[View]
78286004British Deanos are taking all the Desi women[View]
78287346What did you do today, frens?: I made myself plum crumble cake :D and I watched a video about the en…[View]
78287587happy Friday from charlie :D i hope your day is an awesome one /r9k/ ^_^[View]
78287121>molested by multiple people growing up >grew up fine >nowadays someone gets molested or ra…[View]
78287516Hello femoids You're a volcel if you wouldn't consider fucking the elephant man That is a…[View]
78284118would you settle for a stronger girl than you?[View]
78287453They always talk about buoyancy but never boydancey[View]
78285551What do you think of this image and what it depicts?[View]
78285818How likely is it for a pro-incel party to ever come to power in the West in our lifetime and actuall…[View]
78287382Anons who pay for an OF subscription, why?[View]
78286007Hmm...I wonder what's for dinner?[View]
78287336Cac giao duong do thai se be dot chay.[View]
78285820>you can't fuck this body, anon[View]
78287331I really wish I had a manlet best friend, I would gladly give him all of my leftover pussy[View]
78287317everywhere you look, everyone makes 100k+ a year doing near nothing in terms of work output, everyon…[View]
78286070Looking at this board it's obvious that we need a new board for realtionships. People who have …[View]
78286087>literally all a woman has to do to be instantly socially accepted, get preferential treatment wh…[View]
78287240Is there any good non-cuck porn where the woman is casually talking to you while getting pounded? No…[View]
78287244>Trying to draw >Everything looks like shit and flat >Struggling for ideas >Even things …[View]
782872165 thousand tickets to the avatar anime please t rad[View]
78286317Why aren't you at the beach getting hot girls ?[View]
78287215anyone recognise this twink? I need moar[View]
78286402i am going to the movies (some dseadpool movie idk) and today i want a burrito i want to make spagh…[View]
78286074it would be so badass if we all made it[View]
78287155hobbies: So, what do you do in your free time, anon?[View]
78282754Larping thread: Larp as your favorite user here[View]
78287043Why do women do anything other than masturbate in front of a mirror? They literally have female bodi…[View]
78287058Gonna post it only once : a little explanation for the confused. From someone who hangs out with yo…[View]
78285550Imagine emptying your balls in misandrist fembot pussy.[View]
78287066>decide to say fuck it and get a SO >Fill out online dating stuff >Swiping >Run out of …[View]
78286900I'm going to fucking do it, don't you dare fucking test me[View]
78283092Why are 'lonely' men so superficial?: If you really were lonely you'd be happy with an ugly obe…[View]
78287018There was a thread in /out/ up for ages full of joke posts but after I posted mine it got deleted mi…[View]
78286200Is Tinder worth trying?: I'm desperate & my chances of meeting someone IRL are slim to none…[View]
78287030A stupid woman sees evil and hates the entirety of mankind A smart man sees evil and digs all the ba…[View]
78284987I realized that: Years and years of self improvement are overshadowed by the fact that Im 5 foot 3 b…[View]
78285378Not only was I born ugly, I was also born neurospicy. Fuck my life.[View]
78286584When is this website going to allow .webp files? Every time I save an image of Google Images it…[View]
78283817I wish my GF wasn't fat, going outside is a pain cause I keep seeing fit girls my age and I can…[View]
78286924Patriarchal domination through name and lineage absorption and eradication[View]
78286639Good morning how are u doing today guys[View]
78285405The internet is unsalvageable, especially 4chan: The culture war has killed my enjoyment of it entir…[View]
78285364Why lots of LGBTQ+ Westerns are big fans of USSR and haters of Capitalism? LOL, you are not starving…[View]
78285242The New World Order has actual time machines. They send agents back in time to change the past. The …[View]
78283966I'm not afraid of death, I want to lead a mass societal revolution to take all corrupt billiona…[View]
78285828>in paris for the olympics >every time I try to speak a little french people look at me weird …[View]
78286795I said a big FUCK YOU to me demon fren. He made his choice. What the fuck was he thinking? That he w…[View]
78282398Anything on earth more horrifying than GLIOBLASTOMA?!?: I follow this Death influencer called Hospic…[View]
78283875tell me about your awful horrible evil family[View]
78286780When did you realize that gooning to cartoons was your only viable coping strategy?[View]
78284781Read this wholesome manga https://nhentai.net/g/507145/3/[View]
78284976Indianbros, would you marry an Indian woman if she had a white ex-bf?[View]
78285195djkafkowfklqkdqlxlqldlql i woke up late again but at least i didnt get high last night but my head h…[View]
78286706ngl i have the same exact response to the scenario if it was my woman[View]
78285568>'made it' by incel standards through what was admittedly a lot of work >was incel too long an…[View]
78285132I had dreams that my high school and college would be like anime instead I sat alone during lunch an…[View]
78285672I disapprove of the lifestyles of most homosexuals and dont like any of them that i meet at all and …[View]
78285918A cuckold fetish is completely natural and is just a biological defense mechanism to being a male at…[View]
78283509how do i find a porn addicted fembot e-gf as a tall fat-cocked virgin[View]
78283837ok so men are disgusting like actually i just cant take it anymore i cant stand even looking at you…[View]
78286245kuromi is so sexy[View]
78286484I have a crush on a girl. How to tell her I like her?[View]
78285008The west is so cucked. I wish I was born in the middle east, if not then China, if not then Japan, i…[View]
78285438reminder that 4chan is an anime website[View]
78286215you do realize your board culture is half melted wax, right anon? It has never been stable. even the…[View]
78286219>tfw thinking about if i'm ever going to inject this estrogen i have in front of me rn i…[View]
78286371Recently I found this on my hard drive from 2009, something created long ago out of collective self-…[View]
78285599There's like 8 billion people on this Earth and most of them get to live for free. But you (aut…[View]
78286386Sexually active men that women choose to be around are the ones responsible for the vast majority of…[View]
78282946Impregnation fetish: As I grow older, the idea of getting a girl impregnated, to plant my seed insid…[View]
78286117>all non-scamming findoms already have paypigs who are literal millionaires How the heck am I as …[View]
78285476Why dont incels just be more alpha?[View]
78283064so did the blackpill die because: >there are just too many happenings in 2024 >these young bla…[View]
78284853Would you get a vasectomy if your wife/GF demanded it?[View]
78284183Why is that hard for boys nowadays to understand that evolution requires elimination? Yes, we might …[View]
78282712Nobody cheats if they're satisfied and happy. Humans are fundamentally designed to be perpetual…[View]
78286153Why do I keep doing this?: >wake up >feel good >workout >feel better than ever >go to…[View]
78285630there was a femcel in instagram who i wasnt following but i just swiped to the next girl who wad pic…[View]
78285686Well: Will you take care of used up sissy fuck meat?[View]
78285921A Bella Thorne lookalike at my workplace told me that she liked me and asked if I wanted to hang out…[View]
78282646Well: Will you take care of him?[View]
78285813im taking my driving test tomorrow bros the days of being a walkcel are soon to end[View]
78268673Blackpill is a gay operation: 90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop…[View]
78282372i feel empty inside unless someone is actively giving me attention. i wish a lobotomy would fix me.[View]
78282221Why do petite young girl's bodies activate my neurons so fucking much? I love it. Does it mean …[View]
78284687making this thread so that I don't have to make a thread later >____<[View]
78285592Moved to Japan.: >be me> >go through several hoops and move to Japan with steady job throug…[View]
78285796>who needs boys when you have a guitar >becomes a boy >gets bf anyway Thoughts?…[View]
78283615Chris Tyson Drama: This art just ended a man's career[View]
78285745The ultimate blackpill: A few years ago I dated a tranny. This was towards the end of high school. I…[View]
78285706It pains me that I'll never have a tall gf...[View]
78285681How do I get a gf as a neet? >get a job I hate myself, but not that muc…[View]
78285674>2024 >people are still falling for the anti-cartesian dogma…[View]
78284921I am a feminine male on HRT: You can seethe now. Women included, but I don't care as much, beca…[View]
78285553>at least in the ocean im saf-ACK[View]
78285624>her feet can't touch the ground when she sits down on a chair because she's too small …[View]
78285580Average yt boi when bnwo finally wins xDDDD[View]
78285201Nobody can make me do anything. I don't want to work. I don't want to get educated. I don…[View]
78285383Cant believe that women are surprised that men dont want to be with someone whos obese, has kids, an…[View]
78283611the greatest album of our generation[View]
78285569>tfw no cute fat cosplayer GF[View]
78285149Thank god for this Half Flipino bitch. She is making being underweight fashionable again.[View]
78261298/aiwg/ AI Waifu General: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhI71pHwcAs -edition create waifus and talk…[View]
78285397im tired about the hype around this guys dick its not even that big[View]
78284438My fucking cunt of a gf says she doesn't find me attractive (but frequently comments on other p…[View]
78285339>be me fat loser >been lifting for a bit >random guy in gym is watching me deadlift >he …[View]
78285159/wg/ Wumpagoniac General #2: Mandatory friday night Wumpagoniac thread. Remember to get your last mi…[View]
78285003My 'We are so back' Indomitable human spirit is constantly going up against my 'It's over' ragi…[View]
78284021Hmm: I noticed some of you lads like to larp about socialism. Is this the kind of society you'…[View]
78282665>be me 25 year old white man living in weimerica >I'm a 4/10 in looks maybe 5/10 if I los…[View]
78285014>just turned 30 The more I read about dating in your 30s the more I regret never trying in my 20s…[View]
78284590The tranny mind virus really has claimed a lot of men.[View]
78282475Somebody explain what happened to this board: How did you losers ruin this board so fast? Man a few…[View]
78284843>2007 peak 4chan >2017 peak 4chan Will 2027 continue the streak or will Gen Alpha kill this si…[View]
78284908My taste is women is picrel: How can I acquire such girl?[View]
78284889>remember the freaks that were caught flipping shit on video during the mid 2010s? well uhh they …[View]
78283779>at 16 I started having sex with my 60 year old piano teacher because I couldn't afford to p…[View]
78283803Do you think there is anyone who would be willing to be my caregiver?: I am a woman on the spectrum.…[View]
78282077i'm uncomfortable with having a bf but i still want sex but i don't want to be hated for b…[View]
78284694Why does my brain go into a 'defense mode' every time I try to socialise with people?[View]
78282066Anyone else so depressed it's made you a mental retard?[View]
78283605dudes see this and be ashamed at their initial reaction[View]
78284980Autism = gut bacteria issues?: i don't get the autism gut issues meme. i and most autistic peop…[View]
78284445>God will never leave me nor forsake me The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his t…[View]
78283284even the morgue?[View]
78283993What are anon thoughts on manifesting[View]
78284749A male I just met online confined in me that he is separating from the mother of his child and how h…[View]
78284644Historically culture was genetic. Occupation was genetic. It's only in this modern globohomo wo…[View]
78284816Post powerful images.[View]
78284808People are pre-selected for their genes and neurologies by colleges and employers and we're req…[View]
78283088I asked a Chinese girl how she feels about passport bros >'It looks like they're just wasti…[View]
78284216Your turn, oldfag.[View]
78284000this random foid shouted 'can I get your number?' as she drove past me. does this happen to any othe…[View]
78284799Fembots vs Slampigs: Have you ever lost a man to a slampig? Are you worried you'll become a sla…[View]
78284444Do you get angry or sad when you see couples?[View]
78281571between all the shilling, blackpilling and demoralization, I just wanted to say: I LOVE WOMEN[View]
78284530What do fembots get on their burger?[View]
78283504tfw no chuddy Azn gf songs for this feel?[View]
78277979>be crazy Asian girl >simping for white men >cyber bullying and rage farming blacks >e…[View]
78284070Do you agree with acclaimed social media personality, businessman, kickboxer and philosopher Andrew …[View]
78283142why does bareback sex feel SO GOOD compared to condom sex? i fucking hate condoms[View]
78284775I'm thinking of making /r9k/ my main board again[View]
78283923What would you do if you had a Kiwi farms thread?[View]
78284767Thinking about a small event years ago constantly for a long time now, ruminating on said thing, lim…[View]
78281757how do you want to die?[View]
78284745Guk briding: As we all know, the sole purpose of white man's existence is to make your guk happ…[View]
78283183lolcow | boogie: anyone else been following lolcow podcast? first time in a while that anything on y…[View]
78280595why don't you just take the plap pill?[View]
78283098Have you ever tried having sex with a girl while wearing a flavoured condom and then eating her out …[View]
78284549Don't beat yourself up over your poor talking skills: ...you just need practice socializing. …[View]
78284356first openly freak running mate[View]
78284501How would you feel about having a biker gf?[View]
78278676Why don't you just settle for a girl who doesn't shave? Most men don't want them.[View]
78284513There is nothing wrong with dating a Walmart girl. Some people are just born in unfortunate situatio…[View]
78283856Did you ever got drunk with your own mom?[View]
78284403I hope i die on my way to work: lnsert text here[View]
78283044only settle for your soulmate. nothing less.: partners that see your relationship as a temporary thi…[View]
78284477>'OH DAMN ANON GOT MONEY' What are some other tricks you do to trick normgrels into thinking you…[View]
78283449Has anyone here tried removing chest and back with laser hair removal? Is it a good idea[View]
78282419I'm her fan now Its a shame she is too ugly to get a white bf[View]
78276886/britfeel/: Optare Solo edition[View]
78284404who is the moral superior, master or slave?[View]
78283762Anyone else dealing with very strong self-loathing?[View]
78283458I went into a Israeli Twitter space just cause I was bored and they seemed welcoming but moment I as…[View]
78282249Was he incel or chad[View]
782212934chan Happenings Thread: Rare /p/ thread in the front page. ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that…[View]
78278037Is it in men's nature to be violent?: This femcel says yes![View]
78282265You could have a loving wife and beautiful children if you tried, you know. Do you seriously plan to…[View]
78283637Dancing at the Edge of the knife: 29 year old man and my goal is still to be a cutesy sissy. It is i…[View]
78284286Did you notice how your boogers smell weird after eating roast chicken?[View]
78277625To women, I resent you, you are the new Ozymandias. I resent you because you're a spiritually u…[View]
78284105Okay maybe this is autistic as hell but I have found a way to be more social It's called fakeno…[View]
78283119I'm coming around to the idea of dying alone, it doesn't seem so bad anymore[View]
78282629its really impressive, so much hate in such a small body why are manlets always so unhinged?[View]
78283752Do you have a lot of women talking to you?[View]
78284052how would you rate these guys out of 10?[View]
78283594>Finished all the games I wanted to do with the exception of some fighting games here and there …[View]
78282805Japan's yen has basically collapsed. Why not just save a cute girl from economic collapse?[View]
78282544Imagine making a life commitment to another man and then threatening to divorce him all because he…[View]
78282513If you see a girl with merch of this character, she will be down to being raped. Don't ask me h…[View]
78283939Why would an ugly incel even attempt to save the princess? Don't you know only chad is allowed …[View]
78283963Life is getting really strange https://voca.ro/1haGhVvKkGy3[View]
78283176today i saw a stupid fucking hoe kill her friend for no reason and i drew it this is what i saw[View]
78283894You seriousry racking risciprine[View]
78282082All toasters toast toast.[View]
78283584i'm 29 neet without a neetbux still living with parent and i still can't get any jobs at a…[View]
78283739Day 361 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH[View]
78282809Female on male 'rape': I want to hear you guys thoughts about this since I always have this same dis…[View]
78279957>there are 'men' on here right now who get height mogged by women daily…[View]
78283420Part of growing up is seeing your heroes turning out to be terrible people all along[View]
78283283Am I gay if I don't find e-girls attractive?[View]
78283721/druk/: Any other alcoholics and drunks here? What are you drinking? I'm getting alcoholic gast…[View]
78282959Dick beating with potentially (bio)hazardous substances?: >be me, decide to jerk off >coconut …[View]
78282164>you'll never have this, whiteboy[View]
78283619Dis sexually unsatisfied woman is crazy: She needs a proper BBC to put her in place that's it…[View]
78283479All hope is lost: African American men impregnate Asian women more often than white American men do.…[View]
78276050Were you fond of your school days ?: Or did you hate them ?[View]
78281150NRG: Numerology reading general: Hello I'm back r9k, today we will do attitude/sun numbers. The…[View]
78283023There's a whole world out there, bros. And we're not being a part of it. Every time I thin…[View]
78281995Rate my rizz.: Also wtf am I supposed to do on a food date women are literally aliens what do they e…[View]
78283401l love women so much![View]
78280662Do you think there is a correlation between autofellatio ability and trannyism?[View]
78283038>eldest brother married someone with different ethnicity (50/50, the same ethnicity) >2nd olde…[View]
78283267Any personal projects you guys are working on? I'm redubbing and editing the original Game of D…[View]
78282844Do I qualify as white?: I'm a tall slim ogre-faced slavic green eyed brown haired man[View]
78282061Ran Yakumo: I wish I had a floofy mommy like that so badly~~~[View]
78283087koleda best girl[View]
78282940when will basedservatives stop being whiny faggots?[View]
78283525per account my preparing of one now,: methinking how ironic a bathe's self leaking, every one t…[View]
78283355>be an ugly muricanized guk >can't get bwc/bac >complain about KFC enjoyers and charge…[View]
78283414>3 AM >existential dread sets in Every time…[View]
78281607Did anybody else grow up in a naked family?[View]
78281045how do you actually know if you're having a manic episode?[View]
78279801Why do white women age Iike this?[View]
78282346Do any of you keep a dream diary? If so has it improved your life/memory in any way?[View]
78283402Sleepy time: Goodnight everyone! Be sure to get some rest and some zzz's :D Sweet dreams <3…[View]
78283397>show about a guy that swaps bodies with a girl >he starts touching himself and it's anim…[View]
78279795I think there is an operation to demotivate in r9k: I think there is some kind of operation to demot…[View]
78283027men only exist to make women happy[View]
78283108Top 10 Citizenships Of New Canada Permanent Residents In 2024 1.India (64,730 new PRs) 2.Philippine…[View]
78282871I am at risk of losing my job because the washed up sociopathic jock at my job said I threatened him…[View]
78282999we should probably go to sleep soon, no?[View]
78283026Everyone hates me. Why is this a board[View]
78283220I've been having fantasies about jerry stokes being my boyfriend for MONTHS now, I just wanna h…[View]
78282366I just lost an internet argument embarrassingly and now I feel like shit.[View]
78273680/r9gay/ - #2374: eepy gn bf cuddly time version previously: >>78260038[View]
78283048Women only exist: to make men happy (cum)[View]
78281874How will she deal with the incel problem?[View]
78278158what does r9k think of elon's trans daughter[View]
78282818Is it true that all freshman college girls slurp down gallons of chunky chad chum (duck CHeese and c…[View]
78282623draw a realistic portrait of yourself pic rel 7'5 and three time Olympic gold winner for swimmi…[View]
78282421Thoughts on Mr beast getting canceled for old stuff he did All His old secrets are being dug up[View]
78282928i'm literally mithrix[View]
78282849>wakamotoharu you have to say is a disappointment why is japan like this…[View]
78282756>posted a selfie on r/amiugly like a year ago >got called hot and attractive and stuff >sti…[View]
78282766I play with dolls while pretending they're my wife and children. How over is it?[View]
78282510I have no money, there is no limit to how I am going to get alcohol. I am drinking mouthwash right n…[View]
78279213>coworker leaves his mess for me to clean up because I'll 'be cleaning up in a minute anyway…[View]
78282850You can please some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time, but you can…[View]
78282831>has the technology to make the coolest UI possible >settles for the most boring, flat, and si…[View]
78281015what porn site does everyone use these days?[View]
78282521>be me >2 years ago >discover asmr when searching for sleep aids because of le insomnia …[View]
78282582Some days i run out of energy so fast. 9 hours after waking up and I'm already sleepy today. Es…[View]
78281491Tomoko gf when?[View]
78280875ITT: post the character you're looking up to the most right now: >had a childhood that didn…[View]
78282461as an transracial neurotypical WTB, I enjoy fucking black men in the ass with my BWC. Just need to g…[View]
78282189I think I'm ready to die. I stopped drinking almost 4 weeks ago, but everything is still flat a…[View]
78280288Posted a body check that got several thousand likes and that made my ego astronomically high but unf…[View]
78281665A new derogatory slur: I need the ultimate slur ideas for a trans mtf hrt fag who is also half korea…[View]
78279415How bad is gooning for you?: How bad is gooning for you actually or edging? I do no fap but basicall…[View]
78282613>chloe helen posted 3 hours ago >happy 8 months babe! >mfw I am still single…[View]
78282596>costochondritis is this a sign of getting old?[View]
78281158is she right about this? Do females not understand POVs?[View]
78282556where are they: where are you femcel, come out come out wherever you are[View]
78282243Classical chads what do you listen to?[View]
78282424I'm sorry but nothing makes me seethe more than these videos where objectively beautiful girls …[View]
78278510Women should have big boobs. If women are chestlets, they are subhuman and genetically inferior. Aus…[View]
78282019how can i give love when love is something i've never had?[View]
78282476How do you help the helpless?[View]
78282264pornaddiction: i've completely numbed my brain from porn addiction, i don't enjoy anything…[View]
78280571you are cute, you know? prettier than the other girls, and more interesting to talk to than all of t…[View]
78282495I support race affirming care for transracials. transphobia must stop. I knew since I was a young wh…[View]
78281001Why does no one and nothing have personality anymore?[View]
78281898>have to cut my hair every 3 weeks or else it triggers my hypersensitive autism >$35 every 3 w…[View]
78282437>fill up my 1TB and 500GB hard drives with movies and shows and vidya >don't want to watc…[View]
78282361social media has tricked us into thinking that we should sacrifice our own individual peace and pros…[View]
78281180I took a walk outside but I just feel so empty inside. Usually i feel good going outside but im just…[View]
78282395When a handsome, tall man asks for something, most women can not refuse it and eventually allow it. …[View]
78282371in bed eating snickers, imagining it's bunk's tiny ass dick how dis make you feel white bo…[View]
78282038I will be in your dreams tonight. Prepare for tickles and giggles :)[View]
78281247I love going to the hospital. It's like staying at a nice hotel with hot nurses that are friend…[View]
78281632i quit my job after 2 months and for the past week ive been just drinking, playing skyrim, and watch…[View]
78280633Has anybody else been sorta getting into retarded girls lately? They're usually super happy and…[View]
78281223>try dating >every woman thinks you're a freak that wants to murder them amazing…[View]
78282317Can you imagine a female movement if a group of them actually became modest and virtuous and develop…[View]
78282199Throw your cell phone out, you don't need it. Stop playing video games. Stop watching porn. St…[View]
78282057Why are trannies so hot?: I am a straight man, I only had sex with female prostitutes in past, but f…[View]
78280155I see rape as far worse if the woman is a virgin or if she has a boyfriend/Husband. I see women gett…[View]
78281858>Get a compliment from a random woman >Mumble like a dumb retarded and walk away This happens …[View]
78282234Anyone else tweaking off ADHD? Today I: >Attempted to translate an NES game into my native langua…[View]
78282282Being heterosexual is such a nuisance and nothing but. At least I'm not a faggot though, that…[View]
78278222Do any of you guys fantasize about having friends?: The idea of having friends feels like a distant …[View]
78282050How do I tell a girl who thinks she's unattractive (she isn't very pretty,desu), that she …[View]
78279969neet for life because i dont want to work in trades and im not good enough for college~[View]
78280424Thinking it's gonna be another sad night of mac and cheese and drinking[View]
78282062Love isn't real. It feels good, but it's not real.[View]
78282219Where do I find a woman who likes VNs and DOES go outside?[View]
78281402>be me >nice person that likes to talk to people >try to talk to woman with no intention of…[View]
78275211i wish i were a malebrained fembot but instead i had to be a moid[View]
78282211all the memes that make us laugh today will someday, sooner than later be antiquated and even cringy…[View]
78282181Redesigns of my boys (The one that I named my whole identity on the internet after, and the one that…[View]
78281299I took like 8mg of xanax today in the morning and blacked out. Apparently I went to get a haircut, s…[View]
78280427theres nothing i can do to fix my life i just wanna kms and start over from scratch i just want a no…[View]
78282151>ywn fuck prime Beyonce Build the simulation already[View]
78277459My important text file got corrupted.: It had about 40,000 links to archived 4chan threads (and othe…[View]
78281303I miss him: I him so much I'm going insane. I haven't been counting the time we've be…[View]
78281684My fan I've had for years just stopped working today. I come home from a walk in 100 degrees, s…[View]
78280829why don't you just put hyaluronic acid in your dick[View]
78281748Chilling with my cereal and PS2 emulator. How bout you?[View]
78282091why is this?: why do people enjoy talking about being a victim so much? I thought rape was supposed …[View]
78279080Where the hell are all the Luxemburgers?![View]
78282007>just found out that qt girl at the gym is now single by stalking her social media ok, how do I a…[View]
78282026Why are dogs man's best friend?[View]
78281136What if we kissed on the banana couch?[View]
78281787Not a very jolly time to be a straight man, to put it lightly.[View]
78282033>pisses on the poopoo spots in the toilet how dis make u feel white boy…[View]
78281659>half the threads are made by incels who say they wish secretly they were born as women >other…[View]
78281997Can you be honest? Well, Do black people feel kinship when they see gorillas, chimpanzees or orangut…[View]
78281319A burning question I have for the robots today:[View]
78281919Females would rather fuck the Wade Wilson woman killer than you. So much for misogyny being a turn o…[View]
78281105Didn't know who else to tell: >be me >Attending Grandfather's funeral >He lived p…[View]
78281988Akame is hot.[View]
78280791so that's it? once again a young woman is reduced to a sexual meme, objectified, made fun of, e…[View]
78281921All I wanted is getting head from a girl...[View]
78281980I woke up just right now after having felt like I'm going to be sick yesterday, so I went to be…[View]
78281095It's not incels' fault for being unfuckable. It's incels' fault for making that …[View]
78281891Can bald men ever feel love?[View]
78281219Why don't women care about male suffering? I thought women were supposed to be the compassionat…[View]
78278533If you were part of God, what part would you be?[View]
78277156Wyd in this situation?[View]
78281759I am 6'2' and white but people aren't responding to me on tinder, what should I do? I have…[View]
78281345ROOFTOP POOL?: >live in an exclusive, luxury building >head to your rooftop pool >looking f…[View]
78281479fallen so far: it's over boys. i fell into the taboo trap.[View]
78281478What do anons think of Hotline Miami?[View]
78281760BDSM Opinions: >age >sex >thoughts on bdsm >would you ever want to be in a bdsm relation…[View]
78281736>Be me >Straight Man in my 30s >3 men in the past month have told me I'm very attracti…[View]
78281754There's no such thing as 'the one'. She's replaceable.[View]
78278343What's so complicated about it chud?[View]
78281675>hispanic >end up dating a white girl All I ever wanted in life was a cute latina girlfriend. …[View]
78279106Anon, just talk to women![View]
78281138Anyone else feel like their voice is higher than it should be? Some days my voice feels fine, most d…[View]
78279618Girls are saying it's such a shame he's a misogynist[View]
78281697should i go to bed also i need an fp[View]
78280232i have a crush on a vocaroo poster: i have no confidence since i'm an ugly femcel but i want to…[View]
78281603Trannyism has found another host Somalia[View]
78280479Has anyone met up with their gf from here? How was it?[View]
78280122why the hell are women like this: >be autistic fembot >be into guys and girls >no one asks…[View]
78278981Being gay/bi sounds fun(at least from an outside view) If you dickmog someone you can compare it and…[View]
78281631>ywn be a sailor guardian It's over[View]
78276997What's your oddly specific talent/ability? Be as autistic as you want describing it[View]
78281526anger problems: I have had anger and impulsiveness problems for a long time. I think this is due to …[View]
78281559people will never understand how sexy i think this is[View]
78279819finally got a new pc[View]
782813984chan used to be less judgemental. people were more willing to engage with random posts and sillines…[View]
78281208>liking feminine features is straight >liking masculine features is gay >liking femboy is a…[View]
78281497How do I know if it's heart broblems or anxiety? I feel constantly fatigued when I do exercise …[View]
78281458What's on your wish list?: I wish I had a decent laptop that could run AI[View]
78279842What cool stuff have you bought lately?[View]
78281270Another night of listening to Charles mansons' music and disassociating[View]
78281260im extra sad today, is anyone else[View]
78281442>tfw never bullied the gay kid in high school and fedl like I missed out Told my two closest frie…[View]
78281160I want my woman's body and heart to be exclusively mine. I want to pin her down and make her ca…[View]
78281365i thought i was gonna die cause there was a big bubble in my chest and it was tight and i cannot pay…[View]
78281337Do you know that 'Yuki' means 'snow,' robots?[View]
78280254i fucking hate women. just date me. i just want to be loved. is that too much to ask for? fuck all o…[View]
78275999Why do so many women have something against porn? I used to just assume that it's normalized fo…[View]
78281019I wish I owned slaves[View]
78281142>626.56 IQ >Race exists in industrial supply throughout the observable universe >Going to g…[View]
78280984As a way to combat my internet addiction I am only watching female twitch streamers and also only wa…[View]
78280671Happy evening everyone! Hope your day is coming to a good end. Enjoy a cute pic of Chloe, and some n…[View]
78280886BASED BLACK GUY!!![View]
78280903I love my cute trans gf: She's adorable and I met her on /r9k/. If you gave a trans girl a chan…[View]
78278493jamie blog 170: jamie finally built his pc (: but erm.... the red light came on so my mother is gonn…[View]
78280632>normies call us autistic >meanwhile they have literal stages with checklists and prerequisite…[View]
78281104any new songs you guys have discovered? https://youtu.be/tINyMbNZytI?si=F7_ZRRQMEYvca-bK[View]
78280785You look angry, I can fix that.[View]
78277903wagies would you rather work with older people, people your own age or people younger than you?[View]
78280602>43 years old can't be cute and handso - ack[View]
78279966I hate getting older I wish I was young again Being 30 feels like all the missed opportunities hitti…[View]
78281002we should actually be encouraging women to only have chads kids if your dad isnt a chad, its bad why…[View]
78279863cooking: Does anyone have any recipe recommendations to try out? Baking, frying, roasting, I'll…[View]
78281027if they mass produces surgery robots it would literally be pennies to get heart surgery but expensiv…[View]
78279858>Hate food >Can't gain >Try putting salt on food >I want to eat it now Why the FUCK…[View]
78280758>dads idea of the sex talk and telling me about ladies was just showing me porn Over before it be…[View]
78280797Why should I vote?: Can anyone provide me with even a single solid reason I should vote for either c…[View]
78280343What is the IQ of the average robot/r9k poster?[View]
78278530AWESOME DRAW THREAD: Make and post a drawing of yourself, robots! Doesnt have to be high effort or a…[View]
78280920How do people spend so much money on food? I hear normies say stuff like 'oh inflation is so bad I s…[View]
78279167How do fembots feel about brazilian guys who are 6'3, fit, passes as white but can tan. If you …[View]
78280925kinds of people: i think there are 4 main kinds of people those who actively seek to do bad unto oth…[View]
78280190Lionmaxxing: >be me, a lowly wormlike greasehead of a man >be looking at animal fights on yout…[View]
78280945>everyone needs social connections they're what give life meaning lmao Fuck off. People are …[View]
78280810We've Conquered 4 chan -ACP: We the American Communist Party have taken over /Pol We're si…[View]
78280936I think I would actually look great as a woman...[View]
78280090I wish I could be friends with boys the way boys are friends with boys[View]
78280150Wom*n don't possess higher mental faculties: They're incapable of having opinion on any to…[View]
78276398Ricecel thread/Asian robots: Are there any other ricecels or Asian robots left on r9k? I remember me…[View]
78280696>Decide to fap >load up 20B model >create Juri Han as a character >make her tall >spe…[View]
78280539>be male >had another dream where I'm a pretty girl with long hair STOP IT I AM NOT TRANS…[View]
78279766Why does lolicon trigger normalfags so much?: People are getting cancelled for liking Shadman in 202…[View]
78280779What would you do if you were born Indian?[View]
78280410Ive had rough sex to completion with cumming in the vagina over 200 times[View]
78280658>stoned >broke >single Its just the lifestyle that i'm into…[View]
78280801>Be me, work a shitty job >Have come to realization that I need a specific skill to make money…[View]
78280778Just got removed from a discord server for being too edgy in general and blocked by my old friends f…[View]
78280294Would you vote for this evil sexy hag?[View]
78280498>namedropping a female-only imageboard (lolcow DOT farm) to make nonas suffer >namedropping th…[View]
78278767mc on the /p/ee 'log, lazy tm nowhere to be seen smtsmltm[View]
78279749the iss weights one million pounds (ten to the power of six) and has life support for ten people the…[View]
78280641If you have ever wondered what a clusterfuck is, its that thing on the top left corner[View]
78278622>cis >male, 30s >wide, childbearing hips wish I'd just transitioned instead of agonizi…[View]
78279157I just took pregabalin, AMA. >MAJOHG[View]
78280456There's a distinct lack of AI forests on /r9k/ We need to address this. Less incelposting, less…[View]
78275577:D: (My dumb voice singing Japan's Marukaite Chikyuu because the songs Japan sings in Hetalia a…[View]
78280264How do I get rid of >no gf< thoughts and become a druid?[View]
78280307I like it when women make dicks disappear so far down their throats that artificial intelligences ca…[View]
78280333i dont like authority[View]
78280431Why does god give his biggest cocks to his shyest twinks?[View]
78280207It's totally alright to divide dogs/cats into different races/breeds and typical behavioral tra…[View]
78280376el simpson[View]
78279440I came into this just to jerk off and I ended up leaving feeling jealous: Why can't I get a cut…[View]
78278270Dagda is so precious, I love this little scarecrow man ^_^[View]
78277235Fembots, I know you hate moids, but if they draft us for WW3, you'll have hot lovemaking breedi…[View]
78280324>tfw same height as younger sister[View]
78278501>6'5' >Make 200k a year >Tan and handsome What are you going to do about it /r9k/?…[View]
78280079the fembots should have a squirt off[View]
78280134I get upset when corrupt cops fuck me over because i know it means cops will die[View]
78280108Acid keeps making me feel like I'm hiding stuff: >be me >22 >unemployed loser seeking …[View]
78279723What's your afterlife gonna look like?[View]
78280244>Deadpool 3 is in the mcu >90 percent of the cameos are fox characters At least Cassandra Nova…[View]
78278263How do Asian men feel about black women[View]
78263064i wish my pp were 4cm longer[View]
78278503I don't take anyone seriously who uses swear words. Especially cucks, fags, trannies and foids …[View]
78280179customer service lady saved me hundreds of dollars since i was nice[View]
78279308How do I get a federal agent to send me nudes?[View]
78280138The proudest shall fall the greatest And I again shall be born a Queen With a bountiful waist and bl…[View]
78279835Finally losing feelings for him. My soul will be set free soon. I will be free, but not for long, My…[View]
78280125you aaaaaaalways hurt the oooooone you looooove the oooooone you shouldn't hurt at aaaaaaall yo…[View]
78279625Femoids, your defense?[View]
78279393I don't care how much money you blew on 4chan ads, i'm not joining your discord server[View]
78279889My teeth fucking hurt[View]
78279187Why isn't it legal for someone to kill your if you consent to it and really want it?[View]
78279864Whatcha doing?: I'm reading this book rn, trying to get better at writing simulation software…[View]
78279052Science: The way schools typically treat students is extremely damaging to their physical and mental…[View]
78277443you have low orgone[View]
78278287why are anons so irritable at the mention of anyone having a relationship: you do realize your board…[View]
78279791im writing an angry letter to complain to a company. nothing special about this but i guess im brin…[View]
78272850eating spaghetti with cheese and taking it easy[View]
78276463Do you agree with lillthofbabylon?[View]
78279917Do not reproduce[View]
78279901The Deep State[View]
78279859I was molested in 2006 by a kid who was 4 years older than me and the only thing I remember about it…[View]
78276038When women can finally edit their babies in character creator, what do you think the world will look…[View]
78276842My gf has just started taking pills I will coom inside for the first time in my life today[View]
78279831I figured out how to fix the dating market....: how to fix the dating market 1 - straight men sign u…[View]
78276287Have you ever seen or overheard your family member fucking?[View]
78278436>eat doritos, a monster slim jim and an energy drink >feel like shit after What the FUCK why c…[View]
78279748hairy vagina[View]
78279785Tfw: When mentally ill sissies are worse than mentally ill whores.[View]
78278978Music: What song are you listening to in repeat? What's your most played songs of all time? Let…[View]
78279123why don't moids settle for 5/10 girls?[View]
78279081I don't understand neurorhypic humor why iffending me and then saying 'hahaha just joking' is f…[View]
78279627When I Say Madam, You Say President: Madam[View]
78275189Well be honest anon, would you?[View]
78279471How would you meet yourself I was wondering this cuz I wouldnt even know how id meet myself irl[View]
78279595My nieces are now all grown up and on TikTok[View]
78276892I would kill to wear this kind of outfit :D[View]
78279099Porn must be banned on r9k: This board is being ruined in real time. you cant visit without seeing t…[View]
78277614how do other anons even learn to draw.. i was tracing images i liked to improve at lines and get an …[View]
78279587R9K should be a general loser board. If you want to only interact with men, go to wizchan. The same …[View]
78279237back hurts so bad all week because my chair broke and now i'm sitting on an old oven fuck my sh…[View]
78279664chad: A total chad such as me has started liking a subhuman foid. She's a 3/10, a 3. 3 3 3 3 3 …[View]
78279658What if vampires drank urine instead of blood?[View]
78279221Hey, hey, you, you I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way I think you need a new one[View]
78279163Can women understand peace of mind? Most women I have interacted with love drama If things are too c…[View]
78279463I'm utterly confused and clueless at this point. I think I'm just a subhuman, unthankful a…[View]
78279269I recently started lurking /pol/ and what a fucking nasty place, but i like it, it makes me laugh so…[View]
78277116>European Christian nations Are these even a thing anymore? Isn't every first world country …[View]
78278749Would you ever have a daughter?: How would you treat her?[View]
78279305Choose one of the girls to be your girlfriend[View]
78279327I used to post my dinners here daily when it was still a blue board[View]
78278036>dalit woman moves to the west >immediately becomes a BWC slut Why is this so common? Meanwhil…[View]
78279258I would like to have access to a database of all songs about relationships and how they actually tur…[View]
78275193Being asian in the balkans is pure hell: I didn't ask to be born here, but I was. Every woman h…[View]
78278006r9k is a sex haver board now so I might as well ask something I've wanted to know for a long ti…[View]
78278502Many women don't vote on policies, many of their votes are based on catchy social media memes, …[View]
78279470Pinch it off dude, I gotta go[View]
78279203Is it a good time to come back here? From 18-23 I was a NEET virgin robot never touching grass. At t…[View]
78279243Being punished for fighting back against bullies ruined my life[View]
78278407Rant on the current political climate and the worthlessness of young men. https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
78278205Dick average size discourse: Supposedly the average size of an erect penis is around 5.3-.5.5 inches…[View]
78278220zzz: have any anons played zenless zone zero? how does it compare to Genshin or Honkai?[View]
78278540when i become king i will fuck every woman on their eighteenth birthday like god intended[View]
78279069Man, this loneliness is really starting to get to me mentally. I think its finally time to go out an…[View]
782785871chan is dead I can't stop crying and I've been vomiting and shitting all day[View]
78278854I don't like music anymore. It all sounds like background noise and it doesn't cause pleas…[View]
78279246How do I make a girl look at me like this?[View]
78278349No one giving a shit[View]
78276011What do I do if my dick is A?[View]
78277572Unpopular opinion but i believe iq is not entirely genetic.i believe the sane person can be either l…[View]
78276445It's still 2000+13, right?[View]
78279087Am I the only white boy subhuman who finds Elon Musk's daughter thread hilarious?[View]
78278586>be 25 >dad retiring soon >social security wont be enough to live >find job at shitty ma…[View]
78279051>meet someone you haven't seen in like 10 years >think its a harmless encounter >next …[View]
78279047>me perpetually at all times except when i laugh[View]
78279019chad could have saved her sad![View]
78278828What is up twp clittycels feeling jealous of my BIG BLACK PENIS?AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA…[View]
78278311>be told don't date girls that look like wojackina >ignore advice >deeply regret it Do…[View]
78278845Why do you think women make such a big deal out of social media and following other women? People ca…[View]
78278959Certified midget boy, certified pedophile[View]
78277198>be me >26 yo >bipolar disorder >unemployed, broke >can't get on disability >…[View]
78277981Beyond the point Of no return Then it's too late The damage is done[View]
78276825My greatest sexual fantasy/fetish is being a white twink and getting my asshole fucked by a big dark…[View]
78275176Can femcels be real?: Let's say, in a hypothetical situation. There's a female in a simila…[View]
78276856Holy hell... Destiny is destroying a dude live.[View]
78276221Netflix should add more anime about loosers getting harems of hot women. I only have Netflix because…[View]
78278471Feminists wouldn't exist if men weren't such monsters, I think many feminists are just tra…[View]
78277582As a gay man, I want a boyfriend that looks like this[View]
78276468Women don't even realize they exist in such a privileged place in society...[View]
78278538Sell all your games, get on a flight to Nevada, and fuck a hooker. That's literally all you hav…[View]
78278826I came to 3DPD again. I will never change.[View]
78278555The entire day I've been on the edge. Felt had anxiety, felt worries, felt anger. Now I'm …[View]
78260596/biofem/ - Biofemale General #135: Seven Deadly Sins Edition Previous : >>78240498 https://des…[View]
78275625What is your opinion on the Sonya Massey situation?[View]
78275375>women and fembots would rather fuck dogs, horses, serial killers, gang members, drug dealers, mi…[View]
78276283Post T-shirtworthy quote ideas: 'I am an ATHEIST' 'I'm sorry, did that hurt your feelings?…[View]
78277371life will be infinitely easier when you give up on women. try it.[View]
78277891why doesn't reverse mewing exist: >tfw have wide jaw and oversized cheeks >only way to co…[View]
78276625whats up with the sudden increase of blackpill threads in recent weeks? are glowies trying to push t…[View]
78277368the only boards I still use on 4chan are /d/ for the spanking thread and r9k where I vent about my i…[View]
78278664For love of god let me sleep every time I close My eyes I remember cring and want to kill myself i j…[View]
78278647TFW NO cute wife[View]
78278242pooped my pants at work today[View]
78277491I hate all women: with bigger breasts than me[View]
78278199Why do mexican men live watching blacked so much? They're neither black or white[View]
78277798Is it appropriate for a young woman to dress like this in public?[View]
78276889LUXURY LIVING: >live in a luxury building >head to your rooftop pool >see this on lounger w…[View]
78277541How should I do it? I just kinda wish my parents didn't have to find my body[View]
78278395I just raped a white boi faggot with my massive bbc ama[View]
78277989Why do I suddenly have zero interest in finishing my degree and getting a job? People say I'm d…[View]
78277258>everything related to the chronology of Parmenides - the dates of his birth and death, and the p…[View]
78276391I wish I was a pretty girls cat and then she could pet me and kiss me on the head and I'll be t…[View]
78274241Why do black men hate black women yet black women fight for and defend black men[View]
78278068Realizing how badly things went wrong: im usually not bothered by seeing other people having fun, bu…[View]
78278405I'm unironically racist. I just assume that everyone I talk to on the Internet is white unless …[View]
78278344I've realized that Buddhism is true. Life is suffering.[View]
78277860This is the ethnic makeup in my country, thoughts? The number is over 100% because people with multi…[View]
78278352>be me >2018 >spend >$10 on chicken strips >2lbs >eat half bag >save rest for …[View]
78277376>living with mom 20 miles away from >no license, no income, no friends, no social exposure, no…[View]
78273237Are women inherently evil?[View]
78278127every day is a sad day. I have to get a girlfriend and get rich. then all my problems will be gone.[View]
78278297Apprentice to Unemployment: Anons, My work is closing down after i completed my apprenticeship ther…[View]
78277317NWBTZ destroyed the internet[View]
78278237i have a weird mental block about it, sorry for not streaming lately, ill be back soon[View]
78278255Jews are more emancipated than incels today.[View]
78275908>getting rejected from job after job >girlfriend left me, still bothering me for attention …[View]
78277382vro i fucking swear[View]
78277535uh. I thought all women had high standards[View]
78277977the worst part of being a neet is living with your parents i hate these control freak boomers[View]
78278071Foids, would you date a guy who said he lost his dick to a landmine but might be lying and is instea…[View]
78271083Glass haus. A haus made of glass.[View]
78275928I'm a virgin and gay and I have this straight friend who is an incel and I can't stop thin…[View]
78278042Go beyond.[View]
78277472A disciple of the World-Honored One is despised and neglected in this age of decadence. But he cares…[View]
78277982Porn addiction is REAL. Don't let the Jew gaslight you.[View]
78275604>I'm assexual >fucked multiple guys already Why are women such liars?…[View]
78276849>be virgin >tell him you're virgin >he tells you he doesn't really care about vir…[View]
78277662Fembot: how do you feel about men being naked in public?: Have you ever noticed that men are often p…[View]
78277306>be me >be bored >decide to finally go through my Terraria worlds that I found backed up on…[View]
78276917Anyone here looksmax successfully but still act like a low confidence ugly bastard? How do I fix tha…[View]
78277339>bought a game on sale on steam >havent played any games all week, let alone that game Im bore…[View]
78277836When you say very little and don't socialize, do normalfags think you're slow/actually aut…[View]
78277707>when a rectangle starts raping people[View]
78276259>be me, 8 years old, 2000 >I wake up some saturday morning to the sound of my dad coming home …[View]
78276670Anyone else tired of the tranime posters? >K-on poster sissy fucking retard >Suicide boy poste…[View]
78276539femanons r soooo pretty[View]
78274601Which one would you rather have: 1. 10/10 devoted soulmate tier perfect GF 2. 100 millions USD 3. Pe…[View]
78277612no matter what right wingers say, I will always be a real woman.[View]
78277003hi again r9k! how was your day today , whatcha eaten and whats your plans ^ _^[View]
78277346I'm taking a break from progress to backslide, I deserve it.[View]
78277785in an alternate timeline a little japanese boy living in hiroshima in the nineteen fourties would ha…[View]
78276315Do you have a backup plan? Hard mode: No killing yourself involved My main plan is just live life as…[View]
78276858I am very lonely. I want to have a family and take care of people and feel loved.[View]
78277448I got a bad desire[View]
78276021Did she regret humiliating white men?[View]
78277094Lmao imagine caring about Palestine or Israel[View]
78275350Have any of you niggas ever responded to a comment on a thread pretending to be the OP[View]
78277433>I just want a BF whos only with me[View]
78274710hypothetically what if there was a girl and she has never had a boyfriend and is a virgin and has ne…[View]
78275985The Earth cannot be flat; otherwise, since the Earth is assumed to be finite in extent, we would fin…[View]
78272540/britfeel/: Makaveli edition[View]
78277450psycho female fbi officer will never copy cp onto ur hard drive and put u in the so registery causin…[View]
78275662>got a jury summons 4 years ago >forgot about it until now so I never attended Is there a gov…[View]
78277337I wish I had a library of Ruina ebf: pic also related.[View]
78275861These trannies are actually kinda of fuckin scaring me. They are looking better and better everyday.…[View]
78266980it's that mood: i feel like my mental issues could be fixed if i just had a really great boyfri…[View]
78274463I got my first girlfriend, later losers.[View]
78276530Eurochads can’t be incels: most europeans spend their days having sex and relaxing ameribetas spend…[View]
78277298reminder that you lose 2 inches off your height in your early 30s.[View]
78277131DEAR WOMEN: Men do not need you anymore. You're old news. More and more men are going MGTOW or …[View]
78276802I am thinking of trying self improvement again.[View]
78275289What was your first 'im not gay but' moment?[View]
78276047I'm drinking, anons. Cheers. You all are the only sense of community I have.[View]
78276853>doin stuff on the computer >stand up to stretch for a few seconds >turn around >shes st…[View]
78277029Do you know that 'yuki' means 'snow'?[View]
78277218foids and trannies are you feeling sick? when was the last time you had a checkup[View]
78276924nothing i do matters nonyan will ever like me i will always exist to bedrot until its time to wage a…[View]
78273650>tfw your boyfriend likes fat asses and you have a flat ass[View]
78275511have you noticed eurochads aren’t incels: walkable cities, transportation and goyslop free diets hav…[View]
78276855I bust my ass as a trucker blackcel and it kills me knowing ill never get to have an experience like…[View]
78277012I don't know guys but all this bullshit sexual moralism, black and red pill(who become more lik…[View]
78271566Why do women seem to dislike men who are quiet and slightly shy?[View]
78276961Dudes' complaints about women are BETA AF: >OOOOoooOOOOoooOOHH women don't like me! Sto…[View]
78275966How do i become less feminine?: I've kinda realised that women aren't attracted to feminin…[View]
78276368Moids of /r9k/: What does an auto-fellatio feel like?[View]
78276096>normies trim their eyebrows, style their hair in an unnatural way, dye their hair, wear makeup e…[View]
78275579thoughts on the president and her husband?[View]
78273216do those types of qt bpd, menhera, jirai kei wearing, visual novel reading girls ever go for gym bro…[View]
78276866I don't want to have sex anymore. I think it's disgusting t. 31 yo khhv >cope no reall…[View]
78274652Whoever tells you 30 is still young is a fucking moron[View]
78274162should i show ny grandpa suicide boy do you guys think he would he appreciate it[View]
78276066Why is a girl's boundaries being slightly crossed during sex 100 times more moralized than chea…[View]
78276362Is poker the only game played with a standard deck of cards that has a skill element to it? I recent…[View]
78276037say bye to your mothers for me[View]
78276056Have any of you done a FOIA request on themselves? I did recently and im on a list for just browsing…[View]
78275663The world is evil. If you affirm the existence of the world, then you too are evil.[View]
78276132listen to some sacred music: you mofos sorely need some jesus in here https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
78271183i wish i was a stacy so i could wear cute clothes n live life happily n love myself[View]
78275531>make girlfriend online >meet up >she doesnt want to have sex Im never losing my virginity …[View]
78270478Dyke friend says she'll peg me but I have to crossdress to make it 'less straight'[View]
78276614Atheists/wrongdoers will come up with all kinds of bullcrap to fool you into inserting poison into y…[View]
78274249Incel Cave: This is my incel bedroom it's where I spend all of my free time not having sex. Wha…[View]
78276611how to be more emotionally mature? I took shrooms a while ago and essentially realized that I have n…[View]
78275204Is this more arousing to men or women?[View]
78275183Travel in Europe: What would you recommend an American to do in Eastern Europe when visiting? Any si…[View]
78276422>betrayed incels >betrayed fuckers It's all deception at this point, what a shame.…[View]
78276512Guys are women more than tools for physical pleasure?[View]
78276034Parents have way too much freedom. You're saying parents are allowed to keep a child in their h…[View]
78275215most guys that are into cuckolding are either bisexual or bicurious[View]
78275932Longing for a crisp afternoon in Autumn.[View]
78275738Asianbros, would you marry an Asian woman if she had a white ex-bf?[View]
78276143i vaguely remember this meme of a kawaii little creature with cat ears and a dress. sometimes it say…[View]
78276170>Femcel >Fembot >Femanon…[View]
78276415how can I get rich, robots?[View]
78275043I want to SEX anons yes, you who is reading this I want to sex YOU[View]
78276314Pajeet president: Why would you want a pajeet as your president?[View]
78276000Reoccuring thought patterns in the day: what are your thought patterns throughout the day? I find my…[View]
78276131How does old pussy taste like?[View]
78273893i dont' need no man: i dont' need no man[View]
78275505>be me half an hour ago >walking home from the bar, alone, had a few drinks with frens >it …[View]
78276160I don't care about society at large or anything in it, I just wanna make my bank and interact w…[View]
78275561it is i, the great scotthewozfan49. reply to this thread with your troubles and i will give you grea…[View]
78271937assuming a woman loved you and was loyal, would you let her walk all over you, simp for her, accept …[View]
78275085Has anything survived the great flooding happening for the last 20 years where everything has been i…[View]
78275839Not letting men sexually harass women anymore is male oppression btw. We have no healthy outlet for …[View]
78276018Something is wrong: Something is wrong every day I jerk off 3-5 times can't stop focusing on po…[View]
78275897>No, it can't be that I just lack the traits to be attractive to women >IT MUST BE WOMEN…[View]
78274304I don't remember the last time I felt empathy towards women One or two weeks ago my sister said…[View]
78273783well, now since r9k has been officially run over by femanons, might as aswell ask them how you'…[View]
78275459i give up: i've accepted i'm not strong enough to pull myself out of this. i'm just g…[View]
78275279I need a wife and I need her here with me in Luxembourg...[View]
78272683How do I break my addiction to WMAF porn as an Asian man? Any advice?[View]
78275869not even black women like indian men what is the last solution for indian men?[View]
78274682How do we prevent incels who only want to get laid from joining social spaces?[View]
78275854The future is white. Not because Europeans will be able to breed (lmao), but because the moment that…[View]
78275559I don't suffer any consequences: Why do I keep fucking up again and again and yet somehow still…[View]
78273234> be me > 25yo incel > finally get a gf > she is smart, earns money, cooks, doesn't…[View]
78275541What degree is should I personally get if I like biology?[View]
78275515Need help losing weight: F, 140lbs, 5'6. I used to average between 115-128lbs I take seroquel a…[View]
78274496how do i get a hag gf?[View]
78275420Robot Recipes: >Pour a cup of tea and let it stew >1/2 cup of precooked rice out of the fridge…[View]
78274438How am I supposed to ever find a gf like me? Why are all women so god damn extroverted? Even the one…[View]
78275004Unironically rate the universes ass bros[View]
78274806The most selfish kind of person is a kind person. At least evil people live out their nature, they a…[View]
78275747To Women, I resent you, and i think all discourse with you has not only corroded away, was too littl…[View]
78274912Good morning from me and my cat r9k hope your day is awesome and turns out well :D[View]
78275719tfw no cutie redhead to bend over, why live[View]
78274215Do actual asocial girls exist? The kind that has no friends and only really talk to their family? It…[View]
78274196Good morning robros! It's going to be a great day.[View]
78275212I know nobody likes me I just want to move to some secluded place and fuck off out of everyone'…[View]
78275573Why is every American so quick to attach themselves to any sliver of heritage they have of another c…[View]
78274454This board blackpilled me on moids. I was fine with men before. I was never into feminism or anythin…[View]
78273840Simps: Simping isnt as bad as men online act like it is. I dont mind being a simp and the 'friendzon…[View]
78271061maybe if i looked like this or was hot or asian guys would finally love me and i wont have to kill m…[View]
78275408How can anyone live in the UK anymore with the sheer amount of knife crime and mutt gang activity? T…[View]
78272330Women would rather fuck a violent inmate than Us: >Millions of employed men can't get laid …[View]
78272786You fucking Millenials only picked up the internet. We Zoomers were raised with it from birth. We ar…[View]
78275517flopping my eight inch penis and balls on amis face before sliding my penis and balls downs her neck…[View]
78275569What is your favorite Facial Abuse scene? Mine is Puke Face. Really looks like rape. I know a lot of…[View]
78274536How many joker movies are there. Is this a new one ?[View]
78275092Everything is bad faith moving goalpoast virtuesignalling and simplistic fashion-based morality all …[View]
78275306Can a woman really be a pedo?: A woman can really be a pedo? some have sex with children but are the…[View]
78275473If i had a marriage i would bake them cookies then call them a retarded nigger so i don't seem …[View]
78274884How do I stop doing this?: >go read a book/do a hobby/etc. >get tired 5 minutes after starting…[View]
78275449I wish I could have a wife and many babies[View]
78273775I will engineer myself into the most attractive chad in history, i plan to use my knowledge in tech …[View]
78274534i drew legos having sex[View]
78272479>be me >incel >meet legit femcel through work >we get together >lose our virginitie…[View]
78273907Explain this shit[View]
78273544Fubuki graffiti: Why the fuck did they ruin it[View]
78273444Jamie bog 160: I honestly don't have irl friends. Just internet friends:p I guess you could sa…[View]
78272250Had my first bath in 20 months. AMA.[View]
78272804Will women lose the right to vote in the West in 40 or 50 years?[View]
78275121>talking to someone on Twitter about porn addiction >link them to YourBrainOnPorn.com >rand…[View]
78274703Escortbros, I need your help: So I'm a 27 yo kissless, handholdless virgin. I've given up …[View]
78275069theyon even know cuh[View]
78270980Elon is a fucking freak bruh[View]
78274636Are there any entertaining incel presonalities left? Like Eggman, Saint Hamudi, Smooth Sanchez? It s…[View]
78275070EUCHARIST: https://voca.ro/17zHDtU7GSaN[View]
78273044I will never meet up with people from r9k ever again!!! I met a guy here last summer, we started dat…[View]
78274978>Miranda Colleen Fenner (December 26, 1979 - November 15, 1998) was an American youth who was mur…[View]
78274613i wish i was a woman desu. not for any sexual reason. none of that agp shit. i just want to wear cut…[View]
78274698Good morning guys have a good day[View]
78274918DJ Alice from the Touhou Project[View]
78274284(This image is from the original thread) Wanna contact someone I encountered here.: The previous thr…[View]
78274385How many of you edgy faggots own a sword or a knife collection? Come out of the woodwork I know you…[View]
78274845What the fuck is a 'swing shift'?[View]
78273000Between 0.5-1% of men have narcissistic personality disorder. Yet somehow every women had a narcissi…[View]
78273568black pill thread, drop the blackest i need to remember why I shouldn't treat women well.[View]
78274882Dad's getting old.[View]
78274885Dear wojakcels: and frog posters animebro will always be less mentally ill than you[View]
78274346Is getting a job just rng and I should keep rolling or is applying for jobs online a meme?[View]
78274834I vaped weed all day every fay for like 10 months[View]
78273473All I do is get up, do a workout, go to work, go home, and sleep. I have no one in my life. I don…[View]
78269460A new whiteness map just dropped[View]
78272387Why does all of 4chan hate them so much?[View]
78274735I keep having this dream were my first crush rests her head on my shoulder and holds my hand. The fi…[View]
78274495Locomotion is a delusion.[View]
78274321I know that this is mostly a beta cuck board, but give me some proper advice, and you will get great…[View]
78273553What causes a momcest fetish?: Trauma? Porn addiction? Genetic predisposition? Which one is the root…[View]
78270055Ran Yakumo: Hi Anon, It's me, Ran Yakumo.[View]
78274584Moid problems are so funny XD[View]
78273883My partner asked me for an STD test before we had bare sex. Is this normal behavior or should I be …[View]
78274690my office has moved for a month now and i still dont say hi to everyone i come across im such a fuck…[View]
78274555I have to be drunk to enjoy talking to people[View]
78271831What would you do if you were born with a micropenis?[View]
78270933I need a big fat cute goth GF so bad![View]
78274620Plapjak Thread: I lost my plapjak folder[View]
78274585Hawk Tuah girl ignored by fans at country music festival: Hawktuahsisters...it's ogre https://w…[View]
78274548If only black girls show interest in you, does that mean you are perceived as lower class?[View]
78268278I found the female version of 4chan: Now we can learn all their secrets and inner thoughts[View]
78271157Jolly Thursday, the little weekend! On that note, I'm here to deliver your fourth daily reminde…[View]
78273777Refute her sign[View]
78273572It's over. My sobriety streak ends today[View]
78273354you know its over when even trannies reject you[View]
78272566Imagine how this guy feels right now: All those retards who jumped on the bandwagon for criticizing …[View]
78273964Why the hell is it impossible to make friends and keep nowadays? Being in a female friend group is e…[View]
78273691i changed my mind i just want a normie stacy not a bpd femcel[View]
78273610i hate being so needy over my boyfriend. i just miss him all the time. i want to give him space but …[View]
78274407I was feeling very confident and wanted to ask a girl out to watch Deadpool and Wolverine but then I…[View]
78273551All of my issues wouldve been solved if I were a tallfag. Pic unrelated[View]
78273379I fucking hate all people. Is this the final end of edge? I just hate all people no matter who they …[View]
78274142HOW TO FIND PLACES TO LIVE ( must leave moms basement): i need to move out of my moms house. Ive rea…[View]
78274054Aristotem was wrong.[View]
78273741Apparently it isn't normal to rub your food against your skin: So I really really like food. I …[View]
78274360The Reefer Made Me Do It![View]
78273290I want to marry a racist boy who represents himself as an anime girl on the internet as someone who …[View]
78273795i like making my posts with reddit spacing cause it feels like a poem[View]
78273939Interdimensional jesters keep trying to jump scare me.[View]
78274314If someone blocked you access to every screens you have, would you put your life together? I think t…[View]
78274234add me back hikiko: please add me back I liked you:([View]
78273779hi r9k!! how are you , what have you eaten , what are you doing and what have you done today ? ^_^[View]
78270852How do I get a goth GF?[View]
78272776Been sober for close to a year now and very tempted to drink this morning[View]
78273642>white girl related thread >I come there (Slavic) >Tell people I'm Slavic >They t…[View]
78274097Why does everyone have friends? I do not understand the importance of having friends and I genuinely…[View]
78273687We had a great deal for nearly 10k years. Men worked and provided for women and in exchange they got…[View]
78273809I have never smoked or consumed any kind of marijuana before - in fact I've only ever had alcoh…[View]
78274169This guy's therapist is honestly telling him he needs to have confidence, motivation, love hims…[View]
78273763I take that back: That movie was shit.[View]
78273372I want to live in an anime: I want to live in a world where I can have adventures without dying like…[View]
78274018Male topless maid: Are there gay rich men who hire male topless maids to clean their homes and make …[View]
78274024If going to live off slim jims to save money wish me luck[View]
78273134We need a mass extinction event, 12 years ago.[View]
78273995I tried getting a job for a year, got rejected from everything I tried making friends over the last …[View]
78270755I'll suicide myself soon. It will be in a range of two weeks, probably one since its when class…[View]
78273726If liberalism is as popular as people claim then how come when there's no moderation or censors…[View]
78273957Very important. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lWQFRTNwoLU[View]
78271405What's up with robot dick size?: Almost every robot I talk to is 7+'', often 8 or alm…[View]
78270954No one gives a FUCK about your 'male loneliness' problems: Reminder that nobody gives a FUCK about y…[View]
78265401Just take dance classes to meet wom-ACK: how are men supposed to meet women these days?[View]
78273910anons will never understand the pain of wanting to be a loli[View]
78272927>celibate cis male 'eunuch' for lack of a better word >have almost completely lost a…[View]
78271421Is it true that all MENA qts really want a Euro husband to cuddle with them and have hot unprotected…[View]
78273833How does an attractive person know they're attractive if not by looking in the mirror?[View]
78271029What did you think about Netanyahu's speech to Congress?[View]
78273435>the paradoxes famously challenge the notions of plurality (the existence of many things), motion…[View]
78273776If I dont receive a short-haired brown tomboy gf within the next 90 days, millions will perish. I wi…[View]
78273294ethics of true crime channels: i'm really autistic about learning about cases but idk if it…[View]
78273657Therapy: >be me >autistic >fucked up in brain so have to go to therapy >have really cool…[View]
78272456Lunch of r9k thread??: Today's Lunch. The meat expired 2 days ago but I decided that's sti…[View]
78273426Are you on an upward or downright spiral right now, anon? I was improving for months but now I'…[View]
78273620Getting real tired of this zero sum system. Any glowniggers feeling radically provocative today?[View]
78272358Ok what should I order guys?[View]
78273289why is everyone on this website always looking for a reason to insult one another anyways[View]
78267961Bully when in High school, caged now in uni: 2 years ago when I was in high school I was a bully and…[View]
78272840those filipinos know what they're doing[View]
78273552Humble flex: Both my 2 crushes in grade school told me they loved me at some point but I was too shy…[View]
78273128Medfags of r9k, identify this poor man's medical condition[View]
78272259>dude look up ___[View]
78273247I remember once I tried to be cool so I smoked a cigarette and fucking threw up in front of my peers[View]
78272416The only good women are lesbians: You'll never be in a relationship with a good girl because a …[View]
78272382I have anime and movies I need finished. I want to do it with someone. You don't have to be tal…[View]
78269689Which one would make the best boyfriend?[View]
78273422Every time you lie, your soul becomes impure. When your soul is black, you are without God's pr…[View]
78272812I'm transracial neurodivergent so whenever I look down I see my BWC and get racial dysphoria[View]
78272716I hate Yahweh, Jesus and all of their followers.[View]
78273066Do you guys think its ethical to be anti-LGBTQ just because I find them annoying: I used to have a n…[View]
78273013As I get older, I think niggers flat out hate whites. Every nigger friend I ever have obsesses over …[View]
78272534At the airport rn and I occasionally see really ugly guys with hot women. Is this like a sex traffic…[View]
78273302>go outside >see group of friends laughing and having fun together >day ruined…[View]
78273129Why do I attract women in relationships: I don't know what it is. I know I'm a pretty soci…[View]
78271561Your opinion on Reimu's armpits?[View]
78271874>record myself saying a sentence >listen to it >autism accent how the fuck do I get rid of …[View]
78272461What am I supposed to do if my my penis is this small? Barely 5 inches[View]
78273244fat manly men having sex with feminine men is the best pairing.[View]
78273310Not a bullet, but a piece of glass? Will he be elected because of a piece of glass?[View]
78273283Why are /r9k/ egirls like this?[View]
78273252My father Richard J Littles penis is in the bottom picture. His penis is a micro-baby dick. The reas…[View]
78273272You know it's over when your women mail order other mens sperm[View]
78272800Why did god create me if he knew I was going to be so fucked up and retarded?[View]
78272680What is your opinion on this redditor?[View]
78271999I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck if a woman is fat so long as her tits are proportionate…[View]
78270718what are the mental affects of looking at lots of naked anime girls on the internet for over a decad…[View]
78273212>87K https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ol4cDkFLY78[View]
78273175-: >move to australia from third world country >start university degree >begin working as a…[View]
78272528how many drinks do you have a day[View]
78272248My fujo dreams have been crushed in front of me. I have been denied the experience of a true mmf thr…[View]
78271686how do i get my bf to forgive me: before him i slept around a few times and because of that he doesn…[View]
78273122>the only fans model has a smash the patriarchy tattoo lol[View]
78273051I'm making soup with hate instead of love, I hope it doesn't ruin the recipe.[View]
78260038/r9gay/ - #2373: captioned gifs edition png: >>78246426[View]
78272833this is modern society original[View]
78272923too pluh foo uny foo too pluh too uny bugu dem nesquik maffz[View]
78272317Where do you guys talk to other r9k anons now that omegle ia dead?[View]
78272824Today is my 6th day of water fasting and for some reason it is harder than the first two days. First…[View]
78272964>no girlfriend to cuddle with on a rainy thunderstorm night[View]
78272823how do i keep living? even the rage and spite isn't enough sometimes i mean it's not like …[View]
78272401I just realized that I'm fucking ugly, kek.[View]
78272853(This image is from the original thread) Wanna contact someone I encountered here.: Previously: >…[View]
78271916>God will never leave me nor forsake me please go to heaven anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
78272173>one chance at life >born the ugly race whitebros..…[View]
78272307Is humanity cannibalising itself or am i crazy[View]
78271946>poster had sex GET OFF OF MY BOARD. NOW. GET OFF. OF. MY. BOARD. NOW.[View]
78272127modern social media has brainwashed us into going against basic self preservation. the internet and …[View]
78272523I don't think I want to be loved or find someone who loves me. I think I might just be in love …[View]
78272703mexicans and jews... i hate them simple as[View]
78267447How did people start believing in anti-lolicon ideas?: Growing up on the internet I've never th…[View]
78272675blowies for boys awake past their bedtime <3[View]
78271500fembots how does it feel knowing you are inferior to stacy? everyone you will ever be with would pre…[View]
78272554how do you deal with the pathetic realization that humans are motivated more by fear and shame rathe…[View]
78272605How to cope with the fact that I will never do this?[View]
78271790I'm going to a mental hospital in 4 hours. Not really anxious about it other than settling in t…[View]
78272538>spent the summer getting railed by literal bbcs >got my ass ate so hard by a guy i came hand…[View]
78272571Are ya winning yet, son?[View]
78272145>started crashing the mall to look at cute young girls there[View]
78271659Nothing feels real anymore Is this just a consequence of LDAR Life is nothing but torture A nightmar…[View]
78266387/britfeel/: Penis Nilsen edition[View]
78272109as a gay man i can turn any gay men straight in just 10 minutes![View]
78271063Which side of your family is poor redneck and has uncles who went to jail and which side has medical…[View]
78270801Parents want to force us to work when we can't We spend our days feeling depressed in bed and n…[View]
78272492Day 360 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH >>78238668 KYS[View]
78272434Human beings are only really attractive for like 3 years(18-21) after that we all start to get ugly.…[View]
78272448im praying for that lesbianlurker to get hit by a train and as his body is ripped in half packs of b…[View]
78272443>22yo high school drop out with no prospects. >Got 02/100 in maths. Does anyone else have it a…[View]
78270071It's hot when you realize there are a bunch of 18-19 year old boys reading this board. A lot of…[View]
78270967Im 20 I can't drink I can't smoke I have no car How do I actually enjoy life?[View]
78272210Is it a good reason to leave your significant other if they've been ignoring you for 2 days str…[View]
78270467hey chuds if you want a nonfat gf you're delusional[View]
78271348Bullimics ! tell me how to reach bmi 15?: i am bullimic and used to be bmi 16 two years ago and now …[View]
78269898>oneitis asks me what anime I'm watching right now >Say Nagatoro >'Anon, that's …[View]
78272296I don't hate women because they have easier lives than men I hate women because they refuse to …[View]
78271904I made the mistake of getting a fat Woman interested in me, how do I let her down easily?[View]
78270323Can fembots ever Iove a robot with acne scars?[View]
78272221Reddit general: What subreddits do you browse and moderate? Have you come across any funny memes? I …[View]
78272124What do you talk to women about? I'm autistic and I only have like 3 conversational topics. Ani…[View]
78272083>Can I have some pussy? 'No.' >Can I have some pussy? 'No.' >Can I have some pussy? 'No.' …[View]
78272028>I hate women. Literally some of the most subhuman creatures on planet earth- >girl attention …[View]
78272240>But some years ago, the people who write the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure said, 'Hey, direct…[View]
78271593Explain this to me: For women, how can their view of sex be > Degrading and humiliating And at th…[View]
78271482AI companionship is subverting and obliterating the 'value' of females to smithereens[View]
78271661How is your circle of friends and family reacting to Kamala Harris becoming the presumptive Democrat…[View]
78271219Females say that they want to build an empire with you, but what they really mean is >you build t…[View]
78271639I'm tired of the evil and brokeness of this world, there is just so much horrible stuff out the…[View]
78272132There are cute Walmart girls looking for a BF right now and they don't have crazy standards[View]
78270685Manlets literally look subhuman next to men[View]
78247597/letter/: Scream into the void edition[View]
78271130What's the best way to deal with feminists?[View]
78269880Soo.. what do you boys do when you're bored?[View]
78272116How fucked am I: >Enter gym >Dap up all the gym regulars >Usual small talk >See gym gir…[View]
78271615My little sister tried to sneak in alcohol but I confiscated it from her now I'm drunk asf sipp…[View]
78271505mom's refusing to shave my neckbeard because I called her a bitch earlier[View]
78271840i'm in love with empath-chan: hi r9k i'm sure you all know your ruler empath-chan, isn…[View]
78272076Don't judge a man by where he gets off the horny train, but rather by when and where he gets on…[View]
78270551admin mod1 and modA start writing your explanation...[View]
78268661I feel emotional people are inherently dangerous, because emotions as is apeal to the impulsive, rea…[View]
78270950If you use Excel at your job there's a 90% chance you're an incel: I don't make the r…[View]
78271740>Has no success with women >Feels like an onlooker with relationships >terminally online …[View]
78271799This is what's going to happen if Kamala Harris wins, I need you to understand that.[View]
78271704BACK WITH THAT PLAN B DRINK: This is how ya'all be sounding sometimes fr xd YA'ALL ON THAT…[View]
78271752i have nerdy interests but hate nerdy people[View]
78271912I was never special: I'm just a mentally ill normie who wanted a sense of belonging so I went t…[View]
78271891She's dangerous[View]
78271893Last Friday I went to work drunk and I'll do it again today. I'm a shy extrovert and all o…[View]
78265940White people need to have more children. As a brown man I worship White people and we cannot lose th…[View]
78271849I wish I was 6'4 and had a 10 inch cock to slap everyone with.[View]
78271749Why do I not feel human? Every interaction I have I feel is inauthentic, like I am putting on a show…[View]
78268634Whats your most prized possession?[View]
78271797> dating apps > woman, 20s, is pregnant or has a kid. > 99% of the time it's: > No …[View]
78271134if ur an incel why dont u just have sex with another incel then neither of yall are incels anymore[View]
78271787gotta make squash like lemonade yep... yes siree.[View]
78271772I can't sleep alone. I need someone to cuddle with to feel safe[View]
78271579feeling inferior to normalfags: Maybe they're right all along. Whenever im forced to interact …[View]
78270997I love my qt pi trans gf: AMA: She's mine forever and we make each other happy![View]
78271716Cute males are unironically the only thing that keeps me going.[View]
78271644I have 200k on my bank account. I'm 28, never graduated high school, and I'm about to quit…[View]
78269559>born autistic >not even the good kind Holy fuck.…[View]
78271641It sucks to be a physical freak: If my problems were purely emotional I think I could cope. But I ha…[View]
78271249i never read a book in my entire life, does that mean i'm illiterate? english is not even my fi…[View]
78271438Guys I haven't jerked off for 2 days straight and I already feel like I'm gonna explode ho…[View]
78271574What is up with trannies and being so addicted to blacked and bnwo?: Is it because they're abso…[View]
78270650Non american anons, how are age gaps in relationships viewed in your country when compared to the US…[View]
78271457who else dum here lol[View]
78268523So fucking boredddd, rotting on my bed for years now, not even communicating w ppl online, idt im go…[View]
78270275Help me pick my escort for this weekend: I'm trying to pick my escort for this weekend. I usual…[View]
78270722Uuuuhhhh any fembots in quebec? I feel like I dont want anything other than a fembot. Bonus if unvax…[View]
78269722Would you date a fatty weeabo?[View]
78267877*locks you in a cage like an animal for owning a plant*[View]
78271474MILF issue: When I go out there are nothing but milves. Then I come back home and check 4chan gif th…[View]
78271442>We go to a party >And everyone turns to see >This beautiful that's lady walking aroun…[View]
78270820AI fantasy tech is subverting and decimating the 'value' of females to smithereens[View]
78269029>no autistic shy gf to navigate life with[View]
78270524Guys, If you went to africa with a ton of cash, started paying the women there to have sex with you,…[View]
78271422I've never spent a cent on condoms, STD medication, or child support[View]
78267386Cute redhead at the gym again. Ive seen for for years but never talked to her once. I gained enough …[View]
78271378avatar anime greenlight it, jc t rad[View]
78271135I am pro lgbt because im pro eugenics: Whats so beautiful about it is that only the worthless bloodl…[View]
78270995Why can't trannies just leave children alone?[View]
78271372My brothers gf is on vacation but for some reason they seem to still spend hours on the fone every d…[View]
78271312and here goes my last cope, the money cope[View]
78271341guys im getting eepy[View]
78271216Big things coming up.[View]
78269975To Women, I resent you. You can't successfully argue you're innocent anymore and you keep …[View]
78271302someone call this condiment bizarre now[View]
78270065Would you live Chris Chan's life if you knew you would get a loyal loli gf and live happily eve…[View]
78271264>tall aristocratic blonde man who is a living folk hero dodging bullets >replaced with a sass…[View]
78271215I dont know what I want in life anons Im truly lost[View]
78267989Who was your favorite character in Game of Thrones at the beginning and finally at the end?[View]
78270899>mom walked in on me sucking her dildo So how should I kill myself?[View]
78269740I fucking HATE attractive people[View]
78271223Capitalism is based, nephew. Money is sublime.[View]
78269607>groom and rape a 12 year old girl >only go to jail for a year >marry and have kids with a …[View]
78271191Why would these girls laugh at you?[View]
78270491I watched Twilight. Fucking kino.[View]
78269275i'm going to drop out of college, i'm tired of the faculty professors that only talk and r…[View]
78270878How do I make a girl: Fall in love with me and trust me so much that she takes a loan in her name fo…[View]
78270427Yes, I do believe in God.[View]
78269947:<: >be me >male >6'0 >rich >white >good education >likeable personalit…[View]
78271069>you finally get to bag that qt you've been lusting after your whore life >you end up dat…[View]
78270976ayooooooooooooooo im black fr[View]
78269939Why is it so wrong for me to wish I was born female? I want to wear dresses and makeup and be a moth…[View]
78269800women, out!: Not a single one of you us incel. Why are u here?[View]
78271084>Normies in 2000s: Weed bad >Normies now: Weed good What is something bad that is gonna become…[View]
78271099/i wish I had some lsd so much. i smoked enough dmt and ayahuasca, i could handle a thumbprint. just…[View]
78271094having a bbw fetish is literally living life on easy mode[View]
78271082>man is aggressively hostile towards fags and trannies >looks like the biggest twink or femboy…[View]
78269084Hey trannies of /r9k/, I have a question. A girl I know (a real one, with a vagina ((I've seen …[View]
78271006if anyone is like into cars,politics,memes,games,reading,music,and or films MESSAGE MEEE ON INSTA!!!…[View]
78269918neet quinnard is literally me fr[View]
78269260I'll bite the normalfag bait advice and start working on myself until next year to see if there…[View]
78268993fish has a lot of fatty acids, which is good for brain, so whats the cheapest most nutritious seafoo…[View]
78270504embrace the succ[View]
78270949Any gov employees here that think its funny to do the opposite of your job at work?[View]
78269258normies vs robots vs sex: Recently I had an experience that made me think incels have it worse than …[View]
78270559>I hope you dont mind that mommy brought her friend over anon:) want a drink?…[View]
78268806h-husbado, what is this thingu?[View]
78270449Having sex with another man isn't necessarily gay. Sometimes you just need a hole to fuck the e…[View]
78270907Legal highs anybody?: There's some Pepe's in the streets trying to send you some work; we …[View]
78270749I wish I could convert to Judaism. Or at least learn more about it. Books can only take you so far.[View]
78269182Has any straight guy here been with a guy before? How was the experience? Would you do it again?[View]
78270858Happy last 2 hours of hump day here, chloe hopes you all had a good day and wants you to drink water…[View]
78269756Why have moids lost all concept of Woman as 'Goddess'?: The traditional male-female dynamic, honored…[View]
78269678Why don't femanons approach men? There are lots of men who would love you just for making the f…[View]
78267933Why are women more hostile and misandrist towards men now than before?[View]
78270688Human behavior and success is 100% determined by your genetics and environment (both things you have…[View]
78270160Bitchass sister.: I open hand slapped my 3rd sister during my moms final will hearing today.[View]
78265453What do you think about self check out?[View]
78269950I've been going to court ordered therapy and narcotics anonymous meetings for two months. Every…[View]
78270538Men here often talk about preferring a flat chest or small boobs. I don't really see how that…[View]
78270760cut or uncut? what do y'all think? personally i'm uncut, pulling back my foreskin is very …[View]
78270451Why don't you date a black, hood goddess?[View]
78269416what is the easiest way to turn 50000 into 1 million in 3 years?[View]
78270736The Great Chud Meltdown[View]
78269452Family Hate Thread: Vent, reply, advise, troll, whatever thou wilt >All spineless cowards with no…[View]
78269508okayso nobody here is a neet anymore right if you are do u want to be my friend? I want a friend to …[View]
78270698Women alway leave you when you love them the most: But you haven't learned that yet.[View]
78269423blowies for neets <3[View]
78270407how do i get my first job? im 21, never had a job. ive put in like 15 or so applications for stores…[View]
78270025I'm antinatalist because it pisses off Elon.[View]
78270262>On September 18th, 2005, actor and comedian SpongeBob SquarePants attempted suicide by cutting h…[View]
78270335Why does sex, especially oral feel so much better with Asians? How come they have that velvet throat…[View]
78265545Drawing thread: Doing sketches for a while Feel free to request stuff or post your own drawings Have…[View]
78270546>weak chin/jaw Grow a beard (can use minoxidil) >Balding Finasteride and minoxidil >Broke…[View]
78268680good god. Why can't white whores look like this?[View]
78268113You are walking through town and come across this girl, what do you do[View]
78270532i just want friends i dont care about whores[View]
78268939Femanon why are you like this?[View]
78268756most incest bros can live in blissful ignorance thinking it's just a fantasy, that it's no…[View]
78270007Why doesn't real life work like this?[View]
78270459I'm jealous of men who have thick dense hair. I just want to Rob Zombie maxx. How much longer u…[View]
78270206Do you know anyone who drives a Mercedes?[View]
78268671The new manager t my job looks like this guy and I can't take him seriously[View]
78269720>Big-Lipped Alligator Moment! >OF COURSE >They gave him a BAT. CREDIT CARD???? >I was FR…[View]
78268600My Life After 4chan: >be me >have wfh job that pays well and have plenty of free time to do wh…[View]
78269463Why aren't you taking the car home pill >FREE roof over your head >ZERO rent to jewish/bo…[View]
78270328I am in a world of shit, and there's gonna be heck to pay for it[View]
78270231How do I avenge us?: How do I get my revenge on women without it being illegal i e in a non violent …[View]
78269012How's your search for a black queen coming along?[View]
78269519If Hitler never existed or rose to power I wouldn't exist >Grandparents met on base during …[View]
78270136i am going to read dragon ball unril i fall asleep[View]
78268384What's your go-to masturbation fantasy?[View]
78269807Are there anons here who have a glove fetish? Is that even a thing?[View]
78269851>talk to a woman >literally any woman >even a guttersnipe >has dozens of suitors at any …[View]
78269384show me 1 (one) good video essay[View]
78270056My Pingu stickers[View]
78269884My parents forced me to break up with a girl who was deeply in love with me. Feels bad man. (Before …[View]
78268897>women have amazing breasts, asses, faces, smells, feeling, touch Shame that vaginas are fucking …[View]
78269298How do you manage your hobbies?: I need to: >digitise five long books (from 800 to 400 pages leng…[View]
78269723Nbappe is better than Messy, ne?[View]
78269825>be me >a gross scenario pops into my head (ex. Worms crawling on me) >try to ignore it but…[View]
78264201Everywhere you look there's colleges. So why is everyone so stupid? There's more colleges …[View]
78269524Can someone please kill me, can't be bothered to live anymore[View]
78269955Have a good night, r9k.[View]
78269362So many men out there found love and happiness with a brown woman, but you guys still refuse to even…[View]
78269564You could have this too if you left your room more often.[View]
78269179>constantly imagining events happening and reacting to them it's exhausting me…[View]
78269606Stop fucking with the lightswitch[View]
78269816Blackcels: Don't believe 4chan. White girls want Tyrones. Black girls would choose Sheldon ass …[View]
78269810People these days do not know how to feel real emotion. For them, emotion is something that is to be…[View]
78268420The Devil is a FAGGOT!!![View]
78267554>used to watch the most depraved porn >have only been able jacking off to simply tits shaking …[View]
78269694Im going to eat meat. What shoukd I get?[View]
78269477Lmao imagine starting a clothing store and naming it THE GAP[View]
78269730Terrorists, your game is through 'Cause now you have to answer to[View]
78269657LETS DANCE! https://youtu.be/Riw9vMvvrFA?si=se0tMb-eN6AejcBP[View]
78269616Would you take a black girl out on a swim date?[View]
78268224What about this is attractive to women?[View]
78269681ami ur a fat stupid idiot moron peice of shit cunt and i want you to stop contacting me or posting a…[View]
78269619I want to jack off into Hooni poster's face.[View]
78269278>mfw you can ignore logic and disagree about everything It's a choice. https://youtube.com/s…[View]
78269602>fat women threads >black women threads >brown women threads I miss when /r9k/ was filled w…[View]
78269283Give me some proper advice and I will give you up to glory and riches, your way You know who this is[View]
78269579This must be how trannies feel when people are disgusted by them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byt…[View]
78268860Thoughts on hairjobs?[View]
78265915Another day of not having been born in Japan.[View]
78269556i reckon that we better not knowin where we been or where we been goin[View]
78269553Putana was a demoness sent by Kansa to kill the infant Krishna by breastfeeding him with her poisone…[View]
78269469Atheists/wrongdoers bullied the kid mercilessly. I befriended him so he could have something good in…[View]
78230792/30+ thread/: 30+ Thread How's your life going?[View]
78269214ITT: Link an old dead post: >>>/adv/24363745[View]
78269122you want what you want but you dont wanna be on ur knees[View]
78267674Say her name in count of three 1 2 3[View]
78267062I'm sorry.: it just has to be. I'm only 20, but I'm deathly afraid of aging and the w…[View]
78268357i hate that normalfags have no hobbies, i can never be a part of any social group or have more than …[View]
78269427I've never tried dating, though I want to try. There is a problem, I have autism. Does this mea…[View]
78268911I have a low libido and its amazing: So I had this disease since high school and I have to take meds…[View]
78268287Dad knocked on my door: > Dad knocks on my door > Panic, close laptop > Open door closeby, …[View]
78266063Can someone tell me why people support Palestine when it's controlled by Hamas? The messaging c…[View]
78269295Fembot Ranking: In this thread, I will be ranking every fembot, from my most favorite to least favor…[View]
78269217I think I might be turning ... evil picrel[View]
78268201For too long us incels have been ostracized from society, by Chads and normies who relentless use ma…[View]
78268924Inceldom is caused by capitalism[View]
78268826LUXURY BUILDINGS: >live in a luxury building >head to your rooftop pool >looking to relax …[View]
78268476Young man (woman?), why have you given up on society, relationships, jobs...life?: Corporations need…[View]
78268539You now have 52 hours to live.[View]
78269265where is tinker?`[View]
78268554Ideal Bf/Gf Thread: Post your ideal partner! >age >race/nationality >height >physical fe…[View]
78269226Why don't you just fuck cougar milfpussy if you're so desperate?[View]
78269211Beyonce owes me sex[View]
78268007Is prostitution the solution for us incels? For me, it was the only way to access sex and getting in…[View]
78269142I started new hobbies to get me busy so I don't have time to be depressed or think about women.…[View]
78269150I hate interacting with people because of how many social and status games they play. Not to mention…[View]
78268694Snus Experience >Be me >With Friends >Trying to quit cigarettes >Friend hands me this th…[View]
78269002>be me >me be >goddamn >i am…[View]
78267857How's your day going today guys I'm going to watch fireworks tonight (we do that on the 24…[View]
78267803How do i have sex with a hijabi?: >Be a muslim girl >Wear hijab for modesty reasons >Stick …[View]
78268962>Browse redpill content on YouTube >Wow women are such horrible people >Browse r/twoxchromo…[View]
78268682How to get unhypnotized: I was hypnotized some weeks ago but right now I want it to stop, since I do…[View]
78269036Feels like women are uneasy around me compared to my friends. I am not even threatening, just shy an…[View]
78269040>the only way I can have sex is if I pay women for it Is there a more pathetic existence?…[View]
78269014how would u.: Just for a fantasy, how would u like to cook, prepare or eat me? I am 21 yo boy , fro…[View]
78268969I notice that people only reply to me when I'm not using frogs. what's your problems.[View]
78264555would robots reject her?[View]
78268861i think i found my wife (she draws too!, and quite well, i might add)[View]
78268670Whats your view about trannies/gays being groomers? Personally I feel like people who are degenerate…[View]
78268942Do you claim any government welfare?[View]
78268373i started crypto draining but nothing happened and i forgot about it for like 2 days today i opened …[View]
78266998Robots would you ever attend a female glory hole where you could suck on some anonymous vag in a hol…[View]
78266430My balls hurt when I jack off: I masturbated with lotion for the first time last night and the nut w…[View]
78268724Why cant people stop lying? I understand telling the truth can be uncomfortable sometimes but holy s…[View]
78268830How fucked am I: >Enter gym >Dap up all the gym regulars >See gym girl I spoke to a couple …[View]
78266984just ate chocolate chip pancakes with mrs. butterworth's why dont i feel joy, i feel empty even…[View]
78268386Satan_summoning_his_Legions,_1796-1797_by_Sir_Thomas_Lawrence.jpg All the power Satan has over your …[View]
78268685foids when youre getting raped by that black guy who you thougtht was your friend, dont come crying …[View]
78268321I'm so tired of me thoughts... God, think through me![View]
78262555being sleepy all day and taking it easy[View]
78267849what makes this place so addicting[View]
78267488Kamala Harris is a cuck betabuxxing for white stacy[View]
78268472Sell your evil soul to yourself[View]
78268323Never anticipated how much pain a woman can inflict. What the fuck.[View]
78267438Did anyone else's parents realize that you were a loser from a young age and start emotionally …[View]
78267699>ppl skip me on chitchat when i say im 23 even tho ppl mistake me as a teen irl i feel so sad how…[View]
78268552DeAndre Anderson: Who is he? What did he post?[View]
78268563Why do you hate Ran so much?[View]
78268380breaking up with someone over text robs their soul of an emotional and transformative closure. it is…[View]
78268339everything but autism thread: r9k is traditionally the 'autism board' so this is a thread for people…[View]
78268525Being in a long distance relationship is worse than being single: My girl is moving to America to li…[View]
78268256I'm posting Among Us[View]
78266536Why do you still browse here? Why haven't you quit 4chan?[View]
78268543Have you taken the Orc Pill yet?: Fuck the fattest and ugliest women possible. Ghost them immediatel…[View]
78265705Which song would you add to a rape playlist?[View]
78268353>Avril Lavigne will be 40 in a couple months[View]
78266931making irl friends: how do you even go about making irl friends? I see people posting saying stuff l…[View]
78268324Pic related is what happens if you cum more than 10 times in a single day.[View]
78268101Is this why I enjoyed spongebob so much?[View]
78268108Women can't feel love. Most men would marry a woman that works on Starbucks and live with her p…[View]
78266842>pale skin >brown hair and eyes kms[View]
78267519If even one pediatrician was actually fucking serious there'd be a class action lawsuit against…[View]
78268252Why don't you just get a chubby titted gf?[View]
78268237femanon foot fetish[View]
78267954necrotron i know you're lurking here you faggot[View]
78266859I know I should make an effort to quit porn, however it feels too good to goon another day away. It…[View]
78266763Every time I post about my imaginary wife and children, Obsessive daydreaming and generally living i…[View]
78265959its not funny anymore: I'm a 25 year old friendless virgin. They say you'll end up where y…[View]
78268314Pic Related is my standard for women: Are my standards may be too high for normie women? Where do yo…[View]
78263556Any femcels into vibrators?[View]
78268358I'm only attracted to strong and independent females with self-esteem issues. I want to keep te…[View]
78268253>be white >only women to ever compliment me ever in person(exceedingly rarely but still happen…[View]
78267757Women are Reddit[View]
78268283It's kind of funny that the most horrible slur you could ever call a tranny is his own name[View]
78268245Catholics, how do you explain......... >your devotion to Mary? Matthew 12:46 >priests and the …[View]
78264447/Sorcery/ General: Everyone knows that /x/ is full of hylics and arcanine is where the TRUE wizards …[View]
78268227Women can't feel love. Most men would marry a woman that works at Walmart and live with her par…[View]
78268198>nice coworkers stop saying hi[View]
78266858Anons im not a tranny but idea of being a hot girl sure is cool Having soft skin , luscious hair an…[View]
78266328So now it's come to this[View]
78267575What do you think the top comment was? >https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/1eb85io/…[View]
78267763you are not ugly, just poor: never forget this https://nypost.com/2024/07/19/lifestyle/powerball-jac…[View]
78268212Tomorrow It will be the first time I will pose for a naked drawing for an artist. Wish me luck or a…[View]
78268120>nations upon nations consisting of countless humans >not one (1) woman wants to be tickled…[View]
78267991do you have any pro tips on how I can meet women and find a gf in my city?[View]
78268187I'm not racist, but this was good. https://www.tiktok.com/@jook_222/video/7143606682382519554…[View]
78266386>rich >celebrity Hollywood parents >good looking >had male and female friends >got n…[View]
78242628Today I was diagnosed with schizoid personally disorder That...explains a lot Any other schizoids h…[View]
78267595once i get full body plastic surgery it's over for you niggers hahahaahah[View]
78262012wtf do i even do today? i have all the time in the world but life is just so boring. i cant even fin…[View]
78267624For the people who are into abuse: Would you rather deal with a partner who is into it, experienced …[View]
78265425Why do women complain about being a housewife? Its literal easymode >do dishes, takes like 5 mins…[View]
78267287He definitely transitioned to avoid the backlash when the allegations eventually came out, right? He…[View]
78265842>0 social life, really want friends >download a friend app >delete after 5 minutes because …[View]
78268029I haven't seen this little chipmunk that lives in my yard today. I've been seeing him aro…[View]
78267865Now we can see arse pouring out. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jYP9mx8HXGQ[View]
78267304I'm a wrongdoer and I'm up to no good.[View]
78266180Name someone more based the Joshua Block. You can't. He is the embodiment of kino.[View]
78267302r-robotchan you can't!!![View]
78267098>degenerate troon gets called out for having shadman art hung up on his wall and talking to a 14 …[View]
78267787/r9k/ meta thread: I've just seen a post about some robot here wanting to lose weight and the j…[View]
78267499Why are there so few dominant girls who like short femboys?[View]
78267964why artists in real life always such faggots? you never meet a keyed lolikon artist or something lik…[View]
78267967Talking to women in college: So don't know if you remember me, I made threads last week about t…[View]
78267956Are you ready to die? I'll repeat: are you ready to die? Because if you die as a loser, then yo…[View]
78267159If you're not wearing chains you're NGMI: Women don't have the time to be getting to …[View]
78267516I'm so glad I'll never be famous if sexting with a minor and reposting 2d shadman porn is …[View]
78267861I was raped by older woman when I was 7 am I considered incel or just that I hit the wall.[View]
78265801how do I get a gf as a schizotypal freak?[View]
78267853are we excuited for the avatar anime?[View]
78267658Am I cursed? >house I grew up in had fucked up plumbing and we couldn't take warm showers (t…[View]
78267798>people need specific reasons and religions to not act like a shitty nigger >they still act li…[View]
78267744I will stay away from men. Men are vile. Men are horrible. Men create pain and suffering. Men are in…[View]
78266006The KEY to getting a girlfriend...: >Known guy for 20 years >Quit school in 2008 and became a …[View]
78267707this bitch wants me all to herself cuz she knows imma bout to be rich (elite film maker) why are foi…[View]
78267465the atheists and people who are too attached to materialist dogma are going to have a bad time in th…[View]
78267009What do you call it when you have an image of something in your mind and you think in images or sort…[View]
78263759average fembot ass[View]
78266091Psycho JOBS: There are job positions out there where they're looking for a psychopath with no e…[View]
78266286Locking the haus and going out to clear my head.[View]
78267229>always tell people to open up cuz its healthy >never open up to anybody…[View]
78264092Do people really consider Kant deep or insightful? What he wrote seems trivial to me.[View]
78267586the only thing that brings me joy now is making people upset[View]
78267431how can i love someone else when i can't even love myself?[View]
78266135Why do women get tattoos when men don't like them?[View]
78267579what kind of tricks should I train her to do /r9k/?[View]
78266926my grandpa smokes so much fucking weed my mum told me he has been smoking almost constantly and i ne…[View]
78265108chat noir: I'd love to pound his cute little boypussy so much. Practically made to be bred. Thi…[View]
78267544god made me ouf of pizza rolls so i could bash the fash[View]
78267415It happened, the catfish/girl came back[View]
78266451Why am I so autistic? A girl wanted to give me her number and I said no. I didn't realize until…[View]
78266194>23 >Working dead end job >Figure out fuck this, I might do something about it >Thoughts…[View]
78267435I've become stuck with my ed and I need some advice getting over this hill to go back to losing…[View]
78266515Why must we drink this to be happy?[View]
78265821Is Taylor Swift /ourfembot/, or does her having had a friend disqualify her?[View]
78267493Bro messed up big time A woman with knowledge like that is hard to come by[View]
78265380Choose ice cream flavor[View]
78264887Is makeup morally wrong?[View]
78264535>Women genuinely believe this.[View]
78267395be smart: >be me >be dumb >go on twitter >go to comments on some political post/conspira…[View]
78266846mfw googling a list of all hobbies in order to do something other than playing video games and watch…[View]
78267111>women like men for what they can provide >unless said man is 8/10+ Life as a 8+ male us like…[View]
78266376How do you cope with not having a loving condom popping gf? If I don't have a girl leg lock me …[View]
78266244Should 20+ year old virgins with jobs be forced to sustain a findomme? There's a growing econom…[View]
78267114>thread where you're supposed to post your work >my high effort stuff gets ignored >lo…[View]
78265428If you can't see women as anything other than romantic options or sexual objects, you'll n…[View]
78266439I support atheists/wrongdoers.[View]
78266398sweet treats: to many porn threads, time for a sweet treats threads. so what kind of sweet treats do…[View]
78265970>from fembot to total Chad Why is transmaxxing not seen as a viable option for a better life by l…[View]
78266712how do i stop hating brown people? it's too hard[View]
78267147What's your excuse for not being a famous streamer?[View]
78265560I'm curious about the users of this board, can you guys tell me what major did you take in univ…[View]
78267162Project KH47: >tax the middle/working class at 90% >abortions up to 2 years after birth Do you…[View]
78266956>in this video my friend Kris Tyson the troon groomer is trapped inside a preschool. If he can re…[View]
78267189Where is worse to be an incel?[View]
78267228imagine setting a car on fire, that would ruin someone's week[View]
78263023Russian girl = Slut: Why are Russian girls such massive Whores when their culture is all about tradi…[View]
78266513Why is it that we try to give pets the specific conditions they need to be fully developed and happy…[View]
78267167>just remembered the guy who used to regularly post /r9k/ creative threads >it's been mon…[View]
78265182Who's the real winner here?[View]
78267183>listen I don't want to get into to much inside baseball or blow my own horn but my father w…[View]
78266604>diligently put sunscreen everyday >been working out in the sun for the past 3 months >just…[View]
78266417first time fasting: I am going to fast for 3 days starting now and hopefully update with results. bi…[View]
78265194Those who are concerned only with themselves suffer the most[View]
78267026how do people gain followers and become popular without having OF like artists for example how do th…[View]
78267112>want to move out from shithole apartment because the work office is moved far away >have to p…[View]
78267109Revenge of the nerds: I just realized that trannydom is the true revenge of the nerds or beta uprisi…[View]
78266663I split with my gf because she was always mad and shouting, she made me feel sad and anxious all the…[View]
78266508>take picrel and put it bellow a pic you already have >post results…[View]
78267077>Mom, the other girls at school said anon's still a virgin and he's 18 now! I'm ta…[View]
78266731Why are children better at handling arguments than adults? We expect adults to be perfectly capable …[View]
78266124Why didn't you have experiences like this?[View]
78266996anyone remember that SEA girl which was posted regularly here back then?[View]
78266825I legitimately don't know how to stop caring about what other people think about me. I was taug…[View]
78266767my chicken was too salty and i have a tummy ache[View]
78266785>like someone >immediate urge to be unnecessarily mean to them instead of giving positive atte…[View]
78266041I am going to kill myself because I will never live up to the standards of what a man should be[View]
78266963>not an aristocrat >war veteran >charming >intelligent >handsome >gregarious >a…[View]
78266943what do you think of my recommended[View]
78266219What would you have done in that situation? Would you have ate the sandwich?[View]
78266936i want a girl to suck my dick while i play video games[View]
78266589Why don't you just get a sexy tall gf?[View]
78266750Thou shall ne'r be able to post this exact post. Art thou going to cry?[View]
78266823let's say hypothetically I made 32 million usd from buying amd and nvidia stock from the years …[View]
78266343If I had money I'd keep a pet[View]
78264429my dick is fucking tiny[View]
78264420I'm 6'2 7/10 khhv with a 7.5inch dick: Whine about how I'm playing low difficulty and…[View]
78265896Aren't you glad Reddit exists?[View]
78266741Would u fuck the goat Be honest ? Plus goats have vaginas that are quiet similar to human ones[View]
78266829I hate women cause i feel like they should appreciate men for whats insode us (semen), not what we h…[View]
78266827A bloke and a bird.[View]
7826645599 percent of detrans troons are female to male troons[View]
78266730Which one is green /r9k/?[View]
78265209Fat girls: why are girls like this almost never attracted to their fat-ass male counterparts, or eve…[View]
78266580>Get pissed off at slow driver on the road >Finally make it past him >Take time out of your…[View]
78265224> turns out to be pedophile That's hysterical.[View]
78266617You'll never be able to post this exact post. Are you going to cry?[View]
78266691Life (until failure): Gym/brats/, you are strong, but how are you doing the hardest exercise of them…[View]
78266688If you never had sex without condom you're worse than a virgin The girl is practically saying …[View]
78265433Can't afford ozembic because I'm a neet. How do I fucking lose 100 pounds? >don't …[View]
78266674>not all elites are epstien >not all neets are adam lanza…[View]
78266056Billions must die and kiss boys! :3[View]
78266521holy shit i can't stop furiously jerking my dick off to wmam porn[View]
78266109>a friend says she wants to try out wrestling with you, 'it'd be fun!' >sure why not >…[View]
78266624My favorite song from new order is 1963.[View]
78266231Brutal blackpill: >the $3 million dollar a year surgeon self IMPROOOOVER vs >the sex addict j…[View]
78264823you guys are just kidding about being virgins, right? especially you guys in Western countries where…[View]
78266527>41 years old >still fapping 4-7 times per day I'm tired bros. All I think about is perve…[View]
78257577Drugfeel - #1198: >Comunity-driven substance encyclopedia. psychonautwiki.org >Virtual trips…[View]
78265999IQ Black pill: >Be me >Finally get a job after 4 years of neetdom >Get trained by a guy yo…[View]
78266418No amount of alcohol and internet attention could fill the void deep and dark in my soul hole. Oh my…[View]
78265932I wanna quit drinking and hard drugs then i remember that i wasted my teens years listening to the t…[View]
78262680/britfeel/: Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV edition[View]
78266405the internet is boring until you realize there are real people on it.[View]
78266331>watch porn >cum >less than 1 femtosecond later porn is now suddenly disgusting, close all …[View]
78265946Another day waking up late and spending all my time on 4chan[View]
78265434If Kamala Harris wins. All genetic non-chad men and autists will be forced to register as sex offend…[View]
78260981I have the opportunity to ruin a chicks life, should I do it: So I have some old nudes of a chick as…[View]
78265982To Women, I resent you. There I said it. Anon https://youtu.be/KFbE6hOkwqU?si=gRADrVHuJPy5dwWt[View]
78266252Tell me why I shouldn't take out my pent up rage on Anons.[View]
78265234>Here, anon. I brought what you asked for. Now will you fuck me?[View]
78264770What do these women actually do? Assume that I have zero knowledge about the economy and explain how…[View]
78265492/creep/ thread: Tell stories of you creeping on women or give creepmaxxing tips >be 2 weeks into …[View]
78264886Cuckqueans of /r9k/: Do you get off on yourself being humiliated or your BF getting off?[View]
78262507Talking to women: Remember the threads I made last week about talking to women in college? Well I ga…[View]
78266201Say the line, plapjak >Tinder has fallen, billions must plap[View]
78265220When did all of the betavirgin internet incels start talking like Christian conservatives about sex?…[View]
78265391Do you guys remember the lockdowns? Funniest shit ever, seeing normies lose their minds living for a…[View]
78264187With how fat brown and generally ugly most women are, especially here in SE Michigan, ive realized t…[View]
78265935Have any white anons ever tried dying their hair blonde to see how you look? I see that xQc does it.…[View]
78264375Happy birthday Elliot: Wish our lil supreme gentleman a happy birthday[View]
78262851why are white men such rapists? they rape everything they see. whether it's a child or a civili…[View]
78265934i'm about to be able to get laid: i'm decent looking (a 10/10 for this board) and i'm…[View]
78265481What is the best protocol to increase penis size, hardness, and libido? Overall sexual health[View]
78265354hi guys its my friend elliots birthday today and hes lonley can u say happy birthday to him[View]
78265623Do you feel distant from your family ?: Do you feel distant from your family Anons ? I know I do. …[View]
78266144Childless cat ladies[View]
78265573Why am I here?: Been thinking about it for a bit, this board is where a lot of incels dwell, and her…[View]
78259526Go to r/femcelgrippysockjail and bring something back[View]
78266118somebody tell me where matalan come from[View]
78265166The chad test: Do this pose and let the tip of your chin rest between the angle of the index and thu…[View]
78266029Why do normies keep giving bullshit advice to autists and incels? Are they trying to sabotage us on …[View]
78262830I always found it hilarious how American conservatives are pretty much anti academia and humanities …[View]
78266050>>78265210 Why was this thread deleted? the only rule on /r9k/ is no /soc/ threads and don…[View]
78263306Is it possible to cure a momcest fetish?[View]
78265157What the boy?[View]
78265943>Experiences housing market crash in 2008 >Somehow causes global recession Am I missing someth…[View]
78265789how to befriend other gymcels IRL?: how do i make friends with the other gymcels at my gym IRL?…[View]
78265110analysts predict the chinese government will use ai to fully automate building houses from resource …[View]
78265990The only person that texts me is the J. Crew factory promotions bot that I'm too lazy to unsubs…[View]
78259716Why don't you just get an Indian gf?[View]
78265924>*sigh* >'You weren't really gooning to the thought of me AGAIN, were you, anon?'…[View]
78263182would you stay plugged full time if your gf demanded it?[View]
78265837How should I cope with the fact that IWNBAW?[View]
78262369do robots wear fishnets now that they're seen as gender-neutral?[View]
78264979>It turns out that agency is a giant meme, we are just shaped by our circumstances, and it's…[View]
78265783Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the form…[View]
78265756>buy myself some apples >specifically inspect them to ensure they have little to no bruising …[View]
78263905to my fren: meow meow, meeowww, meeowyumioww... mreowll mreowll, meow meow meow mrrrppeowwll. ^^; me…[View]
78264134the FUCKING voices won't stop I want revenge[View]
78265730Meets your gaze.: >Sends message into your brain telepathically Total alcohol extinction >You …[View]
78264765who should i marry <--- nat or bryn ---> or BOTH!!! <--- (THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER btw)[View]
78265686how do i get a clingy, needy, emotionally demanding gf who loves me unconditionally even though im a…[View]
78265430i think i'll just continue to rotmaxxing to keep the romantic fantasy alive. otherwise, i'…[View]
78265352This is me catalog. It reflects me peace of mind.[View]
78265635>be me >think im pretty good looking >have great hair >go and get haircut >hair now v…[View]
78265559>add someone from /soc/ >get their discord, agree to play minecraft >play and VC for 3 hour…[View]
78265570About atheits/wrongdoers.[View]
78265526The perfect woman doesn't exi—: https://www.xvideos.com/video.ulhcvev146c/submissive_girlfriend…[View]
78263529Yes, women are actually retarded >be me, wageslave cuckQUEEN cashier >work >its hot and I h…[View]
78264462>seems there's a new policy of cashiers having to smile at the customer in the store i go to…[View]
78263713There are cute Walmart QT girls looking for a BF. Why aren't you asking them out for dates?[View]
78265489I wish I had the opportunity to act mean to normalfags like the chad in this webm. So satisfying[View]
78262468Why do you want a gf? Women are all whores.[View]
78265159>tfw no qt latina gf who listens to lana del rey[View]
78265389me: I can't believe I'm doing this Fuck it, how do I look?[View]
78259423NEED: FUCK I want an average looking fembot to cuddle with inb4 'you say average but you're rea…[View]
78265412gentlemen, I've decided to grow out a goatee and go by the name of Hector Randall.[View]
78264748what is the point of living if you are an ugly autistic man[View]
78262144why do i want to be a girl for no reason: i dont want to troon out, because i would be hideous, but …[View]
78264191People are irrationally disgusted by bugs. If you learned a sterilized cockroach was sinked into a g…[View]
78264740Do girls exist that are actually asocial and have no friends or people they talk to aside from their…[View]
78264160I've gone through 3 and 1/2 years of hell and inflation, now woke idiots are wanting to vote Ku…[View]
78264402What's the deal with this recent feminist trend of referring to women in the singular form? …[View]
78264899Shut the fuck up, shitskins[View]
78265081What is the most useful thing you learned on 4chan?[View]
78263891You want to have a discussion online?: >yapping >who tf asked >didn't read lol >kee…[View]
78262877Good morning. I fucking hate being a woman.[View]
78265040My purpose in life is to give my money to hot women.[View]
78262628Penguniz0: >hey guys *insert name here* is le bad because he did something bad >see guys? I ha…[View]
78263654Seriously though what the fuck is wrong with listening to video game soundtracks?[View]
78264868Asuka board[View]
78265233Why do some people get so upset when people have plenty of kids? If it's from the same woman an…[View]
78264586They're not even pretending it at this point: blackpill is mainstream knowledge now.[View]
78263223Remember when europoor incels were running up and down in excitement about Ukrainian women running a…[View]
78264556i want friends im lonely[View]
78264676summoning lesbianloserlurker *whoooosh*[View]
78262996*splash splash* haha[View]
78265083I just got unmatched by a beautiful girl on Bumble. I messaged her 'hey' and then she unmatched me..…[View]
78264027Do you robots know 'Yuki' means 'snow'?[View]
78264855I went outside today and I forgot deoderant and smelled really bad. I think there's something w…[View]
78263402On the latest lolcow podcast, Boogie said he's going to pimp out his teen gf on OF to pay the b…[View]
78265137Thoughts on this delicious and exciting video? https://vjav.com/videos/318867/japanese-ssbbw2/[View]
78265103This is why you fail in meditation. https://youtube.com/shorts/ELhGZEJPpDY[View]
78264842>need to buy more porn >already maxxed out my credit card I hate being poor.…[View]
78265041>the prettiest german woman in the world is a tranny how can adolf sisters can recover from this…[View]
78265027Listen to me, we don't have much time. This following is of dire consequence: you take a ball a…[View]
78263716Did you know? a tapir has the largest penis to body size ratio of any animal![View]
78264773how the fuck you become talkative? I'm tired of being so mute[View]
78265066you can't all the ball[View]
78265032Snapped a Pic of my big dick to a girl I know and am interested in and she replies with Ew Gross[View]
78264922Guys lets talk alcohol https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Alcohol[View]
78264635What's your personal opinion on this redditor? Imo she's a bit cunty but she can be pretty…[View]
78263453would you be friends with a fat guy? (490lbs) I make some mean carbonara and can bake almost any pas…[View]
78264620Yay it's anon's birthday happy birthday anon!![View]
78264085How do I tell the doctor I'm suicidal without getting committed?[View]
78261988I have never been this fucking motivated in my entire life. What the hell was I doing for 27 years? …[View]
78264750>Family keeps asking me what my plans are for the summer >Don't have any >Don't h…[View]
78264537Just saw this posted on Reddit haha.[View]
78247933if bug doesn't show me her googs im doxxing faillen and aisu sex tape[View]
78264666How late do you sleep?[View]
78263773I'm not one of those 'blacks should go back to Africa' types but I genuinely think that if you …[View]
78262320Femcel, would you stop being a femcel if a Congolese monster meat was hanging before your face?[View]
78264559Those letters...[View]
78264076Women aren't 4 me: I decided to stop being an incel and instead become a volcel. For now, I…[View]
78264145anyone else wish they were born in the trenches (the hood)? Drill makes this shit sound cool as fuck…[View]
78260151Why not settle down for a 4.5/10 rave gf?[View]
78264368I'm dying to suck robot cock[View]
78264478women always say they like intelligent men, though the average IQ doesn't seem to increase[View]
78264506No one wants a bald loser[View]
78260597How do autistic people cope knowing everyone secretly hates them?[View]
78264557Ugh this soup is so good, fuck.[View]
78264594If you write a paragraph of text and receive a one or two word answer, they find you annoying and th…[View]
78261912when did this board turn to shit: havent looked at this site in 5 years why is it so dogshit unfunny…[View]
78263597duolicious: >create an account a few months ago >set my preference as bisexual >upload my…[View]
78264606I'm already doing coffee&pouches wtf is going on? That really is everything.[View]
78262257Fucking sickening. Those people are way worse than any robot. And they will claim they are Christian…[View]
78263370(This image is from the original thread) Wanna make contact with someone I encounted here.: Previous…[View]
78262806>cute girl walks up to you >does pic rel what do?…[View]
78263845Hey femoids: Did you consume the new(old) cuteslop yet? You know you need 10 of them. Has all the ae…[View]
78264490I would want to make my gf's legs quiver and shake from an orgasm at least once a day, but ive …[View]
78263707Anti-biofem thread: Fuck them butches who flooded our board and who would never touch even the best …[View]
78264501If I was a skeleton I'd play the XYLOBONE[View]
78264469>BANG BANG BANG!!! YOU SHOOT G.I.! YOU SHOOT!!! PLAY!!!![View]
78264178Men, how abundant is your ejaculation?[View]
78256625WTF IS GOING ON: Why is every famous person exposed as being gay, pedo, or both. Ive heard that pedo…[View]
78264280What normies call 'body language', 'personality', 'vibes', 'aura', and 'confidence' is literally jus…[View]
78263339Fucking landlord room mate does not tie the fucking trash bags throwing it out wide open into the tr…[View]
78261902im what you people consider a normie and I think 95% of you are disgusting. but you've blocked …[View]
78263321Men be like: No matter how much I try ill never get a gf* because I'm an ugly 5'10 5/10 wi…[View]
78264400How to practice a new language as a social retard? I barely talk with people in my own language, ima…[View]
78264367>Be me >Alone with my brother >Talk about how dad's is never happy >I say he keeps …[View]
78264231Every time I feel down about my life, I remember that somewhere out there a lesbian wishes she was m…[View]
78264310What if incels are necessary for others to have sex?[View]
78264316anyone recognise this grifter? He runs a channel on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@arostheautist…[View]
78260736Over the past 5 years, has your mental health trended upwards or downwards?[View]
78263388Do you like it when a butt is barely covered?[View]
78264268>picture of my fp with someone else[View]
78260939Why can't you treat women like human beings? You realize women have emotions, desires, wishes,…[View]
78263610I'm going to drop acid and look at cat paws. have a good day[View]
78263847Neet and streaming porn: I'm 24 yrs old living in a small town in Texas, I haven't moved f…[View]
78263410average female dating standards: >dont be ugly >don't hit me pls >have a job (optiona…[View]
78264166Skibidi toilette is better than cameraman[View]
78263067Why do boomer right wing men think that being fat makes them manly[View]
78263881I'm a nigger and proud.[View]
78263434People for some reason: >OMG the highstreet is dying >*Buys from Amazon* >This is the fault…[View]
78263441right wing parents are the worst >low empathy >low iq >low impulse control…[View]
78262905anyone actually drink this shit? the green version not the yellow[View]
78264021Incel trannies and faggot trannies: I don't really have a problem with the trannies that were j…[View]
78263909The reason I have no motivation: to do anything whatsoever is me realizing I will never have this no…[View]
78263724I don't understand why people want girlfriends, I can hold my own hand, I can talk to myself, a…[View]
78263764>been rated 8/10 because I shave my head bald >have been stalked by a girl in hs >have been…[View]
78264009There's an ethnic guy at work who only talks to me with single word responses. I know he speaks…[View]
78263808>be troon >2 years hrt >dress femme with full makeup >look a bit clocky >dress like a…[View]
78262881Would you pay a pretty girl to own you as a pet?[View]
78258608/britfeel/: Holy Isle lighthouse edition[View]
78263018New meme. What do you think?[View]
78263898Nobody wants to talk to me because I look sad all the time I look sad all the time because I have no…[View]
78263830I bully trannies online: What do you think of it? I think it's funny.[View]
78263827Greetings, gentlemen![View]
78263809a whiny thread about gfs and bfs died for this post[View]
78263346I don't get why vampire girls can't be real. We live in such a cruel world...[View]
78259730Making friends as a 23 year old is literally impossible.[View]
78263542Can I please watch porn today?[View]
78260860Daily reminder that 'femcels' don't exist: Its impossible for females to be involuntarily celib…[View]
78263007I want girldong[View]
78262912If you would just be a well known college athlete you could have girls hitting in you by the time yo…[View]
78259026>the mentally ill tranny is also into little girls Woooooooow. Who would've thought?…[View]
78262779Good morning guys how is ur day today[View]
78263371Goggins just suffer brah mentality destroyed in under 5 minutes: https://youtu.be/OAfT84BEcxw?si=46y…[View]
78263569>God will never leave me nor forsake me not ashamed of hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIuqV…[View]
78254818>The relationship didn't end the way *I* wanted it to! >I was... LE GHOSTED…[View]
78261097Help, I've been getting more and more horny as of late and I jack off far more than I never did…[View]
78263541Mika wishes you a good morning![View]
78262600>opinion take >viewpoint take >belief take >stance take >feeling take >attitude ta…[View]
78262550Anal in the asian: Why are asian girls on another level of attractivity? I like white girls, arabic/…[View]
78261528Alcohol: What are your thoughts on Alcohol? Man's best friend or liver-hurting juice? Do you dr…[View]
78263076Chitchat: I told someone to kill themselves(AS A JOKE) on chitchat and got permabanned. Am I in trou…[View]
78262109Prostagma? Etios![View]
78263262Brutal Truth Nuke: Women are the real problems in any relationship, NOT MEN.[View]
78263101Alright, no more asking for work.[View]
78263169I'm getting $800 this Friday. Beer cost $20. Vape cost $30. Weed cost $10. Pre-workout cost $10…[View]
78261001I am surprised that this website has been allowed to exist for this long. I would have imagined it g…[View]
78263238>Women regularly flirting with me >Have to hold back the charisma and cant flirt back because…[View]
78262515Do women prefer men with larger butts? Should I start buttmaxxing?[View]
78262894What are you eating today frens? I made myself banana bread with oats and nuts today. Did you know t…[View]
78263344Permastoned: I stopped smoking weed about a year ago cause it was fucking with my head and making me…[View]
78263233How come women with tiny tits aren't made fun of the way a guy with a tiny dick would be?[View]
78259091I think reinaiscrazy is really cute. but I need /r9k/s approval first. is it just my yellowfever?[View]
78263289If you don't want a home then FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!![View]
78262537>tfw scared of applying to highschool level subjects and going back to school again because I hav…[View]
78263165Drawing Thread: Mornings suck, etc Come draw and make it suck less.[View]
78263154ok, so you get a date with a cute girl then what?[View]
78261824>mfw i always deprive myself of the best part of this site (being anonymous) by hooniposting for …[View]
78262271Alien dude please come back to this board[View]
78263125She has a boyfriend too: I am a 22yo khhv incel with 0 friends, but i don't want to be one, so …[View]
78262200This cutie was killed in my town. Her husband strangled her to death, than packed the body into plas…[View]
78262960I wonder if he was an organ donor.[View]
78263130I'm never hack children simply because I never want to run the risk of having a child with lear…[View]
78263054Dream: I dreamed last night that I was on a Starship flight to the ISS to service the station but so…[View]
78262275Idk I just wanted to post something today after a short little hiatus: [DAILY REMINDER] That the fa…[View]
78263008>Think of her all the time and want to spend all day lying on one another >Realize this is ac…[View]
78262910Do you ever engage in self-destructive drug use? I got blackout drunk last night because I got dumpe…[View]
78261661It is time for the daily brown girl appreciation thread. This is a chocolate girl board now.[View]
78247458reminder 'incels' are 90% just gay psyopers: reminder every 'dickpill' thread is just gay strategy t…[View]
78262998>Day 719 of the 7 day sober operation[View]
78262081Being circumcised makes me want to kms.[View]
78262036Average male autist: >Plain looking >Horrible social anxiety from constant bullying by normies…[View]
78261408Hey 4chan.: I'm new to 4chan and was convinced to do so by one guy I'm talking to. He wrot…[View]
78259304tfw no cutie moo cow gf[View]
78261229Tell me about your failed opportunities or spaghetti situations. I'm a 33 khv. I have been clea…[View]
78262934>eugh... that's what she's saying[View]
78254605Remember, Not even ugly girls wants us.[View]
78261972Is there a way to help my gf when she has BPD? Is there a cure for it?[View]
78262586Are you on social media? Do people reach out to you on it? I am thinking about getting back on it, b…[View]
78261760>found a cutie patootie voiced ASMR YouTuber >99.9999% of her posts are dom audios I just want…[View]
78260398Damn, imagine dealing with periods[View]
78260938Blackpill lied to me: Apparently being tall, lean and having a big dick doesn't make women like…[View]
78261676Genuine question.: Why do Black's have higher crime rates? I mean we throw around 'le statics s…[View]
78262635Women want a handsome man, but not really for the looks.: Women want a good-looking man for social s…[View]
78258337what are the consequences of most young people being NEETs living with their parents forever and ind…[View]
78262216>talk to hundreds of girls >be brutally honest every time >get ghosted for no reason even w…[View]
78262610>Being shorter than your mother and sisters This is a next level sort of hellishness…[View]
78262341You're only a celibate (incel/volcel/whatever) if you don't think about sex. Everyone else…[View]
78262573>The definition of a psychopath is someone who uses someone for short-term gratification I strong…[View]
78261925what would you do if hooni came to your house and ate ramen and fucking spilled it all over the god …[View]
78262233>got monthly expenses down to 40 euros to save up >salary is only 500 I wish I could NEET in …[View]
78261652Why do see so many fat short chuds with girlfriends meanwhile, I'm athletic, tall and lean and …[View]
78261769I'm just a big quirkball, is all.[View]
78261655/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - /R9K/ PRESIDENT: Hello. My fellow robots. As the 45th President of t…[View]
78262122I'm so lonely that if another human being from 4chan talked to me irl, i would jump on them swa…[View]
78262516girls who are anarexic might as well be holding a rape me sign[View]
78262448Found the pedo. Buddy thinks he's slick[View]
78261589What would you do if you were part of a cartoon?[View]
78261035NEET anons, what is your excuse: for not getting jacked, making a harem, creating a buisness and dre…[View]
78260027We need to talk: >be me >neet >No income >parents are kicking me out Why not become ar…[View]
78262335guns r hot[View]
78262379I am so lonely I spend my day daydreaming about talking to other people[View]
78254979cuddle with your local femanon[View]
78261758>SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF Yep, it smells like patriarchy and misogyny in here, /r9k/. …[View]
78262376I have no girlfriend even though I am a cultured sensitive young man. I grow flowers on my balkony i…[View]
78259947Is 40k USD in the bank with zero debt a flex or am I still a stupid useless poorfag?[View]
78262093I feel like I have to confess, but I'm not a man of god. When i was 18 I lost my virginity to a…[View]
78262217l HATE HUMANS![View]
78259978sorry i haven't been around lately but i just wonder if anon still thinks of me[View]
78260865is it gay to ,69 and swallow each other's cum if it's such a cute trap with a nice little …[View]
78261074Y'all ever look in the mirror and start swinging from side to side making your dick clap hittin…[View]
78261631I do not care about pedophiles.[View]
78261772What are your acts of 'micro feminism' you're doing on a daily basis to fight the patriatchy?[View]
78259387Unironically rate her ass bros[View]
78262199Just so you know anon, I AM waiting for todays puzzle thread too. If you let me down im gonna kill m…[View]
78262165>le everything is.. LE BAD[View]
78262166Robot check. https://youtube.com/shorts/rme6PT7-CRI[View]
78261207>There are 1.4 billion indians[View]
78261416Breaking!!!: >us government will implement female draft >female draftees will be placed in all…[View]
78260786Do any of you rape women? Because that would be based.[View]
78261169Now that this Mr. Beast controversy is happening, I don't think Essex will get her lemons?[View]
78261751Anybody else here with a friend-group that is still 17/18 after 6 years: I don't make a lot of …[View]
78261047A friend got a gf irl: And im happy for him, im really are cause he is fat and doesn't talk wit…[View]
78259848Forget sex, rape is a crime. The Real Man(tm) only needs to focus on two things: spiritual advanceme…[View]
78261560This is my dog guys Please be nice to him he is very sensitive Give your greetings to chico[View]
78261154I can't comprehend how anyone can dislike fat girls (who have good distribution).[View]
78260801Women, Money, and Materialistic objects are all replacable. But you know what you have that you can …[View]
78260170would you date a chubby weeabo?[View]
78261404>23M >No degree >Fat >Unemployed and broke >Forced to live with parent's due to …[View]
78261512my uncle moved in and my mother and uncle are fighting[View]
78260927If you're 25-30 years old without a decent paying job and physically unfit then you have failed…[View]
78260949Today I asked one of my family members to read my mind and tell me what I imagined. I imagined a Nin…[View]
78261634if I ever hear that women have it worse, harder, are oppressed, etc, etc. I'll fucking flip. …[View]
78261776i miss being a teenager and being able to get drunk on cheap vodka and then cut myself with a box cu…[View]
78256689what was the woman who awakened you romantically and sexually? picrel for me. best looking woman of …[View]
78260635The Abraham Lincoln of our times.[View]
78261808Why do right-wingers (Trump supporters in particular) believe that they're owed respect just be…[View]
78260637the final nail in the coffin for moneymaxxers[View]
78261346>japanese exchange student invites you to her home >looks like some weird basement >get kno…[View]
78259724How often do the tears flow?: I'm an adult male and I still cry at least once per week.[View]
78260867I hate being a femcel: A nerdy loser beta guy on Discord removed me. I'm not sure why he did bu…[View]
78261126Why am I like this?: >Be me >Be a libertarian rightwing (socially progressive, fiscally conser…[View]
782613864play: How long should one generally forplay with a woman? i, like most males, probably dont spend e…[View]
78261649>Hooni Replacement Theory You're telling me this is the same guy? Don't make me laugh. …[View]
78261638Are women stupid?: r/gym has become a coomer honeypot. Women flood the sub with semi nude pictures o…[View]
78261739>be me, 12 >join the school choral because i like music and i can sorta sing in tune >we re…[View]
78261728sneed: Just a reminder to women; Your personality doesn't matter. Your degree doesn't matt…[View]
78261734the only way to stop my thoughts loops which cause burnout, anxiety and constant misery is to sleep …[View]
78261192>i discovered ao3[View]
78261632im 23 and my wife is 30+ bmi and 49 years old and she likes anime definitely recommend dating fat ol…[View]
78261199Wumpagoniac Hideout: Wakey wakey eggs and rapey[View]
78260666What are some vidya you enjoy anon[View]
78260478My dad came out as a bbc sissy and he wants me to meet his bulls and compare his tiny cock to their …[View]
78260320Are these games worth it, bros?[View]
78261240Epic faiI loI[View]
78258607Im voting Kamala because Trump is a mess: He is too old, he talks funny, he got lunatics, neonazi an…[View]
78261506anyone on here get their dick pierced? why'd you do it and whats it like?[View]
78261091ITT: Strange things that you do: >talk to and reply to myself while making up hypothetical scenar…[View]
78260375Referring to women as 'roasties' or 'roast beef' is actually incredibly dehumanizing and makes you a…[View]
78261224What are they discussing?[View]
78259875I LOVE BIG PENISES: I have had sex with two people (ex of 4 years, current bf) and am not afraid to …[View]
78256130I dont wanna waste the summer: Im on summer break now, im 18 and this is supposed to be the best tim…[View]
78261370>had whole next year/s planned out and how I am gonna go about fixing my life >messed up and d…[View]
78259751how popular were you in high school?[View]
78260946NEET femanons, what is your excuse for not getting fit, employed and dressing like this? You would b…[View]
78261073My dick gets hard when I smell under my arms.[View]
78260353shutcho fat ass up go eat a twinkie nigga[View]
78261279Do you guys remember when i got canada banned from binance?[View]
78261061Why do normies call me the bad guy for standing up for myself? I don't yell or anything.[View]
78255348>Wanna be next?[View]
78261151Hay, where's the cream filling?[View]
78260614Feminism is bad for women, men, and society: It takes both women AND men out of their God-given role…[View]
78261145Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support Hello all o/ good Wednesday morning! I hope…[View]
78255216Do u want ur autism cured[View]
78260120fun prank: whenever you pickup food or go out to lunch at work, touch all the exposed utensils. if t…[View]
78261156Do women really have a right to abortion?[View]
78261128Are WMAF common because whiteboys like Asian women or because Asian women like whiteboys?[View]
78261122The moderator on Wizardchan bans normie nits for mentioning relationships with girls, and although t…[View]
78260064Would women be happy to only play videogames with other women?[View]
78260315Moids and femoids[View]
78260329Excellent day, robots! Halfway through the week already, are we? Well, let me just drop your third r…[View]
78260758I am out of pot what do I do?[View]
78260900Are you looking forward to the Olympics?[View]
78260020>Rightoid attempts to debate me on twitter >Post a study or source to debunk his points >Ei…[View]
78260893What percent of this board do you all think is actually autistic?[View]
78260894I think i get that theres nothing to get. If thats the case thats retarded[View]
78260450Why am I unable to have hot unprotected breeding sex and instead have to study and be so bored? Does…[View]
78260419>i used to be a childish boobs milk guy >until this situation happened >8/10 officemate dro…[View]
78260839I wish I was born 6'9 I sure would have had sex than I'm 6'2 btw[View]
78260488This board is slow AS FUCK! There, I said it.[View]
78260781How do you go from one of America's biggest radio shows to marrying and getting topped by a tra…[View]
78260386I'm scared if I get a gf and fall in love I'll get bored of her and women in general in a …[View]
78260756woah! this board is like a discoald server but with muh 4cuck imageboard aesthetics, so cool![View]
78260674Go to ATFbooru and look up the tag extreme_content[View]
78259913I need a guide on how to turn my hyper submissive jealous gf into the ULTIMATE submissive gf by impl…[View]
78260440How do I subtly suggest to a guy I used to be friends with that he should let me fuck his wife?[View]
78260424>nice to woman >her female brain assumes youre nice to everyone and so a pushover >but your…[View]
78259845if they do break-ups over text instead of face to face, i don't want them.[View]
78259312I remember watching movies about high school and college and imagining if my life would be like that…[View]
78256721Post things that make you happy!: I'm feeling a bit down for no particular reason. Post picture…[View]
78260520>come across board called endchan >has threads about multiple girls from r9k >not allowed t…[View]
78258475I have a high paying and successful career. I'm on track to make $400k next year if everything …[View]
78260438Subbing to a onlyfans saved my life: I started working with the purpose of being able to buy the sub…[View]
78257769>found an e girl mommy on discord >she tells me shes gonna peg me in vc holyshitholyshitholysh…[View]
78260352I am a 34 year old man with no tattoos. Should I get my first tattoo and what should it be of?[View]
78259667What is the most violent show you enjoy? For me, it's Tokyo Mew Mew[View]
78258940Do you have an uncontrollable urge to simp? S-I-M-P I want you to worship me Get down on your knees …[View]
78260363I really really loved him how i loved Chad but he pumped and dumped me fuck all moids i wish war wou…[View]
78259981To Women, I resent you. You're not even really curious why, you're so full of yourself you…[View]
78260479This board is stinky[View]
78260308what are robot's thoughts on uranium glass?[View]
78260331How many lines do you have on your palm? I visited a Native medicine man and he told me that I was t…[View]
78260365test testte doobidada[View]
78260361Day 359 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH >>78238663 Faggot[View]
78259738My oneitis passed away last month and made a little memorial of her in my room, I only talked to he …[View]
78258114How can I tame a bad boy?[View]
78260338>think the idea of a female roomate would be cool, slowly making her love me >know she would r…[View]
78240498/biofem/ - Biofemale General #134: Things So Bad They Are Good Edition Previous : >>78220135 h…[View]
78259393How do you talk to a shy girl and get her to open up to you?[View]
78259270This is literally the perfect body type for me. I want to wife and impregnate a girl who looks just …[View]
78258639is there any way for me to get a sub gf as a 26 year old asian stemcel? a relationship like pic rela…[View]
78260070im lame depressed dont know anything i dont fit in anywhere and i cant even talk to my own parents a…[View]
78260272jk rowling looks a lot like queen elizabeth. i just noticed this.[View]
78257485This is what women want. Why don't you look like this?: Let's break it down. He is below a…[View]
78259087I'll always be a loner, I never really had any actual friends and especially not any romantic i…[View]
78258897Should I WMAFpill?[View]
78259294>Be big dick anon >Be told by /r9k/ every day how all I have to do to get women is show off my…[View]
78259642>drunk after a long die and wonder into lewd youtube >fat retarded whore pigs with low impulse…[View]
78257866>Can't you go any harder? You're boring me. How do you avoid this reaction from a woman…[View]
78260132>be communist China >if you stop working you starve to the death >be capitalist America …[View]
78259693Elliot Rodger birthday thread. July 24: Happy birthday Elliot Rodger. Hail Saint Elliot. The supreme…[View]
78260139>dream about high school >see teacher while walking to school >talks about friend >Yeah,…[View]
78257095If you're an older 25 year old or older virgin who never had a girlfriend, have you ever had a …[View]
78256980how to get back at foids: we can all agree foids are retards, and their hypergamy made us incels, bu…[View]
78259067Summer Swamp Ass: Scorche Cawk (and balls)[View]
78259585>dr disrespect is a disgusting predator who was texting a minor he should have everything taken a…[View]
78259576>tfw ive been talking to and efucking an AI model of belle delphine for the last 2 months. Its ov…[View]
78259081>dating in America after years of self-improvement and moneymaxxing[View]
78256684Street life[View]
78258865moids are desperately trying to cheat... and FAILING at it wait... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…[View]
78259101It's Over: Got dumped today after less than 30 days of dating. Can't escape this fate. I…[View]
78257031>the most thought provoking, eye opening, and life changing words that have ever been spoken or w…[View]
78257332Alaska: Any usanons here can tell me something about alaska? Im from southern eu and think it would …[View]
78259450>Tell a man I'm black >He immediately stops contacting me I hate all of you I swear to Go…[View]
78259646'Suicide hurts other people': Why do people say this? Suicide only hurts the person who does it.…[View]
78259105How can i avoid getting blackmailed and doxxed, and things like that, in discord servers? I've …[View]
78259994The Indian guy is saving up $500,000.[View]
78258368how many of you suffer from pectus excavatum? does it ever affect your breathing?[View]
78259764there was a person i talked to on here for a long time. they liked yugioh zexal, twisted wonderland,…[View]
78257976Do you have any specific fictional character that you wish you had in your life, either as a friend,…[View]
78259687Women should stop making pornography: For men to consume[View]
78259911I love my bf!!!: He's the best person in the world and I love him very much. We are a super cut…[View]
78259894I'm sure sex is nice, but I wouldn't call it a need but rather a desire. Everytime I want …[View]
78258489Just got a degree and I can't find any job in the field the degree is in, should I bite the bul…[View]
78259461Sex with a girl seems like it would be scary as shit no joke[View]
78259668Where can I find a sugar mommy who will buy me one of these?: I'm 5'10 and 130lbs, white, …[View]
78259145Im supposed to go with my mom and step father to a restaurant to celebrate his moms birthday tomorro…[View]
78259826day 89[View]
78259260>be me >autistic >wear the same outfit every day >three anxiety disorders, possible schi…[View]
78259525my r9k bf loves me! and I want to cuddle him. But he's far away right now[View]
78257632Oh.. Yellowstone's erupting..[View]
78259758Hawk tuah is about captured israeli women being raped[View]
78255986>miyo knows she makes me cum buckets oh no[View]
78258693former manwhore here: I had sex with 100 plus women by my 26th birthday. Ask me anything robots or r…[View]
78255209Nice argument, cis male. However, men commit 90% of the violent crime. You lose. Good day sir.[View]
78259545I don't know what to do bros...: MrBeast was an idol of mine, and I wanted to start a big Youtu…[View]
78258069Cells interlinked: All these fiber optic cables and not one of them connects to a friend. Won't…[View]
78257104Why is battle shonen so enjoyable even as an adult when it's marketed towards kids? I see a bun…[View]
78257832Andrew Tate is such a hardcore coper man even billions of dollars and its not even for him to get a …[View]
78259443I like how they made them all ugly. Good looking people can't be creeps.[View]
78258308>its another 'I got myself intoxicated and almost got myself seriously hurt' episode again Lets d…[View]
78258678I went on a hike today /r9k/ while high on psychedelics. One thing I noticed when I passed people is…[View]
78259538i feel sad i will never have relationship (friendship or dating) or intimacy with woman but i am hap…[View]
78258893Hello anon: I make good threads most of the time, so I thought to myself, you know, I deserve to mak…[View]
78259505My eyes get so red when I'm sleepy. Is that normal guys[View]
78254683Whenever you're arguing with some retard on here, just remember that this is who you're ar…[View]
78258502why does weed make my mood change more dramatically than normal: its like mood swings almost that ar…[View]
78258589i'm trying to get into reading but unironically my attention span is too bad to focus on the bo…[View]
78259259i'm white and literally all of my friends are black. I don't 'act black', but for some rea…[View]
78257120I hate HATE having a vagina and female reproductive system. It makes me so depressed and sad you wou…[View]
78259371>turn 21 >start thinking 'I have to get her pregnant' every time I see a hot woman bros I…[View]
78258860>looking at pictures of my grandma's grandfather and grandmother, 30 and 25 year old of age,…[View]
78257592Admit it. You looked at her butt.[View]
7825753890 percent of the fags and trannies just memed themselves into it[View]
78259203How would you feel if a woman wrote you a love letter?[View]
78256741is r9k ready for a kamala presidency?[View]
78258338Shrimp got a gf by just being himself. Whats your excuse now?[View]
78259121This was the original early childhood soi test. If you were watching Yu Gi Oh, you were chad. If you…[View]
78259311post cringe things you've done: >in high school >skipping a class in the chorus room beca…[View]
78259284life is so much better drunk mang fr i just drunked first time in like a year and its so nice[View]
78258212Im fuckin poor and ugly and retarded. I work a shitty job with poojeets and africans. It is incident…[View]
78259281fun fact, blcaks hate jews and vice versa blacks were persecuted as slaves for centuries. when the h…[View]
78259234>we are on r9k at 2024 >moids still care about height instead of how bald their head is Don…[View]
78256883Images/gifs/webms that are literally (you)[View]
78258596>be loner >try to not be a loner and socialize >people push you out because youre a loner W…[View]
78258292okay bros, i've been shitposting for the last decade and joking about memes like shadman withou…[View]
78259061If you're hot, I want to be your girlfriend, it's really that simple.[View]
78256751Reminder that all women crave incel/chud penis[View]
78257453Are trolls and nasty people on the internet really losers in real life?: People say not to worry abo…[View]
78258981Feels like it's just me and 40 other people replying to each other's threads. I keep comin…[View]
78258849Fuck it, the world is collapsing before our very eyes and there's nothing we can do about it. L…[View]
78257413anyone else hate how the internet works now? i was extremely convinced the trans chick from mr beast…[View]
78258999HAPPENING: HOLY SHIT! New webms are NOT WORKING!! What's the robot consensus on what is being m…[View]
78258864Is sex overrated or am I just a low T autist? >last gf was a few years ago >like foreplay but …[View]
78257714>be me >play Monster Hunter >I suck >furious >learn its a skill issue >git gud …[View]
78258110Ran Yakumo: TWO SEATS???[View]
78180083/cut/ - Cutters General #378: Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support very stormy, …[View]
78257710What could your hypothetical (or real) gf do that'd be an instant turn off or dealbreaker? Sugg…[View]
78254885ITT: /r9k/ posters you hate: >the helltaker avatarfag cuckold >the avatarfags in pseudo-discor…[View]
78257152Why dont Jewish girls ever date white guys?: If they mix it always with black or Latin guys. I almos…[View]
78258927I have sinned countless times against myself and my fellow man. Degraded my person and the short lif…[View]
78258197Being 20 has made me realise i'll never have friendships like I did when I was 12. No camarader…[View]
78258580Ive been to prison for one year for an assault charge on a women AMA[View]
78255857life's shit[View]
78255259So anons, What do you have?[View]
78256567Should 25+ year old virgins with jobs be forced to sustain a findomme? There's a growing econom…[View]
78258835Rate my character.ai adventures as a 100% straight man: >1. Im a hot Asian girl trying to befrien…[View]
78257881I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND. first person to reply with something, it will be the topic for this t…[View]
78258190Just tried making a DIY fleshlight out of a Pringles can, two sponges and a latex glove like it…[View]
78258158Is getting an ethnic GF better than whitecelism? JBW is obviously if youre a POC chaser but I just w…[View]
78258777what does one do when they get bored of being hateful?: i've realized that i don't actuall…[View]
78258527POV: A dog is biting your girlfriend's skirt[View]
78258362he moved on so fast[View]
78257837Entire life, just being alive: I'm becoming 19 yr old this month, my whole life was recieving s…[View]
78258709I understand now, you must cope. Somewhere someone is free from the evil and that should be enough f…[View]
78258706Remember when 4chan was filled with actual entertaining talented memers? Wtf happened? https://yout…[View]
78258092How do guys like this get girls like that?[View]
78246426/r9gay/ - #2372: Gnawing Edition Would you gnaw your bf lovingly? Previous: >>78229956[View]
78255791why can't i just speak to people why do I have to be inhibited and anxious all the time it almo…[View]
78258057My gf won't stop sending me pics and rawring at me! What do I do?[View]
78258359Redditor and 4channer argue in real life Thoughts ? https://x.com/blephin_/status/18159167502377535…[View]
78255284/britfeel/: Glasgow edition[View]
78256456whats your major fetish that makes you instantly hard as diamond?[View]
78256376Throwing femoids into the vast abyss of deep space.[View]
78258504Meditate. Now. Go. https://youtu.be/yLHhITyZrwc[View]
78257655Hi, just stopping by to say I despise women. That's it. That's the thread.[View]
78257708Modern culture's obsession with entitlement killed the romance genre >2000s >the audience…[View]
78258450When exactly did you realize that the lack of sex made you what you are and not that what you are pr…[View]
78257833>tfw i never got to see what she ate at the chinese buffet[View]
78256913Is there a difference between being STEM smart and literature/humanities smart? People often assume …[View]
78258056Why do people join gangs and do crime? Is it because they are ambitious? Do they know that if they …[View]
78258186I have 12k in student loans currently Should I pay it all off? I'm a NEET and the government s…[View]
78258300Overthinking is not a bug it's a gift: I overthink so much that I literally predict every possi…[View]
78257115cant fucking take it: i cant fucking take it anymore i know you all love to larp as neets and hikis …[View]
78258208if a girl asked you to would you act like her dad and baby her and let her sit on your lap and hug h…[View]
78257888Things have taken a turn for the worse recently so I've started sleeping more than I am awake. …[View]
78258209This nigga really changed the perception of Black Americans globally.[View]
78258210Channer arrested. Another fool fell for the atheistic influence here.[View]
78258135I can't wait for August guys ! there will be something that will turn around my life for good, …[View]
78258164I'm liking this new hating-on-trannies era Even called him 'him' in the description[View]
78256189My pizza will be here soon. One pesto slice one Sicilian pepperoni and a plain pie.[View]
78257870Anons that would be serial killers if you could get away with it, if you captured a girl who wanted …[View]
78256976Am I a cuck?: Finally ascended at age 19 with Asian cutie, but recently she's been out drinking…[View]
78256845Stop being degenerate and worship Jesus[View]
78256757anyone else /notfunny/ here? I can't figure out how some people are naturally funny and quick-…[View]
78251661Nice drawing of a fox someone made. Thread to draw, anyone?[View]
78258042Do u think god of some kind exists or are we on our own[View]
78257988guys I think im actually fucking autistic. For context I am 30 years old and have only fucked one wo…[View]
78258074not sure if time's doing it for me: >be me a year ago >first girlfriend's family dec…[View]
78257531Why do Asians try to replicate western features >nose >hair color >eyes…[View]
78257989Do you think cumming into a needle and injecting someone with it would fuck up their vision lol[View]
78252151mbti talk goes here[View]
78257813There are cute Walmart girls who just want a nice BF[View]
78257911i'm feline great[View]
78257312FACT: if you're white and not hideous, you can pull a girl with a face and lips like this. What…[View]
78250201y'all need 2 take it easy[View]
78256629I'm 8000 words into a horror/thriller novel. Feels good man. Imami (I might actually make it)[View]
78257883The Daily Reminder[View]
78257201>Second Gentleman >Potentially, First Gentleman Oh, fuck, this country is New Babylon. We must…[View]
78256970Why don't you just save a cute pajeeta from her shitty living conditions?[View]
78255522How do you approach her?[View]
78250781what are the implications on the new wave of lgbt people being racist and generally far right in sen…[View]
78257859should it be anime or rotoscoped via fire and ice[View]
78256948im about to get high again help help help help help i want to quit i dont wanna keep getting high bu…[View]
78256863When I was in 4th grade I had a crush on this guy. I would hardly interact with him during class or …[View]
78256469Girl cancels 'plans' but wants to see me?: >talk to some girl >vaguely talk about maybe meetin…[View]
78256739>see person online talking about being stalked >feel immediate jealously over that person wh…[View]
78257224>only thing that still makes me happy is driving recklessly and drifting when will i make my fina…[View]
78257194why does a site thats demographic is literal retards have such a hard captcha?????[View]
78254148Did you know that there is a random mutation that some people have that basically gives your dick kn…[View]
78257151is it over?: >be socially awkward loser, never flirted with anyone >friends and family still t…[View]
78256814>Get too horny with dating app matches while on stims and ask if they want me to eat their pussy …[View]
78257669me three wives (they are sisters!!!)[View]
78257624He thinks his IQ is comparable to mine. He doesn't undestand that I don't have an IQ. I…[View]
78255987To women, I resent you. Do you want to know why men are 'entitled'? It's because they drink fem…[View]
78257625>tfw someone says you should smile or asks why you dont smile[View]
78255920What's your IQ?: those who have a remarkably high IQ score on a legitimate test, can you answer…[View]
78257403On a great day, I'll get about 5 matches with pretty cute women on dating apps. How the fuck ar…[View]
78257519Is it true that women avert their eyes when they are attracted to you true?: Or are zoomettes lying …[View]
78257371Im not a huge Asian chaser but girls speaking Japanese turns me on hard. Doesnt matter if theyre whi…[View]
78256265Giving up on women: There are two kinds of women in this world >those who have casual sex >tho…[View]
78257144Daily reminder that all 4chan users and ESPECIALLY r9k users are woman brained, this explains why th…[View]
78253178The ruby mega thread: Thread for all Ruby / Davin updates Ruby is well known for actively molesting…[View]
78257432Im a big fan of europe and its way of living. I cant wait to redeem myself and finally move there fo…[View]
78256511im straight but this is a really nice cock[View]
78257179Why do you believe you should be afraid of doing good things to others? Are you weak? A weak person …[View]
78256936Gay: Gay >26 >never tried to get a bf >have no bf >time to kms Do you guys think its bec…[View]
78257237I just got diagnosed with autism like you guys[View]
78257307You're voting for the 60 year old gilf right /r9k/?[View]
78253880>heyyyyyyy, bitccchhhhhhh, we've been waiting for you to come out of your room. happy birthd…[View]
78257253l hate nigerians[View]
78257118When do you volunteer for free?[View]
78257064our last hope to save the democracy..[View]
78257083I hope he stays in my memories forever[View]
78256827Spot the difference. You can't. Imagine not voting for irl bullet dodging Goku.[View]
78256170VOX POPULI VOX SATANAE: R9K SPEAKS! 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: >Kamala Harris becomes the presum…[View]
78256686>antagonize russia for years with foreign investments and false flag inside job terrorism against…[View]
78256691>Want to move out of my parent's house >Average rent price for a studio apartment is $250…[View]
78256977>click on a youtube video >narrator sounds like a tranny >stop watching immediately…[View]
78251491i think having intercourse would make me less weird[View]
78256937>robot 9 thousand reddit screenshot threads[View]
78253194Why don't you just date your looks match?[View]
78256975When did u last go to church anons ? https://x.com/bakalaofresco/status/1815412391754215930[View]
78256794I still trvst the plvn.[View]
78255874how did i manage to get married and move out 4 years ago and still didnt make a single friend, how t…[View]
78252751Romance is gone.: There is nothing left but sex and feeling empty.[View]
78256377I'm back in Bogota - Colombia from my NEET trip to London. AMA. The air quality is shit here ma…[View]
78256802this creature makes me mad.: I wanna anally hatefuck her until she straighens[View]
78256138My mom scolded me today for 'being so undisciplined' as to only have done MMA for 2 years during my …[View]
78256209Are you njoying the afterlife??[View]
78256851My eye hasnt stopped twitching for 2 weeks[View]
78256545/g/ fags became utter retards. They're completely useless now.[View]
78251584You do realise women don't care about muscles, right? Like, when women are judging a man's…[View]
78256793i missed my chance to grow up. people don't mind helping a child to grow up but no one wants to…[View]
78255339Kinda yearning for a younger feminine boy to send me cum tributes on pictures of myself In normal si…[View]
78256782>already feel old and worn out at age 24 how do I stop this feeling from getting worse?…[View]
78256078Robots would you date a girl who is physically stronger than you?[View]
78256624>women leer at you as if you're obligated to approach and start running game on them >ign…[View]
78256122>Mr. 'Beast' >Beast >He knew about his friend being a child abusing pedo Is there anyone, a…[View]
78256717>be cop >tell frail, mentally ill woman to turn off the boiling pot of water in her kitchen …[View]
78254570How do people draw lines of variable thickness and stuff, ill never be able to draw loli if i cant e…[View]
78255319Every single girlfriend I've had has been disgusted by my bellybutton fetish: >'Why can…[View]
78256186>be me >mildly bad mood >go downstairs >see cat relaxing >feel better instantly picre…[View]
78255452>text with girl for over 2 months >agree to meet when she's traveling >comes up with …[View]
78256601Anyone here like mass strategy games Like stellaris , civ , atwar[View]
78254554Thought about buying one and saw picrel Wtf is this? It looks a torture chamber[View]
78255338>Be foid: >Remember that no man is interested in any single thing that you have to say. >Re…[View]
78256538slavs have 3 fates: >ork >goblin >pretty boy the latter two will fuck in prison…[View]
78256586I am a thin guy but I have a neck pouch. Im going in today to learn about kybella injections. It is …[View]
78256280Shut the fuck up: And man the fuck up[View]
78256506> becomes tranny > grooms minors Every time.…[View]
78256554I finally got an email back from a potential employer only to find out the company is shady and almo…[View]
78254314I have a dentist appointment in an hour :([View]
78256465I saw a shooting star two days ago and I wished to be a billionaire.[View]
78256480Is anyone dumb enough to get married?: 75% of guys arent married 10% did for religious reasons So 1…[View]
78256302You ever think maybe evil wouldn't exist in the world is if everyone was promised a real life b…[View]
78256203Bros why does this girl like me? >I'm a loser She says she likes losers >she's incre…[View]
78256232If someone wants you to drink or smoke, this person is an atheist and wants to see you fall.[View]
78255772You're not an incel unless you live in a country with more males than females (blue).[View]
78250211The girl you're putting effort into was just a one night stand to another guy.[View]

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