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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

Displaying 2,171 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
78028002Fembots are queens[View]
78028609Reality is just a distraction from gooning[View]
78028069Now I know why some people don't believe or understand reincarnation. It's beyond their in…[View]
78028585I'm not racist, but: Only asian girls make my dick tingle and ache[View]
78028150Can someone convince me I'm a chad: And nit just a tall big dicked chud[View]
78028572You do you buddy[View]
78026450Why the fuck are women obsessed over height? Literally every woman I've ever interacted with or…[View]
78028137Dubs decide what I put under my foreskin, aloe vera or chilipepper. (I will cut up the chilipepper f…[View]
78027826Oh well, there goes the last of my oxy for now. Did it all too fast again, wasted money, barely got …[View]
78028509Who would I be compatible with?: What sort of girl would I be compatible with? I used to think that …[View]
78028143This is Rika Furude from the anime Shiki[View]
78028381I want to join the psychopath Meta-War of interpreting anything in life as transactional and a poten…[View]
78027807Boys boys boys boys. I really want a boy who's at least 6'7 and twice my weight to fuck me…[View]
78028369>Work out forearms once a week for 2 years >Starts playing guitar >Gets tired after 5 mins …[View]
78028159i just caught a real alien on camera[View]
78022152how do i get an r9k gf who'd be okay with me being a mentally ill shut-in neet? i'm actual…[View]
78028415>white cucks either BBC post like weirdos or /pol/tards post about buck breaking like faggots why…[View]
78027256>a date? You serious, bro? Why would I ever want to date a man who's weaker than me? How do …[View]
78028427any sad anons[View]
78028363I'm joining Isis tomorrow[View]
78028324females are not naturally the entitled cunts that they have become in western societies, feminism ha…[View]
78028389unstoppable wigga king[View]
78028244even foids dislike jeets: is there any hope for them? idk[View]
78027253>went on a date with a girl >went really well and hit it off well >later she admitted to me…[View]
78026202This girl is literally a fucking 10/10. I'll never have a chance :([View]
78028123Should I take a chance on a nes job or just kill myself already?[View]
78028111You are not a Listener, are you anon?[View]
78028288was searching through funeral notices and I found this. what kind of uber nonse names their daughter…[View]
78026801Being short with wide hips is literally game over.: No way women won't get repulsed by such com…[View]
78028238>women say i deserve to be happy >they ratio me with their bodycount more each day >use int…[View]
78028153What are some based gifs?[View]
78027948Each day that passes this place looks more and more like a toilet.[View]
78028142adhd meds: is it weird that my ritalin offers a temporary cure for my autism? after i take it i…[View]
78027615Anyone ever get worried by how recent seemingly ancient events were? Half of US houses didn't h…[View]
78025775I'm a very short manlet (5'8 / 174cm) I'm a failure I will never be a real man I give…[View]
78027870How did society degenerate so much? Imagine if in the 1950's a woman openly acted like this. No…[View]
78025272Sometimes i like to sit back and fantasize about human female hybrid species sexually dominating me …[View]
78027092If you are a woman: Just know that I hate you because I am sexually dissatisfied and frustrated…[View]
78027159I just started lifting weights at the gym and now I am doing Doordash part-time.[View]
78027139how is this shit legal? fuck these bitches... https://x.com/kylanibackup/status/1807868545386299682…[View]
78027287havent eaten all day, what should i get for dinner >H0XMHK[View]
78027732Good morning weirdos how is it going[View]
78028010guilty pleasures: i like to fly with a fake gps on tinder to some 3rd world shithole like jakarta in…[View]
78027641My tiktok is flooded with reddit stories of women cheating on their partners. How the fuck can women…[View]
78025999*blocks your path* >OHHH MY GOD! look, a roastie IN MY HECKING MANLY BOARD!! TITS OR NEVER COME B…[View]
78026350>you, a actual goth girl just approached a man who said he love goth girls >'oh sorry I like …[View]
78027075Both my parents are shy, quiet, and mildly autistic and are surprised I turned out like them[View]
78027889How will you convince the drone operator to spare you? Traditional holding hands together probably w…[View]
78027593I'm sending pic of my body cut to a girl who's cutting herself but it doesn't seem to…[View]
78027863The upsides of having a large cock: 'nooooo, stupid moid you can't keep getting away with it!' …[View]
78027777How would you feel if you wake up looking like this tomorrow?[View]
78024937Femanons are you dominant? With dominant I mean that you enjoy being dominant towards your partner, …[View]
78026779>neet for half of my 20s this can't continue for much longer..[View]
78027799can people smell when i've fapped?[View]
78026806Anyone else find it satisfying when a femoid's husband troons out?: Imagine thinking you landed…[View]
78026310What do you call that hair color?: Both pics taken seconds apart. Pic on the left is under 'normal' …[View]
78027707>Excuse me sir but I'm trying to feed my child, could you quit staring at me?…[View]
78027319Bros, I want to nut on her tits. Life is not fair.[View]
78027800what are the most interesting videos/texts etc you've seen on internet archive?[View]
78026515Why is Counter Strike 1.6 still popular?[View]
78027603Sweet! I got a like, I wonder what they look like...[View]
78026416What is more intimidating muscle or height?: .....Who do you guys think is gonna make a man think tw…[View]
78027677Leggings are a form of underwear, no? Then why do girls get pissed off when schools tell them it…[View]
78027760Who wants a schizo void play normie games if so maybe then consider buying fren a couple games maybe[View]
78027216whats the most hilariously stupid documentary you've seen on incels? on yt or elsewhere[View]
78027078Why is it so hard to describe yourself?: I'm writing everything about me on a paper and the mor…[View]
78026626Africa meeting europe has got to be the worst think that has ever happen in all of human existence.[View]
78027695came to that doujin again[View]
78027189Girls I'm sorry: I might be a bit misogynistic but it truly lies in my inner insecurity and sec…[View]
78026676Shall we discuss the merits of genociding women, then?[View]
78027496Im an idiot and completely worthless The world would be better off without me[View]
78027257$30 lmao: Can I at least get my $30 refunded[View]
78027541What is the best protocol to increase penis size, hardness, and libido?[View]
78027278What's your favorite vidya?[View]
78027272Plapjak is real: My day is ruined[View]
78026618TFW the Audrey Hale porn has been wiped from the boorus.[View]
78027192Whats the official verdict on the womyn question? Is it possible to find a girl who wants to get eat…[View]
78024281Why are little boys allowed on tiktok? The app is filled with witches trying to turn into coombraine…[View]
78027397Would you date the girl who wrote this? >I can seduce and hypnotize, be very emotional and passio…[View]
78027079what makes someone relentlessly evil?: what do you do if someone just doesn't care about hurtin…[View]
78027074Whores are the female version of incels >ostracized >likely childhood trauma >insecure So w…[View]
78027382YOU MAD GAY SON!!!!!!![View]
78027254i kinda miss my egf: i met her on omegle on the 4chan tag and only knew her for like a year but we w…[View]
78027470I just wanna jerk off in peace!: I can't fucking stand it. GTFO our normal site! No! It doesn…[View]
78024707Why do effeminate men piss me off so much?[View]
78024439https://tagmap.io/tag/r9k I wish it were still alive. Discord killed the internet.[View]
78027143>be me >make good money as a programmer working from home but still struggle >live with mom…[View]
78026250Social media were always a thing like MySpace but it was social media like Facebook and twitter that…[View]
78027387Has someone transitioned in order to document the female mind?: Imagine if someone transitioned MtF …[View]
78027429Daily reminder that (((they))) are the reason why normal men cannot get girlfriends in the present d…[View]
78026436I'm Nigerian but I roleplay as an esoteric white nationalist online. Anyone else like this?[View]
78027419If given women rights was a mistake: Which one of you faggots is going to take it away? Chad and the…[View]
78027407Help. I am so down bad I started chatting up trannies on Discord. They dump their tranny woes on me…[View]
78025776My country is such a freak show[View]
78026815Cant respect the gender, that: unironically enjoys this done to them[View]
78014360Does fapping with a small dick feel better: I'm a homosexual virgin with an 8 incher, I'm …[View]
78027337I still have hope that I'll meet a virgin woman and marry her someday: It's gonna happen e…[View]
78027283/FeelsBar/: FeelsBar open. Your Barkeep might have catched the plague and hopes someone will take it…[View]
78026912Why are homosexuals persecuted so?[View]
78027224Living life on easy mode: How can so many western women genuinely believe that they are oppressed in…[View]
78027240gay or just fag?: I hate myself on a very very deep level, and I have for a very long time. I rememb…[View]
78027053>be me >meet a girl through dating app >take her out on date >go out to get coffee >…[View]
78020673Why are you here?: What happened to momma's sweet little happy boy?[View]
78025831>girls don't care how much money you make[View]
78027149i hate being white im addicted to cumming in the trashcan. I can't even masturbate normally any…[View]
78027009Falling in love is a lot of work, isn't it? I just realized that today.[View]
78026641How do I pick up a girl who looks like this?[View]
78026807What would you do if you found yourself in this situation?[View]
78027167>Be oldfag >Have dated a few women over the years >Have experience >Not a completely soc…[View]
78026280I want to love pokemon again: Pokemon is one of the few things in my life that really matters. But n…[View]
78026256The first time I saw anime and boobs was when I watched highschool dxd on youtube as a teen. Those w…[View]
78025737here's your egirl simp, now giver her billions (again) lol[View]
78026252there should be a japanese ratial purity month[View]
78026688>28 years old >lives with parents >works at a car wash 20 hours a week >less than $100 i…[View]
78027069They can take picture of your face and make you do anything in video... When you cant even trust you…[View]
78015729/britfeel/: Rochester Cathedral edition[View]
78026663Market value: Hi /r9k/ I have a question that needs answering, and since this is the virgin incel bo…[View]
78026432i love lgbtq+ people: i honestly have nothing against the queer community. they tend to produce cool…[View]
78027012i tried and failed it might be over for me[View]
78024091Does anyone else not consider Asians to be real Americans? Hispanics are unironically more American …[View]
78027021Please let it hit Florida or Louisiana plllleeaasse don't fuck my shit up[View]
78026986I hereby sentence her to... death by Indian rape.[View]
78025356How to be a scary person? Not scary in the sense 'eww that guy is such a perv and a loser' but like …[View]
78025424It really feels great browsing 4chan with my freaky bitch knowing noone else has that[View]
78026769Why exactly are men expected to approach women. There is no logic to it. It would make better sense …[View]
78020820Are you satisfied with the size of your dick? Would you prefer more or less size?[View]
78025201I'm gonna die alone in here...[View]
78025132>someone give me a compliment on the internet >want to shower them with hugs and kiss irl How …[View]
78025957is neurotypicality ruining the internet?: the internet used to be fun when being schizo, 'sensitive,…[View]
78024694Why do Asian women love whiteboys so much? My sister has only dated whiteboys and it pisses me off. …[View]
78026396Social ineptitude: How the hell do people have decent, funny, useful conversations? I just can'…[View]
78025630She claims she loves me, but she's gonna keep blocking me, isn't she? Is there a single 'f…[View]
78023365I'm so tired of this cycle[View]
78024756I'm a virgin by technicality at age 30. I blame video games for this.[View]
78026387I don't have a problem with trans people or even gender pronoun stuff but I would never want to…[View]
78025245What's the last time you had sex? For me it was 9 years and 6 months ago. Can't wait for t…[View]
78026787It's easier to go gay than get a gf nowadays.: 100 years ago it was different[View]
78026621Lmaoooooo bruh this shit slaps fr[View]
78026767Guys June is over you can stop being so prideful about your faggotry now.[View]
78026771Why can't I talk properly to girls? It fucking sucks.[View]
78019446Robot PC Thread: What are your specs? How old is your computer? Any plans on upgrading? My main PC i…[View]
78025106How mentally ill is this shit[View]
78026510There is nothing that will distract me from my worthless NEET existence[View]
78026489This man sucks on AOC's big fat latina milkers every night.: He doesn't even know what a d…[View]
78026705This life sucks with no friend no girlfriend, no degree, no job, shit memory and low af Can just min…[View]
78026146What do you know about this dude? He hangs around the skatepark in my local area apparently[View]
78026130Doctor told me I gotta start wearing glasses What kind should I wear so I can look like less of an i…[View]
78023960>This is what foids consider an average male body and think anyone else is weak Holy... FUCK…[View]
78008971How did I.N.C.E.L. become so powerful? They must be stopped[View]
78026628The whole incel epidemic can be solved in a single generation by killing off all the single moms and…[View]
78012596Big dick problems: >have to use 2 hands to masturbate >it hurts even more that ill never fuck …[View]
78023234My parents paid $100 for a fucking psychiatrist when they could just buy me a whore JESUS CHRIST MIL…[View]
78018059/r9gay/ - #2353: The usual edition Last thread:>>78007578[View]
78026135>it's a women pretending to give a shit about women's football episode…[View]
78022241Why do women 'friendzone' me?: >be me >grow up in a women majority household >never had pro…[View]
78024992How are people dumb enough to continue supporting Joe Biden when America is undeniably in a much wor…[View]
78026490you read the script and i know you like it so greenlight it already t rad[View]
78025641Coffee is literally better than coke[View]
78025759What is more intimidating muscle or height?: Who is gonna make a man think twice before fighting or …[View]
78026462>work >wait to work >nothing changes How is anyone happy?…[View]
78026344PSYOP TROLL: There you go, I fixed you are life.[View]
78026005My girlfriend sent me this picture, but I have a job interview. Should I ditch her and go fuck her i…[View]
78024511how to get a porn addict shut in neet gf?[View]
78026382I fucked up: I fucking deleted 1000 songs from my phone by mistake, Now I have to redownload them ag…[View]
78026291I'm abnormal compared to you guys: I don't care about love I don't care about sex I d…[View]
78026236there's no such thing as 'autistic women' they are making it up to excuse thottery: Notice how …[View]
78014114This board is anon. There is literally no reason to lie. Answer simply. >How many of you hate Onl…[View]
78026206The difference between making an assumption and making a judgement of someone is the act of condemni…[View]
78026196I just got back into the gym and I am on my second week. I am starting lifts this week.[View]
78024882how to unfriend a hobo?: i was drunk as fuck and accidentally befriended a hobo by buying him a bott…[View]
78026170the more emotionally intese of a decision u r making the more likely it will be made with millisecon…[View]
78025914Wanna play video games[View]
78026112> just woke up from a wet dream Do you guys ever get these?[View]
78026084Do you think she's been the one calling the shots for the past year?[View]
78024140this fear of confrontation and of people is never going away. questioning my life choices every time…[View]
78026086what if rad married both of them lol that would be sooooo weird[View]
78026013How do I seduce a nerdy girl like this?[View]
78021966All of my problems would be solved if I could hypnotize and brainwash women[View]
78025705College Experiences: The college I went to was (almost) literally hell. There had to have been somet…[View]
78025573Would you trade places with Naomi Watts' son? You'd get to be rich with Hollywood connecti…[View]
78025963Hii this is Chickn again making a post: >Be infamous >my posts don't hit post limit Was i…[View]
78024956i hate loneliness, but i hate society even more and i hate befriending normies and fake people cause…[View]
78025058How are gay incels a thing[View]
78025946What's the point of living if I don't enjoy anything at all? Maybe sleeping and eating but…[View]
78025922>mom is complaining that the fish tank stinks >its actually the cum napkins rotting in the bin…[View]
78024330Did you guys ever get molested or assaulted by females?: >got molested in the shower multiple tim…[View]
78024971Why did god create femboys: Like I cant reproduce, whats the point of me being feminine.[View]
78023086i really wanna impregnate these two[View]
78016087Holy fuark. Femboys with giant dicks humiliating me is so hot. Also, Asolfo turned me bisexual.[View]
78016912/Biofem/ General #124: Incognito edition Previous : >>77997846 https://desuarchive.org/r9k/th…[View]
78024357Why does it feel like in the past 15 years we have achieved levels of depravity not seem since Babyl…[View]
78024265Why are incels like this? It's like they want to be miserable.[View]
78023804*calls you moid*[View]
78024631What are you going to do with all your extra cash now that Joe saved the economy?[View]
78023983>he will never be real >he will never fuck me whole night until I throw up and no longer able…[View]
78021978/BioMasc/ General #49 Its ok when chad does it: This a thread robots to discuss their hatred of wome…[View]
78025651He's all cuddled up in your bed, and you spot a cute boner of his. He's shy. What will you…[View]
78025746Porn has saved my social life.: I feel like the more I watch porn positive things happen in my life …[View]
78025819Does anyone else here who works in the fast food industry like to spit in the burgers? I work for We…[View]
78025810What have I been doing wrong? I've always gotten along well enough with older people, but peopl…[View]
78025392The great IQ divide is at the point where kids become smart enough to input a fake date of birth onl…[View]
78022021thoughts?: as a bisexual femanon, i find sex with girls to be much more romantic even if she's …[View]
78024089The most commonly quoted penis size statistics are derived from studies that use faulty methodology …[View]
78024541Why are Japanese girls so pretty[View]
78025485Sex with Hunter Schafer[View]
78025528>sup, incel >lol just kidding how do you respond to stacy bullying…[View]
78025306Why is Modern life so Soulless?: Picrel, just imagine the energy they had back then...[View]
78024888>meatbag acquired[View]
78020484Legalize 16 year olds. NOW.[View]
78025698The courtroom[View]
78025380:(: well guys, I'm back had a gf, finally thought i was gonna be able to take the normie route.…[View]
78022905i notice men tend way more often to overestimate their looks than women everytime i see someone desc…[View]
78025524people on strudy really cant take a joke huh? especially mod 1 and admin - fucking thin skinned cry …[View]
78025179would be pretty cool for an indian mental hospital doctor in canada to be grievously injured right a…[View]
78025455What will it take for porn posters to leave to /b/ or anywhere else[View]
78025419I fell in love with a robot again[View]
78023307My mom offered to hire me a hooker: Aaaaaah it's so embarrassing I refused if course but still …[View]
78025556Does using a vpn still work? Going to a different state for job, and seeing if I can get some pre ga…[View]
78023287How do we reply without sounding mad?[View]
78025506Everything becomes so boring and bland: Every year I appreciate everything less than the year before…[View]
78025017>you're so pretty... never mind[View]
78025239This website taught me that you smell of coom after jerking off... I've been blessed and cursed…[View]
78024048Sexually successful men are the ones beating all the women to death, raping them, cheating on them, …[View]
78025446I'm going to write a book about my anime religion and try to get my life in order. If that does…[View]
78025388Too retarded to drive. Too retarded to get a job. Too retarded to have friends. Too retarded to mo…[View]
78025220>euros are so poor they roll cigarettes themselves with raw tobacco and paper…[View]
78024122Hauwk Tuah Female: >Already has a manager >Already has a press team >Already selling mercha…[View]
78025259Rate my latest tinder slay, motherfuckers[View]
78025080Thoughts on taliban Is it incel paradise[View]
78025047Why am I turned off by most peoples genitals?: I had the opportunity to lose my virginity with a gir…[View]
78024538how cool does this art looking?[View]
78024934failed to apply to a school in time, got placed as a reserve do I attempt another school form which …[View]
78025278Femanon, why haven't you tried anal yet: It's good for your mental health, core muscles an…[View]
78024042How to stop the desire to suck cock: i want to suck a dick and get fucked but i don't want to g…[View]
78025073I have spent 3 hours literally not doing anything, not watching TV, not on my Phone or PC, not even …[View]
78023763Here to say, I am a 'Chad' and the attention I get from women is comical. This man's wife turns…[View]
78024476all my friends are rapists[View]
78024539How exactly are you coping with the fact the overton window is shifting? Just a few years ago normie…[View]
78024651I'm getting conscripted to the army next Monday. Though my country is not at war, meaning that …[View]
78024345John pickle: the pickle verse reborn: When I was still at school I used to do the comic strips for t…[View]
78025114Would you live in a place like this if it was renovated?[View]
78025139eat the Puddi-Puddi with your coworkers, Anonymous[View]
78024687Have you accepted being a BLACKED femboi sissy because of how much of a disappointment you are to yo…[View]
78022558morning to all the anons hope your day is as cute as you are.[View]
78024932Utterly baffling that people will act like stories where children and teens are incompetent are inhe…[View]
78024899What is the /r9k/ villain tier list?[View]
78025066My father's chad budy: My father has a friend who is a fat ugly dastard, yet he has married mor…[View]
78025064It's a violation of my human rights that I have to speak, on a daily basis, to sex-havers, norm…[View]
78024542Who is this man and why is he everywhere?[View]
78025049You WILL fall asleep to anime girl asmr, chud[View]
78024395I feel like i will never be able to have a relationship and a big part of that is because i am scare…[View]
78024673You are mold and formed from the day you are born, going back to a clear mind is near damn impossibl…[View]
78022201Anyone else slowly grow to hate the online right?: They just turned into 90s evangelicals again.…[View]
78024987Have I entirely renounced finding love by quitting my job and becoming a frugal artist?[View]
78021886>be me >trying to make friends online >talk to some people who play the games I play and en…[View]
78023509the ideal gf doesn't ex-[View]
78024290People in pictures from before 2012 have something different in them. A glow, a carefree air We lost…[View]
78024254why does this keep happening to me[View]
78022902>be 14 >have tiny brown step sister >her stupid slut mother somehow normalized ass pinching…[View]
78024206The difference between fuckbuddy, friendzone, and creepzone is a few millimeters of genetic looks. G…[View]
78024634>got so lonely and worn out after never having any affection or attention from a girl ever that a…[View]
78024430you're not horny, you're bored. let go of your penis and do something useful. clean your r…[View]
78024455would you give it a lick? just a little one, a bit. maybe a taste, just a tiny one.[View]
78023685>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And a man's foes shall b…[View]
78024398>show up to summer school >literal sleeping nigress is having the answers read to her, in a bo…[View]
78022991week 6 of nofap: Is it going to get easier? I feel like at my breaking point. I cannot imagine doing…[View]
78024523Transgenderism isn't everywhere because 'love prevailed'. It's everywhere because the peop…[View]
78023844>I cant any longer see >I wonder what is wrong with me >Hatred welling up inside >I wish…[View]
78024515I hate niggers cuz white is the best skin color no cap why do you hate niggers anon?[View]
78021760sing with me anon, get out whatever you have in your chest![View]
78023753So why are all Americans on social media freaking out over this chevron case ? Is it that big of a d…[View]
78023822Fembot, sorry, but you: Can't compete with that[View]
78024360Materiallistic women: My gf just told me that we are all just meat. Isn't this a huge redflag? …[View]
78024035Imagine not having a BWC[View]
78023478>mfw i wanna be a cute femboy frotting with other femboys :3 >but i'm fat brown and mexic…[View]
78023442How do literal cucks manage to have such hot wifes? I know only the vids of the hot ones get viral o…[View]
78024348Situation summary: >general anxiety problems/mild agorophobia >failed to launch and develop a …[View]
78024098>tfw no Hitomi Tanaka gf :([View]
78024378>5'10' >Skinny but with fat belly >Anterior pelvic tilt >Neck hump >Acne all ove…[View]
78021882>tired of being an unfuckable fatass, decide it's time for a change >start new fasting re…[View]
78023374What are your life regrets?[View]
78023328Why does the board quality take a hit when muricans start to wake up?[View]
78018118I'm 25 and I look 17. I scored the mommy dream in Japan with picrel when I was a brokie. I get …[View]
78023347we need to rid this world of all the fucking disgusting evil worthless scum we need to fucking kill …[View]
78024044Same-race rape should be legal: >solve the birthrate crisis >solve the incel epidemic >solv…[View]
78024107Honestly how do I improve my sex drive? It's supposed to spike heavily in your teens and I neve…[View]
78024256>grandmother went on a date with a black guy when she was 17 years old I love her but I can'…[View]
78024018women give sex to receive love, men give love to receive sex...[View]
78024226No 6'3 gf with big ass: to anally demolish[View]
78024224ITT: songs simply MADE for fembots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2kUX_Fmj7k[View]
78024077What does /R9K/ think about Adam Lanza/Sandy Hook. He seemed like he would've fit here, especia…[View]
78023319I don't understand other incels it's obvious to me that I don't deserve to have sex w…[View]
78023946What would you choose: Be very attractive but average height and dick >or Be tall and garaguntan-…[View]
78024025>be me >dead ass have never had a drop of alcohol until I was 21 >started off okay, had som…[View]
78024169if you call me im gonna hang up[View]
78024064can a femanon pls sext with me and bully me until i cum[View]
78023942this is your future, anon, cope and seethe all you want[View]
78022725Why do women hate male sexuality so much? They're disgusted by men that watch porn or even foll…[View]
78024081I spend 99% of my time outside of work alone in my room. What the fuck is there to do outside beside…[View]
78023934>There are no moral facts. Only interpretations. Everything is relative bro. Obey no one. Questio…[View]
78023256I'm very much straight and homophobic, but purely out of curiosity, I'd like to know if ga…[View]
78023335To: Dork: Hey dummy you should eat and drink something, not try to smoke. And please get some sleep,…[View]
78024041All my life I have been in constant physical pain. For the past couple of years it has been much wor…[View]
78024014How do i learn Spanish[View]
78023690I'm so hopelessly attracted to the terminally online mentally ill girl type and I don't kn…[View]
78022212Are Lesbians stupider than straight women?[View]
78023979Hall of shame: Would you rather be a terminally online troll? Or A terminally online troll who is t…[View]
78021909im gonna have a hookup with a virgin 18yr old femcel i met on soc soon how do i prepare and make her…[View]
78023772Is mathmaxxing a viable method to cope with loneliness in the year of our lord 2024?[View]
78023846>friend is tall as shit >Like 6'4' >Ruins himself by becoming majorly obese >In an …[View]
78023923The late 80s and early 90s were so wholesome. Now we live in a technological dystopia with incels an…[View]
78023741Sometimes I go through my porn folder to decide what thread I'll make[View]
78023209>once you get that money up the women will come to youuuu! How come all these wealthy stem nerds …[View]
78023879imma marry but i need help winning her over tips?[View]
78021852>Who are you voting for in November, anon? How do you respond?[View]
78023857bfdi: Has anyone else ever watched this bullshit?[View]
78023457Why are white people so weird?: First off, I am not a racist. I'm white myself mostly (1/2 angl…[View]
78022484> still struggling with talking to people at 34 >never been in a relationship >KHV >no f…[View]
78022832/larper/ - #1: >how many larpers are trannies really? When I was younger I used to do a lot of ro…[View]
78021986Who would win?: The average fembot (left) vs the average moid on 4chan (right). FIGHT[View]
78022281Any other robots from Mexico or other Latin countries? I feel like being a robot here is a particula…[View]
78022908I can't say 'whatever' after every single devastation for much longer.[View]
78023351How can you live with the fact that you will live lonely until you die: It started to recently hit m…[View]
78022125Autism is a valid disability deserving of neetbux and NDIS sex workers[View]
78023697Submissive Women of /r9k/: Why are you a woman? How hard do you want to submit?[View]
78023737i accidentally uploaded this instead of my assignment for art class am i gonna fail[View]
78022250/sing/ing: /SING/ sing sing sing sing https://voca.ro/1lwXxa871T0N[View]
78023517>didn't miss out on teen love >still unsociable and miserable and a virgin…[View]
78022661To Women, I loathe you because i'm quite cynical of you, and i doin't find you soothing, o…[View]
78023616Hello anons, I'm wondering how I can stop eating highly processed and unhealthy garbage that co…[View]
78023622>online all day playing League of Legends >doesn't reply to you for days and weeks at a t…[View]
78022596i hope the log is gemmier today[View]
78023230Femanaon, who would you choose: >an average height and dick man with 8-9 looks >a 4-5 tall wel…[View]
78022898I'm turning 23 next month[View]
78022835any free to use chatbots that aren't prudes? :/[View]
78021158How do I get a goth gf like her?[View]
78023590I'm tired of wage slaving. How do I get on neetbux or get rich?[View]
78023572I love Essex but she really needs to stop treating black people so badly[View]
78023436Why do they let women inside colleges and universities? CAUSE WOMEN CAN DO IT TOO BIGOT (threat of v…[View]
78021979How many different medications are you on?[View]
78023195>it's another atheism thread started by glow agents with 3 obvious agents replying to give t…[View]
78023493>You're a fake introvert. We're the real introverts.[View]
78023499>work a job where I'm in a disgusting building with thousands of people in it >have neve…[View]
78023510Day 337 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH[View]
78023382Daily reminder that there is a specific group of 'people' who are the reason why you have no girlfri…[View]
78022648Do you play any musical instruments? Did you ever get laided because of that?[View]
78022684What's a good chaser app that's isn't grindr?[View]
78023435car trannies seething over bicycle Chads[View]
78023427Talk about your experience with nude beaches!i[View]
78018535>here's your catlike egirl, simp[View]
78023349fear of women: i am so avoidant and uhh, inexperienced with women, that i have a very hard time seei…[View]
78020926brown gf wanted to wear the sonnenrad necklace again[View]
78022956Mentally ill chan spotted. Shes been yelling at nothing for a while now. What should I do?[View]
78022364This guy has kissed, fucked, and had a girlfriend. You haven't.[View]
78023139It won't go away: Shaved my dick with shaving cream for the first time Took me like an hour, I …[View]
78022990Cigarette Thread: Camel Turkish Blues edition Discuss cigarettes you like.[View]
78023113As a 5'5 guy I get really intimidated by tall big guys. Everyone towers over me and could easil…[View]
78023283Femanons, How does this picture make you feel?[View]
78022996people believe this guy is being serious. lol.[View]
78023100what are /r9k/'s thoughts on minimalism[View]
78022896>forgot how to speak words again give it a few more years and I might as well be mute Anyone else…[View]
78022948Damn, I forgot how good it feels to oversleep... plus, my covid symptoms are starting to completely …[View]
78022284the amount of times ive seen nonas talk shit about their brothers on IoIcow/crystal cafe is honestly…[View]
78022894As a teenager I used to dream about girls and love. Now I only dream about death. What even is the p…[View]
78022654There's nothing more demoralizing than missing out on innocent, fun, young love. Even if you ta…[View]
78023206Do your siblings mog you? All my siblings are way more normal than me and I once found an old notebo…[View]
78023183Imagine having 8 inches: I could walk like a G-d amongst man, powerful and glorifying. But instead I…[View]
78023185i have a test tomorrow that will decide the course for the rest of my life. It stresses me out so mu…[View]
78022675>be me >graduate university >cant get job >every job they require good communication ski…[View]
78023177I really had feelings for that stupid bitch: She went with sone dude who's closer to 40 than sh…[View]
78021847>tfw you answer every question Bidenbros, we eaten good tonight[View]
78022843>be 30 >when i was like 25 used to date a single mother who had a little girl >broke up wit…[View]
78022953ordered a jumprope since my footwork is still a bit shite at the moment[View]
78023087I met my boyfriend in r9k almost 2 years ago. I'm so glad I met him I don't know what I…[View]
78023020Going to sleep soon good night[View]
78022329I lost the count of how many girls ghosted me or just texted me once every day[View]
78023092ok so i found a bunch of emails and passwords from a leak site which social media sites dont require…[View]
78023088i need codependency again, i should be enough and she will be enough[View]
78023037This is how white people treated their black slaves... How do white people live with the guilt?!![View]
78022993>>the girl Ellie from the psych ward was like oh you probably have sex 2 times a week at least…[View]
78022788Can someone reaffirm me please :(: I'm not a failure that I dropped a course three weeks into t…[View]
78022650It's insane that foids are literally genociding people based on their genetics. Foids have geno…[View]
78022705Alright robots, here's your autistic gf... not quite what you imagined?[View]
78022781All across the world, girls are giving Hawk Tuah to their boyfriends right now: This social media fa…[View]
78022542what are your thoughts on fucking hot escorts pic related[View]
78022937lets say i have a bunch of emails and passwords which social media platforms are the easiest to just…[View]
78022844>my therapist is female[View]
78022695Non-virgin women: >be almost 35 >been searching for a gf for literally almost 20 years >you…[View]
78022830Anyone else fucked up their only chance at teenage love?: In 8th grade, my family and I moved to a n…[View]
78022878I'm so big girls just climb on top of my cock and hump it. What can I do? I feel nothing.[View]
78021921He's the Andrew Tate of the East.[View]
78022852>start jerking off lately at 20yo after spending my entire life without masturbating >can…[View]
78022084>be white man escaping an outright genocide >get hacked to death at the border by guards Why…[View]
78022696Would you date a three-holed faggot?[View]
78021768Men are so fucking stupid that they pay cam whores wearing fake tits that they bought off of Amazon …[View]
78022436Newest kind of day.[View]
78020617which one has the nicer body?[View]
78022753Mom found the condom cupboard[View]
78021375gamers be lookin like the dude version of this and wondering why no women approach them[View]
78019089I'm of the belief that bottoms should always be feminine, or at the most a twink. Masculine men…[View]
78022137Why the fuck do people find goblins sexy?[View]
78021824Why do chads often date mid girls?[View]
78022715Should I go for a comfy bus ride when its raining?[View]
78022623I don't know what to do anymore: I'm so unbelievably broken beyond repair. I feel nothing …[View]
78021965I don't have any high school stories, except the one where I got drunk in my room alone.[View]
78019107>I'm worried that something bad will happen if I tell my therapist about my thoughts on hero…[View]
78020599It is incredibly depressing that I will never get to forcibly use a girl's or woman's thro…[View]
78021502Following rules determines success. Being most closely aligned to the system determines success. Mol…[View]
78021914i feel nauseous all the time.. no more yummy foods D:[View]
78022086fuck: Being an incel online did a 180 on me and now I'm a simp who pays women online for existi…[View]
78022205Would you go to church if God looked like this?[View]
78022549Does anyone else deal with this? I started getting huge headaches which I thought were for lack of s…[View]
78019365Choose a DOTA hero and cross them out LOL only got 7, lets see how much DOTA gets[View]
78022049im a silly boy in a serious world xd[View]
78021701>used to think my former oneitis was really cute >years later after I started going out and me…[View]
78022504jesus is a loser why would anyone want to be anything like jesus? he is a passive aggressive cunt wh…[View]
78022435Foreskin problems: >Be uncircumcised >Haven't fapped or showered in a week >Summer hea…[View]
78022472night night: goooooood nighttttttt r9k!!!! call me a faggot all you want, but being here makes me fe…[View]
78021959Am I allowed to say I traveled all over europe if I only stayed in each country for 3-4 days?[View]
78022325impossible challenge: do not think sexual thoughts[View]
78021925Black women are undesirable: I will now be having a conversation with myself[View]
78022405Have you accepted that you'll never create something great?: You have nothing interesting to sa…[View]
78022423I reject 3D, I am married to God.[View]
78022383it kind of sucks that i wasted my life now that i think about it desu[View]
78022332i drove past a place and i wanted to die there because i have good memories there i remember i went …[View]
78021349Summer of coitus[View]
78021521i think el has had enough time to think it over she NEEDS to let me put a baby in her[View]
78022366women can sense my weakness and it disgusts them[View]
78022251>It's all connected >Jenn explodes, makes Jason, version of Jason fucks around with Docto…[View]
78021488>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And he is the propitiation fo…[View]
78022285the foreign women (who come to white countries) are the lowest of the low, when it comes to basic hu…[View]
78021972Why do Incels pretend that only young men have it tough? Zoomer women are suffering because it'…[View]
78020655I work with the public and today we had a young person who was suicidal. Thankfully, he reached out …[View]
78019549The Eternal Nofap: Mysterium Xarxes: Eternal Nofap is the Key to the Gate. The Promised Path. The Ro…[View]
78021154Think I have OCD?: I am terrified of contamination. I have washed my hands till they bleed. And when…[View]
78022204>sad when alone >not satisfied when talking to people and it feels like a chore what should a …[View]
78021187i have to go into public next week for a job might try to lose some weight there is a really pretty …[View]
78019931Anon a woman sends you a picture like this, how do you ruin the mood? We all know you would ruin the…[View]
78021562bored n lonely.. pls talk to me before i fall asleep[View]
78022109Who am I compatible with?: What sort of girl would I be compatible with? I used to think that if I w…[View]
78021414>Tall >Muscular >Is a bad boy but not evil or cringe. >Both emotionally and physically s…[View]
78021941>Thanks Anon for the help with fixing up my RV >I'm so glad to have a stepson like you…[View]
78020939Girls have been asking me on average once per year since 5th grade, and I've rejected every sin…[View]
78021060How did you get over being sad about your dice roll?[View]
78022066>tfw (((Canada Day))) I wanted to leave the house but normies are (((celebrating))) Now it's…[View]
78022048I'm very obsessed with the nude female form.[View]
78022053You know what? I don't need a boyfriend, I just want to cosplay and dance to vocaloid songs in …[View]
78020782What does women really want? It's not the same that men want.[View]
78022000it's funny, no other comment. >so i guess for you, you could say, he who dares wins…[View]
78021828Would Frasier browse /r9k/?[View]
78020321Day 574 of manifesting cute gf that has cool interests Slow and steady. Had a nice night walk at the…[View]
78020946>fall in love with a girl five years ago from lolcow farm >new ex gf who said im an animal mol…[View]
78021717Do you have New Years plans yet? Gooning aside/foreword.[View]
78021084>July 1st >woke up really late >forgot to say 'rabbit rabbit rabbit' as soon as I woke up …[View]
78020302Are White people a minority on the Internet, too? Am I statistically more likely to be talking to a …[View]
78020818I thank god everyday for not making me a soicaca Must suck being raised on soipoopy.discordparty[View]
78021916i can only socialize decently well when i'm drinking, otherwise i'm lost in my own mind, f…[View]
78021693this woman also offers her love to you. she also offers unconditional love, and wants to have sex fr…[View]
78021613Transgenders won't become women, Why is that?[View]
78021836Legalize Hitler[View]
78021761Fembots if you found the perfect guy but he wants you to cosplay as his favorite Vtuber. Would you d…[View]
78020889what is your bizarre fetish: the most important thing for a happy life is to have a good/easy/reason…[View]
78021635this woman offers to suck your dick and asks you out on a date are you taking the offer, anon?[View]
78021845/r9k/ and 4chan in general if we were alive during the pirate era. https://youtu.be/W-liJNo6-sY?si=X…[View]
78021783Asperger Separatism: By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. The …[View]
78021718I waitress, here are some people I hate seeing in my sections: >Black people, not racist or anyth…[View]
78021164/purrrrrrrrr/: As a gay man, who the fuck is attracted to masc men and not people like picrel? Masc …[View]
78021415What are you looking forward to?[View]
78021781All you need to be happy is to be attractive, whether male or female.[View]
78020421>Did you know I'm apart of the master race? Without whites society wouldn't function Wh…[View]
78020560When will you finally visit Thailand?[View]
78016320What's /r9k/'s Minecraft version of choice?: I've tried getting into the really old v…[View]
78021496Bro i heard about this before and I've been going to dentist appointments recently and make sur…[View]
78021249Someone try to convince me that fucking a woman is better than fucking a cute feminine male. That…[View]
78020081This dude is legit getting paid to have sex, why aren't you having sex anon?[View]
78018203Thoughts on Asian people going on tv complaining about how they don't get into Harvard or other…[View]
78021742I have decided to not give up, despite the odds. I am so back[View]
78021064The panacea: Bad habits stem in large part from being a pussy. You are afraid of trying, you are afr…[View]
78021570i have vagina[View]
78021505how would you react in this situation anon[View]
78021566>go somewhere nice >realise i'm all alone >remember i have nobody to share experiences…[View]
78021665I can't escape it: Why doesnt anyone like me? Every single day the internet reminds me that bla…[View]
78021673My money big body, my money tonka[View]
78021661Animal Hypocrisy Meme: https://youtu.be/p3WAzpfJerQ?si=3HjURzl5XtAEwqfH This is the second video I…[View]
78020992I'm 34 is it over?[View]
78020386>cant get drivers license because Im not mentally fit according to the doctor…[View]
78020867Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?[View]
78021171>have long as fuck hair >didnt brush it or detangle it for weeks >now i have to spend hours…[View]
78020625>can easily get laid, but feel disgusted of letting some <90 IQ girl shit on me with drama in …[View]
78020849i think im going to kill myself tonight but i dont know how ill do it i broke up with the guy i thou…[View]
78021348would you watch a 2 hour anime in the theatre[View]
78019152Rate my hinge slay[View]
78021503Hey, pay up, pal[View]
78020721when i hear or read someone who's not black say the n-word it makes me sad because it feels lik…[View]
78020683Why is American nationalism so based?[View]
78020725Kitty thread: I like kitties and such and think this place would be much better with some more…[View]
78021297Gonna have a fun time with the missus, pic related.[View]
78020228Dick power isn't a meme: >talk to a rich bitchy asian cunt (she's pretty) >shes enti…[View]
78020325>hey Anon would you like my number? How do you politely reject her and get out before you become …[View]
78021184>this guy made this thread for nearly a decade >gets blown out by the same girl he uses in hi…[View]
78021299Get in, loser, we're about to save YouTube[View]
78021426When I was 13 (23 now) I posted nudes on 4chan for about a month and it completely got rid of my ins…[View]
78021254I have wasted my entire life. I have pissed away every single good thing I ever had. Now I'm no…[View]
78020009pussy would cure my depression[View]
78021251how are u guys doing tonight :3[View]
78017727Why did women need to create the term 'femcel' when 'picky' already existed?[View]
78020021How do I convince my future wife to abort any male fetuses? I only want to have daughters because I …[View]
78020368How do I get a girl to hawk tuah on my thang?[View]
78021169Anyone else ashamed of their parents?: My dad's 48 years old working minimum wage. He never fin…[View]
78010453Newish kind of day.[View]
78021181>normie men >why do you care about a girls sexual history? caring about previous partners is i…[View]
78020910I lost my job and my girlfriend is cheating on me for a 3rd time so I've crying and getting dru…[View]
78021186I think I am still at my wits end trying to play catchup from the Chinese bat virus. Femanons, robo…[View]
78021178any futa on male enthusiasts here? The most purest form of love[View]
78020986sleep well frens. I hope things will be better for all of us, when we wake up.[View]
78021137Admit it, the last human intimacy you experienced was weird gay stuff with your friends in high scho…[View]
78020959Dear Adonis...I'm sorry that that man is your father...[View]
78020525>foids are chad only >trannies are chad only >femfaggots are chad only Where does that leav…[View]
78021098What do you do for recreation to make your life comfier? Personally, I am like a machine. I just wor…[View]
78018835Have you ever walked on or overheard family members having sex or masturbating?[View]
78020477Being absolutely average: I hate being average. Average height (5'4) average weight (129) mediu…[View]
78020761my mom keeps coming in my room to make sure i didnt kill myself[View]
78020058>be me >be Chickn >Be /4chan infamous/ >make a thread >no one replies I guess I wasn…[View]
78020708God hates me: >feel nothing >play online poker, still feel a rush in $.01/.02 games >straig…[View]
78020363Voiceldom: Does taking testosterone helps to make your voice deeper, more masculine and less whiny? …[View]
78020419I often just stare at the catalog and press f5 for 3 hours[View]
78020118>buy a bunch of fruits for my return home for summer >mom washes my fruits with soap holy shit…[View]
78019945Moid Data Thread: Moids, describe yourselves using the following template: >age >race/national…[View]
78019772Do women actually like cum?[View]
78019736*Update* KnottyPaws mom email: Well, its been a few weeks since anon said he sent the email and stil…[View]
78019962How do I get a gf to watch monster with and cuddle together?[View]
78020834I am somewhat late to realizing this, but you will actually avoid being called a faggot a lot more b…[View]
78020175>Browsing Google earth >Notice giant anime figures in the Sahara desert What are their names?…[View]
78020699All your problems can be blamed on your father making you with old sperm, it was over before it even…[View]
78020839well there's a whole lotta sex-havers out there that's a-lookin down on me cause the incel…[View]
78020180Judge me based on my drawing[View]
78019221How do you make IRL friends or meet girls as a 24 year old virgin who's been a NEET shut-in sin…[View]
78020117I'm watching politicians and journalists call for the execution of their political revival. Lma…[View]
78017527LeanBeefPatty is a Femcel: She wants to castrate all incels[View]
78020774The worst part about being ugly, is that you will always disappoint those you want to attract. No on…[View]
78020771Is it actually true that most faggots are gay cause they got tooched as kids? Does this cause pedoph…[View]
78020556What's with dudes proposing in public?: I had always assumed that guys' GFs were putting t…[View]
78019861Got denied from the army: Failed my psychological evaluation today, they're not letting me join…[View]
78017382Anyone else starting to regret spending their childhood on the internet.[View]
78020362our ancestors passed their genes by killing their brothers and raping women like this[View]
78020594holy shit you faggots are so predictable and easy to get attention from, all i have to do is post a …[View]
78019926Stop watching porn the Jews made it[View]
78020681I sold my soul for nothing[View]
78020566So hiring a prostitute is my only option as a straight autistic man?[View]
78020535How is anime supposed to be a good cope? I dont get any enjoyment from watching the mc go on adventu…[View]
78020662oh would you look at that more >im a gorl give me attention threads[View]
78020647What ever happened to this discord ewhore? Does anyone have moar pics[View]
78020610I stopped believing in God many years ago, but I still find myself praying in desperate situations.[View]
78020314Why not just look on the bright side of single/become a volcel?: Just look at picrel. A lot of peopl…[View]
78016260I need a gf like this. Are there any femanons like this?[View]
78020374>twitter talking about the porn industry and sex workers >i say sex work and sex workers are f…[View]
78020339ascension: i hugged a girl today and it was exhilarating maybe in a year or two i'll ask for he…[View]
78019518As a black 'leftist' from Texas, real life white conservatives are so much cooler than white right w…[View]
78020490>going on a date with a femboy >smooth, 20s >he is really into me, super nice what should i…[View]
78018313i want a girlfriend like this so bad anons. so bad.[View]
78019739do robots actually like it when we dress with pink feminine clothes?[View]
78019342why do 99% of moids have a small penis?[View]
78020155I ended with my bf and now I feel guilty and empty: He shallow, but kind and caring, he had traits o…[View]
78020261i hate that i cant sleep i hate laying in bed doing nothing also i really miss school even if it was…[View]
78020459Pourin vodka in the coffee[View]
78020409I used to suck on coins because I liked the taste of iron.[View]
78020452Bobby Lemon Fanclub[View]
78019185flat girls are cute: i use to have a flat chested egf and would tease her about it all the time. she…[View]
78020272Seeking Advice: Was told this is the sex advice board. How do I sleep with my sons new girlfriend? C…[View]
78020167How do I silence the deep inner voice telling me that a girlfriend is the solution to my problems? …[View]
78018029>wife shat herself again[View]
78017545Rural vs. Urban: Anons, do you prefer a rural or an urban lifestyle?[View]
78019393troon topping: desu i would not mind ass fucking a tranny....maybe even kissing their cute cock but …[View]
78020174I want to date an ugly femcel: Over the years I have realized that looks have nothing to do with the…[View]
78020184How would you spend a day in Mexico with him?[View]
78020309I was evading bans Reposting Sneed Thread's not there Janny got me It's a real shame, yeah…[View]
78020274>of the most coomed to girls in the world right now only one of them does porn How are you suppos…[View]
78014115welp... he might like someone else...: it's never been so over robros and sisters... you may kn…[View]
78018714Wojak thread: Thread for the best meme ever. Can some of you anons share some wojaks?[View]
78020182ACCEPT THE FACTS, MAN UP: Dick size DOES matter and 'average' isn't enough[View]
78020267Thoughts on white zoomer males? What are their pros and cons?[View]
78020258When will we have real femboys[View]
78020014Butt cleavage[View]
78019666Why don't the ladies like me?[View]
78020165i'm watching bloomberg on my ps5 and i have no idea what they're talking about[View]
78020229I want to sleep forever And wake up never[View]
78019956Is there a concrete way to beat an internet addiction? I feel as if its so mundane to be addicted to…[View]
78019538White women would rather fuck dogs, blacks, and now indians. White bros, how do we cope?[View]
78020192Is there a 4chan archive that includes 404'd threads?[View]
78018966what do autistic girls do to stim?[View]
78020144I am black and autistic. Is it possible for me to get a ladyboy bf[View]
78020147thats the face of evil[View]
78019747Egirl known on r9k is going around public targeting minorities Plz help me report her to the author…[View]
78019880>live with parents >work fulltime (40+ hours per week) >pay rent >buy my own everything …[View]
78020076hey femanon, stop hitting yourself![View]
78019745fuck off roasties.: your presence on my incel website does not alleviate my incel pain at all. Go ba…[View]
78019178>be me >down on my luck, broke, etc >go into nearby mexican restaurant >the guy who wor…[View]
78019250Fell for the Bull Meme: Cuckolding is not about getting pussy. It's actually a power play -- a …[View]
78019689Eating Disorders: Hey guys think I might be bulimic >M 5'6 >Went from 240lbs to 140lb in …[View]
78018885Erotica writing turned into psychoanalysis: >be me >Decide to write erotic fiction to stroke …[View]
78019860I didn't put all things in order and so I am ready for next year, now this summer I can't …[View]
78018283My best friend died 4 years ago today She ODed while taking some drugs when she came over to my pla…[View]
78018983Any cybersecurity anons here? >do compooter science >don't like coding >figure I shoul…[View]
78019876I need to quit my job to go golfing, or I might have to commit suicide https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
78019495Why has India not produced any major athletes? I don't buy tye 'malnutrition/poverty'…[View]
78019640im thinking about going on my first date ever but then that would require downloading a dating app m…[View]
78019813I think my mom cheated on my dad: I was smoking weed with my grandma the other day and we got into t…[View]
78019586Why are dead looking men so fucking hot?[View]
78019500Thoughts on old Japanese men who get off to the humiliation of looking like a young girl?[View]
78019789ever since i give up getting a job and embrace being a neet even without neetbux, i been feeling a l…[View]
78018960Just date an average girl like pic related. I'm sure she's a virgin.[View]
78019714How come theres no kids working today?: Mall Fast food Supermarkets Etc I generally starting noticin…[View]
78018464>Spend money on video games >Remember i hate video games and lose interest This has been happe…[View]
78019442I got Bette Davis eyes[View]
78019719I've touched women before: Like, brushed their fingers while exchanging money and stuff like th…[View]
78019428Anyone else attracted to drugged men? Last summer I was in bus and there was a drugged, drunk guy. H…[View]
78019455Every single one of you is a nigger.[View]
78019693>Match with a decent looking girl >Get her snap >She sends me a snap >Kinda fugly >G…[View]
78018932Do you ever see yourself being a father? How do you think you would do?[View]
78019183i think the way moids constantly yell about female privilege is a bit myopic and not entirely accura…[View]
78019397Moids brainwash women into desiring marriage: In ancient times, moids desired marriage far more than…[View]
78017467EBONY QUEEN!: >you're at a hotel bar looking for pussy >this super hot black girl approac…[View]
78019638I probably just need a friend. hoes be taking all the energy and returning none of it.: >FYI I…[View]
78018861>Why did you call me a taconigger?[View]
78018194I don't understand how some dudes can watch bbc porn, it's so evil and repulsive. I watche…[View]
78018693Why are conservative women such whores[View]
78019624Bussin or Sussin: On this week's episode of Bussin or Sussin, we have laughing Mutahar Is it bu…[View]
78018783I hope everyone who sets off fireworks this week burns their house down or maims themself[View]
78017083/FeelBar/: /FeelBar/ opening. Come drink chat, talk, rent, vent, yell and even brawl but keep the br…[View]
78019575i will never have sex, my penis will never enter a vagina, this causes me incalculable mental anguis…[View]
78019580The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on earth. B…[View]
78018120all incels are normies: I sing as a hobby but am good at it and sing in high-level and sometimes pro…[View]
78013891there just isn't any help: >oh you're miserable? you should go to therapy to fix your p…[View]
78019552i can't decide whether to take more adderall or to sleep[View]
78019546Accepting Girlfriend applications.: Foids, Twinks, transwomen I'm accepting applications for a …[View]
78017071why is looking up to anime seen as cringe: >be shonen anime character >take masculinity seriou…[View]
78016377Pokimane blocked me from Twitter because my profile picture was her face with my cum on it, and pret…[View]
78017146am i screwed?: >autistic girl >extremely socially anxious >chubby >bpd >cant talk to …[View]
78019190As a mexican that will be leaving america if trump wins, where are some good places to go to[View]
78019466oldfag poorfag newfag moorfag normalfag eurofag namefag purefag[View]
78016212Going on a plane for the first time. Am I gonna die or get arrested?[View]
78019459Crazy Work Story: >Be me >20, junior in college >Worked shitty fast food job since I was 15…[View]
78019458You want to be like gigachad, I want to be like Chad Warden, we are not the same[View]
78018999who did you play in street fighter 4[View]
78019150Okay so now I think communism is bad[View]
78018873The existence of trannies is a psyop meant to discourage regular hardworking straight men from takin…[View]
78019408asking for help terrifies me[View]
78019154If I made enough money I could hire girls to cuddle with me every single day and watch movies/play v…[View]
78019286How do you deal with the jealously of your future girlfriend/wife having more sexual experiences tha…[View]
78017041The fact American conservatives are okay to the idea of arming Jews to kill Christians But arming w…[View]
78017706The story about how my grandparents got together is such a blackpill >1972 >my grandfather is…[View]
78019301If I don't play my cards right I might end up >roping >homosexual bottom >becoming an …[View]
78019216>every female coworker i've ever had has shit-talked their so-called friends as soon as they…[View]
78019288If people only knew...[View]
78018642Women brainwash men into worshipping their asses: Women unironically brainwash and /hypno/ men into …[View]
78019263>repress cocklust >just gets worse and worse >act on cocklust >mind gets rewired to th…[View]
78019129All women care about is their ass. It's insane how many of them look like horses irl.[View]
78018262Why are we expected to come up with original responses to unoriginal posts?: Posts like this one for…[View]
78018741Malebots what is your ideal body type in a female? Would you ever consider dating a girl whos an obe…[View]
78018393i might be a girlfailure guys: am i a loser? this is a genuine question im a chronic oversharer, i s…[View]
78018682>If only you knew how much I loved you >If only you knew how much I cared >If only you knew…[View]
78018265I be yol golfren? make baby have sex together?[View]
78019198my brother >uses fucking 5-in-one shampoo >showers twice a week >leaves trash and food ever…[View]
78018764I tried reading thus spoke zarathusra but got filtered[View]
78019008>this 'nice guy' I went on a date with has asked what was my body count. Wtf dude like men dont r…[View]
78018657Fuck Uber: >order Uber >watch as this fuck drives around the whole city before coming to pick …[View]
78019135Is this Mexican is saving america?[View]
78018867I'm obsessed with Parents: Most adults I know are basically kids faking their way through life.…[View]
78016163china is stronger than your piece of shit country.[View]
78016985This is literally one of the most offensive things I have ever seen. Do liberals actually believe in…[View]
78018936It's 2024, why try anymore?[View]
78018914This thread on the right is retarded: Kys, in the most original manner possible.[View]
78019037>TFW I've gone 20 months without a bath for the second time in the last five years and I hav…[View]
78018753All I want in life is a girl (preferably older) to call me her good boy or her babyboy and to praise…[View]
78018328How do normies feel knowing that they have someone outside of their family that likes them so much t…[View]
78018643She looks guilty because she knows it's not fair that a skinny handsome guy has to settle for h…[View]
78018686How does one stop being such a massive wienie? Everywhere I go I'm taking heavy level of banter…[View]
78015405How overrated is this, honestly?[View]
78012415Picking a college course and trying 2 take it easy[View]
78018882>no cute 160iq lawyer gf to nonchalantly marry and commit scams with why live?…[View]
78018950Abuse is the love language of BPDemon: Spank her, fuck her ass, make her cry[View]
78018749Thoughts on Pichu?[View]
78018904would you do something nice for a woman that doesnt see you as human?[View]
78017622Small Stories You Have Nobody to Tell: >1 am last night, my apartment >about to go to bed, und…[View]
78018858Why are Mediterranean men more attractive to women than Nordic men?[View]
78017550But why do you want to be someone's boyfriend so much? What is it about it that appeals to you?[View]
78018633you'd probably have better luck if you actually stayed fit and didn't look like you spend …[View]
78018846>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. When the righteous are in au…[View]
78018410I'm about to go into work drunk and 3 hours late.[View]
78010421I'm kind of at she her bros idk[View]
78018618you are one fat nasty lookin fuck[View]
78017606INCELSAMA AIYYYYEEEEEEEEE PLS DON'T RAPE MEEEEEEEEEE https://twitter.com/arthoefootjob/status/1…[View]
78018789Can you get lung cancer at 18? I've been smoking 10 cigarettes a day, everyday, for 2 years now…[View]
78009969so we just gonna chill while a lesbian cult is grooming all the girls to hate men?[View]
78018554>meet femboy on discord >not gay but something about him is different >we talk and get to k…[View]
78016842How do you get over someone? I'm in my 20s and have never dealt with this feeling before. The f…[View]
78017723The Men Of The Road: Picture this: The Men Of The Road approach. It's hot and dark out, your he…[View]
78017684how do i loose weight forever so people stop calling me the plapjak girl[View]
78018620How do I convince a gay bottom on this board to ride my cock 24/7?[View]
78015880Would you like to have a Latinxa gf?[View]
78018681I think women deserved all the rape they got in the ancient times because they were detected as next…[View]
78018667Femsubs: Femsub, how submissive are you? Describe your ideal bf.[View]
78018621Reminder i'm the real one, this was the first instance of Corsolanon. Ignore the repressed tran…[View]
78015126Why is it that black guys like big white butts so much?[View]
78018105I feel like getting a burger, good thing there's so many good places for it in Luxembourg.. I a…[View]
78015900Every time I watch To Catch A Predator I wish he gets shot by one of the so called predators.[View]
78016904do you like to dance anon?[View]
78018447I'm handsome im handsom im hansdom: I just need to grow hair out and lose 5kg and ill go from m…[View]
78012033what's the best and easiest way to get an r9k gf as a shut-in neet? preferably one who'll …[View]
78018561me virtual fren left me, as expected. now me IRL fren is back tides[View]
78010032How do I get over my crippling fear of men? I feel completely trapped by the clear and obvious power…[View]
78018533It would be like a normie asking how to breathe. Stuff like that does not appear on the radar for th…[View]
78018524I found my goal in life: I just want to be as strong and as combat capable of possible. It seems I w…[View]
78013477I refuse to believe male incels exist: The endless whining about nothing on this board makes me want…[View]
78017718directors should marry their actresses seems like an easy decision[View]
78016519I wish I had a handsome older sugar daddy who would treat me like his little boy and pet. I would ge…[View]
78017317Let's play the modern marriage game: 50% of marriages end in divorce, so it's like flippin…[View]
78017915I have a small penis and can barely feel anything during vaginal penetration past the first few thru…[View]
78018264i need a creative outlet help[View]
78018066>obsessed with sex >never had it explain[View]
78016391I dunno what to say: Just tell me how u feel[View]
78018282What gun level are you at?[View]
78018287Share some wisdom: You expert men and women here. Theoretically if let's say someone seeds womb…[View]
78017793>female classmate starts talking to me[View]
78015249Oh to be hugged by a centipede girl...[View]
78017392>be sperg >in uni for EE, have a job, my own car, investments, etc >have non-sperg brother…[View]
78018327Girls lack respect for me AMA before I go to sleep[View]
78017441How do you feel you aren't making money and balling like celebrities and youtubers? You aren…[View]
78018317post birthday music: i'll start https://youtu.be/MXNbfU0Ww_E?si=LEihDBrOZWf4AzdO[View]
78011488finaIIy got to the point of stimfapping where blood is coming from my crotch what am i supposed to d…[View]
78016438Have you ever went into a relationship knowing that it could possibly be one of the worst mistakes o…[View]
78018299we should add up the average age girls got gangbang first time over the past one hundred years and m…[View]
78017841>he's big, so if i hit him, he can't hit me back! this is what women actually think…[View]
78015386If there any generation that sucks it's zoomers.: In just 2 to 3 generations later the men will…[View]
78016909>tfw ANOTHER guy that likes me ends up being racist It doesn't make sense either. How are yo…[View]
78007575Pic related >born 9/10 Chad >born to loving mother and father >both parents millionaire doc…[View]
78016682The modern 'male' utterly disgusts me.: >doesn't have his shit in order >literal manchild…[View]
78017084If you were going to be born into a happy life, but you weren't born because your parents decid…[View]
78017302Theres nothing to look forward to for the rest of the Summer.[View]
78018033It's a myth that guys can't fuck after they nut, my dick stays plenty hard after I've…[View]
78017062I look at beautiful women from far away: And admire their beauty. Then I go back to my regular life.…[View]
78018136My online 4chan ex friend will never love me because i'm not a femboy or an anime girl[View]
78017847>two beautiful hooked up >oh my gosh, the world is saved!! I hate normalfag cinema. https://yo…[View]
78017992how to be masculine without having the right genetic?: I have the bone structure of a girl (small he…[View]
78017797>chubby brown girls[View]
78018008i am feeling extremely depressed. should i abuse stimulants to feel happy[View]
78018015>Lets you access the world wide web from anywhere with a high speed internet connection Why did t…[View]
78017509Breaking up with my online gf: Ended a 9 month long today. Would have to wait at least 7 years for h…[View]
78016718I'm dead inside: I feel nothing I love nothing I just hope heaven is an isekai where I can be a…[View]
78015360At what age do you go from being a boy to a man and a girl to a woman?[View]
78016360>Look I'll cut the malarky Good lord. Has anyone else seen this Biden ad 50,000 times?…[View]
78017174I need help psychologically torturing a man who thinks he can manipulate me. How do I do this? Like …[View]
78017479Gf broke up with me because i have social anxiety: She broke up with me because i'm socially an…[View]
78017021My face when >When he thinks being nonchalant in a relationship is cool >When he thinks ignori…[View]
78015601Give me one good reason why should I respect men. Men see women as holes, incubators, cunts that liv…[View]
78017311I hate having to use glasses. My lens will get dirty from the dust daily. With my dirty lens i cant …[View]
78017789>all my friends are starting to have children >hobbies are crumbling around me >cant distra…[View]
78017734Girls just know that i'm a virgin, dont they?[View]
78017312when I was 23 I had a robot boyfriend who was 32. i miss him. he was short, like 5'6, blonde ha…[View]
78016805I turn 24 in a few days, now no girl is going to want me because I am post wall and used up. I faile…[View]
78017728the frustration to talk to a woman is unbearable, I'm about to stab my arm >talk to oneitis…[View]
78017805btw im not a pedo my ex is mentally ill and has a bullemia closet which she uses like eight times a …[View]
78016921Why do women ruin thier bodies with tattoos?[View]
78016071idk my race[View]
78016454Normal people shrug off being cheated on and having their heart break like raindrops off a raincoat.…[View]
78015654Every single girl that walks past you in public or is in the vicinity of you in a social situation i…[View]
78016135>the people who are now young adults have no idea of what was it like living in a nornal world wi…[View]
78015780How does one use his body as an advantage?: Pov: you are a 6'2 7/10 with a 7'5 inch cock. …[View]
78011079GENTLE FEMDOM THREAD: Post cute gentle femdom gifs/pic. NO ANIME! IRL only![View]
78016426This indian chad is 31 and virgin: He has a youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUW…[View]
78017105I refuse to believe that girls can overlook acne scars/complexion: Females literally spend all day a…[View]
78016646>start a job >experience some degree of unprofessionalism in the hiring/training process >l…[View]
78015204Guess what you all have in common with a Nazi.[View]
78017619How do girls get simps that buy them things so easily ? I want one so badly but I dont want a public…[View]
78016875It would seem that white males experience enjoyable orgasms when they watch interracial in contrast …[View]
78014821I still don't know if I should be gay or not. Sometimes I think it would be fun to just fag out…[View]
78017555baking bread after running kinda day[View]
78015928Remember, Women understand other Women, and they hate them.[View]
78017600Nigger Faggot Tranny: Nigger Faggot Tranny Simple as[View]
78017560Why do normalfags have so many tattoos now? It's so off-putting, I refuse to befriend tattoo…[View]
78016476Old man looking for a girlfriend: I have schizoid personality disorder where I don't really car…[View]
78017543>the supreme court >now this Why is everything flipping like a light switch? I seriously thin…[View]
78015525Men battle for white girl pussy. White women make men go wild.[View]
78016042Anything that weakens the U.S. is a victory[View]
78016628>be me >ghost slutty nerdy becky almost 2 yrs ago >tried to message her a few weeks ago bc …[View]
78017477I am The One Who Grips.[View]
78015906>white men don't want to date white women anymore >not attracted to black men Do slim (l…[View]
78017268beware the trans-canada pipeline[View]
78016267How do I get a porn addict gf?[View]
78017275Sure, you may be a beta, but surely you aren't so pathetic that even a female-to-male tranny is…[View]
78017336How do a lot of young high school girls have cellulite??[View]
78017194Women don't care about the amount of hours you work. They obviously care about what amount of m…[View]
78016869I love seeing deeply frustrated people who were at the top in the past. >I'm working so har…[View]
78015878>go outside >everyone is brown why does this make me so sad? they didn't do anything wron…[View]
78017256>person with hobbies you'd imagine would make him an outcast has irl friends and a gf…[View]
78016853Im losing my friend to a whore SRS: >cliffs and spacing He is a year older and lived up the stre…[View]
78017190What colour is your labia, exactly?[View]
78016102seriously where the fuck are all the girls? why don't they use the internet, why are they so ha…[View]
78015412Urghhh i always get so man request from muscular guys on dating apps but I am looking for twinkish s…[View]
77991835/aiwg/ AI Waifu General: comfy flowers edition create waifus and talk about them https://waifus.nemu…[View]
78016632>stepmother was a decent person despite everything >father was actually compassionate and trie…[View]
78017175should I apply for online courses for hs? maybe that is more comfy than going there every day, since…[View]
78007578/r9gay/ - #2352: >tfw no bf edition Previous thread:>>77994742…[View]
78016093Hii r9k its me Chickn again: /r9k/ claims I treat men horribly but I'm really clingy needy and …[View]
779427534chan Happenings Thread: ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you …[View]
78017092any shitskins that hate the canadian anthem here?[View]
78013055>Oh fuck anon did you just come inside of me?!?!?!? >The one thing I told you to not do >Yo…[View]
78016937I met this girl at a bar a few days ago and I can't stop thinking about her. She has a generic …[View]
78016944I wish I was bon jovi[View]
78015053Were you a part of a youth group growing up?: From middle school to my junior year. It was great for…[View]
78016713Why is every attractive black woman above the age of 21 a single mother? This makes dating extremely…[View]
78015689Ideal Bf Thread: Fembot, describe your ideal bf using the following template: >age >race/natio…[View]
78016380Have any thoughts on Pic related? Xd[View]
78016802i got banned for posting a picture of that schizo and saying omnithrust this omnicock[View]
78016754https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WueMDx3p6oI https://youtu.be/BA8AxGxTYKo?si=G95IoOZIquZ0cARk i dont …[View]
78016390Just one more heart attack sweetie, it's almost New Years: What would you do if your wife kept …[View]
78016302Is she the biggest liar in history?[View]
78015778/ahg/ anime husbando general: General for women to discuss about their favourite anime husbandos. Qu…[View]
78016251literally 99% of threads here at all times are sex/relationship driven why can't you fags and f…[View]
78016107Can we have a comfy /r9k/ screencap thread?[View]
78016249>every major city for the past 5 years has had a facebook group of 'Are we dating the same guy?' …[View]
78016612I wish she knew that I nutted to her sister as much as I nutted to her.[View]
78015580Unrequited love ama: My crush doesn't like me - so I'm going to get too drunk. Ask a bipol…[View]
78016583I am autistic. I am 31 years old and have never had a gf. I do not want to work. The only option lef…[View]
78013362Be honest: Would you date a highly thinking woman?[View]
78011948I would rather be lonely till I die then date a non-virgin: I don't see any reason to settle fo…[View]
78016504Slightly lonely, thats all.: Where can i go where girls are comfortable with talking to guys? Its a …[View]
78016498I wasted my youth, I should have let adult men cum in my ass when I was 16. Now I'm 26 and have…[View]
78015535Its weird to think that pissing in public is a constitutional right[View]
78016389Good morning I had bad dreams about school again[View]
78015502I'm always the most fence-sitting person IRL because I have no backbone or uniqueness to myself…[View]
78016296>hey, maybe you shouldn't do bad thing >BU- BUT LE OTHER PEOPLE ALSO DO BAD THING This is…[View]
78016312why are people so afraid of men?: I just want to live my life in peace bros. Women walk on the oppos…[View]
78014507i really cant do a single fucking thing right im so fucking useless aaaaaaaaaaa[View]
78016317>gf left me for my brother[View]
78016225A reminder to our melanin-deficient friends, Please remember to avoid excessive exposure to ultravio…[View]
78014652Shouldn't people in bed be something private?[View]
78016167truly the ultimate iq test is whether you play tekken on wifi or not[View]
78016215Everyone complains too much[View]
78015505>Thou shalt entertain your god. >Thou shalt not be bored. >Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath…[View]
78014940Looking to catch a gf, anyone else coming?[View]
78016176I've managed to cope pretty well with everything anons(mostly by not going outside unless I hav…[View]
78015681Black women are the only true femcels[View]
78015995Why do women always harp on men for being 'immature' and 'not having their shit together', yet the o…[View]
78016056I believe America would be a utopia if it were all white. Like am I the only one who noticed that ev…[View]
78015164I'm going to die as a KHHV due to sheer laziness: I'm fat, almost always have been and sti…[View]
78015417Reminder you can make it if you really want to.[View]
78013716Men don't make sense.: When man says to a woman, that she is somehow 'living on EASY mode' he m…[View]
78015492how do i cope with being a southern italian nigger from staten island and stop being ashamed? >ch…[View]
78013786Does wearing a hijab make You pass , I wanna wear one in solidarity with Palestine Any sisters here…[View]
78015153Do you have an RTX 4090? Also, do you have Asuka?[View]
78015626Having friends is fucking exhausting but I also need to avoid becoming a complete social sperg[View]
78015176How do I find out if Im ugly or not?[View]
78016005Double cheese![View]
78014431shitmiru is a fraud just like most egirls. her hair is meant to hide her manjaw[View]
78015395Anyone else severely depressed because of all the delicious little skimpy-clad blonde teen girls out…[View]
78015835I'm becoming increasingly paranoid about backing up my porn. I have copied my full collection (…[View]
77997846/Biofem/ General #123: Home Nation Edition Previous :>>>>77981331 https://desuarchive.or…[View]
78014451I've waited hours for this I've made myself so sick I wish I'd stayed Asleep today I …[View]
78013890Why don't girls show me any respect?[View]
78009838/britfeel/: Corr it Monday and it lush edition[View]
78015084hairlets? explain?[View]
78012200>tfw fallen in love with the escort I've been seeing regularly I don't know how normie…[View]
78014463*In Squidward's voice* Erhm, what the sigma?[View]
78014004Just realized I haven't spoken to a woman since 2014. As in, having an actual conversation.[View]
78015811>4chan pass expired >Decided not to get another one because I wanna be cheap as fuck and stop …[View]
78015779Does objective morality exist?[View]
78015499>Becky's running towards you like this What do?[View]
78014888greenlight it already, jc lets get this thing into production asap[View]
78015033Why there hasnt been any large scale anti internet, anti brainrot movement yet?[View]
78014107>Be me 19 >Live with parents >Parents say that I should own nothing from my past >I want…[View]
78014991What would you guys rather choose >living the rest of your life aka 40 years old doing the same t…[View]
78007329Asperger Separatism: By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. Nobo…[View]
78010180/gg/ general general: Too soicially anxious to type on discord because it's a real-time chat cl…[View]
78015570The only people who will tell you sex is overrated and girls aren't worth the trouble are the o…[View]
78015366Reminder that homosexuals are NOT just like us. They're NOT normal people who just love people …[View]
78014536ive mentally regressed to the point i cuddle a teddy bear to get to sleep.[View]
78015147Unconditional Love Doesn't Exist: Between a man and a woman. And if that's so, then I will…[View]
78015468Lean Beef Patty is a confirmed femcel.[View]
78014571I had a dream today where during my moms birthday I was chatting a lot with one of her friends at th…[View]
78014702nosecel: my nose is ruining my life i used to get bullied in school for it but i thought id grow out…[View]
78015364why dont asian incels focus their time into becoming a kung fu master instead of pursuing a gf[View]
78014683Tfw no asian girl to take my 7'5 inch 5'5 circumference cock up her ass[View]
78014689>be kid >told how to act >grow up >shown that most of what I was told was bullshit Why d…[View]
78015039The meme is actually real, when you turn 30 all the Women who ignored you immediately become interes…[View]
78014585i just want to be loved: i grew up as a jehovahs witness and left when i was 17. all of my family an…[View]
78014476when im alone im a ghost to women when im with my sister or cousin women talk to me, even compliment…[View]
78014363A white boi's semen is no different from excrement or piss so it is not only appropriate, but u…[View]
78012110woman has 9 holes. i can stickk all of them[View]
78015377>be euro without hs >as an american getting a GED is done within hours or within a month >a…[View]
78014275>cant get drivers license because Im not mentally fit according to doctor…[View]
78014196witness truth: witness the panacea[View]
78012700The sooner that you realize that you don't need women to be happy. You'll find how miserab…[View]
78015233He is wrong.[View]
78014595Don't you ever be honest with your therapist: Mine now basically sends me to go work or else I…[View]
78014789Do these types girls even even exist anymore outside of some TikTok fashion? I really like their sty…[View]
78007362women are empowering and men are weakening is there nothing we can do, bros? they're gonna take…[View]
78014662How do Whites cope with the fact that their precious Japan will be ours now?[View]
78014782Just a friendly reminder: When man saw a biological female, with cancer, rotting in bed he will say …[View]
78015001What I hate most about work is how it pulls you deeper and deeper into the vulgar, mundane, dirty, t…[View]
78014704Cute thread #2: Animal edition Today has been a boring day. I will be going to the mall tomorrow :3…[View]
78014573At this point, my standards for a partner are: >not a slut >pleasant personality >level hea…[View]
78014623What are you actually supposed to do with your life: I'm at a point where I have absolutely no …[View]
78013931Why is trooning out their sons such a popular pastime with Hollywood celebrities?[View]
78012899>kills 2 women >gets death sentence This is pretty much unfair, can we get petition to get him…[View]
78013862Finasteride killed my boner[View]
78013932Favorite e girl/whore: Mine is @AmericanHussy aka Alison does anyone know her?[View]
78014914if you are taller than 6' and larger than 6'' GTFO this board[View]
78014908>be me >white >not shreded but athletic >download Tinder >it cant be that bad >I l…[View]
78014555URGENT: NEW WORDS NEEDED: boys, what's a less cringe name for cuddling? but something that mean…[View]
78014237How do I remember my childhood when I can barely remember anything before a few years ago? I feel li…[View]
78014680Why is the job economy so fucked?: How in the fuck is a biomedical nigga working at starbucks? Was c…[View]
78014819Physics and logic are two different things.[View]
78009871I will never smell the ass of a woman so tall that I could stuff my face in while stood up straight.…[View]
78014383beer steak and a blowjob NOW bitch[View]
78012531Is anyone happy to the fact that future generations will be able to have access to lots of informati…[View]
78014733Nervous: Does anyone else get so nervous/socially akward that they can't Feasibly get up from a…[View]
78012070Do you walk like a sperg?[View]
78014070Wyd if you are a living corpse?: >smashed my head against the wall 3 days ago >everything arou…[View]
78014556How do you get your gf to cry during sex?[View]
78014180you wanna know what makes jews upset? jews women in porn Like they do with white girls being gangban…[View]
78014225Broke: Kids should read because it challenges their creativity and watching TV or playing Video game…[View]
78013640Does life feel like a bad, sickening dream? Can't stop dreaming about ... my past.[View]
78014446was thinking of making a movie reveiw channel (my biggest inspos are mr enter, phantom strider, and …[View]
78014587>my country's economy is in shambles >parents say I'll have to get a job >no, I c…[View]
78014490who has the most amount of genghis khan dna[View]
78012676why do christians believe that extraterrestials are demons? as far as im concerned, god could'v…[View]
78014206Im starting to think my parents are actively sabotaging me. They want to know every little facet of …[View]
78014003>This is what foids consider 'average' men How over is it?[View]
78014301how does one go about marrying three women[View]
78013597Money is fake. Stop doing things. Stop hustling. Stop grinding. TechLead (a millionaire) has given u…[View]
78014419what kind of people deserve a bullet to the head? if there had to be a type of someone who deserved …[View]
78011920I saw an Islamist that reads Nietzsche , Marx , enlightenment authors and seems to read lot of stuff…[View]
78014034It has to be said: Promiscuous people should be branded with hot iron on their foreheads so that eve…[View]
78014350Abusing boy thread 3!!! ^__^: Thank you anons for your previous recommendations, I carried one out h…[View]
78014052attention femanons: all you need is a flat tummy[View]
78011304Why do you keep wageslaving?[View]
78013195>tfw too much of a coward to order estrogen online and inject it so i might just ask a doctor to …[View]
78012836do you still want to try therapy?: any retard that recommends this crap to people genuinely deserves…[View]
78014234A girl pursued me for a week in highschool. She was cute, had similar interests and everything. I th…[View]
78012192Fuck all that foid moid retardededness How was your day anon?[View]
77952858talk about mbti and related subjects here[View]
78013898Never let your daughters watch Yuri anime: >Be me >have 2 daughters >they become teens and …[View]
78014005Is my body fat? Should I hit the gym?[View]
78014164If i ever met a foid like this: I would just tell them 'i'm not going to validate you for your …[View]
78013613I grew out of video games[View]
78013796Fembots how wide-spread is anal nowadays?: Do you do it? How often? Why?[View]
78013877What made Tokyo Mew Mew different from Sailor Moon? It was sometimes accused of ripping it off back …[View]
78012621How can breeders put more children in the world as it is? This is sick.[View]
78013923Looking back, what sort of intervention could have helped you?: What would have prevented you from b…[View]
7801010118 US states now have laws requiring citizens to verify their age to view pornography on the interne…[View]
78012661Everyone on r9k was destined to be here and I can prove it with numerology. Every autist has a birth…[View]
78012157there isn't a greater pussy repellent that being straight edge[View]
78012669The day you incels do anything is the day Jesus Christ resurrects.[View]
78011745If I brought a girl back to my room what would she think?[View]
78013967I hate how women are so illogical. They think anything bad that happens to them is because of sexism…[View]
78012216why is this place now infested fags / trannies / fags on estrogen / whatever the fuck? wtf happened …[View]
78013582Light of Rome will shine again[View]
78013986Words: Tell me your most interesting word, anon[View]
78013680How can I get an /r9k/ gf?[View]
78013614I want to get fucked by Hunter Schafer[View]
78013524Would you robot's Lorde?[View]
78011428>Foids try to free a guy who killed a mom and a child just because he is a chad What the fuck? Wh…[View]
78012913Inceldom by country thread: Which is the worst country based on how bad the inceldom epidemic is? W…[View]
78013804im noone. ask me anything[View]
78013866nepotists are acting gloomy but outside people are hopeful what gives?????[View]
78011830today is hooni day say something nice about hooni[View]
78013625I can't believe i'm going to be 24 in a few weeks and nothing changed so far, i'm sti…[View]
78013781This is it. The first of July. Im locking in.[View]
78012873The best. Hands down.[View]
78013167Tripfag hate thread: I fucking hate tripfags That huh? guy is the worst of all, hope he kills himse…[View]
78013591>tfw the fetishes I've had since childhood are no longer as effective >finding myself us…[View]
78013713Our king: All hail the true virgin incel[View]
78012989Dating a 21 yo as a 31 yo guy: Yes or nay? I've met a girl recently in my neighborhood, she…[View]
78013703Honorary table of the thugs: All right all of these tranny threads are fucking gay so lets talk abou…[View]
78013687Initially I only came here to find a source of escapism and suppress my feelings but in the process …[View]
78013343How did she win Ms Universe my brothers???[View]
78013615Are there any communities that encourage and give that final push someone towards their demise? I ha…[View]
78012774Why do Incels pretend that only young men have it tough? Zoomer women are suffering because it'…[View]
78013624# of thread worth responding to 2 # of 'good' threads 0[View]
78013521Confusion: >I don't want to date people with physical features I find unattractive... >'Y…[View]
78013087If you're at least 6 foot tall (1.83m), then you cannot be a real robot. Girls love 6 feet tall…[View]
78012819Why is it black guys like big white butts so much[View]
78013353What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you on the internet? For me it was when someone con…[View]
78011905what are any actual good uses for foids[View]
78013022home ownershipmaxxing: if you live at home, pay no expenses, and have a full time job you can get ah…[View]
78013319No hope or optimism for future.: No more hope or faith or optimism about the future, I do not have a…[View]
78013462>'Anon, get off redditchan and help me renovate the dining room'[View]
78011588i fantasize about disfiguring my bf if he ever cheated on me[View]
78011170as a female does it make me a gender traitor for having a misogyny kink like genuinely[View]
78013335What would humanities honest reaction to aliens be anons ?[View]
78012290What does anal feel like if you're the one receiving it[View]
78012911People say u need to be chad for pussy but look at Sammy boy. He gets pussy easily and he's lit…[View]
78012316Are you feminine or masculine?[View]
78013279If I were to stop hating women, what would I think or do? I have no idea, without misogyny I'm …[View]
78012015laughing at christcucks[View]
78013166Why do normies always try to stereotype and pigeonhole incels as being 'right wing'? Bro. We're…[View]
78013320Have you gotten you Best Korea pin yet?[View]
78013294dude i post one insta reel on four different sites and now its one view in insight but i fucking upl…[View]
78013293Must...boost...my Irish folk singer waifu... https://youtu.be/RmRHiPqAbVc?si=f2WwEBgZouexJK0Z https:…[View]
78013170Jannies are scared of getting 4chan shut down due to threatening posts on here I thought robots neve…[View]
78013031What the HELL is happening ot China?[View]
78010623Why are all women like this?! Thoughts?[View]
77951553/drugfeel/: Not noticing a /drugfeel/ thread pop up in the last few hours so I'll make one myse…[View]
78012361if i had a gun in roblox id kms[View]
78013194had a dream where i was at a church and my normie bf was doing an instagram livestream and he bad a …[View]
78012032Why is slavery wrong?: What's wrong with owning a human being[View]
78012356do you empathize with him, r9k?[View]
78012221>Biden: I support Ukraine. >Trump: I support Ukraine more. Wow so many options. Face it. Every…[View]
78012346Geeeeee, I wonder why Japs are not procreating? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Japa…[View]
78008891What are your thoughts on Latina chicks?[View]
78011403Boy abuser is back!!!: It's almost time for abusing boys thread part 3 give me some ideas anons…[View]
78012883Waiting for the end to come Wishing I had strength to stand This is not what I had planned It's…[View]
78012852failed no fap again gonna edge all day and start again tomorrow[View]
78012662Would there be predators specialised in hiding near flowers if humans were more prone to smelling th…[View]
78012807hii this is Chickn making a post again: Do you guys think I deserve to be cyberbullied off the inter…[View]
78005028I wish I could swap bodies with some male anon. I hate being a girl.[View]
78012690When will I meet a woman like this? (Personalitywise)[View]
78010620Please don't leave me. I don't want to die alone.[View]
78012497how to become happy[View]
78012737I wish I could change my father.: My father is a complete loser asshole who abused both me and my mo…[View]
78010781Did you ever get figged as punishment? It only happened to me a few times when I fucked up big.[View]
78008024Rihanna vs Cara Dillon: You have to fuck one doggystyle while listening to the other one's musi…[View]
78011297are there any downsides to being tall?[View]
78012845i need drugss[View]
78012566>'I'm autistic but at least i'm self-aware about it'[View]
78012837I tried applying for a different/easier type of school to finish my hs, but I was late and might not…[View]
78012352Why are you awake? Go back to sleep.[View]
78011163/BioMasc/ General #48 Its ok when chad does it: This a thread robots to discuss their hatred of wome…[View]
78012718I hate how weak and stupid I am anons[View]
78012792Al Sneed[View]
78012788I hate my life: Im tired of being ugly Tired of being a dicklet Tired of being slightly below avera…[View]
78012481This is the minimum requirement to have a GF in 2024. What went so wrong?[View]
78012665You guys may think things, And you think what you think is right But youre wrong. Couldnt be more wr…[View]
78012657Why do women love fucking monsters?[View]
78009062how do you feel knowing that boogie2988 has a hot young white girlfriend with a pink innie pussy whi…[View]
78012485Thoughts on former family vlog son Chad Franke?[View]
78012469>game is on life support due to devs not doing jack shit >its content and its is now centered …[View]
78012270this poor guy got rejected by every woman at the club look at him hes so ugly he'll never be lo…[View]
78012612Any ex-INCELs here? What motivated you to become bluepilled again? Was it a person? An event?[View]
78012576Is it really fair that we men expect to get at least 1 blowjob a day? What's a reasonable amoun…[View]
78012476I like thinking about having sex and the forplay and everything but i don t like having sex. It hur…[View]
78006288Would you give a single mother a chance?[View]
78009776I was a faggot: I was a 'femboy' I wore skirts and went out in public like that 3 years ago. I can…[View]
78012444Chicks of /r9k/: Are you ugly or do you just have low self-esteem?[View]
78011733>go on 4chan >its either filled with ultra normalfags who lived a social, happy life and had g…[View]
78012388confident people feel extremely autistic to me like what the fuck are you so giddy for. what's …[View]
78012367This is the reason you're a virgin. Your genes have been deemed a threat to global liberal hege…[View]
78012280well, ive got my final test for my apprenticeship in 2 days and i have stopped working the last days…[View]
78011748For me it's Nick Gurr (right)[View]
78011892I'm going to lose my virginity: After offering my mouth to 4 guys at a gay swinger last month. …[View]
78012340How's it going, fatbots?[View]
78012313Female Submission: Be honest ladies, how much do you want a man to make you submit?[View]
78010745society owes me reparations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PxAC8cPkYg[View]
78011641women know how to cover their flaws. emiru has her hair going down her jaw to hide her square manly …[View]
78012081You can't even remember who this guy was.[View]
78012241Why do I get actual sex gifs on google when I want to get Hank from Breaking Bad sex gifs from googl…[View]
78010994You will nevet get Hawk Tuah: How do u cope as an incel?[View]
78012224TAKE THAT HITLER!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLUyEXO-jI0[View]
78012211Fat Fembots: >Are you fatter than these women? >Are you trying to lose weight? >Do you at…[View]
78012204Every time is the fucking same. No matter how autistic she is and how much we are similar, I always …[View]
78012116I feel like ima bout ta lose my muh fuckin mind mayn How bout you, lil nigga?[View]
78012156if you were a streamer what would you have in the background of your set? i'd paste up a bunch …[View]
78010938How to inspire myself to kill myself? I tried to kill myself and failed. I know what I did wrong and…[View]
78011795female is the inferior gender i can easily kill and rape any female if i so chose any female reading…[View]
78011942Why have you never had a girlfriend?: Let's be real here, why is it that that ugly guy can have…[View]
78012065Yo notice me senpai![View]
78012086Tomorrow you'll wake up and you'll be on page 10: Look, you're Anonymous so don'…[View]
78009332This sounds fake but I woman literally did this to me. I think I'm going to throw up[View]
78012064Let the grind begin.[View]
78010904>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. A fool uttereth all his mind:…[View]
78006966Serious question: why are women with big boobs the most obnoxious people on the planet?[View]
78012038All I wanted out of life was to look this cool.[View]
78012036Tinder Platinum dose not cost much. I will submit myself to jewish overlords and pay. In return jewi…[View]
78012010>man cannot get sex >no one cares considered funny if nothing else >woman cannot get sex wi…[View]
78011116>Guy beat a child >Beloved by all women in the world because he is a gigachad Why is that?…[View]
78010303Nightmares: 5 years as a NEET and I've already accumulated more nightmares than I had during my…[View]
78011083I got diagnosed with low blood pressure and I am underweight. It makes my life miserable but everyon…[View]
78010984Will pussy be the only result that will get me motivated?[View]
78011917im not jewish i just have curly hair[View]
78011266If you INCELS are so desperate for sex, why don't you just commit a crime, go to prison and fuc…[View]
78009689I love asian girls (from asia) and no on else. Have you thanked God for the existence of Asian women…[View]
78009305Just found out my mom is fucking a black guy. She divorced my dad a year ago and now she's beco…[View]
78011683When the fuck did Americans start saying 'literally' the British way? Seems like a conscious effort …[View]
78011579How to become popular on the internet without doing porn Im a girl btw and dont own a strong pc[View]
78011855To have even impossible dreams is a luxury: I often say that I want to have a girlfriend, but that…[View]
78011852I've lost close to another decade of not being able to get back to sfudiss, finish them, work C…[View]
78006831Do titjobs even happen outside of porn? If anyone here has gotten one, does it feel as good as it lo…[View]
78011839>!You would feel sympathy for the incels?! They have been outcast by society!! >!That is exact…[View]
78010805GoodMorningThread: Good morning, it's now 10am, I just went to store and bought some coffee it…[View]
78010557what are you doing, anon? did something funny happen to you in the last few days?[View]
78007915>holy shit! >that's fucking CRAZY! >wow >dude >that's ACTUALLY insane **eye…[View]
78011773Where's his neck?: Does he have a neck?[View]
78010748>have dream about my uni crush >she baked me pancakes in the shape of a heart as i came home …[View]
78011753Logically speaking, I should stop cooming due to how pointless it is unless done for procreational p…[View]
78011713How much of a practising Christian is he really?: This is probably gonna cause some seethe, but for …[View]
78011712I think I'm talking to a fed on discord Should I continue to entertain it or just ghost hi m[View]
78011666>Audio, video, audio-visual, and transcripts of autists are rated low >Still photos aren'…[View]
78011484Having a partner vs owning a partner: Why is having a gf better than owning her?[View]
78011002i talked some shit about trump to the boys and my coffee cup basically exploded this guy is literall…[View]
78011600the elites are in the right for pushing depopulation[View]
78010906there's literally nothing to do. nothing to buy. nothing to look forward to. nobody cares about…[View]
78010983Have your parents ever expressed to you how they feel about how you will most likely never give them…[View]
78011567The question on my mind is 'Eh, Sex?'[View]
78010914hi i deserve a gf apply?[View]
78011526My mom refuses to quit smoking and only tells me to shut the fuck up every time I ask her to stop. S…[View]
78011415Asian girls are fuckdolls: How can Asian women be such vocal feminists and yet so utterly submissive…[View]
78011317Is it actually over for Finland?[View]
78010740/sing/ AGAIN AND AGAIN: /SING/ keep on keeping on sing your song https://voca.ro/1c1JehsoMdfa[View]
78009721>my team and I are going to the seaside for training >first day of training starts >one of …[View]
78011156There is an internet wipeout where all content suddenly disappeared. Now all you have is whats saved…[View]
78011399just got kicked off neetbuxx employers wont give me a job might be time to kms lads[View]
78010970I am finito: I applied to study and finish my hs at a school years ago, I went to an interview and e…[View]
78008615Honestly I wouldn't be able to handle a girlfriend. Knowing by heart that no girl at my age are…[View]
78010285This is the real reason why you cannot get a girlfriend. It is not your fault.[View]
78010182Daily reminder that (((they))) are the reason why you will never be able to afford to buy a house.[View]
78010482hai guys :3 thought i'd come out with my new gender (especially with 95 percent of people here …[View]
78011333Thread for 100% doms: who would never want this to happen to then[View]
78011255I have been trying to create a race through sophisticated genetic engineering to replace a certain r…[View]
78011125Anyone else completely avoid caring about this fake beef between kenrick and drake while the normies…[View]
78010082social media/normalfags ruined the internet: Oldfag here age (35) and site usage wise. Normies ruine…[View]
78007959how do i confront my girlfriend about her dishonesty regarding her sexual past without pushing her a…[View]
78010382why do people think what doc did what wrong. if you really think what he did was wrong why not chang…[View]
78011273I am owed sex and a gf, we are all owed sex and a gf. But the things is nobody will care about your …[View]
78009600dysphoria: everything is fake because I'm fake but fake people out me while real people are wea…[View]
78011150Did you go outside last weekend?[View]
78008882what was the last thing you purchased?[View]
78010977Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with foids?[View]
78010275the 'ick' is what will destroy humanity. the birthrates are falling to historical lows because of wo…[View]
78011136break up with her before she breaks up with you[View]
78007916>I worked hard so I'm entitled to things Half the people complaining about this are extreme…[View]
78011093How do I get my mistress and my wife still reconciliate their differences so we could have threesome…[View]
78011014You racking of disciprine[View]
78010389A genie offers you any one powerup from Mario 3. Which do you pick, and how do you use it?[View]
78009584i cant sleep wat do..[View]
78010785Why do women mar themselves with tattoos?[View]
78010024Remember Anons, even when things seem the most dire, there is still beauty to protect. I wish things…[View]
78010992Anyone else has this experience?: >Be me >High school >Didn't have many friends, only …[View]
78010965Day 336 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH[View]
78009748For any anons thinking about it; Don't kill yourself[View]
78010924Any robots saved by inheritance?[View]
78010859>be lonely >make fren >treat them like shit >feel guilty >don't talk to fren …[View]
78010570free will is an illusion. I can do nothing but shitpost and masturbate.[View]
78010151Anyone else has an imaginary wife and children?: I've had an imaginary wife (Alice) for about 6…[View]
78009951>/r9k/ oldfag >stopped mainboarding in 2013 >come back now What's with all the faggot…[View]
78008151Sanae or Reimu, r9k?[View]
78010523Do people rationalize defending porn by telling themselves it's not that bad that they watch it…[View]
78010739>even the reddit femcels hate short men brutal[View]
78010736too close to the sun I think same even with trump then they get cursed beat trump but i am retarded …[View]
78010219>Glad you enjoyed the performance - that'll be $20 + tip! Wat do?[View]
78007854why are young men so insecure about their appearance? it used to be only women who were like this[View]
78010614can you, like... not stalk me? (holy fuck this isn't original...)[View]
77990298/mbti/: Beautiful Place To Get Lost edition. thread questions >your type >This painting? >W…[View]
78009820I love going to the beach for this.[View]
78010604I can't be comfy my brain is too restless wish I could be a cat is there protection from entr…[View]
78010534Got my vodka ready.[View]
78010274need your help guys, met this girl on a game., do you guys think shes a catfish? been talking to her…[View]
78010554>Wake up >Some random Asian girl sent me an add request on Skype at 5:14 AM >Never gave any…[View]
78010576Dinners ready! Yum yum yum![View]
78009510How do you deal with the fact you will never be someones first time sexually ?[View]
78007852ask a sex-having fembot anything: ask a sex-having fembot anything[View]
78010298HAPPY PRIDE MONTH II: When you been through what I been through to get to where I am then EVERY mont…[View]
78009340Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make…[View]
78009925I found the formula to happiness: Do you think these statements are true?[View]
78010313What's with these stupid disclaimers on Youtube lately?[View]
78009243Ian Garry: Is he an alpha beta? >wife literally wrote a guidebook on how to be a wag >wag is a…[View]
78007933what did you eat today anons?: for me it was: breakfast - tv dinner pot pie lunch - salami sandwich …[View]
78010328What are you fapping to tonight, anon? https://files.catbox.moe/t5kcuv.mp4[View]
78009692Why can't 'fembots' just talk like everybody else? Why be so adamant about screaming …[View]
78010228Finally decided to transition. As a trans robot what am I in for?[View]
78008065i wish i was american so bad: it's not fair i hate living in the uk so much this country is jus…[View]
78007393Elden ring: Why do people defend this game and it's boss design? If you need to cheese most bos…[View]
78010092Do you think it's ok to masturbate to videos of guys peeing, even if you're straight? I kn…[View]
78009632I am in the reverse of a situation a lot of men find themselves in and there is like no info on this…[View]
78010106How can I get a TikTok thot gf?[View]
78007641Video games with this feeling? I want to save a beautiful girl that falls in love with me.[View]
78006510You will never experience teenage love. Crawl up and die in a hole.[View]
78007999>no jawline >literally the best driver in the world wait, i thought it was all about 'a few mi…[View]
78009653Fuck is this make up?[View]
78010046/BioMasc/ General #47 Its ok when chad does it: This a thread robots to discuss their hatred of wome…[View]
78008785I just gave you a button that can make ALL chads in this world disappear if you click it. And they w…[View]
78009999there are only two genders, male and female. any other 'gender' or 'sexuality' except hetero should …[View]
78007479>got toenail fungus again fuck my life[View]
78009299Been a NEET for 1.5 years. Not sure why but I look really really bad now. Like I'm rotting or s…[View]
78008324Life conditions: Greetings r9k, how would you say the quality of your life has been, rated from 1-10…[View]
78009115This absolute chad is selling his 120 pills in powder form for a cheat price of 350$ a month.[View]
78008836what's like being an indian gay?[View]
78009400how come pixar movies don't have visible UV seams[View]
77999711/britfeel/: CAM ON INGERLAND edition[View]
78009782tfw I've been dating a girl that has had a crush on me since high school but I'm a 't…[View]
78009625post ur spirit planet >saturn[View]
78007529>normies would rather fuck the caked on makeup 'baddies' than the qt femcel in the middle why?…[View]
78009259mmmmm you're so cute, you know that? look at you, typing away on your keyboard. you have such a…[View]
78009736>the monkey was alive[View]
78009595i told someone that frequents this board that i would give them something, but i failed. i feel so b…[View]
78009437>the GYATT empire why didn t school teetch me about this?[View]
78007402>She's being mean to you because she likes you This doesn't actually happen, right?…[View]
78009670My life may be pretty bad, but at least I don't have a disproportionately giant head[View]
78009594A lot of you bpd Sanrio girls: Come a dime a dozen[View]
78008350Is joining the military worth it?: Im 24 working in retail trying to save up money for an computer e…[View]
78008555Day 573 of manifesting cute gf that has cool interests Rollercoaster of feels. Noticing the gains. G…[View]
78009564what kind of husband would you be?[View]
78008742>Weekends over What job are you going back to in a couple of hours?[View]
78009322Which Asian bitch should I goon to?[View]
78009532it's the digital camera anon, i forced myself to leave my house and took pictures of nature on …[View]
78003788What are the mental effects of a decade of porn consumption without intimacy with any girl?[View]
78009480Am I a bad person for wanting to fuck 18 year olds as a 29 year old man?[View]
78008815chatbots: have you ever used a chatbot to supplant social interaction? how did it go?[View]
78009135I got that thing in my head what where I wake up and don't have no happy thoughts :([View]
78009450just thinking about girls is too triggering and demoralizing[View]
78009414I'm weak. I'm out of control. And I've become an embarrassment to myself and everybod…[View]
78009235are u ready to dance with thee eldritch gods[View]
78007897>family moves into street >their lawn dies >family moves out >their lawn comes back what…[View]
78008959Would r9k be interested in starting a book club ? I'm sort of lonely and I'd like to read…[View]
78009161im slightly drunk(getting more drunk) and caffeinated and i have so much energy but im bored as fuck…[View]
78009203Why don't robots just settle for a nice autistic gf?[View]
78006892don't smoke weed, ever: >10 months ago I got a hold of weed >my body went numb >ten mo…[View]
78009198>out of real food i want to die[View]
78009396i got lotsa style check my gold diamond rings https://youtu.be/_nyw19DpKCs[View]
78009330i dont think any of my friends actually like me[View]
78009002Tourism statistics: >In 2023 there were 1.3 billion international tourists, with a growth of 33,4…[View]
78009365FUCK the froot administration i can't even hoonipost anymore any other 'teens on the cuck …[View]
78009343what does it mean if i get migraines and tummy aches at work? but like only as soon as my shift star…[View]
78009166Please post song that remind you of your x I asked b but seems nobody has dated there[View]
78008867The biggest sign that most people are NPCs is that they think an arbitrary number decides whether or…[View]
78009177whats on the agenda for tomorrow?: tomorow im breaking my streak of not bathing for a week + to go t…[View]
78009169Why do boys have to be so cute. Does anybody know[View]
78009170i want to brutally fuck Ashley Graves until her rectum bleeds while impregnating every possible fert…[View]
78009110I like you, do you like me?[View]
78007988Does anyone else here have unusually large nuts? Mine are the size of two jumbo eggs. Every time I p…[View]
78009042mfw /bant/ is better at tits or gtfo than we are >>>/bant/20672799[View]
78009206Hello everyone, Here to let you all know that I keep fumbling every single hoe that I get to talk to…[View]
78009121>2024 is halfway over[View]
78007930What a wholesome, family oriented event. Only a true bigot could have a problem with this. Why are h…[View]
78008845>gives you MPB[View]
78009160>be me >sleeping peacefully >wake up >ohshitohfuck >tfw I have a mosquito bite on the…[View]
78008242wait, why is pearl moving to the US? there has to be a big reason.[View]
78002664Have you ever had any incest dreams?[View]
78006641Did you know that if you call as homosexual a 'faggot' it actually hurts their feelings? That shit i…[View]
78009060Is there anyone who wants to talk to me? I just want to learn to talk.Even incels get bored of me. M…[View]
78008935>Heard a single man fart over 10,000 times[View]
78008937why are women so stink? they don't wash their hair and their room is full of rubbish[View]
78009106we are literally one decade away from giving babies full body circumcision and dissolving babies in …[View]
78008840Women like feminizing weak men because in tribal society they (weak men) would be useless if not for…[View]
78008111do any of you anons also suffer from any kind of depression? like, you just don't want to get o…[View]
78009037The amount of woman that I've seen stay with their boyfriends, fiancees, and husbands when they…[View]
78005849>be me >friendless loser >look for nearby free social events >find someone to connect wi…[View]
78009051Does this based anon still post here? https://youtu.be/UYAgJfeyhWA?si=mdnPi6mpwShbDUZi[View]
78008995I'm 30 and never experienced teenage love, or any sort of things people in their youth do. I st…[View]
78007230I HATE BEING A WAGIE. I was a neet for 4 years prior to this, not studying or working, it was so pea…[View]
78009029>bee me >like 7th or 8th grade >like to draw >make a doodle comic about a suicidal bee …[View]
78008212Had sex: So that's it? It didn't feel like...anything. Is that what I struggled so much fo…[View]
78007969I feel like even if I got everything I wanted in life, I'd still end up miserable. Like there…[View]
78008918how does that saying go? someone should have substituted a principle for where they put a faculty. o…[View]
78008977>the frivvi poster hasn't posted in months did they finally 302 him…[View]
78008760One thing I always wondered: Is it possible that I was born on another planet, far away from here? L…[View]
78006961How do I deal with ugliness? I feel like I'm a second grade citizen, no one respects or values …[View]
78008263sorry for blogposting again but I'll blog again: >be me >be chickn >people talk to m…[View]
78008902I like your booty, but im not gay I like your booty, but im not gay(gay-ay-ay)[View]
78008699Is having sex with an anime girl racemixing?[View]
78008890I walked for a few hours out in the heat and now I feel exhausted. I could literally fall asleep and…[View]
78008887Would anons crush this pusspuss?[View]
78008797What is it about lingerie or dress that turns us on? Our minds imagining the body?[View]
78008696Say something nice to this farmer: Make a rice farmer's day better.[View]
78007297Ask out that anime girl you've been eyeing up, Anon. It's about time you made a move.[View]
78007931why cant i stop imagining im being watched and start talking to myself[View]
78007469no boy will ever like me because im too neurotic[View]
78008837Im so thankful for feminism for killing marriages: 53 percent of women over thirty are childless I …[View]
78006495>ADHD >27 >150k in the bank >have all gadgets and toys I want >severely stressed out …[View]
78005794>blackpill is TRUE, imagine thinking confidence works. I am single because of my LOOKS. It is ove…[View]
78007970I like myself but I am not compatible with normal society. I don't want to do anything for anyo…[View]
78007975cultural SHIFT: the wave of 'LGBT' youth is slowly coming to an end anyone else notice online and IR…[View]
78008542Going to an anime con, hope to meet a cute girl or tranny <3[View]
78007060Why is it so hard to take a shower on time[View]
78008701This world is boring if I was the admin I'd mix it up a bit Maybe a tsunami , an actual pandem…[View]
78007249Do anime girls like being masturbated to?[View]
78008755Why is life so streamlined? It seems every road except starting a family leads to complete misery. Y…[View]
78008431Mom peed and didn't flush What do[View]
78008413At what age did you realize that you were generally an unlikeable person? What led to this realizati…[View]
78007208guys can only like pics like this secretly[View]
78004531Anyone else gonna probably die single because you refuse to date women your own age? I'm over 3…[View]
78008245Broke bro?: Broke bro?[View]
78003912Im not a fag, but how do people go crazy for this? It looks gross and that doesnt even include the s…[View]
78008500Incels claim to have no standards but refuse to date a woman who looks like this.[View]
78008239TA is the coolest thing you can be.[View]
78008417How can they make some money before school?[View]
78008476The closest thing I have to a bond is my brother and we can go for months hardly speak a word to eac…[View]
78007077What do anal orgasms feel like?[View]
78007044Momiji Inubashiri: Why is she so unpopular on /r9k/? I thought all guys like fit tomboys with abs.…[View]
78008541All men are brown, only women can be truly white.[View]
78007447anyone else completely unable to get it up unless it's gay yiff? i feel my soul aching for e621…[View]
78007413University is not what i thought it would be: I am finishing my 3rd year at uni and getting my bache…[View]
78002540Smoothbrain kind of day.[View]
78008244Are women suddenly realizing they are the problem?: Like they can tell other women have gone off the…[View]
78005568Thanks for the money, moids.[View]
78005626Virgin BFs and Femoids: Femblobs, would you date a non-virgin BF? What is the max bodycount that you…[View]
78008306i like this, what about you, what fo you like?[View]
78008390When I was 26 I bred a 19 year old girl from one of my community college classes and fled the countr…[View]
78007834Autists in prison?: So I'm in my twenties I'm not capable of holding down a job, making fr…[View]
78007955No thought was put into this. I always knew it would come to this. I have never been so swell. I …[View]
78008178The Eternal Nofap: A Year And A Half: I have gone 1.5 years without masturbating, not even a single …[View]
78008347OCD has ruined my life.[View]
78008145So, why don't you go outside dressed like this or something similar? Do you feel it stands out …[View]
78006632i don't approach incels because i know they will never want me. i see sub 5 men every day, i tr…[View]
78008342I can't believe people didn't know that Andy Warhole was gay. It's literally in his n…[View]
78008337when did you know it was over? for me, someone said I looked like mclovin in a communications class …[View]
78006908>decide to be artist so that I can make money doing something I like while remaining a shutin …[View]
78008119Dare to dream. Dare to imagine.[View]
78007163How many of you had real life repurcussions from this site? Stuff like police contacting you, family…[View]
78006396Bad (or good depending who you ask) news: I got a warning. Corsolaposting is over. It was fun while …[View]
78007028Choose a LOL champion, and cross them out, only one per person and then explain why you chose them[View]
78008283OLD STACIES VS YOUNG FEMBOTS: Are you afraid of hot older women stealing your man?[View]
78008243High Effort Post: Good afternoon my kind and pious gentlemen, in this post I will be specifically as…[View]
78007394I hate sex and what comes with it, young boys and girls(between 6-11) are one of the nicest and most…[View]
78007331maybe if i woman up i can finally take life into my own hands and get on hrt, get a better job, get …[View]
78007546why do bugs always fucking attack me? they somehow manage to get into my room and then launch sneak …[View]
78003993Tell us about your sexual deficiencies[View]
78007414are any of you fembots adorable little crinkle butts? it could be medical issues, fetish, comfort. d…[View]
77999228/Manlet/: Posts brutal manlet stories, your encounters with manlets, manlets you know and how are th…[View]
78007977Which one would you let suck your dick? No homo[View]
78007451Do you think none practicing Christians are really Christian?[View]
78008012I hate everything including You[View]
78007910I don't think I want wife and children anymore: That feeling of loneliness kills me inside But…[View]
78007326Do you think being sedentary and not exercising during your teenage years has an effect on your grow…[View]
78007976Secretly Hot Fembots: If you're dating ability wasn't totally nerfed by your weird persona…[View]
78007968i dont want some other girl i want her[View]
78007950Women should be more ashamed of their stinky meat wallets. That is all.[View]
78007947Don't disobey the Lord. Don't disobey Perfection. It will not be good for you.[View]
78007902>someone threatens to beat you up or otherwise tries to intimidate you with the tacit thread of p…[View]
78007893Is it true that single moms wouldn't date the step dad if they didn't have a kid?[View]
78007904Where can I meet a girl who will listen to me rant about my conspiracy theory fuelled predictions of…[View]
78007889(sped up)core[View]
78007856Well? Who was actually in the wrong here?[View]
77990451roasting in heat and taking it easy[View]
78003966I really fucking hate zoomer-speak. I know every new generation has some dumb words and sayings but …[View]
78007484Im black and want a jewish boyfriend: NO RACISM I feel like we can relate to everyone being so obse…[View]
78007594neuralink is salvation for all https://www.instagram.com/reel/C82kIiyKx2s/?igsh=amx4NHp2NnZtcWJ0…[View]
78007601Random thoughts: Are there pedophiles who like black children?[View]
78006978Brief virgin AMA before I go to sleep. Ask uncomfortabel stuff[View]
78006098Is pol right about the Jews?[View]
78007462proud pooch[View]
78007152what do anons feel about this image[View]
78007275Anyone else here haven't even had ONE girl interested in them in their entire lives? I've …[View]
78007474If I've learned one thing from growing up around educated and free liberal women is that they a…[View]
78007347Sorry Chad, this is the real world. Shy short Asian boy gets the girl.[View]
78007520Gringos, I booked a one month vacation to the States to find me guerita like picture related. I…[View]
77994742/r9gay/ - #2351: Rune Haako Edition Previous Episode: >>77976303[View]
78007265Who will take you seriously if you say one thing and do another?[View]
78006114What's your thought on internet usage and the internet in general? share your story: i think th…[View]
78007477>Do any robots watch bar rescue? I've watched it a little and the last week or so I've …[View]
78006895Why are faggots so disgusting?[View]
78007062/britfeel/: Windsor Castle edition[View]
78006268>there are anons on this site that create fake social media profiles to follow their ex/crush/fri…[View]
78006949Any West Asian anons here?: I've always found it strange that for being the incel women hating …[View]
78007385woohoo!: my girlfriend is asleep next to me[View]
78000697Anyone else used to think goths were cool but now think they're the lamest people ever? Also, h…[View]
78007374>the ONLY reason zoomers are homophobic and rightwing is Andrew Tate and the Algorithms (TM) http…[View]
78006239How do I find a submissive gf to take care of? What criteria would I have to meet to get a gf like?[View]
78006398noooo im not a toxic peice of shit the toxic effect was just a CIRCUMSTANCE[View]
78007349What the fuck is going on? Even X is using JFIF now. Who did this?[View]
78006393>have asthma attack >eat an egg covered in black pepper >goes away you're welcome for …[View]
78007294Im starting to think authoritarianism isnt all that bad. Bunch of lazy niggers just drinking beer an…[View]
78005771I would love to be productive and no longer be addicted to the internet.: I don't even like was…[View]
78007268What's up with /k/ board Anything critical of US is immediately deleted I posted in a thread …[View]
78007262Why don't brown incels just vitiligomaxx?[View]
78007281Staying with my parents I'd making me hate their native culture. They're just so aggressiv…[View]
78007209Our existence has been but a pyrrhic victory... https://vocaroo.com/1299KCb9zbia[View]
78006924>family constantly gives me shit for being 'too quiet' >ignore me literally everytime i try to…[View]
78003702my only online friend found a gf and now i'm alone again[View]
78007180imagine having the sex drive to masturbate daily and still be a virgin. oh wait, you waste it all ma…[View]
78006067if any of you losers act like those pretentious tv faggots id go post it there but youre all retards…[View]
78005164Would you date a 5'8 man if he was: >charismatic >fit >average endowned >nice >w…[View]
78006937Hii this is Chickn making a post again: I saw a thread about missing tripfagging e-girls, so I decid…[View]
78007231Life makes no sense: https://youtu.be/4EY2Q_07iUw >Be literal pajeet >Girls have no interest i…[View]
78006515Any east asian anons here?: I've always found it strange that for being the anime image board, …[View]
78006996be shitskin >OMG THIS WHITE PRISON GUARD IS GETTING FUCKED BY 15 BBCs (everyone is arab, no blac…[View]
78006907Here's the real question lads for this thread to the experienced lads, hypothetically if you ar…[View]
78006692The Quickening: >July 1, 2024[View]
78006925When I was a teenager I didn't have any friends and I didn't even have any hobbies.: When …[View]
78006887is Deftones incel or normalfag music?[View]
78006955>Olympics this year Are you going to watch? There will be a bunch of cute athletic girls for the…[View]
78006333well the internet is on life support. what am i supposed to do when this shit completely takes over?…[View]
78007149what are the best hours to do door dash deliveries?[View]
78007148I want to reverse... all the pain and hate inside me... on other people... i do want to make them al…[View]
78006675Ass: When did this obsession with ass start on the internet?[View]
78005221>Lain fans in the past: Being chill (maybe snobbish at worst), especially since the show was 'obs…[View]
78006838My dad completely screwed up my birthday: I gave my dad a wishlist of things that I wanted last year…[View]
78006973Am i the only one scared that if i say the wrong words in here the police will show up at my door? A…[View]
78007100>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Take fast hold of instruction…[View]
78007089Edgy Memes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWSt9CwuTeI[View]
78005074Coomers are so pathetic. Not being able to touch your willy is not the end of the world, loser[View]
78007008Twinkjak thread: Post your best twinkjaks ITT.[View]
78005898I want a soulful break-up: i do not want to be in a relationship with someone who can't break u…[View]
78006303Apparently I cant go to the 4th BBQ this year because I was accused of stealing food I brought Tuppe…[View]
78006297What does your dating app profile look like? Any matches?[View]
78006970How do you go around meeting new people these days?: This question might have been asked a million t…[View]
78006383Imagine getting off the stream: And filling this living anime throat over and over[View]
78006958how does a chad look like according to (You)? post a pic NAOW pls[View]
78006086>I get fit to attract chicks. Why does saying this the bother fitness cult so much?…[View]
78006999I just prematurely cummed into a flashlight[View]
78006625>Normalfaggots can make friends as easily and naturally as breathing. >Social retards people …[View]
78006504The Prussian model school system works exactly as intended and must be replaced. Any system where te…[View]
78006934Why have you not joined the Dark Lord /r9k/?[View]
78006327Just feeling sadge in life robots: I can't deny in the grand scheme of things I'm very luc…[View]
78006253im a tranny pls help me with my voice: https://voca.ro/1fyglABlkNs2 https://voca.ro/1hX6ifeLMuqY…[View]
78006674life was so much easier when I was a kid and didn't give a fuck about girls or what they though…[View]
78006822Video games aren't really fun, I don't really understand why you guys love to play them so…[View]
78006790If I made a clan...: Would you join? In clash of clans. Do you play? You could rush to th16 with me.…[View]
78005776I hope we can make a virus that kills every human with xx chromosomes. Then we replace them with and…[View]
78006721Do you know you're making women feel uncomfortable just because of your mere presence? If you…[View]
78005896Why am I as a 30 year old still exclusively attracted to 18 year old girls? I legitimately find girl…[View]
78006795I cant believe they shut down the 2D Disney animation studio All because the pion brains of general …[View]
78006834Why do so many female anime/Japanese game characters wear miniskirts with black pantyhose? Do Japane…[View]
78006823Do you sometimes hate everyone that isnt you at the same time? I personally think a good amount of p…[View]
78005402What if a girl invites you to her room and it smells like stinky feet? It's not me I swear, the…[View]
78006613Does taking a walk in 100 degrees not bother anyone else? It's not that bad at all. As long as …[View]
78006202You have to focus.[View]
78005894>Be me in the early 00s >ShitHead kid >Summer comes by >Everyone opens their window due …[View]
78006775>1 shot at life >5'10[View]
78006769neuralink can give black people neon color tattoos[View]
78006706>goes with him everywhere >never leaves his side >doesn't appear to have any friends …[View]
78006637>be normal This is a demand btw[View]
78004799I wish it were possible to swap bodies with femanons for an extended period of time. I've notic…[View]
78006728Ive been around the world and my god, the average brown, Asian and black woman is so fucking ugly it…[View]
78006623When you are young you have a few good years to stop some woman from being a total whore and maybe t…[View]
77999983>be me >desperately want to lose my virginity >go on tinder and find a fatty >it's …[View]
78006701why does the idea of man and woman scare me so much even during the garden of Eden she just seems m…[View]
78005584I went to Miami and it's just a bunch of old people and mexican girls coming together.[View]
78004945Which country will have the highest IQ in 100 years from now? Currently, its Singapore. My guess is …[View]
78005935Antinatalism gang rise up! Or don't. Apparently we're winning either way.[View]
78005207What is life like having clear skin?: I've struggled with this shit all my life. I ended up not…[View]
78005937My boyfriend has started looking at hairy teens again[View]
78004954Naturally Growing Big BOOBS: Awhile ago I came across NBE threads on here and then I found r/NBE and…[View]
78005314Imagine being a chad: What parts chads from incels? >height, dick size, muscles There is a plenty…[View]
78005719Autism Thread: I'm sick of all the damn normies on this board. >ohhh nooo im so lonely >a…[View]
78006424>Start getting new shirts >Summer starts and I've also lost weight >Go to different pl…[View]
78005558>Hi guys! >Look at these lovely big tits >Do you know what we are?…[View]
78006409>Asks Meta AI to make a picture of an ugly boy >Generates an image of an indian boy What did t…[View]
78006513Slim black women are beautiful: I only work so I can pull a slim black virgin wife someday.[View]
78005782every time i start thinking about jacking off i remind myself that there are young teenagers who hav…[View]
78005974Where are the submissive virgin men who aren't fat neckbeards?[View]
78005496Everyone but me uses TikTok[View]
78005189>Be unhappy >Try to self-improve >Don't have the balls to do what it takes >Give up…[View]
78006119just felt my gums slide around, and it turns out a huge chunk of dead skin(?) was just there and it …[View]
78006088I hate, despise all of you, you are the ultimate rot of society and you should all die[View]
78006256I no longer have a reason to get out of bed other than needing to piss.[View]
78005766How do you find a passion?: Someone told me I have no passion I just work and sit on my PC like Im w…[View]
78006280I message girls on tinder asking for sex straight up and some say sure but i'm too scared to ev…[View]
78005582Does eating the dead skin I bit of from my fingertips count as cannibalism?[View]
78005126/FeelsBar/: FeelsBar open. We have alcohol and even water. Your Barkeep is still sick and hopes some…[View]
78006374the urge to pet women not affectionately call them 'good girls' is back[View]
78005698If you guys hate women so much why not just stop thinking about them and cease all interactions?[View]
78004386Rihanna vs Cara Dillon: Two very different genre singers.You must fuck one doggystyle while listenin…[View]
78006257I hate how I can't buy more alcohol at this time of night. I end up buying too much and then dr…[View]
78004540We should learn from the vibrant cultures of africa and introduce female circumcision into the west.…[View]
78006097>Had sex >Still an incel[View]
78005423Is there a non benzo anxiety med that actually works? I will kill myself if I have another panic at…[View]
78005554What if the United States passed a new amendment saying that the President of the United States of A…[View]
78005939How do I [actually ]get a girlfriend like her?[View]
78006116why dont pizza netflix and chill girls go for skinnyfat nerdy men? Dont they share the same lifestyl…[View]
78003712I got a lesson from 4chan. It doesn't matter how hard I try, it won't wake people up any m…[View]
78005995when will this nigga go to the supreme court? this nigga gotta get this shit changed. you should be …[View]
78005109Today I decided, that it is over gor me: Hello, I think it will be perfect time to finally end mysel…[View]
78006184need noodlewhore pussy: asian women all look the same and they are all fucking hot[View]
78005657do you have swag?[View]
78006091Even normies are having trouble getting relationships now[View]
78003199Cute Thread #1: I found out he was talking to other girls. Don't trust these men who claim to b…[View]
78006045My meds and diet have lowered my IQ. Can it be increased again?[View]
78005539Why don't FTMs just tomboymaxx and MTFs just femboymaxx? Wanting to be more masculine or femini…[View]
78005661Non American here, can some of you guys explain asexuality to me please and how are they persecuted …[View]
78005339get /fit/ and sex is easy to get[View]
78003119Finding a girlfriend with the perfect personality, looks, and will unconditionally love you is nearl…[View]
78004245I love larping as a man here and everywhere else on the internet.[View]
78004881Sheryl Turner: they look like such a cute, stable, functional couple I wonder why he murdered her an…[View]
78006022I just want my parents to tell me that all the ways they mistreated me as a kid were mistakes and th…[View]
78005900Born to HAI!! >_< Forced to wsp -_-[View]
78005958>think I am in love with someone >think I should make a move >realize that even if they ac…[View]
78004499What is a 'longhouse society' and why is it bad?[View]
78005948Where is the marriage tag on the hentai websites???[View]
78002613I'm convinced that people that interact in the 'taking it easy' and 'kind of day' threads are a…[View]
78005317>Highest autism rate in the world >Shit tech industry What are they all doing over there?…[View]
78005839Coworker interaction: Have cool coworker and we're just chatting walking back from the warehous…[View]
78005868>waaah women don't like me >waaah I can't get along with normies no real robot has e…[View]
78001450>holy shit! >that's fucking CRAZY! >wow >dude…[View]
78005834Mommy issues bros, we're drinking good tonight.[View]
78005845do girls not like me because i'm depressed and a miserable person to be around?[View]
78005772Fembots, would you go out with a 6/10 short brown man with social skills and a body count of 10+ co…[View]
78005344Even roasties know that chad won't settle for them yet they mock non chads at every single oppo…[View]
78003360Is this vapid bitch ever NOT traveling? Does she enjoy living like a hobo traveling from country to …[View]
78005773I'm tired of tits made of plastic. I want to fuck a real women; not fap to hentai.[View]
78005751West Virginia: >Lowest Income >Highest Poverty >Least Educated >Worst Healthcare >Hig…[View]
78005756>Blood type O negative[View]
78005744>still beautiful due to inheriting European facial features >yet still too low IQ to be succe…[View]
78005738Female Depravity: How sick are your fetishes ladies? Did you get them from porn or somewhere else?…[View]
78000993Ask any female if she cares that you were mutilated at birth. I guarantee she will not care, in fact…[View]
78005226/25+ Thread/: Summer is a curse edition.[View]
78005356'Millennial women 2-4X more likely than millennial men to use weapons to force sex': Can anyone find…[View]
78003491Why are boomer fathers retarded?: >Son, don't make the same mistakes I made >Son, instead…[View]
78005658>This is me after fembot asks me to stay over Why are fembots like this?…[View]
78004994Good morning you absolute donuts[View]
78004975Anyone else here a GNUcel? What GNUcel means is an incel due to being a GNU/Linux user. Personally I…[View]
78004055If you had to describe your current life as a movie, which movie would you choose?[View]
78005522Fembrown Fitness: >What is your race? >What workouts do you do? >Do you workout more for lo…[View]
78005509I don't even want a girlfriend anymore.: I no longer have any real desires. I often say I want …[View]
78005477What do you think it means to be strong?[View]
78003971Oil: I'm convinced OIL exists in Porn to show us how HD has evolved[View]
78005459Would you join this two's party? If so, what would you bring to the table?[View]
78005249The best thing about getting older is seeing all the girls who rejected you in school turn into fat,…[View]
78005287'Bear biologists accredit them with the equivalent IQ of the great apes': between 60 and 75, which m…[View]
78005322Pick your path anons, more of your money goes to Israel or whatever project 2025 is?[View]
78005135does playing video games make you even more depressed?[View]
78005234I'm a obesitypilled retardmaxxed chincel handcel heightchad. hbu?[View]
78005225The blerds have fallen..... is anything sacred?[View]
78005380How do you guys get more volume in your hair? Mine's naturally straight, so it tends to end up …[View]
78003239So... just checking, is /x/ populated entirely by actual subhuman schizoniggers who post the same in…[View]
78005382>smoked weed and played Elden Ring dlc all day and beat a bunch of bosses Feels good mate…[View]
78004121Redpill a non-alcohol drinker on alcohol[View]
78005316How do you deal with someone who doesn't take you seriously and mocks you constantly in a subtl…[View]
78005347>snoozed early alarm could have woken up early >wake up late and think about problems >ing…[View]
78003821Why do I even continue: >be me >white kid born in the only shitty trailer park in my city >…[View]
78004880It's summer. Go outside, see ass and touch grass.[View]
78005304Femsubs: How submissive are you? Do you want to be totally degraded?[View]
78004542Tallcel Thread: How are you doing today my fellas with elongated limbs?[View]
78005114Greatest skill a human can have is the ability to rile people up to a cause and talk in such way tha…[View]
78001981>a new family of 4 just moved into the neighbourhood >the parents and the second child are alr…[View]
78005247How do I get a nothing job? One where I respond to like a few emails a day and attend maybe 1 meetin…[View]
780051805'11' and shorter = manlet: Manlet bros how we feeling today? Me on the left btw[View]
77999939let's be honest, men are pathetic. they literally make this hag a billionaire cuz of thirst. wh…[View]
78003489Do you think you can survive a zombie apocalypse, anon? Let's make it easier and go with the sl…[View]
78003916How do I get a girlfriend like Abby?[View]
78004382I want to impregnate a morbidly obese black woman. Who knows what abominations she shall give birth …[View]
78004904Attention seeking: Men will do anything on social media[View]
78003908Why you will never marry the girl of your dreams: The average peroan meets 10.000 people in her life…[View]
78004910FOMO: I still don't really want a girlfriend, but I'm approaching my mid-twenties and the …[View]
78003755Happy maxxing thread Previous thread: >>77997976[View]
78003277I just found two autistic girls in my country in a week. One disappeared after 2 days, I want to bel…[View]
78005081I'm not even racist, I just know the easiest and best way to fight against clown world is by ca…[View]
78004494coitus on the beach[View]
78004745>miserable when alone >bored, uncomfortable, uninterested and not satisfied at all when talkin…[View]
78003567White guys be like: >SAAR! We are Masterrace Saar! Ok our mothers and sisters are whores but we a…[View]
78004447Just found a gf. See you on the other side, losers.[View]
78004733I have a crippling glove fetish[View]
78004567I want a caramel Latina goddess that will let me suck her toes and worship her feet while we fuck …[View]
78003816And people wonder why I don't associate with the lgbt community as a bisexual man.[View]
78003357Yes, most women want cut dicks in their holes.: You all are either lying or LARPing, I have never me…[View]
78004711Looking for a redguard woman[View]
78003498My ex gf cheated with me 3 months ago with some chad she met when out on a 'girls night'. I just fou…[View]
78004814Attention seeking: Women will do anything on social media[View]
78002670Why does Russia produce so many much more whores than any Western country despite being more traditi…[View]
78001346>all women have a rape fetish >but it's okay because it's only if chad rapes them Wh…[View]
78004967I'm so bored I want to die, there's nothing interesting to do[View]
78003980Wow, these felons must have done a lot of self improvement to be so successful with women. Probably …[View]
78004936Reminder to get your local femboy pregnant[View]
78004782My life was raped to shreds by having lenient parents.[View]
78003632what would you do if this happened to (you) senpai?[View]
78004149I am reaching frankenstein's monster levels of despair. what do?[View]
78004942It's crazy to me that there are women out there who's entire identity is 'I have a vagina'…[View]
78004873I'm not a foot fetishist: but I really like cute shoes[View]
78003891'Millenial' setup: This is my setup /g/ We wanted to throw out the CRT TV next to the trash but I th…[View]
78004306Do women ever compliment you? A cashier complimented my hair the other day. I sort of brushed it off…[View]
78004786>that kid that wouldn't shut up about SCP it was you wasn't it…[View]
78004828What was thighschool sex like?: I have always wondered what was it like to have sex when you are a t…[View]
78004839Been getting up at 4:30 AM doing some stuff before the sun comes up The peace before the world wakes…[View]
78003669>Guy friend bestie who I friendzoned is into another girl Omg I'm so happy for him! Anyway …[View]
78004385What's your relationship with your sister like?[View]
78004457I'm out of energy. I poot eet een my bootyhole too much over the last couple of years. OooooOoO…[View]
78003012I don't care about anything in life that doesn't personally affect me[View]
78002648>Parents no longer talk to me about getting a girlfriend[View]
78003581Slowly grinding on my pillow, thinking about my father's friends kind of day[View]
78004503>m-muh bpd. Muh bpdemon >how do I get a bpdemon gf bros >I hate having bpd here's some…[View]
78004124Fav Egirl: Does anyone know @AmericanHussy on twitter?[View]
78004391>even the fat fuck in my group of friends managed to get a cute girlfriend HOLY FUCK I CANT BELIE…[View]
78004734I want to cook and share dinner with a nice lady. I think that'd be enjoyable.[View]
78003791Where can I meet a girl that will ramble about obscure interests and conspiracy theory stuff to me?[View]
78003332why is this twinkjak so aryan[View]
78003994Moment I realize I'm going to be single for the rest of my life.: >Finally have some expenda…[View]
78004264Daily reminder to incels that cis girls prefer trans girls over you: Your hatred for us seems to pri…[View]
78004639>moon found the prostate crate[View]
78002695why am i only ever attracted to bpd girls?: there's something about them. they're always s…[View]
78003782Are gays in a better shape than straight men?[View]
78002554>relapsed to baby snuff again ugh, im so pathetic[View]
78004595Naked City: I've come to the conclusion that this is the panel that really boosted terminally o…[View]
78004569>hate women >hate Children >hate pets All men Should avoid, ignore, and reject these thing…[View]
78004550I stay in my bed all day I'm really struggling to leave the house dude this cant be healthy[View]
78003948Posting the same thread and replying the same words every single day, getting sad and angry, endless…[View]
78004303I love Brett Cooper and I'm mad that she's married.[View]
78003528>tfw a fucking pedo >non-offending but still…[View]
78004475Do the youth in your cunt love graffiti a lot?[View]
78004189I ate a 16' pastrami grinder again. Extra oil and mayo of course.[View]
78004031Mega man bros... https://youtu.be/hf1EQz2ignY[View]
78003827What did he do to be a villain again? Exist as an incel?[View]
78004360Why do moids have completely unrealistic expectations of women? >I'm literally just a girl Y…[View]
78003872Well of course I know him, he's me. desuyo[View]
78003314>friend on discord says 'thank you for what you have done for me' >proceeds to unfriend and th…[View]
78002120he's right, you know try and discredit him over his political belief or benzo addiction, it doe…[View]
78003923Anyone ever experienced ED when they're about to lose their virginity? I can't think of so…[View]
78003201At 30 years old, I'm having my first date with a woman. We're going out to eat something. …[View]
78003525I'm in love. I can't believe this shit. I think that she might feel the same. I hope it…[View]
78003984Why are black women such terrible mates?[View]
78001960Friendly reminder that this will never gonna happened to you[View]
78003884>short >facially a bit below average >autistic with strong schizoid traits >midwit IQ …[View]
78003010>Went to make some toast with honey >The honey bottle is filled with dead ants My day is fucki…[View]
78004157elons should crash a astroid into mars before sending people there to see what happen if the asteroi…[View]
78004033I performed cunnilingus on a prostitute.[View]
78004120I only respect girls who see me as a fucktoy: If a woman likes it, when men beat her, hit her, break…[View]
78004118Just dodged a car. That was close mang sheeeiitt.[View]
78002718I cannot respect the gender that gets off on humiliation: And likes to swallow cum[View]
78002140Women enjoy having se-: I can finally understand why women aren't into sex unlike men, it offer…[View]
78004102Nuclear war doesn't sound so bad anymore the longer I suffer every single day of my life. I mea…[View]
78003533what happens if i look like this and go to detroit or baltimore neighborhood and say ayo hol up wass…[View]
78003920I am going to a K-pop concert and I cant drive. I have 3 options: >tell my mother to drive me th…[View]
78003938>Just think about this anon This could've been you But your a genetic dead end No Stacy will…[View]
78000945I hope he wins again[View]
78003295Why do you hate trans women?[View]
78003602I know this Anime is supposed to motivate me into becoming dude le adult and starting a family and a…[View]
78003873Remember when child molesters were getting the ostracization they deserved? Now we got to the point …[View]
78003779He's not wrong. How can we promote sexual equality?[View]
78003165imagine if all my problems went away and i lived life as hikkineet femcoomer[View]
78002759I'd like to play a little game: I'll describe an emotion and you'll try to figure it …[View]
77999586Is it actually possible for women to be attracted to submissive men? I feel like women can view femd…[View]
78003496I'm a disappointment: My 6'5 unemployed 18 y o friend form norway has a qt slavic gf. >…[View]
78000153Do normies actually fuck on first dates? It's all surreal to me[View]
78003807I would go raw and pump this whore full of my seed. Who knows what demigod would arise from the loin…[View]
78003796I made a recent discovery: I made a couple of posts asking 'Would you date a girl if ... Would you d…[View]
78003113Porn Thread.: Favorite Pornstar? Streaming Porn: https://app.kosmi.io/room/co3dmr[View]
78002736I opened the gates to hell: Im 30yo NEET usually gotten by quite okay and was optimistic, but sudden…[View]
78003761Is homelessness really that bad? I don't think I can wage one more day. I know a nice spot to c…[View]
78003770what's frankie's tik tok t. rad[View]
78003151You having sex with a girl[View]
78003479and the crystal cafe raid slowly continues....[View]
77998412How important is penis size to you?[View]
78003580A pair of big strong veiny male hands please[View]
78003356Is it over for me if I have avoidant personality disorder? Will I ever get laid ?[View]
78003685I am the ick master. I induce disgust and visceral existential pain in women everywhere. They must s…[View]
78003167how do ethnic girls when white girls are legitimately angelically beautiful?[View]
78002994How? How doesn't she see literally thousands of better looking men every day?[View]
78003646Why is there so much fed spam today and yesterday? >>78001275[View]
78001797When's the last time you've rode a bicycle?: I just realized I haven't been on a bicy…[View]
78002548Teenage love is overratee: in all reality, Teenage love is only a promoted archetypal concept within…[View]
78001366Ms Universes skirt accidentally fell off on stage Check out dat perfect ass[View]
78002249Should I start boxing?: >22 khhv >meek nerd >wage slave with no life >Never trained any …[View]
78003551had a dream there was some big ginger guy carrying around his naked latina gf[View]
78001839Friendzone: I don't understand why men hate the idea of the friendzone so much, I love when pre…[View]
78003117How sick do you have to be to create an image like this: Imagine being a racist incel wanting to bri…[View]
78002193I have a question about female anatomy. Are these real or plastic?[View]
78001859Everyone is coomerbaiting so i might as well do it too. Look at this picture. Look at it for a solid…[View]
78002834I have a dream: To get a harem of cosplayers to have helltaker cosplay sex with me and sell it on on…[View]
78003057>Grind in one location for 48 levels[View]
78003354What's this faggot's problem?[View]
78002543>go to Vietnam for 3 weeks >dont learn a single word of the language >learn hello and thank…[View]
78002857Have any anons ever pulled the nonchalant act on a girl (E.g. ghosting her or not replying to her me…[View]
78002825Tfw your parents finally give up on you ever leaving their house and just tell you to at least go ou…[View]
78003418Job having anons, what do you do for a living and do you enjoy it?[View]
78003214I wonder if my federal agent assigned to me has jerked off to me before[View]
78003003post enjoyable trans women[View]
77998886Femanon here: Husband is an airline pilot and he is on his way home and I forgot to cook him his las…[View]
78003390>25 years old >barely have 200 bong to my name i need to make money, this is just embarrassing…[View]
78002566Ego is the loveless mind.[View]
78002547I have completely lost control over my porn addiction.[View]
78002551why do you guys want someone to put cigarettes out on your arm and peg you and rape you I just want …[View]
77999869Blacks are going too far. I fear the weeb.[View]
78003266I nod while I drive and I tell her I'm not high And she knows it's a lie but this life is…[View]
78003262Poor little nugget boy[View]
78002289Why am I so unable to talk to girls: When was I supposed to learn how to flirt and make the move? I…[View]
78000896did you go on a nightwalk tonight?[View]
78002838Robot Tech Support Thread: Post your problem and the professionals of /r9k/ will solve them FOR YOU!…[View]
78002333Never make fun of an ugly kid: She may grow up, and become a beautiful adult and add you on facebook…[View]
78002538I don't know how to make a first move on a girl. Why can't girls just make the first move …[View]
78000275I fapped to some hardcore ntr and now I feel ill... girls would never do that right?[View]
7800133929/06/24 2 coffees - 4kcal 1 piece of store pizza- 340kcal ketchup on top of it- 23 kcal 1/3 bowl of…[View]
78002894Half a year left before the mission to Mars[View]
78000811I HATE BEING A GIRL[View]
78003080would you date a reporter, /r9k/?[View]
78003065Tfw no angry boss: To fuck me at work (I'm a neet)[View]
78003043If i never came across this website then my life would've been quite miserable desu[View]
78002854>20 >random back discomfort[View]
78002949Why am I so attracted to asian girls?: I notice my standards for asians (specifically east asians) a…[View]
78000789>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. He will turn again, he will h…[View]
78002202>walking to the bus stop from my college to head home >someone walking by randomly says 'dude,…[View]
78001778Are you ever concerned that growing up in an old building with lead-based paint is what screwed you …[View]
78002953Women only like men for their social status: Women don't really like men's looks, they wan…[View]
78002774serious question how do you get rid of shame? i wanna let go of the idea that there is a high entity…[View]
78002919>date a girl >turns out to be nuts and abusive >cant cut her off >realizes she's a …[View]
78002796having to constantly prop up your impoverished family gets old. my mom's expenses drain my bank…[View]
78000455hello hello! it is le me! please entertain me or talk to mee! i am a lonely tortured soul :D :( how …[View]
78002835Reminder it's your job as a man to forgive women and take care of them in spite of their mistak…[View]
78002236I would never quit my job because it is the only reason I get out of the house. If I quit I'd s…[View]
78000695I can it The sentinel problem In X-Men bigoted humans create robots called sentinels who's so…[View]
78002407Will quick adding a bunch of random girls on snapchat get me a gf[View]
78002833I am very sensitive to stimuli when I am tired. Sounds, sensations, everything is uncomfortable. Whe…[View]
78002183This flag stands for American Pride[View]
78001401there's something extremely hot when nerdy, ugly-but-cute girls show off skin especially this o…[View]
78000580the biggest blackpill is learning loser women don't want loser men[View]
78000388ok so this woman was called a 10/10 earlier here and then later on /pol/ today. some dudes even talk…[View]
78001733Why are fat girls like this?: >When Chad doesnt like fat girls >Why wont men date plus sized w…[View]
78002335Where can I meet women that want to listen to all of my conspiracy esoteric bullshit?[View]
78002587When you're a child and a teenager life is a prison: When you're a kid, your mind is free …[View]
78002337mom wont let me take finasteride[View]
78001950Rishi Sunak >Vote Tory and I will reduce the taxes that the Tories raised for the last 14 years. …[View]
78002673How do Jews feel about the Jewish hate on 4chan? Also how the hell do Jewish people even work there…[View]
78001477If you had the power to bring people back to life: Who would you bring? Your family, friends, enemie…[View]
78001697what causes a mother to do this?[View]
78002117I'm starting to think I should quit my job at the end of the year. I've been working for 4…[View]
78001311I got called hot by a fairly attractive woman yesterday and it's not the first time a woman has…[View]
78002610I consider the Americas to be a single continent, because barring maybe Haiti, there's not one …[View]
78001739You think I'm dumb[View]
78000228Why are zoomers so eager to infantilize themselves?: This video and the comments reaffirm my belief …[View]
78002334So i was eating some biscuits (cookies for the gringos) when i remembered this classmate i have. …[View]
78001341Kagerou Imaizumi: The booba wolfgirl[View]
78002217This bitch is drunk and loosing her mind: Shes like talking about how men have fucked her over in li…[View]
78002495Tfw no bpdemon: to put her cigarettes off on my arm[View]
78001344Jews run my country.[View]
78002079>match with a girl on dating app >send message asking what her favorite movies or shows are …[View]
78002279why is it bad to kill yourself if you have made too many mistakes but destroying other stuff (like a…[View]
78001818Why are white men so...intrinsically timid?[View]
78002294Why did his (((friends))) sell him out so quick?[View]
78000270>wake up >heart hurts a bit >ffw to now >heart still hurts im scared anons. did all thes…[View]
78001234We chuds don't want to be right anons.... it's just we are.[View]
78002091future uncertain: I had the whole next year/s planned but I was late applying for school and got put…[View]
77999512God blessed me with the gift of being 6'2 while also giving me a 5in cock. How do I cope?[View]
78002381I hate my skin color and I want to scrub it off. It seems like everyone is repulsed by me especially…[View]
78001707Maritime question: Im thinking of going to the Merchant Maritime Academy and I have a question, do c…[View]
78002353Do incels really believe that they'll be able to snag a virgin woman? Are you guys that delusio…[View]
78002097No memeing, please someone respond: Can women be lonely? all I see is women in relationships, they a…[View]
78002328No pussy = no civil society: I will never ever help a single roastie ever again. >She got hit by …[View]
78000820Its all female envy: >the reason why manic pixie girls disappeared? Envious, unlovable women said…[View]
78001915Indians used to fuck White women even back in the colonial era lol. Whites were never on top no matt…[View]
77999752I just want a big man to carry me[View]
78000264the porn ads make me sick. maybe i should stop browsing on my phone.[View]
78000867how do i maintain my sanity as a hikki? ironically i think i'm better off than ever but i worry…[View]
78002017When are they going to stop adding absolutely useless dogshit to this this tranny app? Who the fuck …[View]
78001046The local NEET recently got a letter stating that if he does not start searching for jobs he'll…[View]
78002027ants are the white people of insects[View]
78002268Why do people pretend that 'shit testing' is exclusively a woman thing? There are men who do it as w…[View]
77999475Bill Maher: New Rule: Just go and have sex you stupid incels, it's not that hard. https://www.y…[View]
78001579are you white? tell me[View]
78002277The only thing who truly loved me on this godforsaken rock is my cat.[View]
78001055>robots wanting a cuckqueen gf is good >me wanting a cuck bf is bad why?…[View]
78001868Girls, what do you value in men?: Arrange it in a X>Y>Z line. Here is my take: For hookups: he…[View]
78002073how do I get my own adorable little princess girl to coddle?[View]
78001110Would you date a girl with a penis larger than yours?[View]
78002119Yall why tf is trump trying to become a dictator[View]
78001431You know that shawty want a thug (Yeah), I just want the drugs (Yeah) Surrounded by these hoes, pray…[View]
77999882still looking for an r9k gf i can spend all my time and be super clingy with as a shut-in neet guy[View]
78001458Whenever I see any romantic shit in any media I instantly skip it and and most likely lose any inter…[View]
78001282>tfw I will never be a cool emo skater furry Why even live...[View]
78002074Daily reminder that approaching women is a chad only activity.[View]
78001790The Ethnic Problem: Ethnics (nonwhites) flooded /r9k/ after the incel subreddit bans in late 2019 Mu…[View]
78000534As a straight guy I want to dominate a feminine guy. Something about a guy giving up his manhood to …[View]
78001957How do normalfags swim underwater in the sea with their eyes open?[View]
77996954Type two words that have never been posted together before: Hardmode: they've never been posted…[View]
78001972I am exclusively for filipina girls westernized ones ideally[View]
77999533Is 6'2 considered tall in Eastern Europe, especially amongst zoomers?[View]
78001906Just remember this, robots.[View]
78001865>this made millenial boomers piss themselves with laughter And they have the nerve to criticize…[View]
78000760I am addicted to 4chan because it's the closest thing I have to friends. It's the only pla…[View]
78001708Do mods get paid?: Or are they just doing out of altruism? If so, you guys are great![View]
78000192Its a lonely and cold feeling to know the people who are weirdos and losers are able to share talent…[View]
78001847Why is porn addiction bad? Watching so much porn Made me want to lose my virginity so I did. In addi…[View]
78001702LIFE ISNT HELL: I used to be an antinatalist who hated life because i lived in the matrix. In the ma…[View]
78001054Venting: >be me >Went to parents home village to see my grandparents with my family >My aun…[View]
77998882Damn, who would have thunk speaking to a basically adult would ruin your life.[View]
77998139stop watching porn with dicks. no dicks. ever. no men. no masculine energy. watch solo asian girls (…[View]
78000888Im comfy watching bad horror movies, what are you doing?[View]
78001463My giant millennial hag tits belong in a cute zoomers face.[View]
78001250How the fuck do I get a job with only a high-school diploma? I've accepted bottle of the barrel…[View]
78000999The fact that women indians and nigs can be readily introduced into nearly any workplace or field is…[View]
78001630Is it that bad to hate old people?: Is it that bad to hate old people? Seriously, I live in a part o…[View]
78001594How do I stop women from flirting and getting sexual with me? I talk to them completely platonically…[View]
78001362Guys I genuinely don't think I have the capacity to respect women ever again[View]
78001667The n words power allows me to feel.[View]
78001642is anyone under 30 employed?[View]
77999901generic spam thread about sex talk about sex anons[View]
78001550According to normies, there's no such thing as involuntary celibacy. It's all voluntary. Y…[View]
77999727Onahole: This shit is next level I highly recommend one. I regret not getting into the onahole game …[View]
78000528>wake up from nightmare again >for some reason get the feeling that reality is also kind of fu…[View]
78001473Why do you have crushes on people who don't deserve it? Do they have crushes on you?[View]
77999821Who here gave up on life early on?: With how my life was going, I knew that there was no point in tr…[View]
78000013Is IQ legit? Does it even matter? Can it go back up to what it used to be? When I was 11, I had a pr…[View]
78000059>be me >socially inept >finds 4chan as a source of fun >post my face cuz i wanted to …[View]
78001357This happened in our sun.[View]
78001083imagine how great our children will be, anons. we know why our lives are shit. we know about all the…[View]
78001378Chicks dig bikers[View]
78000808Discrimination in housing: I've been looking online for roommates because housing is expensive …[View]
77999496You are mentally ill for having the desire and objectively immoral for committing the act.[View]
78001336faggots: My life isn't going to get any better, it's statistically impossible that it does…[View]
78001355In terms of how cutesy, frilly, and sparkly they are, as well as how much they focus on stuff like c…[View]
78001330What kind of a girl make piss bottle..[View]
78000604How all of you fembots look irl[View]
77994753NEET/Hikikomori General Thread: NEET/Hikikomori General Thread What are you diagnosed with? >NE…[View]
78001277Comfy Sunday[View]
78000081Song Thread: Post songs. I'll start : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Kdds6ozSA[View]
77998577>white men are forced to marry filipinas because white women would rather die childless than sett…[View]
78000082>gifted kid burnout >aspie separatism >looksmaxxing >halo effect >blackpill >normg…[View]
78000258How the fuck do people make friends as an adult outside of college and work?[View]
78001241>Present as openly disinterested, vague, critical and borderline socio >5 females contact me w…[View]
78001214Daily affirmations: It is within my power to kill myself I have a right to kill myself My parents wo…[View]
78000884Im a korean disabled merrick tier truecel. I got a government subsidized job for subhumans. Thinking…[View]
78001212Is 27 just too late to thugmaxx robots? Too late for a dark triad change?[View]
78000391holy fuck mate its fucking hot as fuck. Bet that no one of you could fucking handle it. Absolute hel…[View]
78000241Why i cant have a girlfriend as bad and crazy as me seriusly 'the world is to big theres gonna be so…[View]
78001076we're not adults until we're 30 bros, for now we're twenteenagers.[View]
78001038what are the political implications of millie bobby brown having such a fat, inviting pussy?[View]
78001074>you will never have a loving wife who cooks for you[View]
77999722Women shouldnt have any rights whatsoever. Whenever Im dating one I feel incomparably better, my ene…[View]
78001087talk to a fat retard who is sitting in a bright room and hasnt slept: talk to a fat retard who is si…[View]
78000118every time i think im close enough to a person for them to stay with me for a decently long amount o…[View]
77998586Roastie realizes her tattoos are turning off men: How did women get psyop'd into thinking that …[View]
77999570National Socialism General: Why aren't you a National Socialist robot? >Women know their pla…[View]
77998734the fate of all misogynist incels[View]
77998355long ass head[View]
78000926I hate the fact that it all depends on luck The guy next door might have a social circle but he migh…[View]
77986447Vocaloo fred: >https://voca.ro/1m0SndLvNptA[View]
78000828Why do stepmoms and stepdads need to exist?[View]
78000883My friends went to a nightclub to party and drink meanwhile i stayed at home all day playing videoga…[View]
78000484How can I become famous without creating an OF? I have some artistic talents. What do you consider…[View]
78000732Junko: You WOULD have saved her, right?[View]
77996343Here's your Asian gf, robo-bro[View]
77996317All moids will be forced to SUBMIT to Anal: You moids thought you got one over on us by supporting t…[View]
78000105>consumes the same content over and over >claims normal people are to blame >claims normal …[View]
77999320Why do people foolishly believe a draft is impossible to implement in America?[View]
78000438i am so fat and lumpy and i sit in my chair all day which has piss stains on it drawing stupid anime…[View]
77999491Are there really anons who've never been in love? Doesn't it bother you?[View]
77998664Why do so many people like vtubers? Isn't there a 'this shits gay' response in their …[View]
77998698Why are you guys so tied to heteronormativity? It fees very disrespectful that men limit themselves …[View]
77999200Ladies and Gentlemen, the next Vice President of the United States.[View]
78000471When I grow up, my dream is to open BNWOcon, a convention for enjoyers of the BBC arts and such. The…[View]
78000787I have this theory about mosquitoes... you know their buzzing? ZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZzzzZZZ…[View]
78000611Categories of people that should die: 1. Attractive people (6/10 and upwards) 2. Stupid people 3. Di…[View]
78000685Everyone is evil and always looking to ruin my life. They see that I'm an incel and so they…[View]
77999461>irritating female coworker is talking about how much she hates spiders >brain registers this …[View]
78000566Does being an extroverted autist make sense?[View]
78000721Day 335 of manifesting TOTAL CLUSTER B DEATH[View]
77995915I'm not attracted to men but I have to admit getting fucked looks pretty fun.[View]
77999946ITT: Post an image[View]
78000622Fuck, I cannot even read the news without seeing stories about bmwf or bmaf. Day immediately ruined.…[View]
78000285nuclear war against moids..[View]
78000188TechLead is more blackpilled than blackpillers: alright, techlead convinced me to give up and do not…[View]
78000507The vast majority of violence, rape, and murder against women is done by sexually active men that wo…[View]
77997613I hate having a body I hate being male I hate sex I hate violence I hate men and women and sex objec…[View]
77999896>Unironic trannies on this board kys commiepedotroons[View]
77995864Why doesn't /r9k/ just get in shape?[View]
78000474Men are so disgusting the Madonna/Whore complex isn't real it's just a product of me- uhoh…[View]
78000413TFW: All other men in your family have girlfriends and you're the only one single amongst your …[View]
78000201I wish I was a girl so I could be a vtuber and make money playing video games in my room and talk to…[View]
78000393Attention!: >to the femanons on this board One of you will be my future wife and there's not…[View]
77993721he is wearing copper and cotton infused hood to block ai emotion and schizo radio waves and has stat…[View]
78000193Literally the only reason to ever get a relationship is so you can make out with him while he plows …[View]
78000287I've had 2 women ask me after the first date > can I eat out your ass > sure but let…[View]
77992283Asperger Separatism: We need Asperger Separatism because those with our condition are almost always …[View]
78000107I wish I was born normal instead of being a fag. Gays are too horny.[View]
77999943I need my trans gf's cuddles to be happy. The cuddles are coming again soon.[View]
78000039How do I go to a Kpop concert without my family thinking Im the big gay or have bad taste? I was thi…[View]
780001704am drinking feeling ok life sucks but it ain't bad ig ok job wfh ok salary but life frugal so …[View]
77997772self hating wagie thread never felt more insulted in my life than being called a good employee[View]
77999991This girl is cute, isn't it? She's called Tama. How do you bots feel about her?[View]
77991256>no femanon ever wants a clingy, obsessive stalker bf i can't help being like this, i feel …[View]
78000213Nutted. But she still sucking. God I hate climate change. Just fucking end us already, this is pathe…[View]
77999405Remember the Minecon girl? She apparently likes ro rape her dad: >Anna would describe (in great d…[View]
77999275This is really want drives incels mad? This shit look like the average girl and its kinda gross.[View]
77999931I always thought these weird brooms on military uniforms on the shoulders are just weird. I've …[View]
77999560I want a soulful break-up: i don't want to be in a relationship with someone who can't bre…[View]
77999895I don't have enough intelligence left now to properly work through all the baggage I've ac…[View]
78000132I feel trapped. I can't show or tell anyone who I actually am because even my family would hate…[View]
780000431st world society is over and no one gives a fuck.: Its total bullshit that society is burning to th…[View]
78000053I do genuinely believe I have Aspergers. Is there any benefit to getting a diagnosis? I don't w…[View]
77998082>Men start malding when they find out their faithful wife of 30 years has a bodycount greater tha…[View]
77999965>stwals ur get[View]
77998328Manly Tears: When was the last time you cried? My own mother said told me I'll always be alone …[View]
77999532why do incels think trannies are also incels?: i have a bodycount of 7 pretrans: >high school cis…[View]
78000056The leotard is the peak of female clothing, any deviation inherently inferior: The leotard is the qu…[View]
77999990Looking for people to join my gang (dm me for info or asking anything) I want only people who are se…[View]
77996501one anon said something like this ''this meme means giving up and settling down to mediocr…[View]
77999428Im 'succeeding' but how long do I have to keep doing this: I've (27M) been single for 5 years a…[View]
77994764Do people generally respect you?: I'm an autistic meek who's very introverted, Most of my …[View]
77998411Don't pretend you care about me.[View]
77999177If you were the last human alive would you try to make a comfy base somewhere?[View]
77999535how would I hypothetically overpower and kidnap the boy I have a crush on?[View]
77999831Good girIs don't get used.[View]
77999678Are any robots working as truck drivers? How's life on the road?? I'm looking for things t…[View]
77999041The video that ruined lonely incels[View]
77999808>MEN ARE ALL PEDOS >ohno nonononononono NOT AGAIN!…[View]
77997925i did not take photos of nature on my digital camera today like i planned, i only recorded a video o…[View]
77999782If you were an addict hopelessly addicted to something and it was threatening your life could doctor…[View]
77998232Day 572 of manifesting cute gf that has cool interests Errrr. I dunno what to say this time around. …[View]
77998566>Wake up in the USA >Three-fourths of the population is a blob >Everyone acts like this is …[View]
77998758Daily reminder that (((they))) are the real reason why you have no girlfriend.[View]
77998789No games, not even TDM. depressing. I won all my duels tonight except for one cheater at least thoug…[View]
77989553/britfeel/: Class 801 edition[View]
77999612How many else of you have given your nuts a few seconds of a scratch then sniffed it?[View]
77989454>be good looking but autistic >only women ever interested in me are bipolar/borderline mental …[View]
77997976Fuck all this negativity at the internet (4chan included). Only happy things from now on.[View]
77998419My parents say I need to 'get out' more often but what SPECIFICALLY is there to do outside as a frie…[View]
77999628spending all day on bed crying bc of a girl kind of day[View]
77999367who is that one infamous guy that one murderer who murdered like 1-3 people and then sang ice ice ba…[View]
77998302If this is how girls react to men they find attractive, what does that make us?[View]
77998951if you're a girl, you have to get with guys... do you really want to get with guys? guys fuckin…[View]
77999599>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And the Lord shall be king ov…[View]
77996275If my dicks gets hard by seeing this image does it mean that i'm bisexual/gay?[View]
77999046Does alcohol fix autism? Can normies tell if you're drunk when talking to to them?[View]
77998769I literally just lost my virginity at 31 to a cute 19 year old college girl. I got nervous and I tol…[View]
77999293I remember first time I watched porn it scarred me and felt like it was the worst thing I've ev…[View]
77998108America Cup 2024: I hope the CONCACAF's participation in the Copa America is a permanent change…[View]
77999514Just be nice to girls, study hard and get a good job bro.[View]
77999503I know his tricks but can do nothing to stop them: >life has been going well recently >a littl…[View]
77999486It is mystery sex hour where I have sex with a mysterious object.[View]
77995058Mucusshitters General:: This is a general and safe space for people who shit Mucus. Here we talk abo…[View]
77997474Knowing myself I probably wouldve loved having a dad[View]
77998797I'm feeling like suicide again Why do I have have to have the that of eternal damnation just be…[View]
77996492What is the best way to shave your dick?[View]
77994042How often do you actually feel genuinely happy?[View]
77999065>MEN ARE ALL PEDOS >oh wait... >NOT AGAIN!…[View]
77998676Got my coffee maker and coffee grounds.[View]
77999058I met a dude on here with autism. One small problem. If he ever visits me, he will not survive here.…[View]
77999148How does it feel to know that the vast majority of young men are having sex on a consistent to semi-…[View]
77999266I wish I was (You), Yes, (You).[View]
77993569>this scares the normalfag[View]
77999007>34 >have spent the last 20 years of my life gooning to loli I could have gone to college and …[View]
77999252Any experience with cheating/being the bull?: My friend wants me to fuck his gf. He knows I'm h…[View]
77998601when did you first say 'I love you' in your relationship? How many weeks/months? Before or after you…[View]
77996762>going for a walk in the woods >encounter pic related And your next move is...?…[View]
77996825The key to flirting is banter. You pretty much need to make fun of a girl in a lighthearted way. Som…[View]
77998401>try to help out my family for once >try mowing the lawn >neighbor comes out and yells at m…[View]
77998222why does every cute white guy have a sheboon fetish? even the 'racist' ones. t. latinx fembot compet…[View]
77998943Ever wonder what makes some people unwaveringly loyal? They're rare people, but sometimes you h…[View]
77999174What does the women really want? It's not the same that the men want.[View]
77999126If you've had sex before (looking at the foids on this board) you are never gonna have a succes…[View]
77999113>been a while since i've drunk alcohol >feeling kinda down, was thirsty, decided to crack…[View]
77999027How do u meet people in your 20s to Do stuff with ?[View]
77999139Thoughts on your future mommy vice president?[View]
77999136Well hes not wrong. Hes actually right[View]
77996627post your mobile home screens, let's all see what we are working with.[View]
77998659Are some peopIe just made to be alone?[View]
77998465any second now i'm going to wake up in my childhood bedroom playing zelda oot, right? this is a…[View]
77996274>this is someones son Would you marry him anon?[View]
77999031Black Women: What are some ways to inspire, encourage, and promote colored women?[View]
77998130I have a slutty mom: >mom has a history of putting out to get ahead professionally >from sucki…[View]
77998996Is having a girlfriend really that much better than gooning to porn?[View]
77998006Growing up too quickly: Zooming little shits are astonished that I don't have kids and often pa…[View]
77998957The way normalfags operate in society makes me less inclined to be sympathetic when some dictator co…[View]
77998402Best spot for 18-22yo whale hunting?[View]
77997415What's the deal with all these shitposters wanabee that get triggered so hard over anime? Espec…[View]
77998531>Be Me >Hang out with Lesbian for first time >Chill as fuck >good convo >point out gi…[View]
77998818Is keratinization permanent and does it lower your sex drive?: I have been wanting to lower my sex d…[View]
77998834Catalogue wont refresh: Hey admins, clean it up.[View]
77998080Pls what do I need to look like to clap those cheeks??[View]
77998826anyone remmeber the anon making a custom theme for 4chan?: Sorry if the thread isn't interestin…[View]
77996353are there actually Women who aren't swarmed with attention 24/7[View]
77997553Is golf a good hobby for a robot? I have been thinking about getting some clubs to practice in my mo…[View]
77998325The only thing I live for anymore is to laugh at headlines of white women getting BTFO'd by the…[View]
77997439If I was born in time to be in my early 20's in the 60's/70's, I would have been a se…[View]
77990410Men are Iost.[View]
77998160Another day when I go to bed at 5 am and wake up at 3 in the afternoon. I don't do anything, ju…[View]
77997406Times you acted like The Whale: I dropped a tub of ben and jerry ice cream on my sweatpants and spen…[View]
77998475When will ass golf take off as a competitive sport?[View]
77995487What do these people even do after their lives are destroyed? Is he just going to get an office job …[View]
77998358vtubers are just adult puppet shows[View]
77998534Maybe us white men need to do something about these white cuckolds making us look bad. Honest nonfed…[View]
77998493Is this an average woman's body?[View]
77996212>tfw you never grew up in the United States of America >tfw you never attended a Fourth of Ju…[View]
77998247Why do we age?[View]
77998338Wildlife encounters: Saw what I believe to have been a grey fox for the first time. I was bewildered…[View]
77997653Does r9k understand the trinity ? I can't truly grasp it[View]
77998319Yet again Im considering suicide[View]
77998058how do you deal with this as a man? at any moment any woman can have you killed[View]
77997805Should I delete all my JAV, robots[View]
77998450Why do women and gays love musical theater so much?: I literally don't get it. Can someone expl…[View]
77997432>sister starts dating a thug just because he has a nice motorcycle >said thug convinces her t…[View]
77998399God is punishing for me for not drawing by making me feel bad[View]
77998029>'im not gay, BUT...' >goes on to outline desires to do some gay ass shit Why cant niggas just…[View]
77996626i realise im the girl in plapjack[View]
77995895When men were men: The most masculine androcentric high society was arguably the Roman Empire and th…[View]
77997203Femanons, why aren't you selling stuff? All the girls are doing it.[View]
77998351Dont know what I was thinking again[View]
77997986Is he autistic or just german?[View]
77996769Give it back (my foreskin).[View]
77992966I'm at the point of touch starvation where I'm genuinely considering going on grindr and g…[View]
77998291anyone else notice that recently, even Japanese fighting games of all things are starting to appeal …[View]
77997892I can't take being a virgin anymore. I'm starting NoFap. Seeing beautiful pussy i'll …[View]
77996654Where is a safe place outside of a home to masturbate? I can't do it at home for a while becaus…[View]
77997955>barely remembers anything from my life under 13 years old because trauma >a few years blink b…[View]
77997908Thoughts on trannies when they look like this? If someone looked like this and wanted to be fucked b…[View]
77996198Loopy Thread: Post your best Loopy memes![View]
77998147I'm bored, so I made a small meme edit[View]
77998179Is my dog autistic or a chad?: >Be my Dog. >Night. >I see him walking all around the house …[View]
77998195What are your plans once your parents die? I think I'll just kill myself. I'm a fairly nor…[View]
77997611Fuck that bitch.: >Have been working at a Farm store for 3 years. >It's family-operated, …[View]
77998187>ywn have a daughter like Nana Why even fucking live then?[View]
77997787>B-b-but women don't care about looks![View]
77995459Have you ever been affected by a raid or a phyop before on your favourite board? Personally ive been…[View]
77996684A real woman who looks like a tranny.[View]
77997499>sat in my room listening to the fireworks that my town put on >can see hundreds of cars leav…[View]
77997761I went to mall of America since I was visiting my cousins It's one of the biggest malls in the…[View]
77998145I hate white ppl but well endowed young white boys are so cute and rare[View]
77997988Ranting about stupid shit: i think i finally understand this anxiety and dread, that nauseous feelin…[View]
77997079How do messages work? No one messages me first and every girl that has ever messaged me just wanted …[View]
77998102I like to use my dildo for 24 hours straight.[View]
77997389When was the last time you peed your pants?[View]
77998074nanochan is back but not under the dark web but on the clear webs nanochan.moe[View]
77997524Hii this is Chickn posting: >inb4 no one cares if no one cares why do you all namedrop me on this…[View]
77996359why do i get mad over fiction?[View]
77997517I miss having egirls tripfagging[View]
77997004i wish for a girl to be possessive and obsessive twords me[View]
77997960Every time someone makes the most unhinged, perspectiveless comments on 'anime' like: >Not realiz…[View]
77997799>Wake up >My violent narcissistic father is still not dead yet…[View]
77996202Fembot, he is 6'2, but he is:: >n.e.e.t >intoimouto >sub >identifies as an incel …[View]
77991183/cut/ - Cutters General #369: Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support happy saturda…[View]
77994033/FeelsBar/: The Bar is open. Your barkeep isn't feeling well but will try its best to tend to i…[View]
77997807>Femanons of r9k I would just like to remind you that liking men is gay and you attraction to men…[View]
77997644>walking home from work at night >sees couple in front of me hugging and kissing >crosses t…[View]
77997558why wont my 33 year old bf impregnate or marry me[View]
77996367holy moly cute how the FUCK do I get over her or just have more vivid dreams with her in them[View]
77993827Anyone else feel like theres been a general cognitive decline on the internet? and I'm not just…[View]
77997782How do I become a more refined sexy gentleman? Also how do I come up with things to talk about with …[View]
77997760Eastern European gf: How do I get a Polish gf? (I'm American)[View]
77995241Left: what you could have had if you'd experienced teenage love Right: what's left for you…[View]
77997675Don't wanna find a job: cause I'm too smart and beautiful for that[View]
77997717Im genuinely handsome but women dont give me attention, you do not know my struggle[View]
77996154Why are men so disgusted by body hair on women while they are literally hairy like gorillas...?[View]
77997615How many people are actually getting laid these days? It feels like it is over for men.[View]
77997060You masturbate and look at sexualized women far too much. It has made you think of sex when you see …[View]
77997225Alone: In shadows deep, where whispers die, I wander lost beneath the sky. A scribe of thoughts, wit…[View]
77990311Saw some llamas kind of day.[View]
77997244Why are Asian incels so retarded? They could just go live in any Asian country and boom, all their i…[View]
77997503Girls are Boring: The one thing that I truly hate about women more than anything else is just how un…[View]
77995960does anyone want to play vrchat? it's free and all you need is a keyboard and mouse to play![View]
77996854The Ick: >He likes music made for women and gays >Billie Eilish, Lana Del Rey, Marina, etc.…[View]
77997608what did you guys eat for dinner tonight. i'm having mom's spaghetti[View]
77997520Fav Ethnicity: what is your guys's favorite ethnicity? mine is latino, although i'm white.…[View]
77996459Is taking SARMs worth it for a robot trying to looksmax? The best SARM I've found in terms of s…[View]
77996806What killed life for me was that there is no people to relate to, talk or have a meaningful connecti…[View]
77996628>She's cheating on me AGAIN >Time to get drunk…[View]
77997506Without clicking the link guess what they are doing and post it Then click the link https://x.com/…[View]
77997486Will he ever lose his virginity?[View]
77997427The Jews want to destroy men and women and make everyone into androgynous creations. That's why…[View]
77997479Welcome to Anoncraft (Formerly /r9k/craft), A Vanilla Minecraft SMP server for anons. >SERVER IP:…[View]
77997379I am not sad or lonely, but I don't enjoy anything anymore. I mean I still do 'hobbies' like wo…[View]
77997150Why should I even try dating if I'm not a chad?[View]
77997331Apparently being tall and having a big D: Wins over girls! I thought its an incel meme but its real!…[View]
77996416gotta get in shape[View]
77994846Any decent active discord servers? The ones advertised at /soc/ and dishboard are trash. Or at least…[View]
77996939>This is your average white male chad in 2024 How do you feel?[View]
77981331/Biofem/ General #122: Memory edition Previous :>>77966447 https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread…[View]
77997332it's funny: she knows how well it would work out if we were to get into a relationship as we bo…[View]
77994563>So hum, you must suffer because... It actually builds character and... at some point you may hav…[View]
77997318>tfw no one will ever eff me because I'm ineffable[View]
77997222Why does this society not teach boys social skills, what's expected of them, and how to reach t…[View]
77990428What are some red/blackpills you have either experienced or seen other people you know irl going thr…[View]
77997000It's trying to get out because it doesn't want to be a humans plaything and abused in cock…[View]
77997299Gonna walk home and play some Fortnite[View]
77996839I'm sick of being alive and existing[View]
77995927What is the worst slur you've been called ?[View]
77995875Do you also just think about how stupid you are and how shitty your life is when you get high?[View]
77980380titcows: What do you think it smells like when your face is in between a huge pair of tits?[View]
77996653Who actually believes this garbage?[View]
77997189Diddy sex cult: I think I found a sex cult in my home town. I was talking to this dude on grindr be…[View]
77996534Where do I find emotionally vulnerable young men with functional bone marrow who produce healthy amo…[View]
77995136what type of foreign women like american men? + one that looks like pic related asking for a friend …[View]
77996926chillin outside rn[View]
77997153Mentally ill for having the urge, objectively immoral for acting on the urge.[View]
7799414125+ Thread: Didn't see a 30+ thread so I'm posting this one.[View]
77997128Do you like Anya?[View]
77994508I hate my ethnicity so so fucking much. They're actual braindead subhumans. Reading what they w…[View]
77996409hey bro don't give up[View]
77997110watching twitch girls play sote kind of day[View]
77997095I just jerked off to this. Felt like I lost a bit of my soul but oh well. I just love how when he ta…[View]
77995759Why do fitcels seethe when someone says they work out to score with chicks? Why would they make some…[View]
77996513SG Boys touchdown then it's over Prada bag with the cash yeah it looks like a folder D9 Enterpr…[View]
77996915>girl in one of my classes asks to study together >shit is going well >mid conversation she…[View]
77996721>Those incel babies think they actually DESERVE a mother's touch[View]
77995361Words can't explain how much i hate christians (can't corsolapost, this webm is important)[View]
77996295Me A bed A beautiful little blonde boy A big booty black bbw[View]
77995745You come home and your wife gives you this as a present. What do you do?[View]
77993240Today I woke up with lonely feelings again. Over and over, I feel the same way. Sometimes I wonder w…[View]
77994640What is it that makes gay men so self-obsessed and narcissistic?[View]
77996007/Misandry/: Women online hate men so much that theyre even bringing it up in cat vids[View]
77994233'muh fReNcH cInEmA': >white girl exists >gets harassed by native Christian white guys >bro…[View]
77995939Why are british people so ugly?: There has to be a genetical explanation for this[View]
77996208YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM I'm gonna make this tonight[View]
77996842I'm not technically 21, but there are wine bottles in my parent's fridge and I'm thin…[View]
77996849Incels don't exist. Take the spedpill[View]
77996215Why do foids prefer criminals? Why do they hate stable nice guys?[View]
77996165now I get it it's just a big simulation it's meant to be that way since your problems are…[View]
77996572Where would you go on a trip if you could?[View]
77996719Whats the filter meta for r9k?[View]
77996401Is r9k smart enough to do basic math?: If (2^15-1)=32,767 where xy=32,767 Find a number x where: 1…[View]
77996318Do you know what's most black piling stuff ever to exists? >be wade Wilson >handsome as f…[View]
77996616Have you found your purpose in life yet?[View]
77996576how do I make friends that want to talk with me? I'm tired of the silence and im bored. It…[View]
77995281Justify your pitiful existence you fucks[View]
77996423In the future all beta males will receive brain implants to to keep them in line, such pitiful creat…[View]
77995729Why are normies like this???: Why the FUCK would you get a tattoo of a dude you don't personall…[View]
77996556it's over time to an hero: How do I get my egf to forgive me for being an asshole SHE WONT RESP…[View]
77995937Straight robots: Would you ever considered fucking a man?[View]
77995351How powerful can one man without a support network become?[View]
77993986anyone here with diagnosed adhd? man fuckin depression goes hand in hand with it but at work and gen…[View]
77995428i love rain and thunderstorms, i have been so dissatisfied with the weather lately. i want a storm s…[View]
77995642Why didn't Biden have any answer for the wide open border? He just tilted his head down when Tr…[View]
77996466girls are so cute why is life so unfair I don't have required physical and social traits to att…[View]
77996032Is it gay to be a man and use moisturizer and sunscreen? If I had a gf and she walked into the bathr…[View]
77996450The only person who cared Who actually listened and viewed me as someone they loved and would be the…[View]
77996399i love this: >be me >join the great Russian army >be top of the class >become a pilot …[View]
77995168>take side profile pic in mirror >Look like picrel. Fuck…[View]
77996398How 2 Women: So this is the guide. Trust me, I'm literally autistic. Whatever is wrong, just ma…[View]
77993558>applied too late for school >look for other schools still open >they are all some kind of …[View]
77996083what exercises make your ass smaller? none of my skirts or skinny jeans fit anymore[View]
77996081Why is everyone here amerimutts?(I dont mind if their girls though all my internet best friends are …[View]
77996324She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen[View]
77995546how loud do you guys moan and grunt when you're fucking a girl that gave you the time of day?[View]
77996180Would you a bf who shaves all his body hair?[View]
77995743young girls can be kind: I've recently had the most life-changing, astonishing, thought-provoki…[View]
77995403ADHD = beta male: It's unironically fucking over. Researchers have confirmed that if you have A…[View]
77995947Do you ever feel like youre having an 'enlightenment' and suddenly feel this strong spiritual empath…[View]
77996105>taking it in the ass and faggotry are European ideals Beautiful[View]
77994989Good excuses to sneak out on a Sunday from 7 to 11pm if youre a friendless 30 year old who cant driv…[View]
77996109Why do women give sex to evil men?[View]
77995356Are trans polycules the solution to incels?[View]
77995554How do I get a normal { woman(non-mentallyill[woman])) } girlfriend as a quirky guy[View]
77996067>At Glasto for the day >With a girl I met at Download Festival s few weeks ago >We're …[View]
77996110>anno domini 2024 >still no autistic wife (female)…[View]
77994199THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE: What does this mean to you? What is your body scoreboard? What is a good s…[View]
77994869why haven't you taken the domestic violence pill yet anon?: >women are attracted to men who …[View]
77995504could you be a NASCAR driver?[View]
77995788Sorry to tell you this moids, but it you came to porn more than ten times you're used goods. Ye…[View]
77995802the avg sexual life of your mental health expert becky: https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/wc09l…[View]
77995096>Messaging girl >She went to a concert last night >'omg anon there was this guy there who k…[View]
77995993theres different factions fighting over power theres basedjaks and its pretty meta Change my mind[View]
77994510*waves hello*[View]
77990555Why don't you guys just take a year off and go traveling? It might help you get a new perspecti…[View]
77995946i want to die. my ex broke up with me 2 years ago and left me with the kid (shes two) and is raping …[View]
77995263What are the best and worst places to be autistic in the USA?[View]
77991675how do people even jerk off or have sex its the most gross boring thing in the world it seems like J…[View]

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