"Party of the common man" btw
>>80063236>Good chance all three of these people will be in one location multiple times in the near future.10-4 read you loud and clear. Please wire the funds to my account ASAP.
faux conservatives tried to own the libs and ended up owning themselves lmao. this is what happens when a person doesn't know how a bill becomes a law or how many representatives are in the House and then tries to talk about politics lmao.
>>80063236nobody thinks republicans are the answer, they're just the only way voters can express discontent in a two party system. Democrats know what people want and their party can't deliver because it's led by retards, and there's no viable 3rd party options. Were there a multiple choice voting ballot like rcv or approval voting this wouldn't be happening, but democrats are fine with losing elections because their donors are happy with either party. The corporate class basically always gets what it wants no matter which one is in charge. The only way for things to get better is with open primaries, multiple choice voting, a minimum of 5 names on a ballot for every congressional seat, and public campaign funding.
>>80063236>Nancy Pelosi's stock tracker took the financial world by storm in 2024, delivering a jaw-dropping 54% gain and outshining nearly every hedge fund. wow! how did she do it???
>>80063277god i wish nancy pelosi died already. i thought there was a real chance of her quitting after breaking her hip in Germany, but she just won't go the fuck away.
>yfw you're not the state media
>>80063277You think quants aren't smart enough to look at trades by politicians? If it was actually a safe bet then literally every half-decent hedge fund would make superior gains by incorporating a good portion of those trades. If you really believe it then put your life savings on it.
>>80063236>Oligarchy todayit was fucking true since '08 at least. The problem with democrats pushing it is nobody seriously believes they want to do anything different. Democrats are corporate whores and we all know it. All democratic party presidents in the last 30 years have given out a bank bailout during their terms. It'd be one thing if it was an obscene but RARE event, but it happens constantly. How come I don't ever get a fucking bailout???
>>80063301Oh fuck I forgot when George Soros and Bezos were in the cabinet, who memoryholed that
>>80063298Politicians trade on early insider information. By the time the politician's trade is made public, it's past the point of taking advantage of the information.
>>80063301Its been true since 1808 more like
>>80063308Regardless, pelosi is still only a crumb compared to the incoming cabinet and the establishment top .00001% wealthy republicans
You libtards didn't care about "oligarchy" when it was MSNBC or CNN acting as state media for the Democrats, but now Trump is going to be in power you do?
>>80063317> Regardlesssuck my fat cock you fucking shill. It's not regardless, it's literally the only thing people know about her. She is a corrupt elitist sack of shit that holds anyone in the party's balls over a fire with threats of getting pimaried for an actually good fucking idea. As far as I can see, she is the republican party's greatest asset. Her and that fucking out of touch faggot Schumer can't read a room and bully progressives with money to keep them focused on tranny initiatives instead of letting Bernie stick it to wallstreet like basically everyone agrees is a good idea on the ground. Even tea partiers like Bernie, and this cunt kept him basically dickless and out of committee as long as she could. Look at AOC, She said on fucking air that her job got easier when republicans took the house just because of how much less shit she got from Kevin Mccarthy than from her. Nancy Pelosi makes Hakeem Jeffries look like an emasculated cuck and we all know it. Chuck Schumer can't even win over the fucking unions, he's just that much of an obnoxious, fake, corporate prick. "for every progressive we lose, we'll win over two republicans", his big strategy this election is to beg fucking Dick Cheney. When are these incompetent fucks going to choke on their tapioca pudding already?
>>80063236Always was. they just cut out the middle men the lobbyists
>>80063236it was fine when these people did whatever the fuck they wanted when Obama and Biden were president but now it's suddenly an issue.
>>80063367You're right, democrats are a bunch of disingenuous cunts, we've been a corrupt plutocracy forever, and democrats are only angry at tech now that it's split from enforcing their point of view like in the 2010's. That still leaves us with an incentive problem. Democrats and republicans are fags, we need to make the system more competitive for 3rd party and independent candidates. Neither of these gay parties can ever get it right.
>>80063367It's not even MSNBC and CNN. Facebook and Twitter were bastions of democratic censorship throughout 2008 - 2024. Biden outright contacted these websites and told them to censor facts about covid vaccines. They worked for the democrats. But time and time again democrats said "oh it's not censorship because it's not the government doing it." But it was! It was the government!
>>80063236Better have retarded tech bro billionaires in the open than Rothschilds and Gates and Soros LARPing as totally nice guy independent actors that just coincidentally push the globohomo agenda onto everyone.
>>80063236reminder leftists wanted the same thing except it'd be brown women instead, and no that's not an exaggeration
>>80063367Yes we did. You insisted on giving them massive corporate tax cuts so they could consolidate their control over the entire economy. What were you doing about that?
>>80063383Not reading all that. Why are you teaming up with the most corrupt corporations in the country to destroy everyone's lives?
>I'm not satisfied with the system, I will vote for a different candidate next time!>I'm not satisfied with the system, I will vote for a different candidate next time!>I'm not satisfied with the system, I will vote for a different candidate next time!>I'm not satisfied with the system, I will vote for a different candidate next time!This will never stop being hilarious.
>>80063301>>80063367>but DemocratsJesus christ, you guys are actual NPC retards. You can't even look past muh red team and muh blue team for one second, like fucking chimps still operating on base tribal instincts.
>>80063236is the implication that this is a good thing
>>80063236I'd rather have these people openly talking anout free speech than CNN/MSNBC boomers trying to push a narrative.
>>80063705>t. butthurt democrat shildilate, retard
>>80064215They don't give a shit about free speech. Elon has made that abundantly clear by banning anyone who calls out his hypocrisy on TwitterAll that shit was to trick you into believing they're just like you and not fighting for the freedoms of corporations.
Hey libtards, Republican here. All the ads paid for by Republicans on Fox News said that all you guys care about is trannies. Now I read here on my right-wing safe space that you guys are focused on issues that are not about trannies? Weird.
>>80063705These people have no argument on than that>but what about other side
>>80064215"Free speech" is also a false narrative.
im sure these people whom we hated 12 months ago have our best interests at heart now in the present time
>>80064499Elon said he hates trannies and plays videogames, he's totally just like me
>>80063236A south African with OCD is about to shit all over everything the last four generations of Americans fought, toiled, and died for while retards cheer him on.Whatever. We're not going to fix anything over the internet. Social media is just a smokescreen of bullshit emotional appeals designed to confuse and agitate you into giving up. It's all terrible and no one wants to make laws against it. This will only get worse from here on out. Much worse.
>>80064594I love when he alienated everyone who voted Trump so badly he had to change his name to Kekius Maximus for a few days and make his picture pepe to show based he is still.
>>80064622It also started the Adrian Dittman saga so he could pretend he still has friends.It gets even funnier when you look into it. It's the name of a character from AI generated fanfiction he publishes about himself under the pen name Victoria Yerburgh
>>80063236how did we lose it all and revert to being peasant slaves?slowly then suddenly i guess