I wish I could stop being a neet and go live in india farming potatoes or some shit for like 5 months. I desperately need a new perspective on life.
>>80063798how about you get a job nigga!
>>80063798Farming potatoes for 5 months lmfao are you retarded or whatHow old are you and how long have you been neeting
>>80063798why in india doe make a garden somewhere near your house
>>80063813because nothing changes when I spend the majority of my day standing at a cashier. I still come home and jerk off and doomscrool>>80063821near a deace now. don't be a snobby fag.>>80063824It doesn't have to be India. Anywhere where my life isn't similar to what it is now.
>>80063843decade* fuck I can't spell right now
>>80063798What you up to nigga
>>80063843>don't be a snobby fag.you're on r9k dude, most the guys here love shitting on people they perceive as lesser
>>80063798There's actually a way you can do this OP. There's an organization called "WWOOF" which basically lets you work on someone's farm with them and they will provide you with free food and lodging
>>80063856i'm seething in my room as usual>>80063864well those guys are FAGGOTs>>80063876seems cool but they probably want those normie hipster guys